Minutes of the Neadc Informal
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Informal meeting at the home of John & Val Feehan
Present: Rick Rosa, Anna Krowczynska, Al Bozza, John Feehan, Val Feehan, Steve Whitford, Uma Mirani, Julia Cichowski, Joy Marzolf, Charlie Benoit, Maryhelen Shuman-Groh
Absent: None
Guests: 3
Meeting Chaired by: Rick Rosa
Old Business:
Tropical Fish Hunt status: Al says we are on schedule! We are still looking for a large tent to house the guest presentations, and also a generator to power everything. Al has confirmed we will have use of a PA system. He has also confirmed the Cotting School will be there, though the final number is not yet know. Al has worked out the logistics of accommodating them down by the water's edge for the seining. Given the anticipated size of the event this year, he is going to make sure we arrange to have the facilities open for people to use. Also, he will be sure to bring the polo and t-shirts, hats, tank stickers, water bottles, and other sale items to the picnic. We still need to have a list of folks who will be willing to help set up and also clean up after the event is over. Al is working on the press for the event. Will be be able to raffle a GOT dive? Also our aquarium liaison will be there to check out the tropicals we hope to collect.
Dominica Raffle Drawing: to be held during the Tropical Fish Hunt/Picnic. Al is making the final arrangements on the trip itself.
Boating/Dive Flag law posters: NEADC did the design and the BSC is now looking to combine the two posters into one large print 8/12 x 14. They will probably need to do that part of it themselves since we are out of resources on it.
Eat and Greet locations: Al confirmed we are all set for the rest of the year on locations. We will be getting a sign-up sheet for the November meeting, to be held at the Harpoon Brewery since we have a limit on the number of people who can be admitted in.
Holiday Party: We have confirmed it will be in Burlington. Did we want to make it a multi-club event and a fund raiser event as well? The date is still in January.
New Business:
Sea Rovers: paperwork is in process for a table at the next event. Maryhelen will confirm it's submitted and in order and let the board know when/if approved.
Aquarium Asking Us to Raise Membership Fee: This issue was brought up again by the Aquarium. We discussed briefly and voted unanimously to NOT raise our membership fees.
How much Does it Cost to Dive in GOT? We receive a number of inquiries from people who are referred to us from the Aquarium. We will make it more clear on our website that the GOT dive is by membership raffle only, and try to get the Aquarium to assist in training lobby personnel to answer the question instead of making a referral to us.
September 2007 Business doc - 1 - Lowell Devils Hockey Association: Charlie received a phone call from the Lowell Devils Hockey Association about ______?
BSC News: already mentioned the resizing of the graphics on the boating/dive flag posters. Their next meeting is 9/12 and Maryhelen will try to attend. It's been status quo on the dive flag issue. No reported problems.
Rob Stewart – Uma proposed Rob Stewart be our speaker in October. He will be promoting the opening of his film in November in this area. She thought it would be nice to invite other clubs to the event as well. The October meeting is on 10/17. Uma will work on coordinating this with Rob and the other clubs.
Marine Animal Stranding Training: short notice, but it will be at 8:15AM, and 9:30-11:30AM this weekend (9/8). They will provide an ID book, training on how to respond to a stranding, a response kit. Contact the aquarium to sign up. Hopefully we'll learn of other training events.
Web Site Updates: Rick asked we get more updates on the first page for upcoming events, and as early as possible, and also that we try to keep the meeting info more up-to-date.
September General Meeting: Val has to attend a work meeting so she won't be there. Maryhelen volunteered to take notes for Val.
United Divers Meeting with Stan Waterman: Steve mentioned United Divers is looking to sell more tickets to this event, to be held on October 26th in Devens, MA. The event is a dinner and talk with Stan Waterman. Tickets are $40.00. We should also mention at the next General Meeting. Contact United Divers for more information on this event.
Assabat River Cleanup: Al's annual cleanup is scheduled for 9/15.
Coastsweep 2007: Alicia' annual coast sweep program scheduled for Saturday October 6, 2007 at Canoe Beach, Nahant MA (East Point), 10am-3pm. Maryhelen will get Alicia's flyer out to everyone so we can get posted around local dive shops to encourage participation in this worthwhile event.
Meeting adjourned 9:00 PM
September 2007 Business doc - 2 -