Unit # 11: Minerals and Rocks

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Unit # 11: Minerals and Rocks

Course: 7 th Grade Science 4th Nine Weeks Instructional Guide

Unit # 11: Minerals and Rocks Estimated Time: 2 weeks GLE: 0707.7.1 Describe the physical properties of minerals. 0707.7.2 Summarize the basic events that occur during the rock cycle. Prerequisite Skills: Unit Vocabulary: extrusive, igneous, intrusive, metamorphic, minerals, rock cycle, sedimentary Checks for State Understanding Performance Assessments Instructional Resources Connections Indicators ✓ 0707.7.1 Organize 0707.7.1 Formative: * Tennessee Science Book (Glencoe * Language Arts-Lab and explain Use a table of Card Sorts, Science), Chapter 9 Rocks and Write-Ups (lab information about the physical Section Reviews, Minerals summaries/lab properties of minerals properties to Vocabulary * Chapter Resources Book, Rocks and conclusions), Journaling, and their uses. classify Quizzes Minerals Research, Vocabulary minerals. * Active Folders ✓ 0707.7.2 Label a Uncovering * p. 266A-266B teacher textbook *Math- Ratios, diagram that depicts 0707.7.3 Student Ideas in * Teacher Works CD Percentage, Graphing the major processes of Identify the Science Vol. 2, * Interactive Chalkboard CD the rock cycle. major processes (p.151-156) * Rock Cycle -- that drive the http://www.learner.org/interactives/roc ✓ 0707.7.3 rock cycle. kcycle/diagram.html Distinguish among Summative: * The Rock Cycle -- sedimentary, igneous, 0707.7.2 Ch. 9 TCAP http://www.visuallearningco.com/guides/Ele and metamorphic Label a diagram Review p. 294- mentary/Rock_cycle_guide_FIN.pdf rocks and relate these that depicts the 295 * Smithsonian -- to a simple diagram of three different http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/ the rock cycle. rock types. Ch. 9 TCAP * The Mighty Mineral -- Preparation p. http://geologyonline.museum.state.il.us 296-297 /tools/lessons/8.2/lesson.pdf * Rocks, Rocks, Rocks http://www.teachengineering.com/view _lesson.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/c ollection/csm_/lessons/csm_asteroid/cs m_lesson5_rocks_tg.xml * Fortified Breakfast (cereal magnets) http://www.teachengineering.com/view _lesson.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/c ollection/duk_/lessons/duk_foodiron_ music_less/duk_foodiron_music_less.x ml * Is Dirt just Dirt? www.beg.utexas.edu/education/dirtisdi rt/dirt01.htm Course: 7 th Grade Science 4th Nine Weeks Instructional Guide

Unit #12: Layers of the Earth and Tectonic Plates Estimated Time: 2 weeks (EARTH SCIENCE) GLE: GLE 0707.7.3 Analyze the characteristics of the earth’s layers and the location of the major plates. GLE 0707.7.4 Explain how earthquakes, mountain building, volcanoes, and sea floor spreading are associated with movements of the earth’s major plates. Prerequisite Skills: Unit Vocabulary: asthenosphere, lithosphere, plates, sea-floor spreading, continental drift, Pangaea, convection current, fault, convergent boundary, divergent boundary Checks for State Performance Understanding Indicators Assessments Instructional Resources Connections ✓ 0707.7.4 Recognize SPI 0707.7.4 Formative: * Tennessee Science Book * Language Arts-Lab that the earth’s layers Differentiate among the Card Sorts, (Glencoe Science), Chapter 10 Write-Ups (lab have different characteristics of the Section Reviews, Plate Tectonics & 11 summaries/lab conclusions), thickness, states of earth’s three layers. Vocabulary Earthquakes and Volcanoes Journaling, Research, matter, densities, and Quizzes * Chapter Resources Book, Vocabulary chemical makeup. SPI 0707.7.5 Recognize Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes that lithospheric Uncovering and Volcanoes *Math- Ratios, Percentage, ✓ 0707.7.5 Analyze plates on the scale of Student Ideas in * Active Folders Graphing the relationship continents and oceans Science Vol. 1, * p. 298A-298B and 326A- between plate continually move at Beach Sand (p. 326B teacher textbook movements and areas rates of centimeters per 163-168) * Teacher Works CD of earthquake year. * Interactive Chalkboard CD activity. * Science Inquiry Lab Manual, SPI 0707.7.6 Describe Summative: Activity 7 Upfolds and ✓ 0707.7.6 Analyze the relationship Ch. 10 TCAP Downfolds the relationship between plate Review p. 322- * Smithsonian -- between plate movements and 323 http://www.smithsonianeducati movements and earthquakes, mountain on.org/ mountain building. building, volcanoes, and Ch. 10 TCAP * Bill Nye Videos: sea floor spreading. Preparation p. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, ✓ 0707.7.7 Analyze 324-325 Earth’s Crust the relationship * Earthquakes in the between plate Ch. 11 TCAP Classroom movements, Review p. 354- http://www.teachengineering.c volcanoes, and sea 355 om/collection/cub_/activities/c floor spreading. ub_natdis/cub_natdis_lesson03 Ch. 11 TCAP _activity1.xml Preparation p. * Earthquake Concepts 356-357 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/lear n/animations Course: 7 th Grade Science 4th Nine Weeks Instructional Guide

Unit #13: Resources (EARTH SCIENCE) Estimated Time: 1 week GLE: GLE 0707.7.5 Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources in terms of their use by man. GLE 0707.7.6 Evaluate how human activities affect the earth’s land, oceans, and atmosphere. Prerequisite Skills: Unit Vocabulary: renewable, nonrenewable, phenomenon, natural resources, fossil fuels, hydroelectric power, nuclear energy, geothermal energy, solar energy Checks for State Understanding Performance Assessments Instructional Resources Connections Indicators ✓ 0707.7.8 Determine SPI 0707.7.7 Formative: * Tennessee Science Book (Glencoe * Language Arts-Lab the impact of man’s Analyze and Card Sorts, Science), Chapter 12 Conserving Resources Write-Ups (lab use of renewable and evaluate the Section Reviews, * Chapter Resources Book, Conserving summaries/lab nonrenewable impact of man’s Vocabulary Resources conclusions), resources on future use of earth’s Quizzes * Active Folders Journaling, Research, supplies. land, water, * p. 358A-358B teacher textbook Vocabulary and atmospheric Uncovering * Teacher Works CD ✓ 0707.7.9 Evaluate resources. Student Ideas in * Interactive Chalkboard CD *Math- Ratios, how human activities Science Vol. 3, * Science Inquiry Lab Manual, Activity 14 Percentage, Graphing affect the condition of Earth’s Mass The Inside Story of Packing the earth’s land, water, (p.147-154) * Movie: Over the Hedge and atmosphere. * Smithsonian -- Summative: http://www.smithsonianeducation.org/ Ch. 12 TCAP * Bill Nye Video: Pollution Solutions Review p. 386- * Renewable Energy 387 http://www.teachengineering.org/view_lesson.p hp? Ch. 12 TCAP url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collection/ cub_/lessons/cub_environ/cub_environ_lesson Preparation p. 09.xml 388-389 * Wasting Energy at Home http://www.teachengineering.org/view_acti vity.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collec tion/cub_/activities/cub_energy2/cub_energ y2_lesson02_activity1.xml * Household Energy Conservation and Efficiency http://www.teachengineering.com/view_les son.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collec tion/cla_/lessons/cla_lesson7_household_en ergy/cla_lesson7_household_energy.xml * Serial Dilution of Food Coloring Dye http://www.teachengineering.com/view_act ivity.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collec tion/drx_/activities/drx_dilution/drx_dilutio n_activity4.xml * I Feel Renewed! http://www.teachengineering.com/view_act ivity.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collec tion/cub_/activities/cub_environ/cub_envir on_lesson03_activity3.xml * Population Density: How Much Space Do You Have? http://www.teachengineering.org/view_acti vity.php? url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collec tion/cub_/activities/cub_bio/cub_bio_lesson 01_activity1.xml * Nowhere to Hide www.scilinks.org/myscilinks/searchByCod e.apx * Harnessing Solar Energy www.scilinks.com/lessons.php?DocID=14

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