Unit 2: Rational Numbers and Equations

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Unit 2: Rational Numbers and Equations

Meece Middle School Mrs. Robin Crawford Unit 2: Rational Numbers and Equations Class: Accelerated Math Grade: 7 Days in Unit: 12


Express rational numbers as terminating or repeating decimals

Perform exponential operations with rational bases and whole number exponents

Formulate and use different strategies to solve one-step and two-step linear equations, including equations with rational coefficients

Use properties of equality to rewrite an equation and to show two equations are equivalent

Time Lesson and Topic Learning Target Vocabulary Resources 1 day 2.1 Rational Numbers I can: Rational Number Day 1: Terminating decimal Journal: Define understand that a rational number is an integer Repeating decimal vocabulary and practice divided by an integer. examples of each convert a rational number to a decimal. learning target. convert between whole numbers, fractions, and Lesson 2.1 Practice A decimals. solve real-life problems involving rational numbers

Page 1 of 5 Time Lesson and Topic Learning Target Vocabulary Resources 1 day 2.2 Add and Subtract Rational Numbers I can: Day 1 Journal: Rules and add and subtract rational numbers. examples of adding and solve real-life problems involving addition or subtracting rational subtraction of rational numbers numbers.

Thoughtful Ed: Paired Learner activity practicing questions of this type

Lesson 2.2 Practice A

Homework :Lesson 2.1 Practice B 1 Day 2.3 Multiply and Divide Rational Numbers I can Day 1 Journal: Write rules and multiply and divide rational numbers. practice examples. solve real-life problems involving multiplication or Record and Practice division of rational numbers. Journal Lesson 2.3 Practice A Homework: 2.2 Practice B 1 Day Quiz Lessons 2.1-2.3 All targets from the lessons All vocabulary associated Quiz with lesson

1 day 2.4 Solving equations using addition and I can: Equivalent equations Day 1: subtraction Journal: Practice solving solve equations using addition or subtraction. by inspection and create solve word problems leading to equations using a method to solve addition or subtraction equations.

Brainpop video: Equations with variables

2.4 Practice A

Page 2 of 5 Homework: 2.3 Practice B Time Lesson and Topic Learning Target Vocabulary Resources 2 days 2.5 Solving Equations using Multiplication I can: Day 1: or Division Journal: Create an divide integers with the same sign. algorithm to solve any divide integers with different signs. equation.

evaluate expressions involving division. Record and Practice Journal solve real-life problems involving division of integers. Day 2: Journal: Add order of operations. If we were to undo the order of operations, what would they look like?

Math Card War pg 77 in textbook

2.5 Practice A Homework: 2.4 Practice B

1 day 2.5b Algebraic Expressions I can: Like terms Day 1: Simplest form Journal: Parts of apply properties of operations to simplify algebraic algebraic expression. expressions. Combining like terms. Infinite Pre-Algebra worksheet Homework: 2.5 Practice B 2 days 2.6 Solving two-step equations I can Day 1: Journal: Order of use two different operations to solve a two-step operations. equation. Solve equations by solve word problems leading to two-step equations. inspection Brainpop: Two-step Page 3 of 5 equations 2.6 Practice A Day 2: Journal: Review Notes Group work: Piece together torn apart equation steps and present to class 2.6 Practice B Homework: Puzzle 2.6 2 days 2.6b Solving Inequalities I can: inequality Day1: Journal: solve word problems leading to inequalities. compare/Contrast equations and inequalities Infinite Pre-algebra worksheet Day 2: Journal: review Infinite Pre-Algebra worksheet

1 day 2.4-2.6 All standards associated with these lessons All vocabulary within Quiz these lessons Review packet

Time Lesson and Topic Learning Target Vocabulary Resources 1 day Review for Unit Test All All Check Review Packet Play game of Horse pg T- 90 of teacher edition 1 day Test over Unit All All CIITS test and Extended response

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