CB Main Points Chs. 11 – 15

Chapter 11:-

The Return

- Nelly left with Catherine to the Grange.

- Surprising arrival of Heathcliff.

- Heathcliff asked for an appointment with Catherine.

- Edgar asked Catherine to meet Heathcliff at the kitchen.

- “Take care! You must not call him by those names, master. She was nearly heartbroken when he ran off.”

- Catherine’s fervent meeting of Heathcliff.

- Heathcliff’s change of appearance and attitude.

- “I planned to have a quick look at you, take my revenge on Hindley and then put an end to my life.”

Chapter 12:-

Miss Isabella

- Catherine’s wise judgment not to show pleasure in receiving Heathcliff.

- Isabella was attracted to Heathycliff.

- Isabella’s blame to Catherine.

- Catherine’s advice not to cling to Heathcliff.

- “Don’t imagine that he‘s got a heart of gold: he’s fierce, pitiless, cruel man. I know he couldn’t love a Linton, but he might be ready to marry you for your money.”

- “You’re worse than twenty enemies, you poisonous friend.”

- “Poor little Isabella is breaking her heart for you.” (Embarrassing Isabella) - “All her brother’s possessions will one day be hers.”

- Heathcliff’s plan of revenge, Catherine understood Heathcliff’s wicked plan (nature).

Chapter 13:-

An Evil Influence

- Heathcliff’s visits worried Edgar and Nelly.

- Nelly met Hareton.

- Hareton didn’t recognize Nelly and struck her with a stone and shouted a string of curses.

- Nelly knew that Heathcliff was Hareton’s only source of education as he taught him curses and stopped his education. (Reminder of Heathcliff’s past history)

Reason: Hindley became so much unaware with Hareton because of turning into a drunkard.

Chapter 14:-

The Quarrel

- Heathcliff’s visit to Catherine and his way of attracting Isabella.

- “If you think I’ll suffer unrevenged, you are mistaken. Thank you for telling me Isabella’s secret. I’ll make good use of it.”

- Heathcliff just had dark thoughts of revenge.

- Nelly informed Edgar of Catherine and Heathcliff’s quarrel.

- “Your presence is a moral poison that would harm the purest,leave this house immediately.”

- A quarrel took place between Edgar and Heathcliff.

- Heathcliff mocked on Edgar’s seek of help through his servants.

- Catherine’s trial of escape from Edgar’s blame by locking herself up in her room waiting for him to come up to apologise. - Edgar out of jealousy asked her to choose either of them, it resulted in Catherine’s turn into one of her fits.

- Catherine locked herself up in the room refusing food.

- Edgar’s warning to Isabella that developing any kind of relationship with Heathcliff would end all ties between them as brother and sister.

Chapter 15:-


- People’s reaction after the quarrel. (Isabella – Nelly – Edgar – Catherine)

- Catherine’s bad temper led to an extreme fit trying to throw herself out of the window and Nelly tried to stop her.

- “You are one of the things that are never found when they are wanted. You’ll be sorry when I’m in my grave.”

- Edgar’s blame to Nelly not informing him of Catherine’s sickness.

- “I want no further advice from you. You knew your mistress’s nature, and you encouraged me to go against her.”

- While going out of the Grange, Nelly saw something white hanging from a hook (Isabella’s dog) and heard the sound of horse’s feet.

- A doctor examined Catherine and warned them of damage in the brain.

- Discovering Isabella’s escape with Heathcliff.