Exercise Nordic White Fist 2018

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Exercise Nordic White Fist 2018

Major J C D Green RTR Exercise Secretary Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 2018 CBR Division, Bldg 6, Dstl, Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 0JQ

Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.awsa.org.uk/ex-nordic-white-fist/

See Distribution Reference: Ex NWF18 005.1 7 Sep 17



A. ASCB Authority for Winter Activity 428.1 dated 19 Sept 17. B. Austrian Political Authority, DEF320/304/17/145, dated 16 Nov 17. C. 2017DIN07-092: Army European Winter Activity Instruction. D. AWSA Ski Competition Rules - Nordic, 2016 Edition. E. DIN 2013DIN07-106: Security and Administration of Biathlon Rifles. F.AGAI Vol 1 Chap 13: Army Nordic Biathlon Shooting Policy. G. North West Europe Compassionate and Casualty Procedures. H. 2017DIN07-077: Army Alpine and Nordic Exercises 2018.


1. Exercise NORDIC WHITE FIST 2018 (Ex NWF18) is the name given to the 33rd Household Cavalry [HCav] and Royal Armoured Corps [RAC], Royal Artillery [RA] and Army Air Corps [AAC] Nordic Ski Championships. The Championships will be held in Hochfilzen, Austria from Tue 2 – Fri 12 Jan 18.


2. The Exercise aims are to:

a. Host the Corps Nordic Ski Championships for the HCav, RAC, RA and AAC.

b. Provide an introduction to biathlon ski racing for novice and experienced ski teams in preparation for competition at the Regional and Army Championships.

c. Develop tough, resilient competitors capable of adapting to extremes of environment.

d. Continue to foster the excellent relationship enjoyed with the Austrian military and people of Hochfilzen.


3. Concept of Ops.

1 a. Intent. To host the 2018 RAC, RA and AAC Nordic Ski Championships. The exercise will comprise of 3 phases: deployment, execution and recovery. Competing teams will undertake their own preparations and initial ski training under their own, or Corps, instruction.

b. Scheme of Manoeuvre.

(1) Phase 1 – Deployment. The Ex NWF18 Committee will arrive in Hochfilzen on Tues 2 Jan 18 IOT take over the biathlon centre, establish the race office and the Waldlager accommodation. The race office will be open from 1600 Tue 2 Jan for registration and for competitors to in turn take over accommodation if required. The first Team Captain’s meeting will be at 1930 Tue 2 Jan in the Team Capts’ Room.

(2) Phase 2 – Execution. 3 - 10 Jan 18. Teams will train and compete as per the Ex NWF18 Programme at Annex A. The exercise has 2 separate components: the cross country/classic element [10km classic & 4x5 Classic/Freestyle Relay] and the biathlon element [10km biathlon sprint and 4x7.5km biathlon relay]. Additional emphasis is being placed on shooting training with three training days available. The exercise will conclude with a prize-giving on Thu 11 Jan 18.

(3) Phase 3 – Recovery. From Thurs 11 Jan 18. Competing teams will disperse to their respective Regional competitions. All teams are to have departed by 1000 Fri 12 Jan. The Ex Committee will close down the race centre, complete the necessary post- championship administration before departing by 1200 Fri 12 Jan, returning to the UK on Sat 13 Jan.

c. Subsequent Competitions. Following Ex NWF18, teams will continue the Nordic competitive season at the following competitions:

(1) Exercise PIPEDOWN: 14 – 24 Jan 18. The Ski Championships for units from LONDIST, 1 UK and 3 UK Divs. Teams arrive and register on Sun 14 Jan 18.

(2) Exercise SPARTAN HIKE: 14 – 24 Jan 18. The Ski Championships for JHC, ARTD and FTC. Teams arrive and report to the race office on Sun 14 Jan 18.

Coordinating Instructions.

4. Location. Ex NWF18 will take place at the Hochfilzen Biathlon Stadium.

Biathlon Hochfilzen Schüttachstrasse 2 A-6395 Hochfilzen Austria

5. Team Entry. Units are to complete the Entry Form at Annex B and submit it by 31 Oct 17 electronically to the Exercise Secretary at [email protected].

6. Entry Fee & Payment. The entry fees for Ex NWF18 are £400 per RAC, RA and AAC team and £450 for guest teams and £50 for individuals. A team is considered to consist of skiers belonging to a unit, regardless of cap-badge or numbers. Male and female participants from the same unit will constitute separate teams or individual competitors. The entry fee is to be paid in advance, by 31 Oct 17, by electronic transfer, to the following account:

Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland Account name: RAC Nordic Ski Club Sort Code: 16-19-26 Account No. 14594000

7. Political Clearance. The Ex Sec will secure blanket political clearance from the British Embassy in Vienna for the duration of Ex NWF18. This authority will apply to all participants over

2 the dates 2 – 12 Jan 18 inclusive. Any team wishing to train in Austria prior to 2 Jan 18 should apply for their own clearance for their training dates. The following points are to be noted:

a. Only civilian vehicles with civilian number plates may be used.

b. Green Card [pan European] insurance is required.

c. All personnel require their passports and MoD Form 90s in Austria.

d. All personnel require medical insurance and EHICs.

e. All vehicles require motorway vignettes for travel on motorways.

f. Both biathlon/Anschutz sporting rifles and SA80 rifles with .22 modification kits may be taken into Austria. The SA80 rifles will be stored centrally for the duration of the Championships.

In the unlikely event of any team having difficulty with clearances, the Team Captain should contact the Exercise Secretary for assistance.

8. Team Registration. The registration form [Annex C] will be available on-line at the Ex NWF18 web page on the AWSA website [www.awsa.org.uk] and are to be e-mailed to [email protected] by 31 Oct 17. Individual competitors and Team Captains are to arrive with sufficient information required to confirm the registration of their complete team; this includes any non-competitive members and guests of team members. Changes in the squad between initial entry in Oct 17 and arrival in Jan 18 are inevitable and will be accommodated.

The Team Capt must present the following at registration:

(1) Proof of payment. (2) A photocopy of the MoD-90 and EHIC for each competitor. (3) Proof of team accident insurance for winter sports that includes helicopter rescue. (4) Completed weapon handling certificates for all competitors for the biathlon rifle. (5) A list of serial numbers of all SA80 rifles and .22 conversion kits. (6) If living in private rented accommodation, proof of accommodation and contact details. (7) Full details of the team’s or individual’s Commanding Officer are required.

9. Insurance. Competitive skiing is a potentially dangerous sport. All competitors and spectators take part at their own risk. Team Captains must provide proof of at least third party insurance and medical expenses cover (including helicopter evacuation) for each competitor in their team, prior to race entries being accepted.

10. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). All competitors must be in possession of a EHIC. Team Capts are to provide a photocopy of each competitor’s MoD Form 90 and EHIC on arrival. The EHIC allows you to access state-provided health care in all European Economic Area countries at a reduced charge or sometimes free. Details on how to apply can be found at the following website:


Note: This is free through the NHS; do not use a site that requests payment for the EHIC.

11. Competition Rules. The Championships will be conducted in accordance with current Army Sports Control Board and Army Winter Sports Association regulations and the AWSA Ski

3 Competition Rules – 2014 edition [Ref D]. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST is conducted in a constructive manner in order to ensure that lessons are learned from mistakes made. Team Captains are to have a copy of AWSA Nordic Rule Book (2015 version) with them on NWF18, accessible below:


12. Biathlon Rifles. Team Captains are to present a register of all their biathlon weapons being deployed on Ex NWF18. This list will be required by the Race Secretary at the first Team Captains’ Meeting. Team Captains are responsible for supplying their own ammunition. The Race Organisers will not supply any ammunition. Paper targetry will be provided. The security of weapons and ammunition is the responsibility of Team Captains. Safety must be emphasised at all times when handling weapons and ammunition.

13. SA80s. The carriage of SA80 Rifles with .22 conversion kits into Austria will be included in the Diplomatic Clearance. This is a sensitive matter and centralised control for the duration of the Championships will be necessary. They will be collected on day 1 and stored in a secure facility in the Truppenübungsplatz. Rifles will be returned to competing teams on departure. There is no race in Ex NWF that will require an SA80.

Top Tip: do not forget to draw ancillaries; .22 barrel inserts, .22 magazines, slings, and iron sights.

14. Training and Range Practice. All costs for the use of the range complex will be covered by the Exercise over the dates 3 – 10 Jan 18. No biathlon training is allowed on the range outside of organised times. The biathlon tracks at the stadium are also out of bounds prior to Weds 3 Jan due to the Austrian National championships and from the 12 Jan 18 due to a civilian biathlon competition.

List of actions to be completed by Team Captains:

(1) Submit Ex NWF 16 Entry form By 31 Oct 17 (2) Pay entry fees By 31 Oct 17 (3) Arrive Hochfilzen, register at race office From 1600 Tue 2 Jan 18 (4) Attend first Team Captains' Meeting 1930 Tue 2 Jan 18

Service Support and Host Nation Support

15. Accommodation. Competing teams have two options for accommodation:

a. Host Nation Support (Military) - use in extremis. The use of the Hochfilzen Barrack accommodation (the Truppenübungsplatz Waldlager) has been secured for Ex NWF18. Priority for places lies with RAC, RA and AAC teams, then Ex PIPEDOWN competitors followed by individuals. The accommodation is basic, but is good value for money as the charge includes meals, which is provided in the Austrian military dining facility. Teams are to indicate on their application if they intend to use the accommodation, NLT 31 Oct 17. Teams should calculate a cost of €26/person/day for food and accommodation.

b. Private (Civilian), recommended. Teams that wish to stay in private accommodation should arrange this as normal through the local tourist board. The point of contact at the tourist board is:

Tourist Office Fieberbrunn Dorfplatz 1 6391 Fieberbrunn Austria

4 Phone: +43.(0)5354.56304 Fax: +43.(0)5354.56304-60 Email: [email protected]

16. Meals. Those teams accommodated within the Austrian Military accommodation will be fed centrally in the camp cafeteria. Those personnel staying in the military accommodation are not entitled to CILOR. They are, however, entitled to claim food costs, as an individual responsibility on JPA. Team Captains should seek guidance on this matter from RAOs as required. This instruction is the authority for teams staying in privately arranged accommodation to claim CILOR. Applications should be made through Brigade or Divisional Log Sp (Food Svcs). First meal will be available from Tues 2 Jan through to lunch on Fri 12 Jan 18. This is due to the civilian biathlon completion taking place from Fri 12-14 Jan 18.

Routine [from lunch Tues 2 Jan 18] Breakfast / Frustuck 0600 – 0700 Hrs/Uhr Hot Lunch / Mittagessen 1100 – 1300 Hrs/Uhr Hot Dinner / Abendessen 1700 – 1800 Hrs/Uhr Cold

17. Waxing Huts. Up to 20 waxing huts will be available for teams accommodated in the Waldlager to store and prepare their skis. Keys will be available from the race office during registration on Tue 2 Jan.

18. Amenities. The following amenities will be provided:

a. The Soldatenheim for competition evenings from 1800 – 2200 Hrs. A NAAFI equivalent, this sells hot pizzas, chocolate, beer etc. This facility offers an informal recreational area for all personnel and has two terminals for pay-as-you-go internet access, a TV and a bar. This will be open from Wed 3 Jan.

19. Visitors. Team Captains are urged to stress the importance of these Championships to their Commanding Officers and encourage them to attend. The Secretary should be informed at the earliest opportunity of any likely visit.

20. Stormtroopers. Stormtroopers is a gathering of all the officers (and non-officer team captains), officials and guests in a restaurant situated half way up a mountain for supper followed by tobogganing. It will take part on the evening of Mon 8 Jan. Cost €20/person.

21. Team Declaration (Ranges). A Team Declaration (Range certificate), issued with Range Standing Orders at the first Team Captains' meeting, is to be returned to the Range Conducting Officer before teams will be allowed to use the range. The declaration requires Team Captains to certify that each member of their team has passed an Anschutz Rifle Weapon Handling Test (basic weapon handling drills) within the past 12 months. A pass date will be required. It also requires Team Captains to certify that they and their teams have read and understood the Range Standing Orders and Range Conduct Orders, a copy of which will be made available for all to read.

22. Race Entries. Team Captains will be provided with Race Entry forms at Team Captains' meetings. These are to be completed and submitted to the Race Office on the day before a race. This is the absolute minimum time for submission prior to a race; late entries will attract a penalty.

23. Race Jury and Protests. As per Ref D, a Race Jury will adjudicate for each race to confirm the suitability of the race and to decide on any controversial matter concerning it, or the Race Rules. The Ex NWF Chairman, Secretary, Technical Delegate, Start or Finish Official, and one Team Captain will form the Race Jury. The Team Captain will be nominated by the Secretary prior to a race. The Race Jury is to be chaired by the Technical Delegate and is to convene as soon as possible following a protest or complaint. Protests are to be made in writing to any member of the Race Jury.

5 24. Dress and Equipment. Civilian dress is to be worn throughout Ex NWF18; no military dress or equipment should be used.

25. Settling of Accommodation Bills. Team Captains are reminded of the following procedures for settling accommodation bills.

a. Private Arranged Accommodation. Team Captains are to ensure that all bills are paid prior to their departure from Hochfilzen.

b. Austrian Barrack Accommodation. A separate Host nation Support [HNS] invoice for food and accommodation will be generated by the Exercise Secretary, on behalf of the Austrian military, calculated per person per day for each team. Teams will be required to pay the Exercise Treasurer by Wed 10 Jan in cash (Euros), plan for around 26 Euro per person per day. Teams will not be permitted to depart without this charge being paid.

Top Tip: Ensure you have withdrawn enough cash to pay the HNS bill before the day before payment, as the local cash dispensers have a 300 Euro limit.

26. Medical and Dental. All team members must have medical expense insurance to include helicopter evacuation. Possession of a current EHIC is mandatory to access these services. During Ex NWF18, there will be two lines of Medical Support: host nation access for routine medical issues and specific medical provision for race events. This is provided as follows:

a. Routine – First Line. Dr R Ernst, 48A Rosenegg, 6391 Fieberbrunn.

b. Race - First Line. Austrian Red Cross personnel with an ambulance will attend the Hochfilzen Biathlon Stadium during organised races.

c. Race - Second Line. St Johann Hospital. The Red Cross medics will make an assessment and if necessary, injured pers will be transported to the hospital in St Johann.

27. Local Area. Full details of the facilities that Hochfilzen has to offer can be found at the following website including a detailed map of the town (the biathlon centre is located in squares L4 & L5 on the map):


28. Transport. Transport to, from and during Ex NWF18 is the responsibility of Team Captains. All military registered vehicles are to be completely civilianised before entering Austria. All vehicles must be properly equipped for winter driving; this includes snow tyres and snow chains which are mandatory on the road up to the race circuit when snow is on the ground. All drivers must have passed the relevant matrix tests and should be familiarised with driving on the continent. All vehicles should have European break-down cover. Team Captains should also note the driving regulations for Austria include:

a. High Visibility Vests are required to be carried for each individual travelling in a vehicle and should be worn when outside the vehicle in the eventuality of an accident/breakdown.

b. Lights must always be on when driving.

c. Motorway vignettes must be displayed whilst driving on autobahns.

d. No vehicle is allowed to travel on roads with ice or snow on its roof.

6 29. Trophies. It is the responsibility of Regts to return their trophies, which are to be handed in to the Race Office on arrival in Hochfilzen. These are to be returned at the first team captains’ meeting in an acceptably clean manner.

Command and Signal

30. Command.

a. Ex Director. Lt Col M K G Edwards RA.

b. Ex Secretary. Maj J C D Green RTR.

31. Exercise Officials. The following Officials comprise the Ex NWF18 Committee:

Lt Col M K G Edwards RA Director. Retains powers of Commanding Officer. Maj John C D Green RTR Race Secretary Lt Col C A J Bromley Gardner Technical Delegate / EMIT Lt Col M K G Edwards Chief of Race Capt Amy Matheson RA Treasurer Capt Rob Hollis RTR Range Conducting Officer Capt Alastair Robertson RL Assistant RCO (until 7 Jan 18) Lt Rob Perera Assistant Range Conducting Officer and Visits Sgt Paul Birmingham Admin SNCO CoH Wallis Admin JNCO Lt Col (Retd) M Goodson Sports Mark Race Results

32. Race Office. The Race Office is located in the ground floor of the Hochfilzen Biathlon Stadium, it will be open from 1600 2 Jan 18. Opening times will be 0830 – 1700 daily.

33. Team Captains’ Meetings. Team Captains’ Meetings will take place daily in the Race Office at 1900, starting from Tue 2 Jan 18. Team Captains should attend the meetings on their own where possible. Inexperienced Team Captains may bring an experienced team member but should be aware that seating space is at a premium during meetings.

34. Dress for Prize Giving. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST prides itself on being a friendly championships and thus strict dress codes are not enforced at the final prize giving. However, what you wear does project an image of your Regt. Jeans and jumpers may be worn and Regimental jumpers are preferable.

35. Discipline. The Ex Director holds powers of Commanding Officer for the duration of Ex NWF18. Any breach in discipline will be dealt with by the Ex Director and may result in team members being returned to their unit at their team’s expense. Team Captains should be aware that all normal military standards of appearance still apply during Ex NWF18 and that all ranks remain subject to British Military Law throughout the exercise. The Ex Sec will be the Duty Officer, the primarily liaison with the Austrian Military, but also for the British chain of command.

36. Theft and Damages. Over the years, an excellent rapport has been built up with the local community. Any form of theft or damage will not be tolerated - COs will be informed and the military discipline system will be applied. Any damages to local accommodation must be reported to the Landlord, Martina Trixl and the Race Secretary ASAP and definitely prior to departure. For those staying in the barracks a €50 deposit will be paid by teams which will be returned once the blocks are handed over in good order; if the blocks are not in good order, the €50 will be paid to the Austrians for cleaning.

37. Communications. Mail for team members should be addressed to the Tourismusverband office in Hochfilzen. There will be no official telephone or fax facilities in the Race Office, however the Race Secretary’s mobile telephone (+44 (0) 7795623676) will be manned throughout for

7 emergencies (Team Captains should ensure that their Adjutants have this number). The exercise e-mail is [email protected]). The AWSA website is a useful source of information for the exercise ( http://www.awsa.org.uk/ex-white-fist/ ).

38. Security. While travelling in Austria and once competing in Ex NWF18, any suspicious activity should be reported to a race official or the Austrian civil police at the earliest possible opportunity.

39. Withdrawal. Any team that is forced to withdraw from the event due to unforeseen operational commitments should inform the Exercise Secretary at the earliest possible moment.

40. Summary. As well as serving its primary purpose to host the RAC/RA/AAC Nordic Skiing Championships, Exercise NORDIC WHITE FIST provides an excellent start to the racing season for experienced competitors and a superb introduction to competition for novices. This is achieved through the provision of high quality races and training on a world class course but in an environment which is permissive and relaxed and which aims to foster development. In order to ensure that teams are best set up to make the most of the excellent opportunities available from Ex NWF18, they are advised strongly to arrive ready to hit the snow skiing. This means ensuring that all administration (insurance, sufficient funds for food/accommodation, EHIC, MoD 90s, WHTs, etc) is thoroughly completed, all equipment is fit for purpose (sufficient skis and poles, rifles correctly fitted, vehicles winterised), team members are fit and healthy (and preferably not all novices to allow experience to spread) and most importantly that all competitors arrive with a positive, enthusiastic attitude.

J C D Green Maj Secretary Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 2018


A. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 18 - Exercise Programme B. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 18 - Entry Form – online; www.awsa.org.uk/ex-nordic-white-fist/ C. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 18 - Registration Form – to follow D. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 18 – HNS Feeding Plan – for G4 Tüpl E. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 18 – Range declaration F. Ex NORDIC WHITE FIST 18 – ExNWF17 Trophy Allocation

Copies to:

British Embassy Vienna (for Defence Attaché and Wendy Barrett) HQ TSC HQLF (for SO2 PAT) HQ UKSC(G) (for Food Services (Fin) HQ ATG(A) Chairman RAC Nordic Skiing Chairman RA Nordic Skiing Chairman AAC Nordic Skiing Army Sports Control Board (for Secretary) Sportsmark Limited (for Lt Col (Retd) M Goodson) Tourismusverland, Hochfilzen (for Ms Trixl) All RAC, RA and AAC units - FAO 2ICs and Nordic Team Captains


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