Application and Assessment Instructions and Information

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Application and Assessment Instructions and Information

Mountain Gateway Training Application and Assessment Instructions and Information


We are committed to training capable, long term missionaries who are called to minister outside their home culture. We will do all we can to help prepare you to advance the Kingdom in difficult conditions until the end of your life. Our task is to prepare you to be on the best footing possible to respond to the unknown, for most things in the life of a missionary come from outside their expectations and experience. God is calling you, and it is He who will make you able. We will work with you and the Holy Spirit to help temper your character and obtain the spiritual and practical skills that you need to move the Kingdom of God forward according to how He has called you. Please help us by providing some details that will make for a more successful selection process as we move forward. You are applying for training that will give you the tools to succeed anywhere in the world under any conditions, so it will be extensive and intense.

As you can see, this “application” is without form. I want to hear what you believe to be important. So then, provide that information in a thoughtful and responsible fashion. The way you do this will tell us even more about you. The more detail, the better. This is going to cost you thought and time, and will take some fortitude to complete. This will not be something that you can complete in one sitting, that is why you have one month, to complete this application.

You design your own organized format for this application. This is not a test, but an honest assessment of who you are, what you believe, and what you know, so we will know where you stand from a training standpoint. I am not expecting you to do research on the areas you have not thought through. You are most likely not going to be able to answer some of these questions. You are most likely not going to have all the skills that I have questions about. Don’t let that discourage you. We are committed to training you in the areas that you need. The purpose of our training is to help prepare you for what is ahead, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially.

The character development that you will undergo will be based upon the NOLS 7 leadership Skills. The development of these skills and character fiber is at the core of your successful transformation into a true pioneer church-planting missionary, that can function with other missionaries under difficult and extreme conditions throughout the world.

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The number one reason that missionaries fail, and don’t continue long term serving the Kingdom of God on the foreign field, is that they cannot get along with their co-worker. While this at first sounds shocking, it is the truth. Simply put, the God part of us - our gifts, talents and anointing - all work perfectly. God does His part flawlessly. It is the human part that causes all the problems. In the Great Commission, Jesus commanded us to make Disciples of Christ, and teach them to obey His commands. Obedience over a lifetime is all about character. The following 7 character traits are the core of our leadership and human character training. We hold, that if we can produce devout servants of Christ, with strong character, in vibrant and real relationship with the Risen Lord, then we can send them out to any location on Earth and they will successfully advance the cause of Christ where they are.

We have a life long commitment to these principles. This character training begins during the wilderness-training phase of your time with us. No other setting lets us make so much headway in such a condensed time period. The living classroom of the wilderness involves all of the human and spiritual dynamics involved in advancing the Gospel in reality, in a package that yields unprecedented training opportunities.

We cannot return to your childhood and work to shape and train your character. We can, however, walk together through the wilderness, as the surface layers we hide behind inside ourselves, peel back and we truly identify weakness and strength. Courage and fear. Faith and doubt. Learning to work together, and walk together, and to walk with God free from props and man inspired religious constructs. Do you have the courage to face yourself as others see you? We will help you move forward.

1 Expedition Behavior  Serve the mission and goals of the group.  Be as concerned for others as you are for yourself.  Treat everyone with dignity and respect.  Support leadership and growth in everyone.  Respect the cultures you come into contact with.  Be kind and open-hearted.  Do your share and stay organized.  Help others, but don’t routinely do their work.  Model integrity by being honest and accountable.  Say yes and deliver, or say no clearly if you cannot.  Resolve conflict in a productive manner.

2 Competence  Display basic competence and actively improve your:

2 o knowledge. o organization and management skills. o technical skills. o physical abilities. o Set goals, make action plans, and follow through. o Take care of your personal maintenance needs to remain a highly-functioning team member.

3 Communication Skills  Speak up when appropriate, be silent when appropriate.  Help create a positive learning environment.  Let your group know what you expect of them and what they can expect from you.  Keep people informed as the situation changes.  Listen actively—paraphrase and ask questions to clarify.  Have the courage to state what you think, feel and want.  Speak for yourself. Use “I language.”  Be empathetic during conflicts.  In feedback, o Be timely. o Be growth-oriented. o Be specific about your observations. o Acknowledge your share of any problem. o Be clear about what you will do next. o Be as open to receiving feedback as giving it.

4 Judgment & Decision-Making  Work to develop good judgment. Consider all available experiences, resources and information to achieve positive results.  Use situationally appropriate decision-making styles. Develop all styles.  As a leader, choose a decision-making style and then tell the group what it is.  Give your group choices that have acceptable consequences.  Be clear about limits and boundaries when letting people make choices.  Use the strengths and knowledge of other group members to solve problems.  Help others see how choices fit into the big picture and the long view.  Question norms, challenge assumptions.

5 Tolerance For Adversity And Uncertainty  Turn challenging situations into opportunities.  See choices as many workable options and combinations, not either/or.  Learn to endure, even enjoy, hard work and challenge.

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 Live in rhythm with what you cannot control. Control what you can.  Use humor. Keep things in perspective.  Function effectively under difficult circumstances. Make focused decisions and stay connected with others.  Work effectively with different types of people.  Be patient will less competent colleagues.

6 Self-Awareness  Understand your abilities, limitations and learning needs.  Learn from experience, then take steps to improve.  Admit and correct your mistakes.  Be proud of your successes and build on these.  Work at just being yourself as a leader.  Be clear with others about your own values and goals.  Find a healthy balance that works for you: work hard, play, reflect, and rest.  Seek feedback from others.

7 Vision & Action  Initiate: assess what needs to be done and do it.  Motivate: add your energy and can-do attitude to projects to help motivate others.  Inspire: create an environment that inspires individuals and groups to achieve their highest potential.  Have empathy for others, yet be decisive.  Help create what you want to see.  Use group goals and values to guide your actions.  Take risks at an appropriate level for yourself and your group.  Seek creative ways to move the group forward.  Stay open and flexible to change.  Model the way (lead by example).

We will work with you personally in the things you need. That is the purpose of such an extensive application, to assess where you are now so we can know what you will need if, and when, you begin to train with us. This does not need to be a research paper (but you are welcome to do as much research as you want), but it does need to be organized, well thought out, and clear. You can do it!

We want you to succeed!

4 Application


 Definition – who you are, age, birth date, sex, addresses, contacts, immediate family members, achievements.  Recommendations from (1 each): o Your pastor o A relative o A co-worker or Boss o An un-believer o A friend o One of your teachers.  Background – life, education, experiences, personal information.  Describe your financial condition. Are you in debt? Are your finances in order? Do you responsibly use and maintain credit cards?  What is your view on wealth and material possessions?  How do you view non-civil authority?  Explain your view of submission to non-civil authority.  Have you ever been convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain.  Since you have been saved, have you had sex outside of marriage?  Since you have been saved, have you had attracted to someone of the same sex?  Describe your family. Including parents marital status, siblings, relationships- positive or negative.  Preparation - Special training, books read, classes and events that have contributed to what and who you are.  Physical – health, condition, limitations, medications, stamina. Do you exercise regularly?  What do you think of the Harry Potter books and movies?  Do you celebrate Halloween?  Are you a Twilight fan?  List some of the movies you like. Give an example of each of the genre types.  What do you think of abortion?  Are you a musician? If so, what instrument(s) do you play?  What outdoor backcountry experience (if any) do you have. Describe any trips over 7 days.  What work experience do you have?  What are your views about drinking alcohol? Do you drink?  Do you use illegal drugs? Have you ever used illegal drugs? Please explain.  How do you view marketing and selling merchandise for profit in the Church?  Can you ride a motorcycle? If so, how much experience do you have, off road, on the street?

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 Have you ever had blisters on your hands from manual labor? Describe a time you had blisters on your hands because of honest manual labor.  How much have you worked with your hands?  Have you ever driven four-wheel drive vehicles off road? Please describe.  Have you operated ATV’s off road? Please describe.  Do you hunt? Do you own a gun? What kind?  Do you work on your own vehicles?  What kind of first aid training have you had?  What are your hobbies?  Is there an active porn filter on your computer?  Submission – to what degree are you willing to submit your hands, your mind, your heart and your finances, to achieve this successful goal?  What kinds of things are you afraid of?  If chosen to be a part of our team, what hardship could the enemy use against you to cause you to leave the mission field?


 Write your testimony. When did you get saved? Are you baptized in the Holy Spirit?  Have you ever led someone to Jesus? If so, when was the last time?  Describe what making disciples means to you. Have you ever discipled anyone?  Do you believe in miracles? If so, are they for today? Describe any you have personally witnessed.  Have you ever prayed for the sick and seen them healed?  Do you fast? How often and for how long?  Describe your prayer life.  How accurately do you hear God? How do you know that you hear God? Give examples.  Have you ever read the Bible through from cover to cover?  Describe how you believe that Jesus is the only way to God?  Do you believe that Roman Catholicism is another denomination?  Describe briefly your understanding of Roman Catholicism. Is it a Christian religion?  Describe briefly your understanding of Islam. Is it a Christian religion?  Describe briefly your understanding of Tibetan Buddhism. Is it a Christian religion?  Describe briefly your understanding of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Is it a Christian religion?  Describe briefly your understanding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons). Is it a Christian religion?  Calling. How do you know you are called?  Vision – At this point in your life, what is it that you feel that God wants you to do and where?  Do you believe God used evolution?  Do you ascribe to old earth theory, or new earth theory, or another creation theory? Explain why you hold the position you do.  What do you think of divorce and remarriage?  What do you think of women in leadership over men, in the ministry?  Write a comparison of your life to:

6 o Guys: 1 Timothy chapter 3, and Titus 1: 6-9 o Ladies: 1 Peter 3:1-8, 1 Timothy 2:9-14  Commitment – Jesus walked by His disciples and said, “Follow me and I will make you….” Jesus did not explain in detail what following Him would look like. He just called them to follow immediately, and then the implications of that calling played out over the following three years. How ready are you to respond to this opportunity to follow Jesus down this difficult road, when the details will be unclear or unknown to you?


 What is your political orientation?  What is your understanding of civil authority?  Explain your view of submission to civil authority.  What role do governments play in the lives of people?  What role do governments play in the Church?  What is your view of gun control?  What is your view of Government run health care?  What is your view of Capitalism?  What is your view of Socialism?  What is your view of the Islamic form of government?  What is your view of Democratic forms of government?

This application marks your first step in the selection process to be trained with Mountain Gateway. I will personally be working with you in this selection process, as well as in the training, if you are one of the twelve people chosen. Please submit your application (along with a recent photograph) via email to: [email protected].


Along with this application, I want you to make a video of at least 3 minutes in length, telling us why you want to train with us. I want you to also choose 10 of the questions from this application and answer them on video. Post your videos on YouTube and send me the link of your videos.

Application Fee

Please process your $100 NON-REFUNDABLE application fee via check, money order, or online at

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Training Process Details and Information

I accept twelve applicants for each three year training cycle. The next training cycle begins April 2015 – training candidates as pioneer church planting missionaries to work in the darkest regions of the world. This is not another training exercise, or internship. This is real. It involves real villages, real souls, real church planting, and real danger. If you are chosen, you could die a martyr before you complete the three years of training with me. So could I. You will be engaged in actual spiritual warfare for souls in areas that have not had the Gospel established in them all of history. This is deadly serious. Please see the Student Agreement included in this packet.

We see the power of God in ways best described in the Bible. In the last seven years, we have seen hundreds of new converts, eight people raised from the dead, and hundreds healed of all kinds of sickness, disease, witchcraft, and injuries.

It does not matter to me what gifts and talents you have. It does not matter to me what experience you have. It matters if you are surrendered to Jesus. It matters if you can learn to win souls and make disciples. It matters that you learn to raise the dead, and heal the sick, and cast out demons. We will help you walk down the pathway into the fulfillment of being equipped to advance the Gospel with power in any culture on earth.

Before you go south to visit Mexico or go to language school, you must have a valid passport. Your application packet opens the door for us to consider you, so the more detailed, the better.


Since you will be living and working as real foreign missionaries, I am not going to charge you tuition for the training. You will be required to raise your own support, and cover the expenses that will be required in the various steps of your training. Guys: Your minimum personal support requirement will be $1,760 per month. (This figure is subject to change). You will need to obtain a serviceable four-wheel drive truck, at least a ¾ ton, equipped for off road travel. You should NOT proceed with the purchase and rigging of this truck until you talk with me. You will be required to obtain all required backcountry apparel and gear necessary for the wilderness training phases of your training. Ladies: your minimum monthly personal support will be $1,760 as well (subject to change), until you finish language school, and then it will drop. We will discuss this more as we move further in the process. You will be required to obtain all required backcountry apparel and gear necessary for the wilderness training phases of your training. Note: the monthly support figure above does not bring into consideration monthly payments you may have for debt. You need a minimum of $1,760 per month besides any debt. If you have debt, get rid of it if you can. If you do not have debt, don’t get any! Have faith. Also, you need to clear $1,600 per month, so you need $1,760 so that you can deduct your tithe. Tithing to Mountain Gateway is the minimum financial accountability requirement.

8 Training

To become a disciple of Jesus who serves the Kingdom of God in a foreign country takes a miracle, and much hard work. Through the progression of training that Jesus has developed for us to emply, we can eliminate 5-7 years of unnecessary frustration and hardship through the use of 6 training elements: 3 training elements taking place in the Unites States lasting 1 year and 3 training elements conducted in foreign countries lasting 2- 4 years.

1. Wilderness Training Pase: 130 Days 2. Prayer and Bible Phase: 70 Days 3. Practical Skills Phase: 84 Days 4. Language Training Phase: 270 Days 5. Field Training Phase: 2-3 Years 6. Biblical Studies: Concurrent with Field Training Phase

Wilderness Training Phase

 There will be a 130 day wilderness training expedition, for which we will all share in the expenses. On our website is a gear list and boot fit guide. You will be responsible for obtaining the suitable gear needed for this. You will also find a course description and course information document, with details about this phase of your training.

 You will be required to carry health insurance until the wilderness training phase is completed.

 Also included with this packet is a health form and a student release that must be completed and emailed to [email protected] and originals mailed to 956 Hart Lane, Dripping Springs, TX 78620.

Language School

 Since we currently work primarily in Spanish speaking countries, Mountain Gateway missionaries will learn Spanish at Christian Spanish Academy in Antigua, Guatemala. It generally takes 8 months to complete the curriculum. You can find all the details on this school at I want you to study four hours per day. Your monthly support will cover lessons, and room & board at this language school. Travel expenses are the responsibility of each student.

Field Residence Phase

 As soon as you finish language school, you will move to a location where you will work alongside current missionaries to advance the gospel in villages of indigenous people.

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I am blessed by all of you for having the courage and willingness to embrace such a difficult road. You will attempt nothing more difficult, or rewarding in your life, than to lay down your life for the sake of advancing the Gospel in places where it is not established. I applaud you!

Email me at [email protected] with any questions you may have.

Only for the Kingdom,

Bro. Britt Hancock


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