At the River I Stand

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At the River I Stand

Annotated Bibliography

Gregory Swanson – Desegregation at U.Va.

Personal Papers

Boyle, Sarah Patton. Papers. Alderman Library Special Collections. Box 7. Correspondences between Boyle and Swanson, also copies of opinion polls on desegregation at the time.

Swanson, Gregory H. Papers. 1942-1956 (bulk 1950-1951) Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Washington, D.C. Personal papers, correspondences, and materials relating to Swanson’s lawsuit against the University of Virginia for admission to its law school in 1950; together with printed materials concerning Howard University and the University of Virginia.

President Darden Papers. Alderman Library Special Collections. Subseries I. Box 32. Includes personal correspondences between Darden and alumni pertaining to segregation and the Swanson case, news clippings from both black and white Virginia papers regarding Darden’s views on segregation,

Newspaper Articles (in chronological order)

June 1950

New Racial Rulings Raise State Issues. Richmond Times-Dispatch. June 25. Article discusses recent Supreme Court rulings, and what it might mean for the state of Virginia.

July 1950

Negro Seeking U.Va. Entrance. The Richmond News Leader, July 7. President Darden announces UVA has received Swanson’s application.

Gregory Swanson, Negro Atty. Of Danville, says he applied for admission U.Va. Law School Nov 29. Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 7. Swanson’s account of his application process.

Local Negro who Sought Admission to UVA will open law office. The Danville Registrar. July 7. After passing the Va. State bar, Swanson will open his own law office in Martinsville.

July 14 Set To Hear Negro Bid to U. Va. Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 8. The Board of Visitors will consider Swanson’s application at its next meeting. The University Fights a Delaying Action. The Richmond News Leader, July 10. Editorial, in favor of segregated school system, but with regards to recent Supreme Court Decisions, Swanson will win case.

Darden’s Request. The Washington Star, July. It was Pres. Darden, not the BOV who requested the Attorney General’s opinion on the constitutionality of admitting Swanson.

U. Va. Board Fights a Rear Guard Action. The Roanoke World-News, July. Swanson case is distinct because BOV, despite General-Attorney Almond’s opinion otherwise, rejected Swanson.

Hearing Set on Petition to University. Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 14. BOV to discuss Swanson application tomorrow.

VA. Law School Rejects Negro Applicant. The Washington Post, July 15. UVA refuses Swanson, discusses future options.

Negro Lawyer Backed. The New York Times, July 16. NAACP officially will sponsor Swanson case.

The UVA Board Rejects a Negro’s Application. Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 17. Announces officially that BOV rejects Swanson’s application because of his race, though otherwise qualified.

U.Va. Faces Suit for Rejection of Negro as Law School Student. Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 26. NAACP announces that if approached, it will sponsor Swanson’s case.

The ‘Swanson Case’—and Then What? The Richmond News Leader, July 27. Belief that the NAACP fight for equal education is on its way and the state of Virginia should deal with the issues rather than postponing decisions for as long as possible.

August 1950

University to Study Negro Lawyer’s Action. The Roanoke Times, August 5. President Darden and BOV to meet on Monday to discuss procedure to be followed in court.

3 U.S. Judges To Hear Case Against U.VA. The Richmond News Leader, August 8. Suit filed and 3-judge court appointed.

University Plans to Fight Swanson Case. Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 8. UVA directed their lawyer to defend the Board’s action. Injunction Asked to Prevent School From Barring Negroes. The Daily Progress, August 9. Suit filed on behalf of Swanson and “all other Negro citizens of Virginia similarly situated.”

Negro Sues for Entry Into U.Va. Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 9. Swanson asks for an injunction to prevent UVA from barring Negro students from its graduate law school.

Negro Lawyer Asks Injunction to Lift UVA Ban on His Race. The Roanoke World News, August 9. Swanson files complaint and injunction at Board’s action, and his case is modeled after the McLaurin Supreme Court case.

Negro Lawyer Barred from UVA Law School; Seeks Injunction. The Staunton Leader, August 9. Swanson asks for temporary and permanent injunction against UVA.

3 Judges Due to Hear U.Va. Case. The Richmond News Leader, August 9. Swanson questions state constitution in light of recent Supreme Court rulings.

Negroes Test Bans in Va. Courts. The New York Times, August 13. Mostly focusing on Swanson case, discusses NAACP’s goal to test integration and equality in higher education.

University’s Segregation Suit is Set. Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 23. Swanson’s case is set for September 5, to be heard in Charlottesville by a three- judge court.

Separate Law School for Negroes Is Not Equal to That for Whites. The Richmond News Leader, August 27. Reviews all recent Supreme Court law suits, including McLaurin vs. Oklahoma, Sweatt vs. University of Texas etc. to explain precedents set for Swanson.

U.Va. Replies to Petition by Swanson. The Richmond News Leader, August 31. UVA states unless state constitution is changed, will not admit Negroes into school.

September 1950

University will Wait for Order. The Roanoke Times, September 2. UVA will only admit Negroes into law school under court orders.

UVA to Admit Negroes if Court Orders. The Roanoke World News, September 2. UVA will admit Swanson by court order or if Va. State Constitution is changed. The Higher Education Fight. The Richmond News Leader, September 4. Discuss three recent cases for education equality for blacks, Murray case in Md., UNC law school, and Swanson’s UVA, and asks for a new state policy to be implemented.

Attorney’s Case Comes Up Today. The Roanoke Times, September 5. Swanson case occurs today, discusses Board’s rejection despite General Attorney Almond’s warning not to.

Judges Paul, Parker and Soper To Hear Suit Against UVA. The Roanoke World News, Three-judge panel will only hear permanent injunction on September 5.

Federal Decree Admits Negroes to Law School. The Daily Progress, September 5. The Three-judge panel end U.Va.’s segregation rule.

Negro to Air Suit vs. U.Va in Court Today. Richmond Times-Dispatch, September 5. Case to take place today to decide if Swanson obtains injunction, names all players in case.

Court Tells U.Va. to Admit Negro Graduate Student. The Richmond News Leader, September 5. 3-judge panel ordered UVA to admit qualified Negroes to its graduate law school.

Latimer, James. Negro Wins Suit to Enter Law School At University. Richmond Times-Dispatch, September 6. Swanson wins; judges rule that where a State maintains only one tax-supported graduate school, it cannot bar Negroes for reasons of race or color.

A Negro to Enter the U.VA.; The Implications are Great. Richmond Times- Dispatch, September 6. Criticize Board’s actions in court, saying could have improved race relations if admitted Swanson, also predicts possibilities for future blacks attending white schools.

Va. Weighs Swanson Rule Effects. The Richmond News Leader, September 6. Successful case raises questions for the desegregation of other programs within UVA as well as other state schools in Virginia.

U. of Va. To Accept Swanson if he Completes Registration. The Richmond News Leader, September 7. President Darden announced acceptance of Swanson, also considers implications.

Fair Treatment of Negro Law Student Urged. The Richmond News Leader, September 9. Student President of the law school announces that Swanson should be treated as any other student.

Virginia Editors Take a Philosophical View of the ‘Swanson Case.’ The Richmond News Leader, September 9. Round-up of different editorials from Va. Papers, basically comparing Swanson case to other recent similar Supreme Court rulings, and the inevitability of the desegregation of UVA.

Segregation Test Case in Virginia. The New York Times, September 10. Discuss Swanson case, and then segregation in the South in general.

Swanson Registers in Law School. College Topics, September 16. Discusses Swanson’s enrollment and admittance.

Martinsville Negro Lawyer is Admitted to University. Richmond Times- Dispatch, September 16. Swanson registers for graduate law study at UVA today.

1950. Racial Segregation Issue Requires ‘Dynamic’ Thinking. Richmond Times- Dispatch, September 16. Refuting an editorial that said should shut down schools before integrating them.

All-White Tradition Ends as Negro Enrolls. The Roanoke World-News, September 16. Integration begins with Swanson’s enrollment today.

Enrollment of Swanson Ends U.Va. All-White Tradition. The Richmond News Leader, September 16. Swanson registers and enrolls, and thus ends all-white tradition.

U.Va. to Permit Swanson to Sit in Student Section at Football Games. The Richmond News Leader, September 20. Swanson allowed to sit in student section in stadium, rather than in segregated area.

No Segregation for Swanson at UVA Stadium. The Roanoke World News, September 21. University spokesman says that Swanson can sit in student section at any Cavalier athletic event.

Segregation Answer: Give Away Colleges! The Richmond News Leader, September 21. To avoid integration, suggestion that states give their colleges to boards of trustees, hence making them private.

Negro Woman Seeks U.Va. Course at RPI. The Richmond News Leader, September 21. Alfreda Louise Madison is the third African American to initiate a drive to gain entrance to a State-Supported “white” college.

Tennessee To Admit Negroes to University. College Topics, September 28. Reports decision in Tenn. To admit Negro students into professional schools.

September 1951 U.Va. Enrolls Negro, Ph.D. Candidate. The Richmond News Leader, September 28. Walter Ridley, second African American, accepted to Ph.D program at UVA because of Swanson ruling.

May 1952

U.Va. Poll Favorable to Negroes Attending Classes at University. The Daily Progress, May 2. According to student newspaper poll and YMCA poll, a substantial majority of over 400 faculty members and students would not object to the presence of Negroes in UVA classrooms.


Kaye, Brian. The History of Desegregation at UVA. 1979. A detailed history of the desegregation at UVA, specifically focusing on the Gregory Swanson case.

Lassiter, Matthew D. and Andrew B. Lewis. “Moderate’s Dilemma: massive resistance to school desegregation in Virginia. Charlottesville, Va. : University Press of Virginia, 1998.

Boyle, Sarah Patton. The Desegregated Heart. New York: William Morrow, 1962.

Jordan, Ervin. Notes from the Lecture “The African-American Experience at UVA: From Slaves to Scholars.” March 6, 1996. University Tour Guides fact sheet. Compiled by Melissa E. Murray. A timeline of the desegregation at UVA.

Kluger, Richard. “Simple Justice: the history of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America’s struggle for equality.” New York: Knopf, 1976.

Michel, Gregg. “We’ll Take our Stand.” Masters Thesis? Discusses the rise and activities of the Southern Students Organizing Committee (SSOC) at UVA.

Wallenstein, Peter. “Civil Rights and the Courts: a Band of Brothers and the Siege against Segregation in Virginia.” Virginia Social Science Journal, 1997. vol. 32, 99-112. A good secondary source for background setting of the fight for desegregation in Virginia.

Online Sources Brief summary of African American admissions, and picture of Walter Ridley graduating. Desegregation and University in the 1950s and 1960s: Introduction. Discusses Swanson’s admittance, friendship with Sarah Patton Boyle, etc. fiftieth Anniversary to Commemorate the Desegregation of UVA Law. Nicole Valentine. Summarizes Swanson case. First Black University alumnus dies, leaves legacy of inclusion. By Michelle Smith and Paulita M. Brown. Discusses enrollment of Swanson and Ridley, and life of Ridley. Texas civil Rights Review. Civil Rights at Land Grant Colleges. Briefly summarizes Swanson case. “University’s diverse community must write new chapters in pages of history” Stefany Tweed. Jefferson’s conflicting ideas of slavery to administration’s handling of Swanson case, including what he could and could not do once he was enrolled as a student. “Breaking Traditions” Discusses Alice Jackson case, Gregory Swanson and Walter Ridley cases, and opinion polls on integration in the 50s. “Not Fast, but First: The Desegregation of Virginia Tech. By Peter Wallenstein. Discusses Tech’s history of desegregation, and mentions some of UVA’s. “Honoring African Americans: Buildings and Programs Named After African Americans at the University of Virginia.” Discusses buildings, programs and African American pioneers.

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