Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission s3

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Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission s3

Minutes KEEP ARKANSAS BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism One Capitol Mall, Suite 4A-319, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 May 26, 2005

Commissioners Present:

Mary Smith, Chairman Gelene MacDowell, Vice-Chairman Laurie Black Dixie Carlson Randy Frazier Phyllis Jones Thurston Lamb Brenda Williams

Commissioners Absent:

Sarah Wruck

Staff Present:

Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Jack Singleton of Keep Arkansas Beautiful

Guests Present:

Sharon Vogelpohl and Julie Robbins of Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper Paul Mansfield of Keep Benton Beautiful Jim Smith of Murfreesboro, Arkansas

Call to Order:

Mary Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. followed by Dr. Lamb's invocation. Ms. Smith welcomed guests, and Brenda Halbert called the roll.

Presentation of Minutes:

Ms. Smith called for additions or corrections to the March 24, 2005 KAB Commission Minutes, with Mr. Frazier correcting page 4, stating that Bryan Day spells his first name with a "y" instead of an "i".

Gelene MacDowell made a motion, seconded by Brenda Williams, to approve the March 24, 2005, KAB Commission Minutes, as corrected. The motion passed.

Financial Report:

The KAB Financial Report for the period ending April 30, 2005 was presented, reflecting 54% of the annual budget expended.

Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Gelene MacDowell, approving the KAB Financial Report, as presented, for the period ending April 30, 2005. The motion passed. KAB Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 - page 2

Chairman's Remarks:

Mary Smith reported:

 2005 KAB Awards Luncheon, held in Little Rock this year, was a great success.  Volunteer hours: Stressed that Commissioners record their volunteer time on the form provided and attach to TR1's or turn in at the end of the year.  Governor's Conference on Tourism: KAB's participation was quite exemplary this year; it is not too early to start planning KAB's role at the 2006 event.

Executive Director's Report:

Mr. Phelps reported on the following:

 2004-05 Budget: KAB will have a surplus in the areas of extra help, grants, travel, professional fees and M&O, noting any excess monies can be carried forward for programs in the 2005-06 fiscal year.  2005-06 Budget: $586,045 will include contract renewals for Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper, T. J. Elkins Marketing and Aristotle; also, $25,000 has been approved for a new departmental vehicle.  Commissioners expenses: As of July 1, 2005, the federal government requires that KAB Commissioners file a W-4 for tax purposes in regard to per diem and travel reimbursement just like state employees, noting that taxes and FICA would be withheld, but Commissioners would not be eligible for retirement or other benefits. In the past, Commissioners paid more than $600 in a calendar year were provided a 1099.  2005 Awards Luncheon: 1) Evaluations have been compiled, including comments, noting he would like Commissioners' evaluations if they haven't responded already; 2) Slight profit expected.  1-866-811-1222: 1) Since the campaign began, 1300 letters have been sent with approximately 45 calls to KAB with denials of littering or remarks/suggestions; 2) 40,000 litter bags will be printed in cooperation with AHTD; 3) General Distribution of litter reporting clings will begin: Nature Centers, Parks Welcome Centers, libraries, revenue offices, and others will be included.  Keep America Beautiful: 1) State Leaders Council: a) Levels of participation of KAB members has been completed, due in part to the criteria established by Mr. Singleton for the Community Action Network and was proposed as a guide by Mr. Phelps to use nationwide; b) Fall meeting in Pine Mountain, Georgia: Mr. Phelps is working on agenda and will attend; Randy Frazier will be a presenter. 2) Mid-Year Forum in Albuquerque, NM, July 27-30: Mr. Phelps and Mr. Singleton will attend. KAB Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 - page 3

 Arkansas Recycling Coalition Conference in NW Arkansas, June 7-9: Mr. Phelps and Mr. Singleton will attend one day.  Great American Cleanup: Events statewide will continue through May; Mr. Singleton will give a status report.  April 27: At the request of AR Dept. of Economic Development, Mr. Phelps made a presentation at the ACE Communities forum in Little Rock, tying in economic development to local litter control, recycling and beautification efforts. This presentation resulted in responses from two communities who have an interest in KAB affiliation.  Law enforcement jurisdiction: In response to Mr. Frazier's request, the Attorney General's office has rendered an opinion that will be shared by Mr. Frazier.  Legislature has adjourned, resulting in non-consequential results for the KAB mission.  Event photos and news clippings were shared.

Program Services Report:

Jack Singleton reported, as follows (see attached):

 KAB Community Development and Keep America Beautiful pre-certification: 1) Pulaski County: a) Jacksonville, Sherwood and Wrightsville have submitted applications with Little Rock and North Little Rock submitting theirs in the near future; b) KAB training will be held on June 25. 2) Keep Benton County Beautiful has applied with training scheduled for August 20. 3) Communities moving forward with exploring KAB affiliation: Newport, Russellville, Harrison, Osceola and Van Buren. 4) Other interested communities: Crossett, Fayetteville and ASU Community College in Heber Springs.  Fayetteville: Future cable show appearance talking about the city's litter problem and some potential solutions.  Community Development Institute in Conway: Has been asked to serve as instructor for the second year; this "opens the door" for the importance of dealing with litter economically. (Morrilton is a good case study that tackled the problem as part of economic development.)  Great American Cleanup: Events still being held and final reports coming in with highlights, as follows: 1) Wrigley's Greenup: Morrilton was one of nine finalists across America in their extensive landscaping project supported by the entire community; if judged the best of the finalists, they will receive a community concert presented by Diana DeGarmo of "American Idol" fame. Keep Arkansas Beautiful provided support and technical assistance for the promotional event on April 16. 2) Honda Showcase event hosted by North Little Rock on May 21 with cleanups and supportive projects involving more than 1,000 volunteers from North Little Rock, Sherwood's Oakbrooke Green Team and Clinton Elementary, CBI Youth from North Pulaski High School, Junior League of North Little Rock, the Dark Hollow KAB Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 - page 4

Community and the Firestone Tire & Service Center; Little Rock activities included the South End Neighborhood Association; also, the City of Wrightsville. Most of the activities were supported by Pulaski County Solid Waste with local support from national sponsors: Waste Management, Pepsi and Firestone; also Cici's Pizza. 3) Other activities included a GAmC Cleanup in Sherwood on April 2, presentation of a Troy-Bilt Chipper/Shredder Vac to Mayor Swaim of Jacksonville in conjunction with their cleanup, and a cleanup in the South End Community on April 30.  Program services support events - speaker and/or attendee: 1) Weyerhaeuser Excellence in Recycling Awards: Served as a judge of entries and speaker at recognition event. 2) J. A. Fair Fourche Creek Festival. 3) Conway Earth Day Celebration. 4) South End Neighborhood GAC meetings. 5) North Little Rock Junior League: Presented program, as well as leadership and landscaping along with Jane Gulley of their headquarters, the E. O. Manness Mansion. 6) U. S. Forestry Department May 4 meeting. 7) Botanic Gardens of the Southern Ozarks event for 750 students and 50 adults.

Advisory Reports:

Richard Davies reported as follows:

 Legislative session is over: Approximately 400 bills were tracked by ADPT during the session with 15 of those affecting litter and recycling.  The "litter reporting" billboards look great!  W-4's: Must be completed in view of the new policy regarding payment of per diem and reimbursement of expenses to KAB Commissioners.

Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper:

Ms. Robbins opened her presentation, stating MHRC would like to host the July 21 meeting of the KAB Commission. She presented an update of the following:

 KAB overview was presented to Steve Stewart, Governor's Liaison to the KAB Commission, and attended by Mr. Singleton, Mr. Phelps and agency representatives.  KAB Awards Ceremony: Successful event coordination by four MHRC staff and KAB staff; Phyllis Jones and Linda Westergard decorated.  Wrigley's Greenup at Morrilton: 1) Successful event with ad agency support and attendance by Ms. Robbins, Ms. Burnett, and KAB staff; great PR for Morrilton, the State of Arkansas and KAB; 2) KAB provided signage on two billboards entering the city; 3) $8,000 grant received from Wrigley with the final total being about $20,000 which included cash and in-kind donations received from the community.  Honda Showcase event in North Little Rock: Promoted that event with kudos from Gail Cunningham of Keep America Beautiful as the best planned Honda event in connection with the Great American Cleanup. KAB Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 - page 5

 Litter Law Enforcement: Working on creative ideas for campaign in the fall.  KAB Community development: Working on printed and power point materials in support of Mr. Singleton in his efforts.  Great Arkansas Cleanup 2005: Working on creative for the fall statewide cleanup.  The Keepsake: Last issue was distributed at the time of KAB Awards event; the next issue will feature award winners.  New NCSA TV spot re-uses "Rewind"; also, radio spot utilizes free production of nine different versions provided by the American Soft Drink Association.  News clips reviewed and distributed: 1) Coverage of GAC 2004 campaign, Wrigley's Greenup, the litter hotline campaign, Honda event; 2) GAmC 2005: March 7 news release reached 188,000 readers at no cost for a $1,300 value; Mr. Phelps was presented copies of hundreds of clips representing communities hosting cleanup events; 3) Awards 2005: Call for entries in January was picked up by 7 newspapers, reaching 65,000 readers, at no cost for a value of $1,200; press releases on award winners were tailored to local papers, as well as coverage on award honorees Governor and Mrs. Huckabee, Carl Hunter and Daniel Cayce.  Litter law enforcement: Moving forward with continued promotion of campaign, recapping the following efforts: 1) Paid TV and radio; 2) 16 outdoor board spaces as well as printing donated by Outdoor Advertising Association, plus 8 boards and printing donated by the AR Highway Department; KAB paid for creative; 3) Report littering stickers with 866# to be placed on AHTD fleet of vehicles; also, static clings with litter number placed in vehicles; 4) AM 1090: AHTD radio donated to run 866# jingle; 5) Distribution of supportive material: Litter clings to ADPT Welcome Centers, Parks, Nature Centers, libraries; license frames to be placed on State Park vehicles; 4 pages of the AHTD coloring book devoted to the program; posters at rest stops.  KAB library: Landfills and recycling video available; also, new video on littering, "Myths, Lies and Nasty Behavior", by John Stossel of ABC News.

Ms. Robbins concluded her report by playing the new TV spot for the "litter reporting" number.

Mr. Davies inquired about the possibility of procuring federal money to further promote the litter enforcement effort. Mr. Phelps responded that he had talked to someone at AHTD who suggested it might be possible if connected to highway safety. Mr. Davies further mentioned that Tourism is working with car dealers to include a vacation kit in new vehicles, suggesting this might include the "litter reporting" static cling.

Ms. Black and Ms. Williams recommended that Commissioners have an official group photograph made to use in official publications and KAB news coverage such as the KAB Awards event. KAB Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 - page 6

Guests Remarks:

Mr. Mansfield requested the ad agency or KAB staff to provide some PR help with the local newspaper, The Benton Courier, as he is unable to get them to use KAB press releases unless they are paid for. In addition to KAB and MHRC Agency support, Ms. Vogelpohl stressed the effectiveness of local community support with Mr. Mansfield stating he has support of the mayor.

Mr. Mansfield stated he would like to move forward with the Keep Benton Beautiful effort, but the initiative in place seems to lack some enthusiasm, requesting a visit from a KAB staff member or Commissioner. Mr. Singleton stated he would be happy to make a visit to the community, but established criteria needs to be followed first with assessment being the first step.

Congressional District Reports:

Congressional District 1:

Brenda Williams stated she is pleased to report that KAB has better support in Searcy County with the new county judge.

Dixie Carlson reported on the following:

 Followed up on complaint regarding trashed area in Crittenden County with no help from the county judge; consequently, Channel 5 in Memphis called and she hopes to work with them on the problem.  Distributing KAB litter stickers and litter reporting clings at every possible opportunity, including local events.  Planning small GAmC cleanup event using juvenile delinquents.  Good News, new local newspaper, has agreed to carry KAB information.  Local landfill is not in compliance and this causes great concern.

Congressional District 2:

Randy Frazier reported as follows:

 Territorial Fair at Historic Arkansas Museum: Set up table and distributed KAB materials, including flower seeds, that were well received.  Attorney General's opinion on jurisdiction of law enforcement officers indicated that "boundaries" are still up; unless an emergency such as "hot pursuit" or requested by an officer in another jurisdiction, the officer outside of his jurisdiction would not get involved or make an arrest in someone else's jurisdiction.

Congressional District 3:

Gelene MacDowell reported on the following:

 Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: KAB Commission Minutes May 26, 2005 - page 7

1) "Gridlock Guru" by Rob Smith focused on "litter hotline"; Commissioner MacDowell wrote a thank you, and Mr. Smith responded in his column; 2) Another article focused on the U of A pushing recycling at basketball games.  Recycling Center opened in Altus: Attended and distributed KAB material.  April 25: Attended City of Fort Smith Director's study session on "litter prevention"; both she and Ken Kupchick spoke in support of city's needs.  April 28: Attended KAB Awards Luncheon.  May 9: Visited with the new landfill director who came from North Carolina and is very familiar with the Keep Durham Beautiful program and how it fits in with recycling and landfill efforts.  May 11: Attended Keep Fort Smith Beautiful With Pride Board meeting.

Phyllis Jones reported, as follows:

 Attended and assisted with KAB Awards Luncheon Ceremony last month.  May 19: Represented KAB at an entertaining and enjoyable "Environmental Awareness Program" at Charleston Middle School, distributing anti-litter/litter awareness materials in vendor display area.

Congressional District 4:

Laurie Black reported:

 Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs: Appreciated KAB office providing handouts as well as mulch film, drop cloths and "litter hotline" static clings.  Earth Day events: 1) Little Rock's Forest Park Elementary: Attended a very effective "Earth Day" event starring the "Litter Monster"; Mr. Phelps made a brief presentation to the group; 2) Dumas schools: Promoted celebration of "Earth Day" with ideas for the future, as well as ongoing environmental activities, suggesting they contact KAB for assistance with planting butterfly gardens, cleanup events, etc.  Governor's Mansion Association: Ms. Black recently appointed to serve on the board.  KAB Awards Luncheon Ceremony: Enjoyable and successful event!

Old and New Business:


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.


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