PHCS Blue Report Template A

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PHCS Blue Report Template A

Quarterly Surveillance Report

Notifiable Sexually Transmissible Infections and Blood-borne Viruses in Western Australia

Period ending 30 September 2017 Vol. 15 (3), issued November 2017 Contents

Chlamydia...... 2 Gonorrhoea...... 4 Infectious syphilis...... 7 HIV/AIDS...... 9 Hepatitis B...... 11 Hepatitis C...... 14

Notes: 1. All data in this report are provisional and subject to future revision. 2. To help place the data in this report in perspective, comparisons with other reporting periods are provided. As no formal statistical testing has been conducted, some caution should be taken with interpretation. 3. Notifications for Christmas Island, Curtin, Leonora, Perth and Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centres have been excluded from all analyses because of potential bias introduced through the inclusion of cases detected by screening of asylum seekers at these locations in previous years.

Copyright to this material is vested in the State of Western Australia unless otherwise indicated. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced or re-used for any purposes whatsoever without written permission of the State of Western Australia.

Produced by the Epidemiology & Surveillance Program, Communicable Disease Control Directorate, Department of Health, Western Australia.

1 Summary

Table 1 Number and percentage change of STI and BBV notifications by reporting period, WA

3rd quarter 12-month period: 01 October to 30 September Disease Disease 3rd quarter 5 year mean for 3rd quarter 01 Oct 16 - 01 Oct 15 - 5 year mean for 01 Oct - 30 Sep category 2017 3rd quarter1 % change2 30 Sep 17 30 Sep 16 01 Oct - 30 Sep3 % Change4

Chlamydia 2,732 2,873.8 -5% 11,568 11,776 11,630.4 -1% Gonorrhoea 811 590.0 37% 3,607 3,098 2,318.0 56% STIs Infectious syphilis 72 44.8 61% 311 312 142.4 118% STI Total 3,615 3,508.6 3% 15,486 15,186 14,090.8 10% Hepatitis B (Newly acquired) 3 6.8 -56% 17 26 27.8 -39% Hepatitis B (Unspecified) 144 148.0 -3% 546 620 564.8 -3% Hepatitis B (Total) 147 154.8 -5% 563 646 592.6 -5% BBVs Hepatitis C (Newly acquired) 37 38.8 -5% 152 157 140.3 8% Hepatitis C (Unspecified) 224 245.8 -9% 1,049 945 944.3 11% Hepatitis C (Total) 261 284.6 -8% 1,201 1,102 1,084.5 11% BBV Total 408 439.4 -7% 1,729 1,847 1,700.4 2% Diagnosed in WA 12 28.8 -58% 72 103 102.8 -30% HIV Previously diagnosed overseas 6 8.4 -29% 34 16 24.6 38% HIV Total 18 37.2 -52% 106 119 127.4 -17% Combined total 4,041 3,985 1% 17,321 17,152 15,919 9%

Notes: 1 Historical five-year mean (i.e. from 2012 to 2016) for the current quarter. 2 Percentage change of the number of notifications in the current quarter compared to the historical five-year mean of the same quarter. Positive values indicate an increase compared to the historical five-year mean of the same quarter. Negative values indicate a decrease compared to the historical five-year mean of the same quarter. 3 Historical five-year mean (i.e. from 2012 to 2016) for the current 12-month period. 4 Percentage change of the number of notifications in the current 12-month period compared to the historical five-year mean for the same 12-month period. For interpretation of positive and negative values, see note 2. Chlamydia

Figure 1 Number of chlamydia notifications in WA by month, for the two most recent 12-month periods


1,200 s

n 1,000 o i t a c i f

i 800 t o n

f o 600 r e b m u 400 N


0 l l t t r r r r v c c y v y b p b n n g n n g p u u c c p p a a o e e a o a e u e e u e a u a u J J O A O A J J J J F M F M N D N D A S A S M M 2015 2016 2017 Year and month

 The number of chlamydia notifications for the 12-month period from October 2016 to September 2017 was comparable to the previous 12-month period and the previous five- year mean, reflecting relative stability in chlamydia notifications over this period, after many years of increasing notifications (Table 1).

2 Table 2 Number and proportion of chlamydia notifications in WA by sex, for the two most recent 12-month periods

Sex 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Number Percent Number Percent Male 5,184 45% 5,105 43% Female 6,383 55% 6,670 57% Male:Female ratio 0.8 N/A 0.8 N/A Total 11,568 100% 11,776 100%

Notes: N/A = Not applicable In addition to the number of notifications above, one case of chlamydia in a transgender person was notified to the DoH in both the 12- month period from October 2016 to September 2017 and the previous 12-month period

Table 3 Number and proportion of chlamydia notifications in WA by age group, for the two most recent 12-month periods Age group 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period (Years) Number Percent Number Percent 0–9 0 0% 0 0% 10–14 106 1% 96 1% 15–19 2,321 20% 2,427 21% 20–24 3,736 32% 3,854 33% 25–29 2,497 22% 2,580 22% 30–34 1,307 11% 1,333 11% 35–39 648 6% 590 5% 40–44 375 3% 337 3% 45–49 240 2% 231 2% 50–54 167 1% 153 1% 55–59 87 1% 99 1% 60+ 84 1% 76 1% Unknown 0 0% 0 0% Total 11,568 100% 11,776 100%

 The age distribution of chlamydia notifications was similar to the previous 12-month period. The largest proportion of notifications was among 20 to 29 year olds (54%) and notifications among this age group remained relatively stable. The number of notifications among 35 to 39 year olds increased by 10%.

Table 4 Number and crude rate of chlamydia notifications in WA by Aboriginality, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Aboriginality Number Rate Number Rate Aboriginal 1,589 1,633.6 1,572 1,641.2 Non-Aboriginal 9,360 357.6 9,334 362.8 Unknown 619 N/A 870 N/A Aboriginal:Non-Aboriginal ratio 0.2 4.6 0.2 4.5 Total 11,568 426.1 11,776 441.3

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population N/A = Not applicable

3  The chlamydia notification rate remained relatively stable among both Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people.

Table 5 Number and crude rate of chlamydia notifications in WA by region, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Region Number Rate Number Rate Goldfields 320 523.5 383 623.3 Great Southern 171 276.9 179 292.9 Kimberley 619 1,554.2 612 1,536.7 Metropolitan 9,001 418.5 9,015 427.3 Midwest 274 394.0 372 537.9 Pilbara 368 539.3 368 541.7 South West 528 286.4 555 307.0 Wheatbelt 177 224.8 181 230.2 Other 110 N/A 111 N/A Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Total 11,568 426.1 11,776 441.3

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population Metropolitan = East Metropolitan + North Metropolitan + South Metropolitan Other = Interstate + Overseas residents diagnosed in WA Unknown = Unknown residential address within WA N/A = Not applicable

 Chlamydia notification rates declined or remained relatively stable in all regions. Gonorrhoea

Figure 2 Number of gonorrhoea notifications in WA by region and exposure category, for the two most recent 12- month periods


1,000 s n o i

t 800 a c i f i t o n

600 f o

r e b

m 400 u N


0 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2015 2016 2017 Year and quarter Metro MSM Non-metro MSM Metro heterosexual Non-metro heterosexual WA (Total)  The total number of gonorrhoea notifications was 16% higher than the previous 12-month period and 56% higher than the previous five-year mean (Table 1).

4  In the Perth metropolitan area, the number of gonorrhoea notifications categorised as “heterosexual” (on the basis of enhanced surveillance data provided by notifying clinicians) increased by 17% compared to the previous 12-month period (n=1,352 vs. 1,588), and was almost double the previous five-year mean of 824 cases per 12-month period. The largest increases occurred among females, with a 32% increase compared to the previous 12-month period (n=701 vs. 927) and a more than two-fold increase compared to the previous five-year mean of 391 cases per 12-month period.

 The number of gonorrhoea notifications in the Perth metropolitan area categorised as “men who have sex with men” (MSM) decreased by 10% compared to the previous 12- month period (n=496 vs. 445), and increased by 25% compared to the previous five-year mean of 356 cases per 12-month period. The number of notifications among MSM peaked in the first quarter of 2016 (n=147).

Table 6 Number and proportion of gonorrhoea notifications in WA by sex, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Sex Number Percent Number Percent Male 2,086 58% 1,835 59% Female 1,520 42% 1,262 41% Male:Female ratio 1.4 N/A 1.5 N/A Total 3,607 100% 3,098 100%

Notes: N/A = Not applicable In addition to the number of notifications above, one case of gonorrhoea in a transgender person was notified to the DoH in both the 12- month period from July 2015 to June 2016 and the previous 12-month period

Table 7 Number and proportion of gonorrhoea notifications in WA by age group, for the two most recent 12-month periods Age group 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period (Years) Number Percent Number Percent 0–9 4 0% 8 0% 10–14 64 2% 83 3% 15–19 620 17% 486 16% 20–24 829 23% 723 23% 25–29 780 22% 687 22% 30–34 517 14% 456 15% 35–39 326 9% 222 7% 40–44 192 5% 141 5% 45–49 125 3% 127 4% 50–54 69 2% 71 2% 55–59 42 1% 42 1% 60+ 39 1% 52 2% Unknown 0 0% 0 0% Total 3,607 100% 3,098 100%

 The age distribution of gonorrhoea notifications was similar to the previous 12-month period, with the number of notified cases increasing in most age-groups. The largest proportion of notifications was among 20 to 29 year olds (45%) and notifications among this age group increased by 14%. There was a 28% increase among 15 to 19 year olds.

5 Table 8 Number and crude rate of gonorrhoea notifications in WA by Aboriginality, for the two most recent 12- month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Aboriginality Number Rate Number Rate Aboriginal 1,175 1,208.0 960 1,002.2 Non-Aboriginal 2,427 92.7 2,130 82.8 Unknown 5 N/A 8 N/A Aboriginal:Non-Aboriginal ratio 0.5 13.0 0.5 12.1 Total 3,607 132.9 3,098 116.1

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population N/A = Not applicable

 The gonorrhoea notification rate increased by 21% among Aboriginal people and by 12% among non-Aboriginal people. The rate of gonorrhoea among Aboriginal people was 13- times higher than among non-Aboriginal people.

 Aboriginal status was reported for 99.9% of notifications, reflective of the efforts of public health staff in ascertaining this information.

Table 9 Number and crude rate of gonorrhoea notifications in WA by region, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Region Number Rate Number Rate Goldfields 210 343.5 121 196.9 Great Southern 12 19.4 15 24.5 Kimberley 521 1,308.1 438 1,099.8 Metropolitan 2,414 112.2 2,023 95.9 Midwest 111 159.6 127 183.6 Pilbara 192 281.4 220 323.8 South West 76 41.2 94 52.0 Wheatbelt 35 44.4 28 35.6 Other 36 N/A 32 N/A Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Total 3,607 132.9 3,098 116.1

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population Metropolitan = East Metropolitan + North Metropolitan + South Metropolitan Other = Interstate + Overseas residents diagnosed in WA Unknown = Unknown residential address within WA N/A = Not applicable

 The gonorrhoea notification rate increased in the Goldfields, Kimberley, Perth metropolitan, and Wheatbelt regions. Most notable was the 74% increase in the Goldfields region. Conversely, the notification rate decreased in the Great Southern, Midwest, Pilbara and South-West regions.

6 Infectious syphilis

Figure 3 Number of infectious syphilis notifications in WA by region and exposure category, for the two most recent 12-month periods


100 s n o i

t 80 a c i f i t o n

60 f o

r e b

m 40 u N


0 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 2015 2016 2017 Year and quarter

Metro MSM Non-metro MSM Metro heterosexual Non-metro heterosexual WA (Total)

 The total number of infectious syphilis notifications was comparable to the previous 12- month period and more than double the previous five-year mean (Table 1).

 In the current 12-month period, 94% of infectious syphilis notifications in the Perth metropolitan area were among males and the number categorised as MSM was 17% lower than the previous 12-month period (n=200 vs. 166), and almost double the previous five-year mean of 86 cases per 12-month period. The number of notifications among metropolitan MSM peaked in the third quarter of 2016 (n=66), and decreased to 36 notifications in the third quarter of 2017.

Table 10 Number and crude rate of infectious syphilis notifications by Aboriginality for the two most recent 12- month periods, WA 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Aboriginality Number Rate Number Rate Aboriginal 73 75.0 47 49.1 Non-Aboriginal 238 9.1 265 10.3 Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Aboriginal:Non-Aboriginal Ratio 0.3 8.3 0.2 4.8 WA (Total) 311 11.5 312 11.7

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population N/A = Not applicable

 The infectious syphilis notification rate increased by 53% among Aboriginal people (primarily associated with an ongoing outbreak in the Kimberley region) and decreased by 12% among non-Aboriginal people (associated with MSM), resulting in a higher rate ratio compared to the previous 12-month period.

 The outbreak in the Kimberley region is part of a larger outbreak in northern Australia that commenced in northern Queensland in 2011, spread to the Northern Territory in

7 2013, and then to the Kimberley region in mid-2014. In early 2017, South Australia also reported cases associated with the outbreak. Further information about the infectious syphilis outbreak affecting Aboriginal people living in northern Australia is available from: outbreak.htm.

Table 11 Number and crude rate of infectious syphilis notifications by region for the two most recent 12-month periods, WA 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Region Number Rate Number Rate Goldfields 8 13.1 4 6.5 Great Southern 3 4.9 0 0.0 Kimberley 64 160.7 36 90.4 Metropolitan 221 10.3 245 11.6 Midwest 3 4.3 5 7.2 Pilbara 1 1.5 2 2.9 South West 7 3.8 7 3.9 Wheatbelt 2 2.5 5 6.4 Other 2 N/A 8 N/A Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Total 311 11.5 312 11.7

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population Metropolitan = East Metropolitan + North Metropolitan + South Metropolitan Other = Interstate + Overseas Unknown = Unknown residential address within WA N/A = Not applicable

 While trends in the infectious syphilis notification rate varied between regions, most had only a handful of cases and little can be made of such changes, excepting the Kimberley and Perth metropolitan region, were most cases occurred. The rate remained highest in the Kimberley region, where there was a 78% increase compared to the previous 12- month period.

 A total of 140 infectious syphilis cases (87 female, 53 male) have been notified in the Kimberley region from June 2014 to September 2017 and cases peaked in the first quarter of 2017 (n=28). Prior to 2014, there had been no infectious syphilis notifications in the Kimberley region for two years.


Figure 4 Number of HIV notifications in WA by quarter, for the two most recent 12-month periods

 There was an 11% decrease in the total number of HIV cases notified (n=106) in the most recent 12-month period (October 2016 to September 2017) compared to the previous 12-month period (n=119) (Table 1). However, after the exclusion of cases who had previously been diagnosed overseas, the number of notifications that received their initial diagnosis in WA decreased by 30% over the two reporting periods (103 to 72 cases) (Table 1).

 In total there were 18 HIV notifications in the July to September 2017 quarter, a 42% decrease compared to the number of notifications in the previous quarter (n=31) (Figure 4). Following the exclusion of cases previously diagnosed overseas, there were 12 new HIV diagnoses in the July to September 2017 quarter, seven fewer than in the previous quarter (n=19) (Figure 4).

 The total number of HIV notifications in females remained relatively stable (13 to 15 cases) in the most recent 12-month period (October 2016 to September 2017), compared to the previous 12-month period. The total number of HIV notifications in males decreased over the same period (n=105 to 89 cases). After excluding cases previously diagnosed overseas, a 32% decrease observed for males (95 to 65 cases), while female HIV notifications (seven to six cases) remained stable, over these two periods. The male: female ratio for new HIV diagnoses (excluding cases previously diagnosed overseas) in the most recent 12-month period (October 2016 to September 2017) was 10.8:1, compared to 13.6:1 in the previous 12 months.

9 Table 12 Number and proportion of HIV notifications in WA by age group, for the two most recent 12-month periods (cases diagnosed in WA)

Age group 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period (Years) Number Percent Number Percent 0–9 0 0% 1 1% 10–14 0 0% 0 0% 15–19 2 3% 1 1% 20–24 7 10% 9 9% 25–29 9 13% 19 18% 30–34 12 17% 16 16% 35–39 10 14% 11 11% 40–44 9 13% 12 12% 45–49 5 7% 8 8% 50–54 4 6% 7 7% 55–59 5 7% 4 4% 60+ 9 13% 15 15% Total 72 100% 103 100%

 For cases first diagnosed in WA the median age of HIV notifications in the most recent 12-month reporting period was 36.5 years (range: 19 to 73 years) and was slightly younger than the median age reported for the previous 12-month period (37 years; range: 4 to 81 years). The median age and range for the most recent reporting year was similar when calculated for total notified cases (including those diagnosed overseas) (37 years; 4 to 81 years).

 The HIV case notified in the 0-9 age group in the October 2015 to September 2016 period (Table 12) was acquired overseas through vertical transmission.

Table 13 Number and crude rate of HIV notifications in WA by Aboriginality, for the two most recent 12- month periods (cases diagnosed in WA)

01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Aboriginality Number Rate Number Rate Aboriginal 3 3.1 4 4.2 Non-Aboriginal 69 2.6 99 3.8 Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Aboriginal:Non-Aboriginal ratio N/A 1.2 N/A 1.1 Total 72 2.7 103 3.9

Note: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population

 In the most recent 12-month period there were three HIV diagnoses in Aboriginal people, which was similar to the number reported in the previous 12-month period (n=4). (Table 13).

10 Table 14 Number and proportion of HIV notifications in WA by exposure, for the two most recent 12-month periods (cases diagnosed in WA) 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Exposure category Number Percent Number Percent Men who have sex with men 34 47% 68 66% Male Heterosexual 26 36% 21 20% Female Heterosexual 6 8% 7 7% Male and Female IDU 1 1% 4 4% Other/unknown 5 7% 3 3% Total 72 100% 103 100%

After excluding notifications of cases previously diagnosed overseas:

 There was a 50% decrease in HIV notifications for which the exposure category was attributed to MSM in the most recent 12-month reporting period (Table 14). Most MSM who were newly diagnosed with HIV in the current period reported acquiring their infection in Australia (76%).

 The number of male HIV cases attributed to heterosexual exposures increased by 4 cases compared to the previous 12-month period (Table 14). The majority of these cases were men who acquired HIV overseas (69%).

 The number of female HIV notifications attributed to heterosexual exposures was stable compared to the previous 12 months (Table 14). Four of the six cases were acquired in Australia and the remaining two were overseas-born women who had acquired HIV overseas. Hepatitis B

Figure 5 Number of hepatitis B notifications in WA by disease status, for the two most recent 12-month periods


100 s n o i

t 80 a c i f i t o

n 60

f o

r e b 40 m u N


0 l l t t r r r r v c y v c y b g p b g p n n n n c u c u a p a p o e a o e a u e u e a e u a e u J J O A O A J J J J F M F M N D A S N D A S M M 2015 2016 2017 Year and month

Newly acquired Unspecified Total

Table 15 Number of newly acquired and unspecified hepatitis B notifications in WA, for the two most recent 12- month periods

11 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Disease status Number Percent Number Percent Newly acquired 17 3% 26 4% Unspecified 546 97% 620 96% Total 563 100% 646 100%

Note: There was a sharp increase in unspecified hepatitis B notifications in May and June 2016 resulting from the addition of a backlog of notifications from one pathology laboratory

 Compared to the previous 12-month period, the number of newly acquired hepatitis B notifications decreased by 35% and the number of unspecified hepatitis B notifications decreased by 12%.

Table 16 Number and proportion of hepatitis B notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by sex, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Sex Number Percent Number Percent Male 289 51% 343 53% Female 274 49% 303 47% Male:Female ratio 1.1 N/A 1.1 N/A Total 563 100% 646 100%

Note: N/A = Not applicable

Table 17 Number and proportion of hepatitis B notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by age group, for the two most recent 12-month periods Age group 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period (Years) Number Percent Number Percent 0–9 1 0% 0 0% 10–14 3 1% 4 1% 15–19 19 3% 19 3% 20–24 39 7% 37 6% 25–29 62 11% 91 14% 30–34 107 19% 115 18% 35–39 78 14% 101 16% 40–44 78 14% 87 13% 45–49 57 10% 45 7% 50–54 29 5% 53 8% 55–59 25 4% 30 5% 60+ 65 12% 64 10% Unknown 0 0% 0 0% Total 563 100% 646 100%

 The age distribution of total hepatitis B notifications was similar to the previous 12-month period. The largest proportion of notifications was among 30 to 44 year olds (47%) and notifications among this age group decreased by 13%.

12 Table 18 Number and crude rate of hepatitis B notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by Aboriginality, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Aboriginality Number Rate Number Rate Aboriginal 31 31.9 29 30.3 Non-Aboriginal 463 17.7 528 20.5 Unknown 69 N/A 89 N/A Aboriginal:Non-Aboriginal ratio 0.1 1.8 0.1 1.5 Total 563 20.7 646 24.2

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population N/A = Not applicable

 The total hepatitis B notification rate remained stable among Aboriginal people and decreased by 14% among non-Aboriginal people.

Table 19 Number and crude rate of hepatitis B notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by region, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Region Number Rate Number Rate Goldfields 14 22.9 17 27.7 Great Southern 6 9.7 3 4.9 Kimberley 10 25.1 12 30.1 Metropolitan 491 22.8 559 26.5 Midwest 10 14.4 4 5.8 Pilbara 11 16.1 16 23.6 South West 12 6.5 20 11.1 Wheatbelt 6 7.6 7 8.9 Other 3 N/A 8 N/A Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Total 563 20.7 646 24.2

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population Metropolitan = East Metropolitan + North Metropolitan + South Metropolitan Other = Interstate + Overseas Unknown = Unknown residential address within WA N/A = Not applicable

 Trends in the total hepatitis B notification rate varied between regions. Excepting the Perth metropolitan region, where there was a clear decrease, the small number of notifications means little can be concluded about changes in country regions.

13 Hepatitis C

Figure 6 Number of hepatitis C notifications in WA by disease status, for the two most recent 12-month periods


120 s

n 100 o i t a c i f

i 80 t o n

f o

60 r e b m

u 40 N


0 l l t t r r r r v c v y c y b g p b g p n n n n c u c u a p a p o e o a e a e u e e u e a u a u J J O A O A J J J J F M F M N D A S N D A S M M 2015 2016 2017 Year and month

Newly acquired Unspecified Total

Table 20 Number of hepatitis C notifications in WA by disease status, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Disease status Number Percent Number Percent Newly acquired 123 11% 152 13% Unspecified 1,043 89% 1,049 87% Total 1,166 100% 1,201 100%

 Compared to the previous 12-month period, the number of newly acquired hepatitis C notifications decreased by 19% and the number of unspecified hepatitis C notifications remained stable.

Table 21 Number, proportion and ratio of hepatitis C notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by sex, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Sex Number Percent Number Percent Male 790 68% 785 65% Female 376 32% 416 35% Male:Female ratio 2.1 N/A 1.9 N/A Total 1,166 100% 1,201 100%

Note: N/A = Not applicable

14 Table 22 Number and proportion of hepatitis C notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by age group, for the two most recent 12-month periods Age group 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period (Years) Number Percent Number Percent 0–9 1 0% 1 0% 10–14 2 0% 0 0% 15–19 32 3% 28 2% 20–24 122 10% 128 11% 25–29 123 11% 146 12% 30–34 166 14% 161 13% 35–39 187 16% 165 14% 40–44 138 12% 126 10% 45–49 129 11% 131 11% 50–54 95 8% 130 11% 55–59 82 7% 96 8% 60+ 89 8% 89 7% Unknown 0 0% 0 0% Total 1,166 100% 1,201 100%

 The age distribution of total hepatitis C notifications was similar to the previous 12-month period. The number of notifications among 35 to 44 year olds increased by 12%.

Table 23 Number and crude rate of hepatitis C notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by Aboriginality, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Aboriginality Number Rate Number Rate Aboriginal 294 302.3 259 270.4 Non-Aboriginal 785 30.0 833 32.4 Unknown 87 N/A 109 N/A Aboriginal:Non-Aboriginal ratio 0.4 10.1 0.3 8.4 Total 1,166 43.0 1,201 45.0

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population N/A = Not applicable

 The total hepatitis C notification rate increased by 12% among Aboriginal people and decreased by 7% among non-Aboriginal people.

15 Table 24 Number and crude rate of hepatitis C notifications (newly acquired + unspecified) in WA by region, for the two most recent 12-month periods 01 Oct 16 - 30 Sep 17 Period 01 Oct 15 - 30 Sep 16 Period Region Number Rate Number Rate Goldfields 30 49.1 29 47.2 Great Southern 50 81.0 48 78.5 Kimberley 22 55.2 17 42.7 Metropolitan 878 40.8 897 42.5 Midwest 48 69.0 55 79.5 Pilbara 15 22.0 31 45.6 South West 67 36.3 74 40.9 Wheatbelt 49 62.2 38 48.3 Other 7 N/A 12 N/A Unknown 0 N/A 0 N/A Total 1,166 43.0 1,201 45.0

Notes: Rate = Crude notification rate per 100,000 population Metropolitan = East Metropolitan + North Metropolitan + South Metropolitan Other = Interstate + Overseas Unknown = Unknown residential address within WA N/A = Not applicable

 Trends in the total hepatitis C notification rate varied between regions. Although based on small numbers, the rate increased in the Wheatbelt region and decreased in the Pilbara region.

16 This document can be made available in alternative formats on request for a person with a disability.

© Department of Health 2017

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