Supplemental Table 1. Antibodies Used for Immunohistochemistry

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Supplemental Table 1. Antibodies Used for Immunohistochemistry

Supplemental Table 1. Antibodies used for Immunohistochemistry

Name Host/Clone Antigen Characteristics Clone, source (cat. no.) Conc. Staining pattern; Control tissue; References Retrieval Staining assessed in PMID

Laminin M/m GST-laminin-gamma2-III fusion 4G, Dako Braunschweig 1:25 C; epithelial cells; 11299788 protein (aa 391-567) Germany (M7262) S:TRSpH6,1 T, NT S100 R/p S100 Protein (cow brain); antibody Dako (Z0311) 1:1000 C/N; histiocytes; 3415443 reacts strongly with S100A and S100B Pronase C, N* NSE M/m Gamma gamma Enolase from human BBS/NC/VI-H14, Dako (M0873) 1:500 C; neuroendocrine cells 7812919 brain MW T Vimentin M/m Vimentin from bovine eye lens VIM3B4, Dako (M7020) 1:300 C; mesenchymal cells 7812919 (Epitope on coil 2 from rod domain) MW T GFAP M/m Human glial fibrillary acidic protein MIG-G2G, Linaris Dossenheim, 1:5 C/MEM; Schwann cells 11481518 Germany (E008) MW T CD34 M/m Endothelial cell membranes obtainded QBEnd10, Dako (M7165) 1:100 MEM; endothelial cells 22456515 as vesicles from human placenta S:TRSpH6,1 T, NT CD56 (N-CAM) M/m CD56 glycoprotein, neural cell BC56C04, Sanova, Vienna, 1:50 MEM; neurons 10644945 adhesion molecule Austria (CM164, ABC) MW T CD57 M/m Human peripheral blood mononuclear NK-1, Novocastra/Leica Berlin 1:20 MEM; neurons 22050593 cells Germany (NCL-NK1) Pronase T HER2 R/p Synthetic human c-erbB-1 peptide N/A, Dako (A0485) 1:600 MEM; breast carcinoma 19434003 from the intracytoplasmatic portion PC T FLI-1 R/p Synthetic peptide from C-terminus N/A, Medac Wedel Germany 1:100 N; keratinocytes, melanocytes 18785112 (RB-9295) MW T NF M/m NF normal human brain NR4, Dako (M0762) 1:500 C; neurones central & periphere 6190849 none T MelanA/MART-1 M/m Recombinant Melan-A protein A103, Dako (M7196) 1:200 C; melanocytes 11474288 expressed in E.coli MW T Collagene IV M/m Human glomeruli PHM-12, Novocastra/Leica 1:200 C; basement membrane 15936594 (Col IV) (NCL-Coll-IV) Citrate T, NT HMB45 (gp100) M/m Metastasing melanoma cells (Anti HMB45, Zytomed Berlin, 1:200 C; melanocytes, nevus cells; 11756773 human melanosome) Germany (MSK007-05) MW T c-kit (CD117) R/p Peptide corresp. to cytoplasmatic part N/A, Dako (A4502) 1:200 C/MEM; mast cells 21897303 of c-kit (aa 963-976) MW T CD99 (MIC2 M/m ALL T-cells 12E7, Dako (M3601) 1:100 MEM; Ewing sarkoma 17026517 gene product) none T CD68 M/m Human mononuclear spleen cells PG-M1, Dako (M0876) 1:100 C; histiocytes 16078259 containing > 80% Gaucher's cells S:TRSpH6,1 T, NT Desmin M/m Intermediate filament proteins DE-R-11, Menarini Berlin, 1:50 C; skleletal and cardiac muscle 7512798 Germany (NCL-L-Des-DerII) Prot K T SMA M/m N-terminal synthetic decapeptide of α- 1A4, Dako (M0851) 1:400 MEM; smooth muscle cells 7812919 SMA MW T, V CK (AE1.3) R/p Bovine muzzle epidermal keratin AE1+AE3, Dako (M3515) 1:100 C; epithelial differentiation 7812919 Pronase T CAM5.2 (K7) M/m OT11- ovarian carcinoma cell line OV-TL 12/39, Dako (M7018) 1:200 C; CK8>CK7+ epithelium; 7812919 Pronase T p75 R/p Third exon of mouse p75 Millipore Schwalbach, Germany 1:100 MEM; Schwann cells and neurons 21178583 (aa 43-161) (AB1554) PC C, N* DOG1 R/p Synthetic human DOG1 protein BV10, Zytomed (RMAB031) 1:200 C/MEM; GIST 21685034 PC T p53 M/m Recombinant human wild-type p53 DO-7, Dako (M7001) 1:500 N; colorectal carcinoma 18780655 protein MW T MUM1 M/m Recombinant GST-MUM1 fusion MUM1p, Dako (M7259) 1:100 N; germinal center B cells 11455001 protein MW T MDM2 M/m Peptide epitope around Thr-216 of SMP14, Abcam (ab3110) 1:100 N/C; breast carcinoma 17895748 murine MDM2 PC C, N* EGFR M/m Extracellular domain of human 2.1E1, Zytomed Systems 1:100 C/MEM; carcinoma 10098284 recombinant EGFR protein (MSK014-05) Pronase T c-MET R/m Synthetic peptide corresp. to the C- Met(D1C2), Cell Signaling, 1:200 C/MEM; carcinoma 8180811 terminus of the human Met protein Frankfurt Germany; (8198S) Citrate T ALK M/m DHFR-ALK recombinant protein ALK1, Dako (M7195) 1:100 C/N ALK-rearranged NSCLC 22100693 comprising mouse DHF reductase MW T c-myc R/p Synthetic peptide corresp. to residues EP121, Epitomics 1:100 C/N; Burkitt lymphoma 9621133 in N-terminus of human c-myc protein S:EDTApH8 T

Abbreviations: aa, amino acid; cat, catalogue; Conc., concentration; C: cytoplasmic; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GIST, gastro intestinal stromal tumor; MEM: membranous; m: monoclonal; M, mouse; MW, microwave; No, number; N, nuclear; NT, non-tumor; p, polyclonal; PC, pressure cooker; PMID, pubmed identification number; R, rabbit; Retrieval, antigen retrieval; S, steamer; T, tumor; TRS, target retrieval solution; V, vessels (see note); *, indicates that cytoplasmic (C) and nuclear (N) staining was assessed in tumor cells.

Note: In the CD34 (V) assessment, presence of at least 3 arterioles (≥ 25µm diameter) in association with arborizing capillaries in 2 high power fields (x400) was required to assign positivity. For all other markers, a case was scored positive when ≥10% of the assessed cells showed immunoreactivity.

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