Postal Address Development Services Internet

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Postal Address Development Services Internet

Technical Note No. 8 Testing requirements for development works

Postal Address Development Services Internet PO Box 159 Ph: 07 3205 0555 Caboolture QLD 4510 [email protected]

ABN: 92 967 232 136

Testing of construction works 1. The subdivider’s engineer shall be responsible for ensuring that all works are tested in accordance with the appropriate standards to the satisfaction of council’s subdivision’s engineer. 2. Minimum compliance testing frequencies are given in appendix A of this Technical Note. The frequencies given shall be used to determine the total number of tests required. 3. Testing log sheets (sample log sheets in Appendix B) and test certificates shall be submitted for the following works: a. Compaction – earthworks, roadworks, pavement and all trench backfill; b. Concrete works; c. Roadworks surfacing (suppliers log sheets, including surface temperature, discharge temperature and rolling temperature); d. Pressure tests of sewer mains; e. Pressure tests of water mains; f. Water quality tests. Test report Prior to the works being accepted ‘on maintenance’ by council, the subdividers engineer shall submit and have approved by council a test report which includes:

 Copies of all test certificates for the works, bound and indexed;  All relevant log sheets for testing of the works; and  Marked plans shall be submitted with the location, test reference number and compaction result for the following: o Pavement (i.e. base course, sub-base course and select material); o Earthworks; o Allotment fill; o Trench backfill (for sewer, water and stormwater).  Separate plans for earthworks and pavement compaction would be anticipated.

Page 1 of 15 June 16 Appendix A Schedule of minimum compliance testing frequencies Activity Operation Test Minimum frequency 1. Clearing and grubbing Visual inspection 2. Ground surface treatment Product approval by council required As per manufacturer’s recommendations 3. Earthworks Backfill replacement of unsuitable material Compaction (field density) 1 per 100m or, 1 per location per 500mm layer Allotment fill Compaction (field density) AS3798 Table 8.1 Roadworks fill formation Compaction (field density) Greater of: 1 per 250m3; per 2 layers (>400mm depth) or, 1 per 100m per 2 layers (>400mm depth) Minor dam embankments Geometrics 1 per 40m Materials 1 per 200m Compaction (field density) 1 per 100m Levees, catch banks/drains Geometrics 1 per 50m Compaction (field density) 1 per 100m Geometrics 1 per 50m 4. Roadworks Subgrade Soaked CBR 1 per change of material (also refer Pavement Design Manual) Compaction (field density) 1 per 80m and < 1 per road Geometrics 1 per 20m Replacement of unsuitable material Soaked CBR 1 from each source of material Materials 1 from each source of material Compaction (field density) 1 per 50m; or 1 per location per 2 layers ( > 400mm depth) Unbound Pavement Materials 1 per 500m CBR 1 per 10,000m Compaction (field density) 1 per 100m per course or layer Geometrics 1 per 20m Subsoil drains Materials 1 per 1,000m Geometrics 1 per 50m Concrete kerb, kerb and channel, invert, Materials 1 per 500m etc. Geometrics 1 per 20m Lean mix backfill Materials AS 3600 Concrete strength AS 3600 AC Materials 1 per 250t Compaction (field density) 1 per 100t Geometrics 1 per 20m Thickness 1 per 80m, and < 1 per road (test location 1m from crown, alternate sides) Bitumen seal Materials (aggregate) 1 per 100m Geometrics 1 per 20m Materials (binder) 1 set per tanker

Page 6 of 15 Activity Operation Test Minimum frequency 5. Stormwater Reticulation Compaction to trench bottom Compaction (field density) 1 per 40m (if ordered) Bedding Materials (sieve analysis) 1 per 200m Backfill Compaction (field density) 1 per 40m per 2 layers ( > 400mm depth) and 1 set of tests per line (MH to MH) Concrete pipe Certification by manufacturer to cover all pipes FC pipe Certification by manufacturer to cover all pipes Manhole CI covers and frames Certification by manufacturer to cover all items Manhole and gully concrete Materials AS3600 Concrete strength AS3600 Gully grates Certification by manufacturer to cover all items 6. Sewerage Reticulation Compaction to trench bottom Compaction (field density) 1 per 40m (if ordered) Bedding Materials (sieve analysis) 1 per 200m Backfill Compaction (field density) 1 per 40m per 2 layers (> 400mm depth) and 1 set of tests per line (MH to MH) First Test 750mm above obvert of pipe uPVC pipes and fittings Certification by manufacturer to cover all pipes and fittings Completed pipeline Pressure test to all lines (after backfill) Manhole CI covers and frames Certification by manufacturer to cover all items Manhole concrete Materials AS3600 Concrete strength AS3600 7. Water Reticulation Compaction to trench bottom Compaction (field density) 1 per 40m (if ordered) Bedding Materials (sieve analysis) 1 per 200m Backfill Compaction (field density) 1 per 40m uPVC pipes and fittings Certification by manufacturer to cover all pipes and fittings DICL pipe and CI fittings Certification by manufacturer to cover all pipes and fittings 8. Service conduits Compaction to trench bottom Compaction (field density) 1 per road crossing (to natural subgrade) (if ordered) Bedding Materials (sieve analysis) 1 per 200m Backfill Compaction (field density) 1 per road crossing per 2 layers (if not sand) Pipes Certification by manufacturer to cover all pipes and fittings 9. Culverts Compaction to foundation base Compaction (field density) 1 per 50m3 Bedding Materials (sieve analysis) 1 per 200m3 Cast insitu concrete Materials AS3600 concrete strength AS3600 Precast concrete items Certification by manufacturer to cover all items Backfill Materials 1 per 25m Compaction (field density) Greater of : 1 per 20m3 or 1 per 2 layers (> 400mm depth)

Page 7 of 15 Activity Operation Test Minimum frequency 10. Concrete structures Foundation base Compaction (field density) 1 per 50m3 Piles All AS2159 Cast Insitu Concrete Materials AS3600 Concrete strength AS3600 11. Road furniture and signage Supply Certification by manufacturer to cover all materials Installation All Council or Australian Standards 12. Fencing and guard rail Supply Certification by manufacturer to cover all materials Installation All Council standards 13. Street lighting poles Installation Geometrics / location All poles

Page 8 of 15 Appendix B Sample Testing Log sheets

Compaction Test Log

Project: Testing Authority: Test No. Type Date Location R.L. Test Density REQ=D Pass or Fail Retest Comments (Lot No.) Ratio Density Ratio No.

Standard types: EF = Earthworks Fill AF= Allotment fill RF = Roadworks (formation) fill TB = Trench backfill S = Subgrade BL = Blanket course (Roadwork) B = Base (Top) course SB = Sub-base (Bottom) course

Signature: Date: Page 9 of 15 Concrete Log

Project: Job No.: Delivery Design Sampling Test Date Dkt No Qty MPa Agg Size Slump Additives Time Slump Cyl No Age MPa

Page 10 of 15 Pressure Testing Log – Gravity Sewer Mains

Project: Ref No.: Subject: Date: Line Time (Mins) Pressure (KPA) Comments Start Finish Duration Start Finish Loss

Consulting Engineer’s Signature: Date:

Page 11 of 15 Pressure Testing Log – Water mains

Project: Ref No.: Subject: Date: Line Length (m) Diam. (mm) Test Pressure (KPA) Period Volume losses (Litres) Pass or fail Start Finish Actual Allow.

Project: Ref No.: Subject: Date: Line Length (m) Diam. (mm) Test Pressure (KPA) Test Volume losses (Litres) Pass or fail Start Start Pressu Actual Allow. re (KPA)

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Maximum allowable loss = 0.015 litres / m length / 100mm pipe diameter (2 hr. test)

Testing Officer’s Signature: Date:

Page 14 of 15 Appendix “C”

Standard construction tolerances

1) Clearing a) Roadworks formation - 0m + 3m b) Bulk earthworks not outside approved area c) Designated building areas not outside approved area d) Pipelines i) Centreline - 0m + 3m ii) Not outside approved area

2) Bulk earthworks a) Finished level (i) ± 200mm (ii) Free drainage at not less than min. grade (iii) Residential allotments not less than specified levels adjacent to rivers, creeks or other drainage features. b) Formation position ± 200mm

3) Road formation a) Formation level + 15mm - 30mm b) Box width + 150mm - 0mm c) Formation width i) Top position for cut batter + 200mm - 0mm ii) Toe position for cut batter + 200mm - 0mm iii) Top position for fill batter + 200mm - 0mm iv) Toe position for fill batter + 200mm - 0mm v) Batters steeper than 1:4 clear of service allocations d) Batter slope i) Not steeper than specified; ii) Maximum variation to plane of cut batter = 150mm iii) Maximum variation to plane of fill batter = 300mm e) Formation limits i) Trunk collector, sub-arterial and arterial road formation contained within road reserve ii) Comply with relevant verge cross section

Page 15 of 15 4) Unbound Pavement a) Finished level i) Any location +25mm -15mm ii) Average ± 10mm b) Surface i) Maximum deviation from 3m Straight edge = 8mm ii) No ponding c) Crossfall i) Any location + 0.50% - 0.20%

ii) Average tolerance ± 0.20% d) Thickness i) Each layer + 15mm - 10mm ii) total depth ± 25mm and < min. e) Match to lip level of concrete channel i) For AC seal lip minus seal thickness + 0mm - 5mm ii) For bitumen seal + 5mm - 15mm f) Surface evenness (AUSTROADS Count Rate) ≤ 60 counts / km

5) Seal a) A.C. Seal i) Match to lip level of concrete channel + 6mm ii) Thickness - individual test + 20mm - 3mm - Average + 8mm - 0mm iii) crossfall - any location + 0.50% - 0.20% - average ± 0.20%

iv) Horizontal alignment ± 50mm v) Width - unkerbed + 150mm - 0mm - kerbed no gap at channel lip

Page 16 of 15 b) Bitumen Seal i) match to lip level of concrete channel + 10mm - 5mm ii) Crossfall - any location + 0.50% - 0.20% - average ± 0.20%

iii) Horizontal alignment ± 50mm iv) Width - unkerbed + 150mm - 0mm - kerbed No gap at channel lip

6) Kerb & Channel a) Line and level ± 10mm b) No ponding c) Grade not less than 0.4% slope d) Cross section dimensions ± 5mm e) Maximum deviation from 3.0m 5mm straight edge

7) Stormwater Drainage a) Manholes i) Plan position (longitudinal and lateral) ± 75mm ii) No ponding in invert iii) Top surface level + 25mm - 15mm iv) Match to adjacent surface - unpaved surface ± 25mm - paved surface ± 6mm

b) Catchpits / Gullies i) Longitudinal location ± 100mm ii) Lateral location ± 15mm iii) No ponding in invert iv) Top surface of backstone true to line and level of adjacent kerb c) Pipework i) Invert level ± 20mm ii) Not less than minimum grade iii) Joint gap = specified gap - 0mm + pipe dia 100 OR + 20mm whichever is least

Page 17 of 15 8) Interallotment drainage a) Pits and chambers i) Plan position (longitudinal & lateral) ± 100mm ii) No ponding in invert iii) Wholly within one property iv) Top surface level relative to adjacent ground level - Grated + 0m - 50mm - Ungrated ± 25mm 9) Sewerage reticulation (Gravity) a) Manholes i) Plan position (longitudinal & lateral) ± 75mm ii) Wholly within one property iii) No ponding iv) Top surface level ± 15mm v) Match to adjacent surface - properties + 85mm - 115mm - footpaths (grassed) + 10mm - 40mm - paved areas ± 6mm b) Pipework i) invert level ±15mm ii) not less than minimum grade iii) not more than maximum grade iv) true to line v) no ponding

10) Sewerage reticulation (rising mains) a) Alignment of pipe and fittings i) ±100mm ii) within approved service corridor

b) cover specified i) + 100mm - 0mm ii) adequate for installation of fittings

c) location of fittings i) longitudinal ± 200mm

11) Water reticulation a) Alignment of pipe and fittings i) ± 100mm ii) within approved service corridor iii) adequate for installation of fittings

b) cover specified + 0mm - 100mm

Page 18 of 15 c) Location of fittings i) longitudinal ± 200mm

12) Fencing a) General i) true to line ii) plan position ± 50mm lateral iii) not less than specified height

b) Noise attenutation fence i) true to line ii) plan position ± 50mm lateral iii) not less than specified heights iv) no gaps

13) Concrete footpath a) Horizontal position ± 100mm b) Vertical alignment + 20mm - 10mm c) Width + 25mm - 10mm d) Surface i) maximum deviation from 3m straight edge 8mm ii) no ponding

1. Works constructed outside these tolerances may not be accepted on maintenance.

2. Any deviations outside these tolerances as approved by Council’s Engineer must be shown on the ‘As constructed’ drawings in accordance with Council’s Design guidelines.

3. These tolerances have been compiled from a number of specifications and publications. Variations may exist between these tolerances and those indicated in some specifications, in which case, the applicable tolerances shall be at the discretion of Council’s Engineer.

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