Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church

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Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church

O Physician of Souls and Bodies, we pray for: Lucille Allison, Cynthia Barbat, Alexa Bitsko, Kathleen Burns, Diane Chase, Joe Danscuk, Bruce De Witt, Marlene Fjalberg, John Florko, Fr. Julian Gnall, Michael Havens, Connie Martinez, Nickolas Pasnak, Sylvia Pasnak, Ted Pasnak, Holy Angels Layla Rose Patnode, Geoffrey Penar, Daniel Perez, Margaret Raya, Candace Scialdone, Frank Scialdone, George Siwiecki, Tim Stuhr, Pat Walsh and Daniel Zuniga. Byzantine Catholic Church

How’s your vision?: Is your vision out of focus? If your focus is to know God and His people and bring about His purposes, then you are walking in the light. You aren’t as likely to stumble because you see things the way they really are. Just as a good eye gives light to the body and enables us to move ahead and see, so it is with a single-minded vision. Ambition to serve God and your neighbor brings meaning to life and sheds God’s light on everything you do. We live in a world focused on material things. Many of us over-spend and saddle ourselves Church with a backbreaking debt. But if we set our vision on things that matter to God, our perspective changes. We gradually become generous givers instead of borrowing accumulators. Consider the following questions to see if you need spiritual corrective lens: + What portion of your expenditures is aimed at seeking earthly security? + When you look around your house, how much have you accumulated that you don’t need? + How much debt do you have? Do you know where all your money is going? + Do you serve God and use money, or do you serve money and use God? + Is the world around you better off because you’ve been entrusted with material blessings? + Are you making significant investments in heaven?

Death Holds No Power Over Us: The Word of God, incorporeal, incorruptible and immaterial, entered our world. Yet is was not as if He had been remote from it up to that time. For there is no part of the world that was ever without His presence; together with His Father, He continually filled all things and places… Within the Virgin He built Himself a temple, that is, a body; He made it His own instrument in which to dwell and to reveal Himself. In this way He received from mankind a body St. Thaddeus (August 21) like our own, and, since all were subject to the corruption of death, He delivered this body over to death for all, and with supreme love offered it to the Father. He did so to destroy the law of corruption passed against all men, since all died in Him. The law, which had spent its force on the August 20, 2017 body of the Lord, could no longer have any power over His fellowmen. Moreover, this was the way in which the Word was to restore mankind to immortality, after it had fallen into corruption, “All life has inestimable value even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, and summon it back from death to life. He utterly destroyed the power death had against mankind the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, – as fire consumes chaff – by means of the body He had taken and the grace of the resurrection. destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.”…. Pope This is the reason why the Word assumed a body that could not die, so that this body Francis. sharing in the Word who is above all, might satisfy death’s requirement in place of all…The corruption of death no longer holds any power over mankind, thanks to the Word, who has come to We especially welcome all visitors and guests. dwell among them through His one body. St. Athanasius the Great Please join us in our hall for refreshments after Divine Liturgy. Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church O Lord, Bless the Worship and Stewardship of your faithful servants: 13 Aug – Attendance: 76; Adult Tithes: $2,075.00; Youth Tithes: $7.00; Holy Day: $20.00; Renovation Fund: $1,100.00; Total: 2235 Galahad Road $3,202.00. San Diego, California 92123-3931 Very Rev. Brian Escobedo, Pastor Vocation Icon : This Week (20 Aug): (Mulvey Family) Next Week (27 Aug): (Elnora Rusnak) Rectory/Office: 858-277-2511 Social Hall/Ethnic Foods: 858-268-3458 Please sign up to host the vocation icon in 2017 and 2018. Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.HolyAngelsSanDiego.com Parish Rummage Sale: Thanks to all who helped us in this time-consuming endeavor. We are Facebook: Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church blessed to have earned $1,658 for the parish. LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Thank You: Joel and Justin Espedal for setting up the grave for Our Lady’s burial shroud for the Feast of the Dormition. Also for changing the altar linens to blue. These things don’t just “happen” th Sunday: 20 Aug (11 Sunday after Pentecost) (I Cor 9:2-12; Mt 18:23-35) and we appreciate your hard work. 9 AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish) Eternal Lamp – (Ted & Sylvia Pasnak) Reflection on Dormition Attendance: If you did not attend Divine Liturgy for this Holy Day please reflect on whether it is necessary to go to Confession to receive the Holy Eucharist worthily Tuesday: 22 Aug (Martyrs Agathonicus,Zoticus,Theoprepius, Acindynus and Severianus) Reminder: The narthex foldable chairs are for parents needing to leave the pews with their children 12PM Sixth Hour and still see the Divine Liturgy. Also, keep restroom doors open when not in use.

Saturday: 26 Aug (Martyrs Adrian and Natalie) (1 Cor 1:26-29; Mt 20:29-34) Parish Greetings Ministry: A ministry to greet visitors and assist first-time visitors. After training 9 AM Divine Liturgy (+ Alex Lasok) two greeters will serve each Sunday. With 10 volunteers you serve every fifth Sunday. Give Fr. 5 PM Great Vespers Brian your names and help to serve Our Lord in this area of welcome and evangelization.

Sunday: 27 Aug (12th Sunday after Pentecost) (I Cor 15:1-11; Mt 19:16-26) Annual Uniontown, PA Metropolia Pilgrimage for Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Information 9 AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish) flyers are in the narthex about our oldest Byzantine pilgrimage in the U.S. this Labor Day weekend. Eternal Lamp – (Ted & Sylvia Pasnak) Catholic Answers National Conference on the Reunion of All Christians: Sept 28-30 in San Preparation for Holy Mysteries: Baptisms require Pre-Jordan; Marriages require Pre-Cana. All Diego. Pick up a flyer in the Narthex. requesting mysteries must be parishioners of Holy Angels for at least six months. Discernment Retreat at Christ the Bridegroom Monastery: Single Catholic women, ages 18-35, Liturgy, Panachida and Eternal Lamp Intentions: Give to Fr. Brian to schedule. who would like to take a weekend to pray about a possible vocation to the monastic or religious life, are invited to inquire about attending the upcoming discernment retreat at Christ, the Bridegroom Weekday Evening Confessions: First Wednesday of the month from 7-8pm. Also available before Monastery, Thursday Oct 12 – Sunday Oct 15, 2017. See the Narthex for more information or call all services, or just drop-in/call. Confessions end 15 minutes prior to services. Mother Theodora at 440-834-0290 or email [email protected]. Space is limited.

Sick Calls/Anointing/Hospital Visits : May be requested by the parishioner or family. Parishioners Master of Arts in Theology On-Line: Available from our Seminary. Pick up a flyer in the Narthex. anointed prior to surgery/hospitalization and after Sunday Divine Liturgy as needed. Upcoming dates: Aug 27 (WOHA meeting) Aug 29 (Beheading of John the Forerunner- by tradition strict fast from meat and dairy products) Sept 1 (Beginning of the new Church Year)

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