Star Light, Star Bright
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Alphabet Alliteration Poem
In alliteration, each important word in the line begins with the same letter. These poems end up being crazy, nonsense poems. Use your imagination and alliteration skills to write three words for each alphabet letter. If you want to, write longer alliteration phrases. Poetry The first word should be an adjective (word describing a noun) followed by a noun (the subject – the person or thing), followed by a verb (showing the action that the subject does).
Example: Place Awesome ants ache Bony baboons bake Crazy cats crawl Dizzy dogs drool Poems For Eager elephants eat . . etc... You to Write . Zippy zebras zoom Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight. Star light, star bright, I wish I may, I wish I might, First star I see tonight. Have the wish I wish tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight. I Wish #1 (use a color, place, and character) I Wish #2 (use an emotion and a famous person) First line: I wish ______, First line: I wish ______, (repeat as often as desired) (repeat as often as desired) Last line: And I wish ______. Last line: And I wish ______.
Example I Wish Example: I wish I could go swimming in my purple bathing suit with Snow I Wish White in Disneyland. I wish I wasn’t so angry with Santa Claus about forgetting my I wish my parents would take me to Greenland to meet the Pink Barbie. Panther. I wish I could stop being afraid of Freddy Krueger – He gives me I wish I could eat green beans while watching Charlie Brown in my nightmares. living room. I wish Brad Pitt would like me and be my friend. And I wish I had some pink shoes to show Princess Pinelope in I wish The Wiggles would come to Surrey and make me happy. Paris. And I wish Robert Munsch would come to my class and make me laugh. I Like I’m So Smart
I like ______, First Line: I’m so smart ______, But I don’t like ______. (repeat as often as desired) (repeat as often as desired) Last Line: And I’m so smart ______.
Example I Like Example I like it when my sister sleeps quietly, I’m So Smart But I don’t like it when my sister cries hysterically. I’m so smart I can read books upside down. I like it when it snows, I’m so smart I can count to 1000 without stopping. But I don’t like it when it rains after it snows and the I’m so smart I can read to my baby brother. snow turns to slush. I’m so smart I earned $3.25 selling iced tea. I like hot summer days. I’m so smart I could ride a bike when I was five. But I don’t like it when I go outside without putting on And I’m so smart I can each you to write poems like this too. sunscreen. I like to eat Christmas oranges. But I don’t like other oranges because they are too difficult to peel. If It Weren’t For You When You Tell Me Line 1: If it weren’t for you [person], Use antonyms to write this poem (for Line 2:______. example, happy/sad, angry/calm, unafraid/afraid, lucky/unlucky). (Repeat as often as desired) Line 1: When you (tell/ask) me ______, Line 2: I feel ______and ______. Second to last line: But if it weren’t Line 3: But when you [opposite of 1st line] for you [same person] Line 4: I feel ______and ______. Last line: ______.
Example If It Weren’t For You If it weren’t for you little sister, I would never have to share the T.V. If it weren’t for you little sister, Example I could read without being disturbed. When You Tell Me If it weren’t for you little sister, When you tell me you like me, I could go to the movies with my friend. I feel happy and I smile. If it weren’t for you little sister, But when you tell me you don’t like me, All my toys would be in one piece. I feel sad and I want to cry. But if it weren’t for you little sister, I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to at night. Colours #1 Colours #2
Choose a color. Think of words, feelings, Choose a color. Think of words, feelings, phrases and ideas that you associate with phrases and ideas that you associate with that color. that color.
1 st line: [Color] is like ______. 1 st line: [Color] is as [same color] _____.
repeat repeat
Last line: And [same color] is ______. Last line: And [color] is as [same color] as ______.
Example Example
Green Colors
Green is like jumbo sour dill pickles. Orange is as orange as a pumpkin in a field on Halloween. Green is like a field of grass dotted with dandy lions. Blue is as blue as the sky on a summer day. Green is what you feel when someone has what you want. Purple is as purple as a sweet, juicy plum. Green is a frog jumping in a smelly swamp. Brown is as brown as the dirt in my brother’s mud pies. And green is like the leaves of a tree in the summer. Red is as red as a sugary lollipop. If I Were ... Give Me ...
Think of an animal, book character, person, cartoon, villain, or hero you would like to be. First Line: Give me ______; Think about what you would do if you could be anything you wanted. (repeat as often as desired) If I were a ______, I would ______. Last Line: And give me ______. (Repeat as often as desired)
Example #1 If I Were a Ladybug If I were a ladybug, I would fly to the top of my house. If I were a ladybug, I would land on a baby’s nose. If I were a ladybug, Example I would paint myself with purple spots. Give Me
Give me a sunny day in April after a soft spring rain; Example #2 Give me a great big bunch of fragrant lilacs; What I Would Do Give me peace everywhere in the world; If I were a painting on a wall, Give me a white dove of peace; I would stare back at people staring at me. Give me a chance to help someone; If I were a blade of grass, Give me a strong body and a strong mind; I would yell when someone started to cut me. Give me a trip around the world; If I were a leaf, And give me a ticket and I’ll go. I would want to stay green so I could live forever. What Am I Like? Changes What are you like and why? Choose one of Think of some ways you have changed since you the following to write about or come up were a baby. Compare this with how you are with your own idea. now. What do you think caused the changes? Are you more like the sun or the moon? Line 1: I used to be ______; day or night? Line 2: I became ______; an earthquake or volcano? Line 3: Now ______. snow or rain? (repeat) the ocean or mountains? a dog or a cat? Example #1 cotton or wool? Change summer or winter? I used to be shy; I became talkative; Line 1: Am I like ______or ______? Now I am a chatterbox and my teacher has to tell me to quiet Line 2: I am like ______(for/because) down. ______. I used to be afraid of the dark; I became less afraid as I camped in the woods; (Repeat as often as desired) Now I love the peace and quiet of the night.
Example #2 Example Change What Am I Like? I used to be a picky eater, my dad says; Am I like the gentle rain or a flood? I became a little girl who like to eat everything; I am like a flood for I do things quickly and in a hurry. Now I eat everything all day long. Am I like the day or like the night? I am like the day for I thrive on noise and movement and life. I used to like “Sesame Street” best of all TV shows; Am I like the city or the country? I became a fan of “Friends”; I am like the city for I am always looking for new places to go. Now my favorite show is “Survivor”. Kittens are cute and loving and definitely worth the bother! Definitions Word Pictures
This is a poem that will be about your feelings Carefully look at an object of your choice (a toward a person, a place, a thing, a season, a paper clip, shoe, cup, telephone, pencil, notebook, feeling, a relationship, or a family member of chalk, and so on) and describe it and tell about your choice. its function, without using words that tell the object’s identity. The last line should contain a Some possible topics include happiness, anger, sound associated with the object. jealousy, loneliness, confusion, tigers, beaches, summer, friends, brothers, sisters, shoes, zebras, or school. You may think of others on Example #1
your own. Scissors Long, sharp and made of metal or plastic; They cut paper and cardboard; Here are some questions to ask yourself: My fingers fit into two round circles; What is it? What is it like? What is it not like? They open and close, open and close; What are some examples of it? Snip, snap! Snip, snap!
Example Kittens Kittens are soft furry creatures. Example #2 Kittens are loud purring sounds in your ears. Paper Kittens are nocturnal animals who like to stay up all night. It can be white or colored. Kittens are cute and cuddly. We use it to write on. Kittens are sharp claws that scratch your hand when you are A new piece can cut our fingers if we are not careful. playing with them. When we make a mistake we can crumple it up into a ball. Kittens are annoying when they meow all nightlong outside your Crumple, crunch, crumple, crunch. bedroom door. I Like Two Worders
Margaret Wise Brown wrote a poem called Bugs. Each line in this poem can contain only two Using the frame below, write your own poem like words. A separate thought about the Margaret Wise Brown about objects of your choice. chosen topic is expressed in each line. You may choose to write about yourself, about I Like pets, schools, relatives, classmates, feelings, seasons, sports, favorite toys, or I Like ______. themes like whales, space, animals, etc... Any kind of ______. Bad ______, mean ______, round ______, Example #1 Example #2 Green ______, fat ______. Lainey A ______in a ______. Bats Loves fish A ______on the ______. Reads books Are nocturnal A ______in the ______. Many friends Fly fast Wants dog Uses echolocation A ______in the ______. Any kind Eats fruit Buggy ______, black ______. Likes purple Drinks milk Any kind of ______. Hates tuna Sleeps strange Eats anyway. Small mammals I like ______. Won’t bite aching tummy! Halloween Holidays Acrostic Poem
Think of a holiday. Think of words or phrases Acrostic Poems are poems that go down that go with that holiday. Try to think of and across. The poems don’t have to something for each of your five senses (sight, rhyme, and they can have as many words hearing, smell, taste, and touch). Use the format provided below to write a poem about as you like. You can choose any subject your favorite holiday. you like, even your own name.
Line 1: [Name of chosen holiday] Line 2: [Something one sees during the holiday] Line 3: [Something one hears during the holiday] Example Line 4: [Something one smells during the holiday] Line 5: [Something one tastes during the Crunchy, munchy O holiday] h, so sweet Oodles of chocolate and nuts Line 6: [Something one feels during the holiday] Kids love them! Line 7: Repeat the first line I like to eat them hot from the oven Everyone waits for them to cool. Example
Halloween Witches, ghosts, and goblins out in the streets. “Trick or Treat!” they tell their neighbors. Smells of popcorn, licorice, and candy apples. The best house give chocolate candy bars. Example #2 Example #1 Cinquain Poem Cats Motorbike Independent, friendly Noisy, fast “Cinq” means “five” in French. A cinquain poem is a Meowing, purring, Racing, climbing, special kind of five-line poem with a very strict form. sleeping crashing, I love my cat Fun on two wheels Line 1: One word – the subject of the poem. Dirt Bike Feline This word is a noun. Line 2: Two words describing the title. These words are adjectives, words Who-What-When-Where-Why Poem describing the noun. (W-W-W-W-W Poem) Line 3: Three words expressing action. These are verbs which tell what the noun in line one does. Separate the verbs with Who, what, when, where, why poems should be commas. five lines long. The poem should tell a story or Line 4: Four words expressing a feeling. give a strong picture of someone or something. This can be a short phrase or series of Each line should answer one of the “w”questions
words. in the order listed above. When you read the Line 5: One word that is another word for the poem, it should sound like two sentences put subject. This should be a synonym for the together. subject.
Example #2 Getting Ready WHO: I WHAT: prepare for the race by running five miles WHEN: every morning before school WHERE: around the neighborhood. WHY: You should always be prepared. Example #1 Waiting WHO: The old man WHAT: sat alone WHEN: on a sunny summer afternoon WHERE: on his front porch. WHY: He was enjoying the breeze and drinking iced tea.