Arts & Humanities Evaluation Tool World Language

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Arts & Humanities Evaluation Tool World Language

2017 Arts & Humanities Review

Arts & Humanities Evaluation Tool –World Language

Publisher Name: Click here to enter text. Title: Click here to enter text. ISBN # Click here to enter text. Author: Click here to enter text. Copyright Click here to enter text. Reviewer ID: Click here to enter text.


Publishing Company:  Complete the course evaluation form below. Please provide written explanation as to how the material meets the standard along with location references.

Review Team Member:  Please use information and attachments to complete the course evaluation form.  Explain any discrepancies between your findings and those provided information. Explanations and comments should directly reflect the rubric.  Further explain any findings.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Standards Alignment Evaluation Rubric 0 = No Alignment– Not Evident: content as described in the Standards is not evident. .5 = Partial Alignment- Partially Evident: content as described in the Standards is partially evident and there are few gaps. 1 = High Alignment – Clearly Evident: content is fully aligned as described in the Standards and repeatedly included to guarantee extensive opportunities for students to work with the content. Alignment is clearly evident.

N/A = Not applicable for standard.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Idaho Content Standards: Arts & Humanities- World Language World Language Standards:


Goal: Communicate effectively in multiple languages and utilize the target language to function in a variety of social/work related situations Enduring Understanding: Essential Question(s): Communication and  What is the purpose of language? collaboration in more than one  What do humans do with language and to what end? language is vital for success in  How does an increasingly interconnected world impact language learning? an interconnected world. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Standard The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Interpersonal Objective Click here to enter text. communication Standard COMM 1.1: COMM 1: Interact with Interact and negotiate others in the target meaning language and gain meaning (spoken, from interactions in the signed, Choose an target language. written item. conversation) to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Interpretive Objective Click here to enter text. communication Standard COMM 2.1: COMM 2: Discover Understand, interpret, and Choose an meaning from what is analyze what item. heard, read or viewed on a is heard, read, variety of topics in the or viewed on a target language variety of topics. Presentational Objective Click here to enter text. communication Standard COMM 3.1: COMM 3: Utilize Present information, appropriate media to concepts, and present an idea to an ideas to audience inform, explain, Choose an persuade, and item. narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media in the target language. Objective Click here to enter text. COMM 3.2: Adapt presentation Choose an to various item. audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 CULTURES

Goal: Interact with cultural competence and understanding in an interconnected world. Enduring Essential Question(s): Understanding: The study of  How do a variety of cultures impact our daily lives? culture is deeply intertwined  Why is cultural sensitivity an important part of gaining global competence? with the study of other  What is their perspective? languages. Developing an  How does their perspective influence what people do/create? understanding and awareness of other cultures’ perspectives is critical in the development of global competence. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Standard The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Relating cultural Objective Click here to enter text. practices to perspective CLTR 1.1: Standard CLTR 1: Analyze the cultural Investigate, explain and practices/patte Choose an reflect on the relationship rns of behavior item. between the practices and accepted as perspectives of the cultures the societal studied in the target norm in the language. target culture. Objective Click here to enter text. Choose an CLTR 1.2: item. Explain the relationship between cultural practices/beha viors and the

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 perspectives that represent the target culture’s view of the world. Objective Click here to enter text. CLTR 1.3: Function appropriately Choose an in diverse item. contexts within the target culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Relating cultural Objective Click here to enter text. products to perspective CLTR 2.1: Standard CLTR 2: Analyze the significance of Choose an Investigate, explain and a product (art, item. reflect on the relationship music, between the products and literature, etc. perspectives of the cultures …) in a target studied in the target culture. language. Objective Click here to enter text. CLTR 2.2: Describe the connections of products from Choose an the target item. culture with the practices and perspectives of the culture. Objective Click here to enter text. CLTR 2.3: Justify the underlying beliefs or Choose an values of the item. target culture that resulted in the creation of the product.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 CONNECTIONS

Goal: Acquire information and diverse perspectives in order to use the target language to connect to other disciplines and to function in academic and career related situations. Enduring Understanding: Essential Question(s): Interdisciplinary learning is  What role does language learning play in the educational experience of a critical component in the students? educational experience of  How does connecting to other disciplines make students well-informed global all students. Connecting citizens? multiple disciplines builds  How does extending student access to variety of information and diverse and reinforces the content perspectives influence their ability to perform in academic and career related Enduring Understanding: settings? Languages and cultures are multi-faceted, the diverse patterns and perspectives inherent to language systems/cultures express meaning in culturally appropriate ways. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Standard The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Making connections Objective Click here to enter text. Standard CONN 1: Build, CONN 1.1: reinforce, and expand Compare and contrast Choose an knowledge of other information item. disciplines while using the acquired from target language to develop other content critical thinking/creative areas. problem solving skills. Objective Click here to enter text. Choose an

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 CONN 1.2: Relate information studied in item. other subjects to the target language and culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Acquiring information Objective Click here to enter text. and diverse perspectives CONN 2.1: Standard CONN 2: Access Access authentic and evaluate information materials Choose an and diverse perspectives prepared in item. that are available through the target the target language and its language by or cultures. for native speakers. Objective Click here to enter text. CONN 2.2: Analyze the content and cultural perspectives Choose an of authentic item. materials prepared in the target language by or for native speakers Objective Click here to enter text. CONN 2.3: Compare and contrast cultural Choose an similarities item. and differences in authentic materials.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 COMPARISONS

Goal: Develop insight and understanding of target culture and language in order to interact with cultural competence. Enduring Understanding: Essential Question(s): Languages and cultures are  How does the target language differ from the learner’s first language? multi-faceted, the diverse  How do the target culture’s perspectives compare to the learner’s perspective? patterns and perspectives inherent to language systems/cultures express meaning in culturally appropriate ways.

Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Standard The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Cultural Comparisons Objective Click here to enter text. Standard COMP 2: COMP 1.1: Investigate, explain, and Observe Choose an reflect on the concept of formal and item. culture through the informal forms comparisons of the cultures of language. studied and their own. Objective Click here to enter text. Choose an COMP 1.2: item. Identify patterns and explain discrepancies the sounds and the writing

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 system in the target language. Objective Click here to enter text. COMP 1.3: Compare and analyze Choose an idiomatic item. expressions in the target language.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Cultural Comparisons Objective Click here to enter text. Standard COMP 2: COMP 2.1: Investigate, explain, and Identify, reflect on the concept of describe and culture through the compare/contr Choose an ast products comparisons of the cultures item. studied and their own. and their use in the target culture with the learner’s culture. Objective Click here to enter text. COMP 2.2: Compare and contrast appropriate gestures and Choose an oral item. expressions in the target culture with the learner’s culture. Objective Click here to enter text. Choose an COMP 2.3: item. Compare and contrast authentic materials from the target culture with the learner’s

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 COMMUNITIES

Goal: Communicate and interact with cultural competence in multilingual communities at home and around the world. Enduring Understanding: Essential Question(s): The increasing  How are language proficiency and cultural competence developed? interconnectedness of the  How do continued opportunities to learn and use language increase language world’s economy requires proficiency over a period of time? that United States citizens  What personal benefits are there to becoming a lifelong language learner? continue to become proficient in other languages and adept at understanding and communicating appropriately in cultural contexts.

Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Standard The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) School and Global Objective Click here to enter text. Communities Standard COMT 1.1: COMT 1: Interact and Participate in multilingual Choose an collaborate in communities communities item. and the globalized world at home and both within and beyond the around the classroom. world. Objective Click here to enter text. Choose an COMT 1.2: item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Discuss personal preferences in activities and events both within and beyond the classroom. Objective Click here to enter text. COMT 1.3: Utilize knowledge of the target language to Choose an tutor English item. language learners that know the target language.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Lifelong learning Objective Click here to enter text. Standard COMT 2: Reflect COMT 2.1: on progress using Interpret materials Choose an languages for enjoyment, and/or use item. enrichment, and media from advancement. the language and culture for enjoyment. Objective Click here to enter text. COMT 2.2: Explore opportunities to use the target Choose an language for item. personal enrichment/pr ofessional advancement/ communicatio n skills.

World Language Performance Indicators: COMMUNICATION 1: Interpersonal Interact with others in the target language and gain meaning from interactions in the target language. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Express self Click here to enter text. Choose an in item. conversations that are based upon very

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 familiar topics. Can access a variety of words, phrases, simple sentences, and questions that have been highly practiced and memorized. b. Respond to Click here to enter text. basic questions about self and Choose an others using a item. series of highly practiced or memorized phrases.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 c. Click here to enter text. Communicate about self, others, and everyday life Choose an using a series item. of highly practiced or memorized phrases. Intermediate: a. Express self Click here to enter text. and actively participates in conversations on familiar Choose an topics using item. single sentences or a series of sentences.1 b. Handle Click here to enter text. short social interactions in everyday Choose an situations by item. asking and answering a variety of questions. c. Click here to enter text. Communicate Choose an about self, item. others, and everyday life. Advanced: a. Express self Click here to enter text. Choose an fully to item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 maintain conversations on familiar topics and new concrete academic, social and work related topics. b. Handle Click here to enter text. changes in situations confidently Choose an and share item. one’s point of view in discussions. c. Click here to enter text. Communicate in more in- depth conversations about self, others, or events with detail and Choose an organization. item. Interact with others in the target language and gain meaning from interactions in the target

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 COMMUNICATION 2: Interpretive Discover meaning from what is heard, read or viewed on a variety of topics in the target language. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. List key Click here to enter text. characters and main events from developmental Choose an ly appropriate item. narratives based on familiar themes. b. Report out Click here to enter text. the content of brief written messages and short personal Choose an notes on item. familiar topics, such as family, school events, and celebrations. c. Interpret the Click here to enter text. meaning of gestures, Choose an intonation, and item. other visual or auditory clues.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Intermediate: a. Identify the Click here to enter text. principal characters and discuss the Choose an main idea and item. themes with a piece of literature. b. Locate key ideas/items in authentic materials and relate them to people and objects in one’s own life. c. Restate information and react to messages within short articles or multi-media clips from the target culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Advanced: a. Discuss Click here to enter text. main ideas and key details of live/recorded Choose an discussions, item. lectures, and presentations from the target culture. b. Analyze main plot, subplot, characters, their descriptions, roles, and significance in authentic literary texts. c. Compare and contrast cultural nuances of meaning in written and spoken language as expressed by native speakers from the target culture in both formal and informal settings.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 COMMUNICATION 3: Presentational Utilize appropriate media to present an idea to an audience. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Present Click here to enter text. information about self or others using Choose an simple item. sentences or memorized phrases. Intermediate: a. Express Click here to enter text. opinions and state facts Choose an about self, item. using a series of sentences. Advanced: a. Deliver an Click here to enter text. organized presentation about a Choose an variety of item. topics that is appropriate for an audience. CUES

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 CULTURES 1: Cultural Practices Investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied in the target language. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Use Click here to enter text. appropriate gestures Choose an within the item. classroom environment. b. Imitate Click here to enter text. appropriate Choose an etiquette from item. the target culture. c. List cultural Click here to enter text. practices Choose an observed in a item. video from the target culture. d. Role-play Click here to enter text. simple interactions in Choose an stores and item. restaurants in the target culture. Intermediate: a. Use formal Click here to enter text. Choose an and informal item. forms of address appropriately in rehearsed

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 situations. b. Adjust Click here to enter text. language and message gradually to Choose an acknowledge item. audiences with varied cultural backgrounds. c. Suggest Click here to enter text. reasons for connecting cultural Choose an practices to item. associated products and perspectives. d. Role-play Click here to enter text. culturally appropriate interactions (e.g., with Choose an shop keepers, item. ticket sellers, waiters, taxi drivers) in the target culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Advanced: a. Use formal Click here to enter text. and informal forms of Choose an address item. appropriately in unrehearsed situations. b. Adjust Click here to enter text. language, message, and behavior to Choose an acknowledge item. audiences with varied cultural backgrounds. c. Provide Click here to enter text. evidence based reasoning for connecting Choose an cultural item. practices to associated products and perspectives. d. Utilize Click here to enter text. culturally appropriate behaviors and Choose an language in a item. variety of situations in the target language.

CULTURES 2: Cultural Products

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied in the target language. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Give simple Click here to enter text. reasons for the role and Choose an importance of item. products from the target culture. b. Identify the Click here to enter text. author/country of origin for Choose an short poems, item. stories, or plays from the target culture. c. Make simple Click here to enter text. connections between cultural products, Choose an associated item. practices, and possible perspectives from the target culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Intermediate: a. Identify, Click here to enter text. investigate, and analyze the function of Choose an everyday item. objects produced in the culture. b. Identify and Click here to enter text. analyze cultural products found Choose an in literature, item. news stories, and films from the target culture. c. Create Click here to enter text. connections based on background knowledge Choose an between item. cultural products, associated practices, and perspectives. Advanced: a. Research in Click here to enter text. Choose an detail the role item. and importance of products from

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 the target cultures. b. Identify and Click here to enter text. analyze the role and importance of Choose an cultural item. products found in literature, news stories, and film. c. Provide Click here to enter text. evidence- based insights connecting Choose an cultural item. products, associated practices, and perspectives. CONNECTIONS 1: Making Connections Build, reinforce, and expand knowledge of other disciplines while using the target language to develop critical thinking/creative problem solving skills. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Use skills Click here to enter text. gained in other content areas to study Choose an key item. figures/events in the target culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 b. Use skills Click here to enter text. gained in other content areas to convert currencies, weights, and measures from Choose an the United item. States’ standard to that of the target culture in order to understand prices, size and distance. c. Use skills Click here to enter text. gained in other content areas to identify the similarities and differences Choose an between the item. cultural norm in the United States and that of the target culture (e.g., food, clothing, music). d. Read text Click here to enter text. Choose an from the item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 target culture, such as maps, using skills gained in other content areas. Intermediate: a. Seek out Click here to enter text. sources in the target language for content Choose an presently or item. previously studied in history and English. b. Use skills Click here to enter text. gained in other content areas to analyze the impact of Choose an currencies item. rates, and measurement systems on the global economy. c. Analyze and Click here to enter text. Choose an discuss the item. similarities and differences between the cultural norm in the United

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 States and that of the target culture (e.g. food, clothing, music) using knowledge from other content areas.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 d. Analyze text Click here to enter text. from the target culture Choose an using skills item. gained in other content areas. Advanced: a. Write a Click here to enter text. critical analysis for a Choose an movie where item. the target language is spoken. b. Research Click here to enter text. and discuss how various Choose an governmental item. structures might impact global issues. c. Explore, Click here to enter text. discuss, and debate topics from other academic subjects (e.g., political and Choose an historical item. concepts, worldwide health issues, and environmental concerns). d. Write and/or Click here to enter text. Choose an

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 produce an original work that highlights a challenge facing people item. in countries where the target language in spoken. CONNECTIONS 2: Acquiring Information/Perspectives Access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the target language and its cultures. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Interpret Click here to enter text. main idea from infographics showing Choose an statistics, such item. as number of endangered species, or changes in population. b. Identify Click here to enter text. main idea of current events Choose an reported in the item. news about the target culture. c. Access short Click here to enter text. Choose an

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 texts and multi-media item. from the target culture.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Intermediate: a. Access Click here to enter text. charts and surveys about daily life in the target culture Choose an and compare item. this information with similar events in the United States. b. Compare Click here to enter text. current events reported in the Choose an news to similar item. events in the United States. c. View Click here to enter text. publicity and promotional Choose an information item. from the target culture. Advanced: a. Research an Click here to enter text. issue of global importance and provide Choose an insight into the item. issue from the perspective of the target culture. b. Research Click here to enter text. Choose an and debate item. current events in the target

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 culture. c. Compare, Click here to enter text. analyze, and discuss how and why advertisement Choose an s for the same item. product differ in the target culture and the United States. COMPARISONS 1: Language Investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Compare Click here to enter text. word order and sentence structure Choose an between one’s item. own language and the target language. b. Observe the Click here to enter text. use of formal and informal Choose an structures in item. the target language.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 c. Report Click here to enter text. similarities and differences between the sound and Choose an writing item. systems of one’s own language and the target language. Intermediate: a. Hypothesize Click here to enter text. regarding the similarities of languages Choose an based on the item. use of cognates and idioms. b. Match Click here to enter text. groups of people with Choose an ways of item. expressing respect in the target culture. c. Identify Click here to enter text. Choose an patterns and item. explain discrepancies between the sound and writing systems of one’s own

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 language and the target language. Advanced: a. Compare Click here to enter text. the choice/use of particular Choose an grammatical item. structures among languages. b. Identify, Click here to enter text. compare, and analyze how language reflects culture Choose an and item. regional/nation al linguistic patterns in the target language. c. Compare Click here to enter text. the writing system of the target language to Choose an one’s own, and item. discuss the nature of other writing systems.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 COMPARISONS 2: Culture Investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through the comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Compare Click here to enter text. daily routines, celebrations Choose an etc. in one’s item. culture and the target culture. b. Identify, Click here to enter text. describe, and compare/contr ast products and their use Choose an in the target item. culture and one’s own (e.g., toys, clothing, and food). c. Observe, Click here to enter text. Choose an identify, and item. compare/contr ast simple patterns of behavior or interactions in various settings in the target culture and one’s own.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 d. Identify and Click here to enter text. discuss similarities and differences in Choose an themes and item. techniques in creative works from the target cultures and one’s own. Intermediate: a. Compare Click here to enter text. and contrast the role of family, schools schedules, Choose an value of social item. media etc. in one’s culture and the target culture. b. Identify, Click here to enter text. investigate, and compare/contr ast the function of everyday Choose an objects (e.g., item. toys, tools, clothing, food) produced in the target culture and one’s own.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 c. Document Click here to enter text. and contrast verbal and non- verbal behavior in daily activities Choose an among peers item. or mixed groups in the target culture and one’s own.

d. Hypothesize Click here to enter text. regarding the relationship between cultural perspectives and expressive products (e.g., visual arts, Choose an music, and item. literature) through analyzing selected products for the target culture and one’s own. Advanced: a. Compare Click here to enter text. Choose an and contrast item. the value placed on work, leisure time, health

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 and wellness, the environment, and technology in one’s culture and the target culture. b. Identify, analyze, and discuss tangible and intangible products and their use in the target culture and one’s own as represented through authentic materials. c. Compare Click here to enter text. cultural nuances of meanings of words, idioms, Choose an and vocal item. inflections in the target language and one’s own. d. Identify, Click here to enter text. Choose an examine, and item. analyze the relationship between

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 cultural products, practices, and perspectives in the target culture and one’s own by conducting research, observations, or interviews.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 COMMUNITIES 1: School and Global Communities Interact and collaborate in communities and the globalized world both within and beyond the classroom. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Click here to enter text. Communicate on a personal level with speakers of the language Choose an in person or item. via email, video chats, or other electronic means. b. Identify Click here to enter text. professions that require Choose an proficiency in item. another language. c. Simulate Click here to enter text. interactions that might take place in a Choose an community item. setting using the target culture/langua ge Intermediate: a. Present Click here to enter text. Choose an information item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 gained from a native speaker about a cultural event or topic of interest in the target language. b. Discuss Click here to enter text. steps to becoming a professional in Choose an a field item. requiring language proficiency. c. Discuss Click here to enter text. preferences/op inions concerning leisure activities and current events, in Choose an written form or item. orally, with peers who speak the target language and/or students in class. Advanced: a. Click here to enter text. Choose an Communicate item. orally or in

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 writing with members of the other culture regarding topics of personal interest, community issues, or world concerns.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 b. Participate Click here to enter text. in a career exploration or school- to- Choose an work project item. which requires proficiency in the language and culture. c. Discuss and Click here to enter text. express opinions on current events and issues through interpersonal Choose an oral or written item. exchanges with speakers of the target language and/or students in class. COMMUNITIES 2: Lifelong Learning Reflect on progress using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement. Objective - Point Value List units with specific examples of where standards are Grade The students 0/.5/1 Introduced/Taught/Assessed. Include a narrative explanation. will: (Reviewer) Novice: a. Reflect on Click here to enter text. Choose an one’s progress item. in communicatio n skills and collect evidence to

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 support. b. Explore and Click here to enter text. interpret media and Choose an materials from item. the target culture for enjoyment. c. Attend Click here to enter text. cultural or Choose an social events item. from the target culture. Intermediate: a. Collect Click here to enter text. evidence showing that Choose an learning item. targets for each unit have been met. b. Exchange Click here to enter text. information with native speakers, and use various Choose an media to view item. cultural events for entertainment/ learning. c. Seek Click here to enter text. Choose an community item. /online activities that foster an interaction

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 with native speakers of the target language Advanced: a. Document Click here to enter text. language growth through collecting evidence and Choose an records that item. support meeting or exceeding the learning targets for each unit. b. Attend events or use media from the target culture for entertainment or personal growth. c. Explore Click here to enter text. Choose an online item. resources to find sites of personal interest, using the target language to maintain and increase one’s language

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 skills.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Indicators of Quality Literacy Connections Across All Rating: Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer Content Areas only) Students will build knowledge and academic Click here to enter text. Choose an language through content rich, complex nonfiction texts. item. Students will participate in Click here to enter text. Choose an Reading/Writing/Speaking that is grounded in evidence from the text, across the curriculum. item. Students will use digital resources strategically to Click here to enter text. Choose an conduct research and create and present material in oral and written form. item. Students will collaborate effectively for a variety of Click here to enter text. Choose an purposes while also building independent literacy skills. item. Rating: Equity Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer only) 1. Materials are free from bias in their portrayal of ethnic Click here to enter text. groups, gender, age, disabilities, culture, religion, etc. and contain accommodations for multiple learning styles, students with exceptionalities, English Language Learners, and cultural differences.  Multicultural Representation  Free from bias  Designed for use in planning and implementation Choose an of differentiated instruction addressing multiple item. learning styles and the needs of Talented and Gifted (TAG), English Language Learners (ELL) and Special Education (SPED) students.  The material provides a balanced representation of points of view regarding issues such as race, gender, religion, environment, business, industry, political orientation, careers and career choices. 2. The material offers texts representing a wide array of Click here to enter text. cultures and experiences, allowing students Choose an opportunities to learn about situations similar to and item. different from their own personal experiences.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Rating: Accessibility Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer only) 3. Accessible Education Materials (AEM): Click here to enter text. Print- and technology-based educational materials, including printed and electronic textbooks and related core materials that are designed or converted in a way that makes them usable across the widest range of student variability regardless of format (print, digital, graphical, audio, video). Laws that govern the use of AEM: 1.)The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) focuses on accessible formats of print instructional material in the following formats: Braille, Large Print, Audio Text & Digital Text; 2.) Two federal civil rights acts: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Choose an and Tittle II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). item. Both prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and speak to the obligation of public schools to provide accessible educational materials to students with disabilities who need them.  Submitted core PRINT materials must include assurance from the publishers agreeing to comply with the most current National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) specifications regarding accessible instructional materials. Rating: Student Focus Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer only) 4. The material supports the sequential and cumulative Click here to enter text. development of foundational skills. Those skills are Choose an necessary for a student’s independent comprehension of grade-level complex texts and mastery of tasks item. called for by the standards. 5. The material provides many and varied opportunities Click here to enter text. Choose an for students to work with each standard within the grade level. item. 6. The material reflects the progression of the strands and Click here to enter text. how they build within and across the grades in a logical Choose an way. This enables students to develop and demonstrate their independent capacity to read and write at the item. appropriate level of complexity and sophistication

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 indicated by the standards. 7. The material engages the reader, i.e. does it Click here to enter text. Choose an correspond with age appropriate interests? item. 8. The material cross-refers and integrates with other Click here to enter text. Choose an subjects in related areas of the curriculum. item. 9. The material includes strategies and textual content Click here to enter text. Choose an that are grade appropriate. item. 10. The material has a balance of text types and lengths Click here to enter text. Choose an that encourage close, in-depth reading and rereading, analysis, comparison, and synthesis of texts. item. 11. The material includes sufficient supplementary Click here to enter text. Choose an activities or assignments that are appropriately integrated into the text. item. 12. The material has activities and assignments that Click here to enter text. Choose an develop problem-solving skills and foster synthesis and inquiry at both an individual and group level. item. 13. The material has activities and assignments that reflect Click here to enter text. Choose an varied learning styles of students. item. 14. The material includes appropriate instructional Click here to enter text. Choose an strategies. item. Rating: Pedagogical Approach Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer only) 15. The material offers strategies for teachers to meet Click here to enter text. Choose an the needs of a range of learners, including advanced students and those requiring remediation. item. 16. The material provides suggestions for scaffolding Click here to enter text. that support the comprehension of grade-level text without replacing students’ opportunities for full and Choose an regular encounters with grade-level complex texts. item. Removing the scaffolding over the course of the materials is encouraged. 17. The material provides opportunities for supporting Click here to enter text. Choose an English language learners to regularly and actively participate with grade-level text. item. 18. The material gives clear and concise instruction to Click here to enter text. Choose an teachers and students. It is easy to navigate and understand. item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 19. The material assesses students at a variety of Click here to enter text. knowledge levels (e.g., recall, inferencing/analyzing, Choose an reasoning, problem solving) centered on grade-level texts that are clearly aligned and measureable against item. the expectations of the ICS. 20. The material offers ongoing, easily implemented, Click here to enter text. and varied assessments.  Assessments should clearly denote which standards are being emphasized. They should also Choose an include aligned rubrics and scoring guidelines that item. provide sufficient guidance to teachers for interpreting student performance and suggestions for follow-up.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 Rating: Presentation and Design Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer only) 21. The material has an aesthetically appealing appearance Click here to enter text. Choose an (attractive, inviting). item. 22. Layout is consistent, clear, and understandable. Click here to enter text.

 The material has headings and sub-headings that make it easy to navigate through the book.  Chapters are logically arranged. Choose an  Text provides a useful table of contents, glossary, item. and index.  Text contains references, bibliography, and resources.

23. The material uses a language/reading level suitable for Click here to enter text. Choose an the intended readers. item. 24. The material has a reasonable and appropriate balance Click here to enter text. Choose an between text and illustration. The material has grade- appropriate font size. item. 25. The illustrations clearly cross-reference the text, are Click here to enter text. Choose an directly relevant to the content (not simply decorative), and promote thinking, discussion, and problem solving. item. 26. Non-text content (performance clips, images, maps, Click here to enter text. Choose an globes, graphs, pictures, charts, databases, and models) are accurate and well integrated into the text. item. Rating: Technology Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer only) 27. The material includes or references technology that Click here to enter text. Choose an provides teachers with additional tasks for students. item. 28. The material includes guidance for the mindful use of Click here to enter text. Choose an embedded technology to support and enhance student learning. item. Does the electronic/digital/online version of the Rating: Evidence-Give specific example (Reviewer materials: only) 29. The material has “platform neutral” technology (i.e., will Click here to enter text. Choose an run on Windows or other platforms) and availability for item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016 networking.

30. The material has a user-friendly and interactive Click here to enter text. Choose an interface allowing the user to control (shift among activities). item.

Idaho Content Standards/World Language/11-2016

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