South African Schools Act

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South African Schools Act


Regulations in terms of the South African Schools Act:

For example:

Amendment to policy and regulations pertaining to the National Certificate (Gov N1041, GG32678, 3 November 2009, p3)

Amendment to policy and regulations pertaining to the conduct, administration and management of assessment for the National Senior Certificate (Gov N1042, GG32678, 3 November 2009, p22).

[In fact, these two regulations are too recent to be available anywhere except on Sabinet’s Government Gazettes site. Clearly Butterworth’s MyLexisNexis is not kept very up to date]

To find regulations:

If you have the notice number or (even better) the gazette number, search on Sabinet Legal Products, Government Gazettes. Dropdown can be set to Notice Number or Gazette Number.

If you know roughly the wording of the title search on Sabinet Legal Products, Government Gazettes, using keywords and Sabinet’s search techniques.

If you want regulations in a subject area, search towards the end of the Index to Juta’s Statutes of South Africa. In the Index to National Regulations, Alphabetical Subject Index, under broad subject headings (Education) you will find a list of Acts, and under each a list of regulations, alphabetically by title.

If you know the regulations are in terms of an Act, e.g. the SA Schools Act you can either:

1. Go to the Index to Juta’s Statutes of South Africa and search in the Index to National Regulations, Alphabetical Subject Index under the subject, Education. You will find an alphabetical list of Acts, and, under the South African Schools Act, a list of regulations alphabetically by title. 2. Look at the end of the Education section of Butterworths Statutes (Education is in two volumes, so at the end of the second volume), under References to Regulations, etc. Acts are arranged chronologically by year and your act will be designated: 84/1996. After References to Regulations you will find Supplementary References to Regulations, similarly arranged, with further regulations listed. 3. Go to MyLexisNexis, National Legislation, Acts and Regulations. In this case open ‘S’, South African Schools Act and REGULATIONS and/or PROPOSED REGULATIONS. See below:




The Act

Amendment Acts

Rules and Regulations



GN 1865 of 14 October 2005: Draft Norms and Standards for Grade R

Funding (Government Gazette No. 28134) GN 876 of 7 July 2006: Call for comment on Regulations for Safety

Measures at Public Schools: Amendment (Government Gazette No. 29000) GN 878 of 7 July 2006: Call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on the Draft National Policy Document: The Conduct, Administration and Management of the National Senior Certificate: A Qualification at Level 4 on GN 918 of 23 July 2007: Approval to call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on the policy and regulation changes emanated from the decision to implement a combined supplementary and end-of-year senior certifica GN 138 of 24 January 2008: National norms and standards for school funding: Call for comments on the draft amended paragraphs in the national norms and standards for school funding (Government Gazette No. 30685) GN 563 of 9 May 2008: Call for comments on devices to be used for drug testing and the procedure to be followed (Government Gazette No. 31038) GN 590 of 27 May 2008: Call for written submissions from stakeholder bodies and members of the public on the Regulations pertaining to the Conducting, Administration and Management of Assessment for the National Senior Certificate (Government Gazett GN 1120 of 5 September 2008: Amendment of the National Norms and

Standards for School finding: Call for comments (Government Gazette No. 31398) GN 1439 of 21 November 2008: Call for comments on National Minimum

Uniform Norms and Standards for School Infrastructure (Government Gazette No. 31616) GN 982 of 17 July 2009: Learner Attendance Policy and Procedures,

2009: For public comment (Government Gazette No. 32414) GN 843 of 21 August 2009: Draft amendment of requirements for the administration of surveys (Government Gazette No. 32499) GN 1164 of 21 August 2009: Call for comments on regulations relating to the prohibition of the payment of unauthorised remuneration of the giving of financial benefit in kind to certain state employees (Government Gazette No. 32514) GN 869 of 26 August 2009: Amendment: Policy and Regulations pertaining to the National Senior Certificate: For public comments (Government Gazette No. 32522) GN 870 of 26 August 2009: Amendment: Policy and Regulations pertaining to the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the National Senior Certificate: For public comments (Government Gazette No. 32522) REGULATIONS

GNR.1738 of 19 December 1997: Regulations relating to the minimum requirements of an agreement between the member of the executive council and the owner of a private property on which a public school is provided GNR.1293 of 12 October 1998: Exemption of parents from the payment of school fees regulations, 1998 GN 2433 of 19 October 1998: Age requirements for admission to an ordinary public school GN 1040 of 12 October 2001: Regulations for safety measures public schools GN 1589 of 13 December 2002: Regulations to Prohibit Initiation

Practices in Schools GN 975 of 20 August 2004: Regulations relating to Safety Measures at

Independent Schools GN 744 of 20 July 2005: National Policy regarding Further Education and

Training Programmes: Approval of the Document, the National Senior Certificate: A Qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) GN 1044 of 21 October 2005: Regulations for the Conduct,

Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate GN 1052 of 18 October 2006: Regulations relating to the exemption of parents from payment of school fees in public schools GNR.872 of 29 August 2008: Approval of the Regulations pertaining to the conducting, administration and management of assessment for the National Senior Certificate (Government Gazette No. 31337) NOTICES


Wording of Sections

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