Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission s5

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Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission s5

Minutes KEEP ARKANSAS BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 October 24, 2002

Commissioners Present:

Linda Westergard, Chairman Sarah Wruck, Vice-Chairman Laurie Black Carl Garner Phyllis Jones Rev. Thurston Lamb Gelene MacDowell Brenda Jo Williams

Commissioners Absent:

Mary Smith (illness)

Staff Present:

Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Jack Singleton, Keep Arkansas Beautiful

Guests Present:

Richard Davies and Gloria Robins, Arkansas Department of Parks & Tourism Marynell Branch, Governor's Office Rev. Ted Christopher, Little Rock Susan Gele', Keep Pulaski County Beautiful Steve Holcomb, Sharon Vogelpohl, Rob Bell, Lindy Blackstone & Jennifer Smith of Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper

Call to Order:

Linda Westergard called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., and Brenda Halbert called the roll. Guests were welcomed.

Ms. Westerard reported on the health status of Mary Smith. Mr. Phelps stated he had spoken with Ms. Smith, extending the Commissioners' thoughts and prayers for regaining her health and rejoining the Commission next year. Ms. Branch talked to Ms. Smith as well and extended the Governor's assurance of not worrying about her place on the Commission. However, following required protocol, a letter will be sent to the Governor apprising him of Ms. Smith's three meeting absences due to illness.

Presentation of Minutes:

Ms. Westergard asked for a motion approving the September 26, 2002 minutes. It was noted that the wording on page 4, last paragraph of the MHRC report, should be changed from "relationship with the City of Little Rock" to "specific contact" with the City of Little Rock. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 2

Sarah Wruck made a motion, seconded by Carl Garner, approving the September 26, 2002 KArB Commission minutes as corrected. The motion passed.

Financial Report:

Mr. Phelps presented the Financial Report for the period ending September 30, 2002, reflecting expenditures of 19%, three months into the fiscal year. He reviewed each line item.

Ms. Westergard asked for approval of the financial report.

Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Sarah Wruck, approving the KArB Financial Report as presented for the period ending September 30, 2002. The motion passed.

Chairman’s Report:

Ms. Westergard expressed appreciation to all Commissioners for their hard work, particularly Committee Chairmen who prepared and submitted written reports.

Executive Director's Report:

Mr. Phelps reported on the following:

 Keep America Beautiful State Leaders' Conference: Expressed appreciation for opportunity to attend recently in Stamford, CT, reporting on highlights (group picture shared).  Mileage reimbursement for TR-1's: mileage is based on the highway mileage chart as required by the State (exception would be location mileage, i.e., trip to other meeting location site from initial destination).  Amendment 3: APPLES position defines our concerns.  "Keeping Arkansas Natural Forever, Amendment 75: Promises Kept": a recent publication explaining the benefits of the 1/8 cent to be distributed soon with a cover letter to KArB Affiliates, County Judges and Mayors. Mr. Phelps stated the KArB Commission could take great pride in the KArB activities and programs in every Arkansas county made possible by Amendment 75 - outlined at the back of the report.  Advertising agency contract process: 1) It was determined by the KArB Commission in July, 2001, "that it will be the policy of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission not to automatically extend agency contracts beyond the third contract without the review process". 2) Last month, seventy-one (71) agencies registered in the State of Arkansas were sent letters requesting proposals; 3) Eleven agencies contacted the KArB office prior to the deadline, with four indicating they would not submit a proposal; 4) Seven agencies submitted written proposals. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 3

Mr. Phelps read the names and addresses of the seven agencies that submitted proposals. He continued, reviewing the "Advertising Agency Questionnaire" form that had been submitted by each with Commissioners. Additionally, a "Selection Considerations" form, placing weights to the criteria, was reviewed. He stated this would enable Commissioners to enter into the discussion with suggestions as Mr. Phelps read and reviewed each agency's submission. He noted that any Commissioner could review a proposal of a specific agency any time during the review process. Mr. Phelps also stated he had not discussed anything with the interested agencies except to answer their questions but had granted an interview to one requesting agency, Advantage Communications of Little Rock.

Mr. Phelps began the review of each proposal following the questionnaire when Ms. Westergard interrupted, asking if the proposals could be narrowed to a top three or four recommended by Mr. Phelps, with the Commissioners supporting this method unanimously by general consent.

Mr. Phelps then presented the criteria and highlights of proposals of the top three recommended agencies as follows:

1) Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper; 2) Forza Marketing Group; 3) Thoma Thoma Creative.

After numerous questions from several Commissioners regarding the agencies and their proposals, lengthy discussion was held regarding the standard of excellence KArB is accustomed to and how a new agency would affect its growth.

Mr. Garner expressed concern of proper procedure and whether or not there was a legal necessity as well as courtesy to have the three finalists make presentations at the February meeting. Mr. Phelps stated that each agency could do that, but it would not be a courtesy considering the time and expense of making a presentation in vain if the Commission had more or less made up their mind. Mr. Davies stated the Commissioners should feel free to make a decision based on the presentations today and Mr. Phelps' expertise and input, that guidelines and protocol had been followed.

Discussion continued with Mr. Phelps stating again that full presentations should not be requested of any agency in February, for procedure only, due to time and expense of the agency. Ms. Westergard called for a motion:

Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Laurie Black, that Keep Arkansas Beautiful continue business with the advertising agency, Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper.

Mr. Phelps noted that three well known local agencies had called him before the deadline proposal, stating they would not submit a proposal out of respect for MHRC and the quality of their work. Mr. Davies reminded Commissioners that any minor details would be worked out in the contract and that Commissioners were just approving the agency. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 4

Ms. MacDowell called for the question.

The motion for Keep Arkansas Beautiful to continue with Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper as advertising agency passed unanimously.

Mr. Holcomb humbly expressed appreciation and gratitude for he and his staff. Ms. Westergard expressed her appreciation to the Commissioners for their time and patience in going through the process of selecting an ad agency.

Advisory Reports:


Mr. Davies reported:

 Amendment 75 (formerly Amendment 2): Volunteer Treasurers' checkbook from 1993-96 is available for anyone who wishes to view it.  Budget: With the exception of personnel issues, KArB got what they requested, stating ADPT/KArB staff waited from 1:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. to be heard when the issue was moved into committee and probably won't be out of committee until February or March.  Amendment 3: Reiterated that the State Parks, Recreation & Travel Commission had expressed opposition, however, it looked as though it was going to be on the ballot. If it passes, local services will suffer as well, and the revenue will have to come from sources other than food and drugs to continue those services.

Governor’s Office:

Marynell Branch reported:

 KArB "Please Don't Litter" bumper stickers: She checked and could not find an established policy for state vehicles; Mr. Davies will check at the cabinet meeting.  EPA is about to encumber more water for conservation and has asked each state to recommend two water sources in the state. Two will be in-state and two multi-state. This will be done with support from other agencies such as ADEQ, and Ms. Branch asked that KArB be a co-sponsoring agency. Nominations are due in Washington on November 1 with submissions due by November 21.

Ms. Westergard requested an answer to Ms. Branch's request.

Laurie Black made a motion, seconded by Thurston Lamb, that Keep Arkansas Beautiful sign on as a co-sponsor of the conservation request. The motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Branch stated she would come back to the Commission if she needed a letter or statement in writing. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 5

Guests' Remarks:


Committee Reports:

GAC Committee:

Carl Garner presented an update of GAC 2002. With 21 counties reporting (31 reports pending) plus the Arkansas Highway Department, results as of October 22 are as follows:

 6,709 volunteers  212,787 pounds of bagged trash  1/4 of the cleanups recycled

Teresa Caveness, GAC State Coordinator, will present a final report at the November meeting.

Reports of other cleanup activities:

 Lake Village: Laurie Black reported cleanup activities involving 700 citizens of various ages, particularly the elementary school, with great support from administration. The hospital, Chamber of Commerce and Pepsi were heavily involved with donation of food and drinks along with other donors. Prisoners were a great resource in additional cleanup efforts and are already scheduled for a spring cleanup.  Little Rock: Thurston Lamb reported on an October 12 cleanup effort, stating they hoped for more volunteers at the next cleanup.  Piggott/Clay County: Sarah Wruck reported on the first GAC cleanup effort in Clay County, all volunteers being new residents to the area with the county judge being very impressed with the effort and results, expressing support for 2003. Ms. Wruck plans to assist in Clay County as well as Greene County next year.

Ms. Westergard stated she was pleased to finally see a transfer of responsibility and resource from the KArB office as the central provider to state KArB Affiliates.

Grants Committee:

Mr. Phelps reported that he had nothing new to share but would be reviewing the grants criteria during the Affiliate meeting after the reception.

Speakers’ Bureau Committee:

 Rob Bell of MHRC presented the Speakers' Video, a copy of which will be sent to Commissioners. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 6

 Sharon Vogelphol reported on: 1) "Your Trash Costs Arkansas Cash" PSA and radio spot- brain child of Carl Garner who was concerned along with KArB that the AR State Highway & Transportation Department pays $5 million annually to clean state highways: a) Channel 7's PSA features Barry Brandt; b) Jerry Atchley, KArB Foundation Chair, donated his voice talent for the radio spot.

Commissioners encouraged more use of the "Take It Back" song in presentations; also, a suggestion was made to set it up for karaoke.

Ms. Black suggested more highway signage for preventing litter as she sees in Texas. Mr. Garner said that he and Mr. Phelps could bring that up with AHTD when they make a request for an annual financial commitment to the Great Arkansas Cleanup.

Wildflowers Committee:

Brenda Williams referred to Gelene MacDowell who reported on progress as follows:

 JeNelle Lipton of Wynne and Carl Hunter of Little Rock have agreed to serve on the committee, along with Randall Viguet, Master Gardener in the Ft. Smith area.  Committee meeting scheduled for November.

KArB Awards 2003:

Linda Westergard reviewed the timeline and sponsorship opportunities, including sample letters. She encouraged Commissioners to procure sponsorships in their districts, however, if a Commissioner does not want to initiate a contact, she indicated Mr. Phelps or she do that on the Commissioner's behalf. She distributed sponsorship opportunity guidelines, including a list of past contributors to KArB events and programs to assist Commissioners in their area of the state.

Ms. Branch reminded the KArB office to send a request to get on the Governor's calendar for his participation in the Awards Luncheon next year.

Keep Arkansas Beautiful Month:

Ms. Black reviewed her report regarding April, 2003, as follows:

 Spring cleanup in April: 1) Prisoners great resource; Dermott Unit, Dept. of Corrections, already committed to Lake Village area for next year's spring cleanup; 2) Get groups involved and make it fun and competitive.  Riverbags: 1) Last batch already distributed, according to Mr. Phelps; 2) Sponsorships needed for new bags for April distribution. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 7

 Environmental Mall: 1) One mall event instead of two has been suggested; 2) Committee met yesterday but no final decisions made.  Media: Jason Harper of Channel 7 stated he would like to be a part of KArB Month.

Ms. Black also reported that she had been contacted by Robert Hunter from ADEQ regarding the Arkansas Flower & Garden Show in March. He is encouraging more involvement by KArB.

KArB Affiliate Network Conference:

Ms. Jones reported planning is on schedule with a conference announcement to be made in the November newsletter.

 Planned schedule of events April 29-30 reviewed with highlights as follows: 1) Dale Bumpers, recipient of the "Iron Eyes Cody Award" will be keynote speaker 4/29; 2) Ray Empson from KAmB has been confirmed as the breakfast speaker on 4/30; 3) Tours of historic areas may be curtailed to keep costs down.

KArB Affiliate Network:

Sarah Wruck reported:

 Encouraged everyone to attend the afternoon reception for Jack Singleton, Volunteer Services Coordinator, and brief meeting to follow.  Brenda Williams will assume Chair of KArB Affiliate Committee in January and noted it should be somewhat easier with the new Volunteer Coordinator on staff.

Ms. Wruck opened the floor to Affiliates. Susan Gele', Keep Pulaski County Beautiful, announced a paper recycling project sponsored by the U. S. Council of Mayors on America Recycles Day, Thursday, November 14 at the Westlake Corporate Park, Shackleford Road, Little Rock.

Minority Participation Committee:

(Mr. Lamb reported earlier on the minority GAC event in Little Rock.)

Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper:

Ms. Vogelpohl presented the remaining ad agency report as follows:

 Expressed appreciation of the Commission's decision to choose MHRC advertising agency. She introduced agency players and their main responsibilities for KArB as follows: KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 8

1) Lindy Blackstone: Promotions Manager, who will be working on Keep Arkansas Beautiful Month, Awards Luncheon, and mall event/s, as she has great expertise in that area; 2) Jennifer Smith will be working on those events but primarily the KArB Affiliate Conference. 3) Lisa Plaquet continues to work at home on the entire account, focusing on The Keepsake.  KArB Commissioners biographies being updated, including a staged picture of an activity in support one one of the three missions of Keep Arkansas Beautiful.  Briefly reviewed news clips of KArB activities in the state, particularly the GAC.  "Race for the Cure" - shared ideas of potential support and involvement of KArB to "Cleanup for the Cure".  MHRC - "Adopt-A-Street" project - next event November 2 at 8:00 a.m.

Ms. Vogelpohl finished her report by extending a MHRC invitation to host the November KArB Commission meeting and lunch at their Little Rock offices, 2300 Cottondale Lane, Suite 300. The meeting was rescheduled for Wednesday, November 20 at 10:00 a.m.

Old Business:

Nominating Committee

Phyllis Jones announced recommendations for 2003 officers as follows:

Sarah Wruck, Chairman; Brenda Williams, Vice-Chairman.

Ms. Westergard thanked the Nominating Committee for their work, stating a vote would take place at the November meeting.

Amendment 3:

Ms. Westergard stated we still have pending business on whether or not the KArB Commission will take an official position on Amendment 3 and "Ax the Tax" issue. Sarah Wruck suggested the KArB Commission take the same position as the State Parks, Recreation & Travel Commission with Ms. MacDowell in agreement. Discussion continued with everyone in agreement that media need not be notified of the Commission's position unless requested.

Phyllis Jones made a motion, seconded by Brenda Williams, that the KArB Commission opposes Amendment 3. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

None. KArB Commission Minutes October 24, 2002 - page 9


In regard to the poster and essay contests of the Great American Cleanup in the spring, a note with photographs from Sandra Peterson of Randolph County were shared. Their county fair parade this fall included a float with five state poster and essay winners from that area.

Question was raised if a Foundation luncheon date has been set, and Mr. Phelps responded probably not before May, 2003. Mr. Holcomb reported:

 KArB Foundation Board materials are ready, including a powerpoint presentation.  Applications to secure grant monies are being processed by Debbie Lee of Horizons.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned around 12:00 Noon.


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