Social Science Grade 7

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Social Science Grade 7

World Geography Program Goal 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical, political, and cultural worlds. Geography Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Demonstrate an  Locate major Maps and charts Audio-visual Exams understanding of the political and Five Themes of physical features of Human-environmental issues Atlas practice Essays Geography: Earth and compare the relative locations Economic patterns and issues Guest speakers Simulations Location of those features  Compare/contrast Cultures and their relationship Games Projects Place cultures from around with physical and political the world world Simulations Cooperative  Evaluate the impact learning of humans on their Field trips assignments Human/Environment environment Interaction  Analyze the impact Scavenger hunt Oral of the movement of presentations people, goods, and Map-making Movement ideas around the Map activities world Lecture  Analyze the spatial Journals organization of Text reading Region people, places, and environments on the Earth

Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM

1 World Geography Program Goal 2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the past, its relationship to the present, and its effect on the future. History Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Analyze how the past Recognize the impact of Relate historical events of the Periodicals Exams influences the present regional historical nine world regions to the and the future. events on current and present, including these Populations studies Essays future political, themes: economic, and social Religious conflict Food production charts Simulations institutions and . Northern Ireland practices. . Arab-Israeli Climagraphs Projects . Holocaust Civil Rights Spatial maps Cooperative . Apartheid learning . Democracy vs. Demographic map/charts assignments communism Imperialism Audio-visuals Oral . Africa presentations . Asia Games Division & Ethnic groups Map activities . Sub Saharan Africa . Post WWI and WWII Journals Europe . Disruption of tribal and nomadic societies

Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM

2 World Geography Program Goal 3: Students will compare and contrast economic principles. Economics Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Understand the Compare and contrast . EU Lectures Exams dynamics of varying economic . NAFTA economics. systems of the world . Trade organizations Guest speakers Essays and how they affect . India's population and people. economic issues Article reading Simulations . Eastern European Describe the economic changes Economic land use Projects relationship between . Dictatorship in Latin economics and America (Cuba) maps/charts Cooperative geographic features. . Effect of trade imbalance learning and national debt on a Atlas assignments Understand the impact nation's economy (Japan of populations on the vs. U.S.) Audio-visual Oral economy. . Correlation between presentations economic growth and Understand how scarcity physical geography Map activities of resources requires . Absolute and comparative choices. advantage between Journals nations Explain the importance . Traditional, command, of economic growth to market, and mixed an economy and how economies GDP is used to measure it.

3 Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM

4 World Geography Program Goal 4: Students will compare and contrast various government structures. Government Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Compare the major Investigate the role of a . Argentina, U.S., and Lecture Exams forms of national and political system's South Africa governments world governments. influence on the overshadow geographic Readings Essays geography of a region. potential . Commonwealth of Simulations Simulations Examine changes within Independent States(CIS) regional and national . Role of U.S. in assisting Audio-visual Projects governments and the politically and impact of those changes economically changing Games Cooperative on global nations (Russia, CIS, learning interdependence. Germany, South Africa, assignments etc.) . Israel (Middle East) Oral . United Nations presentations . NATO . Communist bloc Map activities . Warsaw Pact Journals

Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM

5 World Geography Program Goal 5: Students will contribute as responsible and productive citizens in both individual and team settings. Civics Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Demonstrate Recognize the . Terrorism Text readings Projects responsible and differences and . War productive citizenship similarities among . Foreign aid Lectures Posters through participation cultures and the . Global warming in class projects or resulting conflicts Guest speakers Essays learning strategies. Simulations Exams Understand responsible . Water conservation ecological living. . Air pollution Role playing Research . Wildlife preservation . Scarce and finite Cooperative learning Oral resources . Desertification activities presentations . Overpopulation . Famine Games Map activities . Deforestation Journals

Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM

6 World Geography Program Goal 6: Students will incorporate problem solving and critical thinking skills to address personal, cultural, and societal issues. Complex thinking Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Use critical thinking Evaluate differences in . Poverty Text readings Projects skills to understand a quality of life around the . Disease variety of world world. . War Lectures Posters concerns. . Ethnic conflict(Bosnia, Apply critical thinking Rwanda) Guest speakers Essays strategies in addressing global issues. Simulations Exams

Integrate the five themes Role playing Research of geography in analyzing and proposing Cooperative learning Oral solutions to global problems. activities presentations

Games Map activities


Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM

7 World Geography Program Goal 7: Students will access, research, process, and evaluate information and communicate their understanding in a variety of ways. Information Gathering Outcomes Indicators/Objectives Key content/Key ideas Instructional Strategies Assessment Learners will… Learners will… Through a variety of Access, assemble, Identify potential information Research skills Presentation measurements interpret, and analyze Brainstorm and production demonstrate the maps, charts, and other Print media E-communication of posters, ability to access, graphics concerning E-communication . Search features papers, essays, research, process, and geographic information. Primary sources . Web-Quest projects, evaluate information. Secondary sources photographs, Interviews GIS games, maps Key words through the use Boolean search (and/or search of the library features) and research Accuracy skills, CD Relevancy ROM and Copyright date other Validity and reliability of technology- source driven Geographic Information materials Systems(GIS)

Olathe District Schools APPROVED BY BOE APRIL 2002 4/4/18 5:20 AM


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