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Richlands High School “Blue Tornado” Marching Band Presents “Along Came a Spider”
2017-2018 A 13 Time Virginia Honor Band 1 A 5 Time VMEA Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
Please sign and return to Mr. Miller by August 31, 2017.
Thank you!
Please sign below to signify the following:
We have read and understand the contents of this handbook and course syllabus. We have written practice/performance dates on the calendar. We understand and will abide by attendance policies outlined. We understand the travel policies outlined. We understand that it is our responsibility to maintain our practice schedule and to give appropriate notification for conflicts. Parents and students are responsible for payment of all student debt that is incurred during the 2017-18 school year. We agree to maintain any school equipment used throughout the school year. All repairs or replacements will be at our expense, not the Richlands High School Band. We are expected to maintain all personal items and keep them in proper working order. These include personal instrument, music, supplies, etc. We understand, by signing this form, this grants your child permission to travel with the RHS Bands throughout the 2017-18 school year We have returned an accurate medical form to be kept on file in a private/confidential location
I have read the 2017-18 Band Course Syllabus, Band Handbook, & Band Booster Guidelines and understand what is expected of me as a member of the Richlands High School Band Organization. I understand that this class is a performance-based course and requires after school hours rehearsals and performances. (Please refer to the band handbook for those important dates and times). Student Name: ______Grade______Parent Name: ______Parent Phone Number: ______Parent E-Mail Address: ______
2 Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent(s) Signature):______Date:______Richlands Middle/High School Bands Calendar of Events July 2017-May 2018
July 17-19 Auxiliary Camp (Color Guard & Majorettes only) @ RMS 9:00am-5:00pm
July 20 Band Booster Executive Board Meeting – 6:00pm
July 25-28 Marching & Music Rehearsal 9:00am – 4:30p.m. (Attendance is Mandatory for all Winds & Percussion)
July 28 Picture Day 9:00am-Noon (All Marching Band Students must attend)
July 30-Aug. 2 Band Camp @ Richlands Campus (This is required of all Marching Band Participants)
Aug. 3 RHS Band Premieres the 2016 Marching Show at Ernie Hicks Stadium. Students report at 9:30a.m. Pre- view Performance begins at 6:30pm
Aug. 10 Full Band Practice 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Aug. 15 Full Band Practice 3:00 – 5:30pm & 6th Grade Orientation
Aug. 17 First Day of School
Aug. 17 RHS vs. Grundy-Benefit Game (Home/Full Band)
Aug. 24 General Band Booster Meeting; 6:00pm (Executive Board will meet at 5:30pm)
Aug. 25 RHS vs. Gate City (Home/Full Band)
Sept. 1 RHS vs. Union (Away/Pep Band will travel)
Sept. 4 Labor Day – No Band Practice
Sept. 8 Open
Sept. 14 Band Booster Executive Board Meeting; 6:00pm
Sept. 15 RHS. vs. Blacksburg (Home/Full Band) **Senior Recognition**
Sept. 16 Cedar Bluff Heritage Festival 8:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Sept. 21 Homecoming Parade 6:00pm
Sept. 22 RHS vs. William Byrd (Home/ Full Band) ** Homecoming**
Sept. 23 Saturday “Band Camp Review”competitions begin @ RMS 9:00am-3:00pm (lunch on your own) *Tentative*
Sept. 29 RHS vs. Bluefield (Away/Pep Band will travel) – Start time for game will be 7:30pm
Sept. 30 Band Competition; TBA
Oct. 6 RHS vs. Tazewell (Away/ Full Band)
3 Oct. 7 Lonesome Pine Band Festival, Central HS, Wise, VA; TBA
Oct. 13 RHS vs. Marion (Away/Pep Band will travel)
Oct. 14 Battle Marching Invitational, JBHS, Bristol, VA; TBA
Oct. 19 Band Booster General Meeting; 6:00pm
Oct. 20 RHS vs. Graham (Home/ Full Band)
Oct. 21 VBODA State Marching Band Assessment (West Site), Hosted by Richlands High School, TBA
Oct. 27 RHS vs. Lebanon (Away/ Pep Band)
Nov. 3 RHS vs. Virginia High (Home/Full Band)
Nov. 9 Band Booster Executive Board Meeting; 6:00pm
Nov. 16 SWCC Band Day for grades 8-12
Dec. 2 Tazewell Christmas Parade (We will attend if we do not have a play-off game)- TBA
Dec. 3 Richlands Christmas Parade – Call time 4:00pm **Tentative Date**
Dec. 7 RHS Music Department Christmas Concert @ RMS – 6:30 p.m. (This is considered our Band Booster General Meeting for Dec.)
Dec. 9 All District Band Auditions @ John Battle High School – TBD
Dec. 14 RMS Music Department Christmas Concert @ RMS – 7:00 p.m.
Jan. 6 All District Band Auditions @ JBHS (Alternate Date)
Jan. 11 Band Booster Officer Meeting; 6:00pm **Initial Golf Tournament Meeting**
Feb. 2 & 3 Jr. – Sr. All District Bands @ VA Highlands Higher Ed Center Abingdon, VA
Feb. 8 General Band Booster Meeting; 6:00pm
Feb. 25 All Virginia Band & Orchestra Auditions @ JMU
Mar. 8 Pre-Assessment Concert @ RMS; 7:00 p.m. (Grades 7-12 are involved in this performance)
Mar. 15 Band Booster Officer Meeting; 6:00pm
Mar. 21 & 22 Concert Assessment @ Virginia High School; Reserve Both Dates
April 12 General Band Booster Meeting; 6:00pm
April 19 Solo & Ensemble @ Holston High School, TBA **Tentative Date**
April 26 RHS & RMS Bands Spring Concert @ RMS 7:00pm (Mandatory Meeting for all 7 & 8th Grade Parents Following Performance)
May 3 RHS Band Banquet @ RMS Cafeteria; 6:30pm (Tentative) (This is considered our Band Booster General Meeting for May)
TBA RHS Graduation – Attendance is required for Grades 8-11. This is your final exam
*** All 2017 Football Games will begin @ 7:00pm; not 7:30pm***
***All events scheduled on this calendar are subject to change due to schedule conflicts or unforeseen reasons. A one month notice will be given of all changes***
***In the Month of November/December, expect Football Play-off Games; the RHS Marching Band is required to attend these games*** **Attendance is required for each event listed** 4 Useful Information
**Marching Band Practice will be held every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 3:35pm-5:35pm beginning August 22 until the end of competition season. Once competition season is completed, we will go to 1 day a week (Thursday) for after school Marching Band Practice.** **Please check Mr. Miller’s instructional web page calendar for updates** **Please make Mr. Miller aware of any absences or schedule conflicts ASAP**
RHS Band Office/Cell Phone Number 276-963-5370 Ext. 6; 276-963-8103
Richlands High School Phone Number 276-964-4602
Richlands Middle School Phone Number 276-963-5370
Mr. Miller’s email address: [email protected] (preferred)
Mr. Miller’s Instructional Web Page: PageName=TeacherPage&Page=1&StaffID=251555&iSection=Teachers&Correspo ndingID=251555
Like the Richlands High School Band Booster’s Facebook Page to be kept up to date on events!!
Remind App for Text Messages: Create a text message to 81010 and send this message @rhsblu
When paying for anything related to the band, please make checks payable to: Richlands High School Band
Mailing Address P.O. Box 88 Richlands, VA 24641 5 Physical Address (New as of July 1, 2017) 294 Learning Lane Richlands, VA 24641
6 Band Booster Meeting Schedule 2017-2018
There will be a General Band Booster meeting EVERY OTHER MONTH starting in August. Meetings are held at 6:00pm in the Band room. Band Booster officers will also meet every other month starting in September. If a meeting is cancelled, we will reschedule to the next Thursday during that month. Before all general booster meetings, the executive board will meet at 5:30pm.
October 19, 2017 – 6:00pm GENERAL BAND BOOSTER MEETING
February 8, 2018 – 6:00pm GENREAL BAND BOOSTER MEETING
April 12, 2018 – 6:00pm GENERAL BAND BOOSTER MEETING
7 Richlands High School Bands 185 Learning Lane Richlands, VA 24641
Dear Students and Parents,
WELCOME to the RICHLANDS BLUE TORNADO MARCHING BAND. The band is one of the most active and well-known student organizations at Richlands High/Middle School. During the regular academic year, the band participates in a wide range of musical activities.
Members of the “Blue Tornado” Marching Band will value their membership and association with this organization in the highest regard. Each student’s participation in the band should be one of their most memorable and valuable school experiences.
Student participation in band requires more time than most other school activities. Few activities provide the fellowship, recreation, and personal gratification students will experience through performance.
Although band requires much time, it has been found that students can enjoy a wide variety of extracurricular interests while maintaining their academic work with high standards.
Parental involvement is vital to a successful band program. It takes tremendous effort on everyone’s part to put “The Show on the Road.” It is also an enormous task to coordinate all of the activities involved in keeping an organization of this size in running order. So, I thank you in advance for the time you spend, the support you give, and your willingness to lend a hand when needed. Let’s strive to have the BEST YEAR EVER!!!!!
8 D. Bruce Miller Director of Bands
9 Richlands High School Band Boosters P.O. Box 88 Richlands, VA 24641
Dear Band Boosters Members,
Welcome new and returning parents, relatives, and friends! This 2017-18 school year looks to be a new and exciting one that will further the continued success of the RHS Band. Our band program has a proud history of superior ratings at competitions and festivals and is recognized and respected for our discipline and organization. This success comes only with your help and support, which is much needed and much appreciated.
The band booster organization operates on a committee structure. I encourage you to serve on one or more of our committees. They are: Ways and Means; Uniform; Tell-A- Parent; Prop, Pit and Percussion; Concessions; and Chaperone. By using these committees, we are able to involve more members and work more efficiently.
We will have fund-raising activities that will be assigned to assist the band general fund and some to assist student accounts. We encourage that each student actively participate in fund raising in order to maintain the quality program we have and provide your child with the best experience possible.
We will try to keep you informed of all events pertaining to the band. We will send written information home with the students. We also use email and text to keep parents informed. Please make sure we have your email address and cell phone number and not your child’s.
Your child will be working very hard the next few weeks to prepare the 2017 field show. He/she will need your help, encouragement, and support in balancing band practice, homework, and other responsibilities. We expect our students to be as successful in the classroom as on the field.
We would like to thank you in advance for your support and commitment to our children and our wonderful band program. If we work together we can, and will, achieve much. If we can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to call us.
Melonie Gilbert
10 Philosophy of Richlands High School Instrumental Music Department
Music education is a primary means in which an educational institution can display to students the cultural heritage of society. Music transcends barriers of ethnic background, economic status, and language in its power to reach the depths of the human soul. Experiences with music can help develop a student’s ability to make value judgments, to function logically as well as intuitively, and to use one’s innate creativity. Participation in performance based organizations encourages initiative and leadership in students, stimulates goal-oriented thought processes, creates an appreciation and respect for the efforts of others, and assists students to develop a sense of responsibility to them, the organization, and, in a broad sense, society.
To offer participation in instrumental music groups available to all students at Richlands High School
To develop musical experiences that enhance students overall education experience through practice and performance.
To provide a suitable background in music instruction for those students who elect to continue the study of music after graduation.
To develop life-long appreciation for various music genres and the continuation of musical activities.
To develop a performing organization that is source of pride for the individual, the school and the community.
11 Richlands High School Band Course Syllabus 2017-2018
Tradition and Philosophy
The Richlands High School Band has developed a proud tradition through superior performance. You, in becoming a member of this organization, assume the responsibility of continuing this tradition which has been established by others like yourself through dedication, devotion, and hard work.
Classroom Procedures
All students will be in the band room by the designated tardy time. Each student is expected to come to class each day with their instrument, their music, and a pencil! Cases should be left in the instrument storage area. Small instrument cases may be placed under your chair. Book bags that do not fit in your instrument storage area should be placed on the back shelf in the band room during class. At after school rehearsals, you may place your personal items under your seat. At the end of rehearsal, instruments should be put back into your instrument storage area until the end of the day when you take them home for practice—not left on the floor. When the conductor is on the podium there is no talking, when the conductor steps off the podium you may talk quietly if it is at all necessary. DURING CLASSROOM REHEARSALS OR MARCHING FIELD, CELL PHONES ARE TO BE in Airplane Mode and OUT OF SITE. If a student is caught using a cell phone inappropriately, it will be taken and given to RHS/RMS administration.
Materials Music Metronome/tuner Percussionists should have all sticks, mallets and accessories that are necessary. mutes and valve oil (brass players) 1 extra reed at your seat during class and 4-5 “good reeds” that you rotate from day to day for WW
Rehearsals and Performances
All after-school practices and performances are mandatory and count toward the student’s daily participation grade. Any request for an exception must be submitted in writing (or by email) and approved by the Director two weeks in advance of the conflicting date, except in emergencies. Parents, please make every effort to schedule regular doctor's appointments around the band schedule whenever possible.
If a change of schedule is necessary, a minimum of one month notice will be given. Students are responsible for arriving at each rehearsal and performance on time and properly prepared
12 (properly dressed, instrument ready, music ready). Parents are urged to see that their children take this responsibility seriously.
Excusable absences from rehearsals/performances: Absent during school day Student ill with a doctor’s excuse Death in the family Religious Holiday Participation in another RHS/RMS event (with approval by Mr. Miller) Not having a ride to or from a rehearsal/performance is not excusable!
Tardy Policy Any student who is not in their seat with their instrument and music at the designated tardy time will be marked tardy for the class.
1st & 2nd offense = tardy, meeting with the director 3rd offense = referral to administration and loss of 5 points from six weeks grade. Each tardy given counts for that six weeks only. Every student begins each six weeks with a clean slate.
Grading Total Points Earned (Participation and Tests) = six weeks grade Total Points Possible (Participation and Tests)
Participation: attendance is the primary way to gain participation points. Unexcused absences result in the loss of 5 points from the six weeks grade.
Tests (performances, after school rehearsals, in-class playing tests, written quizzes/assignments): Points will be assigned for each event based on the difficulty and length of material. Tests may be administered in a playing or written format.
Students who have an excused absence from class or after school rehearsals will need to make up time agreed upon by the Director. Students who are “EXCUSED” from a performance will be asked to make up time or to do a 5 page paper on a topic selected by the Director, which will relate to the material performed. Students missing a performance whose absence is deemed “UNEXCUSED” will result in the loss of 20 points from the six week grade and will not be permitted to make up work.
Extra credit may be available at the Director’s discretion.
Please review the band handbook for important dates and performances.
Additional Performances, Clinics, and Trips may be added throughout the year.
13 Band Room Rules 1. No food, drinks, or chewing gum in the band room or during any rehearsal or performance. Water is acceptable. 2. No talking when the Director is on the podium 3. No Horse play in the band room 4. Be prepared with proper class materials every day 5. Be ON TIME (EARLY IS ON TIME-ON TIME IS LATE). 6. Remember you are a CLASS ACT. Do not do anything that would have to be explained. Always conduct yourselves as ladies and gentlemen.
Instrument and Equipment Rental **This clause is in place for students that do not participate in marching band**Most band members are expected to provide their own instruments. In special cases such as percussion, oboe, bassoon, french horn, baritone, tuba, or other larger instruments, school owned equipment may be available for rental. There is equipment rental fee per year for all students using school equipment (including percussion) which is included in the band camp fee. If a child does not march and uses a school owned instrument the fee is $50.00 per year. And, students are required to pay repairs for anything over $50.00. Instrument rental fees for non-marchers are due on September 25, 2017.
Concert Attire
Ladies: Concert black dress as ordered by the band boosters and black dress shoes. You must purchase this dress. The cost will be $65. Students will be measured for their dresses in January. Students are given fund raising opportunities to pay for this expense. **Optional Ladies apparel may be discussed with and approved by the director.
Gentlemen: Long Sleeve Black Dress Shirt, Black Pants, Black Bow Tie. ... Black shoes may be purchased separately or you may use black marching shoes with black socks. Students are required to purchase their tuxedo through the band boosters. The cost is approximately $53.00. Students are given fund raising opportunities to pay for this expense.
Band Camp Band Camp is required for all students to participate in the Marching Band. Members that do not attend band camp but have the director’s approval to participate in Marching Band. A Band Camp exemption may be requested by the parents to the director but the final decision of a camp exemption and membership will be determined by the director.
14 Richlands High School Band Director D. Bruce Miller
Mr. Miller is currently in his twenty-first year of teaching and serves as Director of Bands at Richlands High School and Richlands Middle School. His duties include directing and coordinating the "Blue Tornado" Marching Band, the RHS Wind Ensemble, the RMS 7th & 8th Grade Concert Band, and the RMS 6th Grade Beginning Band along with various other instrumental and visual ensembles. He is a native of Jasper, Tennessee and a graduate of the University of Tennessee.
While attending the University of Tennessee, Mr. Miller was a member of the “Pride of the Southland” Marching Band, Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble. He was also a member of the UT clarinet choir, the UT Flute Ensemble, & bassoon studio. Mr. Miller studied clarinet with Gary Sperl, bassoon with D. Keith McClelland, and Euphonium with Sande MacMorran while attending the University of Tennessee.
Upon completion of his Bachelor’s of Music, Mr. Miller taught general music, middle school band and high school band for three years in the Union County, Tennessee. In 2000, Mr. Miller accepted the Associate Band Director position at Richlands Middle & High School. In 2008, he was appointed the Director of Bands at Richlands Middle & High Schools.
Mr. Miller's professional affiliations include membership of the National Association for Music Education, the Virginia Music Educators Association, the Virginia Band & Orchestra Directors Association, and the American School Band Directors Association which helps to promote musical excellence within the United States. In 2014, Mr. Miller was named to the executive board of VMEA/VBODA as District 7 Representative until July 2017. In 2015, Mr. Miller was named to the Board of Directors for the State Line Wind Symphony as the Director at Large.
Marching Bands under his Mr. Miller's direction have consistently received superior ratings throughout his career with several first place awards in every caption and grand championships. His concert bands have consistently received superior ratings at district concert assessments throughout his tenure at Richlands. Under his tenure as Director of Bands at Richlands High, Mr. Miller has led the RHS Band to 3 Virginia Honor band titles.
Mr. Miller's principal instrument is the clarinet and teaches and performs on multiple woodwind instruments in the region. He has taught private oboe, flute, clarinet, saxophone and bassoon lessons for past 20 years at the middle school, high school, and college levels. Recently, Mr. Miller has been an active member of the Southwest Virginia Community College’s jazz program, the State Line Wind Symphony, and instructor of the Southwest Virginia Community College's Chamber Institute.
15 RHS Band Student Leaders & Marching Band Staff
Drum Major Chloe Rumely
Assistant Drum Major Alexandria Harrison
Band Captains Hunter Adams, Ally Brown, Bradley Dye, Alexandria Harrison, Alexis Horton, Kyrian Lallande, Hannah White
Woodwind Section Leaders Alexis Horton & Kaitlyn McNulty
Brass Section Leaders Destiny Coleman & Blake Vance
Percussion Section LeadersNelia Culbertson & Isabel Gilbert
Lieutenants Isaac Griffith & Aaron Horton
Color Guard Captains Nikki Elkins & Emily Whitt
Head Majorette Morgan Joyce
Color Guard Instructors Charity Crawford & Hannah Crawford
Majorette Instructor Savanna Joyce & Katie McClanahan
16 Percussion Instructors Joseph Gilbert & John Sharp
Marching & Music Staff Joseph McNulty, Zach Mackey, & Heather Whalen
Richlands High School “Blue Tornado” Band Officer Duties and Responsibilities
Drum Major
-Directs and Commands the band in all marching formations and rehearsals -Assists in teaching marching drill -Assists in maintaining band discipline and moral -Assistant to the Band Director -Lead rehearsals in the absence of the director -Makes sure that all rehearsals are ready to start -Greets officers from visiting bands at football games -Receives awards at assessments, festivals, and competitions -Sound post for Band Captains -Reports issues to the Band Director -Responsible for “passing off” Band Captain’s music -Responsible for collecting music for away games -Responsible for maintaining the flip folder book -Responsible for coordinate sheets and drill for band members -Responsible for taking attendance
Band/Auxiliary Captains & Assistant Drum Major
-Responsible for the appearance of the band room and student morale -Assists in teaching marching drills/routines/music -Assists in maintaining band discipline -Assistant DM leads rehearsals in the absence of the Drum Major -Coordinates all band members and makes sure every member has all needed items for rehearsal -Makes sure that all rehearsals are ready to start -Responsible for loading and unloading buses with Lieutenants -Greets officers from visiting bands at football games -Receives awards at festivals and competitions -Sounding post for Section Leaders and Lieutenants -Reports issues to the director -Assistant Drum Major acts as the Band Librarian -Sets up practice field for rehearsals -Responsible for “passing off” Section Leader’s Music -Lead large group sectionals and marching fundamentals
Section Leader (Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Auxiliary)
-Assists in teaching drill & music -Responsible for maintaining discipline with sections -Responsible for supplies (reeds, oil, sticks, etc.) -Responsible for keeping supplies on hand when traveling -Responsible for all music needs within your section -Responsible for all paperwork within the section -Responsible for keeping the equipment rooms in order -Lead large group sectionals as needed -Sounding post for Lieutenants -Promotes and publicizes all band activities -Reports issues to Captains, Assistant DM, or Drum Major -Sets up and takes down practice field for rehearsals -Responsible for “passing off” music/routines for your section 17 Lieutenants
-Assists teaching drill and music -Lead individual sectionals as needed -Responsible for uniform check-in and outs (You will assist the parents with this) -Responsible for loading and unloading equipment -Responsible for keeping the music library/uniform room neat -Reports issues to Section Leaders, Captains, Assistant DM, or Drum Major Course and Auxiliaries Descriptions
WIND ENSEMBLE - Open to students in grades 9 -12, with director approval or an audition. This class generally will perform grade IV, V, and VI music, with a primary focus on the preparation and performance of the finest literature for the modern wind band. While students must already possess a high degree of ability to be selected, the further advancement of musical skills, both individual and ensemble will be paramount to the success of the student and the organization. Students in this class must perform with the Richlands High School Marching Band, in several concert programs, and in concert festivals. Out of school rehearsal time will be required for all performances. All 12 major scales will be taught and tested in this group. The director will notify students enrolled in the Richlands High School band program if they are eligible to be in this class. Personnel for this ensemble will be taken from the Symphonic Band personnel.
MARCHING BAND- This ensemble is open to students in grades 8-12, with director approval. This ensemble is our most visible and well known group. It performs various styles of marching band literature from popular music to classical music. Marching band is a required course of students that participate in the Richlands High School band classes. Marching band is a year-long commitment with the bulk of the commitment during the fall semester. Students are expected to participate in all after school practices and performances. Students in the marching band are expected to represent Richlands High School with professionalism, discipline, respect, and spirit. These ideals should be exhibited by students at all practices and events.
PEP BAND- This ensemble is open to all students in grades 8-12, with director approval. All band officers and section leaders are required to participate in all pep band events which includes football pep band and basketball pep band. The remainder of the pep band will be based upon a volunteer basis, but HIGHLY encouraged.
18 COLOR GUARD - Open to students under director’s recommendation and audition. To be eligible students must have completed at least one season of marching band as an instrumentalist and/or be an upcoming freshmen or upon director recommendation. An instrumentalist is defined as any member who actually plays an instrument of any kind: brass, woodwind, or percussions (including front ensemble instruments). Membership is by audition only which is held each spring semester. Successful candidates are required to attend all scheduled rehearsals and performances, including summer activities (flag camp). It is encouraged for captains and co-captains attend an appropriate summer flag camp to further leadership and technical skills. Please see the band director to inquire about approved color guard camps. NOTE: Membership in this group will require additional financial obligations beyond that of an instrumentalist, i.e., uniform, shoes, accessories, etc. Fundraising opportunities will be available to help offset these expenses.
MAJORETTE - Open to students under director recommendation and audition. To be eligible students must have completed at least one season of marching band as an instrumentalist and/or be an upcoming freshmen or upon director recommendation. An instrumentalist is defined as any member who actually plays an instrument of any kind: brass, woodwind, or percussion (including front ensemble instruments). Membership is by audition only which are held each spring semester. Successful candidates are required to attend all rehearsals and performances, including summer activities (majorette practices). The entire majorette line is required to attend an appropriate summer majorette camp (approximately $350.00) to further leadership and technical skills. Failure to attend majorette camp will result in removal from the line and place back in to a marching instrument position. Failure to attend camp due to a “true scheduling conflict” must be approved by the director. An alternate camp option may be determined by the director. NOTE: Membership in this group will require additional financial obligations beyond that of an instrumentalist, i.e., uniform, shoes, accessories, etc. Fundraising opportunities will be available to help offset these expenses.
DRUM MAJOR - Open to students in grades 10-12 only. Students are eligible for auditions after completing two seasons of marching band as an instrumentalist and be an upcoming Junior or Senior. An instrumentalist is defined as any member who actually plays an instrument of any kind: brass, woodwind, or percussion (including front ensemble instruments). This position is by audition only which are held each spring semester. The successful candidate is required to attend all rehearsals and performances, including summer activities. The Drum Major is required to attend an appropriate summer drum major camp to further leadership 19 and technical skills needed to perform his/her duties. NOTE: The position of drum major will require additional financial obligations beyond that of an instrumentalist, i.e., uniform, gloves, etc. Fundraising opportunities will be available to help offset these expenses.
Richlands High School Band 2017-18 Auxiliary Rules and Regulations
1. ALL REHEARSALS AND PERFORMANCES ARE MANDATORY!!! You must stay at all rehearsals and performances until the events are complete. Some exceptions may apply and must be discussed with the director before the event. Please adjust schedules accordingly and adhere to the calendar of events.
2. The director/instructor may suspend or remove from the line any member who displays undesirable behavior in or out of uniform. The student body, faculty, and the public perceive all members as representatives of Richlands High School. Any action or attitude that misrepresents the school or group in any way will be dealt with at the director’s discretion. All school rules are in effect. This includes school suspensions.
3. Members are not restricted from other activities that the school offers, but they must split practice time evenly. Auxiliaries are expected to be at all scheduled performances.
4. If a Thursday rehearsal, before a performance, is missed you may not be allowed to perform at the next performance. Grades will be adjusted under general rules.
5. The Director/instructor has the right to remove any student from any performance if they are unable or unprepared to do the routines as they were taught.
6. Members may not chew gum during “band time” such as rehearsals or performance. 20 7. Members may not have cell phones on during practices/performances, unless of an emergency.
8. Members must not be late to scheduled events.
9. Members must travel to all out of town performances in school provided transportation. After a performance, you may leave with a parent or an appointed guardian. You must present a letter of consent from your parents stating you may leave. This must be turned in to the director/instructor or chaperone. The director/chaperone must see your parent/appointed guardian before you will be allowed to leave.
10. When at performances, members must be on their best behavior and sit in designated areas.
11. All routines and or changes to routines must be approved by the director/instructor.
12. Each member is highly encouraged to assist the program in fundraising and receiving donations according to the financial needs of the program.
13. Uniforms must be clean and in good condition for ALL performances. Members must also be properly groomed at all performances.
14. “Non-band” friends not allowed to be present during rehearsals, performances, etc. In other words, no one will be allowed to “hang out” and wait for you while practices/rehearsals take place.
15. Students with outstanding balances exceeding $50.00 as of September 20, 2017 may be put on probation resulting in potential removal from the auxiliary unit. Payment plans and fund raising opportunities will be made available throughout the school year. A uniform deposit is due May 17, 2017 of $75.00. YOUR UNIFORM WILL NOT BE ORDERED IF YOU DO NOT PAY THE DEPOSIT.
Attendance Policies
ATTENDANCE counts as part of every band member’s grade. Consequently, band members are expected to be at every rehearsal and performance!!! This includes all after school rehearsals and performances. Superior attendance at practice will help maintain a high level of expectation and excellence, let’s keep it that way!!
Unexcused tardiness for rehearsals will not be tolerated. (This includes all performances, marching and concert, and will be extended the entire academic year.)
Three tardies for regular class will be turned over to RHS Administration. Tardiness for after school rehearsals will be dealt with by the band director.
Tardy for High School 5th period is any time AFTER 12:03pm Tardy for after school rehearsal any time AFTER- 3:35pm
Again, attendance is expected at every rehearsal and performance. Band schedules are given out to help members avoid any conflicts. Obviously, there are situations that arise which would 21 cause the absence of a member, but conflicts can be avoided by proper attention to the schedule calendar of events and communication.
1. Personal illness. Parents need to notify the director of the absence at 276-963-5370 Ext. 7 or 963-8103 (text is acceptable) or by email; [email protected] ). After three days of illness within a week’s time, a doctor’s excuse will be required. If the student is not in school because of personal illness, you must contact the band director by email or phone.
2. Sudden emergency. Must be approved by director to be excused. I.E.: Having to drive your Aunt to Roanoke for a doctor’s appointment is not an example of a sudden emergency.
3. Death in the family. Please contact the band room ASAP.
4. School related activity/ programs such as SAT’s, academic competitions or trips, and sports (with mutual agreement between the coach and band director).
5. Some once in a lifetime events. Concerts (Maroon 5, Justin Beiber, Adele, & Bon Jovi) are not once in a lifetime events.
If you are going to be out due to sickness, call/TEXT the band room @ 276-963-5370 Ext. 6 or 276-963-8103 or by email; [email protected] . IT IS PREFERRED THAT COMMUNICATION IN SUCH MATTERS COMES FROM THE PARENT/GUARDIAN, NOT THE STUDENT.
Make-up work will be assigned for excused absences from a performances. A written report OR make up hours will be required. In the event a written report is assigned, the band director will assign the topic, length and the due date. In the event make-up hours are assigned, again, the director(s) will assign the total number of hours needed and the specific time they are to be made up. Only “EXCUSED” absences will be assigned make- up work.
Absences for any other reason could result in a lower grade or loss of membership in the band. Students and parents should realize that every student is dependent on every other student to do his/her part so that our performances will be the best possible. This is especially true for competitions. We spend too many hours in preparation not to have everyone present at our performances!
A one month notice will be provided for all rehearsals or changes in rehearsal dates. An unexcused absence from performance will result in a drop of one letter grade for the six weeks!
1. WORK. Work is not acceptable as an excuse under any circumstance. Work is a choice. Students that work should inform their employer of their obligation to the band. In most cases, they will be happy to work around the band schedule. Upon request, the director can provide a student with a letter for their employer validating the band’s scheduled commitments.
2. Dates with girlfriends, boyfriends, or breaking up with girlfriends or boyfriends.
3. I forgot or I didn’t know about practice or that concert, etc.!!!! Students are well informed of the band’s schedule.
In the event a change is made in a scheduled performance, practice, or rehearsal, students are expected to make every effort to adapt to that change. If ample notice of the change is not possible, the policy on absences will be adjusted accordingly, at the director’s discretion. In all cases, a One Month notice will try to be given.
23 Class Procedures & Other Information
We feel that our students are responsible, capable, young adults. In an effort to maintain a high level of responsible conduct for our students, we have put together this Policy Handbook to help both students and parents become more aware of our rules and policies. If you have any questions, please call the band room between 10:30am & 11:25am at 276-963-5370 Ext. 6 or 963-8103.
It is our belief that any student who can do all the things necessary to be a Richlands High School band member and can show respect for his/her fellow band students and his/her teachers should receive a good grade. You can achieve a LOWER grade by: Failing to prepare music to an acceptable level of proficiency. Failing to memorize music on time. Missing practices or rehearsals. Excessive tardiness. Failing to turn in materials on time (permission slips, playing or recorded tests, money due from fundraisers.) ABSENCE FROM A PERFORMANCE!!!
There will be one audition for chairs each year. They will be held in November and will determine the chair placement for remainder of the school year.
At the beginning of the new school year, freshmen will be listed at the end of the returning band in the order of placement in eighth grade band. Marching positions will be determined by going down the list in each section until the instrumentation is complete.
Seating in the Wind Ensemble is also determined by the same audition.
If a student would like to advance in his/her section, they may challenge the student one seat ahead of them (only after the initial chair audition has taken place). They must be prepared to play 2 of the 12 major scales, a chromatic scale, and sight-read. Percussionists are responsible for 2 of the 12 major scales & 2 of the 13 standard rudiments. Students challenging another students must provide a two week notice. For more information regarding the challenge process, please see the director.
Band uniforms, with the exception of the drum major, flag, and majorettes uniforms, are stored at Richlands Middle School. The students will meet early enough before a performance to change. There will be a charge that will be used to dry clean the uniforms during the school year. Alterations will be done when absolutely necessary as long as NO material is cut from the uniform.
24 There will be LIMITED DRINKING AND EATING while in uniform. The band coats will stain easily. In addition, the uniforms will be cleaned at the same time to maintain the color uniformly. Spot cleaning will fade or yellow a uniform.
Marching Band Uniform Coat $183.34 Trousers $90.60 Cape $29.38 Gauntlets (pair) $31.40 Hat $46.08 Hat Box $8.55 Plume $20.00 Uniform Bag $25.90 Raincoat $75.00 TOTAL $510.25 **Your uniform does NOT belong to you. WEAR IT WITH PRIDE! As you can see, it is a very expensive item.
Students will be assigned to specific buses. Students may NOT change from one bus to another. On special occasions, students may be allowed to sign up for a bus of his/her choice.
All students must complete and turn in a trip permission form (page 1 of this handbook) as required by our school district before they will be allowed to travel with the band. By signing the first page of this handbook, it acts as a permission to travel with the RHS Band.
A current medical form and a copy of the student’s insurance card must be in file in the RHS Band Director’s office. This form acts as a permission form to have your child treated in case of emergency while he/she travels with the RHS Band.
All students are required to ride to all functions with the group. Students not returning with the group may leave ONLY WITH THEIR PARENT, LEGAL GUARDIAN, IMMEDIATE RELATIVE, OR ANOTHER BAND PARENT. If you do not return with the group you must make arrangements for someone to be responsible for your uniform and equipment.
There will be NO smoking, chewing, or dipping of tobacco on ANY bus for any trip, or at any time, while in uniform. The use of alcohol or any other drug before or during a band trip will be dealt with as provided in school district policy and would be considered a very serious disciplinary problem by the director and Tazewell County Public Schools.
25 Attendance will be taken on each bus after every stop in which the band members disembark. On overnight trips, students will NOT be allowed out of their rooms after the specified time. All rooms will be checked before the lights go out.
Students will be given a detailed schedule for trips other than ball games. We will do everything within our power to arrive home at the appointed time. Please help us by having someone waiting to pick you up. With today’s technology, students should be able to contact someone to pick them up at the middle school band room while we are traveling. You should have someone expecting your call and ready to pick you up.
Because contests and ball games sometimes do not run on schedule, it may be impossible at times for us to arrive home as scheduled.
Students are responsible for their own instrument, equipment, luggage, uniform, etc. on any trip and should see that it is loaded and unloaded properly.
Student leaders will be responsible for checking each member’s equipment, instrument, music, and uniform before that member is allowed to board the bus. Students may not board the buses until they have been inspected.
We will NOT stop to eat unless this has been announced in advance. Please eat accordingly so that you will not be hungry or weak.
We will try to dismiss the students on schedule as much as possible. Please note that the dismissal time generally means from the practice field and it may take some band members a few minutes to put their equipment in the proper storage area. We reserve the right to keep band members up to ten minutes after the scheduled time for dismissal when it is necessary. Please ask your parents to be prompt. We cannot be responsible for you for unreasonable lengths of time after practice. Band members are released from practice on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday at 5:35pm. Schedule times may be altered due to field availability.
While band members are not required to carry school insurance, we strongly recommend that you do unless you have another health/accident policy which covers you.
Students are expected to arrive at the band room from the high school ASAP. Students arriving late to class will not be admitted without a tardy slip. Upon entering the band room, students have two minutes to assemble equipment and be seated. Please do not stop to talk along the way. Furthermore, students should be aware of the weather conditions and are advised to have umbrellas and jackets readily available for use while walking to RMS.
26 Students are responsible for the condition of the instrument storage room and band room itself. No food or drinks (water is allowed) will be allowed in the band room. Chewing gum is NOT allowed in the band room. Students caught with food, drink (water is permitted), or gum in the band room may be assigned band detention hall.
The band operates within the school’s disciplinary policy as set forth by the Tazewell County Public Schools.
A calendar of yearly events is included with this handbook and posted on the director’s instructional page. Please refer to this calendar throughout the year to help avoid schedule conflicts. Additional rehearsals may be called throughout the year. Two Week notice will be provided for all “called” rehearsals.
27 Performance Policies
Students may be asked to sit out of a performance for any of the following reasons:
1. Wearing the uniform in an inappropriate manner. 2. The uniform is stained, wrinkled, etc. due to poor care. 3. Shoes are not properly cleaned and polished. 4. Failure to remove all visible jewelry. 5. Hair is not tucked into hat properly. 6. Gloves are not clean. 7. Behavior infractions that may have occurred during a practice or in class. 8. Instrument is not present or does not have proper equipment (flag, baton, etc.). 9. Unprepared due to extensive absences. 10. Missing a practice prior to a performance. 11. Cannot perform the show or routine (music, routines, and/or drill not memorized) in the style and technique taught and needed to uphold the standard of excellence set by the band. 12. Excessive absences/tardiness from any class (not just for band class). 13. Suspension or expulsion from Richlands Middle or High School for any reason. Travel/Transportation
Students are expected to travel with the band to and from all activities. In the event a parent finds it necessary to drive a student to or from a band activity (where group transportation is provided) the following policy will apply:
1. Prior written notification must be received and approved by the director. 2. Students will only be permitted to leave with their parents/guardians, another band parent/guardian, or an authorized relative. 3. Students will not be permitted to travel to or from an event with a boyfriend, girlfriend, or a classmate, etc. 4. Students leaving must make arrangements for another student to be responsible for returning their uniform and band equipment to the uniform room and/or band room. 5. When leaving a football game, band competition etc., student must report to the bus with their parents/designated person and the director or chaperone must see the student leave with the parents/designated person. This is very important!! Make sure every effort is made to adhere to these rules. We want to keep your child safe!!
28 Contest Explanation
The Richlands High School “Blue Tornado” Marching Band competes with other high school bands from across Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina, and West Virginia during the fall contest season.
Each band presents a 7-10 minute show. Ranked according to size, bands will be judged by qualified judges who give points for performance of music, general effect (overall impression of the show), marching and maneuvering (difficulty and execution). The drum major, percussion, & auxiliary units (also soloist in some competitions) receive individual and group scores.
Parents are highly encouraged to attend the home football games and competitions to show your support from the stands. Competitions will be held on Saturdays, beginning early afternoon or early evening with award presentations at the end of the contest. You will be returning home late in most cases. CARPOOL!!!! (Don’t forget to carry blankets, ponchos, and an umbrella in the car - the show goes on whether it is rainy and/or cold!). The students love to hear a lot of cheering for them from the stands - especially at competitions!! Your support really “PUMPS THEM UP!!!”. Performance Schedule
Contests and other SATURDAY (Or Other) Performances:
September 16th Cedar Bluff Heritage Festival (Polo & Jeans) September 23rd “Band Camp Review” Day - RMS September 30th Band Competition - TBA October 7th Lonesome Pine Band Festival @ Central High School – Wise, VA October 14th Battle Marching Invitational @ John Battle High School – Bristol, VA October 21st VBODA State Marching Assessment host by RHS Band December 2 Tazewell Christmas Parade (We will attend if no play-off game) December 3 Richlands Christmas Parade (Tentative Date)
Football Game – FRIDAY(Or Other) Nights:
August 17th Grundy- Benefit Game (H) - Full Band August 25th Gate City (H) – Full Band September 1st Union (A) – Pep Band September 8th Open September 15th Blacksburg (H) – Full Band **Senior Recognition** September 21st Homecoming Parade – Full Band September 22nd William Byrd (H)- Full Band **Homecoming** September 29th Bluefield (A) – Pep Band October 6th Tazewell (A)- Full Band October 13th Marion (A)- Pep Band October 20th Graham (H)- Full Band October 27th Lebanon (A)- Pep Band November 3rd Virginia High (A) – Pep Band
***All events scheduled on this calendar are subject to change due to schedule conflicts or unforeseen reasons. A one month notice will be given of all changes*** *** All Football Games will begin at 7:00pm not 7:30pm***
29 ***In the Month of November/December, be prepared for Play-off Games, RHS Marching Band is required to attend these games**
Uniform Care
Band uniforms are stored at Richlands Middle School. Each student should have a properly fitted uniform. A uniform bag with a corresponding number will be issued to the band member after being fitted. Students report to the uniform room and simply ask for their uniform bag number and hat box number upon arrival before each game/competition. This should be done in an orderly fashion (DO NOT ENTER THE UNIFORM ROOM) by FORMING A SINGLE LINE outside the uniform room and giving your number to the band parent. All parts of the uniform are numbered. Switching uniforms or trading parts is not allowed!!
RETURNING YOUR UNIFORM TO THE UNIFORM ROOM. Each student will be taught how to return their uniform in the proper manner (how to hang the pants, jacket, hat, etc.) Students will be asked to demonstrate this procedure. At the end of a home football game, arriving from an away game or band competition, the uniform room line can get rather long. PLEASE BE PATIENT!!! Band parents will check the uniform bags as you turn them in to insure the uniform is correct. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE TAKE GREAT CARE OF THESE UNIFORMS. THIS IS OUR 5th SEASON IN A 12 YEAR CYCLE IN THIS UNIFORM.
UNIFORM INCLUDES: jacket, pants, cape, navy gauntlets (wrist cuffs), shako (hat), plume, and black gloves.
WHILE IN UNIFORM: You are not permitted to wear jewelry (watches, necklaces, rings, earrings, nose/eyebrow/etc.). NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Make-up should be understated or not worn when in uniform. Nail polish should be removed if you do not wear gloves or if it will be visible at any time while performing.
EATING/DRINKING WHILE IN UNIFORM: Students will be instructed as to what type of drinks and food may be eaten while in uniform. Clear liquids, non-greasy food, and food that do not melt are permitted. You must gain permission to eat other foods from the director or a band chaperone. If in doubt, ask. THIS IS A NEW BAND SO DO NOT EXPECT EXECPTIONS TO THESE RULES.
SHOES: Shoes will be ordered during Music & Marching rehearsals. The cost range is between $35 - $40. Checks should be made payable to Lippo’s Music Mart. Shoe care will be discussed prior to the first performance.
GLOVES: Students should purchase several pairs of black gloves and are expected to keep them clean. Many pairs of gloves are found in the band room during the marching season. Do not leave gloves wet!! They will mold, mildew, or sour very quickly. Wash black gloves in a soapy water with like colors.
30 A NOTE TO STUDENTS: Each time you participate in a performance in a RHS band uniform, you represent yourself, your band, Richlands High School, the Richlands community, Tazewell County, and the state of Virginia to the general public. You should always conduct yourself in such a way that you will bring credit to you and the organization. ONE INDIVIDUAL CAN BRING DISCREDIT TO AN ENTIRE ORGANIZATION.
Additional Travel Notes to Students From The Director
There are additional expectations included when a large group travels. When we accept an invitation to perform away from our home, we also assume the responsibilities of being ambassadors and representatives of our band, our school, and our community. Individual considerations now become secondary to the entire organization’s welfare. The term “good behavior” takes on an all-new meaning as we assume the role of musical emissaries. Your best effort is now “the norm”, and you will be asked to rise above “the norm” many times during our trips, displaying the ultimate in appropriate manners and personal deportment.
We will be judged not by our intentions, but by our behavior. There are no second chances at a first impression; therefore, we must pledge ourselves to emulating excellence both in our musical and our social performances. The worth of our band will be based on the attitude generated by our band members. The reputation of the band is in your hands. Treat it with the dignity it has earned and deserves.
We are enjoying the fruits of labor seeded by your older peers along with students who have already graduated. Our future bands are counting on you to pass on that same heritage so they will have a similar kind of learning opportunity during their high school careers.
Should there be any need for disciplinary action, we will simply ask those in question to return home, at their expense, immediately, so the problem can be addressed following the trip.
31 Marching Band Rehearsal Tips “DON’TS” REGARDING AFTER SCHOOL BAND PRACTICE: Don’t come to practice with a negative attitude. Don’t come to practice without everything that is needed to make that practice a success. (Instrument, coordinate sheet, drill, music memorized, etc.) Don’t come to practice (ladies and gentlemen) with your hair down. Don’t come to practice without the proper shoes (tennis shoes). Don’t come to practice and just go through the motions!!!!!!! Don’t come to rehearsals hungry or thirsty!!
DO’S REGARDING AFTER SCHOOL BAND PRACTICE: Do come to practice with a POSITIVE attitude. Do come to practice with everything that is needed (instrument, coordinate sheet, drill, flip folders, music memorized, proper flags and props) EVERY DAY! Do come to practice (ladies and gentlemen) with your hair pulled back and up, in other words, no loose strands of hair blowing in your face. Do come to practice with the proper shoes for practice (tennis shoes). Do come to practice to work hard and to make our show the best it can be!! Do eat a light snack before marching practice and drink plenty of water!!
MARCHING BAND PRACTICE IS NEVER CANCELLED! The band will practice in light rain. However, we will move inside if rain becomes heavy or during a thunderstorm. The remainder of practice will take place inside. MARCHING BAND PRACTICE ATTIRE & FOOD/WATER FOR REHEARSALS Students are required to wear tennis/athletic shoes for practice. Shorts should meet Tazewell County Public School dress code specifications. Students will be asked to change or leave practice if these rules are not followed. Hair is to be pulled back. Baseball caps and sunscreen are also recommended.
The boosters will serve water or a light snack, if we have these items on hand, at the majority of practices at the beginning of the season. It is highly encouraged that parents donate cases of bottled water and snacks for the band program. Your contributions will be greatly appreciated to make sure our students have “fuel” for marching band rehearsals
Check the smartboard or blackboard in the band room for announcements and/or dates and time of events before asking a staff member or the director(s). Try not to ask the Director questions on the day/night of a performance. You should check the board first, ask a friend second, ask your section leader/band captain/drum major, and if your question still hasn’t been answered, ask the Director. Updates will be made on a regular basis on Mr. Miller’s instructional webpage. Please bookmark this page to reference the calendar and file manager pages. Horseplay and/or running, as well as eating/drinking/or chewing gum, will not be allowed in the band room; band equipment has a tendency to become damaged. Students that damage equipment will be held accountable and required to pay for any repairs. This may result in referral to the school’s principal.
32 The band room should be kept clean and orderly. Store your instrument in the proper place provided. Books and other personal belongings may be stored in the storage compartment during your class period (valuables should be stored in lockers or kept on you, rather than stored in storage compartments). The Richlands High School Band and Band Boosters are not responsible for any items missing or stolen from the storage areas or band room. Estimated Band Expenses
There are generally these main expenses related to band:
1. Band Camp & Dry Cleaning Fee: $200.00 with payments distributed until September 15. Pre-payment plan starts in January if you wish to make seven (7) monthly payments. This fee includes the cost of camp instructors, music, props, band shirts, and supplies/snacks for band camp. Payment extensions are available upon request of the director or band booster president. FUND RAISINNG OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAILABLE.
2. Marching Shoes: Cost range is between $31.50 plus shipping costs. This should be a one-time fee for all instrumentalists, if proper care and attention is given to the shoes. (Color guard: $32.50 plus shipping, and Majorettes: $35.75 plus shipping, may need to purchase new shoes each year.) Payments are made directly to Lippo’s Music Mart.
3. Gloves may be purchased from the band boosters for $7.00
4. Concert Attire (Grades 9-12):
Men’s Long Sleeve Black Dress Shirt $25.00 Men’s Black Pants $25.00 Men’s Bow Tie $3.00 Women’s Dress (Optional Attire upon request) $65.00
4. Wind Breaker Jacket: $45.00 (optional for Winds & Percussion) Auxiliary Wind Breaker Pants: $30.00 (Required for all Auxiliaries) Auxiliary Wind Breaker Jacket: $ 45.00 (Required for all Auxiliaries)
5. Color Guard is required to purchase a practice pole and practice flag for $30 made payable to Lippo’s Music Mart. Majorettes are required to purchases at least 3 batons, see head majorette for details.
6. All marching band students that do not attend band camp (must have director’s approval to not attend camp) will pay a fee of $75.00. This will assist with instructors pay, music, props, band shirts, and supplies/meals. Fund raising opportunities will be made available to offset this fee. This payment will be due Oct. 1. Payment extensions (must be submitted in writing) are available upon request TO the director or band booster president. FUND RAISING OPPORTUNITIES ARE AVAIALBE.
33 Other expenses may/may not include: gloves for marching band ($7.00 a pair, should purchase 2 pair and may be purchased in the uniform room), flip folder and lyre (needed for stands music and may be purchased at a local music store or Lippo’s Music Mart), and travel expenses (food money for band trips).
Regarding Fees & Student Debt Students that end the current school year with outstanding debt/unpaid fees will be reported to school administration. This includes money from fundraisers, band camp, dry cleaning fees, school owned instrument rental, and fees associated with travel (for example: the band’s “Big Trip” taken every four years). Students with outstand balances must have director’s approval to attend band camp.
Regarding Travel Extended Travel The Richlands High School Band will take an extended, overnight trip once every 4 years with approval from TCPS. The past destinations have included Philadelphia, New York City, Dallas, and Orlando, to name a few. Once a trip/event has been decided and approved by the school board, student trip accounts will be set up in the amount of the cost of the trip. Fundraising opportunities will begin in order for students to raise the amount of money needed for their trip. Every effort will be made to give each student the chance to earn the “total” amount of the trip through fundraising. In the event a student has incurred a suspension, expulsion, or behavior referral due to lateness or absenteeism a “judgment call” will be made by the Richlands High School administration and directors regarding permission to travel with the band. The next four year trip will be during the 2018-19 school year.
Fundraising Students involved in the Richlands High School Band are often our highest achieving students. Therefore, we are looking for avenues to encourage, challenge, and reward them for their efforts. They deserve the best and with the help of the Richlands High School Band Boosters, we can offer the band members exciting opportunities to embellish their academic, social, and musical training. This requires additional sources of revenue, which are generated through fund-raising programs.
Financial Hardship If you find your household has a financial situation and unable to make your band camp fees or other expenses, you must initial the participation agreement letter in the appropriate section as part of your efforts to apply for an extension in payment. Requesting financial hardship assistance does not relieve you of payment, but the RHS Band Booster Executive Board will work with you to modify your payments; you will still be responsible for any and all payment. It will be required of your band member participate in all fund raising activities and you, the parent/guardian, may assist with the band, (i.e. dispensing water at practices, loading & unloading equipment trailer, buses, cleaning band room, etc.)
Acceptance for assistance will be on a case by case basis and will have to be approved by the RHS Band Booster Executive Board and the band director.
This process will be kept strictly confidential among the executive board and band director. The following criteria are reasons for needing a payment modification: Death of an income earner Serious medical issue (not just routine doctor/clinic bills) Loss of job Significant reduction in household income
34 Divorce (example, going from 2 income family to only 1 income families) Natural disaster
If your reason is not on this list, you still can apply. Again, it will be to the discretion of the band director & the executive board for approval. Please note, this does not relieve you of financial responsibility, only of modification of payment schedule.
Band Awards/Band Banquet
Band awards are presented at the annual spring concert/band banquet/award ceremonies at RMS (see calendar) each spring. More details regarding the banquet will be included in an informational letter to be mailed prior to the event. The following awards are presented:
Junior/Senior All-District Certificates Solo & Ensemble Awards Letter in Band Merit Awards (one in each grade, 7 -12) Musicianship Awards (one in each grade, 7 -12) Director’s Award (outstanding 8th grade student) Section of the Year Award (most outstanding marching band section) Academic Letters in Band (announced at School Awards Ceremony) Leadership positions (band captain, percussion section leader, flag/majorette captain). All of these may be announced at the annual band banquet or at the conclusion of band camp. William Hagy Memorial Award for Service (senior) Semper Fidelis Music Award (senior) National Marching Band Award (senior) Patrick Gilmore Award (senior) John Phillip Sousa Award (senior) RHS Band Scholarship (senior)
Along with the awards, a band DVD will be shown after dinner. This DVD will highlight the year with photos of all band events.
35 Richlands High School Band Booster’s, Inc.
WE NEED YOU!!! The Richlands High School Band Boosters is an organization whose membership is composed of all parent/guardians of students in the band program. The boosters’ are to promote interest, goodwill, and financial support for the band program of Richlands High School & Richlands Middle School. The Richlands High School Band Boosters generally meet 8-10 times per year. The band boosters provide the following: Assistance in purchasing new band instruments; tubas, percussion, etc. Assistance in purchasing new band uniforms (25% Boosters & 75% TCPS) Band camp expenses (above the amount collected from students) Transportation bill—fuel for buses to competitions, all-district, etc. Incidental & maintenance expenses for band trailer Band shirts for new marchers Office expenses (phone, postage, stationery, copier, paper, etc.) DVD, CD, video and audio tapes Band Banquet expenses Senior gifts (key chains, plaques, banquet gift) Assists with band clinic fees (all-district) Percussion, marching, color guard, and majorette instruction Marching show design Color guard and majorette props (material for new flags, poles, flag tape, flag equipment bags) Practice field paint NEW MUSIC!! (concert and marching) Decoration for special events such as concerts and banquets Competition fees (marching band and concert band) Medals and awards Assists with dry-cleaning
Band Booster Officers
President Melonie Gilbert 276-971-0991 1st Vice-President: Richard Connor 276-345-9154 2nd Vice-President: Danny Anderson 276-870-1215 Kathy Anderson 276-596-2696 Co – Secretary: Christina Ray Co- Treasurer: Lisa McNulty 276-202-0278 Glenna Brown 276-971-1675
36 Richlands High School Band Boosters, Inc. Mission Statement & Code of Ethics “Celebrating the Joy of Music through Band”
Mission Statement
This Richlands High School Band Booster is a group that that promotes, supports, and creates interest in participation in the Richlands High School and Richlands Middle School band programs among the students, parents, faculty, and community-at-large in a positive manner. We financially support the band programs of Richlands High School and Richlands Middle School by raising funds to be used for purchases that help provide a quality program and to enable parent/guardian and student participation within the program.
While serving as a member of the Richlands High School Band Boosters, each member is expected to agree to and abide by the following:
Code of Ethics
Remember that the first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of all band students
“Do unto others” by showing respect, thoughtfulness and team approach to band members, parents, staff and band director
To support, encourage and promote the band program at Richlands High School for the benefit of the students, the school and the community
To encourage the involvement of the students within the band programs
To improve and encourage the involvement of parents/guardians within the band program
To work with the Band Directors as well as to aid and assist the Band in its music, programs and competitions, etc.
To be a positive example to students, parents, staff and community
To work with School Administration
Shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a student, parent, staff or fellow officer/members
Make every effort to attend all organizational meetings
Avoid conflict of interest or appearance thereof 37 Express your personal opinions, but once the board has acted on an issue, accept the will of the majority
Obey the By Laws of the Richlands High School Band Booster, Inc and Tazewell County School Policies
Respect the confidentiality of privileged information
Encourage ongoing communication among board members, boosters, students, staff and band directors
Richlands High School Band Boosters Active Committees 2017-18
CHAPERONE COMMITTEE (Chairperson – President and Co-Chairperson – President Elect) ALL chaperones must be approved by the band directors and the Tazewell County School Board
Each member must attend chaperone training meeting(s)
A list will be prepared and a schedule given as to what event(s) the member will chaperone.
Each member will understand they are there to take care of ALL band students and will be responsible for coordinating snacks and drinks for trips
Each member will also be a part of the uniform committee and be available to assume those responsibilities
School policy will be followed for siblings riding the bus
1 bus leader per bus will be assigned by the chairperson
CONCESSION COMMITTEE (Chairperson – 1st Vice-President and Co-Chairperson – Co-Treasurer/Secretary) Each member will help prepare and /or organize, sell food, and other band items at the event fundraisers, etc.
Each member will work with the communication committee to make sure everyone is aware of these functions and has an opportunity to help
This committee will be responsible for the Sunday evening meal at Band Camp
This committee will coordinate food for the Band Banquet
This committee will work with the Ways and Means Committee
PROPS, PERCUSSION, AND PIT COMMITTEE (Chairperson – 1st Vice President and Co-Chairperson Assigned Driver for “Lester”) 38 Each member of this committee will work with driver of “Lester” to help with pit equipment and props during practice, games, competitions, and concerts
Members will help with the construction and transportation of props if needed
Members will help supervise flag runners during practice, games and competitions
The flag makers will be part of this committee
Chairperson will work the directors and pick up extra prop supplies as needed
COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE (Chairperson – Secretary and Co-Chairperson – Co- Treasurer / Secretary) Chairperson and Co-Chairperson will assign a leader for each section in the band (woodwinds, brass, Aux, Percussion as contact person
Members will email and/or phone other band parents to remind them of meetings and other important issues
Members will available to answer questions other band parents might have concerning band activities.
Chairperson and/or Co-Chairperson will maintain and update demographics, emails, text, etc. of parents
Will maintain media communication
UNIFORM COMMITTEE (Chairperson 2nd Vice President and Co-Chairperson to be assigned Each member will be responsible for the upkeep of uniforms. This includes measuring for uniforms, repairing uniforms, handing out uniforms and hats before games and/or competitions, and putting uniforms and hats away after these events
Members will sell and distribute gloves (shoes if needed)
Members will work with the Chaperone Committee to keep travel bags and medical bag in order
Members will be responsible for distributing water to students during practice, at games, and at competitions
Members will keep the uniforms room orderly
WAYS AN MEANS COMMITTEE (Chairperson – President and Co-Chairperson – Treasurer) The 1st and 2nd vice president and co-treasurer will chair this committee
Members will be responsible for all fundraising actives for the band boosters
This committee will be divided into two (2) divisions – Students and General Sales
39 o Student Sales Committee – will include the sale of fruit, pies, soft drinks, candy, etc. This committee will work up price sheets and arrange drop off and delivery. The treasurer will collect and account for the student sales.
o General Sales Committee – will include Bingo, Festivals, yard sales and other fundraising. This committee will prepare and work schedule so that items can be brought in for the yard sale, priced, etc. A work schedule will also be prepared to see that tents, tables, etc. are set up at the site and also to arrange for disposal of leftover items and clean up.
The Golf Tournament Committee will be part of the Ways and Means Committee
The Football Program Committee will be part of the Ways and Means Committee
The Fruit Sales Committee will be part of the Ways and Means Committee
The Basket Bingo Committee will be part of the Ways and Means Committee
Richlands High School Bands Chaperone & Staff Guidelines & Tips
Thank you for volunteering your time as a chaperone for the Richlands High School Blue Tornado Marching Band. Ultimately we are first and foremost concerned with the well-being and safety of our students. This is why these Chaperone guidelines are in place. After reviewing the guidelines, if you have any further questions, please ask the head chaperones (Booster President or designee) or the band director. For the 2017-18 school year, all band parent chaperones/volunteers must go through a background check with TCPS. Please call 276-988-5511 and speak to Beverly Karnes or Jim Cade in Human Resources to begin this process. It takes approximately 4-6 weeks to have this check processed. There is a fee involved and TCPS will make you aware of the amount. Do not hesitate if you want to be a chaperone for any band event including band camp, football games, competitions, “big trips”, etc. You will only have to go through this check once while you are a “band parent chaperone”. Any TCPS employee or state/federal 40 employee is exempt from this process. Or you may visit and find the link for “Volunteer Information” and follow the directions from there. The following is advice that will help with all chaperoning situations: • Teenagers don’t always think clearly and responsibly, help them. • Don’t ignore inappropriate behavior. (Beware of Couples) • Try not to compound a situation by over-reacting. • Respect students’ and their privacy, but enforce all rules • You are every student’s parent while chaperoning. . • Rules and Schedules may need to be adjusted… BE FLEXIBLE • If you are unsure of how to handle a situation, ASK! Band Camp (Home) 1. Chaperones are “ON CALL” as long as students are on school grounds.
2. School rules are in effect at all times, especially with regard to smoking, drinking and drugs. 3. Do NOT SMOKE in front of the students. 4. The Band Directors will designate a head chaperone (usually Band Booster President). Any questions regarding duties, times, and responsibilities will be determined by the head chaperone. The Band directors are extremely busy this week; please seek council from the head chaperone before approaching the directors.
5. Please be respectful to our Band director and other chaperones. Never countermand the authority of the Band Director. If you disagree with them, please keep it to yourself until a more appropriate time. Never be unkind in front of the students, directors, staff or other chaperones.
6. Chaperones are expected to be at the practice field at all times during rehearsal times. Exceptions to this will be made at the discretion of the head chaperones. (i.e. Chaperones may need to go to a retail store, arrange for the pizza party, or run errands for the directors.) 7. If a student needs to return to the school, he/she must be accompanied by a chaperone.
8. Students are permitted in designated rehearsal areas. 9. Chaperones need to make sure all students attend meals. 10. If a student becomes ill, a chaperone will be responsible for staying in close proximity to the ill student in case medical attention is needed. Students that cannot practice loose free time. Students that cannot practice cannot play! 11. Chaperones and staff should set a good example with regard to conduct, language, appropriate dress, etc. 12. Hazing and harassment of students by other students or adults will not be tolerated. Students must NOT be forced to participate in any activity against their will.
13. Please “ask” students to comply with your requests, do not yell or make unrealistic demands. You will meet with more favorable results when you are kind. 14. If any conflict arises between a chaperone, staff, or student, it is highly recommended to have a meeting with the director during an appropriate time (this does not mean rehearsal times).
41 15. All Chaperones must complete a RHS Band medical form to keep on file with the band office.
Band Night and Away Football games 1. Chaperones need to ride the bus. You cannot bring students with you that are not members of the RHS Band. Students not in the Band must find other transportation. 2. Chaperones are expected to arrive 30 minutes before departure time to assist with loading procedures and uniforms. Find the head chaperone and he/she will give you your bus assignment and attendance list. 3. Water coolers should be filled by the chaperones upon arrival before departure. Coolers will need to be brought to the stands by the chaperones.
4. Once students have been released to the buses, take attendance and if anyone is missing report to the band director. 5. It is the job of the chaperones to ensure the safety of the students and to help maintain order on the buses. The Bus driver will determine an acceptable level of noise and activity. It is your job to enforce his/her rules whether you agree or not.
6. One chaperone will be asked to carry the medical bag and forms. In the event that a student needs medical attention the chaperone needs to make those items available. . 7. Please make it a point to remind students to have everything they need for the performance (all uniform parts, hat, instrument, black band shoes, stand music, black socks, black gloves, etc.) 8. When we arrive at the performance site, allow percussion, tubas, auxiliary captain, and drum majors only to exit the buses and unload “Lester”. Everyone else shall remain on the buses until notified by the head chaperone and or the band directors.
9. Accompany the band into the respective performance venue and set yourself up so that you can have an eye on students at all times. Chaperones need to sit with or around the Band Block to act as a buffer zone. Chaperones should not sit with the spectators.
10. Plumes are handled and cared for by the chaperones. Plumes will accompany the Band at all times. Plumes will be passed out 7 minutes before the end of the second quarter, or one band prior to a band show and collected as the students return from the performance field. 11. If we are providing snacks or water for the students after their portion of the performance, it will be the responsibility of the chaperones to make sure the coolers get into the stadium and back to the truck. You will also need to help serve, and police the area before we leave.
12. It is the duty of all the chaperones to uphold the policies of the band director and of the schools of which we are guests. 13. Students desiring to use the restroom must be accompanied by a chaperone.
14. Students are generally given a break after half time. They are to back in the stands and ready to play three (3) minutes before the end of the third quarter. Chaperones need to keep track of students that are late to the 4th quarter. Give those names to the head chaperone or Band Director as those students will forfeit their third quarter break the next game. 42 15. The Band Directors will signal when or if students are permitted to visit the concession stand. Please do not provide food to students before they are given permission. This is extremely unfair to the other band members. 16. Chaperones will help monitor students during break and watch for potential problems. This is a time when students need the most protection. 17. Students are to return home with the band unless prior arrangements have been made in writing with the Band Directors.
18. When the band is marching or walking out of the performance or game, the chaperones are responsible for doing a final check of the area. Return hats, gloves, instrument cases etc. to the band director when we return to the high school. 19. The Band will move as a group. Chaperones walk on either side then drop behind to let the Band be clearly seen. NO ONE should “Break Ranks”-(Cut through the Band) except in an emergency
Home Football Games
1. Chaperones will perform the same duties of band night and away games. 2. Smoking is prohibited at Ernie Hicks Stadium 3. Home game chaperones will sit in the area next to the band. You will ensure that students do not drift from the band seating area or that other students do not come into the band block. 4. Students who wish to use the restroom must be accompanied by a chaperone.
Extended Stay or “Charter” Bus Trips
1. Chaperones follow the same rules as Band night and Away Football games 2. We usually charter buses for our trips. Students must follow the safety rules of the Charter bus company. 3. Chaperones will take roll from the rooster generated by the student sign-up sheet. Roll will be taken each time the bus is ready to depart. Students will NOT be allowed to switch buses once they are assigned a bus. NO exception will be given to this rule. 4. Students are permitted to watch movies if they are rated G, PG or PG13. No “R” Rated movies. If a movie is overly vulgar, violent, or sexually explicit, REMOVE it at once, and select another movie. 5. Anytime a convoy pulls over for a restroom break or food stop, relate to your students how much time they have before the bus departs. Chaperones will need to be watchful of students while on route to and from the buses. Monitor crosswalks and politely hurry students along. Keep an eye on your students. (While we don’t want to be paranoid, we also don’t want to make the news with a kidnapping.)
43 6. Chaperones will be assigned a block of time to sit at the first aide station in case a medical emergency arises. Please be prompt for your assigned time.
Overnight Trips 1. Chaperones are On Call 24 hours a day. 2. Chaperones should follow the same rules as Day Trips and Band Camp. 3. Remember that all school and Band rules are in effect for the durations of the trip. Chaperones are to enforce all school rules. 4. We will do our best to follow the itinerary prepared by the Band Directors please be flexible if the itinerary should change. 5. Do not drink alcohol or smoke in front of students. 6. Chaperones will perform room checks at lights out to your assigned rooms. Students are not permitted to visit any other room after hours. 7. Remember we are guests of the hotel. Please make sure your students behave properly. Anyone deemed guilty of grossly inappropriate behavior will be dealt with by the Band Directors and may be sent home. 8. Property of the hotel is not to be removed by students or chaperones. (i.e. towels, coasters, etc.) 9. Students and chaperones are not permitted to leave the hotel without permission of the Band Director. Any student found doing so will be dealt with severely and Chaperones will not be permitted to chaperone any future events.
10. Make sure students have everything they need for the day and the performance. (i.e. Proper attire, music, instrument, Money) as we will not be returning to the hotel until evening. 11. Students and chaperones are not permitted to leave amusement or theme park until we leave as a group. 12. On the day of our “Check out,” do a room check before your students’ leave to make sure nothing is left behind. Remind Students that they and their parents are responsible for any damage to hotel property and lost room keys.
Richlands High School Band
44 Richlands, VA
I, the undersigned, being the parent, legal next-of-kin, or legal guardian of______hereby authorize any necessary medical treatment for this person while participating in any Richlands High School Band function during the 2017-18 school year. I also guarantee payment of all charges incurred during medical treatment. ** In signing this form I grant permission for RHS Band Chaperones and Director aware to any heath information that that may aid in emergency treatment and understand this information will be kept confidential.**
In regard to said person, I submit the following information: *** All medical information will be kept confidential***
1. Allergies to medications, foods, etc. If none, state.______
2. Special medical problems or health conditions. If none, state.______
3. Medication(s) or prescriptions(s) to be used by student. If none, state.
4. In the event we cannot reach you, do we have permission to give any of the following medications to your child? (Indicate yes or no for each line) Tylenol Yes_____ No_____ Aspirin Yes_____ No_____ Advil/Ibuprofen Yes_____ No_____ Benadryl Yes_____ No_____ Kaopectate/Immodium AD Yes_____ No_____ Antacids (Mylanta, Maalox, etc.) Yes_____ No_____ Sunscreen Yes_____ No_____ Sunburn Relief Products Yes_____ No_____
45 5. Date of last Tetanus Shot______
6. Family physician______Phone______
7. Person(s) other than parent or guardian to notify in case of an emergency
8. Health insurance provider/carrier ______**Include copy of Card**
Policyholder’s Name______
Policy/Group Number______
I hereby give permission and approval for any and all medical and surgical treatments, including anesthesia and operations, which may be necessary and/or available to my son/daughter by the attending physicians and surgeons. The intention hereof, being to grant authority to administer and perform all and singularly, any procedure(s) which may now or during the course of the patient’s care be deemed advisable or necessary. I/we also understand the patient, when admitted, is to remain in the hospital until his/her physician recommends the patient’s discharge. Every effort will be made to contact parent(s) or guardians(s) before treatment, by telephone, in case of injury or illness.
PARENT/GUARDIAN Signature______
Phone Number______Email______