1St Semester Unit Pacing Guide
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2014-2015 7th grade 1st Semester Unit Pacing Guide Arkansas History
Reminder: Celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (PL 108-447, Section 106) on Sept. 17, 2013. Reminder: Celebrate Freedom Week (Arkansas Act 682 of 2003) during the week of Sept. 22-26, 2013.
Aug. 18 – 19 Classroom Orientation (rules and procedures) Overview: Reading/Writing Common Core State Standards, State Frameworks, Unit Scope and Sequences, 1st Semester Pacing Guide, TIA
Check-out textbooks, textbook overview (within the first week)
Arkansas History Pre-test- optional Handbook of Social Studies Skills (The World Textbook)- optional
Aug.20- Sept. 5 Unit 1: The Natural State
AR_ELC 1- Students shall research the geographical regions of Arkansas.
Chapter 1- The Natural State (pgs. 2-31) Map usage, types of maps, map components, location/direction Arkansas Maps (political, physical, thematic) and Geographic Regions Sept. 8- Sept. 16 Unit 2: Prehistoric Cultures and Indians
AR_ELC 2- Students shall examine the pre-territorial periods of Arkansas.
Chapter 2-The First People (pgs. 32-51)
Sept. 17 Constitution Day- mandatory Celebrate Constitution Day and Citizenship Day PL 108-447, Section 106) on Sept, 17, 2012.
Sept. 18-19 Unit 3: Early Explorers (Part 1)
AR_ELC 3- Students shall explain the significant contributions of early explorers.
Chapter 3-Explorers and Invaders (pgs. 52-67)
Sept. 22-26 Unit 4: Freedom Week - mandatory
Celebrate Freedom Week (Arkansas Act 682 of 2003) during the week of Sept. 24-28, 2012.
Ch.12 –Making a Living in Arkansas: Economics (pgs. 248-275) Ch. 13-Government for the People: Civics Review (pgs. 276-295)
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15- Oct. 15) Sept. 29- Oct. 3 Unit 3: Early Explorers (Part 2)
AR_ELC 3- Students shall explain the significant contributions of early explorers.
Chapter 3-Explorers and Invaders (pgs. 52-67)
Oct. 6- 14 Unit 5: On the Road to Statehood
(The Louisiana Purchase, Frontier Arkansas, Pre-Territorial Arkansas, Territorial and Antebellum Arkansas)
AR_ELC 4- Students shall examine factors related to statehood.
AR_ELC 6- Students shall identify political, social, and economic changes in Arkansas.
AR_ELC 7- Students shall examine the political, social, and economic growth in Arkansas.
Chapter 4- A Land Called Arkansas (pgs. 68-89)
Chapter 5- Antebellum Arkansas: On the Road to Statehood (pgs. 90-115)
Oct. 15 1st Quarter (Common Assessment) 1 class period
Oct. 16 1st Quarter (Common Assessment) student self-assessment/teacher feedback Oct. 17 Professional Development Day- no students
Oct. 20- Nov. 7 Unit 6: Civil War and Reconstruction
AR_ELC 5- Students shall examine the causes and the effects of the Civil War on Arkansas.
Chapter 6- The Civil War (pgs. 116-139) Chapter 7- Reconstruction (pgs. 140-155)
Nov. 10-25 Unit 7: Toward a New Century- Good Times and Bad Times (Economic growth, 18th and 19th Amendments, WWI, oil boom, Roaring Twenties, The Great Mississippi Flood, The Great Depression, FDR and the New Deal programs)
AR_ELC 8- Students shall discuss the effects of the Great Depression in Arkansas.
AR_ELC 6- Students shall identify political, social, and economic changes in Arkansas.
AR_ELC 7- Students shall examine the political, social, and economic growth in Arkansas.
Nov. 26 Flex Day Nov. 27-28 Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 1-17 Unit 8: World War II and the Civil Rights Movement
AR_ELC 9- Students shall examine the effects of World War II and other events upon the modernization of Arkansas.
Chapter 10- From WWII to Civil Rights (pgs. 204-223) Chapter 11- Modern Arkansas (pgs. 224-247)
Dec. 18 2nd Quarter Common Assessment
Dec. 19 2nd Quarter (Common Assessment) student self-assessment/teacher feedback
Important Dates:
Professional Development Aug 11-14 Teacher Work Day Aug 15 1st Quarter Begins Aug 18 Labor Day Sep 1 1st Quarter Ends Oct 16 Professional Development Oct 17 Days in Quarter 43 2nd Quarter Begins Oct 20 Parent Teacher Conferences Oct 27- 31 Flex Day Nov 26 Thanksgiving Vacation Nov 27-28 2nd Quarter Ends Dec 19 Days in Quarter 42 Days in Semester 85 Winter Vacation Dec 22-Jan 2 3rd Quarter Begins Jan 5 Professional Development Jan 19 Parent Teacher Conference Feb 9-20 Professional Development Feb 16 3rd Quarter Ends Mar 13 Days in Quarter 48 4th Quarter Begins Mar 16 Spring Break Mar 23-27 4th Quarter Ends May 22 Days in Quarter 45 Days in Semester 93 Memorial Day May 25 Professional Development May 26 Teacher Work Day May 27
*Inclement weather days will be made up May 26,27, 28, 29,June 1 and June 2. Professional Development Days may be used to make up inclement weather days. Additional inclement weather days will be made up as follows: Day 7- change PD day of Jan. 19 Day 8-change PD day of Feb. 16 Day 9- June 3 Day 10- Sat. Feb. 28 Day 11-Sat. March 14 Day 12- Monday of Spring Break ( Mar. 23) Day 13- Tuesday of Spring Break (Mar. 24)
** One professional development day will be 1.5 hrs. on Aug.25, Sept 15, Nov. 17 and Dec. 1. Nov. 26 will be a flex PD day for approved summer professional development.
Total Class Days 178 Teacher "Work Days" 2 In-Service Days 10 Conference Days 2 Total Contract Days 192