Immanuel Lutheran School
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Cat Pause --- Oct. 2, 2014
Immanuel Lutheran School Phone: 660-584-2854
Our VIP lunch is tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 3. Class times are as follows for the meal.
Mrs. Holtcamp – PS3 & PS4 - 11:00am
Miss Onnen - K4 & K5 - 11:30am
Mrs. Grass - 1 & 2 - 11:45am
Mrs. Coen - 3 & 4 - 12noon
Mr. Weiss - 5th and older - 12:15pm
It’s Tarzan Time!! - Homecoming Parade Our Immanuel Students will be in the Homecoming Parade tomorrow Oct. 3 (pending weather). Meet at our “JUNGLE” truck & Trailer at 1:30pm behind Bucks. The Parade begins at 2pm. Please pick up your student/s at the train tracks after the parade. Costumes: Please bring your children dressed as (black panthers with Wildcat gear to ride in the Jungle wagon or as British explorers to walk.) Explorers - White shirts and tan pants/shorts, binoculars, glasses. Safari hats and walking sticks welcome. Wildcat (Panther) kids - may wear Immanuel shirts and jeans or black pants/skirts. We will have some washable whiskers and noses applied right before the parade.
Our FIRST Choir visit went REALLY well. The Zion Church & Mrs. Coen were thankful so many children (30+) came to sing and visit. We appreciate all the adults who drove the kids over to Corder also!
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Seeking Loving Hearts
Our Preschool 3 and 4 classroom is in need of a special loving & kind helper to spend some time with our energetic younger students. The class is very active and one more pair of adult eyes and hands to help would be a HUGE blessing to Mrs. Holtcamp. Days and times are: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8am-12:45pm. (approx.) We’d love it if one person is able to help consistently; but we understand grandparents and retirees also have very FULL schedules too. If you might be able to assist weekly on any of the three days, please contact Mr. Busseau at 584-2854. Thank you.
Wildcats of Character - Hope & Trust in God 10/2/14
Averie P. – PS3/4 Chloe T. – K4/5 Arrianna P. – 1st/2nd Annika R. – 3rd/4th Grace K. – 5th to 7th
Chapel Offering = $ 18.98 10/1/2014
Verse of the Week for Oct. 5
Titus 3:7 ~ Character trait: hope/trust in God
The ILS PTL Auction is at Arcadian Moon Winery on Sat., November 8th from 5-9 pm. This will entail a live Auction and silent auction. Ms. Holtcamp has graciously volunteered to provide free babysitting that evening. We are still looking for an auctioneer who could assist us. We are still accepting donations for auction items at this time. We would also like to invite all those who want to share their cake or pie baking skills to donate a cake or pie to be auctioned off. Please feel free to contact Mary Fahrmeier [email protected] or 816- 668-4989 or any other Auction committee members.
(We do have some neat items like: Disney theme park tickets and an American Girl doll to auction)
EVEN IN BAD WEATHER (like yesterday’s rain):
Page 2 of 5 Parents, grandparents, and etc. are asked NOT TO PARK OR DRIVE on our new back patio when picking up or dropping off students. The concrete is not built deep enough for cars, just walking. The new concrete patio was added to make things easier & less muddy for students entering & exiting the gym. ~~ Thank you – PTL
Saint Paul’s High School RUMMAGE SALE
The Saint Paul Lutheran High SOS Rummage Sale will be October 2 and 3 from 8 AM - 7 PM and October 4 from 8 AM - Noon. It will be held in the Annex on the SPLHS campus, 205 S Main, Concordia. It's a huge sale this year with lots of nice quality clothing and many tables filled with miscellaneous items. Mark your calendars now so you don't miss out! All proceeds go to Servants of the Saints and will be used to benefit the school. To discuss dropping off donations or for more info call Cheryl Peters at 660-229-3923. Thank you! Saturday = ILS Weenie Roast
The ILS Weenie Roast is Saturday, Oct. 4 at approximately 6pm. The School Board asks each family to bring one side dish or food item. Hot dogs, buns, toppings, drinks, and flatware are all handled. Attached is a map to the Linebach property. A car caravan will head there about 5:45pm. We will leave school on Saturday after the Book Sale closes & Mrs. Coen will be the lead car. Thank you.
Oct. 7 – Tues. “SAVE THE DATE” ILS is hosting McTeacher Night on Tuesday, October 7 at the McD’s at Hwy 13 & I-70. Aka “Junction McDonald’s” This was a quick, friendly, & fun evening last year. Stop on in for a fast bite of food or dessert before or after your family sports or activities. We will be there 4pm-8pm. Reminders coming soon. Auction Tickets & etc.
We are asking each family to hopefully sell 10 tickets to relatives, neighbors, friends, co-workers, church members.
Tickets are $15 each for ADULTS. Please write down the name of the adult who purchased the ticket from you so we have a listing at the door that night in case any tickets are lost or missing. Free daycare is scheduled for the ILS gym that night with Mrs. Holtcamp. Please write an estimate of how many children your buyers may need Daycare for – as we intend to order Pizza for the children for supper. Money & unsold tickets are to be returned to class teachers by OCTOBER 31.
The Auction will be held on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 5pm – 8pm at Arcadia Moon Winery. There will be a dinner provided, followed by the Auction. In years past, the Auction has proven to be a great income source for the PTL. Tickets are being sent home today with the OLDEST
sibling in each family. Each classroom has been asked to create an item for the Auction. At the last PTL meeting, ideas for this project were passed around which included: Classroom quilt, Scrap book, table etc.
Page 3 of 5 Special Note from Miss Onnen to ALL Families: TARZAN is coming to a Homecoming Parade near you!
Please bring your children dressed as (black panthers with Wild cat gear to ride in the Jungle wagon or as British explorers to walk.)
Explorers- White shirts and tan pants/shorts, binoculars, glasses. Wildcat kids- may wear Immanuel shirts and jeans or black pants/skirts. We will have some washable whiskers and noses applied right before the parade. Jungle Animals: You may send any stuffed animals from home which match our Tarzan/Jungle Theme. Jungle Plants: We will have a few construction paper decorations and jungle trees on the float thanks to the teachers/ students and might also be able to round up a few jungle looking house plants. (Donations welcome just put your name on them and bring them when you pick up your child from school at 1 pm on Friday. Plants may be dropped off on the Erdman's trailer (church parking lot before 1:15pm or behind Bucks – 1:30pm) and may be picked up from school gym after the parade.
Thanks! - Miss Onnen
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