Algebra 2 Honors 2017-2018 Mr. Wong Rowland High School Room B-9

General Course Description: Algebra 2 Honors is a college prep course that continues to build on the mathematical topics and problem solving techniques learned in Algebra 1 and Geometry. There is an emphasis on functions, logical reasoning, matrices, sequences and series, exponential and logarithmic functions, and probability and statistics, conics, and trigonometry. This class will go at a faster pace and cover more than a regular Algebra 2 class to prepare students for Precalculus Honors and above. Homework will be assigned daily.

Supplies: The following materials MUST be brought to class EVERYDAY:  textbook  class notebook  pen, pencil and eraser  notebook paper  straightedge (your ID card is perfect for this) The following materials are PROHIBITED: playing cards, cell phones, Ipads, Ipods, MP3 players, or other similar electronic devices not conductive to learning. Once seen or heard, they will IMMEDIATELY BE CONFISCATED and points WILL BE DEDUCTED from the students’ grades.

Assignments: Classwork: Classwork will include warm-ups and/or worksheets or bookwork. Students will start the class with warm-up problems and can complete their classwork underneath the warm-ups on the same paper. Warmups and Classwork will be turned in weekly or biweekly for points. Warmups and classwork must be done in pencil only to receive credit.

Homework: Homework assignments will be given daily and checked the next day. Students will then create homework “packets” for each chapter and turn in all of the assignments for the chapter the day of the chapter test. Homework must be done in PENCIL ONLY. Assignments not done in pencil will receive NO CREDIT. Each homework assignment will be out of 5 points. For full credit, students must SHOW ALL WORK. Points will be deducted for being incomplete, incorrect, or messy and unreadable.

Notes: Each student will be required to take notes, which will be periodically checked for points.

Grading Policy: Your final grade is weighted as follows: Classwork/Homework/Participation: 20% Quizzes/Exams: 65% Final: 15%

Grading Scale: 89%-100%=A, 78%-88%=B, 67%-77%=C, 66%-0%=F.

Cheating: Cheating is unacceptable for any reason and will not be tolerated. The first time caught will result in a 0 for the assignment. The second offense will result in the student receiving an F for the class.

EXTRA HELP IS AVAILABLE . I am available for help during nutrition, lunch, and after school. Feel free to call me at (626) 965-3448 ext 3254 or email me at [email protected] or [email protected] with any questions or concerns. We must work together to avoid disappointing results, so do not suffer in silence. If the homework does not go well and does not become clear in class, you must ask me for help immediately. Waiting until the last month of the semester to ask for help is a prescription for failure.

Remember, math is FUN! Math can be fun and exciting. It all depends on your attitude. Let’s have a great year!


Mr. Wong Class Rules and Expectations


1. Be in your seat when the bell rings with paper and pencil ready to work. 2. Remain seated at all times. The teacher, not the bell, dismisses you. 3. No talking while the teacher is talking. 4. Respect each other and the teacher at all times. 5. No food, drinks (except bottled water), or electronic devices such as cell phones, Ipods, MP3 players, etc., inside class at all times.

Consequences Rewards 1. Warning 1. Verbal praise 2. Conference with student/phone call home 2. Note sent home 3. Detention/phone call home 3. Phone call home 4. Referral to administration 4. Bonus points


1) Tardies You are tardy if you are not in the room when the bell finishes ringing. School tardy policies will be strictly enforced.

2) Absences Make up work is the students’ responsibility if they are absent. Homework due the day of the EXCUSED absence must be turned in upon returning to school for full credit. Homework given on the day of an EXCUSED absence may be turned in the next day upon return. Late work may be turned in one day late for half credit (3 points), unless a student has an excused absence. After one day, late work can be turned in until the day of the test for one point. IF A STUDENT HAS AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE, HOMEWORK WILL BE COUNTED LATE. Tests and quizzes can only be made up with an EXCUSED absence.

3) Desks Do NOT write on desks. If I find you writing on your desk, you will come in after school and clean ALL of the desks.

4) Food and Drinks Absolutely NO food or drinks in class, except bottled water.

5) Gum chewing As long as I don’t see it or hear it, gum is okay. Otherwise, it goes in the trash can. If I find gum underneath your seat or desk, you will come in after school to clean ALL of the desks.

6) Grooming The classroom is NOT the place for grooming. Therefore wait until the last minute of class to brush your hair, put on make up, etc., as long as I am done with class material.

7) Bell I dismiss you not the bell. You should continue to work on your assignment until one minute before the bell is expected to ring. Remain in your seat until dismissal.

Please read the syllabus and class expectations and give it to your parent/guardian. Sign the attached sheet and write your email address. Have your parent/guardian also sign and provide their email address. I have read the syllabus and understand class expectations. If I return this sheet by Friday, I will receive 5 points.

______Student Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Signature

______Home: ( )______Student Signature Work: ( ) ______Mother/Guardian ( ) ______Father/Guardian

______Student E-mail Parent/Guardian E-mail

Questions or Concerns:

I have read the syllabus and understand class expectations. If I return this sheet by Friday, I will receive 5 points.

______Student Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Signature

______Home: ( )______Student Signature Work: ( ) ______Mother/Guardian ( ) ______Father/Guardian

______Student E-mail Parent/Guardian E-mail

Questions or Concerns: