A Message from Our Principal, Mrs. Hinojosa
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Hello Eagle Families, We are off to a great start here at Arlington High School. Please be sure to bookmark our website and like us on Facebook for the most current school information. You can find the AHS Website at ahs.asd.wednet.edu and the AHS Facebook Page at http://www.ArlingtonHighSchool.Eagles.
A Message from our Principal, Mrs. Hinojosa As you may have already heard, Mr. Beckley accepted a position in the Everett School District and will no longer be the principal at Arlington High School. We thank him for the time and dedication he has put forth in leading our school for the past six years.
Last year I met many of you as I served as assistant principal at AHS. I have now taken on the role of principal and will finish out the school year. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to work with our administrative team, teachers, and support staff to continue the tradition of academic excellence already in place. In addition, our collective focus this year is on providing wraparound services to support all students and thinking critically about next steps to ensure that all students leave Arlington High School college and career ready.
I am excited to continue the work of the district through caring for and educating “every child, every hour, every day.” In order to do this, it is essential that we partner with the community and with families to have open and positive lines of communication. Please do not hesitate to reach out to AHS Staff with any questions or concerns as we move through the year.
Thank you for teaming with me in support of our students.
New Staff There are some new faces to greet. Please give them a big Eagle welcome! Andrea Hundredmark – Assistant Principal Linda Mastellar – Assistant Principal Laura Anderson – English Teacher Robert Christiansen – Social Studies Teacher Andrea O’Keefe – Math Teacher Amanda Alvarado – Sports Medicine Teacher Kyla Gaskins – SpEd Teacher Kennan Christensen – World Language Teacher Audrey Johnson – Art Teacher Kailynn Pounds – Foods Teacher Chris Hauk – APEX Teacher Mark McDougall - Campus Monitor Nilla Dayley – Para Educator Bekki Carney-Bolopue – Para Educator Jane Hudson – Para Educator Megan Fisher – Para Educator Allison Bennett - Counselor
Building Theme Our theme this year is "Shining a light on Student Learning" with a focus on four key areas: 1) Aligning all practices with supporting student college and career readiness, 2) Seeking and valuing student voice and providing a consistent and safe environment for all, 3) Strengthening writing practices across curriculum, and 4) Providing intervention and remediation to support those who are not on track to meet graduation requirements.
Building Hours The office is open school days from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The building is not unlocked for zero period classes until 6:30 a.m. Please do not drop off students before 6:30 a.m.
AHS Eagle Apparel Store Arlington Eagle Gear is now available for order. Go to the AHS Website>Athletics and click on the link for the Apparel Store. A percentage of each sale goes to support Arlington athletics. Thank you for your support! GO EAGLES!!
Visitor Check-in When visiting AHS during the school day, all visitors need to sign the visitor’s log at the reception desk in the Main Office. Please wear your visitor badge and sign out before leaving.
Vehicles are not Lockers Please remind your students to gather from their vehicles all necessary items such as: coats, lunch money, P.E. clothes, etc. Students are not permitted to leave the building to get things out of their vehicles.
Senior Pictures & Senior Baby Ads Senior Pictures and baby ads are due October 21st. Please email [email protected]. Complete information went out during Eagle Period on Friday, Sept 16th. It is also available on our website under the “Yearbook” tab.
Your senior photo (specifications for your photographer are available on the website). We submit our book online, so please provide a digital senior picture; if you need to use a scanner, please make arrangements in advance with Ms. Hayman. Save the senior picture as last name, first name & as either a .TIFF or a .JPEG file.
Skyward Mobile App (Family Access) Parents can download the free Skyward app to their mobile devices allowing them to login to their Family Access account via a mobile device. For instructions on downloading the app for Apple and Android products go to http://www.asd.wednet.edu and follow this path: For Families > For Parents >> Family Access Instructions.
Homecoming Week Monday, 10/10 - Saturday, 10/15 "Fill the Cup" Food Drive Competition, 10/3-10/14 Food drive competition between AHS and Stanwood. Let's win the Stilly Cup and fill it with as much food as we can! Spirit Week daily dress details TBD.
Wednesday, 10/12 Homecoming Parade, 6 p.m. - Olympic Avenue B.Y.O.M: "Bring your own mug" for FREE cocoa, popcorn, and ice cream sandwiches. Open to students & community. Lawn games & activities on the Haller MS field.
Friday, 10/14 Pepination Assembly, 1:45 p.m. AHS Eagles vs. Stanwood, 7 p.m. – AHS Stadium
Saturday, 10/15 Homecoming Dance, 8 p.m. - AHS Commons
Ecology Club Do you like to hike? Do you want to be an environmental steward? Are you interested in keeping AHS green? Come join the Ecology Club. We meet Mondays after school in room D102. Contact Mrs. Iversen at [email protected] for more information.
Key Club A volunteer organization committed to serving the Arlington community and children around the world meets every other Thursday starting September 22nd after school in D114. Fifty service hours will be required throughout the course of the year. Contact Marilee Herman at [email protected] for more information.
Drivers Ed September 26th– November 17th. Classes are 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mondays & Wednesdays or Tuesdays & Thursdays in room D209. Mandatory Parent & Student Meeting Monday, September 26th at 6:30 p.m. in the AHS Commons. Applications are available at the Attendance Office window or on our website under the “Drivers Ed” tab.
Reporting using our SafeSchools Tip Line: Do you have a concern about bullying or student safety? The district has set up a way to report an incident using text messaging, email, web or phone through SafeSchools Alert. The district and building websites have a link to the website for reporting under our Quick Links tab.
Once a report is made, an email and text message is sent quickly to the district office personnel who oversee the reports. The report can be forwarded to administrators at the school for investigation. This allows for a faster response time and tracking of reporting.
Reports can be made anonymously at any time. If you have questions, feel free to contact Gary Sabol, Public Information Coordinator, at [email protected].
Graduation With the support of the Board, the district is moving forward with contracting with Xfinity as our venue for graduation for the class of 2017. The graduation date is set for Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Additional details will be available soon on our school website under the “Class of 2017” tab.
Counseling Center Shanna Crookes, Counselor for new seniors, and students with IEPs Allison Bennett, Counselor for students with last name A-B Elizabeth (Lisa) Sullivan, Counselor for students with last name C-H Nancy Burns, Counselor for students with last name I-P Adolfo Hinojosa, Counselor for students with last name Q-Z and ELL students Robin Knutson, Counseling Secretary and Senior Advisor Marie Nelson, Registrar Rhonda Moen, Intervention Specialist Jade Roberts, School to Work Coordinator
Seniors planning to attend college next fall can file the FAFSA as early as October 1st this year. Financial aid awards will be based on their family’s 2015 tax information.
FAFSA stands for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. There is no cost to file the application. It is the #1 tool used to determine a student’s financial need and eligibility for student loans, grants, work-study programs, and need-based scholarships.
In general, grants (that don’t require repayment) are awarded to students with family income of $50,000 or less. Factors (such as family size and the number of students in college) have a significant impact on the calculation, however. It is possible for students with family income of $75,000 or more to qualify.
Juniors (and sophomores) planning to attend a four-year university directly after high school are encouraged to sign up for the PSAT/NMSQT. PSAT/NMSQT It will be held at Arlington High School on Saturday, October 15, 2016. Check-in begins at 7:30 a.m, and the test starts promptly at 8:00 a.m.
The cost of the exam is $18 and can be purchased from Connie Vezzani at the Attendance window. Registration for juniors opens on Monday, September 26th, and on Wednesday, September 28th for sophomores. Space is limited so act fast. Fee waivers are available from counselors for students eligible for the free/reduced lunch program.
College Entrance Tests Most four-year universities require students to submit an SAT or ACT test score as part of their application. “There is absolutely no advantage in submitting one test over the other,” according to the UW website.
SAT Test dates are: October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd, January 21st, March 11th, May 6th, and June 3rd. Register online at collegeboard.org.
ACT Test dates are: October 22nd, December 10th, February 11th, April 8th, and June 10th. Register online at act.org.
Career Center The AHS Career Center is open for business. Come visit Mrs. Roberts during school hours for info on scholarships, job opportunities, college visits, special events, and more. You can also follow AHS Career Center on Twitter @career_ahs or receive text reminders by sending “text@ahsccr”to 81010.
The AHS College and Career Fair is back on Thursday, October 13 from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the BPAC. Over 30 representatives from colleges, training programs, and organizations will be here to share information and meet with our students. Contact Jade Roberts at [email protected] for more information.
Engineering 1 is now worth three credits at EvCC! It’s through our College in the High School program, and any student who receives an 85% or better in the class will receive the credits. Contact the Chris Whiteman at [email protected] for more information. Thank you Eagle Families for reading this email and staying informed!
Charity Conley
Additional Links Booster Club Yearbook District Website