Agriculture Code

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Agriculture Code



Sec. 12.039. CERTAIN WINE PRODUCED OR BOTTLED IN THIS STATE. (a) The Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute or other qualified entity shall, as funding is available, conduct an annual study relating to the quantities and varieties of grapes and other fruit grown in this state that are used for wine making. (b) Not later than October 15 of the study year, the Texas Wine Marketing Research Institute or other qualified entity shall submit a report to the commissioner. The report must: (1) include: (A) the quantities and varieties of grapes and other fruit grown in this state that are available on September 30 of the study year for use in wine making; (B) the needs of wineries in this state for those grapes and other fruit to meet the wineries' projected production estimates for the following calendar year; and (C) recommendations regarding the varieties of grapes and other fruit grown in this state for which a reduction in the percentage by volume of Texas grapes used should be granted under Subsection (d); or (2) state that funding was not available to complete the study required by this section. (c) If a statement is provided in accordance with Subsection (b)(2), the reporting entity shall include in the report: (1) any information that has been routinely collected or developed by the reporting entity and that might be useful in determining the quantities and varieties of grapes and other fruit grown in this state that are available for use in wine making the following calendar year; and (2) recommendations regarding the varieties of grapes and other fruit grown in this state for which a reduction in the percentage by volume of Texas grapes used should be granted under Subsection (d). (d) The commissioner shall review the report and, if the commissioner determines that the quantity of a variety of grapes or other fruit grown in this state is insufficient for the wineries in this state to produce their projected production estimates during the following calendar year, the commissioner may reduce the percentage by volume of fermented juice of grapes or other fruit grown in this state that wine containing that particular variety of grape or other fruit must contain under Section 16.011, Alcoholic Beverage Code. The percentage established under this subsection must ensure that the use of that variety of grape or other fruit grown in this state is maximized while allowing for the acquisition of grapes or other fruit grown outside of this state in a quantity sufficient to meet the needs of wineries in this state. (e) The commissioner shall submit the commissioner's determination to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in writing and publish the commissioner's determination in the Texas Register and on the department's Internet website not later than December 31 of the study year. (f) A percentage requirement established under Subsection (d) applies to wine bottled under Section 16.011, Alcoholic Beverage Code, during the calendar year following the study year. (g) If a winery in this state finds that the determination made by the commissioner under Subsection (d) does not reduce the percentage requirement with respect to a particular variety of grape or other fruit to a level sufficient for the winery to meet the winery's planned production for the relevant year, the winery may submit documentation or other information to the commissioner substantiating that the winery has not been able to acquire those grapes or other fruit grown in this state in an amount sufficient to meet the winery's production needs. If the commissioner determines that there is not a sufficient quantity of that variety of grapes or other fruit grown in this state to meet the needs of that winery, the commissioner may reduce the percentage requirement for wine bottled during the remainder of the calendar year that contains that variety of fruit.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 1 (h) The commissioner may: (1) establish a voluntary registry for vineyards and other fruit growers in this state to assist in the determination of the availability of grapes and other fruit grown in this state and facilitate communication between the wineries and fruit growers in this state regarding the availability of and need for grapes and other fruit for wine making; and (2) assess a fee to cover the cost of administering the registry. (i) Information gathered through a registry established under Subsection (h) shall be posted on the department's Internet website and may be made available in any other format agreed on by the commissioner and a requestor who pays the appropriate fee for reproducing the record. (j) The vineyard and fruit growers registry fund is an account in the general revenue fund. Fees collected under Subsection (h) shall be deposited to the credit of that account. Money in the account may be appropriated only to the department and may be used only to cover administrative and personnel costs of the department associated with administering a registry established under Subsection (h).

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 2 2. APPENDIX B


§38.007. ALCOHOL-FREE SCHOOL ZONES. (a) The board of trustees of a school district shall prohibit the use of alcoholic beverages at a school-related or school-sanctioned activity on or off school property. (b) The board of trustees of a school district shall attempt to provide a safe alcohol-free environment to students coming to or going from school. The board of trustees may cooperate with local law enforcement officials and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission in attempting to provide this environment and in enforcing Sections 101.75, 109.33, and 109.59, Alcoholic Beverage Code. Additionally, the board, if a majority of the area of a district is located in a municipality with a population of 900,000 or more, may petition the commissioners court of the county in which the district is located or the governing board of an incorporated city or town in which the district is located to adopt a 1,000-foot zone under Section 109.33, Alcoholic Beverage Code.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 3 3. APPENDIX C




Sec. 501.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Alcoholic beverage," "beer," "commission," "liquor," "mixed beverage," and "wine and vinous liquor" have the meanings assigned by Section 1.04, Alcoholic Beverage Code. (2) "Municipality" has the meaning assigned by Section 1.005, Local Government Code. (3) "Premises" has the meaning assigned by Section 11.49, Alcoholic Beverage Code. (4) "Political subdivision" includes a justice precinct. Sec. 501.002. REFERENCES IN OTHER LAW. A reference in law to an election or a local option election held under Chapter 251, Alcoholic Beverage Code, means an election held under this chapter. Sec. 501.003. ENFORCEMENT. The enforcement provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Code that relate generally to a violation of a provision of that code, including Chapter 101, Alcoholic Beverage Code, apply to a violation of a provision of this chapter.

[Sections 501.004-501.020 reserved for expansion]


Sec. 501.021. ELECTION TO BE HELD BY PETITION. On proper petition by the required number of voters of a county, justice precinct, or municipality in the county, the commissioners court shall order a local option election in the political subdivision to determine whether the sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents shall be prohibited or legalized in the political subdivision. Sec. 501.0211. ELECTION CALLED BY GOVERNING BODY OF MUNICIPALITY. (a) This section applies only to a municipality: (1) with a population of at least 114,000 and not more than 123,000; (2) in which the sale of one or more types or classifications of alcoholic beverage is legal in the municipality as a result of a local option election held in the municipality; and (3) that, after the election is held, annexes territory in which the sale of one or more of those types or classifications of alcoholic beverage is not legal. (b) After holding a public hearing, the governing body of a municipality described by Subsection (a) may, by resolution, order a local option election to be held in the municipality on the ballot issue the passage of which would legalize the sale of the same types and classifications of alcoholic beverages the sale of which was legalized by the results of the local option election described by Subsection (a). (c) The resolution ordering the election must state in its heading and text that the local option election to be held is for the purpose of legalizing the sale of the alcoholic beverages and set out the ballot issue to be voted on in the election. (d) An election ordered by the governing body of a municipality under this section shall be conducted by the municipality instead of the county. For the purposes of an election conducted under this section, a reference in this code:

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 4 (1) to the county is considered to refer to the municipality; (2) to the commissioners court is considered to refer to the governing body of the municipality; (3) to the county clerk or registrar of voters is considered to refer to the secretary of the municipality or, if the municipality does not have a secretary, to the person performing the functions of a secretary of the municipality; and (4) to the county judge is considered to refer to the mayor of the municipality or, if the municipality does not have a mayor, to the presiding officer of the governing body of the municipality. (e) The municipality shall pay the expense of the election. (f) This section expires September 1, 2015. Sec. 501.022. QUALIFICATIONS FOR NEW POLITICAL SUBDIVISION TO HOLD ELECTION. (a) A political subdivision must have been in existence for at least 18 months before a local option election to legalize or prohibit the sale of liquor in the political subdivision may be held. (b) The political subdivision must include substantially all the area encompassed by the political subdivision at the time of its creation and may include any other area subsequently annexed by or added to the political subdivision. (c) This section does not apply to a municipality incorporated before December 1, 1971. Sec. 501.023. APPLICATION FOR PETITION. (a) If 10 or more qualified voters of any county, justice precinct, or municipality file a written application and provide proof of publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation in that political subdivision, the county clerk of the county shall issue to the applicants a petition to be circulated among the qualified voters of the political subdivision for the signatures of those qualified voters who desire that a local option election be called for the purpose of determining whether the sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents shall be prohibited or legalized in the political subdivision. The notice must include: (1) the individual or entity that is applying for the petition to gather signatures for a local option liquor election; (2) the type of local option liquor election; (3) the name of the political subdivision in which the petition will be circulated; and (4) the name and title of the person with whom the application will be filed. (b) Not later than the fifth day after the date the petition is issued, the county clerk shall notify the commission and the secretary of state that the petition has been issued. Sec. 501.024. HEADING, STATEMENT, AND ISSUE ON APPLICATION FOR PETITION TO PROHIBIT. (a) An application for a petition seeking an election to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents must be headed: "Application for Local Option Election Petition to Prohibit." (b) The application must contain a statement just ahead of the signatures of the applicants, as follows: "It is the hope, purpose and intent of the applicants whose signatures appear hereon to see prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above." (c) The issue to be voted on must be: (1) clearly stated in the application; and (2) one of the issues listed in Section 501.035. Sec. 501.025. HEADING, STATEMENT, AND ISSUE ON APPLICATION FOR PETITION TO LEGALIZE. (a) An application for a petition seeking an election to legalize the sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents must be headed: "Application for Local Option Election Petition to Legalize." (b) The application must contain a statement just ahead of the signatures of the applicants, as follows: "It is the hope, purpose and intent of the applicants whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above."

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 5 (c) The issue to be voted on must be: (1) clearly stated in the application; and (2) one of the issues listed in Section 501.035. Sec. 501.026. PETITION REQUIREMENTS. A petition must show the date the petition is issued by the county clerk and be serially numbered. Each page of a petition must bear the same date and serial number and the actual seal of the county clerk rather than a facsimile of that seal. Sec. 501.027. HEADING AND STATEMENT ON PETITION TO PROHIBIT. (a) Each page of the petition for a local option election seeking to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents must be headed "Petition for Local Option Election to Prohibit." (b) The petition must contain a statement just ahead of the signatures of the petitioners, as follows: "It is the hope, purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see prohibited the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above." (c) The issue to be voted on must be: (1) clearly stated in the petition; and (2) one of the issues listed in Section 501.035. Sec. 501.028. HEADING AND STATEMENT ON PETITION TO LEGALIZE. (a) Each page of the petition for a local option election seeking to legalize the sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents must be headed "Petition for Local Option Election to Legalize." (b) The petition must contain a statement just ahead of the signatures of the petitioners, as follows: "It is the hope, purpose and intent of the petitioners whose signatures appear hereon to see legalized the sale of alcoholic beverages referred to in the issue set out above." (c) The issue to be voted on must be: (1) clearly stated in the petition; and (2) one of the issues listed in Section 501.035. Sec. 501.029. OFFENSE: MISREPRESENTATION OF PETITION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person misrepresents the purpose or effect of a petition issued under this chapter. (b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor. Sec. 501.030. COPIES OF PETITION. (a) The county clerk shall supply as many copies of the petition as may be required by the applicants but not to exceed more than one page of the petition for every 10 registered voters in the county, justice precinct, or municipality. Each copy must bear the date, number, and seal on each page as required on the original petition. (b) The county clerk shall keep a copy of each petition and a record of the applicants for the petition. Sec. 501.031. VERIFICATION OF PETITION. (a) The voter registrar of the county shall check the names of the signers of petitions and the voting precincts in which the signers reside to determine whether the signers were qualified voters of the county, justice precinct, or municipality at the time the petition was issued. The political subdivision may use a statistical sampling method to verify the signatures, except that on written request from a citizen of the political subdivision for which an election is sought, the political subdivision shall verify each signature on the petition. The citizen making the request shall pay the reasonable cost of the verification. The registrar shall certify to the commissioners court the number of qualified voters signing the petition. (b) A petition signature may not be counted unless the signature is the actual signature of the purported signer and the petition: (1) contains in addition to the signature: (A) the signer's printed name; (B) the signer's date of birth; (C) if the territory from which signatures must be obtained is situated in more than one county, the county of registration; (D) the signer's residence address; and

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 6 (E) the date of signing; and (2) complies with any other applicable requirements prescribed by law. (c) The use of ditto marks or abbreviations does not invalidate a signature if the required information is reasonably ascertainable. (d) The omission of the state from the signer's residence address does not invalidate a signature unless the political subdivision from which the signature is obtained is situated in more than one state. The omission of the zip code from the address does not invalidate a signature. (e) The signature is the only entry on the petition that is required to be in the signer's handwriting. (f) A signer may withdraw the signer's signature by deleting the signature from the petition or by filing with the voter registrar an affidavit requesting that the signature be withdrawn from the petition. A signer may not withdraw the signature from a petition on or after the date the petition is received by the registrar. A withdrawal affidavit filed by mail is considered to be filed at the time of its receipt by the registrar. The withdrawal of a signature nullifies the signature on the petition and places the signer in the same position as if the signer had not signed the petition. Sec. 501.032. REQUIREMENTS TO ORDER ELECTION. (a) The commissioners court, at its next regular session on or after the 30th day after the date the petition is filed, shall order a local option election to be held on the issue set out in the petition if the petition is filed with the voter registrar not later than the 60th day after the date the petition is issued and bears the actual signatures of a number of qualified voters of the political subdivision equal to at least: (1) 35 percent of the registered voters in the subdivision who voted in the most recent gubernatorial election for a ballot issue that permits voting for or against: (A) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption only."; (B) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages except mixed beverages."; (C) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages."; or (D) "The legal sale of mixed beverages."; (2) 25 percent of the registered voters in the political subdivision who voted in the most recent general election for a ballot issue that permits voting for or against "The legal sale of wine on the premises of a holder of a winery permit."; or (3) 35 percent of the registered voters in the political subdivision who voted in the most recent gubernatorial election for an election on any other ballot issue. (b) Voters whose names appear on the list of registered voters with the notation "S," or a similar notation, shall be excluded from the computation of the number of registered voters of a particular territory. Sec. 501.033. RECORD IN MINUTES. The date a petition is presented, the names of the signers, and the action taken with respect to the petition shall be entered in the minutes of the commissioners court. Sec. 501.034. ISSUES TO APPEAR IN ORDER FOR ELECTION. (a) The election order must state in its heading and text whether the local option election to be held is for the purpose of prohibiting or legalizing the sale of the alcoholic beverages set out in the issue recited in the application and petition. (b) The order must state the issue to be voted on in the election. Sec. 501.035. ISSUES. (a) In the ballot issues prescribed by this section, "wine" is limited to vinous beverages that do not contain more than 17 percent alcohol by volume and includes malt beverages that do not exceed that alcohol content. For local option purposes, those beverages, sold and dispensed to the public in unbroken, sealed, individual containers, are a separate and distinct type of alcoholic beverage. (b) In an area where any type or classification of alcoholic beverages is prohibited and the issue submitted pertains to legalization of the sale of one or more of the prohibited types or

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 7 classifications, the ballot shall be prepared to permit voting for or against the one of the following issues that applies: (1) "The legal sale of beer for off-premise consumption only." (2) "The legal sale of beer." (3) "The legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption only." (4) "The legal sale of beer and wine." (5) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption only." (6) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages except mixed beverages." (7) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages." (8) "The legal sale of mixed beverages." (9) "The legal sale of mixed beverages in restaurants by food and beverage certificate holders only." (10) "The legal sale of wine on the premises of a holder of a winery permit." (c) In an area where the sale of any type or classification of alcoholic beverages has been legalized, the ballot for a prohibitory election shall be prepared to permit voting for or against the one of the following issues that applies: (1) "The legal sale of beer for off-premise consumption only." (2) "The legal sale of beer." (3) "The legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise consumption only." (4) "The legal sale of beer and wine." (5) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages for off-premise consumption only." (6) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages except mixed beverages." (7) "The legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages." (8) "The legal sale of mixed beverages." (9) "The legal sale of mixed beverages in restaurants by food and beverage certificate holders only." (10) "The legal sale of wine on the premises of a holder of a winery permit." (g) In an area where the sale of a particular type of alcoholic beverage has been legalized only for off-premise consumption, no alcoholic beverage may be consumed on any licensed premises and no type of alcoholic beverage other than the type legalized may be sold. (h) Subject to Section 251.81, Alcoholic Beverage Code, a wine only package store permit may be issued for premises in an area in which the sale of wine has been legalized by a local option election under Subsection (b)(3) or (4). Sec. 501.036. ISSUE ON MIXED BEVERAGES. (a) A local option election does not affect the sale of mixed beverages unless the proposition specifically mentions mixed beverages. (b) In any local option election in which any shade or aspect of the issue submitted involves the sale of mixed beverages, any other type or classification of alcoholic beverage that was legalized before the election remains legal without regard to the outcome of that election on the question of mixed beverages. If the sale of mixed beverages by food and beverage certificate holders was legalized before a local option election on the general sale of mixed beverages, the sale of mixed beverages in an establishment that holds a food and beverage certificate remains legal without regard to the outcome of the election on the general sale of mixed beverages. Sec. 501.037. EVIDENCE OF VALIDITY. The commissioners court election order is prima facie evidence of compliance with all provisions necessary to give the order validity or to give the commissioners court jurisdiction to make the order valid. Sec. 501.038. FREQUENCY OF ELECTIONS. A local option election on a particular issue may not be held in a political subdivision until after the first anniversary of the most recent local option election in that political subdivision on that issue.

[Sections 501.039-501.100 reserved for expansion]

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 8 SUBCHAPTER C. HOLDING OF ELECTION

Sec. 501.101. APPLICABILITY OF ELECTION CODE. Except as provided by this chapter, the officers holding a local option election shall hold the election in the manner provided by the other provisions of this code. Sec. 501.102. ELECTION PRECINCTS. (a) County election precincts shall be used for a local option election to be held in an entire county or in a justice precinct. (b) Election precincts established by the governing body of the municipality for its municipal elections shall be used for a local option election to be held in a municipality. If the governing body has not established precincts for its municipal elections, the commissioners court shall prescribe the election precincts for the local option election under the law governing establishment of precincts for municipal elections. Sec. 501.103. POLLING PLACES; NOTICE. (a) The election shall be held at the customary polling place in each election precinct. If the customary polling place is not available, the commissioners court shall designate another polling place. (b) The notice for the election shall state the polling place for each election precinct and the precinct numbers of county precincts included in each municipal election precinct if the election is for a municipality. Sec. 501.1035. ELECTION IN TERRITORY ANNEXED BY MUNICIPALITY. A municipality that includes an area annexed to the municipality on or after the date on which a petition requesting a local option election in the municipality is filed may hold the election in the municipality only if the petition contains a sufficient number of signatures to meet the requirements of Section 501.032, based on the number of qualified voters in the municipality, including the annexed area. The qualified voters of the annexed area must be allowed to vote in the local option election. The results of the election shall determine the local option status of the municipality, including the annexed area. Sec. 501.104. NUMBER OF BALLOTS FURNISHED. If the election is conducted using printed ballots, the county clerk shall furnish the presiding judge of each election precinct with at least the number of ballots equal to the number of registered voters in the precinct plus 10 percent of that number of voters. Sec. 501.105. ISSUE ON BALLOT. (a) The issue ordered to appear on the ballot for an election ordered by the commissioners court must be the same as the issue applied for and set out in the petition. (b) The issue appropriate to the election shall be printed on the ballot in the exact language stated in Section 501.035. Sec. 501.106. TIME FOR VOTE TALLY. The votes for a local option election shall be counted and the report of the election submitted to the commissioners court within 24 hours after the time the polls close. Sec. 501.107. COUNTY PAYMENT OF ELECTION EXPENSES. The county shall pay the expense of holding a local option election authorized by this chapter in the county, justice precinct, or municipality in that county except that: (1) if an election is to be held only within the corporate limits of a municipality located wholly within the county, the county may require the municipality to reimburse the county for all or part of the expenses of holding the local option election; (2) county payment of the expense of an election to legalize the sale of alcoholic beverages is limited to the holding of one election in a political subdivision during a one-year period; and (3) county payment of the expense of an election to prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages is limited to the holding of one election in a political subdivision during a one-year period. Sec. 501.108. DEPOSIT REQUIRED FOR CERTAIN ELECTIONS. (a) If a county is not required to pay the initial expense, regardless of any authority to receive reimbursement, of a local option election under Section 501.107, the county clerk shall require the applicants for a petition for a local option election to make a deposit before the issuance of the petition.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 9 (b) The deposit must be in the form of a cashier's check in an amount equal to 25 cents per voter listed on the current list of registered voters residing in the county, justice precinct, or municipality where the election is to be held. (c) The money received shall be deposited in the county's general fund. A refund may not be made to the applicants regardless of whether the petition is returned to the county clerk or the election is ordered. (d) The county clerk may not issue a petition to the applicants unless a deposit required by this chapter is made. (e) A person who violates Subsection (d) commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is a misdemeanor punishable by: (1) a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $500; (2) confinement in the county jail for not more than 30 days; or (3) both the fine and confinement. Sec. 501.109. ELECTION IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALITIES. (a) This section applies only to an election to permit or prohibit the legal sale of alcoholic beverages of one or more of the various types and alcoholic contents in a municipality [that is located in more than one county]. (b) An election to which this section applies shall be conducted by the municipality instead of a county [the counties]. For the purposes of an election conducted under this section, a reference in this chapter to: (1) the county is considered to refer to the municipality; (2) the commissioners court is considered to refer to the governing body of the municipality; (3) the county clerk or voter registrar is considered to refer to the secretary of the municipality or, if the municipality does not have a secretary, to the person performing the functions of a secretary of the municipality; and (4) the county judge is considered to refer to the mayor of the municipality or, if the municipality does not have a mayor, to the presiding officer of the governing body of the municipality. (c) The municipality shall pay the expense of the election. (d) An action to contest the election under Section 501.155 may be brought in the district court of any county in which the municipality is located.

[Sections 501.110-501.150 reserved for expansion]


Sec. 501.151. DECLARATION OF RESULT. (a) On completing the canvass of the election returns, the commissioners court shall make an order declaring the result and cause the clerk of the commissioners court to record the order as provided by law. (b) In a prohibitory election, if a majority of the votes cast do not favor the issue "The legal sale . . .," the court's order must state that the sale of the type or types of beverages stated in the issue at the election is prohibited effective on the 30th day after the date the order is entered. The prohibition remains in effect until changed by a subsequent local option election held under this chapter. (c) In a legalization election, if a majority of the votes cast favor the issue "The legal sale . . .," the legal sale of the type or types of beverages stated in the issue at the election is legal on the entering of the court's order. The legalization remains in effect until changed by a subsequent local option election held under this code. (d) The local option status of a political subdivision does not change as a result of the election if:

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 10 (1) in an election described by Subsection (b), less than a majority of the votes cast do not favor the issue; and (2) in an election described by Subsection (c), less than a majority of the votes cast favor the issue. Sec. 501.152. ORDER PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE. The order of the commissioners court declaring the result of the election is prima facie evidence that all provisions of law have been complied with in giving notice of and holding the election, counting and returning the votes, and declaring the result of the election. Sec. 501.153. CERTIFICATION OF RESULT. Not later than the third day after the date the result of a local option election has been declared, the county clerk shall certify the result to the secretary of state and the commission. The clerk may not charge a fee for this service. Sec. 501.154. POSTING ORDER PROHIBITING SALE. (a) A commissioners court order declaring the result of a local option election and prohibiting the sale of any or all types of alcoholic beverages must be published by posting the order at three public places in the county or other political subdivision in which the election was held. (b) The posting of the order shall be recorded in the minutes of the commissioners court by the county judge. The entry in the minutes or a copy certified under the hand and seal of the county clerk is prima facie evidence of the posting. Sec. 501.155. ELECTION CONTEST. (a) The enforcement of local option laws in the political subdivision in which an election is being contested is not suspended during an election contest. (b) The result of an election contest finally settles all questions relating to the validity of that election. A person may not call the legality of that election into question again in any other suit or proceeding. (c) If an election contest is not timely instituted, it is conclusively presumed that the election is valid and binding in all respects on all courts.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 11 4. APPENDIX D


§ 411.204. NOTICE REQUIRED ON CERTAIN PREMISES. (a) A business that has a permit or license issued under Chapter 25, 28, 32, 69, or 74, Alcoholic Beverage Code, and that derives 51 percent or more of its income from the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption as determined by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission under Section 104.06, Alcoholic Beverage Code, shall prominently display at each entrance to the business premises a sign that complies with the requirements of Subsection (c). (b) A hospital licensed under Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, or a nursing home licensed under Chapter 242, Health and Safety Code, shall prominently display at each entrance to the hospital or nursing home, as appropriate, a sign that complies with the requirements of Subsection (c) other than the requirement that the sign include on its face the number "51". (c) The sign required under Subsections (a) and (b) must give notice in both English and Spanish that it is unlawful for a person licensed under this subchapter to carry a handgun on the premises. The sign must appear in contrasting colors with block letters at least one inch in height and must include on its face the number "51" printed in solid red at least five inches in height. The sign shall be displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public. (d) A business that has a permit or license issued under the Alcoholic Beverage Code and that is not required to display a sign under this section may be required to display a sign under Section 11.041 or 61.11, Alcoholic Beverage Code. (e) This section does not apply to a business that has a food and beverage certificate issued under the Alcoholic Beverage Code.


§ 573.021. METHOD OF COMPUTING DEGREE OF RELATIONSHIP. The degree of a relationship is computed by the civil law method. § 573.022. DETERMINATION OF CONSANGUINITY. (a) Two individuals are related to each other by consanguinity if: (1) one is a descendant of the other; or (2) they share a common ancestor. (b) An adopted child is considered to be a child of the adoptive parent for this purpose. § 573.023. COMPUTATION OF DEGREE OF CONSANGUINITY. (a) The degree of relationship by consanguinity between an individual and the individual's descendant is determined by the number of generations that separate them. A parent and child are related in the first degree, a grandparent and grandchild in the second degree, a great-grandparent and great-grandchild in the third degree and so on. (b) If an individual and the individual's relative are related by consanguinity, but neither is descended from the other, the degree of relationship is determined by adding: (1) the number of generations between the individual and the nearest common ancestor of the individual and the individual's relative; and (2) the number of generations between the relative and the nearest common ancestor. (c) An individual's relatives within the third degree by consanguinity are the individual's: (1) parent or child (relatives in the first degree); (2) brother, sister, grandparent, or grandchild (relatives in the second degree); and (3) great-grandparent, great-grandchild, aunt who is a sister of a parent of the individual, uncle who is a brother of a parent of the individual, nephew who is a child of a brother or

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 12 sister of the individual, or niece who is a child of a brother or sister of the individual (relatives in the third degree). § 573.024. DETERMINATION OF AFFINITY. (a) Two individuals are related to each other by affinity if: (1) they are married to each other; or (2) the spouse of one of the individuals is related by consanguinity to the other individual. (b) The ending of a marriage by divorce or the death of a spouse ends relationships by affinity created by that marriage unless a child of that marriage is living, in which case the marriage is considered to continue as long as a child of that marriage lives. (c) Subsection (b) applies to a member of the board of trustees of or an officer of a school district only until the youngest child of the marriage reaches the age of 21 years.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 13 5. APPENDIX E


§ 161.081. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Cigarette" has the meaning assigned by Section 154.001, Tax Code. (2) "Permit holder" has the meaning assigned by Section 154.001 or 155.001, Tax Code, as applicable. (3) "Retail sale" means a transfer of possession from a retailer to a consumer in connection with a purchase, sale, or exchange for value of cigarettes or tobacco products. (4) "Retailer" has the meaning assigned by Section 154.001 or 155.001, Tax Code, as applicable. (5) "Tobacco product" has the meaning assigned by Section 155.001, Tax Code. (6) "Wholesaler" has the meaning assigned by Section 154.001 or 155.001, Tax Code, as applicable. § 161.082. SALE OF CIGARETTES OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS YOUNGER THAN 18 YEARS OF AGE PROHIBITED; PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED. (a) A person commits an offense if the person, with criminal negligence: (1) sells, gives, or causes to be sold or given a cigarette or tobacco product to someone who is younger than 18 years of age; or (2) sells, gives, or causes to be sold or given a cigarette or tobacco product to another person who intends to deliver it to someone who is younger than 18 years of age. (b) If an offense under this section occurs in connection with a sale by an employee of the owner of a store in which cigarettes or tobacco products are sold at retail, the employee is criminally responsible for the offense and is subject to prosecution. (c) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. (d) It is a defense to prosecution under Subsection (a)(1) that the person to whom the cigarette or tobacco product was sold or given presented to the defendant apparently valid proof of identification. (e) A proof of identification satisfies the requirements of Subsection (d) if it contains a physical description and photograph consistent with the person's appearance, purports to establish that the person is 18 years of age or older, and was issued by a governmental agency. The proof of identification may include a driver's license issued by this state or another state, a passport, or an identification card issued by a state or the federal government. § 161.083. SALE OF CIGARETTES OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO PERSONS YOUNGER THAN 27 YEARS OF AGE. (a) Pursuant to federal regulation under 21 C.F.R. Section 897.14(b), a person may not sell, give, or cause to be sold or given a cigarette or tobacco product to someone who is younger than 27 years of age unless the person to whom the cigarette or tobacco product was sold or given presents an apparently valid proof of identification. (b) A retailer shall adequately supervise and train the retailer's agents and employees to prevent a violation of Subsection (a). (c) A proof of identification described by Section 161.082(e) satisfies the requirements of Subsection (a). (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a violation of this section is not a violation of this subchapter for purposes of Section 154.1142 or 155.0592, Tax Code. § 161.084. WARNING NOTICE. (a) Each person who sells cigarettes or tobacco products at retail or by vending machine shall post a sign in a location that is conspicuous to all employees and customers and that is close to the place at which the cigarettes or tobacco products may be purchased. (b) The sign must include the statement: PURCHASING OR ATTEMPTING TO PURCHASE TOBACCO PRODUCTS BY A MINOR UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. SALE OR PROVISION OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS TO A MINOR UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE IS

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 14 PROHIBITED BY LAW. UPON CONVICTION, A CLASS C MISDEMEANOR, INCLUDING A FINE OF UP TO $500, MAY BE IMPOSED. VIOLATIONS MAY BE REPORTED TO THE TEXAS COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE BY CALLING (insert toll-free telephone number). (c) The comptroller by rule shall determine the design and size of the sign. (d) The comptroller on request shall provide the sign without charge to any person who sells cigarettes or tobacco products. The comptroller may provide the sign without charge to distributors of cigarettes or tobacco products or wholesale dealers of cigarettes or tobacco products in this state for distribution to persons who sell cigarettes or tobacco products. A distributor or wholesale dealer may not charge for distributing a sign under this subsection. (e) A person commits an offense if the person fails to display a sign as prescribed by this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor. § 161.085. NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS. (a) Each retailer shall notify each individual employed by that retailer who is to be engaged in retail sales of cigarettes or tobacco products that state law: (1) prohibits the sale or distribution of cigarettes or tobacco products to any person who is younger than 18 years of age as provided by Section 161.082 and that a violation of that section is a Class C misdemeanor; and (2) requires each person who sells cigarettes or tobacco products at retail or by vending machine to post a warning notice as provided by Section 161.084, requires each employee to ensure that the appropriate sign is always properly displayed while that employee is exercising the employee's duties, and provides that a violation of Section 161.084 is a Class C misdemeanor. (b) The notice required by Subsection (a) must be provided within 72 hours of the date an individual begins to engage in retail sales of tobacco products. The individual shall signify that the individual has received the notice required by Subsection (a) by signing a form stating that the law has been fully explained, that the individual understands the law, and that the individual, as a condition of employment, agrees to comply with the law. (c) Each form signed by an individual under this section shall indicate the date of the signature and the current address and social security number of the individual. The retailer shall retain the form signed by each individual employed as a retail sales clerk until the 60th day after the date the individual has left the employer's employ. (d) A retailer required by this section to notify employees commits an offense if the retailer fails, on demand of a peace officer or an agent of the comptroller, to provide the forms prescribed by this section. An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. (e) It is a defense to prosecution under Subsection (d) to show proof that the employee did complete, sign, and date the forms required by Subsections (b) and (c). Proof must be shown to the comptroller or an agent of the comptroller not later than the seventh day after the date of a demand under Subsection (d). § 161.086. VENDOR ASSISTED SALES REQUIRED; VENDING MACHINES. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a retailer or other person may not: (1) offer cigarettes or tobacco products for sale in a manner that permits a customer direct access to the cigarettes or tobacco products; or (2) install or maintain a vending machine containing cigarettes or tobacco products. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to: (1) a facility or business that is not open to persons younger than 18 years of age at any time; (2) that part of a facility or business that is a humidor or other enclosure designed to store cigars in a climate-controlled environment; or (3) a premises for which a person holds a package store permit issued under the Alcoholic Beverage Code. (c) The comptroller or a peace officer may, with or without a warrant, seize, seal, or disable a vending machine installed or maintained in violation of this section. Property seized under this subsection

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 15 must be seized in accordance with, and is subject to forfeiture to the state in accordance with, Subchapter H, Chapter 154, Tax Code, and Subchapter E, Chapter 155, Tax Code. (d) A person commits an offense if the person violates Subsection (a). An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor. § 161.087. DISTRIBUTION OF CIGARETTES OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS. (a) A person may not distribute to persons younger than 18 years of age: (1) a free sample of a cigarette or tobacco product; or (2) a coupon or other item that the recipient may use to receive a free or discounted cigarette or tobacco product or a sample cigarette or tobacco product. (b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), a permit holder may not accept or redeem, offer to accept or redeem, or hire a person to accept or redeem a coupon or other item that the recipient may use to receive a free or discounted cigarette or tobacco product or a sample cigarette or tobacco product if the recipient is younger than 18 years of age. A coupon or other item that such a recipient may use to receive a free or discounted cigarette or tobacco product or a sample cigarette or tobacco product may not be redeemable through mail or courier delivery. (c) Subsections (a)(2) and (b) do not apply to a transaction between permit holders unless the transaction is a retail sale. (d) A person commits an offense if the person violates this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor. § 161.088. ENFORCEMENT; UNANNOUNCED INSPECTIONS. (a) The comptroller shall enforce this subchapter in partnership with local law enforcement agencies and with their cooperation and shall ensure the state's compliance with Section 1926 of the federal Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. Section 300x-26) and any implementing regulations adopted by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. Except as expressly authorized by law, the comptroller may not adopt any rules governing the subject matter of this subchapter or Subchapter K, N, or O. (b) The comptroller may make block grants to counties and municipalities to be used by local law enforcement agencies to enforce this subchapter in a manner that can reasonably be expected to reduce the extent to which cigarettes and tobacco products are sold or distributed to persons who are younger than 18 years of age. At least annually, random unannounced inspections shall be conducted at various locations where cigarettes and tobacco products are sold or distributed to ensure compliance with this subchapter. The comptroller shall rely, to the fullest extent possible, on local law enforcement agencies to enforce this subchapter. (c) To facilitate the effective administration and enforcement of this subchapter, the comptroller may enter into interagency contracts with other state agencies, and those agencies may assist the comptroller in the administration and enforcement of this subchapter. (d) The use of a person younger than 18 years of age to act as a minor decoy to test compliance with this subchapter shall be conducted in a fashion that promotes fairness. A person may be enlisted by the comptroller or a local law enforcement agency to act as a minor decoy only if the following requirements are met: (1) written parental consent is obtained for the use of a person younger than 18 years of age to act as a minor decoy to test compliance with this subchapter; (2) at the time of the inspection, the minor decoy is younger than 17 years of age; (3) the minor decoy has an appearance that would cause a reasonably prudent seller of cigarettes or tobacco products to request identification and proof of age; (4) the minor decoy carries either the minor's own identification showing the minor's correct date of birth or carries no identification, and a minor decoy who carries identification presents it on request to any seller of cigarettes or tobacco products; and (5) the minor decoy answers truthfully any questions about the minor's age. (e) The comptroller shall annually prepare for submission by the governor to the secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services the report required by Section 1926 of the federal Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. Section 300x-26).

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 16 § 161.089. PREEMPTION OF LOCAL LAW. This subchapter does not preempt a local regulation of the sale, distribution, or use of cigarettes or tobacco products or affect the authority of a political subdivision to adopt or enforce an ordinance or requirement relating to the sale, distribution, or use of cigarettes or tobacco products if the regulation, ordinance, or requirement: (1) is compatible with and equal to or more stringent than a requirement prescribed by this subchapter; or (2) relates to an issue that is not specifically addressed by this subchapter or Chapter 154 or 155, Tax Code. § 161.090. REPORTS OF VIOLATION. A local or state law enforcement agency or other governmental unit shall notify the comptroller, on the 10th day of each month, or the first working day after that date, of any violation of this subchapter that occurred in the preceding month that the agency or unit detects, investigates, or prosecutes. § 161.0901. REPORT OF OFFICE OF SMOKING AND HEALTH. (a) Not later than January 5th of each odd-numbered year the Office of Smoking and Health of the department shall report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives on the status of smoking and the use of tobacco and tobacco products in this state. (b) The report must include, at a minimum: (1) a baseline of statistics and analysis regarding retail compliance with this subchapter, Subchapter K, and Chapters 154 and 155, Tax Code; (2) a baseline of statistics and analysis regarding illegal tobacco sales, including: (A) sales to minors; (B) enforcement actions concerning minors; and (C) sources of citations; (3) tobacco controls and initiatives by the Office of Smoking and Health of the department, or any other state agency, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of the controls and initiatives; (4) the future goals and plans of the Office of Smoking and Health of the department to decrease the use of tobacco and tobacco products; (5) the educational programs of the Office of Smoking and Health of the department and the effectiveness of those programs; and (6) the incidence of use of tobacco and tobacco products by regions in this state, including use of cigarettes and tobacco products by ethnicity.


§ 161.251. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Cigarette" has the meaning assigned by Section 154.001, Tax Code. (2) "Tobacco product" has the meaning assigned by Section 155.001, Tax Code. § 161.252. POSSESSION, PURCHASE, CONSUMPTION, OR RECEIPT OF CIGARETTES OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS BY MINORS PROHIBITED. (a) An individual who is younger than 18 years of age commits an offense if the individual: (1) possesses, purchases, consumes, or accepts a cigarette or tobacco product; or (2) falsely represents himself or herself to be 18 years of age or older by displaying proof of age that is false, fraudulent, or not actually proof of the individual's own age in order to obtain possession of, purchase, or receive a cigarette or tobacco product. (b) It is an exception to the application of this section that the individual younger than 18 years of age possessed the cigarette or tobacco product in the presence of: (1) an adult parent, a guardian, or a spouse of the individual; or (2) an employer of the individual, if possession or receipt of the tobacco product is required in the performance of the employee's duties as an employee.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 17 (c) It is an exception to the application of this section that the individual younger than 18 years of age is participating in an inspection or test of compliance in accordance with Section 161.088. (d) An offense under this section is punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.


Sec. 161.0825. USE OF CERTAIN ELECTRONICALLY READABLE INFORMATION. (a) In this section, "transaction scan device" means a device capable of deciphering electronically readable information on a driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification certificate. (b) A person may access electronically readable information on a driver's license, commercial driver's license, or identification certificate for the purpose of complying with Section 161.082. (c) Information accessed under this section may not be sold or otherwise disseminated to a third party for any purpose, including any marketing, advertising, or promotional activities. The information may be obtained by court order or on proper request by the comptroller, a law enforcement officer, or a law enforcement agency. (d) A person who violates this section commits an offense. An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. (e) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under Section 161.082 that: (1) a transaction scan device identified a license or certificate as valid and the defendant accessed the information and relied on the results in good faith; or (2) if the defendant is the owner of a store in which cigarettes or tobacco products are sold at retail, the offense under Section 161.082 occurs in connection with a sale by an employee of the owner, and the owner had provided the employee with: (A) a transaction scan device in working condition; and (B) adequate training in the use of the transaction scan device.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 18 6. APPENDIX F


§ 42.002. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Child" means a person under 18 years of age. (2) "Division" means the division designated by the department to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (3) "Child-care facility" means a facility licensed, certified, or registered by the department to provide assessment, care, training, education, custody, treatment, or supervision for a child who is not related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the owner or operator of the facility, for all or part of the 24-hour day, whether or not the facility is operated for profit or charges for the services it offers. (4) "Child-care institution" means a child-care facility that provides care for more than 12 children for 24 hours a day, including facilities known as children's homes, halfway houses, residential treatment centers, emergency shelters, and therapeutic camps. (5) "Foster group home" means a child-care facility that provides care for 7 to 12 children for 24 hours a day. (6) "Foster home" means a child-care facility that provides care for not more than six children for 24 hours a day. (7) "Day-care center" means a child-care facility that provides care for more than 12 children under 14 years of age for less than 24 hours a day. (8) "Group day-care home" means a child-care facility that provides care for 7 to 12 children under 14 years of age for less than 24 hours a day. (9) "Family home" means a home that provides regular care in the caretaker's own residence for not more than six children under 14 years of age, excluding children who are related to the caretaker, and that provides care after school hours for not more than six additional elementary school children, but the total number of children, including children who are related to the caretaker, does not exceed 12 at any given time. The term does not include a home that provides care exclusively for any number of children who are related to the caretaker. (10) "Agency foster group home" means a facility that provides care for seven to 12 children for 24 hours a day, is used only by a licensed child-placing agency, and meets department standards. (11) "Agency foster home" means a facility that provides care for not more than six children for 24 hours a day, is used only by a licensed child-placing agency, and meets department standards. (12) "Child-placing agency" means a person, including an organization, other than the natural parents or guardian of a child who plans for the placement of or places a child in a child-care facility, agency foster home, agency foster group home, or adoptive home. (13) "Facilities" includes child-care facilities and child-placing agencies. (14) "State of Texas" or "state" does not include political subdivisions of the state. (15) "Religious organization" means a church, synagogue, or other religious institution whose purpose is to support and serve the propagation of truly held religious beliefs. (16) "Children who are related to the caretaker" means children who are the children, grandchildren, siblings, great-grandchildren, first cousins, nieces, or nephews of the caretaker, whether by affinity or consanguinity or as the result of a relationship created by court decree. (17) "Regular care" means care that is provided at least four hours a day, three or more days a week, for more than nine consecutive weeks. (18) "Controlling person" means a person who, either alone or in connection with others, has the ability to directly or indirectly influence or direct the management, expenditures, or policies of a [residential child-care] facility or family home.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 19 (19) "Residential child-care facility" means a facility licensed or certified by the department that operates for all of the 24-hour day. The term includes general residential operations, child-placing agencies, foster group homes, foster homes, agency foster group homes, and agency foster homes. (20) "Children's product" means a product that is designed or intended to be used by a child under 13 years of age or used by a caregiver during the care of a child under 13 years of age. The term does not include: (A) an item that is not designed or intended to be used solely or primarily by a child under 13 years of age or in the care of a child under 13 years of age; (B) a medication, a drug, food, or another item that is intended to be ingested; or (C) clothing. (20) "Before-school or after-school program" means a child-care facility that provides care before or after, or before and after, the customary school day and during school holidays, for at least two hours a day, three days a week, to children who attend prekindergarten through grade six. (21) "School-age program" means a child-care facility that provides supervision, along with recreation or skills instruction or training, and may provide transportation, before or after the customary school day, for at least two hours a day, three days a week, to children attending prekindergarten through grade six. A school-age program may also operate during school holidays, the summer period, or any other time when school is not in session. (23) "Other maltreatment" means: (A) abuse, as defined by Section 261.001 or 261.401, Family Code; or (B) neglect, as defined by Section 261.001 or 261.401, Family Code.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 20 7. APPENDIX G


Sec. 1.06. COMPUTATION OF AGE. A person attains a specified age on the day of the anniversary of his birthdate. ******************

Sec. 1.07. DEFINITIONS. (a) In this code: (1) "Act" means a bodily movement, whether voluntary or involuntary, and includes speech. (2) "Actor" means a person whose criminal responsibility is in issue in a criminal action. Whenever the term "suspect" is used in this code, it means "actor." (3) "Agency" includes authority, board, bureau, commission, committee, council, department, district, division, and office. (4) "Alcoholic beverage" has the meaning assigned by Section 1.04, Alcoholic Beverage Code. (5) "Another" means a person other than the actor. (6) "Association" means a government or governmental subdivision or agency, trust, partnership, or two or more persons having a joint or common economic interest. (7) "Benefit" means anything reasonably regarded as economic gain or advantage, including benefit to any other person in whose welfare the beneficiary is interested. (8) "Bodily injury" means physical pain, illness, or any impairment of physical condition. (9) "Coercion" means a threat, however communicated: (A) to commit an offense; (B) to inflict bodily injury in the future on the person threatened or another; (C) to accuse a person of any offense; (D) to expose a person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule; (E) to harm the credit or business repute of any person; or (F) to take or withhold action as a public servant, or to cause a public servant to take or withhold action. (10) "Conduct" means an act or omission and its accompanying mental state. (11) "Consent" means assent in fact, whether express or apparent. (12) "Controlled substance" has the meaning assigned by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code. (13) "Corporation" includes nonprofit corporations, professional associations created pursuant to statute, and joint stock companies. (14) "Correctional facility" means a place designated by law for the confinement of a person arrested for, charged with, or convicted of a criminal offense. The term includes: (A) a municipal or county jail; (B) a confinement facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; (C) a confinement facility operated under contract with any division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice; and (D) a community corrections facility operated by a community supervision and corrections department. (15) "Criminal negligence" is defined in Section 6.03 (Culpable Mental States). (16) "Dangerous drug" has the meaning assigned by Section 483.001, Health and Safety Code.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 21 (17) "Deadly weapon" means: (A) a firearm or anything manifestly designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting death or serious bodily injury; or (B) anything that in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of causing death or serious bodily injury. (18) "Drug" has the meaning assigned by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code. (19) "Effective consent" includes consent by a person legally authorized to act for the owner. Consent is not effective if: (A) induced by force, threat, or fraud; (B) given by a person the actor knows is not legally authorized to act for the owner; (C) given by a person who by reason of youth, mental disease or defect, or intoxication is known by the actor to be unable to make reasonable decisions; or (D) given solely to detect the commission of an offense. (20) "Electric generating plant" means a facility that generates electric energy for distribution to the public. (21) "Electric utility substation" means a facility used to switch or change voltage in connection with the transmission of electric energy for distribution to the public. (22) "Element of offense" means: (A) the forbidden conduct; (B) the required culpability; (C) any required result; and (D) the negation of any exception to the offense. (23) "Felony" means an offense so designated by law or punishable by death or confinement in a penitentiary. (24) "Government" means: (A) the state; (B) a county, municipality, or political subdivision of the state; or (C) any branch or agency of the state, a county, municipality, or political subdivision. (25) "Harm" means anything reasonably regarded as loss, disadvantage, or injury, including harm to another person in whose welfare the person affected is interested. (26) "Individual" means a human being who is alive, including an unborn child at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth. (27) Repealed by Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. 87, Sec. 25.144, eff. September 1, 2009. (28) "Intentional" is defined in Section 6.03 (Culpable Mental States). (29) "Knowing" is defined in Section 6.03 (Culpable Mental States). (30) "Law" means the constitution or a statute of this state or of the United States, a written opinion of a court of record, a municipal ordinance, an order of a county commissioners court, or a rule authorized by and lawfully adopted under a statute. (31) "Misdemeanor" means an offense so designated by law or punishable by fine, by confinement in jail, or by both fine and confinement in jail. (32) "Oath" includes affirmation. (33) "Official proceeding" means any type of administrative, executive, legislative, or judicial proceeding that may be conducted before a public servant. (34) "Omission" means failure to act. (35) "Owner" means a person who: (A) has title to the property, possession of the property, whether lawful or not, or a greater right to possession of the property than the actor; or (B) is a holder in due course of a negotiable instrument.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 22 (36) "Peace officer" means a person elected, employed, or appointed as a peace officer under Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, Section 51.212 or 51.214, Education Code, or other law. (37) "Penal institution" means a public designated by law for confinement of persons arrested for, charged with, or convicted of an offense. (38) "Person" means an individual, corporation, or association. (39) "Possession" means actual care, custody, control, or management. (40) “Public place” means any public to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access and includes, but is not limited to, streets, highways, and the common areas of schools, hospitals, apartment houses, office buildings, transport facilities, and shops. (41) "Public servant" means a person elected, selected, appointed, employed, or otherwise designated as one of the following, even if he has not yet qualified for office or assumed his duties: (A) an officer, employee, or agent of government; (B) a juror or grand juror; or (C) an arbitrator, referee, or other person who is authorized by law or private written agreement to hear or determine a cause or controversy; or (D) an attorney at law or notary public when participating in the performance of a governmental function; or (E) a candidate for nomination or election to public office; or (F) a person who is performing a governmental function under a claim of right although he is not legally qualified to do so. (42) "Reasonable belief" means a belief that would be held by an ordinary and prudent man in the same circumstances as the actor. (43) "Reckless" is defined in Section 6.03 (Culpable Mental States). (44) "Rule" includes regulation. (45) "Secure correctional facility" means: (A) a municipal or county jail; or (B) a confinement facility operated by or under a contract with any division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. (46) "Serious bodily injury" means bodily injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ. (46-a) "Sight order" means a written or electronic instruction to pay money that is authorized by the person giving the instruction and that is payable on demand or at a definite time by the person being instructed to pay. The term includes a check, an electronic debit, or an automatic bank draft. (46-b) "Federal special investigator" means a person described by Article 2.122, Code of Criminal Procedure. (47) "Swear" includes affirm. (48) "Unlawful" means criminal or tortious or both and includes what would be criminal or tortious but for a defense not amounting to justification or privilege. (49) "Death" includes, for an individual who is an unborn child, the failure to be born alive. (b) The definition of a term in this code applies to each grammatical variation of the term.


Sec. 6.03. DEFINITIONS OF CULPABLE MENTAL STATES. (a) A person acts intentionally, or with intent, with respect to the nature of his conduct or to a result of his conduct when it is his conscious objective or desire to engage in the conduct or cause the result. (b) A person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to the nature of his conduct or to circumstances surrounding his conduct when he is aware of the nature of his conduct or that the

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 23 circumstances exist. A person acts knowingly, or with knowledge, with respect to a result of his conduct when he is aware that his conduct is reasonably certain to cause the result. (c) A person acts recklessly, or is reckless, with respect to circumstances surrounding his conduct or the result of his conduct when he is aware of but consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that its disregard constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise under all the circumstances as viewed from the actor's standpoint. (d) A person acts with criminal negligence, or is criminally negligent, with respect to circumstances surrounding his conduct or the result of his conduct when he ought to be aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that the circumstances exist or the result will occur. The risk must be of such a nature and degree that the failure to perceive it constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that an ordinary person would exercise under all the circumstances as viewed from the actor's standpoint.



Sec. 12.01. PUNISHMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CODE. (a) A person adjudged guilty of an offense under this code shall be punished in accordance with this chapter and the Code of Criminal Procedure. (b) Penal laws enacted after the effective date of this code shall be classified for punishment purposes in accordance with this chapter. (c) This chapter does not deprive a court of authority conferred by law to forfeit property, dissolve a corporation, suspend or cancel a license or permit, remove a person from office, cite for contempt, or impose any other civil penalty. The civil penalty may be included in the sentence. Sec. 12.02. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES. Offenses are designated as felonies or misdemeanors. Sec. 12.03. CLASSIFICATION OF MISDEMEANORS. (a) Misdemeanors are classified according to the relative seriousness of the offense into three categories: (1) Class A misdemeanors; (2) Class B misdemeanors; (3) Class C misdemeanors. (b) An offense designated a misdemeanor in this code without specification as to punishment or category is a Class C misdemeanor. (c) Conviction of a Class C misdemeanor does not impose any legal disability or disadvantage. Sec. 12.04. CLASSIFICATION OF FELONIES. (a) Felonies are classified according to the relative seriousness of the offense into five categories: (1) capital felonies; (2) felonies of the first degree; (3) felonies of the second degree; (4) felonies of the third degree; and (5) state jail felonies. (b) An offense designated a felony in this code without specification as to category is a state jail felony.


Sec. 12.21. CLASS A MISDEMEANOR. An individual adjudged guilty of a Class A misdemeanor shall be punished by: (1) a fine not to exceed $4,000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; or (3) both such fine and confinement. Sec. 12.22. CLASS B MISDEMEANOR. An individual adjudged guilty of a Class B misdemeanor shall be punished by: (1) a fine not to exceed $2,000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days; or (3) both such fine and confinement. Sec. 12.23. CLASS C MISDEMEANOR. An individual adjudged guilty of a Class C misdemeanor shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.


Sec. 12.31. CAPITAL FELONY. (a) An individual adjudged guilty of a capital felony in a case in which the state seeks the death penalty shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life without parole or by death. An individual adjudged guilty of a capital felony in a case in which the state does not seek the death penalty shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for: (1) life, if the individual's case was transferred to the court under Section 54.02, Family Code; or (2) life without parole. (b) In a capital felony trial in which the state seeks the death penalty, prospective jurors shall be informed that a sentence of life imprisonment without parole or death is mandatory on conviction of a capital felony. In a capital felony trial in which the state does not seek the death penalty, prospective jurors shall be informed that the state is not seeking the death penalty and that: (1) a sentence of life imprisonment is mandatory on conviction of the capital felony, if the case was transferred to the court under Section 54.02, Family Code; or (2) a sentence of life imprisonment without parole is mandatory on conviction of the capital felony. Sec. 12.32. FIRST DEGREE FELONY PUNISHMENT. (a) An individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life or for any term of not more than 99 years or less than 5 years. (b) In addition to imprisonment, an individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the first degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000. Sec. 12.33. SECOND DEGREE FELONY PUNISHMENT. (a) An individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the second degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for any term of not more than 20 years or less than 2 years. (b) In addition to imprisonment, an individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the second degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000. Sec. 12.34. THIRD DEGREE FELONY PUNISHMENT. (a) An individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the third degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for any term of not more than 10 years or less than 2 years. (b) In addition to imprisonment, an individual adjudged guilty of a felony of the third degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 25 Sec. 12.35. STATE JAIL FELONY PUNISHMENT. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), an individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony shall be punished by confinement in a state jail for any term of not more than two years or less than 180 days. (b) In addition to confinement, an individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000. (c) An individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony shall be punished for a third degree felony if it is shown on the trial of the offense that: (1) a deadly weapon as defined by Section 1.07 was used or exhibited during the commission of the offense or during immediate flight following the commission of the offense, and that the individual used or exhibited the deadly weapon or was a party to the offense and knew that a deadly weapon would be used or exhibited; or (2) the individual has previously been finally convicted of any felony: (A) under Section 21.02 or listed in Section 3g(a)(1), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure; or (B) for which the judgment contains an affirmative finding under Section 3g(a) (2), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.


Sec. 12.41. CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES OUTSIDE THIS CODE. For purposes of this subchapter, any conviction not obtained from a prosecution under this code shall be classified as follows: (1) "felony of the third degree" if imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or another penitentiary is affixed to the offense as a possible punishment; (2) "Class B misdemeanor" if the offense is not a felony and confinement in a jail is affixed to the offense as a possible punishment; (3) "Class C misdemeanor" if the offense is punishable by fine only.


Sec. 46.035. UNLAWFUL CARRYING OF HANDGUN BY LICENSE HOLDER. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder carries a handgun on or about the license holder's person under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, and intentionally fails to conceal the handgun. (b) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed, on or about the license holder's person: (1) on the premises of a business that has a permit or license issued under Chapter 25, 28, 32, 69, or 74, Alcoholic Beverage Code, if the business derives 51 percent or more of its income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption, as determined by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission under Section 104.06, Alcoholic Beverage Code;



Sec. 49.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Alcohol concentration" means the number of grams of alcohol per: (A) 210 liters of breath; (B) 100 milliliters of blood; or

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 26 (C) 67 milliliters of urine. (2) "Intoxicated" means: (A) not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those substances, or any other substance into the body; or (B) having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more. (3) "Motor vehicle" has the meaning assigned by Section 32.34(a). (4) "Watercraft" means a vessel, one or more water skis, an aquaplane, or another device used for transporting or carrying a person on water, other than a device propelled only by the current of water. (5) "Amusement ride" has the meaning assigned by Section 2151.002, Occupations Code. (6) "Mobile amusement ride" has the meaning assigned by Section 2151.002, Occupations Code. Sec. 49.02. PUBLIC INTOXICATION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person appears in a public place while intoxicated to the degree that the person may endanger the person or another. (a-1) For the purposes of this section, a premises licensed or permitted under the Alcoholic Beverage Code is a public place. (b) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the alcohol or other substance was administered for therapeutic purposes and as a part of the person's professional medical treatment by a licensed physician. (c) Except as provided by Subsection (e), an offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. (d) An offense under this section is not a lesser included offense under Section 49.04. (e) An offense under this section committed by a person younger than 21 years of age is punishable in the same manner as if the minor committed an offense to which Section 106.071, Alcoholic Beverage Code, applies. Sec. 49.031. POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE IN MOTOR VEHICLE. (a) In this section: (1) "Open container" means a bottle, can, or other receptacle that contains any amount of alcoholic beverage and that is open, that has been opened, that has a broken seal, or the contents of which are partially removed. (2) "Passenger area of a motor vehicle" means the area of a motor vehicle designed for the seating of the operator and passengers of the vehicle. The term does not include: (A) a glove compartment or similar storage container that is locked; (B) the trunk of a vehicle; or (C) the area behind the last upright seat of the vehicle, if the vehicle does not have a trunk. (3) "Public highway" means the entire width between and immediately adjacent to the boundary lines of any public road, street, highway, interstate, or other publicly maintained way if any part is open for public use for the purpose of motor vehicle travel. The term includes the right-of-way of a public highway. (b) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly possesses an open container in a passenger area of a motor vehicle that is located on a public highway, regardless of whether the vehicle is being operated or is stopped or parked. Possession by a person of one or more open containers in a single criminal episode is a single offense. (c) It is an exception to the application of Subsection (b) that at the time of the offense the defendant was a passenger in: (1) the passenger area of a motor vehicle designed, maintained, or used primarily for the transportation of persons for compensation, including a bus, taxicab, or limousine; or

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 27 (2) the living quarters of a motorized house coach or motorized house trailer, including a self-contained camper, a motor home, or a recreational vehicle. (d) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. (e) A peace officer charging a person with an offense under this section, instead of taking the person before a magistrate, shall issue to the person a written citation and notice to appear that contains the time and place the person must appear before a magistrate, the name and address of the person charged, and the offense charged. If the person makes a written promise to appear before the magistrate by signing in duplicate the citation and notice to appear issued by the officer, the officer shall release the person. Sec. 49.04. DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED. (a) A person commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle in a public place. (b) Except as provided by Subsections [Subsection] (c) and (d) and Section 49.09, an offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of 72 hours. (c) If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that at the time of the offense the person operating the motor vehicle had an open container of alcohol in the person's immediate possession, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of six days. (d) If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that an analysis of a specimen of the person's blood, breath, or urine showed an alcohol concentration level of 0.15 or more at the time the analysis was performed, the offense is a Class A misdemeanor. Sec. 49.045. DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED WITH CHILD PASSENGER. (a) A person commits an offense if: (1) the person is intoxicated while operating a motor vehicle in a public place; and (2) the vehicle being operated by the person is occupied by a passenger who is younger than 15 years of age. (b) An offense under this section is a state jail felony. Sec. 49.05. FLYING WHILE INTOXICATED. (a) A person commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while operating an aircraft. (b) Except as provided by Section 49.09, an offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of 72 hours. Sec. 49.06. BOATING WHILE INTOXICATED. (a) A person commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while operating a watercraft. (b) Except as provided by Section 49.09, an offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of 72 hours. Sec. 49.065. ASSEMBLING OR OPERATING AN AMUSEMENT RIDE WHILE INTOXICATED. (a) A person commits an offense if the person is intoxicated while operating an amusement ride or while assembling a mobile amusement ride. (b) Except as provided by Subsection (c) and Section 49.09, an offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor with a minimum term of confinement of 72 hours. (c) If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this section that at the time of the offense the person operating the amusement ride or assembling the mobile amusement ride had an open container of alcohol in the person's immediate possession, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor with a minimum term of confinement of six days. Sec. 49.07. INTOXICATION ASSAULT. (a) A person commits an offense if the person, by accident or mistake: (1) while operating an aircraft, watercraft, or amusement ride while intoxicated, or while operating a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated, by reason of that intoxication causes serious bodily injury to another; or (2) as a result of assembling a mobile amusement ride while intoxicated causes serious bodily injury to another.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 28 (b) In this section, "serious bodily injury" means injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes serious permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ. (c) Except as provided by Section 49.09, an offense under this section is a felony of the third degree. Sec. 49.08. INTOXICATION MANSLAUGHTER. (a) A person commits an offense if the person: (1) operates a motor vehicle in a public place, operates an aircraft, a watercraft, or an amusement ride, or assembles a mobile amusement ride; and (2) is intoxicated and by reason of that intoxication causes the death of another by accident or mistake. (b) Except as provided by Section 49.09, an offense under this section is a felony of the second degree. Sec. 49.09. ENHANCED OFFENSES AND PENALTIES. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), an offense under Section 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, or 49.065 is a Class A misdemeanor, with a minimum term of confinement of 30 days, if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously been convicted one time of an offense relating to the operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, an offense of operating an aircraft while intoxicated, an offense of operating a watercraft while intoxicated, or an offense of operating or assembling an amusement ride while intoxicated. (b) An offense under Section 49.04, 49.05, 49.06, or 49.065 is a felony of the third degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person has previously been convicted: (1) one time of an offense under Section 49.08 or an offense under the laws of another state if the offense contains elements that are substantially similar to the elements of an offense under Section 49.08; or (2) two times of any other offense relating to the operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated, operating an aircraft while intoxicated, operating a watercraft while intoxicated, or operating or assembling an amusement ride while intoxicated. (b-1) An offense under Section 49.07 is a felony of the second degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person caused serious bodily injury to a peace officer, a firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel while in the actual discharge of an official duty. (b-2) An offense under Section 49.08 is a felony of the first degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that the person caused the death of a person described by Subsection (b-1). (b-3) For the purposes of Subsection (b-1): (1) "Emergency medical services personnel" has the meaning assigned by Section 773.003, Health and Safety Code. (2) "Firefighter" means: (A) an individual employed by this state or by a political or legal subdivision of this state who is subject to certification by the Texas Commission on Fire Protection; or (B) a member of an organized volunteer fire-fighting unit that: (i) renders fire-fighting services without remuneration; and (ii) conducts a minimum of two drills each month, each at least two hours long. (c) For the purposes of this section: (1) "Offense relating to the operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated" means: (A) an offense under Section 49.04 or 49.045; (B) an offense under Section 49.07 or 49.08, if the vehicle operated was a motor vehicle; (C) an offense under Article 6701l-1, Revised Statutes, as that law existed before September 1, 1994; (D) an offense under Article 6701l-2, Revised Statutes, as that law existed before January 1, 1984;

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 29 (E) an offense under Section 19.05(a)(2), as that law existed before September 1, 1994, if the vehicle operated was a motor vehicle; or (F) an offense under the laws of another state that prohibit the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated. (2) "Offense of operating an aircraft while intoxicated" means: (A) an offense under Section 49.05; (B) an offense under Section 49.07 or 49.08, if the vehicle operated was an aircraft; (C) an offense under Section 1, Chapter 46, Acts of the 58th Legislature, Regular Session, 1963 (Article 46f-3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as that law existed before September 1, 1994; (D) an offense under Section 19.05(a)(2), as that law existed before September 1, 1994, if the vehicle operated was an aircraft; or (E) an offense under the laws of another state that prohibit the operation of an aircraft while intoxicated. (3) "Offense of operating a watercraft while intoxicated" means: (A) an offense under Section 49.06; (B) an offense under Section 49.07 or 49.08, if the vehicle operated was a watercraft; (C) an offense under Section 31.097, Parks and Wildlife Code, as that law existed before September 1, 1994; (D) an offense under Section 19.05(a)(2), as that law existed before September 1, 1994, if the vehicle operated was a watercraft; or (E) an offense under the laws of another state that prohibit the operation of a watercraft while intoxicated. (4) "Offense of operating or assembling an amusement ride while intoxicated" means: (A) an offense under Section 49.065; (B) an offense under Section 49.07 or 49.08, if the offense involved the operation or assembly of an amusement ride; or (C) an offense under the law of another state that prohibits the operation of an amusement ride while intoxicated or the assembly of a mobile amusement ride while intoxicated. (d) For the purposes of this section, a conviction for an offense under Section 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, 49.065, 49.07, or 49.08 that occurs on or after September 1, 1994, is a final conviction, whether the sentence for the conviction is imposed or probated. (e) Repealed by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ch. 996, Sec. 3. (f) Repealed by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., ch. 996, Sec. 3. (g) A conviction may be used for purposes of enhancement under this section or enhancement under Subchapter D, Chapter 12, but not under both this section and Subchapter D. (h) This subsection applies only to a person convicted of a second or subsequent offense relating to the operating of a motor vehicle while intoxicated committed within five years of the date on which the most recent preceding offense was committed. The court shall enter an order that requires the defendant to have a device installed, on each motor vehicle owned or operated by the defendant, that uses a deep-lung breath analysis mechanism to make impractical the operation of the motor vehicle if ethyl alcohol is detected in the breath of the operator, and that requires that before the first anniversary of the ending date of the period of license suspension under Section 521.344, Transportation Code, the defendant not operate any motor vehicle that is not equipped with that device. The court shall require the defendant to obtain the device at the defendant's own cost on or before that ending date, require the defendant to provide evidence to the court on or before that ending date that the device has been installed on each appropriate vehicle, and order the device to remain installed on each vehicle until the first anniversary of that ending date. If the court determines the offender is unable to pay for the device, the

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 30 court may impose a reasonable payment schedule not to extend beyond the first anniversary of the date of installation. The Department of Public Safety shall approve devices for use under this subsection. Section 521.247, Transportation Code, applies to the approval of a device under this subsection and the consequences of that approval. Failure to comply with an order entered under this subsection is punishable by contempt. For the purpose of enforcing this subsection, the court that enters an order under this subsection retains jurisdiction over the defendant until the date on which the device is no longer required to remain installed. To the extent of a conflict between this subsection and Section 13(i), Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, this subsection controls. Sec. 49.10. NO DEFENSE. In a prosecution under Section 49.03, 49.04, 49.045, 49.05, 49.06, 49.065, 49.07, or 49.08, the fact that the defendant is or has been entitled to use the alcohol, controlled substance, drug, dangerous drug, or other substance is not a defense. Sec. 49.11. PROOF OF MENTAL STATE UNNECESSARY. (a) Notwithstanding Section 6.02(b), proof of a culpable mental state is not required for conviction of an offense under this chapter. (b) Subsection (a) does not apply to an offense under Section 49.031. Sec. 49.12. APPLICABILITY TO CERTAIN CONDUCT. Sections 49.07 and 49.08 do not apply to injury to or the death of an unborn child if the conduct charged is conduct committed by the mother of the unborn child.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 31 9. APPENDIX H


Sec. 521.351. PURCHASE OF ALCOHOL FOR MINOR OR FURNISHING ALCOHOL TO MINOR: AUTOMATIC SUSPENSION; LICENSE DENIAL. (a) A person's driver's license is automatically suspended on final conviction of an offense under Section 106.06, Alcoholic Beverage Code. (b) The department may not issue a driver's license to a person convicted of an offense under Section 106.06, Alcoholic Beverage Code, who, on the date of the conviction, did not hold a driver's license. (c) The period of suspension under this section is the 180 days after the date of a final conviction, and the period of license denial is the 180 days after the date the person applies to the department for reinstatement or issuance of a driver's license, unless the person has previously been denied a license under this section or had a license suspended, in which event the period of suspension is one year after the date of a final conviction, and the period of license denial is one year after the date the person applies to the department for reinstatement or issuance of a driver's license.


Sec. 521.451. GENERAL VIOLATION. (a) Except as provided by Section 521.452, a person may not: (1) display, cause or permit to be displayed, or have in the person's possession a driver's license or certificate that the person knows is fictitious or has been altered; (2) lend the person's driver's license or certificate to another person or knowingly permit another person to use the person's driver's license or certificate; (3) display or represent as the person's own a driver's license or certificate not issued to the person; (4) possess more than one currently valid driver's license or more than one currently valid certificate; or (5) in an application for an original, renewal, or duplicate driver's license or certificate: (A) provide a false name, false address, or a counterfeit document; or (B) knowingly make a false statement, conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit fraud. (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. (c) If conduct that constitutes an offense under Subsection (a) also constitutes an offense under Section 106.07, Alcoholic Beverage Code, the actor may be prosecuted only under Section 106.07, Alcoholic Beverage Code.

Sec. 521.452. ALIAS DRIVER'S LICENSE FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES. (a) After written approval by the director, the department may issue to a law enforcement officer an alias driver's license to be used in supervised activities involving a criminal investigation. (b) An application for, or possession or use of, an alias driver's license for a purpose described by this section by the officer to whom the license is issued is not a violation of this subchapter unless the department has canceled, suspended, or revoked the license.

Sec. 521.453. FICTITIOUS LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (f), a person under the age of 21 years commits an offense if the person possesses, with the intent to represent that the person is 21 years of age or older, a document that is deceptively similar to a driver's license or a personal identification certificate unless the document displays the statement "NOT A GOVERNMENT

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 32 DOCUMENT" diagonally printed clearly and indelibly on both the front and back of the document in solid red capital letters at least one-fourth inch in height. (b) For purposes of this section, a document is deceptively similar to a driver's license or personal identification certificate if a reasonable person would assume that it was issued by the department, another agency of this state, another state, or the United States. (c) A peace officer listed in Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, may confiscate a document that: (1) is deceptively similar to a driver's license or personal identification certificate; and (2) does not display the statement required under Subsection (a). (d) For purposes of this section, an offense under Subsection (a) is a Class C misdemeanor. (e) The attorney general, district attorney, or prosecuting attorney performing the duties of the district attorney may bring an action to enjoin a violation or threatened violation of this section. The action must be brought in a court in the county in which the violation or threatened violation occurs. (f) Subsection (a) does not apply to: (1) a government agency, office, or political subdivision that is authorized to produce or sell personal identification certificates; or (2) a person that provides a document similar to a personal identification certificate to an employee of the person for a business purpose. (g) In this section: (1) "Driver's license" includes a driver's license issued by another state or by the United States. (2) "Personal identification certificate" means a personal identification certificate issued by the department, by another agency of this state, by another state, or by the United States. (h) In addition to the punishment provided by Subsection (d), a court, if the court is located in a municipality or county that has established a community service program, may order a person younger than 21 years of age who commits an offense under this section to perform eight hours of community service unless the person is shown to have previously committed an offense under this section, in which case the court may order the person to perform 12 hours of community service. (i) If the person ordered to perform community service under Subsection (h) is younger than 17 years of age, the community service shall be performed as if ordered by a juvenile court under Section 54.044(a), Family Code, as a condition of probation under Section 54.04(d), Family Code.

Sec. 521.454. FALSE APPLICATION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly swears to or affirms falsely before a person authorized to take statements under oath any matter, information, or statement required by the department in an application for an original, renewal, or duplicate driver's license or certificate issued under this chapter. (b) An information or indictment for a violation of Subsection (a) that alleges that the declarant has made inconsistent statements under oath, both of which cannot be true, need not allege which statement is false and the prosecution is not required to prove which statement is false. (c) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. (d) If conduct constituting an offense under this section also constitutes an offense under another law, the actor may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.

Sec. 521.455. USE OF ILLEGAL LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE. (a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally or knowingly uses a driver's license or certificate obtained in violation of Section 521.451 or 521.454 to harm or defraud another. (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. (c) If conduct constituting an offense under this section also constitutes an offense under another law, the actor may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 33 Sec. 521.456. DELIVERY OR MANUFACTURE OF COUNTERFEIT INSTRUMENT. (a) A person commits an offense if the person possesses with the intent to sell, distribute, or deliver a forged or counterfeit instrument that is not printed, manufactured, or made by or under the direction of, or issued, sold, or circulated by or under the direction of, a person, board, agency, or authority authorized to do so under this chapter or under the laws of the United States, another state, or a Canadian province. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor. (b) A person commits an offense if the person manufactures or produces with the intent to sell, distribute, or deliver a forged or counterfeit instrument that the person knows is not printed, manufactured, or made by or under the direction of, or issued, sold, or circulated by or under the direction of, a person, board, agency, or authority authorized to do so under this chapter or under the laws of the United States, another state, or a Canadian province. An offense under this subsection is a felony of the third degree. (c) A person commits an offense if the person possesses with the intent to use, circulate, or pass a forged or counterfeit instrument that is not printed, manufactured, or made by or under the direction of, or issued, sold, or circulated by or under the direction of, a person, board, agency, or authority authorized to do so under this chapter or under the laws of the United States, another state, or a Canadian province. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor. (d) For purposes of this section, "instrument" means a driver's license, driver's license form, personal identification certificate, stamp, permit, license, official signature, certificate, evidence of fee payment, or any other instrument. (e) If conduct constituting an offense under this section also constitutes an offense under another law, the actor may be prosecuted under this section, the other law, or both.

Sec. 521.4565. CONSPIRING TO MANUFACTURE COUNTERFEIT LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE. (a) In this section: (1) "Combination," "conspires to commit," "profits," and "criminal street gang" have the meanings assigned by Section 71.01, Penal Code. (2) "Conspires to manufacture or produce" means that: (A) a person agrees with one or more other persons to engage in the manufacture or production of a forged or counterfeit instrument; and (B) the person and one or more of the other persons perform an overt act in pursuance of the agreement. (3) "Instrument" means a driver's license, commercial driver's license, or personal identification certificate. (4) "Public servant" has the meaning assigned by Section 1.07, Penal Code. (b) A person commits an offense if the person establishes, maintains, or participates in or conspires to establish, maintain, or participate in a combination or criminal street gang, or participates in the profits of a combination or criminal street gang, with the intent to manufacture or produce a forged or counterfeit instrument for the purpose of selling, distributing, or delivering such instrument. An agreement constituting conspiring to manufacture or produce may be inferred from the acts of the parties. (c) An offense under this section is a state jail felony, except that an offense committed by a public servant is a felony of the third degree.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 34 10. APPENDIX I



Art. 179e. Texas Racing Act

Sec. 6.06. (j) Notwithstanding any other law, a person who owns an interest in two or more racetracks licensed under this Act and who also owns an interest in a license issued under Subtitle B, Title 3, Alcoholic Beverage Code, may own an interest in the premises of another holder of a license or permit under Title 3, Alcoholic Beverage Code, if the premises of that other license or permit holder are part of the premises of a racetrack licensed under this Act.

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code (2012) 35

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