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Prince George’s County Public Schools 14201 School Lane • Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772 •
William R. Hite, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools
January 20, 2010
TO: All Secondary School Principals All Secondary Assistant Principals All Secondary Guidance Counselors
FROM: William R. Hite
PREPARED BY: Monica Goldson Executive Director, High School Consortium
RE: Forestville Military Academy (FMA) Admission Procedures
In our continuing efforts to meet the needs of students in Prince George’s County Public Schools, the Forestville Military Academy (FMA) will begin accepting applications for the 2010–2011 academic year. Parents should be informed of this educational option for their children and encouraged to apply. Enrollment is based on space available by grade level.
Please ensure that the attached applications are made readily available to all students who meet the enrollment criteria. The Forestville Military Academy Admission Criteria is as follows:
Students entering grades 9 – 11 in SY10 (students in Grade 10 must have successfully completed JROTC Level 1; students in Grade 11 must have successfully completed JROTC Levels 1 and 2); Students who have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher; Students who fully accept the expectations and responsibilities of the Army JROTC program; and Students who are highly motivated toward school and personal success.
School staffs are asked to submit completed applications of eligible students to Forestville Military Academy by April 23, 2010. The application consists of two parts. Part l must be completed by the parent/guardian. School guidance counselors are responsible for completing Part ll, obtaining the principal’s signature, and submitting the completed application to FMA by April 23, 2010.
Board of Education of Prince George’s County All Secondary School Principals, Assistant Principals, and Guidance Counselors January 20, 2010 Page Two
The application process and deadlines are as follows:
1. Students applying for enrollment to the Academy must submit Part l of the application to their guidance counselor.
2. Applications are to be reviewed and Part ll completed by the guidance counselor, endorsed by the principal and forwarded to the FMA by April 23, 2010. In addition, the following documentation must also be submitted with each student’s application:
. Copy of latest report card (3rd Quarter) . Copy of P.D. S. Card . Copy of I.E.P. or Section 504 Plan . Suspension and/or expulsion reports . Attendance report
3. Once completed applications are received by the FMA, a panel of school educators will complete the screening process.
4. All screened applicants who meet the requirements and are accepted, and their parent/guardian, will be notified of a mandatory overview meeting.
5. All applicants and parents/guardians participating in the FMA overview will be required to meet with the FMA staff for an interview prior to enrollment.
Completed applications are to be submitted to the attention of Major General (Ret.) Warren L. Freeman, Commandant, Forestville Military Academy, no later than April 23, 2010. If you have any questions, please contact General Freeman, Commandant, FMA at 301-817-0400, or Mr. Keith Hayes, Specialist (JROTC), at 301-583-1600 X2240.
Thank you for your continued support.
C: Members, Board of Education Dr. Bonita Coleman-Potter Area Executive Directors Ms. Deborah Jackson-Neismith Mr. Nathaniel R. Laney, Jr. Major General (Ret.) Warren L. Freeman Mr. Keith Hayes Mrs. Judy Jefferson
Board of Education of Prince George’s County Forestville Military Academy (FMA) Application for Admission 2010 - 2011
Part l (To be completed by parent /legal guardian)
Student Name: ______Grade ______
Student Number ______Student Birth Date: ______Age:______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Home Address: ______
Home Phone Number: ______Work Phone Number: ______
Cell Phone Number: ______E-mail Address: ______
Base/Home School: ______Last Grade Completed: ______
Grade Level Administrator: ______Counselor: ______
Medical Conditions to be considered: ______
Why do you want to attend FMA? ______
JROTC Experiences: ______
______Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Submit Part I and Part ll of this application with attachments by April 23, 2010, to the Forestville Military Academy, Attn: Major General Warren L. Freeman, Commandant, Forestville Military Academy.
Return to the base school Guidance Counselor
Board of Education of Prince George’s County Part II Forestville Military Academy (FMA) Application for Admission
(To be completed by the base school guidance counselor)
Student Name: ______Student Number ______
Attach copies of the student’s latest report card, PDS cards, suspension and expulsion reports and attendance report. Also, include Functional and Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan (FBA/BIP) and SST/SIT/MDT notes.
Note: Responses are to be based on the current school year. Courses completed during last school year: Courses presently taking: Current grades: 1st 2nd 3rd English ______Mathematics ______Science ______Social Studies ______Other ______Other ______Other ______
Academic Level (Place score/level in appropriate box) Above Grade On Grade Level Below Grade Level Name of Assessment Instrument Level Reading SRI Math SRI
Does the student receive any academic assistance/enrichment services? (Check all that apply)
_____ Special Education _____TAG _____ Section 504 Plan ESOL 1 2 3 (Circle One)
What level of service is provided, how often, and why? ______
If student no longer receives services, attach the MDT or IDT Summary notice showing withdrawal.
Conduct Record Good Average Needs Comments Improvement Student’s behavior Student’s attendance
Has the student ever been:
Yes No If yes, how long? Comments Suspended (in school) Suspended (out of school) Expelled
Please provide a brief statement about the student’s academic performance, social adjustment, and behavior.______
______Signature of Person Completing Form Position Date Phone Number
______Principal’s Signature Date
Submit Part l and Part ll of this application with attachments by April 23, 2010, to the Forestville Military Academy, Attn: Major General Warren L. Freeman, Commandant, Forestville Military Academy.
File: Cumulative File
Board of Education of Prince George’s County