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Contact Person: Student Government Office Manager 348 Memorial Union (530) 752 – 3632
I. Call to Order
II. Quorum Roll Call
Figueroa, Burke, Figueroa: years and years of experience. Please vote for me and I’ll keep miles from talking and max in line. I promise we’ll be smooth and Liam kicked a puppy before Burke: I was endorsed by…you can get jobs. Don’t vote for me. Withdraw Figueroa.
III. Appointments and Confirmations A. SAAC member
SAAC: Roxanna Sierra Sahota: what ideas are you planning on bringing in this committee? Roxanna: develop a really good mission statement that encompasses a lot of aspects that have to do with sexual assault awareness. I’ve already looked into what other schools are doing so we can try implementing them here. And then just try to get them here. Maybe like a pamphlet. Sahota: also how’d you find out about this committee and getting involved? Roxanna: last year I was Kabir's intern. I went to meetings a lot and went on ASUCD job link and saw openings for a lot of committees. And I saw SAAC and was super excited when I got it Nonga: in your opinion, how do you feel about campus culture about sexual assault? Roxanna: I know last quarter my friend told me there was a rape past the edge of campus. And I was like why didn’t I know about it? Because it’s college students. I felt as if we weren’t informed enough. Yeah I feel a lot like that. The first time I heard about the sexual assault culture thing was at orientation and that’s the last I’ve heard of anything until I signed up for the committee. Kappes: Motion to confirm Confirmed
B. IUSC member
IUSC Kappes: the three candidates are amazing, which says a lot because all of them were amazing. Let’s confirm them because they’re good. I see them doing a lot this year. Sahota: What things have you identified are concerns international students on this campus need that aren’t addressed? Erin: integration is a problem because of cultural barriers. I think that’s the biggest problem Vishal: I don’t think they’re representative enough on the campus. I know a bit more than my friends, but in general there’s just a lack of resources known. International students don’t have an understanding of what’s offered here on campus so we can help them find out what programs and resources are available Sahota: so what solutions… Vishal: orientation and workshops for international students. People have tendencies to forget Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
….feedback so they can report any inconvenience for them to us Erin: global ambassador…we worked on international student handbook which is a condensed guide. We actually have a lot of resources. They all work together and we’re in the process of trying to make ties. Tarandeep: if we organize socials or diversity days…. Nonga: I’m the adopted senator so I’ll probably be seeing you all around. My first question is what’s your personal involvement with the international student population? Tarandeep: some really great friendships with some international students who I’m still in touch with. I really like the community and I learned from there they learned from me Vishal: I’m in international freshman. Making resources known. If I have permission, I want to read something. Nonga: as was mentioned previously, there are many resources. Where does ASUCD come in in your opinion? Vishal: it’s relatively new, but I think it can make a crucial role Erin: well ASUCD can fund and promote a lot more. That was the biggest problem with the handbook. Tarandeep: I think ASUCD can be helpful in representing them. We’re supposed to voice the needs of students here.
IV. Unit Director Reports A. STS/Tipsy Taxi
I’m Jay I’m the STS. My office is unit one in south hall. Everything’s going great including charter cells. I hired 5 so there’re 15. End of fall 3 are leaving. Sad. Also for charter cells, we made 41,000. That’s exceeding my goal for this year and one of my goals is increasing tipsy taxi load by 10%. Now goal is 11,000 instead of 10,000. Tipsy taxi is getting cameras funded by UCDPD. They’ll be up and running by winter quarter. Nonga: when you say you want to exceed the load amount, how does that work? Jay: more ride, more efficient. We try to group passengers by providing more training to our staff so we increase efficiency. Nonga: what’s the reason behind cameras? Jay: for the safety of passengers and drivers. Verbal disputes or passengers not satisfied. So it’s for safety Nonga: why not before? Jay: they aren’t running because they’re too old. We had them from Unitrans Figueroa: continuing on that, have you had feedback about how they feel about being recorded while working Jay: they come from Unitrans, and they’re always being recorded. So it’s not really something they’re against. They’ll feel safe and it’s a resource they can use if anything happens. Ong: Bill about credit card Jay: I don’t think it went through. We aren’t looking at it now, but potentially in the future
B. The Aggie
Elizabeth: this is my first unit director presentation. I talked to business manager and this is what we want to get across. We’re reducing printing to test waters and get the ideal amount. We’re getting real close. There are only 100 leftover out of 5000 a week. We’re going to work with Eric to figure out employment pay. We’re also establishing alumni relationship to get a network. It’ll help with donations, fundraising, job network…were also working with outreach. As of last month, we had 30,000 hits on our website. We have around 100 on staff, majority of which aren’t paid. Our projected plan shows promise and revenue but the aggie is now stable with a strong foundation Figueroa: I know there are a lot of ideas thrown around, how do you feel about digital like going completely digital? Elizabeth: that might make us obsolete. We’re not strong enough to completely get paperless. But Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 we get most of the readers by seeing the paper. So I don’t have an answer for you just yet Sahota: I like that it’s on paper and I hope we never go completely digital. Yeah keep it paper. Elizabeth: did you see the cat mask Thomas: first of all, Senate is so upset about itself so thanks for writing an article about us this week. Secondly, as a unit director, what do you want from us Elizabeth: that’s a loaded question. I don’t know. I mean support doesn’t have to be physical or verbal. Support about being educated about other newspapers and what’s going on with them. Thomas: would you consider Davis’s paper related to our student body in a standardized way Elizabeth: we’re one of the only ones that don’t get money from students in any way. But otherwise we’re all pretty much the same Garg: I just want to say I’ve had a few interactions with the aggie and they’ve been extremely positive in terms of listening and reaching out. It sounds like you all have great initiatives and relationships.
V. Committee Reports
VI. Presentations A. ASUCD Sponsorship
Evans: basically, we have this issue every year with budgeting our grants, where we are shooting the dark on what’s going on. We put together an application to figure out what everyone needs, what everyone is doing. This will allow us to say what our students groups are doing and funding. We don’t know if there are opportunities where we need more money or even less money. So this will help us do that and get us the financial information so we can budget this a lot better next year. I’m going to send this out to our recipients soon. Zach: basically that big part in bold on the second sheet basically says the actual funding….it’s a lot better way to evaluate these programs Evans: they have a similar model and I just made it ASUCD relevant. McManus: I have limited familiarity. But is 3 weeks enough time to have exact actuals? Evans: yes it’s consistent with campus. Torres: what’s the reason you have it on paper. Is it for institutional memory? Evans: oh it’s just convenient because we can’t have tablets or electronics at the table. But it’ll go down digitally. Thomas: can you describe the type of groups that will need to do this? Evans: everything from CFC to AggiePack, Safeboats. We just want to be able to evaluate these programs... Thomas: with my experiences on campus, it’s taken more than 3 weeks to get all the final bills. Like aggie host, the ARC…these may be isolated experience, but will there be ways to petition a longer time because there are circumstances Nonga: do we need any type of leg to implement this. Evans: I’m writing this out so when I write the budget it’s not a shoot in the darkness McManus: I don’t see why it can’t be implemented and then write it in Ong: for clarification, groups fill this out before the budget or do they come to us Evans: this is for the budget for the year after. For the 14-15 fiscal year Garg: can you clarify how this is being implemented? Evans: so I have the list of who our money goes out to, and I’ll just send this to those people. Garg: okay so this is just you need the information so you have all the ducks in the row Evans: yeah so everyone’s on the same field in the same format and same standard. This is just going to be the baseline. From there if we need more info, we’ll go back and get more. T Garg: I think it’s really useful, but my only concern is a lot of the programs you mentioned have it during spring quarter. That’s just something to keep in mind Evans: well that’s a good point. Maybe we can use 2013 numbers and tweak from there McManus: programs that go through senate reserves do they go through this progress? Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
Evans: actually yeah they could go through it Thomas: any late applications will be denied…I’m guessing that’s not going to be an issue…. Thomas: this is already the 3rd more powerful and it’s not an elected one. So I just am concerned for the potential of abuse. What would you suggest to prevent potential abuse? Evans: public information. We review them and give a report. If an app isn’t submitted we can’t know how to fund a program. Current procedure is what they had last year, give it to them this year. Thomas: right but it seems dramatic so I would like that language changed Evans: honestly the budget is going to get vetted... Kapur: you were saying the controller position has no accountability? Can’t senate remove the controller with 8 votes? This is a great idea. It would have been helpful when I was at the table. But I’ll yield McManus: I don’t see how having less information is more accountable...(?) I guess I don’t see that argument there but I agree the concern with 3 weeks. Otherwise it’s a great idea
VII. Public Announcements
Ong: Heroes Run is on Saturday. There’s a table where we can work there’s still empty spots and I really need help. All money is going towards ASUCD scholarship. We’re currently 2nd place in most money. It’s Merced or Riverside. Weekly. But it’s still going on there’s still 8 more days to donate. EPPC is done. So feel free to ask me.. Kapur: I raised my goal of 500. Come up with something interesting……..I’m not doing the dodgers. My actual announcement is CURB is meeting tomorrow from 12-1 at the MU multipurpose room. Serving coho pizza so show up if you want free food. If you have questions, ask me. Oh I have an announcement about the bookstore. We are the first college in the country to partner with amazon. If you order anything with your UC Davis account, 2.15% comes back to Davis. It essentially going to campus rec Sahota: deadline for community service thing is early December. Ask them how many members aren’t being paid and are working. How many hours a week do they usually do. It’ll help our rankings and we’re working to beat sandiego. This association puts a lot of work without being paid Wonders: I’d like to meet with those involved with the ASUCD scholarship to discuss the …I found interesting/discomforting. Let’s keep it civil, keep it short.. Ong: I sent an email to the senate reserve about it’s it gives you free cloud storage. all directors and CURB I heard is using it to collaborate so it’ll be great if we get ASUCD in it Herskowitz: You guys have awesome announcements. There are exactly 2 Holla’s left for holla for hunger and I’d like to sell them ebfore I leave. Half the money goes to help refugees in darfar and half goes to the food bank. Burke: I’m too white to sriracha. Bring back chocolate holla
VIII. Status of Legislation Previously Passed
IX. Introduction of New Legislation
Two new bills, ASUCD bill allows directed comments. Goes to IAC And then a bill I’m withdrawing but it’s introed by me. Motion to Ex Offio Reports. Thomas: objection. We’re going to get out earlier any day last year so I fail to see the reason to get rid of our ex offios. They can turn in their reports and leave. Can we just get to the business. Nonga: withdraw. Motion into consideration of old leg Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
X. Consideration of Old Legislation A. SB#11 Lara
SB11: passes out a handout. Lara: so I just passed out an updated bill cause the numbers are a bit fluid. We kind of wanted to give a presenation about what SOCC is Garg: so just what SOCC is about. It’s the color of conference and it’ll be at UCLA from November 15-17 and the theme is making our struggles known.
[her power point presentation. Didn’t show it though]
Student of Color Conference 2013 at UCLA November 15-17, 2013 “Crossing Communities: Making OUR Struggle Known” Mission The goal of the conference is to create a safe space for students of color and their allies to collaboratively discuss, explore, and educate themselves on issues of structural and cultural inequality through workshops, speakers, and many other events. We believe in promoting and modeling transformative and holistic community organizing amongst college students, where young people learn the history of their ancestors and their peers, develop their leadership skills, and are empowered to take charge of their education, community, and lives. History of SOCC 1988 – UC Davis hosted the first Student of Color Conference Need for community and solidarity Affirmative action In the last six years, UCD has increased its delegation size from five people to 120. Why is SOCC important to the university? Promotes Principles of Community Connects students to campus resources Promotes retention through cross-cultural engagement and support Renews university commitment to diversity and inclusion Learning objectives for students Academic engagement Leadership development Critical thinking Facilitation skills SOCC at UCLA Theme: “Crossing Communities: Making OUR Struggle Known” Workshops Edu-tainment Caucuses Keynotes Action: IGNITE! – Invest in Graduation, Not Incarceration, Transforming Education! Involvement and organization Budget
Lara: so the reason why I gave you an extra bill and packet because it has updated numbers, and I wanted you guys to have all the quotes and papers. I’ll go through it. the first thing is bus quote. Seocnd one is different companies we’ve been asking from. The second one I went to the third floor and got actuals, so you can look at that. Next page tells what we’re paying for registration. The next one is the invoice from the hotel we’re booking. And there’s a breakdown on the next page as well as comparisons with others. So yeah that’s about it. ECAC: passed it. commission discussion was minimal. The organization leading the charge of this is Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 conference of color…and has always been supportive. They’ve all been working on this delegation BnF: it passed 4-1-0. Basically everyone has a different opinion. Chandler wanted there to be no money touched this year from senate reserves. He just wants it to roll over unless theres an emergency. Dwana she said we should be recommending it here by actual students, theres also people paying for …guidelines for analyzing numbers. Andrew was trying to do it really mathematically, it was almost too mathematically in my opinion. Basically passed 2500 because wefeel safe. If there’s a minor emergeny, 12,000 will cover it Burke: what happened with the busses Lara: so we contacted food services, but then we asked for an itemized budget, and they gave me the text. We haven’t received it. but we’re pushing into this iffy territory where we’re going to ask them for more. I don’t like these numbers at all, so we’re tyring to look for solutions other than food services. Burke: also buesses have one s Lara: UCSA covers for Garg: I’ve talked to a few of you about why we come to you for funding. Francisco summed it up. if anyone has a successful path to not do this every year please let us know Sahota: what makes this different from anything else in that you get CFC funding and here. They don’t usually double dip Lara: one of the htings is the need. We can’t pull 2500. SOCC we really try to reach out to all of the community. Garg: the reason we’re coming to ASUCD traditionally, AS usually supports this strongly. It’s been supported by past tables and elected officials. So that’s why we come to you. It’s like a continued partnership. I mean this conference, in my knowledge, the prime way for students to connect and work on things with other students from other cmapuses. Sahota: I totally understand that but CFC funding is AS funding. I know you don’t know if you got CFC funding yet, but I’d make the assumption CFC won’t forgo that Garg: as Fransisco mentioned, basically it’s a need. That we’re approaching AS for. And that’s why we’re coming here Kapur: for Amrit, every campus is getting reduced funds. so they pbb won’t get what htye’re asking for. We’re talking about CFC how many have you read the bylaws. We confirm the director…..Also double dipping, safeboats. Essentially, going to people who have decent money……I’m not saying this is easy. But where’s the raw fundraising. The people fundraising of going to a car wash or restruant. Where is the raw people power fundraising Garg: just because we aren’t spending time washing cars, doesn’t mean there isn’t raw people power behind this. it just doesn’t fit into our time line. And so for the sake of time and allocating our resources,. Kapur: I never denied it was people power. I want to say just a 100 bucks, we all have to eat at some point. People can go somewhere and get lunch…I’’m not suggesting just you. Garg: it does happen for community specific grads. The kind of financial situation that we’re reaching out is to the extent that we’re expecting half the students to not be able afford. So it’s unreasonable for them to………. Kapur: I like fundraising for things. Zach, can you remind me what you said at the end of BnF. Zach: I said this is the legit budget and legit set of quotes we’ve ever seen in BnF. It’s not like we are buying a printer. I’ve seen senate pass stuff that’s way less legit and way less information. Kapur: so we’ve limited that argument that the budgets not complete. Griffiths: 12800 as an emergency fund is doable. But my counter argument is in a real emergency, it doesn’t cover jack. Kabir said we can pull from diff accounts so it got brought up capital plan.. going through each reserve… do that for every unti to understand how much money we have. Again, it’s the most legit budget I’ve ever seen. We’re trying to find rough guidelines to figure out how to allocate senate reserves. Because our situation is unprecedented. Griffiths: we kind of …slush fund. Kind of reserve for the reserve. Then you guys can spend that at the end of the year, but we don’t have the Sahota: are you folloing the 50 80 100. So you want to keep 2500 in the pot? Griffiths: we don’t know the exact number yet Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
Motion to Appointments and Confirmations
8:01 Motion into Consideration of Old Legislation ECAC very eloquently …. And then I talked to the chair of BnF asking them about the fiscal soundness of the bill. In the conversation, he said BnF is comfortable and it own’t put our association into jeopardy. So my personal philosophy is if we can, I think we should. The original bill was 3000, so I asked how they got 2500. This was a agreement both sides would reach. This was a very pressing need and it’ll benefit someone. So based on that, the only argument against this is your opposing ASUCD funding this project or double dipping. The double dipping thing can be addressed, but we can see whose opposed to this based on odl votes. Kapur: I don’t know how you’’re double dipping, but Rivillous: ECAC already provides funding for community specific grad? Garg: only last year Rivilous: if the question is what’s a good time to fund this. if anything, theres no reason you should defer the fund.. also it’s worth noting say you do allocate the 2500. I believe the conference would only require $25 per person. What would the fee be if we don’t allocate it? Garg: so it won’t happen. Evans: so if we meet the aim, it’s just 20 dollars a person roughly if the money isn’t allocated. Rivilous: if you want to play the political game, where if each person fundraises a dollar more for safeboats….it would inconvenience a lot of students…fundraising is always an option. Lara: if we don’t get money from ASUCD the only other option is to only have one bus. Which means we’ll only take around 50. So that’s the only option that I see if we don’t get money. Because what else would we get the money for. Rivilous: I fwould urge for a speedy passage. Wonders: just to address something that will come up later. I don’t like double dipping period. I did vote no on safeboats. I don’t question the merit nor do I deny the merits…because we’re not in UCSA. But we need to think in the context of this year. I’m going to ask a few questions. In their professional opinion, do they think it would be responsible for us to pass it as the current funding. B. would it be reasonable to apss this bill at any sort of fudning Evans: I can answer that. We’re bleeding right now. So we need to scrutinize every dollar that goes out the door. We shouldn’t go and look what we give away further. We can use senate reserves this 2500 as well as any other 2500 to improve our AS. We’re underfunded. We got the aggie sales team. We could really use some training, it even goes to professional training. So in this state, given that we’re so financially state, this 2500 can be used to do great work inside the association because we’re so fucking broken right now. We need to put our mask on before others. The airplane analogy. Yeah so whenever I come up, there’s actually a solution to this that Carly and I talked about. Wonders: I’d like to just right now motion to divide the house 3-4-5 it would fail. Kapur: first is anyone a no that would be a yes because of the money? Evans: so Carly got out of a meeting around 5. She was with student affairs and California endowment. So they’re pushing 50,000 to student affairs. Student affairs and the California endowment was like this is something we want to put our money in. so she wants this money to do this. she asked me to say we should table it for a week and let student affairs to come here next week Kapur: I love politics. So I think they’re in a crunch for money, so tablings not the best of options. So I’m assuming….is there a possible …. Bottoms: so there’s actually more than one thing. Student affairs development also had wells fargo and they’re looking to do more outreach. This is something they’re interested in. they said they could get it for enxt week. I think wells fargo would be faster thanthe endowment and ASUCD. Kapur: I’m assuming the people who are no trust the people of exec to some extent….so can we pass the bill and they reimburse us Bottoms: then they’d write the check to ASUCD and that’s not what they want for their PR image Smith?: do we know the specification for wells fargo deal? I’m sure the author of this bill appreciates Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 wells fargos offer. But I’m afraid of thanking wells fargo or corporations want it might be against the spirit of the conference Lara: so we were briefed about this 30 minutes before senate. But it’s not a sure thing. We’ve heard aboutso many funds that “can be available” something else we talked about that I really want to do is any money that ASUCD appropriates us, we’ll just reimburse all of you. We’re willing to do that. We have nothing against that. And it’ll take strings off ASUCD Kapur: what’s your deadline for the money? What do you need by when? Garg: we need to pay ASAP. They know that we are different from the rest of the UCs. And we need to pay the hotel deposit made by tomorrow. And transportation depends on the agent we decide to go with. All other expenses are as they come up. Kapur: and no one else on the list can front us the money? Lara: no we need to meet with them Kapur: we need to define this double dipping thing. Everything is student money. Kapur: I think we should pay and get reimbursed…. 3-7-2 Not in Senate Thomas: if we are bleeding, why don’t we cut safeboats? Torres: that’s not the topic now. Thomas: I love walking into a bill and not having all the information. This is what the third time exec has come with money to save the day. Heres the thing with SOCC. This conference empowers people and gives people tools and knowledge to impact our entire community positively. This resonates and ripples throughout the campus. It makes UC Davis better for everyone. Not just the people going. And they’re saying I support this event..But… if any of them voted yes on safeboats, please don’t say double dip. Kapur: we should really define this double dip deal after this bill. Anyone raise your hand if they’ve been to a UCSA conference? nonSOCC Someone went to the congress and did a workshop there. I did one in San Francisco and one in Sacremento. Kapur: I have a big issue with UCSA but these conferences are really cool. Theres 1200 people getting shit done…if this was a conference more aligne with your political beliefs, you would probably fund it. But I still voted yes when I was on the table. I want to know what the rewerves are for every unit. I think I deserve to know where the money goes mr controller Evans: So Zach…actually this summer, I was telling Janice I wanted the capital plan done Kapur: I don’t know what other objections there are and we should save the coho. This 12000 won’t save the association. It might help and patch things here and there. I think if you send 100 people and motivate them, that’ll save the association more. Ong: I was just wondering wheres the 500 coming from? Lara: Hextor Burke: people are talking a lot about people throwing numbers. A lot of this bill is tentative. To make the argument that they haven’t gotten… Lara: the reason why we don’t have more grants right now is cause they didn’t review them. I’ll go down the list Burke: at what point do you think those numbers would go clear? Garg: we’re supposed to receive CFC soon. They’re working on it and that was turned in last Thursday. Hextor we should know by the end of next week. The other thing is we applied to the first grant deadline for all of these. Thomas: I talked to a CFC guy today he’s very confident about Monday Kapur: does fundraising for community specific grads go up until the end of the yaer? Garg: that’s my understanding. I don’t know I haven’t worked on one Figueroa: depends on each one Nonga: a previous speaker brought up that a lot of funding is up in the air and nothings been guarentted as of now, which I think this ….. the suggestion that we should table it for a week means that ASUCD isn’t willing to take a risk by collaborating, then why would the students of color conference ….lower number I think is very arbitrary. I highly doubt you have the knowledge to get….i don’t even know I’m curious to see how much money. Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
Torres: there was new information brought to the table, and I don’t think that decision ma…meaning I didn’t make a decision Shaeffer: I wasn’t planning on coming tonight. A previous senator made a divide the house. So it should be identifying the no’s seeing if there’s something that could persuade the bill so we can move it forward. I mean it’s great that we’re talking but it’s more important to focus on the goal Sahota: I was speaking to the author and it seems like senate is being approached because there is an immediate need. It’s like a credit card to put down the credit card….bring it down to 1000….and they’ll be able to do that down payment tomorrow. And yeah… Sahota: I would switch my amount if we lowered the amount so they can do the deposit. Which is why they’re here Nonga: so if the bill passes tonight, do they have the access to the money tomorrow Evans: so Carly has to sign off on it. she’s in sac all night and then has to go to SGAO. You might have it Monday Garg: my understanding is as long as you okay it, and we have it in writing, then it’s okay Mcmanus: as far as getting the money. It won’t come right tomorrow or as soon as senate passes it or even as Carly signs it. but as far as the previous speaker with the 500 extra. I don’t know where that 500 extra is versus giving 2500 Ong: I know that obviously it’s a short term problem, but I want to look things in the long term. Donors and other stuff like that….looking at alumni…I would like to see eventual progress. My main question is what if all these other grants don’t come through. I just want to see something more concrete Lara: if the grants don’t come through, we won’t go and you’ll et the money back. We can’t just ask someone else for money and it’ll appear. So I don’t really… Thomas: we’ve complained about bandaids a lot. It feels like a bandaid rather than a solution to the problem. I’m right now is an abstention, btu I’d be more likely to vote on this bill if it’s a solution. Oh no this bill is a solution, but if we lower it it’s a bandaid Ong: I just think this is a bandaid. I really want to look into things long term. There’s no reason no I can’t….i got $260 to shut up for a week. Shaeffer: thank you. I highly advise you to focus on this part of the conversation Topf: I got on the list before this new information. If this money is promised, is ASUCD responsible….. Garg: we aren’t aware of this relationship. I just got a text from her Topf: if we decide to give them the money tonight and we can get that elsewhere and we’re talking about reimbursements. What happened in this conversation and hwo will be responsible. I feel like some people might vote yes assuming that’s why Evans: ASUCD isn’t in the business of writing loans. It’s on us to get the money back. It’s not policy cause then we need to do credit evaluations. ASUCD can’t write a loan on SOCC on the promise we’ll get back. Bottoms: do you get what he’s saying? We can’t write loans or stipulations. Topf: so lets say we pass the bill….. Bottoms: so yeah that’s the exec office Evans: we’re just trying to get money into ASUCD. Student affairs and California program wants to fund this program. Not ASUCD going behind them Topf: so basically if SOCC asks for the money, they’ll have it. but ASUCD asks, it’s not guaranteed. Kabir: shout out to old ASUCD all star. Probably one of the most patient people at the table. Lets play the logic game. Carly says theres money there and it has to go to SOCC. But not ASUCD. If they’re good business people, they should understand, it’s common sense. Bottoms: I would say we havne’t ….in exec office purchased Unitrans ad. Why were we funded, the exec office…shoot I had a second part to actually Kabir: you really want to bring up Unitrans? I just don’t get the logic. It’s not coming from your budget it’s coming from rich people. They should understand a loan. They’re a bank. So we pass the bill, Carly doesn’t veto, get the money from ASUCD, and then get reimbursed. Any oppositions? Griffiths: my thing is if it’s who should ask money from who. It’s more of a question of sponsorship. Why would a bank sponsor this event? It’s cause they take value on what they put on. Why would Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 we not want to put money toward that? Why would a BANK want to do that? It’s not like they want to hand out money to random people. That’s my logical thing. Nonga: so first of all, this money isn’t guaranteed. We can promise to work towards getting this money so I think were getting ahead of ourselves. Second of all before someone else attacks. They are open to businesses to fund things they don’t care about. Will there be strings attached? We don’t know what they want.. it’s a risky thing. So I don’t hink we should talk about this as if it’s a thing. We should talk about this as a association solely. A argument is a person doesn’t feel comfortable. This should happen before or after ronight but we have an immediate need as of right now. The argument that we should give them a less amount, they need 2500. The need is 2500. Not 500 or 1000. Kapur: so Miles made a sound argument. This is the 4th time that it just appeared in front. It seems like it’s bad politics. Throw you off and table it and you hope something happens. Maybe they get really drunk and gives the money. Or you find the money. If you disagree with it, just say it. I hate safeboats. I would go on houseboats and pay for my own part for safeboats. So why aren’t we haring of this…. Watson: I mean honestly I think it’s interesting that a lot of senators aren’t here but I appreciate those who are here. I want to address long term. Long term planning and getting planning for SOCC. I don’t know if you heard our alumni. 50% of our applicants apply for fee waivers. That’s not our alumni. Ed is an alumni and helped planned it. he’s a teacher right now. We’re not having millionaires coming out of SOCC. I’m talking to Olivia Olivia: $110…that’s the money I came out of pocket in no faith I’ll ever get the money back. SOCC delegation we don’t know who has SOCC until the beginning. The planning can never be long term because it’s finding where it is and then looking for people to pull. Fundraising is a great idea, but students are just recylcying. If you keep cutting numbers down, theres no money in ngeneral. From 30 to 50 to 100. Another thing is UCD we get bashed at SOCC if people find out that we need to argue for the money. It can’t come from California endowment every year. That’s not a long term solution. That money may pay someone else’s car allowance. Finding a real solution and not lowering our numbers Watson: ASUCD scholarship fund. We asked for your help and invited to meetings. To say we haven’t reached out. So this is how wer’e asking for help Ong: The first time I heard about this was when the bill was introduced in senate. They create an endowment. How we do it from the scholarship. It collects revenue and tax….it covers it. that’s what I meant when I said years down the road. I’m not against this. I voted no because I wanted to disucss this but I wasn’t invited to the meetings. Garg: yall were always invited Watson: does anyone who’se a no want to talk about something Wonders: those are my favorite words. Let’s move this forward. I think the people abstaining should just vote how they want to vote. Let’s do this. I made my arguments very clear. If people want me to clarify I’ll make it very clear Kappes: oh man. I’ll divide the house. With a 4-3-5 it would fail. Kappes: I guess I’ll talk about why I’m voting why I am. So double dipping earlier. I define it as getting money from CFC and other ASUCD means. Theres a system set up so you can create an RSO for an event and that’s what CFC is for. I don’t believe ASUCD should pump toward CFC Garg: the way I see this particular project, program, event is that this is a partnership that ASUCD should highly consider continueing to support. CFC has a cap. And that’s why I’m here. I hope it’s our elected officials who are leading that charge Kappes: I get that. No one will believe me. This is good. I like this event. This has a direct impact on campus, but I just don’t really want to fund it additionally when the CFC is there Thomas: so CFC is actually having a shortage this year. By nature of this event going to both. I’d be a lot happier if senate just gave the full amount to this event. So I’m probably going to flipping to yes and contradicting myself toward safeboats. But ….. I rather be going to other clubs but I absolutely appreciate Kappes trepidation in voting yes Kapur: so when I was on the table, people use to abstain just to piss me off so can you explain Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
Topf: but that was before this new info, and that’s assuming this was need based. So theres the argument that it’s needed but it won’t get to you to tomorrow. So I think we should buy some time bt if the promises come back I will vote yes. Garg: so I spoke to Pam about this during the break. If this passes, we know we won’t have the actual money in the actual account. However we will have proof that the money is on the way there. if this passes tonight, we’ll be okay. If it’s tabled, they’ll take all contracts off line. Topf: aren’t the fees much more than this bill Garg: 3900. We have 1500…. The registration fee is 35. Kapur: Liam, are you a yes? Burke: I voted no. it’s not about the money. Kapur: okay so you’re a no no. Burke: yeah Ong: my first question is why was it, I know that time and stuff like that, is there no way to get the application out before? Also for the hotel, would they accept a senate bill? Also how was how 120 chosen Garg: we’re gonna try. Two busses make 120. So we still need to pay fees for UCLA. They’re charging us 35/student. We’re charging students $25 and half of them can’t pay 25. And so we’re only getting 25x56 but we have to pay 135x35 Kapur: what are we talking about? Wonder: we’re talking about legaling marijuana Kapur: just do it baby. Its been too long. Thomas: iw ould appreciate if we don’t factor the magical Carly fairy to save the day. They get to use the full faith of the senate body giving them the money for room reservations. And if the carly fairy saves the day we get money back Nonga: we should not consider the magical money. Either vote yes if you want to fund it and no if you don.t if we come through, you get money back. It may not come through though. Kapur: I don’t fully agree on that Topf: you’re not going to get the money on time. And if by next week, I’ll vote yes. Hotels don’t accept senate bills as payments. Garg: this is our way of extending the deadline by one weekend Kapur: if you don’t want to fund the event just vote no. and if you do just vote me. This room just kills me every Thursday Figueroa: there are a few things I want to say but I don’t want to walk in circles. There are a few compromises. I want to ask a question to the delegation committee. Would you be iwlling to lower the cost, or would you rather continue fighting for the full amount and end up failing Brown: that means the money has to come from someone else or the money is pushed onto the students. All the centers are being strapped for cash. It’s a yes or no. no compormises, no magic money. Nonga: just to clarify, they’re gonna get the money by Monday? Wonders: let’s not get into a discussion to vote one way or another. I could vote whatever I want. They can vote how they want and can have different opinions. Let’s just talk about whats important information to you and what should be pertinent. I’m just saying you can consider whatever factors you want. Figueroa: a senate it is a commonplace to …we often reward people for bad organizational skills such as safeboats. When it comes to this, we throw them off and find other things to justify not giving money, please lets not make it something to insult the deligation. Watson: let’s be really honest. We keep talking about marketing things but we are pushing for government time things. SOCC is the reason I got ASUCD in the first place. It’s why I’m running for senate. What armondo just explained is why ASUCD and sigh the greatest bigger sigh. And say I don’t wanna fucking deal with it. it’s things like this. we’re prioritizing and rewarding other people. If you want to instill faith, you need to take stance on things that matter. Its MK its BSU its all of SCC WRC, it reaches tons and tons of students on campus. So there was a comment on how are we sure Carly will sign this by Monday. She’s my president. I hope you guys can communicate enough that she can go to her office and do her job. Whetehr I voted or not, that it doesn’t matter. I hope Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 she would prioritize things. Nonga: to go off of that,it shouldn’t be on ……if carly doesn’t sign off. You can stand by your vote. Evans: the merits of the program are uncontested. We just don’t have the fucking money. That’s the reality of it. Griffiths: we have the money though Evans: right now we’re already bleeding out. We can’t donate more blood. There are other places making money on campus like the bookstore. Those are the places you should go to get money. ASUCD is bled dry right now. This money can go towards making a better association and then we can fund these programs in the future when we grow and invest in ourselves. Then we can do things right. That’s the long term solution Watson: how do we get money from the bookstore? Evans: go to Jason and ask the directors of the stores. Say we’re students … Nonga: why doesn’t ASUCD go to the bookstore and get money from them then. Thomas: government first, business later. This is the only money were’e entitled to play with. If we’re bleeding dry, I can point to some places where we’re wasting money, okay? I had a 100,000 surplus in my budget Lara: one thing I heard is we need to invest. Why not invest 2500 to send …. Watson: I’m a student, and I’m not in charge of the bike barn. Does that mean I can’t go to a conference and can’t send first years to that conference? How is that fair? Yall fucked up. you weren’t checking your units good eough but now we’re asking you. Please don’t send us to the book store. If our body we voted for won’t support us, why would the bookstore Griffiths: if we’re bleeding dry, we can’t invest. Another thing is we have money allocated. It’s not like this is magical money we need for later. It’s already in the account so we can send it. hold on I have one more poit put I forgot. Figueroa: with the logic of not spending money on this conference because we’re bleeding dry, I’m just kind of guessint what that logic is right now is we can’t spend money as anything. We’re planning to work on no projects and do nothing for student life. I’m sorry I don’t know who I’m attacking but please just reconsider. There’s one argument of validity with the double dipping CFC funds and senate funds. I just want to post this question. What’s the one exception for that that would make you vote yes for this? I want to honestly know. Because like Kabir said, then we need to define double dipping. In the end it comes down to merit. One thing your vote should be based is do you want UC Davis to send a coalition to SOCC. The delegation has been working their asses off. A no vote means they aren’t going. And when a yes vote means UC Davis is not going to SOCC. I’m sorry for putting it in extremes, but that’s how you deal with it. this is how you support things. This is what you put your projects an dmoney into. McManus: you’re investing in students and student activists. I can’t think of any better senate appropriations. This money is put forth so we can invest in these kinds of things. Buy all the fucking fliers you want Thomas: when a senator works on something, it can be for a individual. When a senator votes, they’re representing the students you represent. If you’re not gonna help, your votes are what really matters Nonga: so we want to save money because we want ASUCD operational because ASUCD …we don’t want to spend money because blah blah blah. I don’t know what our financials are gonna be. I don’t know if this 1200 will do anything when it goes to capitals. Will it save our assication? My gut is no. but I know I can send a 112 students and give them a life changing experiences by just saying yes when the recorder says your name. what are we talking about? Any deferements? Motion to divide the house With a 5-4-3 it would fail. Nonga: motion to go into Senate Nonga: Kapur: I spent the last 10 minutes going to all of the senate reserve bills is not just senate projects, it’s outreach. Tell me what’s better outreach to send the smartest students at the best university to go to the converferences….i have big issues of UCSA and one o the biggest thing I got from UCSA was voter reg. I might not agree with the same things, but it’s their right to go to these types of Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 things to be engaged Nonga: is anyone on the fence? Sahota: my understanding is 2500….to put the we’re the only people who can provide the money for the next week. Why don’t we do 1193 with ECAC…so next week when that student pays out of pocket, they can be reimbursed Watson: we still have financial need that will be vacant. Does that mean we can come back and ask for more? Olivia: if we go with the proposed plan, there’s still registration fees… fees are going up because we’re paying things late. It happened last year and ended up paying double per person. Cause we can’t get money for everyone Nonga: so once again 2500 is necessary. I don’t have piles of money in my account. So people paying out of pocket? Come on. Figueroa: something I want to reiterate, if you’re on the fence, your one vote will determine where it goes McManus: that was exactly what I was going to say. I have the vote count right here. I think you should vote yes. This is the best outreach you can do. I understand double dipping, but I don’t think it’s the appropriate venue. We should talk about it later and then we can put a senate bill. Then we can talk about it in detail. We should send these great people to a great place Thomas: you spoke ona lot of my points. The idea of expecting a student to be reiumbursed later. That’s wildly inappropriate. It’s not cool because you don’t know that money is coming back and it’s an unreasonable burden to put any student. McManus: in he end it’s all student money its about how much we want to support this event Ong: my last flip on this, I want to go down the table. Senate reserves are for senate projects. If we pass this, I don’t want to ….i want to see if any senators are working with anything that require money. Anything that anyone is planning…. McManus: I think it comes down to whether you value this. senate reserves will still be there. there will be 10.3 and that’s plenty fo people to mess with. I value what it’s going to bring to campus Nonga: you can’t make your vote based on something you don’t know will happen. Base your vote on what we have and wehter you support it or not. McManus: I’ll take it back. I can’t think of a better senate project. It’s empowering people to make a change and outreach. I was a bit hesitant in the beginning, but not anymore. I think we should just vote. What’s said as been said. There hasn’t been much movement. But I think it’s time to be accountable and vote Garg: 2500 is the number decided upon and will go towards securing a hotel. Which we already negotiated its been ridiculous. And the fee to go to the conference Kabir: out of the people voting no, there might be one or two who hate the term people of color more than I do. That’s what you’re elected to do. You go into a room and get shit done. But isn’t that what student government is all about? Why are you being stubborn in the mud. I get max because it’s principle. But I don’t get the lack of logic in this room. How’d you get in here? Just fucking pass the bill. Nonga: you don’t even have to lift a finger. You didn’t plan this. you paid a portion, like the entire campus. But you can change a life by saying yes. This is the simplest senate project ever Figueroa: I promise I’ll limit my senate project if you pass this bill. Ill do my share and make my efforts less financially difficult….also even though you think the world ates you, this looks great. Contentious bills. The end of the day, you still see ASUCD on these graduations and such. People think we’re progressive and looks great on our student body. I swear ome people want to get involved just like you do. These types of projects give us the best projects. When it comes to things like this, I don’t like marketing, but apparently that’s good marketing. Lara: if we decrease the amount, would people voting no vote yes. Like not to 1100 but maybe less than 2500. I mean that’s my plea Sahota: I very rarely get upset at senate meetings. Global abrigades..? they form doctors to the futures. And they get their own donors. I’m okay with 1193. Senate is not where you get your money from. You get it from grants….CFC. I’m telling you why I’m voting no. I see so many people with the same struggle where they can’t fund. They work around the clock. They need to get Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 involved as soon as senate is over. Global abrigades raise 50,000 every year. And they cant raise 16000. They’re orgs on campus that raise thousands and thousands. I’m taking that on as my own project. If I can’t offer you money, the least is Ii’m getting to dthat. Soap boxes are done. Wonders: I’m going to give you thirty seconds Kabir Kapur: do you realize you’re all elected to serve people. This is the definition of service. I haven’t slept in 38 hours cause I do it every day. It’s a simple yes vote. It doesn’t make a 2500 project…. Wonders: I’m going to motion to call this to question Thomas: objects. There are logical fallicices and contradictions against this bill. And I’d like to at least clear those logical fallicies before voting no With a 2-8-2 we won’t go into that Wonders: what is going to change their mind. At a certain point, people dig in and that’s the way it’s going to be. I’d be blown away if you can change someone’s mind at this point.. people have decided. I alaways talk about wanting to be efficient and going forward. So be it. Brown: the alumni of student color of conference are not doctors. There historically marginalized and being oppressed through monetary means. The argment that we can network and fundraise is because our alumni…SOCC board are all going to financial….it’s a matter of what’s been stated. You want to or you don’t want to give the money. You compromise, you still need to find the money somewhere lese like the students. Just think about it you’re telling students you can’t go empower themselves. We got people in spaces they care about. It’s about our allies too and they actually learned something. Riland went and had a great time. Watson: I’m just going and ask a question. So Carly’s magical phone call. He said he doesn’t think the vote would change. I don’t have a credit card I can put this money on. Are you going to fight for this endowment? Can you make a promise or pledge? Tal: if we pass this bill, will it go the other way too? People are opposing because there isn’t as big of a need if theres another source. If this passes, will someone go out and get the money. Watson: im not a president. I don’t have the standing power to talk to these people. I need the representatives to help me. Griffiths: last year, hwo much did that stupid bike sticker bill? 4000? I think it’s a joke. Dumb bills come through all the time that are passed. I feel like if a senator comes in and a senator comes in with a bill…..if a senator came forward and said that, I think the rest of the senators…actually no idk if this table would do that. I would say yes to yeah you deserve this. you put so much work in this I’d be furious if people said it’s not worth it so I wont add money Kapur: ive been in this room for a long time. Theres a bunch of ways things like this gets shot down. so BnF side. he’s a kickass BnF chair, and he said it’s safe. They could fill that room and scream at you. There’s no logic behind…did you guys not hear my farewells? Whose been to a nonUSSA conference? Weren’t you empowered? These people are trying to get shit done. This is the government As someone whose been to UCSA events, they say oh I can’t wait for UCDavis to go to UCSA. It shows that we don’t have as many resources. Build that sense of university strength power and solidarity. That they can go on and make huge changes state wide. Calperg has worked as UCSA before. This can be another funding…you can gain resources by going to these conferences. It’s really important that these 112 go to this conference and build better sense of solidarity. Torres: I’m going to call this into question. With a 7-3-2 it passes
Presentation (I just typed up the powerpoint they didn’t show)
XI. Ex-Officio Reports A. Commission Chairs
McManus o Didn’t do anything Friday o Tabled for letters and science on preview day Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
o OH INC CCFIT committee meeting ICC o Tanzi about CCE o Pantry Program Review o CCE program review o OH o Worked on leg o Senate o Few things to mention, Eric and I want to get people together about campus technology. IET. So that’ll take place informally so contact me, Carly, or Eric about that. Tomorrow I’m sitting on recruitment advising committee…it’s great for advocating student input Garg o met for asucd scholarship committee. Met with janet this morning. Sever o Hero Run Saturday which I’ll be tabling o Meeting on Monday, talked about our two big projects right now. o Monthly forums, promote resources, new advising portal, New my.ucdavis page o Mentor Program, looking for mentors and mentees. Probably students who are struggling and pairing them up directly to mentors. Interview process kind of thing. And emailing the heads of different colleges and peer advisors o Our promise hasn’t made money yet so please donate o Still waiting to hear back from SCC 392.0 event o Open apps for commissioners again soon Moed o Fund CCE for convergence for $150 o Discussed projects for EPPC and external funding o Met with CCE director to discuss projects o Reached Promise Goal!!
B. Outreach Assembly Speaker
Ashe o Our club social is next Wednesday October 30! If you want to be a judge, please email me! o We had our interviews yesterday and had some great new hires! o Reminder to chairs to post your hirings for winter quarter o Yee stopped by OA this week. All of you are welcome it’s part of your job. We would love to see you! Meetings are Wednesday 7:10-9:10 in the Decarli Room
C. ASUCD Controller
Evans o working with EC and aggie about all their stuff. Bike barn work. To figure out inventory and projections and planning. Building contracts to negotiate better rates for purchasing. Pretty pumped to find deltas there. things are clickin. Helping neftali. Good week I guess. I ate some en this week I greek yogurt. I don’t believe in not double protein yogurt. My body has adapted to the greek yogurt pretty well.
XII. Elected Officer Reports A. President Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
B. Vice President C. ASUCD Senators
Brow o OH o WRC for conference and special occasions o Preview Day Wonders o OH o Interview with the Aggie o Getting started on the end of quarter health fair o Kicked the crap out of my midterm o My computer broke o Drafted the pledge bill o Came up with a bitchin Halloween costume with Burke Ong o Toured pantry o Monday and Wednesday OH from 10-12 and the CoHo o Lobby Corps Program Review o TAPS meeting o Jobs initiative meeting o COC meeting o Promise Platform meeting with Rich Engel and street team o Elections candidate meeting o Met with Zach from Carly’s office to set up 5K Heroes Run logistics o Hunted an easel down for 5K and tent o Met with chair of office of development o Collecting Data for connection between alumni, jobs, and students Nonga o Took pics for candidates o First Davis BlackBook meeting o Business and Finance meeting o Candidates meeting o NOW bonfire o OH o Studied a lot Thomas o Interviews for OA o OH o Worked with MSA organizer on hosting event on campus o Wrote legislation o Went to Chevron/ICC Hiring o SICK Sahota o Chevron ICC Grand Opening o Post office mtg o Picnic day mgt o Set up mtg with Bradley o Held OH on Tuesday and Friday o Preparing Fall candidates Burke Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2
o OH o Midterm o Stopped by IAC not long enough for it to count o My platform is in the Aggie o Grocery stores no longer sell regular yogurt o Spoke at the candidate meeting o Ohio was beautiful Figueroa o Went to the Napolitano Rally o Met with my interns o Set up my meeting with the Pantry o Held OH o Signed up for SOCC o Introduced leg o Set up interviews for Dream Committee Interviews Topf o Held OH o Met with Bill (ICA) o Met with Kriti o Went to mandatory candidates meeting and spoke o MIDTERMS! o Met with candidates o Wrote a draft of bill o Met with The Aggie o Met with Darin about MU Renovations Kappes o Interviews . Please please someone else agree to go to interviews o Bills: written o Met with some popular kids…er…um…senate candidates o Aggie interviews and other jazz o Fell asleep in several on campus locations
XIII. New Student Court Cases/Prior Weeks Verdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements
XIV. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes
XV. Public Discussion (Unscheduled)
EAC interviews from 12-2. I desperately need work on homework please. Also court interview bailed 10:30-12. Ong: I think I can do that Bottoms: please come to program review meetings. Pelase let us know ahead of time. Thanks Burke: I literally have class or meeting during those interview times. I couldn’t even do court interviews and I wanted to Evans: fuck it Kapur: I’ll ask Bradley to talk about napalitano. It’s notthe right night to talk about it but you guys should. She can’t be as bad as yudolf…. Xiong: I have a lot of personal health issues. I’m glad it did pass though. For those who passed it, I want to thank you. I wanted the opportunit to go to SOCC this year and I didapply. It’s the same for ethnic grad. For us to get support from the association it does mean a lot. So I don’t have much to say but iwant to thank everyone whose in support of the bill. And if you do get a chance do apply Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2 and go to the conference, that is all.
XVI. Any Other Business
XVII. Adjournment
Adjourned at 11:01