Indiana University South Bend s2
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Friday November 6, 2015 Called to order at 9:03am.
Present: Executives: President Van, Vice President Kassem, Treasurer Wagner, Secretary Early
Senate: Atem, Bhagat, Bogard, Cagle, Cope, H. Klopfenstein, L. Klopfenstein, Kuric, Redman, Roach, Salisbury, Santos
Judicial Cabinet: Chief Justice Johnson
Advisor Strittmatter
Tardy: Senators H. Klopfenstein, L. Klopfenstein, Roach, Chief Justice Johnson
1) Voice of Constituents a) Psi Chi a.i) President and one other member here representing (Charlie and Alayna), he explains the club has not had events before so they are trying to get the club name out there and expand participants. a.ii)Holding a trivia night with teams competing and free food. Prizes: IU t-shirts, hats, and keychains for 1st-3rd places. a.iii) Affiliated with National Honor’s Society a.iv) Multiple clubs volunteering for this event b) Question & Answer b.i) Senator Atem asks what they plan to use their current bursar money for b.ii) Charlie says they will use it for the induction in Spring b.iii) Senator Cope says the department is responsible for paying for the induction b.iv) Senator Santos says great job advertising this event, and the senate should consider the fact that they will very likely have a good turn out b.v) Senator Bhagat motions to fund Psi Chi up to $346.33 for prizes, food, banner, and pop. Senator Bogard seconds the motion. c) Discussion c.i) Senator Bhagat supports this event c.ii)Senator Salisbury says they have been tabling this event very well c.iii) Senator Roach asks about the prices increasing from gift cards to IU prizes c.iv) Senator Salisbury says they found that they could not do gift cards this year c.v)All in favor: Senators Atem, Bhagat, Bogard, Cagle, Cope, H. Klopfenstein, L. Klopfenstein, Kuric, Redman, Salisbury, Santos Opposed: Senator Roach
2) President’s Report a) President Van asks for our feedback on Etextbook exchange within campus; she will send another link. Please contact her with feedback. This program is free for our campus. b) Communication survey should be ready to go by the end of next week
3) Vice President’s Report a) VP Kassem says lunch with the Chancellor was very enriching, thank you to everyone who attended. She recaps main points the Chancellor shared with us. a.i) Started the year with 905 Freshman and by midterms 44 dropped out a.ii)Titan Success Center; encourages us to advertise this resource to students a.iii) Bicentennial Plan is going very well, have already reached half point of our goal a.iv) Chancellor receives emails of student examples, but these are the stories that need to be shared with the Academic Senate because they want the student feedback a.v)One more “Ask the Chancellor” November 18, 2015 4pm-8pm in Housing b) Kanteh experienced a couple of examples of our issues with retention and student frustration c) Senator Salisbury is working on an informal survey about current first year student experiences and the likeliness of them staying in school, etc.
4) Treasurer’s Report a) Let Treasurer Wagner know if you have still not received your stipend.
5) Advisor’s Report a) Bloomington individuals coming to IUSB to examine our policies November 11th SAC 223 12:00-12:45pm b) Ask the Chancellor November 18th at 4pm in housing c) Coffee and Canvas is filled up d) Looking to book Filharmonic for Riverfest on April 27, 2016 e) Karaoke CD in place of Boo to You for inflatable, January 11th f) Small Welcome Back Bazaar January 11th; only room for 22 club tables (or 44 if shared) g) TitanPro looking into planning Spring and Fall Festival h) Coach for Softball position is posted i) Fan appreciation day November 18th j) VP Kassem says thank you to Advisor Strittmatter for all you do for the clubs, SGA, and student life on campus.
6) Committee Reports a) Boo to You a.i) Senator Cagle needs Boo to You committee members to help clean up and organize information for future Boo to You volunteers b) Dining Services b.i) Senator Cagle says dining services is doing a survey until next Wednesday in the grille during lunch. It takes a few minutes to do and when complete students get $6 coupon to the grille or a free 6" sub coupon from the Sub Connection. b.ii) Possible catering menu for clubs and organizations c) Advertising committee c.i) Senator Cagle says they are looking into pricing for name tags c.ii)SGA stamp or stickers for banners when we sponsor events d) PLC d.i) Senator Santos says she spoke with Advisor Strittmatter this week about a timeline and will be meeting with President Van
7) Old Business a) VP Kassem received a response from Shannon, still short on volunteers for Stuff-A-Bus tomorrow 11/07/2015 at Elwood Martin’s; volunteers needed any time between 12:30pm- 4pm
8) New Business a) Senator Roach motions for Advisor Strittmatter to finish his report b) Senator Cagle seconds the motion c) All in favor, so moved. d) Advisor Strittmatter suggests we invite Valerie from Counseling Center to SGA meeting for information e) Senator Atem announces Cleaning for a Meaning tomorrow 11/07/2015 at 10:30am; he also has an idea to require SGA members to meet with students as part of their duties f) Senator Bhagat thinks this is a great idea and asks about how we could execute this g) Senator Cagle says it would not be a good idea to add this to duties because it is hard enough to get members to attend committee meetings as it is h) Senator Bogard suggests using this student meeting as their office hours i) Committee Appointments i.i) Academic Affairs (i.i.1) One individual; meet on second Friday of every month (i.i.2) Senator L. Klopfenstein (i.i.3) Dr. Lu is the contact (i.i.4) All in favor, so moved. j) Finance Association Trip summary j.i) Treasurer Ross and Kanteh Kamanda here to present
9) For the Good of the Order a) VP Kassem suggests an SGA Holiday Exchange/Party b) Training meeting before Spring semester c) SGCC reminder d) President Van says this past weekend Senator Bhagat, Advisor Strittmatter, and herself attended a conference; DJ headphone dance may be a good idea for Welcome Week e) VP Kassem asks anyone at all to please help clean up from Boo to You f) Senator Salisbury supports the idea of not funding the entire funding requests when they come through; we need to be consistent with these guidelines that we have been discussing g) Senator Bhagat says we need to come to a consensus about what we will do h) Senator Roach says we should always listen to how the presenters answer our questions i) Senator Santos says we should be careful about asking how much clubs have in their bursar account and how they will spend it j) Treasurer Wagner says clubs can come to SGA first, we are here for the students so they shouldn’t have to wait until they run out of money before coming to SGA k) Senator Bogard says there is nothing wrong with having previous inconsistencies and growing, changing, and evolving as a senate l) VP Kassem suggests we continue this conversation in the future m) Advisor Strittmatter is so proud of us and he is very excited about our great discussions! n) Senator Bogard motions to adjourn the meeting o) Senator Bhagat seconds the motion p) All in favor, so moved, meeting adjourned.
Meeting is adjourned at 11:07am.