Evaluation and Planning Workshop

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Evaluation and Planning Workshop


The main objective of the Rural Household (Energy Access) Project is to improve household energy efficiency through private sector dissemination of household energy end-use devices, and build implementation capacity of the regional energy bureaus. Six regions, namely, Oromia, Amhara, SNNP, Tigray, Benshangul-Gemuz and Gambella are involved in the implementation of the project.

One of the responsibilities of the Project Management Unit (PMU) / EDEDPC is to follow and to evaluate the progress of projects implementation in each region.

Thus, to assess the progress undertaken in the past six months in each region, as well as to help regional energy bureaus share their experience, a workshop was organized by the PMU / EREDPC in Baher Dare (Amhara region), June 22-23, 2006, at Paypus Hotel. Two participants each from four regions, one participant each from two regions, and other relevant EREDPC staffs were present on the workshop.

On this workshop regional project progress achieved in the past six months (January- June, 2006) and their physical and financial plans for July, 2006 –June, 2007 were presented by the delegates and discussed. In general, in this report overview of the workshop is attempted to be highlighted briefly.

1. Objective

The objective of the workshop was to:- - evaluate the six month (January to June, 2007) project performance of the regions, - identify problems faced and seek for their solutions, - Share experience among the regions, and - Present their physical and financial plan for 1999 EFY.

2. Opening

The workshop was opened by Ato Derege Kebed, Head of Technology Department of the EREDPC, and Project Coordinator of EAP. At his opening speech, he welcomed the participants by appreciating their six month project achievements and urged to work harder to make the project a success within the remaining project’s time.

His speech mainly focused on the following points, that:  Efforts should be made to speed up the performance of the project by all regions,  Since the project objective is evaluated by the number of improved stoves disseminated and number of trained producers, hence, all regions should utilize their maximum efforts to increase the production and dissemination of improved stoves by training stove producers.  The project should be executed at woreda level, thus fund has to be transferred to woredas or zone.  All the regional energy bureaus should learn from each other’s experiences.

1 3. Presentations

The regional energy bureau representative’s were provided with enough time to present the main activities performed in the past six months within their respective regions. Each has attempted to describe their performance, and problems that they have faced.

3.1 Progress

Summery of main activities performed by EREDPC and regional energy bureau in the past six months (January to June, 2007) are presented as follow.


The PMU at EREDPC is responsible for transfer of additional fund to the regions, procurement of vehicles, motorcycles, and computers as well as organizing training and study tours to PIUs and PMU members. In addition, the HEEIT is responsible for providing technical supports assistance to regions with respect to site selection, training of producers, promotion and dissemination of improved stoves. Based on this, the main activities performed by EREDPC in the past six months are:-  Procurement of motorcycles were finalized and delivered to the EREDPC in May, 2006 and the regional energy bureaus were informed to take their share, five motorcycles each with accessories. Computers and their accessories were distributed to the regional PIUs.  Additional (replenishment) funds were transferred to those regions that settled their bill.  The HEEIT technical team has provided technical assistance for SNNP, Oromia, Gambella, and Benshangul-Gemuz in site selection, training of producers and experts; establishment of production centre.  To build the capacity of the PMU and higher management, training on ‘Energy Management and Planning’ was provided for five of the PMU members and the Director of EREDPC, from April 25 to May 11, 2006, in South Africa.


In the past six months a total of birr 144,999 were transferred for four zones of the region to carry out stove training, construct production center, and conduct promotion. All the necessary conditions were completed to transfer money for three zones, however, due to the absence of enough money in the account and delay of replenishment from the PMU, the money was not transferred.  One production center is being constructed and three production centers are under construction in three zones.  146 stove producers and 25 energy experts were trained on the production of improved Gonzie stove.  1247 Gonzie stoves were produced, and from these 1210 stoves were disseminated. In addition, 1000 Mirt stoves were produced and 750 Mirt stoves were disseminated.  75 Gonzie molds and 15 presses were manufactured in Awassa town, and an additional of 135 Gonzie molds and 38 presses were ordered.

2  Agreement with the region’s Micro Finance Institute was finalized; they needs a minimum of birr one million in its account. However, the money for the Revolving Fund was not transferred yet. To implement the project in collaboration with stakeholders a good relation were established with some governmental institution and NGOs like Plan Ethiopia, Goal Ethiopia, World Vision, and Micro Small scale Industry.


In the past six months, the Benishangul Gumuz energy bureau performed a remarkable achievement in the implementation of the project in the region.  Training of Gonzie stove and Mirt stove producers were conducted in seven (4 Gonzie and 3 Mirt) production sites in Assosa and Metkel zones.  One production center was constructed in Assosa zone.  64 stove producers were trained on the production of improved Gonzie stove and Mirt stove.  1700 Gonzie stoves were produced, and from these 120 stoves were disseminated. In addition, 192 Mirt stoves were produced and 116 Mirt stoves were disseminated.  The improved stoves were sold through five sales out lets. In the future, it is decided to use the Women association shop and a private shop as a sale out let.


In the past six months the Oromia energy bureau transferred money for 12 woredas birr 18,000 each and for four woredas birr 17,000 each to carry out stove training, construct production center, and conduct promotion.  23 energy experts were trained in the production of improved Gonzie stoves. The experts were selected from 12 woredas.  A total of 120 producers were trained by the experts in their respective woredas.  12 production centers for Gonzie stove and 4 production centers for Mirt stove were under construction in 16 woredas.  150 Gonzie molds and 15 presses were manufactured in Adama town and from these 120 molds and 12 presses were distributed for 12 woredas.  662 Gonzie stoves were produced, and from these 402 stoves were disseminated In addition, 2049 Mirt stoves were disseminated.  Agreement with the region’s Micro Finance Institute was reached; however, the Micro Finance Institute needs a minimum of birr one million in its account.


In the past six months, the Tigray energy bureau shows a good performance in the implementation of the project in the region. It was decided that money will be transferred to some woredas for promotion. The bureau was focused on the production and dissemination of the improved Mirt stove and the Lakech stove.  From 13 woredas 21 stove producers were selected

3  Theoretical and practical training were conducted for five days. During this time 18 producers and 19 woreda experts were trained in the production of Mirt stove.  23 Mirt stove molds were manufactured, and from these 18 molds were distributed to the trained producers.  30 Mirt stoves were produced.  Agreement with the region’s Micro Finance Institute was reached with 9% interest.


The implementation of EAP in Amhara region was not fully implemented. However, activities performed were:-  To select Gonzie stove producers assessment were conducted in 47 woredas. From 24 woredas 70 potters were selected to train on Gonzie stove production. However, the training and establishment of the potters was not undertaken as priority was given to establish Mirt stove producers.  TOR was developed to establish Mirt stove producers and to sustain the stove production in the future.


Two production sites were selected; and four producers were trained on the production of improved Gonzie. 67 stoves were produced, and from these 40 stoves were sold and 17 Gonzie stove were cracked. Start up materials was delivered freely to Gonzie stove producers in Gambella site.

Summary of Performance status of regions in the past six months (January to June, 2006)

Activity SNNP Oromia Amhara Tigray Benshangul Gambella Sum

No. of woredas involved 21 16 24 13 4 1 55

No of woredas fund 7 16 - - - 23 released No. of trained producers 146 120 70 18 46 4 370

No. of trained experts 25 23 19 6 - 73

No. of established 4 12 G - 4 G - 17 G production units 4 M 3 M 4 M

No. of promotional - - - 2 - 2 campaigns

No. of stove produced 1247 G 662 G 750 G 50 G 2709 G 1000 M 2049 M 30 Mirt 116 M 3195 M No. of stove 1210 G 402 G 120 G 50 G 1782G disseminated 750 M 2049 M 30 Mirt 116 M 2945 M No. of molds 75 mold 120mold 18 Mirt - - 213mold disseminated 15 press 12 press molds 27 presses

4 3.2 Constraints

As observed from the presentations, all regions have faced common as well as region specific problems in implementing the project. Summery of stated major problem areas were:-  Agreement with Micro Finance Institutions to administer the stove producers fund took longer time. Some MFIs needs a minimum of birr one million in its account. Enough fund was not transferred to MFI, hence, the revolving money is not yet distributed to the beneficiaries.  High rate of interest demanded by MFI in Amhara region  In Amhara region, the absence of clear direction to transfer budget to woredas for implementing EAP.  Budget transferred from PMU was not sufficient to implement the planned activities.  Increases in the price of cement for Mirt stove producers.  A delay in the bill settlement by Zone and woredas.  Delay of replenishment from the PMU  Frequent structural adjustments of the energy organization,  Lack of Vehicle,  Lack of skilled man power at woreda level, and its high turn over,  Delay in obtaining No Objection, etc.

3.3 Future Plan

All project implanting regions presented their plan for 1999 EFY. During the discussion a common understanding was reached that the PIUs should revise their plans based on the comment and suggestions forwarded by the participants and they agreed to revise and summit their plan. Summery of the physical and financial plan are presented on Table below.

4. Discussions

Following presentations there were open discussions among workshop participants. The discussion was focused in identifying major problem areas, and possible solutions were forwarded. A learning and experience sharing process were undertaken.

Particularly the transfer of budget to Zone and woredas was highly emphasized by the participants. Two regions, SNNP and Oromia, clarify how they transferred budget to woreda and zone, the progress they achieved by transferring funds from their experience. Finally, all regions including Amhara region were agreed to transfer budget to woredas.

Concerning a revolving fund, a large amount of money is needed by the regions to deposit to the MFI accounts. However, this amount of money highly exceeds the authorized initial money that was deposited in the Center’s account. Hence, to resolve the problem, the PMU had anticipated requesting the WB to make direct payment to the regional energy bureaus’ project account. To get the WB’s consent, as a means of justifying the reason, regions were asked to finalize their agreement with MFIs, and submit its translated version to the PMU.

5 5. Recommended Actions Following discussion the participants have come up with agreed points, and recommended action plans. These points are briefly outlined hereunder. To get the WB’s consent, as a means of justifying the reason, regions were asked to finalize their agreement with MFIs, and submit its translated version to the PMU.  The project should be executed at woreda level, thus fund has to be transferred to woredas,  We should not disseminate stove which are not efficient. (For example opsi stove is not efficient.) In order to test the efficiency of the stove and to optimize regions should not depend on the EREDPC; instead they should work with Universities and Colleges that exists in their region.  The production and dissemination perfumed in the region by Energy Access Project and by other projects (Food Security project) should be reported separately.  The number of stoves produced and disseminated should be reported from woreda to region and then to the center every month.  Training centre shall be constructed at least in one woreda in every zone. Constructing production centre in every woreda is not accepted.  To get the WB’s consent, as a means of justifying the reason, regions should finalize their agreement with MFIs, and submit its translated version to the PMU.

6. Conclusion

It has been well-known that in most of the regions the activities undertaken in the past six months results a remarkable success. Two regions, SNNP & Oromia were transferred budget to zone and woredas. In these regions the trained producers, the constructed of production centers, the produced improved stoves were increased in number. In Gambella and Benshangul Gumuz stove producers were trained, production centers were established, and large number of improved Gonzie stoves were produced. In Tigray region training of Mirt stove producers was undertaken 13 woredas. All regions have agreed to uphold theses hopeful achievement and that every effort should be made to obtain a larger achieve and to meet the set objectives of the EAP.

Finally, to share experience from SNNP all participants have agreed that the next workshop (January, 2007) to be conducted in Awassa town.

6 Table-1, Summery of Physical Plan of Regions for the year 1999 (July, 2006 -June 2007)

Task/Activities Unit SNNP Oromia Tigray Benshangul Amhara Gambela 1. Training/Workshop 1.1 Improved stove producers, Gonzie number 160 1000 15 (Lakech) 200 24 group 32 Mirt number 30 200 23 40 162 540 kebele 15 G , Experts number 45 150 35 20 experts 10 M 1.2 Site selection number 4 4 1.3 Construction of training center number 16 150 4 4 1.4.Experience sharing number 3 2. Dissemination of improved stoves 1 2.1. Conduct hh Energy Survey Wereda 34 6 54

2.2. Dissemination, Gonzie number 15500 150,000 400 lakech) 4,000 24 molds 3,200 Mirt number 7500 24600 1,000 1450 molds 3. Credit Provision 3.1 For Gonzie producers number 200 1000 300 33 For Mirt producers number 40 200 77 60 10 3.2 For Gonzie stove users 30,000 For Mirt stove users 10,000 4. Promotion In 54 4.1.Demonstration number 120 1500 60 weredas 1640 40 340 participant participant 3 Awareness Creation Workshops number 4 participant 20workshop workshop 1 600 brushers 4.2 Poster and Leaflets, notification number 6,000 6000 8000 and 4 boards 3028 3000 4.3 Video Clip number 1 1 4.4 Radio Clip number 1 1 4.5 Documentary Film number 1 5. Consultancy Service - 5.1 Energy Needs Assessment 5.2 Training of Experts & producers 37 3 10 (start-up 162 (start-up Production center establishment materials) materials) 5.3 Public/community Training 56 5.4 Dissemination of imp. Stoves 5.4.Hiring of Consultants number 2 5.5 Construction of biogas  6. Delivery of Goods Number 7. Monitoring and Evaluation 4 In 54 7.1 M&E Report number 4 4 4 4 weredas

1 Table-2, Summery of Financial Plans of regions for the year 1999 (July, 2006 -June 200)


SNNP Oromia Tigray Benshangul Amhara Gambela 1. Training/Workshop 600,000 2,666,072.6 69,073.25 213,497 366,780 131,407

1.1 Improved stove producers, Gonzie 260,000 352,750 79,700 257,640 30,240 Mirt 187,850 35,687.25 Experts 100,000 127,972.6 33,386.3 19,080 109,140 28,247 1.2 Site selection 12,175 1.3 construction of training center 240,000 1,997,500 74,360 72,900 1.4.Experience sharing 28,182

2. Dissemination of improved stoves 170,000 573,750 233,036 8,000 4,708,940 24,264 2.1. conduct hh Energy Survey 170,000 233,036 8,940

2.2. Dissemination, Gonzie 573,750 8,000 4,700,000 24,264 Mirt 3. Credit Provision 800,000 2,400,000 406,500 120,000 215,000

3.1 for Gonzie producers 800,000 700,000 120,000 215,000 for Mirt producers 600,000 406,500 3.2 for Gonzie stove users 600,000 for Mirt stove users 500,000 4. Promotion 270,000 112,753.72 263,111.25 78,500 245,675 39,638 4.1.Demonstration 150,000 68,000 67,169.15 35,675 Awareness Creation Workshops 36,253.72 109,312.1 71,500 15,488 4.2 Poster and Leaflets 60,000 8,500 39,630 7,000 210,000 20,500 4.3 Video Clip 20,000 26,000 4.4 Radio Clip 15,000 21,000 4.5 Documentary film 25000 4.6 Notification Board 3,650 5. Consultancy Service - 110,500 6,9982.2 40,000 259,200 5.1 Energy Needs Assessment 5.2 Training of Expert & producers 19,601 15,000 production center embellishment 25,000 259,200 5.3 Public/community Training 50,381.2 5.4 Dissemination of imp. Stoves 5.4.Hiring Consultant 5.5 Construction of biogas 110,500 6. Delivery of Goods 7. Monitoring and Evaluation - 60,458.8 33,898.85 15,480 11,920 18,770 7.1 M&E Report 60,458.8 33,898.85 15,480 11,920 15,062 7.2 Participate Workshop 3,708 TOTAL 1,840,000 6,521,972.6 1,075,601.87 475,477 5,592,515 429,079

2 Table-3, Summery of budget requested by the regions for the year 1999 (July, 2006 -June 200)

Task/Activities SNNP Oromia Tigray Benshang Amhara Gambell TOTAL ul a 1 Training/Workshop 600,000 2,666,072.6 69,073.25 213,497 366,780 4046829.85 131,407 2 Dissemination of 170,000 573,750 233,036 8,000 4,708,940 5717990 improved stoves 24,264 3 Credit Provision 800,000 2,400,000 406,500 120,000 215,000 3941500 4 Promotion 270,000 112,753.72 263,111.25 78,500 245,675 39,638 626924.25 5 Consultancy Service 110,500 6,9982.2 40,000 259,200 479682.2 6 Monitory & Evaluation 60,458.8 33,898.85 15,480 11,920 18,770 140527.65 Total 1,840,000 6,521,972.6 1,075,601.87 475,477 5,592,515 14,953,453.95 429,079

3 List of Workshop participants (June 22 – 23, 2006)

N.o. Name Region 1 Ato Dereje Kebede EREDPC, Technology Department/ Project Coordinator 2 W/t Tsigereda Atnafu EREDPC, HEEICP / PMU Member 3 Ato Eyob Tefera EREDPC, HEEICP Staff 4 Ato Wossenu Areda EREDPC, HEEICP Staff 5 Ato Tilahun Andarge EREDPC, HEEICP Staff 6 Ato Zegeye Mitiku EREDPC, Civil Service 7 W/ro Rishan Araya EREDPC, Planning 8 Ato Melesse Keda SNNP regional state 9 Ato Mesefine Batiso SNNP regional state 10 Ato Fisseha Girmay Tigray regional state 11 Ato Seyoum Kebede Oromia regional state 12 Ato Fantaye Kassahun Amhara regional state 13 Ato Dessalegn Berhanu Amhara regional state 14 Ato Abdissa Geleta Benshangul-Gemuz regional state 15 Ato Mossisa Mekonnen Benshangul-Gemuz regional state 16 Ato Oman Agwa Gambella regional state 17 Ato Berhanu Yeneabat Gambella regional state

E-mail Adders

Ato Melesse Keda, [email protected] Ato Mesefine Batiso, [email protected] Ato Abdissa Geleta [email protected] Ato Dessalegn Berhanu [email protected] Ato Fisseha Girmay [email protected] Ato Oman Agwa [email protected]


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