First Meeting EVER for the Brand New Totally Hip

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First Meeting EVER for the Brand New Totally Hip

June 14, 2009

First Meeting EVER for the brand new totally hip Crown Club of Crystal Springs!!!!!

AGENDA I. (Take photo!!!!) Call to order

II. Welcome & Announcements *Please turn all cell phones to Silent Mode.

III. Documenting Our Hours (this will be done at the end of the meeting in small group time for next few months)

IV. Prayer

Junior Auxiliary Prayer (in time you will write your very own Crown Club prayer) Send us, O God, as Thy messengers to the hearts without a home, to lives without love, to the crowds without a guide. Send us to the children whom none have blessed, to the famished whom none have visited, to the fallen whom none have lifted, to the bereaved whom none have comforted.

Kindle Thy flame on the altars of our hearts, that others may be warmed thereby; cause Thy light to shine in our souls, that others may see the way; keep our sympathies and insight ready, our wills keen, our hands quick to help others in their need.

Grant us clear vision, true judgment, with great daring as we seek to right the wrong; and so endow us with cheerful love that we may minister to the suffering and forlorn even as Thou wouldst. May the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, rest upon us and upon all our work. May He give us light to guide us, courage to support us, and love to unite us now and forever more.

Amen V. 3 Minute Spiritual Pit Stop--Jill Hoda VI. Roll Call

VII. Approve Minutes (will begin this next month and our goal will be to submit them electronically)

VIII. Report of Officers (will begin in September) Election Process: Submit your name, position desired and reason why you feel you would be effective in that role to Jana or Melody by August 1st. At the August meeting, be prepared to give a 2 minute speech (can be less, but do not go over). At the conclusion of the speeches, voting will be done by secret ballots. Votes will be counted by CC advisors and officer installation will occur at the conclusion of the August meeting.

(Open your Constitution and let's read officer descriptions)

A. President

B. Vice President

C. Secretary/Treasurer Dues need to be paid by August.

D. Projects Chair

E. Public Relations Officer

F. Education Chair

G. Chaplain

X. New Business

1. Swimming (Kristen Traxler) 2. Barbecue and Blue Jeans (Carrie Barnhart)

XI. Program

1. What the heck is Junior Auxiliary?

2. Introduce Robert's Rules of Order and why it's important (Role Play effective vs. ineffective meetings and conduct)

3. Meet your small group leader for the next 3 months! Emilee Bell, Ginny Ulland/Keri Henley, Jill Hoda, Carrie Barnhart

XII. Announcements A. ***Our next meeting is Sunday, July 12

***Be thinking of officer elections--your statement of intent is due to Jana or Melody by August 1st.

***Be thinking about service project with DHS kids at Christmas time!

B. Good Announcements from the floor!

C. Prayer Requests

XIII. Adjournment back into Small Groups for final questions and wrap up prayer. The only rule here is NO QUESTION IS A DUMB QUESTION!!!

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