BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric

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BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric

BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric

Building BLT______Date______

STEPS Beginning (1) Developing (2) Skilled (3) Accomplished (4) Evidence Score Student Student performance Student performance Student performance  TBT BLT Collective Score Step 1: Collect performance data  Data is  Data on the indicator is  Data on the indicator is  Data on the indicator is and chart adult assembl collected on randomly collected but regularly collected and is always collected, easily implementation ed and student is not easily accessible easily accessible to BLT accessible to team members, organiz and student performance, to BLT members. members. and is utilized to make ed for performance but it is not on decisions about improving reportin the student performance. data g performance indicator. o Shor Adult Adult implementation Adult implementation Adult implementation t implementation cycl  Data is  Data aligned to the  Data on the adult  Data on the adult indicator is e collected on adult implementation implementation indicator is regularly collected, updated, o SLO adult indicator is randomly regularly collected, easily easily accessible, and utilized Qua behaviors, but collected but is not accessible, and reviewed by the BLT to make o it is not easily accessible. by the BLT. recommendations on rterl aligned to the increasing the percent and y adult quality of adult o Univ implementatio implementation required by ersa n indicator in the district plan. l the district scre plan. ener  Monitoring to  Monitoring of adult  Monitoring of adult  Monitoring of adult s include implementation of the implementation to include implementation to include o Disc observation of district plan to include observation of classroom observation of classroom iplin classroom observation of instruction regularly occurs instruction regularly occurs External e/at instruction classroom instruction and includes suggestions and has a defined strategy tend Score occurs for randomly occurs. for improving the quality of (with implementation steps) anc evaluation instruction. for improving the quality of e purposes instruction. only.  Walkthr CCIP CCIP CCIP CCIP ough  CCIP and IMM  The CCIP and IMM are  The CCIP and IMM are not  The CCIP and IMM are fully data are not partially complete. up-to-date. Action steps complete. Action steps meet  CCIP complete. Action steps meet 26- meet 51-89% of 90% of descriptors.** Action steps 50% of descriptors.** descriptors.**  Monitori meet 25% or ng less of process descriptors.** and tools  Action steps  Action steps are written  Action steps are aligned to  Action steps are aligned and are not specifically but may or district goals and specifically written and  Exampl aligned to may not lead to strategies have been targeted to lead to achieving es of district goals achieving district written to make progress district goals and strategies data and strategies and goals. toward achieving reviewe

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric strategies strategies and goals d and are Exampl written in  general es of terms. walk through s, coachin g, peer observa tion  Commo n formativ e assess ment that is researc h- based, reliable, valid, and sensitiv e to student growth Evidence

Justification for Scoring (Anecdotal comments related to the items selected from the rubric. Note )

STEPS Beginning (1) Developing (2) Skilled (3) Accomplished (4) Score Student Student performance Student performance Student performance  BLT Collective Score Step 2: Analyze performance adult  BLT discusses  BLT discusses general  BLT discusses high performing  BLT identifies specific student  implementation problem areas in concerns/weaknesses and grade/subject areas, strong strengths, areas of concern, and  grades/subject strengths in grade/subject performance in skill/content points of possible replication, e.g.,  and student areas, skills or areas, skill/content areas, or areas, and areas of concern by high performing grade/subject areas, performance groups of students. groups of students. grade/content based on data. strong performance in skill/content  relative to the areas, etc. based on several clear data points.

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric  BLT makes no  BLT begins to recognize  BLT occasionally makes  BLT makes consistent connections connection connections between the connections between the data between the data being analyzed and between the data data being analyzed and the being analyzed and the building the building and district’s strategies being analyzed building and district’s and district’s strategies and and actions. and the building strategies and actions. actions. and district’s strategies and actions. Adult Adult implementation Adult implementation Adult implementation implementation  BLT does not  BLT discusses generally  BLT discusses adult performance  BLT determines overall adult discuss adult adult performance as a strengths or areas of concern by performance strengths and areas of performance building. grade levels, subject areas, etc. concern by grade levels, subject areas, etc.  BLT has no process  BLT discusses high  BLT discusses the possibility of  BLT identifies points of possible External for identifying performing TBTs, effective replication, e.g., high performing replication, e.g., high performing points of possible instructional strategies, etc. TBTs, effective instructional TBTs, effective instructional Score replication, e.g., strategies, etc. strategies, etc. that are matched to high performing student need based on data. TBTs, effective instructional strategies, etc.  BLT makes no  BLT begins to recognize  BLT occasionally makes  BLT always makes connections data connection connections between the connections between the adult between the adult data being between the adult adult data being analyzed data being analyzed and the analyzed and the building and data being and the building and building and district’s strategies district’s strategies and actions. analyzed and the district’s strategies and and actions. building and actions. district’s strategies and actions. BLT develops BLT develops feedback to BLT develops feedback to TBTs BLT develops feedback to TBTs feedback to TBTs TBTs relative to: relative to: relative to: relative to:  Decisions made  General concerns about  Growth areas of concern in  Growth areas and areas of concern in during BLT student performance student performance student performance. meetings.  Procedures  General concerns about  Growth areas of concern in adult  Growth areas and areas of concern in rather than data- adult performance performance and suggestions for adult performance as well as defined driven decisions. improving the quality of strategies (with implementation instruction. steps) for improving the quality of instruction.  Grade-levels, subject areas  Grade-levels, subject areas that  Grade-levels, subject areas that have that are of concern. may be performing well as well shown significant growth and may be are those that are of concern worthy of replication. Justification for Evidence Scoring (Anecdotal comments related to the items selected from the rubric. Note )

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric STEPS Beginning (1) Developing (2) Skilled (3) Accomplished (4) E Score  BLT does not  BLT reviews the following:  BLT discusses revising the  BLT develops or refines the Review  BLT Collective Score Step 3: look at: o Adult implementation steps/details for achieving the steps/details for following if needed: implementing/achieving the  and/or refine the indicator(s) following if needed:  building- focused o Adult o Student performance adult/student implementati o Adult implementation indicators Adult implementation indicators on indicator(s) (s)/assessment(s) used indicator(s) o indicator(s) relative to the but does not consider the data and TBT o Student role of the BLT in making o Student performance performance recommendations for indicators (s)/assessment(s) o Student performance indicators needs indicators/ass change. used (s)/assessment(s) used essment(s) used and shares that information and assists the TBT in with the TBTs. implementing the steps as recommended.

 BLT suggests  BLT discusses the need for  BLT identifies general  BLT determines specific External Score that individual building-wide expectations for expectations for teachers be improvement/changes. improvement/changes. improvement/changes. allowed to determine how they will improve/change.  BLT makes  BLT begins to look at data  BLT looks at a variety of data  BLT uses adult implementation decisions in a summative way. and makes general and student performance data to randomly rather recommendations based on drive the decisions necessary for than based on that data. building/district improvement. data. Justification for Evidence Scoring (Anecdotal comments related to the items selected from the rubric. Note )

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric STEPS Beginning (1) Developing (2) Skilled (3) Accomplished (4) E Score  BLT does not  BLT determines some tasks  BLT generates some ideas for  BLT makes specific determination Step 4: Establish  B BLT Collective Score consider taking that could be undertaken how the action steps/tasks will of how the action steps/tasks will building-wide L action on the at the building level be executed be executed, who will be T implementation execution of responsible, and within what time

and monitoring the action frame. m steps/tasks action steps/tasks i for  BLT determines  BLT suggests professional  BLT makes suggestions about  BLT determines the specific n that individual development/support that professional professional development/support u teachers be teachers can attend development/support that the that the district or building will Step 3 t allowed to outside the district that building could provide that provide that is specifically aligned e select their may align to the plan. generally aligns to the plan. to the plan. s own professional  P development. D

 BLT suggests  BLT suggests how the staff  BLT makes some suggestions  BLT determines specific steps for External Score that individual might implement the about how the staff will implementation of the action steps p teachers and action steps. implement the action steps. with fidelity. l staff decide a how best to n implement the  W action steps. a  BLT suggests  BLT suggests that the  BLT outlines possible ways for  BLT reviews the data to determine l that teachers instructors need to address the instructors to address ALL strategies the instructors can k be reminded to student needs. students’ needs. implement to best match student address needs and address the gap t student needs between actual and expected h in general. performance. r  BLT does not  BLT suggests the  BLT reviews administrator  BLT assures administrator walk- o consider continued use of the walk-throughs relative to throughs are tied to the u whether or not walkthroughs. effective, research-based strategies/actions the district g administrator instructional practices. expects to be implemented and h walk-throughs the TBTs have agreed to s are tied to the implement. strategies/actio  T ns. B T

i m p l e m e n t a t i o n

s e l

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric f - a s s e s s m e n t

d a t a  P D

s u r v e y s Justification for Evidence Scoring (Anecdotal comments related to the items selected from the rubric. Note )

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric STEPS Beginning (1) Developing (2) Skilled (3) Accomplished (4) E Score  BLT does not  BLT agrees to look at some  BLT offers suggestions about  BLT determines the specific data Step 5: Define  B BLT Collective Score believe the data at the next meeting what data should be collected to be collected, the person adult and student L data they need but does not recommend and how it might be collected. responsible for collecting it, and T data for review at is available or any specific data for how it will be aggregated for the

next meeting reliable. review. next meeting. d  BLT does not  BLT is unsure how the data  BLT offers possible forms for  BLT determines the form for a External Score have a should be presented. presentation of the data. presentation of the data. t consistent form a for the presentation of c data. o  BLT  BLT assigns someone to be  BLT identifies possible  BLT determines person(s) l inconsistently responsible for collecting person(s) responsible who responsible for collecting and l assigns roles the data. could collect and prepare the preparing the data. e and data. c responsibilities. t i o n

t o o l s  E x a m p l e s

o f

d a t a

c o l l e c t i o n


**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB BLT 5-Step Process Implementation Rubric r o c e s s e s  B L T

m i n u t e s Justification for Evidence Scoring (Anecdotal comments related to the items selected from the rubric. Note )

**OIP Resource 9 Developed by SST 10 – January 2014 Draft #2 MKB

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