Contact Information: Textbook Access Website

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Contact Information: Textbook Access Website


Contact Information: Textbook Access Website: E-mail: [email protected]

My Teacher Website: Homework and assignments will be posted daily. Twitter / Blog: Details TBA



• 3 Ring Binder with 4 sections: 1) Vocabulario 2) Gramática 3) Actividades 4) Tarea

• Writing Utensil(s): pencils, pens, highlighters

• English/Spanish Dictionary (electronic or pocket)

• Positivity and a smile 

ATTENDANCE: Attendance will be taken daily and recorded into the school’s computer system.

LATENESS: You will be considered late if you are not in the room when I close the door. I consider lateness a serious offense and absolutely will not be tolerated and will be recorded in the school’s computer system. If you arrive late, you will be given a form to fill out that must be signed by your parent(s)/guardian(s) and returned the following day. If it is not returned the following day, you will receive an automatic pink slip.

ABSENSES: I strongly advise you to have a “class buddy” who you can call if you are absent to catch up on any assignments. If you are absent it is your responsibility to get the work that you missed. Work for absent students will be filed in the room. Upon your return, sort through the files and take any work that you missed. See me with any questions. You will be given how ever many days you were absent to complete the work. Failure to return work that you missed will result in a zero.

CLASSROOM ATMOSPHERE / BEHAVIOR: In my personal life, I truly believe in treating people the way you want to be treated. If you want respect you must earn it. You must prove to me that you are “young adults” and capable of certain privileges. Basically, “you don’t start none, there won’t be none.”  My class is very interactive. Be prepared to be called on even if your hand is not raised. Everyone will be in the same boat and I assure you that I create a positive, welcoming classroom environment that is conducive to learning.

GRADING: Grading is done using a point system. Your final grade will be calculated by adding all of the points that you received and then dividing that sum by the total amount of possible points. I run my class in a way that makes it possible for EVERYONE to succeed; however, you need to take advantage of every assignment and every opportunity to earn points. 

Do Nows (2 points): Do Nows will be posted at the front of the room every day. Do Nows are to be completed during the first 5 minutes of class. Do not confuse these first 5 minutes as “free time.” You must be working in these 5 minutes in order to receive credit. Do Nows will not be collected late. Five minutes is plenty of time to complete these small tasks; therefore, use your time wisely.

Exit Tickets (2 points): You will be given the last few minutes of every class to answer (a) short review question(s) that reinforce what we just learned in class. This will also allow me to keep track of your comprehension of the material. You will drop these off in the bin on your way out of the room once I dismiss you at the end of the period.

Homework (5 points): Homework will be given consistently in my class and consists of, but not limited to, worksheets, written sentences, online textbook activities, blogs and writing assignments. Homework is just as important as quizzes and tests.

Class Activities (5-20 points): Completing your work in class is just as important as quizzes and tests. Depending on the task, class work will range from 5-20 points. These assignments involve group work, speaking and listening activities, writing prompts in Spanish and English, textbook activities, interactive activities, games, etc.

Flash Cards (15 points): You will be required to create flashcards for every set of vocabulary. You may use small index cards, white paper, etc. On one side you will write the Spanish word and on the other side you will write the English meaning or you may even draw a sketch.

Quizzes (40-70 points)

Projects / Tests (100 points) Class Participation (10 points): You will be given a participation grade weekly that is based on your daily work habits. Following rules and class structure will allow you to maintain 2 point daily. Acting in a way that interferes with your learning and/or the learning of others, or refusal to participate will cause you to forfeit the some or all of the points you should be awarded daily.

Unannounced Notebook Checks (25 points): My way of ensuring you always have what you need to succeed. It’s also an “easy A!” Sra. Placca-Schultz Español II


1. Enter the room quietly, on time and in an orderly fashion and immediately retrieve your materials.

2. When the bell rings you will be seated silently and beginning your Do Now with homework from the night before displayed on your desk for me to check.

3. Absolutely no talking will be tolerated unless you have been given permission to do so.

4. Any electronic devise as defined in the UHS Handbook (located online) will be confiscated.

5. Treat classmates and the teacher with respect.

6. Remain seated until I dismiss you. The bell does not dismiss you!

7. No food!


Student Name: Spanish Class Period:

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name:

Best way to reach you:


□ I have read and fully understand the class procedures and rules that will be expected of my son/daughter. □ I allow my son/daughter to participate in the blog assignment only.

□ I allow my son/daughter to participate in both the blog assignments and to view my educational Twitter postings that will reinforce and promote the Spanish language.

□ I DO NOT allow my son/daughter to participate in either of these online activities.

Student Signature Date Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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