Chester First Aid Squad, October 24Th 2011 Meeting Minutes

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Chester First Aid Squad, October 24Th 2011 Meeting Minutes

Chester First Aid Squad, October 24th 2011 Meeting Minutes

President Daniel Cribari called the regular business meeting to order at 19:00.

Flag Salute

Daniel asked Chris Smith to introduce the Rotary Club members present. The Rotary Club members presented the squad with a new GPS unit, batteries, and a bag for the unit. The members were thanked and left the meeting.

Eric Prach added that Eric Kaleda had done the research on GPS units to suggest the most desirable unit for the squad. Eric Kaleda was thanked for his help.

Roll Call

SECRETARY’S REPORT There were no changes made to the September 26th 2011 meeting minutes posted online and those minutes were passed. Pauline Alexander read correspondence.

TREASURER’S REPORT Julia Robinson gave the report. Bills were reviewed. Mary Robinson made a motion to pay the bills and Holly Flanagan 2nd. The motion was passed.

CAPTAIN’S REPORT Dave Fretwell reported that The Historical Society lost a key somewhere on the premises so if anyone sees a key leave it in Dave's box. We had a few interesting calls recently. 1. The Williamson Building call for a fall from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor roof. We asked immediately for the Fire Company’s help. A workman accessed the roof of the first story via ladder, then tried to get to the second story and fell from the ladder back onto the roof. He was stuck on the roof with some injuries. The Fire Company brought up the ladder truck to the first story clearing, the patient was backboarded and we brought him down via the ladder truck to the stretcher. 2. The Cole Building call for a fall victim who needed to be boarded and collared. It was thought we would have to use the stairs because we know we can't fit the stretcher in its full extended length onto the elevator. It turned out however that it was very challenging to bring the patient on a backboard down the stairs, since they are very narrow. A few days later some members went down to the Cole Building to research it. The long board with a patient on it will fit in the elevator fine as long as the stretcher is brought down separately. Since the stairs don't allow room for more than two people, this is how we should take backboarded patients out of the building in the future. EMS Charts need to be gotten in no more than 24 hours after call – signed, locked and uploaded onto EMS Charts. Holly added that there is a whole separate state report for fatalities, and we now have the instructions on how to do that. These reports get automatically flagged by the state so if you are entering a chart for a call with a fatality please ask an officer for help. Reminder: Whatever we discuss in a meeting is considered proprietary to members and should not be discussed outside. Whenever you're responding to a call please use the driveway for 100 North Rd (the most northern driveway by the barn). We have three members coming off probation: Drew Dunleavy, James Koenig, and Alex Dilauri.

1st LIEUTENANT’S REPORT Cris Champi reminded us that our duty teams are pretty small so it is more important than ever to get coverage if you can’t make it. She also reminded us that anyone can show up for a duty team call; we are here to work together as a team.

2nd LIEUTENANT’S REPORT Eric Prach said the next monthly drill will be Monday November 7th at 6:30 pm. Eric will send out an email about it; please respond to him if you can make it. Eric also wanted to discuss two recent calls for missing persons – one that we had a few weeks ago and one that one of our mutual aid squads responded to on October 15th. The latter was a call for a missing person, severely bleeding in the woods. The squad did a poor job of setting up incident command, and actually directed the patient – who reported to dispatch that he could hear the ambulance – to walk toward the squad members. You should always tell the patient in this type of situation to stay put. By contrast CFAS did a great job with our recent call at Alstede's for a missing man with Alzheimer’s. We contacted Long Valley for their Polaris, the Fire Company for manpower, we had two rigs at the scene, and we went through the Incident Command system effectively.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Chris Smith reported that the profit to the squad for the recent Jim Breuer benefit was $7938. Cassie Cline asked permission to invite Jim and his wife to the squad dinner in February, and all agreed.

BOARD OF INQUIRY Holly Flanagan reported that we have one new application that just came in from Timothy Doddy, 1 Roxicitus. He is 17 and would be a cadet. We will interview him. We need to vote in a few members. The Board interviewed Gary Gold, Chris Gold’s father He is semi- retired and available during the day. The Board is recommending him as a crew member. Also interviewed was John Schaeffer whose application was presented last month. He is a nationally registered paramedic from Georgia. He and his wife recently moved up here, and New Jersey has told him he needs additional training to certify as a NJ paramedic. Holly thinks he may just need to take Core 13 to become an EMT-B. She is waiting to hear back from the state. In the meantime Drew Dunleavy can move to be Crew to start practicing his skills and John can be a Driver Only. Another application from Skyler Fraenkel was presented last month. Holly has a letter of recommendation from the Brookside Fire Company and Paula Oswald from the Mendham Borough First Aid Squad is supposed to be faxing a letter. The Board of Inquiry recommends Skyler as an EMT pending receipt of Paula's letter. Gary Gold's application is pending his CPR training also.

ESC Cris Champi reported that there will be no bonfire this year. The holiday party will be December 16th at Hoffman Hall. Cris will email us the details. The helmet campaign will start soon.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Daniel Cribari reported that we have been doing the gas stipend program for six months, and it is time to review the policy. The procedure has been that Daniel checks the state average price on the 15th of the month. Members who are interested in participating are then given the price of one gallon of gas per call. There was discussion on the issue. Holly Flanagan moved we keep it the same for another six months, Bryan Barton 2nd. The motion was passed.

Daniel gave an update on the ambulance bid. Daniel, Dave Fretwell and Bryan Barton went to the township council meeting last Tuesday, along with representatives from VCI and PL Custom. VCI had sent a letter to the council the day of the meeting stating foul for the bid. The lawyer for the township reviewed the letter and stated that they had had three days from the date they received the bid to make their objections. But VCI stated several things that clouded the issue enough so the township requested that we take two weeks to review the current bid. Rob Cline wanted to know why if one bid was not sufficient the first time why is one bid sufficient now. Dave Fretwell responded that the first bid was scrubbed somewhat but was still considered a Horton bid. The council was not happy with the bid and ultimately it was rejected because it was found to be a Horton specific bid. The Ambulance Committee then tried a different approach to make a generic bid. VCI did have an option at the beginning if they felt they were being unfairly excluded which they did not choose to exercise. They raised all kinds of issues and tried to derail the bid process entirely by bringing stuff forward that was not accurate. We purchased two ambulances from them in recent years which had no competititve bidders. Discussion ensued. Rob Cline made a motion that the squad reject the bid, get rid of the Ambulance Committee, and bring in PL Custom, Horton and whoever else chooses to come to the squad to make their presentations. Tom Munro 2nd it. (Jackie Leach asked who was on the Ambulance Committee. The members are Rob Cline, Dave Fretwell, Mike Mastro, Eric Prach, and Bryan Barton). The motion was voted on: Ayes, 13. No, 11. Abstain, 3. The motion carried. Daniel will report the squad’s decision to the council.

Cassie Cline said that the theme of the Squad Dinner in February will be the 50's.

NEW BUSINESS Becky Banzon (formerly Dilley) asked about the process for emptying the sharps container. Daniel asked Dave to call our contact at the hospital to ask about this, and to get something in writing for us. Dave will send an email out.

Jackie Leach brought up the issue of getting a new phone system which had been discussed a few years ago. Can we look into this again? She is concerned that ESC isn't getting all their messages. Cris Champi, Daniel Cribari and Eric Prach explained that often an officer is at the building to answer the phone, and gives out information. Also many messages have been given to Cris. Debbie Johnson agreed that would be a good idea. Jackie also mentioned that our website is a bit antiquated, and has no outlet for emailing members individually.

Holly Flanagan asked about buying new chairs for the conference room as they are breaking again. Tom Munro suggested we try Staples. Chris Smith said there is a lot of used office furniture around. Holly moved that we set aside $1500 for 8 chairs and a table, plus 3 chairs for here. Bryan Barton 2nd. There was discussion about also replacing the table and chairs in the meeting room as well as the chairs in the kitchen. Daniel suggested $2500 to cover everything. The motion was voted on: Ayes, 20. No, none. Abstained, 4. The motion was passed. Daniel will research this. Julia Robinson stated that these issues should be brought to the Planning Committee first; please try to think ahead so this can be done.

Tom Munro asked about the process of bringing people off probation. He thinks it is a slap in the face to bring someone off probation who is not fulfilling the membership criteria. Dave Fretwell explained that the current bylaws proscribe this process, and he would be willing to answer any further questions about it outside the meeting. MEMBERSHIP VOTING A vote was taken on John Schaeffer being brought on as crew member. John was voted in as a member.

NOMINATIONS Captain: Holly Flanagan nominated Dave Fretwell., Mike Mastro 2nd. Tom Munro nominated Cris Champi, Dawn Wiedow 2nd. Dawn Wiedow nominated Tom Munro, Rob Cline 2nd.

1st Lieutenant: Cassie Cline nominated Becky Banzon, Chris Smith 2nd. Daniel asked Becky about her certifications. She has ICS 100, 200, 700. She is trying to find her 300, and will complete the 800 online tonight. Daniel asked the secretary to read the vote on the issue of ICS requirements for officers from the October 2009 meeting. Pauline read the vote: At that meeting the squad had voted 11 to 4 that potential officers need to have fulfilled the new OEM requirements. The squad also voted 12 to 10 that that potential officers need to be completely certified by the time they are nominated. Cassie Cline suggested we revote. Daniel said we will need a 2/3 majority to rescind the previous vote. Cassie said she thinks that anyone interested in being an officer should be able to be nominated and then get the requirements. David Fretwell said that this is the third or fourth year in a row that this issue has come up. Anyone who is seriously contemplating office should be aware of this issue by now, particularly this year when Dave has been hammering the ICS requirements all year. Deb Johnson suggested that we change the process so someone can be nominated, but then will need to show they have the requirements before the vote the following month. Julia Robinson moved that we rescind the motion of 2009, and have the ICS requirements in place by the time of election, not nomination. Russi Champi 2nd. The motion was voted on: Aye, 14, No, 7, Abstained 2. The motion was not carried due to the absence of a 2/3 majority.

Dave Fretwell read the names of those eligible for line officer; i.e. those who have fulfilled the necessary ICS requirements: Cris Champi, Daniel Cribari, Holly Flanagan, Dave Fretwell, Tom Munro, Eric Prach, Mike Mastro.

1st LIEUTENANT Bryan Barton nominated Holly Flanagan, Kate Galler 2nd. Russi Champi nominated Cris Champi, Rob Cline 2nd. Rob Cline nominated Mike Mastro, Mike declined. Rob Cline nominated Tom Munro, Chris Smith 2nd.

2nd LIEUTENANT Mike Mastro nominated Eric Prach, Bryan Barton 2nd. Becky Banzon nominated Tom Munro, Rob Cline 2nd. Tom Munro nominated Cris Champi, Rob Cline 2nd.

PRESIDENT Holly Flanagan nominated Daniel Cribari, Alex Dilauri 2nd. Tom Munro nominated Russi Champi, Judy Stackhouse 2nd. Dawn Wiedow nominated Deb Johnson, Deb declined. Cassie Cline nominated Tom Munro, Chris Smith 2nd. Dawn Wiedow nominated Mary Robinson, Tom Munro 2nd.

VICE PRESIDENT Holly Flanagan nominated Sam Rosenfeld, Bryan Barton 2nd. Sam declined. Eric Prach nominated Deb Johnson. Deb declined. Rob Cline nominated Mary Robinson, Jackie Leach 2nd. Dawn Wiedow nominated Tom Munro, Cassie Cline 2nd. Cris Champi nominated Russi Champi, Eric Prach 2nd. Julia Robinson nominated Chris Smith, Tom Munro 2nd. Dave Fretwell nominated Holly Flanagan, Bryan Barton 2nd.

SECRETARY Rob Cline nominated Sandy Smith, Cassie Cline 2nd. Holly Flanagan nominated Pauline Alexander, Alex Dilauri 2nd. Tom Munro nominated Cassie Cline, Rob Cline 2nd. Cassie Cline nominated Mary Robinson, Chris Smith 2nd.

ASSISTANT SECRETARY Russi Champi nominated Mike Mastro, Eric Prach 2nd. Tom Munro nominated Cassie Cline, Dawn Wiedow 2nd. Cassie Cline nominated Sandy Smith, Chris Smith 2nd. Dawn Wiedow nominated Chris Smith, Rob Cline 2nd. Rob Cline nominated Tom Munro, Cassie Cline 2nd. Cassie Cline nominated Becky Banzon, Becky declined.

TREASURER Chris Smith nominated Julia Robinson, Dawn Wiedow 2nd.

Nominees for 2012 Officers are:

CAPTAIN: Dave Fretwell Cris Champi Tom Munro

1st LIEUTENANT: Holly Flanagan Cris Champi Ton Munro

2nd LIEUTENANT: Eric Prach Tom Munro Cris Champi PRESIDENT: Daniel Cribari Russi Champi Tom Munro Mary Robinson

VICE PRESIDENT: Mary Robinson Tom Munro Russi Champi Chris Smith Holly Flanagan

SECRETARY: Sandy Smith Pauline Alexander Cassie Cline Mary Robinson

ASSISTANT SECRETARY: Mike Mastro Cassie Cline Sandy Smith Chris Smith Tom Munro

BYLAWS COMMITTEE Sam Rosenfeld thanked everyone on the Bylaws Committee for all their hard work, and opened the floor to any questions on the proposed new bylaws.

Russi Champi questioned the phrase “outrageous acts” on Page 3 in the Life Member section. Clarification was given. Tom Munro had questions about the purpose of the squad as stated on Page 2; he felt it was not broad enough. Jackie Leach had questions about the clergy qualifications. (Mary, Eric K, Matthew and Stephen went on call midway through meeting). Tom Munro had questions on the probation period; shouldn't a minimum be set. Russi Champi felt we should have a vote on whether members should be taken off probation. Dave Fretwell responded that as per New Jersey administrative code we cannot vote on members to be on or off probation. Strictly speaking the squad should not be voting on whether to accept a member either; it should be up to the Board of Inquiry to recommend or not recommend a candidate; by voting we are actually defying NJ state code. Daniel asked Rob Cline to send that out to the squad. Tom Munro had questions on Page 3, the membership requirements regarding college kids. Russi Champi had questions on Page 4 regarding the requirements for Associate member; shouldn't only one committee be sufficient rather than two? She would also suggest that only 25% of drills be required for Life and Active members in order to keep voting privileges. The probationary members and cadets should be required to attend 50%. Tom Munro had questions also on the membership requirements; he felt that Associates shouldn't need to attend or be excused from meetings. Sam Rosenfeld suggested that all suggestions be emailed to him. Dave Fretwell suggested we hold a special meeting for those who have input and/or comments on the bylaws so they can be ironed out. Sam will collect the comments, review them, and then have a special meeting. Please send your comments to Sam by Friday. A special meeting will be held Wednesday November 9th at 7 pm.

(Note: Mary Robinson, Stephen Ilnitzki, Eric Kaleda and Matthew Strampfer left the meeting early on to respond to a call, and returned later).

Mary Robinson asked about her oil painting that had been hanging in the kitchen and is now missing. If anyone finds it please let her know. Mary also reported that the borough is talking about eliminating its police force.

Dave Fretwell moved to close the meeting, 2nd by Bryan Barton. The meeting adjourned at 21:27 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Pauline Alexander Secretary, Chester First Aid Squad

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