MN Life Savers Program RFP
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Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Justice Programs REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Life Savers Grant Program
INTRODUCTION The purpose of this request for proposals is to fund local law enforcement agencies for the costs of developing new or expanding existing life savers rapid response programs.
The search and rescue program must electronically track a lost or missing vulnerable senior citizen or an individual who is mentally impaired due to autism, Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, or other mental impairment that causes wandering. The lifesaver’s program participant is required to wear a small transmitter on the wrist to allow the local law enforcement agency to electronically locate the participant, if necessary, using a radio receiver.
1) Grants may be awarded to new or existing programs; 2) The lifesavers rapid response program needs to be designed to quickly find individuals with medical conditions that cause wandering and result in individuals becoming lost and missing.
Priority is given to projects: Serving geographical areas that do not have an existing life savers program;
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTs A city or county law enforcement agency or two or more county or county and city law enforcement agencies may apply.
FUNDS AVAILABLE $39,000 is available in FY17. To the extent funds are available; grants may be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Grants of up to $4,000 may be awarded to eligible applicants to develop a new lifesaver program; and up to $2,000 to eligible applicants to expand an existing program. Recipients developing a new lifesaver program shall be given priority over recipients expanding an existing program. Grant recipients must be located throughout the state to the extent feasible.
GRANT PROJECT DATES Grants can begin September 1, 2016; grants will last up to one year or earlier, depending on when funds are spent.
SOURCE OF FUNDS Minnesota Laws, 2015, Chapter 65, Section 23
APPLICATION DEADLINE Applications must be submitted using the e-grants system any time after June 14, 2016. No paper submissions will be accepted. Applications will be received and considered until all funds are expended.
Page 1 1/9/2018 APPLICATION PROCESS All applications must be submitted via e-grants, the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) online grants management system, at e-grants can also be accessed via the Office of Justice Programs website at To establish an user account if you do not already have one, click on the purple “New User” option in the login box in the upper right corner of the e-grants website and follow instructions to fill out the profile. e-grants User Guides can be found on the OJP Grants webpage at
TERMS AND CONDITIONS, GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES, OJP GRANT MANUAL As part of submitting this application in e-grants the applicant agency agrees to the Terms and Conditions of OJP Grantees for non-state applicants as well as the Program Guidelines. These address State requirements such as worker’s compensation, civil rights, affirmative action, and data privacy. By agreeing to these in e-grants the applicant is certifying that they have the authority to make these commitments. Applicants are encouraged to print and review these documents with the appropriate agency staff prior to submitting the application in e-grants. If selected for funding, the grantee will need to submit required certifications. These documents become, by reference, part of the formal grant contract agreement. In addition grantees agree to follow the OJP Grant Manual which provides basic information on policies and procedures for grant administration.
APPLICATION CONTENT The application will consist of the following elements.
1. Project Information: Applicants will input directly into e-grants information such as the authorized representatives for the project, tax identification numbers, project abstract, and other identifying information. Applicant will note whether this request is for a new or existing program. We will print this form out and use it as the cover sheet of the proposal.
2. Narrative (Word document): Applicants will address the following in a three page maximum WORD document with ¾” margins, single spaced and with a 12 point font size. When ready to submit, the narrative will be submitted as an attachment to the application. The narrative should address the following issues (please number responses):
1) Organizational Capacity Applicant agency’s description. Total annual agency budget. New or expanded program within your agency? A statement of the number of personnel available for tracking lost persons.
2) Project Description How many people do you estimate will be served through these grant activities? Are you located in a geographical area that does not currently have this type of life saver’s program in place? If this request is for an expansion; describe the need for the expansion.
2 Describe the partners that you are currently working with to assist in developing or expanding a life saver’s program.
3) Ongoing support How will you manage and provide for the operating costs of the lifesaver program after its initial development or expansion.
BUDGET (Input directly into e-grants) Budget line items can only include: the purchase of emergency response kits, which includes equipment necessary to track and triangulate searches, transmitters, receivers or any other related equipment and to train search personnel.
Budget will start the day the contract is approved and end when the funds are expended. An estimate of the start-up costs for new programs or expansion costs for existing programs should be included. All expenses must be itemized and directly related to grant activities.
RESOURCES OJP cannot endorse any one vendor to provide equipment and training as required in the RFP; applicants are encouraged to do their own research in choosing a vendor. OJP is aware of one vendor who is currently working in 26 MN counties, the name is Project Lifesaver International, and they are a private non-profit agency that is operational in other states as well as Minnesota.
APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS Complete applications that meet the purpose of the funding will be funded on a first-come, first-served based until funds are depleted. To the extent possible, priority will be given to applicants developing new programs.
TECHICAL ASSISTANCE For questions regarding the e-grants online submission process, please call: 1-800-820-1890 | [email protected]
For questions regarding the application, please call: Claire Cambridge, Office of Justice Programs, MN Department of Public Safety 651-201- 7307 or [email protected]
A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document will be updated weekly with responses to questions received about this solicitation. . Access the FAQ on the OJP website.
POST AWARD REQUIREMENTS Grant contract process. After being selected for funding, OJP staff will work with the applicant to negotiate a final budget and work plan. The formal grant contract will be initiated, signed by grantee and OJP, and fully executed. It is then a legally binding agreement. Grant agreements not signed and returned within 30 days of receipt may be canceled. Grant payments. This is a cost reimbursement grant. Grantees will only be paid for eligible expenses (after the grant contract is fully executed) that are incurred and are
Page 3 1/9/2018 consistent with the negotiated budget. Non-profit agencies may request a one- month’s cash advance at the beginning of the grant period.
RIGHT OF CANCELLATION The State reserves the right to cancel this solicitation if it is considered to be in its best interest. The State reserves the right to negotiate modifications to the application or to reject any and all applications received as a result of this Request for Proposals. The State will not award a grant contract solely on the basis of any response made to this request, or pay for information solicited or obtained.