Here Is What You Need to Do
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You must pick and respond to a job posting for the Ottawa/Gatineau area. You may find these ads in the Sun or Citizen Newspapers or you may find one online at (You may also use or and refine your search to Ottawa.) The only criterion for the job is that it would be reasonable that you would be able to apply for it. (i.e. sales clerk at Loblaw’s NOT CEO of Apple).
Here is what you need to do:
1. Write a cover letter to address the specific job you’re applying for. Don’t forget to mention the traits/strengths/experiences you will bring. The letter must be 1 page or less.
2. Construct a 1 page (1sheet of paper) resume.
3. Include three references. (You will need this especially for your summative portfolio) You must have the persons Name, Company, Title, Work# AND/OR relation to you if they are a character reference.
4. Job interview. You can’t get a job based on your resume alone. You will be required to practice your interview skills and will have a ‘mock interview’. You will be evaluated from the time you are greeted to the time the interview concludes. GET a JOB! Resume & Cover Letter Rubric Name: Expectation Level Four Level Three Level Two Level One Achievement
A1: Personal Management Demonstrates thorough un- Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates some under- Demonstrates limited under- Uses a self-assessment process derstanding of the purpose of understanding of the pur- standing of the purpose of standing of the purpose of to develop a personal profile self-assessment to connect to pose of self-to connect to self-assessment to connect self-assessment to connect to for use in career development the job the job to the job the job planning. (Overall demonstration of job application process)
A2: Personal Management Cover letter demonstrates Cover letter demonstrates Cover letter demonstrates Cover letter demonstrates thorough understanding of considerable understanding some understanding of some understanding of audi- Evaluates and applies the audience and purpose of audience and purpose audience and purpose ence and purpose personal management skills and characteristics needed for Resume demonstrates thor- Resume demonstrates career success Resume demonstrates thor- ough understanding of au- thorough understanding Resume demonstrates thor- (Resume and Cover Letter) ough understanding of audi- dience and purpose of audience and purpose ough understanding of audi- ence and purpose ence and purpose
A3: Communicating with Answers to questions illus- Questions are answered Answers to questions are Answers are vague and/or re- Others trate considerable thought well and reflect job posting general and somewhat re- flect little understanding of and thoroughly reflect job flect job posting job posting. Demonstrate effective use of posting interpersonal skills within a variety of settings. (Job interview)
C3: Preparation for Creates a thorough and ef- Creates a considerably ef- Creates a resume for the Creates a limited resume for Transitions and Change fective resume for the work fective resume for the work work search process the work search process search process search process Demonstrate an Creates cover letter for Creates a limited cover letter understanding of and the Creates a thorough and ef- Creates a considerably ef- the work search process for the work search process ability to prepare for, the job fective cover letter for the fective cover letter for the process work search process work search process Somewhat uses appropri- Uses limited formatting vo- (Cover Letter, resume and job ate formatting, vocabulary cabulary and conventions interview) Uses effective and appropri- Uses considerable format- and conventions ate formatting, vocabulary ting, vocabulary and con- Answers to questions are and conventions ventions Some of the questions are somewhat rushed and may answered well but lack de- not adequately reflect job Each question is clearly an- Each question is answered tails posting swered for specific job with well with some details details