New Member Sign-Up, Introductions, and Membership Renewals s1

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New Member Sign-Up, Introductions, and Membership Renewals s1

Triangle Neighbors’ Meeting of Wednesday, January 14, 2009

. 7:05 PM MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND INTRODUCTIONS – Ludwig o Attendees included: Craig Beattie, John Becvar, Lew Beyers, Rick Cummings, John Dalton, David Haymes, Mary Head, Kevin Jackson, Sandra Klein, Chester Kropidlowski, Shane Borkowsky Landler, Bennett Lawson, Jim Ludwig, Patrick Maloney, Mark Masaracchia, Alex Pereczky, John Pikarski, Mike Quigley, Greg Rohner, Jeff Stark, Constantine Trambas, Larissa Tyler, and Richard Winter o Sharon Lynch and Jennifer Dedes-Nowak were excused; John Becvar took minutes. o Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley provided an update on the state of Cook County and Illinois. o Mary Head moved and Greg Rohner seconded the approval of the minutes from 11/05/08. The motion carried by voice.

 SPACE PARK (815-817 W ROSCOE) UPDATES – Jim Ludwig provided an update on park activity. The front brick pillars are done and we are waiting for warmer weather to install the iron work. We are expecting a generous donation of bricks for the interior of the park from CSEM’s Chicago Flower and Garden Show. We will need help unloading the bricks. We are uncertain if we will do any planting this spring given the amount of construction we are anticipating.

 LAKE VIEW CITIZENS’ COUNCIL (LVCC) – John Becvar encouraged everyone to attend the Crime Prevention and Safety seminars co-sponsored by LVCC, the Police Department and Alderman Tunney’s office. Earlier we held the first seminar for businesses and 30+ people showed up in the extreme cold weather.

 CHICAGO CUBS – Jennifer Dedes-Nowak provided some 2009 Cubs pocket calendars for distribution at the meeting.

 44th WARD UPDATES - Bennett Lawson provided updates:

o The election dates for the recently vacated US 5th District Seat (Rahm Emanuel) have been set. Go to your standard polling place. (LVCC will be hosting a candidates’ forum in February so everyone will have a chance to hear the candidates.) o You can still recycle your Christmas tree through this weekend. o Parking meter rates and locations are still controlled by the local aldermen. In the 44th Ward, they are $0.50/hour and are currently at almost every logical spot. It is unlikely at this time that they would be 24/7. o Snow removal – reminder the City will not remove alley snow because the equipment cannot fit in the alley. o As a reminder, the price for the 383 guest stickers did increase on January 1st and you can still purchase books at the 44th Ward Office on Belmont. There is no planned increase for residential stickers or City parking stickers in the current budget.

1 Triangle Neighbors’ Meeting of Wednesday, January 14, 2009

 TRIANGLE ZONING AND LIQUOR LICENSE REQUESTS – o Greg Rohner, Triangle’s CDDC rep, provided an update on Shultz’ proposal for Clark/ Addison. Two new options have been proposed, neither ideal, but both are available on the LVCC web site and the 44th Ward web site. o Jan Sutkus is still working on the draft of the proposed liquor license zoning request form so we tabled this item from September to March’s meeting. o The proposal for zoning increase to C1-3 for 3532 N Halsted was presented. The proposal was available at the LVCC web site in advance of the meeting and included in the meeting invite. . Patrick Maloney, a Real Estate professional, asked if there were going to be side windows and commented the design was not ideal. . John Dalton, a Halsted business owner, asked about the noise levels impacting units given the high use of glass in the structure. He vocalized a concern that residents might complain about neighboring businesses. . Shane Landler, a resident who shares the same alley as the proposed structure, vocalized concerns about accessing her garage and commented she can only get into her garage when heading south. Her fear is that loading/unloading would block access in the alley. . Craig Beattie, a long-time Triangle resident, asked what was the intended commercial use and commented the space, although exceeding code, appeared to be limited for the types of commercial space we would want to attract. . Greg Rohner, the Triangle CDDC rep, asked if the existing curb cut would go away and the response was yes and that additional street parking would be restored. . Richard Winter, a Triangle resident, suggested the use of metal was a rather hard surface and that his personal opinion was a limestone would be more keeping with the neighborhood character. . Mary Head, the Triangle Treasurer, asked if there were going to be gangways from front to back; the response was no. . Greg Rohner asked about the property foundation and specifically, if there were tanks below the property. The response was no and that Phase I was clean. . Kevin Jackson, a business and property owner on Halsted, commented he believed otherwise and asked what rationalization there was to support the up-zoning other than the personal profit of the current owner? He added the proposal has too much residential density for a commercial street. . Kevin Jackson moved and Shane Landler seconded a motion to OPPOSE the up-zoning request for 3532 N Halsted. The vote was 20-1 (the property owner) in favor of OPPOSING the up-zoning.

 OLD AND NEW BUSINESS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS o Chester Kropidlowski asked for community feedback on the recent Wrigley Field Hockey game and community skate.  NEXT MEETING – Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 7 p.m. in the LVCC Offices.  ADJOURNMENT at 8:30PM. Respectfully submitted,

John Becvar Vice President Triangle Neighbors 2

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