Template for the Development of Planned Instruction s1

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Template for the Development of Planned Instruction s1

School District of Upper Moreland Township 2900 Terwood Road Willow Grove, PA 19090

Planned Course for World Languages

Course: AP Spanish

Standards: N.S. 1.1 Students engage in conversations, and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. N.S. 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. N.S. 1.3 Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. N.S. 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. N.S. 2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and the perspectives of the culture studied. N.S. 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the target language. N.S. 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the viewpoints that are only available through the target language and its cultures. N.S. 4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of the language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. N.S. 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. N.S. 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting. N.S. 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Course Description: The World Language program provides language and cultural experiences that are designed to enable students to function as 21st century learners in a multi-cultural global society. Following the guidelines of the six Advanced Placement themes, each course level will prepare students for communication and participation in the surrounding world. These themes include: Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics. Each student will be actively engaged in thinking and learning processes which include intensive involvement in the target language, and differentiated, personalized student-centered activities. Students are expected to gain an increasing level of communicative proficiency, within the interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive modes in the language with each additional level of the language as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages proficiency guidelines and the Pennsylvania Core Standards.

Students will use authentic reading and audio-visual resources to further develop their interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational written, aural, and oral communication abilities. Students will be expected to communicate primarily in the target language so that these skills are developed to their maximum potential. The primary texts are based on the themes and learning objectives outlined by AP Central. Temas is thematically based on various print and audio resources for students to use and help 3-12 World Languages Planned Course: AP Spanish June 2014 Committee them practice the tasks as well as work through the different learning objectives for each mode they will need to perform on the exam itself. Tejidos: Comunicación auténtica en un contexto cultural is a theme- based anthology. The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation is a task-based workbook to help students achieve success on the Advanced Placement Exam.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Spanish IV with a 70% or better final average in the said course and/or teacher recommendation.

Specific and measurable objectives to be attained by students: This course will focus on preparing students with the skills necessary to complete the AP exam successfully, and to develop additional proficiency in the four language skill areas: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

Materials: Text: Draggett, Parthena; Conlin, Cole; Ehrsam, Max; Millán, Elizabeth Temas Boston, Massachusetts, Vista Higher Learning, 2014 Cory, Megan; Parker, Janet; Schwenkler, Catherine Tejidos Wayside Publishing, 2013 Gatski, Barbara and McMullan, John Triángulo Aprobado Wayside Publishing, 2013 Santamaría Iglesias, Esther and Jones, Helen En Activo: Practical Business Spanish New York, NY Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2008 Blanco, José A. Revista, Boston, Massachusetts Vista Higher Learning, 2014 Gordon, PH.D., Ronni L.; Stillman, PH.D., David M. Repaso A Review Workbook for Grammar, Communication and Culture McGraw Hill Glencoe Díaz, José M. AP Spanish Preparing for the Language & Culture Examination, Prentice Hall 2014

Printable Resources: AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation Boston, Massachusetts Vista Higher Learning, 2014 Technology: EMC audio and DVD program; iCulture; iVideo; “Flip Grid” and “Avenue” and other support materials. TurningPoint Audience Response System Notes in Spanish podcasts Díaz, José M. AP Spanish Preparing for the Language & Culture Examination, Prentice Hall 2014 DVD program Other Resources: Authentic resources Teacher selected or created materials TPRS novels and other authentic novels

Instructional Activities: In a standards-based world language classroom the teachers and the students are actively and meaningfully engaged in the target language as a primary means of communication. Skills and content are continuously presented and developed throughout the program. The students will be exposed to

3-12 World Languages Planned Course: AP Spanish June 2014 Committee authentic language from the target culture in a variety of forms, such as games, level-appropriate literature, videos, magazines, people, internet activities, and cultural experiences. Available technology is used by the students and teacher to integrate real communication and culture to promote authentic language use. Teachers will use strategies that are more focused on student-centered activities rather than teacher-centered activities. Spanish AP students will engage in a variety of activities in the target language such as:

 Role plays  Reading, listening and speaking activities  Authentic online activities  Reading of authentic texts (cultural, literary, and technical)  Interactions with videos, live performances, and exhibits  Analysis and synthesis of media and written material  Internet research  Prepared and spontaneous speeches on varied topics  Writing: Persuasive and informative essays and emails  Presentations of thematically based current events  Communicating with people outside of the school in the target language  Visitations to settings outside of the school

Estimated instructional time to be devoted to achieving objectives: 182 days (48 minutes per day)

Procedure for measurement of student progress on attaining objectives: Goals for measurement of student progress are consistent with goals for instruction. In the same manner that quality instruction requires use of multiple instructional materials and strategies, quality measurement of student progress requires assessment in multiple skill and content areas. Students in our world language program will be assessed in their abilities to understand, speak, read, and write the language they are studying from a linguistic and cultural perspective. Students will be assessed through a variety of performance and content-based procedures, including (but not limited to):  Speaking samples  Compositions (Persuasive and informative writing)  quizzes and tests  Listening comprehension checks and assessments  Reading comprehension checks and assessments  Student performances and presentations  Student participation  Homework

An explanation of how student grades will be determined: Students will be evaluated in the areas of class work, homework, class participation, tests, quizzes and other performance assessments. Point values will be given for each assignment. Grades will be determined by at least five assignments per marking period.

Moreover, students will be assessed on other components that are integral for successfully completing the AP Language Exam. These include and are not limited to persuasive/informative essays, informal emails and presentations of international/national news to aid students in becoming comfortable with speaking to

3-12 World Languages Planned Course: AP Spanish June 2014 Committee and interacting with an audience extemporaneously. Additionally, students will be assessed on their ability to synthesize both written and spoken sources by speaking about them extemporaneously.

3-12 World Languages Planned Course: AP Spanish June 2014 Committee

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