Shallotte Board of Aldermen s2
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The Shallotte Board of Aldermen met for a regular meeting on February 4, 2014 at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers of the Shallotte Town Hall located at 110 Cheers Street with Mayor Walt Eccard presiding.
Aldermen present: Carson Durham, Jimmy Bellamy, Gene Vasile and Larry Harrelson
Aldermen absent: Alan Lewis
Staff present: Sandy Strickland, Mimi Gaither, Albert Hughes, Robert Lewis, Rodney Gause and Paul Dunwell
Mayor Eccard called the meeting to order. A motion was made by Carson Durham seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to open the meeting. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
Reverend Cozzi gave the Invocation followed by the Board and audience reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Police 2. Fire 3. Planning 4. Fire Marshal 5. Public Works 6. Administration - A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Carson Durham to approve an amendment to Town of Shallotte Personnel Policies Article V. Conditions of Employment Section 11. Adverse Weather/Hazardous Conditions. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. - Worrell Property Update- Administrator Hughes informed everyone the Worrell property is under contract and should close early next month. 7. Economic Development/Media/Events 8. Mayors Monthly Activity
A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
V. PUBLIC COMMENTS (3 minutes or less per person please)
There were no public comments.
A motion was made by Jimmy Bellamy seconded by Gene Vasile to approve the following consent agenda items:
a. January 7, 2014 meeting minutes.
b. Schedule public hearing for March 4, 2014 for an annexation request from Paramounte Engineering for 5100 Block of Ocean Highway West US 17 (PID 2120001202), ±3.27 acres.
c. Instruct the Town Clerk/Attorney to certify an annexation petition for ±0.43 acres located at 459 Gray Drive (PID 198CA029) as requested by Casimira Bautista.
Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
VII. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. A motion was made by Carson Durham seconded by Gene Vasile to approve the Personal Donation & Memorial Policy as presented. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Jimmy Bellamy seconded by Gene Vasile to approve the Street Name Change Policy as presented. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
2. Board Appointments
a. Planning Board: A motion was made by Carson Durham seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to appoint Greg Rupp (Post #3, term expiring 1/15). Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Larry Harrelson to appoint Justin Whiteside as Chairman (Post #4, term expiring 1/16) and Derek Danford as Vice- Chairman (Post #7, term expiring 1/15). Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to recuse Carson Durham from voting/discussion regarding the next vote due to a potential conflict of interest. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to re-appoint Evelyn Madison (Post #2, term expiring 1/16). Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to reinstate voting/discussion privileges to Carson Durham. Motion carried 3 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to re-appoint Tim Gore (Post #8, Alternate #1, term expiring 1/16). Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
b. Firemen’s Relief Fund:
A motion was made by Carson Durham seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to re-appoint Rebecca Hawes (term expiring 1/16) and appoint Tony Hewett (term expiring 1/16). Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
c. Board of Adjustment:
A motion was made by Carson Durham seconded by Jimmy Bellamy to re-appoint Doug Terhune (Post #5, term expiring 1/17). Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Larry Harrelson to move John Kinlaw (from Post #9, Alternate position 2) to Post #1, term expiring 1/17 (regular member filling Greg Rupp vacancy). Motion carried 4 yes 0 no. Planner Robert Lewis has been unable to make contact with Sheila Williams to see if she is interested in remaining on the BOA, so no action was taken on her re-appointment.
d. Economic Development 1. Status of Committee – Gene Vasile updated the Board on recent activities involving the Economic Development Committee. The Board asked Mr. Vasile if he would assemble recommendations, additional information regarding the expectations of the committee, etc. and present this at a future meeting.
3. Should Shallotte Conduct a Wage Study – Mayor Eccard posed this question to the Board. There has not been a wage study performed since 2005. Administrator Hughes mentioned with the budget process approaching, it the Board decided to move forward with having one performed, this would be an opportune time to begin. Gene Vasile stated it makes absolute sense to have our current document refreshed as well as accurately describing/updating the job descriptions as well. The Board was in agreement that eight (8) years is a long time between studies. A motion was made by Gene Vasile seconded by Carson Durham to allow Finance Director Mimi Gaither and Town Administrator Albert Hughes proceed with having a wage study & job descriptions update and have available for the upcoming budget process. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
4. Consider Change to Rules of Procedure from Roberts Rules to UNC School of Government Rules of Procedure for a City Council – Mayor Eccard asked the Board to review the booklets provided to each member, published by the School of Government and consider adopting this as the Town’s Rules of Procedure. He asked if Town Clerk Strickland would highlight some of the differences between our current procedures versus the SOG booklet, and possibly place this on our April meeting agenda.
5. Should Present Form of Government be Retained or Should Shallotte Move to a Council Manager Form of Government. Mayor Eccard just wanted the Board to begin thinking about possibly changing to a Council/Manager form of Government. He realizes this is something that needs to be researched, studied, etc., but just wanted the Board to begin thinking about this prior to a senior position has to be filled. VIII. ADJOURN
A motion was made by Jimmy Bellamy seconded by Gene Vasile to recess until our retreat on Saturday February 8, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. Motion carried 4 yes 0 no.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Strickland, CMC Date