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Malan Library

Malan Library Title of Work Press Mark Page 1 Remarks 88A1. Bopp(Franr) Krirische grammarik den Sanskrita Sprache in Kūrserer Fassung von Frawn Bopp.pp.xii.380. Berlin.1834.8°

88A2. Rosen (Friedrich) 1B28 [another Radices Sanscritae. Illustratas edidit Fridericus Rosen [pp.xx.370] Berlin, 1827.8° copy]ppxx;381

88A3 Sadānanda Yogindra Vedānta Sāra: Elements of Theology according to the Vedas by Sadānanda Parivrájaká cháryya;with a commentary by Ramakrishua Tirtha pp.6.129 [Calcutta] 1829.8°

88A4(1) Jambhaladatta Vetālapañcavinišatih Śri Jīvānanda Vidyāsāgara-Bhattācāryena Sańkalitā. [The Vetālapuñcarim-šatih a collection of tales by J. Edited by Jīvānanda Vidyāsāgara] pp.91 Calcutta 1873.8°

88A4(2) Simhāsanadvātrimšikā. Šrī Jīvānanda Vidyā-sāgara Bhaltācāry yena sankalitā [A collection of tales edited by Jīvānanda Vidyāsāgarn] pp.130 Calcutta 1881.8°

Press Mark Page 2 Remarks 88A4(3) Kālidāba [Pseucl.?] Puspavān evilāsakāvy am. Makākavi-Kālidāsa-viracitam. [The Puspavānavilāsa, a porm ascribed to K.edited with a commentary by Jivānanda Vidyā Sāgara] pp.56 Calcutta. 1874.8°

88A5 Is’varacandra Vidyāsāgara Rÿupatha or Simple lessons in Sanskrit compiled by Iswarachandra Visyasagara Part B. 1-3. Seventh Edition. [in 1 Vd.] pp.75.99.121 Kalikārā Samvat 1922.8°(Calcutta 1865) 88A6 Nārada The Nārada Pancha Rátra in the Original Sanskrit ed. by K.9N. Banerjea(B.I.)pp.q.371. Calcutta 1866.8°

88A7 Monier. Williams (Monier) Sir. ?? Sanskrit Manual; containing Part I The accidence of grammar…PartII Progressive Exercises [both] by Monier Williams London 1862.12°

88A8(1) Westergaard (9L.L) Sanskrit Laesebog med tilhôrende Ordsamling of N.L.W. pp.214 Kjôbanhavn 1846.8°

Press Mark Page 3 Remarks 88A8(2) Westergaard (N.L.) Kortfattet Sanskrit Formleere af N.L. Westerguard pp.112.

88A9(1) Yates (William) A Sanscrit Vocabulary; containing the Nouns, adjectives verbs, and Indeclinable Particles most frequently occurring in the Sanskrit Language, arranged in grammatical order; with explanations in Bengalee and English by W. Y. pp.xiii.220 Calcutta, 1020.8°

88A9(2) Yatēs (W.) The Sanscrit Readers, or Easy Introduction to the Reading of the Sanscrit Language. In five parts by W.Yates. pp.64 Calcutta 1822.8°

88A10 Pañcatantra Pañcatantiam Śrī Vishnušarmmanā viracitaml šrī Jīvānanda-Vidyāsāgara-Bhattā cāryyena samskrtam prskāšitañca 1. pp.314 Calcutta, 1081.8°

88A11 Hitopadeša. Hitopadešah Śri Visnu š armanā sanKalitah Sri Jivānanda Vidyāsāgara Bhaltācaryena viracitayā vyākhyayā sametah [The Hitopadeša edited with commentary by Jivānanda Vidyāsagara] pp.331. Calcutta, 1881.8° Press Mark Page 4 Remarks 88A12 Schmidt (Johannes) Kleine Sanskrit_Chrestomathic von Johannes Schmidt pp.iv. 116 weimar 1868 8°

88A13 Veda-Rigveda-Samhitā Rigvedae hymni XXI des Indrae dedicati, [Ed. Carl von Morrden] 25pp. No title page s.C.& a.8°

88A14 Brandes (Edvard) Wshas og Ushas hymnerne. I Rigveda. Sn Mytologisk Monografi af Q.B. 11qpp. Københaven 1879.8°

88A15 Tārānātha Tarkavacaspati Gayatri explained by Professor Taranath Tarkavacaspati. Published by Pandit Jibananda Vidyasagara. B.A. Superin-tendent, Free Sanskrit College. Pp.77.3. Calcutta. 1875.8°

88A16 Cānakya De trrcentis Cânakyae Porfae indici sententris Dissertatio inaugwratis philologica, quam… defendct… Johannes Klatt. PP.VI.74, Halis Satonum [1873] 8° [Halle]

Press Mark Page 5 Remarks 88A17 Kālidāsa Rirusanhara a poem by Kulidasa Edited with a commentary by Pandit Jibananda Vidyasagara. Second Edition pp.108. Calcutta 1881.8°

88A18 Bādarāyana Another copy The Aphorisms of the Vedānta Philosophy, by Bádarāyana, with illustrative extracts bound together from the commentary. In Sanskrit & English (By J.R. Ballantyne) pp.51 Mirzapore with other 1851.8° work 7.B.

88A19 Sadānanda A Lectūre on the Vedánta embracing the text of the Vedánta-Sára [of Sadānanda] [Text edited with translation and commentary by J.R. Ballantyne] pp.84 Allahabad, 1850.8° 88A20 9N[uis](John) Šarmmapaddhati_The way of Happiness. Asketch of the true theory of human life. In Sanskrit verse. pp. 6.30. (by J.M.) London. 1841.8°

88A21 Kapila Another copy A Lecture on the Sánkhya Philosophy, embracing the Text of the Tattava Samása 7B (Attributed to Kapila) [The text with trans. & com. by J.R. Ballantyne] pp.65 Mirzapors, 1850.8°

Press Mark Page 6 Remarks 88A22 Jaimini Another copy The Aphorisms of the Mimānsā Philosophy by Jaimini with extracts from the bound together Commentaries. In Sanskrit and English (By J.R.Ballantyne) P.p. 36 Allahabad 1851.8° with other work B.Y.

88A23 Annam Bhatta Another copy Lectures on the Nyáya Philosophy [delivered by J.R. Ballantyne] embracing the text of 45B36 the Tarka Sangraha. pp.59 Allahabad, 1849.8°

88A24 Gautama Another copys The Aphorisms of the Nyáya Philosophy, by Gautama, with illustrative extracts from bound English the com. by Viśwanatha. In Sanskrit and English [by J.R.Ballantyne] pp.56 Allahabad, with other 1850.8° works of J.R.B. 7B

88A25 Kanada The Aphorisms of the Vaiśeshika Philosophy of Kanáda with illustrative extracts from the Sanhard Miśra. [ Sanskrit and English by J.R.Ballantyne] Mirzasson, 1851.8°

Press Mark Page 7 Remarks 88A26 Vidvun – Moda – Jaranginee, or Fountain of Pleasure to the learned Translated into English by Rajah Kallee – Krishna Bahadus Second Edition. The text of the original in deva-nagara letters; and the version with improvements pp. 53 [The author is birainjivin, Pandit of givòra [?] province in Bengal date of composition 1756] Calcutta, 1834.8° 88A27 Pratnavidyālayīya A Dialogue in Sanskrit (with an English version) on the new Nyaya of the Sage Pratna vidyalaliya. Published for the edification of the Pandits of Bendres. pp.5.8. Benares 1849.8°

88A28 ??ahābhārata[Portions] Bhagavadgītā. The Bhagavad Gitā; or a Discourse between Another copy Krishna and arjuna on Divine Matters. A. Sanskrit Philosophical Poem: translated etc. 3B 40 by J bockburn Thomson (CX/X & 155pp.) Herford. 1855.8°

Press Mark Page 8 Remarks 88A29 Mahābhārata [Portions] Bhagavadgītā Another copy Bhagavad-gitā, or the Sacred Lay: a bollogug between Krishna and Arjuna on Divine 3 B 36-9 Matters. An episode from the makā brārata. A new edition of the Sanskrit text, with a vocabulary: by J Cockburn Thomson [pp.xii.92] [Two Copies] Hertford 1855.8°

88A30 Mahābhārata [Portions] Bhagavadgītā etc. Another copy Bhagavadgitāpancaratna jisamem šrīmad-Bhagavadgītā, Vishnusahasvanāma, 3 A 19 Bhīshma-stavarāja, Anusmriti, gajendramoksha etc (The Bhagavadgītā, followed by the Vishnusahasrarāma, Bhishmastavarāja, Anusmrri, gajendramoksha) lith. pp.100, 34,26,22,36 Lucknow 1880.obl.12°

88A31 Mahābhārata [Portions] Nalopakhyāna. Fragment of Nalus Maha Bharati Episvdium. Textus Sanscritus cum interpretatione Latina et another copy annotationibus criticis curante Francisia Bopp. Altera emendata aditio. pp. xv.239 46 C 3?? Beroline, 1032.8°

Press Mark Page 9 Remarks Mahābhārata [Portions] Marsyopakhy ā na cre. Bopp. (T.) Dihnium cum tribus alliis Mahá-Bhárti praestantissimis episodüs Primus ed. Francis-cus Bopp. Fasciculus prior quo continetur textus Sanscritus Berlin. 1829.8°

Jayadeva Le Gita-govinda et le Riton-Sanhara [of Kālidāsa] traduito du Sanscrit en Francais, pour la premiēre fois, par Hippolyte Fauche [Ritu Samhara pp. 123-200] ix.200 Paris, 1850.8°

Dialogues (School) School Dialogues (Sanskrit version) for the use of anglo-vernacular Schools in the Bombay Presidency. pp.31 Bombay, 1865.12°

??āmakrishua Gopāla Bhāndārakara Another copy First Book of Sanscrit, for the use of beginners, being an elementary treatise on 46 A 21 grammar, with exercises. By Ramkrisna Gopal Bhand-arkar. Fifth edition (revised & 4th ed 186 enlarged) pp. xii13Y Bombay, 1871.12° Another copy 46 A 22 60 ed. 1876

Press Mark Page 10 Remarks 88A35 Bible. Old Testament Proverbs Ibūyabhāsāta vyākrtah Sulemanā Sulemanā Likhita Hitopadesoyany Proverbs of Solomon in Sanscrit. Translated from the original Hebrew by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries. Second edition. pp. 96 Calcutta 1846.12°

88A36 Bible Old Testament Psalms Atha Wāyūd rājena Krtāni gitāni Inglandiya Vanga deśāyapanditaik Ivrtyabhāshata vyāllrtāni Sam skritas lokaih prakāśih prakāśyante (The Psalms of David translated from Hebrew into Sanskrit by English and Bengali Scholars) pp. 285 Kalikātānagare La. 1766 Sin 1844 (Calcutta 1844) 12°

88A37 Muir (John) Mataparīksā Bhāratiyaśastravicārātmakah An examination of religions [bring a sketch of urguments for Christianity and against Hinduism] Part I and II (bound in one vol.) Calcutta 1852-54 16°

88A38 Bible New Testament Gospels [The four Gospels in Sanskrit] [No title page] 8°

Press Mark Page 11 Remarks 88A39(1) Kālī Krisna, M ā h ā r ā ja B ā h ā dur The Neeti Sunkhulum, or collection or collection of the Sanskrit Slokas of enlightened Moonies, etc with a translation in English, by Muha Raj Kalee Krishen Bahadur. pp. viii. q1 Serampore, 1831.8° Contains Bānakya, Pañcaratna, Navaratna ??naryashtaka, Vānarāshtaka, Mohamud ??, Santistataka]

88A39(2) Yatēs (w) The Sanskrit Reader; or easy introduction to the reading of the Sanskrit language. By W.Yates. pp.64 Calcutta 1822.8°

88A39(3) ??(Pleasing) Bengale Pleasing Tales; or Stories, designed to improve the understanding, and direct the conduct of young persons. Part I. Manoranjanetihasa etc. [In English and Bengali] 5qpp. Calcutta 1828.8°

88A39(4) ??(Pleasing) Manorañjana itihāsa arthāt bātakan ko jñāna dāyaka awra nīti śikhānekā upākhyana, Pleasing Tales; or Stories designed to improve the understanding, and direct the conduct of young persons. Translated into Hindia by Rev. M.T. Adam 29PP Calcutta 1827.8°

Press Mark Page 12 Remarks 88A39(5) Nītikathā, Hindustani ? Moral Tales (Neeticutha, PartII) for the use of schools. In the Khuree Bolee Dialect of the Hindoo-stanee. Nītikathā, dūsarā Khanda 1 etc. 34pp Calcutta 1882.8°

88A40 Ballantyne (James R.) The Bible for the Pandits [Specimen Tasciculus] The first three Chapters of Genesis diffusely and unreservedly commented in Sanskrit and English by James R.Ballantyne pp.cxv.97.ix London and Benases 1860.8°

88A41 Bible New Testament, Sanskrit The New Testament of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ in Sanskrit. Translated from the Greek by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries, with native assistants. Third edition. pp. 666 Calcutta, 1886.8° Press Mark Page 13 Remarks 88B? Wilson (H.H.) Another copy An introduction to the grammar of the Sanskrit language for the use of early students. of 13th edition By H.H. Wilson [pp.xi.44] London, 1841.8° 1 B 11 Another copy second edition pp.xii 499 London 1847.8° Another of the second edition 1 B 12

88B? Monier – Williams (Monier) Sir A practical grammar of the Sanskrit languaged arranged with reference to the classical language of Europe for the use of English students. By M.W. 2rd Edition pp.iv369 Oxford 1857.8°

88B? Benfey (Theodor) A practical grammar of the Sanskrit language for the use of early students by Th B. 2rd ed. carefully revised and corrected pp.iv. 259 London 1868.8°

88B? Delbrück (B) Another copy Das altindische Verbum aus den Hymnem des Rigveda Seinem Baue nach 88 B 5 dar = gestellt von B.Delbrück [pp.viii 248] Halle 1874.8°

Press Mark Page 14 Remarks 88B6 Yates (William) Another copy A grammar of the Sanskrit language, on a new plan by W.Y. [pp.xxviii.427] Calcutta 1 C 19 1820 8°

88B7 Kālidāsa [Sruta bodha] Sroutabodha traitē de prosodie Sanscrite, composē par Kâlidâsa, public et traduit par Ed. Lancereau pp.35 Paris 1855.8°

88B8 Veda –Rigveda-Pratiśākhya Another copy Etudes sur la grammaire Vedique Prâticâkhya du Rig-Veda. Par ad. Regnier. 3 Parts 46 A (extract du Journal asiatique) pp.315.145.299. Paris, 1857-1859.8°

88B9 Müller (T.Max) 2 other copies A history of ancient Sanskrit literature as fas as it illustrates the primitive religion of 1 C 127 the Brahmans. By Mat Müller. pp.xix, 607 London, 1859.8°

88B10 Amarasimha Kosha or Dictionary of the Sunyskrita Language by Umwra Smgha.With an English interpretation and annotations. By H.T. Colebrooke 2nd Ed. pp.xviii. 403.203 Serampore 1825.8°

Press Mark Page 15 Remarks Viśvanātha Kavirāja Another copy The Sāhitya-darpana or Mirror of Composition a treatise on literary creticism, by 6734 with V.K….the text revised….by D-Roer. pp. viii 16.3. [Bibb.2nd.vdx] Calcutta 1851.8° translation Another copy 6 B 5 without translation

Haeberlin (John) Other copies Kayya-Sangraha. A Sanscrit Anthology, being a collection of the best smaller poems in 46 D 44; the Sanscrit language. By John Hacberlin pp.532 Calcutta 1847.8° 5 C 27

Cherny (A.L.) Another Copy Théorie du Sloka, on Metre héroique Sans-Krit. Pan A.L. Chéng. pp.viii.22 Paris, 6 A 45 1827.8°

Kāmandaki The Nitisára, or the Elements of Polity. By Kāmandaki, with a Com.compiled and ed. by Pandita Rámanārāyana Tidyāratna, Jaganmohana Tarkālan Kára, and Kámákhyá nátha Tarkabágisaithe text Rájendralóla Mitra (B.I) [pp. 7.396] Calcutta 1861-1884.8° D 75 Another copy with commentary 88 B 14 contains text only.

Press Mark Page 16 Remarks Dandin Another copy The Kávyādarśa of Sri Dandin, edited, with a commentary. By Pandita Prmachandra 6 C 10 Tarkabágiśa (Bibl.Indica) pp.10.448, Calcutta 1863.8°

Śukra Sukranisārah, śrimat Sukrācāryyavivacitdhi:etc [The Śukranitisārah, attributed to Sukrācāzya edited with a commentary, by Jīvānanda Vidyā sāgara Bhattācārya pp.4,562 Kalikāta rājadhā nyām i.1882 (Calcutta 1882) 8°

Muir (J) Original Sanskrit texts on the origin and history of the people of India, their religion and institutions. Collected, tr. into English and illustrated by Remarks by J.M with an Index by G.B. 5 parts [125ed. incomplete] 2 a 14[another copy of part 2] 2 a 15[another copy of part 3] 2 a 16[another copy of part 3] 2 a 17[another copy of part iv] 2 a 10 18[another copy]

London 1058185 8-62.8° [Part I. differs slightly in title from succeeding part]

Press Mark Page 17 Remarks Grassmann (Hermann) Another copy Wörter buch zum Rig-Veda. Von Hermann Grassmaun. [pp.viii.1775] Leipzig 1873.8° 2 C 22

??ohtlingk(Otto) Another copy Indische Sprüche. Sanskrit und Deutsch herausg. Von Otto Böhtlingk. 1_3. Theil in 2 5 D 33 Vols. pp.x.334, vi.371, vii, 410. St Petersburg 1863_65.8°

??ahābhārata. [Portions] Bhagavadgītā. Another copy Bhagavad-Gita idest Өε6πέ610v(Tagspesionm ? 10s)…, Sivi Almi Krishnae et Arjunae 3 D 1 colloquim de rebus divinis, Bharatae episodium. Textum rec. adnotst, criticas et inter pretationem latinamadjecit August Gui a Schlegel [pp.xxvi.190] Bonn 1823.8°

Press Mark Page 18 Remarks Manu Another copy 6 B 19 Lois de Manou, publiées eu Sanscrit, avec des Notes contenaut un choit de xvi.576 varianteo et de scholies, par Auguste Loiseleur Des-longchampes. pp.XVI. 576.8[bound in 2 vols] Paris 1830.8°

Manu Another copy 6 B 17 Menu Sanhita: The Institutes of Menu with the com. of Kullūka Bhatta. & 18 in 2 Vols Published under the authority of the Committee of Public Instruction [2 Vols, in Another copy 45 B 1] pp.598.525 Calcutta 1830.8° 21 with MS. Notēs by S.M.Monier-Williams 2 vols in 1

Vālmīki Another copy 4 B 1-3 Ramayana id est Carmen Epicum de Ramae rebus gestis poetae antiquissimi Vol I Part I; Vol. I Pt. Valmicis opus. Textum codd. MSS. collators receut??(Latin), interpreta-tionem II; Vol:II Pt. I Bonn latinam et annotationes criticas adjecit Augustus guilelmius a Schlegel [The 3 1829-38.8° Parts in 2 vols. text in Vol. 1 trans. separately in vol.2] Bonn. 1846.8°

Gautama Srī Gautama Dharmašāstram. The Institutes of Gautama. Edited with an index of words by Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. pp. iv. 78. London 1876.8°

Press Mark Page 19 Remarks Jagannāthā Le Bhâmini – Vilâsa. Recueil de sentences du Pandit Djagannâtha. Texte Sanscrit publié pour la première fois en entier auec une tvaduction en francais et des notes par abel Beryaigne pp.x.124.64 Paris 1872.8º

Kālidāsa Oeuvres complètes de Kalidasa tradutes du Sanscrit en Francais pour la première fois par Hippolyh Fauche Tome I-II. pp.iv.482, xxxi.438 [containing translation of Vikramorvaśī, Samgāratilaka, Raghuvamśa, meghaduta, Ritusamhāra, Sakuntalā, Kumārasambhava, Sruta-bodha, Nalodaya] Paris 1859-60 8°

Kālidasa. [Raghuvamśa] Two other The Rayhu Vansa, or Race of Raghu, a Historical Poem by Kalidasa. With a prose copies 5 D 26- interpretation of the text, by Pandits of the Sanscrit College of Calcutta [pp.,638] 27 Calcutta 1832 8º Press Mark Page 20 Remarks 88 C 14 Kālidāsa 3 other copies Sukuntald; or Sakuntalá recognized by the Ring, Sanskrit Drama, in Seven acts, by 6 D 26,7 ?? Kāladisa; the Dīvanāgarī Recension of the Text, now for the first time ed. in England, with literial English Translations of all the Metrical passages, schemes of the metres, & notes critical & explanatory By Monier Williams pp.xiv. 316 Hertford. 1853.8º

88 C 15- Kalidasa [Vikramorvaśi] Another copy 16 Vikramorvaśi, and Indian Drama; Tr. into English Prose from the Sanskrit of Kālidāsa, 6 A 8 by Edward Byles Cowell pp.vii.110 Hertford, 1851.8º

88 C 16 [Another Copy]

88 C 17 Kālidāsa [Vikramorvasāī] Another copy Vikramorvasi, or Vikrama & Urvasi, a Drama by Kālidāsa. With a Com. explanatory 45 a 83(2) of the Peākrit Passages pp.122 Calcutta 1830.8ºdsf Another 6 A 4(1)

Press Mark Page 21 Remarks Hitopadeša Skt, Bengali & English Another copy The Hitopadesha: A Collection of Fables and Tales in Sanscrit by Vishnusarmā. With 5 ?? 77 the Bengali & the English translations Revised Edited by Lakshami Narayan [pp.2.514. 4. Nyálankar [ pp.8.514.4.3] Calcutto 1830.8º 3]

Somadeva. Another copy Katha Sarit Sagara. DieMährchen-sammlung des Sri Somadeva Bhatta aus Kaschmie. 5 C 51 Eastes his fünftes Buch. Sanskrit und Deutsch herausg. von Hermann Brockhauo [pp. Trans. Only xiv. 471159] Text & Translation, Leipzig & Paris 1839.8º pp.xiv.476

Nēve (T) Etudes sur les Hymnes du Riy Veda avec un choir d’ hymnes traduits pour la premiere fois en francais, par M.T.N.pp.viii.120 Paris, 1842.8º

Nēve (T) Essai Sur le mythe des Ribhavao premier vestige de l’apohaēose dans le Veda, avec le uste Sanscrit et la traduction francaise des hymnes adresse’s ā ces divinities, Part. M pp.xvi.479 Paris, 1847.8º

Press Mark Page 22 Remarks Nēve (Tēlit) Le Bouddisme, von fondateur ses écritures, part. 91.pp55 Paris 1853.8º

Nēve (Telit) Another copy Les Powrânas. Etudes sur les derniers monuments de la litterature. Sanscite part. Nēve. 46 B 48 pp.55 [bound with other works] Paris, 1852.8º

Aranyakas Aitareya Âranyaka Two other Rājendra lā Par Mitra Aitareya Aranyaka, with the Com. of Sayana Achārya Ed. by copies 3 B 9- Rājendralála Mitra (B.I) pp. 479 [with Editor’s introduction pp.22 bound in between 10 without chapters 4 & 5] Calcutta 1876.8º editors introduction

Upanisads. Taittirīya upanisads Another copy The Taittaríya and Aittaréya Wpanishads, with the Commentary of Sankara Aćhárya, 3 B 13 & the gloss of Ananda Giri, and the Swéta’s watara Upanishad with the Com. of Sankara Aćhárya, ed. by E. Roer. (B.I) [pp.xi.378] Calcutta 1850.8º

Press Mark Page 23 Remarks ?? D 2 Veda Rigveda-Samhitā Another Copy Die Hymnendes Rigveda. Herausg. von Th.Aufrecht.I.Theil. Mandala I-VI II. Theil. 9 D?? Mandala VII-X=Ind. Stud VI & VII. [bound in 2 vols. vol. I pp.462 vol.2.pp.ix. 478] Berlin 1861-63.8º

?? D 3-4 Veda. Rigveda – Samhitā The Hymns of the Rig-Veda in the Samhita and Pada Texts reprintēd from the Edition Prinsips by T.Max Müller Second Edition, with the two Texts on Parallel Pages 2 vols pp viii 430,414 London 1877.8º

?? D 5-9 Veda Rigveda Samhitā Rig-veda-Sanhitā. A collecdtion of ancient Hindu hymns constituting the first [second, third & fourth, fifth, sixth & part of the seventh, part of the seventh & the eighth] ashtaka, or Book of the Rigveda… Trans from the original Sanskrit by H.H.Wilson. Vols. I-vi [ Vol.iv.edited by E.B.Cowell Fifh Vol. by E.B. Cowell and W.T Webster, Vol;vi by W.T. Webster] 88D.5-9 [Contains vol.I.IV & VI London, 1850-88.8º 46 B 1-6 [Contains the whole] 2 B 15-18 [… vols I-IV]

Press Mark Page 24 Remarks 88D10-19 Mahābhāratā [French] Another copy Le Maha_Bharata-poēme ípique de Krishna-Davipayana plus communément appelé 3 C 1-10 Véda Vyasa, traduit complètement pour la première fois du sanscrit enfrancais par Hippolyte Fauche. 10 vols. Paris & Londres 1863.70.8º

Wilkins (Charles) Another Copy A grammar of the Sanskrita Language by Charles Wilkins [pp.xx.662] London, 1808 1 E 12 4º

Westergaard (N.L.) Two more Radices Linguae Sanscritae ad decreta gram-maticorum definivit atque copia copies exemplorum exquisitiorum illustravit N.L.Westergaard [pp.xiii.379] Bonn, 1841.8º 1D 13+14 ??8 E 3 [Another copy, fasc I only pp.104]

Press Mark Page 25 Remarks Veda-Rig-veda. Samhita (French) Rig-Véda. Traduction de a. Langcois. (Bibliohīque, internationale universelle. Monde ancien. Civilisation orientale I Poēsie Lyrique. Inde) Pario, 1870.8º

Veda Sāmaveda-Samhitā Sāmavedārcikam, ubersctst und mit glossar verschen von Theodor Benfey pp. LXvi. Leipzig, 1848.8º

Vēda Sāmaveda-Samhitā Another copy 2 Sanhitā of the Sāma Veda. From MSS. Prepared for the Press by J.Stevenson, and C 1 printed under the supervision of H.H. Wilson [pp.v.186] London, 1843 8º Sušruta Another copy 7 The Sushruta or System of Medicine, taught by Dhanwantari, and composed by his C 2 Vols in one disciple Sushruta. 2 vols. Ed. by Shrī Madhusúdane Gupta [In two Vols. with title page of Vol.I slightly differing in print] Calcutta 1835-38.8º

Mahābhārata [Portions] Another copy 46 Selections from the Mahābhārata. Edited by Francis Johnson. pp.xiii, 265 London D 1 with MS 1842.8º notes by S.M Monier-Williams Another copy 3 to 18

Press Mark Page 26 Remarks 88E10 Saint-Martin (Vivien de) 25 A Another Elūde sur la gēographie et les populations primitives du Nord onest de l’ Inde d’aprēs copy les hymnes Vēdiques, précēdēe d’un apercu de l’ stat actual des etudes sur l’Inde ancienne par M.Vivien de Saint Martin pp.LXVIII 205 Paris, 1860.8º

88E11 Purāna: Padmapurāna De nonnullis Padma-Purani capitibus. Scriptis in augurallis quam…defendit… antonius Edmundus wollheim [latin translation tannotations of passages in Vidyopudeča, Sudaršanādimāhāt-myam, wrdhrapundru-dhār auam, matysāvatāra; complete text & Latin translation of Nrsimhapradur-bhāva] pp.39 Berlin 1831.4º

Kāšīnātha Panduranga Paraba Subhâshita-Ratna-Bhândâgâram or gems of Sanskrit Poetry, being a collection of witty, epigrammatie, instructive and descriptive vesses. Selected and arranged by Kâšînâtha Pândur-anga Paraba pp.8.450 Bombay 1880.8º

Press Mark Page 27 Remarks Bhatti Another copy Bhatti Kavya; a Poem on the actions of Rama. With the commentaries of Jaya-mangala 5 D 23-24 and Bhara-tamallika. Published for the use of the Sanscrit College. 2 Vols. [I.pp847 II pp 513] Calcutta 1828.8º

Bhartuhari 5E 12-13 Bhartrihare ‘s Sententiae et carmen quod chauri nomine circumfertur eroticum. A cod M&tt. Fidem ed. latine vertit et comm. Instruitit Petrus a Bohlen [The Cawrapañ cāšikā with ganapati’s Tīkā][pp.xxix 250][Two copies] 5E12-13 Berlin 1833.4º

Jayadeva Another copy Gita Govinda Jayadevae Poetae Indici Drama Lyricum. Textum…recognovit, schoha, 5 E 11 selecta, annotationem lutinam adjecit Christianus Lassen [pp.xxxviii 143] Bonn 1836.4º

Kālidāsa [Meghadūta] Another copy The Megha Dúta or Cloud Messenger: A Poem in the Sanskrit Language, by Kālidāsa. 5 E 10 Tr. into English Verse by H.H. Wilson. 2nd Ed [] London 1843.4º

Press Mark Page 28 Remarks ?? 8 Hitopadeša Another copy Hitopadeśa. The Sanskrit Text, with a grammatical Analysis, alphabetically arranged. 5 E ?? By Francis Johnson [pp.xvii.] [Two copies] London & Hertford 1847.4º

?? 9 Hitopadeśa Another copy Hitopadeśa, or Salutary counsels of Vishnu Śarman in a series of connected Frables, 5 E 189?? interspersed with Moral, Prudential & Political Matims, translated literally from the Original into English By Francis Johnson. [ pp.viii.121] London & Hertford 1848.4º

??0 Nārāyana Bhatta Venîsamhâra: die Ehrenrettung der Königin. Ein Drama in 6 Akten von Bhatta. Nārâyana tritisch mit Einbitung und Noten herausgegeben von Julius Grill. Leipzig, 1871.4º

Bhavabhūti The Mahá Víra Charita or the history of Ráma, a sanskrit play, by Bháttá Bhavabhúti. Edited by Francis Henry Trithen. pp.iv. 138 London, 1848.8º

Press Mark Page 29 Remarks Dandin Two other The Daśa Kumára Charita, or Adventures of Ten Princes. A Series of Tales, in the copies 5 D 41- Original Sanscrit. By Srí Dândi. Ed. by H.H. Wilson [pp.31.203] London 1846.8º 5 Pañcatantra Another copy Pantschatantium give quinquepartitum de moribus exponens ex codd. MSS. ed… To of Part I 5 E godofr. Ludoo Kosegarten. Pars prima textum Sanscritum simpliciorem tanens. Pars 22 secunda Textum Sanscritum ornatiovemtenens Particula prima (2 vols) Bonn & Griefswald 1848-59

Iś vara Krisna The Sánkhya Kárikā, or memorial verses on the sánkhya philosophy, translated from the Sanscrit by Henry Thomas Colebrooke also the Bhárhya or commentary of gawrapáda translated & illustrated by an original comment by Horace Hayman Wilson [Followed by an edition of the Sanskrit text and commentary] pp.xiv,194, 48, 6 (C.T.Fund) Oxford 1837.4º

Press Mark Page 30 Remarks F 1-4 Bohtlingh (Ctts) und R.Roth Another copy Sanskrit Wörterbuch herausg von der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften, bearbeitet 27 T von Otto Böhtlingk und Rudolph Roth. Seven Parts bound in 4 vols St. Petersburg, 1855-75.4º

?? 5 Wilson (H.H) Another copy A Dictionary in Sanscrit & English : Tr., amended and enlarged from an original 2-6 compilation, prepared by learned Natives for the College of Fort William. By H.H. Wilson. 2nd ed., greatly extended [pp.x.982] Calcutta, 1832.4º

Monier-Williams (Monier) Sir 3 other copies A Dictionary, English and Sanskrit, by Monier Williams. ppxii.860 London, 1851.4º 1 E 3-5

Purānas Garuda-Purāna Another copy Garudapurāna Rāmacandra suta Pandita Gaurīsankara Vaidya Krta bhāshā tīkā sahita 4 T 10 [The garuda-Surāna, with a Hindi gaurišanKara Vaidya] fol.288.lith (L.S.L) Lucknow 1879-?? 4º

Press Mark Page 31 Remarks Kālidāsa [Kumāraeambhava] Another copy Kumāra sambhava Kālidásoe, Carmen Sanskrite et Latine edit Adolplus Fride-ricus 5 E 5 Stenzler. (?? Fund) ppiv. 139 Berlin & London, 1838.4º

Āryabhata Another copy The Áryabhatîya, a manual of astronomy, with the Commentary Bhatadîpikâ of 7?? Paramâdîc vara, ed, by H.Kern. pp.xii.107 Leipzig, 1874.4º

Kālidāsa The Mégha Dúta or Cloud Messenger. A Poem in the Sanscrit Language by Cálidása translated into English verse with notes and Illustrations, by Horace Hayman Wilson. pp.xii.122 [First Edition] Calcutta 1813.4º

Colebrooke (H.T) Another Copy Grammar of the Sanscrit Language. By H.T. Colebrooks. Vol.I pp.xxii.373 Calcutta 89 F I 1805??

Press Mark Page 32 Remarks 88F12(1-2) Kālidāsa La Reconnaissance de Sacountala, drame Sanscrit et Pracrit de Calidasa, publié pour la premiére fois, en original, sur un MS. Unique de la bibliothīque du roi, accompayné d’une traduction francaise, de notes plulolgiques, critiques et littéradies et suivid’un Appendix Par A.L. Chéng. pp.xxxi,286.268.100 [in dudes Sakuntalopākhyānam] Paris 1830.4º

F13 Purānas Vishnu-Purāna 2 other copies The Vishnu-Purāna, a System of Hindu Mythology and Tradition, translated from the 47 6-8 original Sanscrit illustrated by notes derived chiefly from other Puráńas. By H.H. Wilson [ppxcii.704] [3 copies] London 1840.4º

Press Mark Page 33 Remarks Alsop Another copy The Fables of alsop al-hakim, translated into the Pusht or ofghān language by Major 14 A 2 H.S. Raverty. Pp,.viii 243 London & Calcutta 1871.8?>º

Raverty (Henry George) Another copy The Pushto Manual. Comprising a concise grammar; exercises & dialogues, familiar 14 A 13,14 phrases, proverbs, and vocabulary pp.257 London 1880.12 Bible New Testament New Testament in Hindustani pp.532 Bombay (º) 1840.8º

Hindustani Reader Hindoostanee Reader. Vol. I Being a selection of easy sentences and moral and entertaining and anecdotes pp.308 Calcutta, 1834.8º

Fables Fables in Ordoo for the use of Schools, sixth edition. pp.27 Calcutta 1837.12º

New Testament, Punjabi [The Gospel according to S.Luke] pp.158 [Ludhiana] 1860.12º

Press Mark Page 34 Remarks 89 A 7 Bible New Testament Panjabi [The Gospel of S.Matthew] pp.119 [no Title page] oble.

89 A 8 Bible New Testament Gospels Panjabi [The Gospel according to S.Mark] pp.120 Ludhiana 1874.8º

88 A 9 Forbes (Duncan) The Hindūstāni Manual A New Edition pp.X.156 London 1850.16º

88 A 10 Vākyāvali Vākyāvali. The Student’s assistant; or Idiomatical Exercises in English and Hindui pp.193 Calcutta 1838.12º

88 A 11(1) Stewart ( ) Captain Hindi & English Upadešakathā Stewart’s Historical Anecdores with a sketch of the history of England an her connection with India. Translated by W.T.Adam Anglo-Hindunee [with selections from Stretch’s “Beauties of History” & other Sources] pp.91 Calcutta 1835.8º Press Mark Page 35 Remarks ??(2) Idiomatical Exercises English and Hindustani The English and Hindustha ni Student’s assistant or Idiomatical Exercises in those languages designed to assist students of either language in acquiring an easy and correct made of expression In Four Parts. Pt. Illustration of Nouns pp.81 Calcutta 1834.8

Gauramohana Vidyâlamkāra A choice collection of Sanscrit complets with a translation in Bengalee. Karitomrta Kūpa (&c) pp.88 Calcutta 1826.8º

Aesop An interlinear translation of the Fables of Aesop into the Bengalee Language intended to facilitate the acquisition of English by the natives of Bengal. In Four Parts Pt.I. pp.36 Serampore 1834.8º

Ballantyne (James R) Elements of Hindi & Braj Bhâkhâ grammar by the late James R. Ballantyne Second edition. pp.38. London 1868.8º

Press Mark Page 36 Remarks ?? Hindi Reader 13,14,15 89 A 13 Eisubodhaka Hindui Reader Vol. I. Being a selection of easy sentences and moral and enter-taining anecdotēs pp.174 Calcutta 1837.12º

89A14 Sísyabodhaka. Hindui Reader vol. II. Being a translation of Aesop’s Fables or NIII of the English Reader pp.191 1837.12º

89 A 15 Sísyabodhaka. Hinduí Reader vol III Being a collection of all the stories moral & entertaining in the Khirad Afroz. pp.237

?? 16 Râvakrisna Rāva. A Polyglot Interlinear by Rai Krishna Rāu, with a memoir of the compiler pp.xvii. 132 [English, Hindi, Marathi & Persian] [Calcutta] 1834.12º ?? 17 Hindi Primer Hindui Primer Bālakon Ke liye, Pvathama šiksāpustaka pp.12 Calcutta 1839.12º

?? 18 Adam (M.T.)Rev. Prabhu, isā. A comment on the Lord’s Prayer by M.T. adam. pp.24 Calcutta 1829.13º

Press Mark Page 37 Remarks Tales (Pleasing) Manovañjana itihāsa / arthāt Cālakan Kojñtua dāyaka aura nīti sikhānekā upākhyāna . Pleasing titles or Stories designed to improve the understanding & direct the conduct of young persons translatēd into Hinduwi by Rev.M.T. Adam pp.61 Calcutta 1835.12º

Bible New Testament 14 A 6 Navína Sthāpanā. The New Testament translated out of the original Greek into the Another copy Gujarate language. pp.703 Swrat 1857.12º

Proverbs The Gujiratī Proverbs gujarāti Kehe vatonī chopadi (etc) pp.106 Bombay 1868.12º

Instruction (Pleasing) Manorañjaka gostī, pleasing Instruction (Moral stories. The Ayah & Lady. Instructive stories for children. The village school. Summary of Scripture Doctrines. Jpp.320. Bombay Tract and Book Society. Bombay 1851.12º

Press Mark Page 38 Remarks 89 A 23/6 Bible New Testament [Portions] Marāthi [The Epistle to the Herbrews. 2. The Epistle of James 3 Epistles I II of Peter. 4 Epistles I II III of John. 5 the Epistle of Jude. 6 the Book of Revelation. In Marathi pp.26,10,16,13,46] [No Title Page] 8º

89 A 24 Pearson (J.D) A school Dictionary, English & Bengalee designed chiefly for the use of Native Stūdents, Pāthašālāra upaRārākhe ingrājī o bāngālā bhāsāte racita abhidkānu By J.D.Pearson pp.316 Calcutte 1839.8º

89 A 25- English Instructor Bengali & English 26 89 A 25 The English Instructor No. I. In English & Bengali containing English Sentences with a literal and face interlinear version pp.35 Calcutta 1838.12º 89 A 26 Do-do-No.II…Ingrájí bhá shár dwitíye shikhyádáyak pp.79 Calcutta 1834.12º

89 A 27 Childs’ First Reading Book The child’s First Reading Book containing short& easy lessons on Scriptural Subjects Bāla Kera prathama pa d i Oāra Oahi [etc] pp.28 Calcutta 1828.12º

Press Mark Page 39 Remarks Bengali Letter-writer The Bengalee Letter-writer. Third ed. Patrera dhārā [etc] pp.88 Serampore. 1830.12º

Jagannārāyana Mukhopādhyāya Nūtana abhidhāna Sri Jagannarāyana mukho pādhyūya Kartraka…prustutikrita pp.435 Calcutta 1838 (?) 8 1245 Bengali year

Murray (-) Murray’s English spelling-book with Reading Lessons trans.into the Bengali Language for the use of schools. In three Parts-PartI pp.51. Calcutta, 1838.12º

Keith (I) Rev. A grammar of the Bengalee Language, adapted to the young in Easy questions & answers. By the Rev. J.Keith.Second Edition…Vanga Ohāsār vyā-Karana.pp.62 Calcutta, 1834.12º

Săbdamālā Bengali Sabdamālā-Evin varmavinyāsa c nānā pāthaynk-tā. bāngālā pathaš_ālār_hitartha Samgrahīta [An Elementary reading book in Bengali for use in schools] – Second Edition. pp.26 Calcutta, 1837.12º

Press Mark Page 40 Remarks 89 A 30(4) Ward (William) Missionary (B.M. Cat) Bengali Memoir of Pitāmbar Singh, a native Christian Pītāmbara Sinhesa carita [followed by a hymn] [No.4 Miscellaneous series of Calculta Christian Tract & Book Society] 2nd Edition pp.12 Calcutta 1837.12º

89 A 30(5) Pearce (W.H.) (B.M.Cat) Satya āšraya [The true Refuge. a Christian Tract] pp.18 [No title page] 12º

89 A 31 Bible Old Testament Psalms Bēngali Dāudera gīta, The Psalms of David translated into the Bengálí language from the original Hebrew pp.255 Calcutta 1838.12º

89 A 32 Daniel Bengali & English The life of Daniel, the Prophet of God, with a Bengali Translation by the Rev.W.M. Morton of the London Missionary Society. Daniela mūnvia caritra. pp.iv 346 Calcutta 1837.12º

89 A 33 Long (James) (B.M.Cat) Two Thousand Bengali Proverbs, illustrating native life & feeling, Pravādamālā. Vangadĕsya vividha janapada vyavahāra mūlaka. pp.138 [by James Long] [For ¢t. two of this work see following card] Calcutta 1869.12º

Press Mark Page 41 Remarks ??ong (James) Rev. Bengali Proverbs of Europe & Asia translated into the Bengali language [by Rangalāta Banjerjen] [Pt. II Pravādamālā] pp.96 Calcutta 1869.12º

Rāmakamala Lena Hitopadesa…Fables in Bengale Language Prepared by Baboo Ram-Komul Sen and the Serampore Native School Institution. pp.ix. 249 Serampore, 1820.12º

Pyārīcānd Mitra, called Tekcānd Thākura Ālāler gharer dulāl [A tale of domestic life in Another copy Bengali] pp.8,180 Calcutta, 1857.12º 44 A 81

Vālmīki The Ramayun translated into Bengallu [verse] by Krittee-Bas. 2nd ed. [On two vols. Each has separate title page & payination escept II III which are continuous] Serampore 1830-348º Idiomatic Sentences Panjabi & English Idiomatic Sentences in English and Panjabi pp.130 iv Ludhana 1846.12º

Press Mark Page 42 Remarks ?? A 40 Cutter (H.B.L) Mrs Vocabulary & Phrases in English & ásámese by Mrs H.B.L. Butter pp.251 Saipur 1840.12º

?? A 41 Introductory Lessons, Griya Introductory lessons in Griya pp.16 [No title page] 8º

?? A 42(1) Introductory Lessons Introductory Lessons in Griya for the use of schools 3rd ed. improved pp.24 Calcutta 1838 12º

?? A 42(2) Nītikathā (3) Neeti Cotha or Fables in the Oriya Language for the use of Schools pp.46 Calcutta 1832.12º ??0_do_ 2nd ed. pp.36 Calcutta 1838.12º

?? A 42(4) Nītikathā Nitikathá. Páthashálára nimante uriyá bhásháre. Tales for the use of Schools, in the Griyā language. In Roman Character [No little-page] 12º

Niller (W.) Rev An English Dictionary especially adapted to the use of European & native students and schools. By W.Miller pp.339 buttack, 1837.8º

Press Mark Page 43 Remarks Bible Old Testament The Psalms of David, translated into the Oriya Language by the Serampore missionaries pp.254 Serampore 1833.8º

Perevia [John] History of the British Empire. Translated into Siñghalese [Bretannia agarajyeti Kathānturaya] [By John Pereira] pp.388 Colombo, 1852-12º Perevia (John) The History of Ceylon from the earliest period to the present time. By John Pereira [Heladiv Rajaniya] pp.331 Colombo, 1853.12º

Garrett (T) Rev. A First History of England. Edited by Rev.T.Garrett. Engalantaye Kathāntraya pp.66 Kandg, 1858.12º

Siñhalese Reader A48(1) Sinhalese First Book. Twenty second Edition. Sin hala palamuveni pādam pota. pp.24 Colombo 1874.12º A 48(2) – 2nd book 7th ed (revised) Deveni / Pādampota. Colombo 1874.12º A48(3) – 3rd book 8th ed (Revised) Tatveni padampota Colombo 1875.12º A48(4) – 4th book 3rd ed Hatara venipādam-pota Colomba 1864.12º

Press Mark Page 44 Remarks 89A49(1-2) Singhalese Reading Book Sinhalese Reading book P&I.Bālaprabōdhanaya pp.36 Colombo 1861.12º Pt.II.p.113 Colombo 1852.12º

89A50(1-2) Singhalese Spelling Book 89 A 50(1) A Singhalese Spelling Book accompanied by a progressive series of Easy & Familiar lessons. Intended as an introduction to the Reading & Spelling of the Singhalese Language In Four Part (Part I)pp.36. Cotta 1832.12º 89 A 50(2) – Part II. pp.48 Cotta 1837.12º

??-52 History of Ceylon 89 A 51 History of Ceylon. Third Edition. Langtrāvē Kath. –antaraya pp.91 89 A 52 [Another copy] Colombo 1870.12º

Geography A short treatise on Geography in English and Singhalese for the use of Schools….Prathsivišāstrays sutharprakaranayakya pp.47 Cotta. 1837.12º

Pattiyavākya Pattyavâkya or Nîti śastra. Moral Maxims extracted from the writings of oriental Philosophers corrected paraphrased & translated into English. Published by A.D.A.Arjayasinka [Sanskrit, Sinhalese & English] Colombo 1881.12º

Press Mark Page 45 Remarks Mendis Senārāyaka (aletander) Athethawakya deepaniya or a collection of Sinkalese Proverbs Matims, Fables & C. Compiled & translated into English by Alexander Mendis [Senanayaka aratehy. Attīta vākya dīpaivya etc Sinhalese & English] pp.ii.ii.84 Colombo 12º

Reading Book Singhalese and English Reading Book Part I. Bālapra-bodhanga pp.96. Colombo 1847.12º

Alagiy avanna Mukaveti Lubhasita Alagiewanna Mukewetta. Para-phrased by R.W.Dias. 2nd ed. pp.42 [Subhāsitaya] Colombo 1859.12º

Trimmer(Mrs) Lessons extracted from the Teacher’s assistant by Mrs Trimmer. Part I. pp.119 Collta 1835.12º

Sinhalese & English Vocabulary A Romanized-Singhalese & English Vocabulary with a large collection of common phrases and short sentences: & some specimens of translations pp.116 Cotta 1836.12º

Press Mark Page 46 Remarks 89 A 60 Awis (C) Rev The Romanized Handbook of Singhalese Conversation containing a brief notice of the grammatical principles familiar phrases; & copious vocabulary of English and Singhalese, Singhalese & English By C.Alwis pp.ix. 114 Cotta 1857.12

89A61 Singhalese made Easy Singhalese made easy or Phrase-Book of Colloquial Singhalese in Roman and Singhalese characters containing more than one thousand sentences formed from one hundred words Second Edition pp.96 Colombo 1869.12º

89A62 Callaway (John) Rev. A Vocabulary in Cingalese and English; with a series of familiar phrases. By John Callaway Second Edition pp.44 Colombo, 1820.4º

89A63 Callaway (John) Rev. Hints on the Cingalese and English Languages (The introduction to J.Callaway’s Dictionary) pp.12 [No title page] 16º

Vocabulary A vocabulary & help to conversation in the English & Linghalese Languages [Ingrīsi saha smhala-Kathā-Kirtmata upakaravi & c] pp.32 Colombo 1866.16º

Press Mark Page 47 Remarks Calaway(John) Rev. A Cingalese Spelling, with the words explained in English. By J.Callaway. pp.59 Colombo; 1825.16º

Siñhalese Arithmetic A Singhalese Arithemetic for the use of the Native Schools belonging to the Church Missionary Society [Sinhalen Sandapu Ganita Sastraya de] pp.48 Cotta. 1839.12º

Bible New Testament Sinhalese The New Testament of Gur Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated into Singhalese pp.392 [Yēsus Kristusvahnsēgē alut givisumaya] Colombo 1868.12º

Bunyan (John) Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress with notes, selected chiefly from Scott, Mason & Cheever: & a life of the author [In Siñhalese] pp 248[Kristiyāni vandankārayā gamana] Colombo, 1867.12º

Bible Old Testament Siñhalese The Holy Bible Translated into Singalese. The Psalms & Proverbs. pp.236 Colombo 1855.12º

Press Mark Page 48 Remarks 89A70 Liturgies The Book of Common Prayer & administration of the Sacraments & other rites and ceremonies of the church…together with the Psalter or Psalms of David. Translated into Singhalese by S.W. Dias. pp.4.33 Colombo. 1866.12º

89A71 Hardy (R.Spence) First lessons in the acquirement of English words: by R.Spence Hardy. English & Singhalese [in 4 Parts. Each part pp.12] Colombo[ ] 8º

89A72 Bible. New Testament The New Testament of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ Translated into Singhalese. Part II containing the Epistles and Revelations [Gela.vunkāra svāmirū & c] pp.294 Colombo 1840.12º

89A73(1-2) Gogerly (D.I) ? The Evidences & Doctrines of the Christian Religion Part I Buddism is not true Religion Part I (?ii) The Evidences of the Christian Religion [in Sinhalese] Kristiyāni prajñapti Colombo 1861 & 1849.12º

Press Mark Page 49 Remarks Gastrell ( ) Bishop The Faith & Duty of a Christian, chiefly selected from the Christian Institutes of Bishops Gastrell pp.69. Cotta 1838.12º

Catechism First Catechism Fourth Edition [Palamuveni Katikismaya] pp.24 Colombo 1873.12º

History An Abridgment of the History of the New Testament 2nd Edition pp.21 Cotta. 1837.12º

Histories Histories from the New Testament. Second Edition pp.60 Colombo 1874.12º

Prayers Prayers for every morning & evening in the week. pp.28 Cotta 1838.12º Lambrik (S) Rev. As essay to show that every version of the Holy Scripture should conform to the Original in adopting one word throughout for such of the personal pronouns pp.14 Cotta 1826.12º

Press Mark Page 50 Remarks 89A74(7) Senanayaka (C) Rev. Hymns in Singhalese, by C. Lenanayake [Simhala gititā] pp.xii.95.4º Colombo 1874.12º

89A75 Church Missionary Society [Christian Tracts. Nos 1-3, 6-9] No 1 Kristiāni āgamē mul-Kāranāval Cotta. 1831-38.12º

89A76 Church Missionary Society [Christian tracts, 12. beginning with] (1) The Monthly Reward vol. I Nos 1-2(2) Christian’s reply to a Buddhist objector 2nd Edition Ceylon, Cotta 1832-76.12º

89A77 Watts (Isaac) D?? Dr. Watt’s second set of catechisms & prayers [followed by other tracts of the kind] Ceylon, Cotta, 1838??.16º

89A78 English and Sinhalese First Book pp.69 Colombo 1872.12º

89A79 Peep of Day The Peep of Day or a series of the earliest religious instruction. the Infant mind is capable of receiving with verses illustrative of the subjects [arunodaya] pp.256 Colombo 187??

Press Mark Page 51 Remarks New Testament The Holy Bible containing the Old & New Testaments translated from the originals into Movlan Language. By serampore Missionaries. Vol II containing the New Testament pp.274 Serampore 1819.8º Raverty (H.G.) Selections from the Poetry of the afghāns, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century: liberally translated from the original pushto; with notices of the different authors, tremarks on the mystic doctrine and poetry of the Sūfis: by Capt-H.S.Raferty pp.xxxii;348 London: 1862.8º

Carey (W) A Grammar of the Punjabee Language By W.Carey. pp.99 Serampore, 1812.8º

Panjabi Language Another copy A Grammar of the Panjabi Language; with appendices pp.viii, 112 Sudhina, 1851.8º 14 B 35

Press Mark Page 52 Remarks 89 B5 Bible New Testament [The gospel of S.John in Panjabi] pp.87 Ludhiana 1876.8º

89 B6 Bible Old Testament Dharam pustak vieen ādi pothi etc Genesis, with the first twenty chapters of Exodus, in Panjabi. pp.238 Lodiana 1849.8º

89 B7 Bible New Testament Dharam Pustak vieen navām nema iha pothi etc. [The New Testament in Panjabi] pp.788 [Luddiana. 1868.8º]

89 B8 Adam (M.T.) A Hindee Grammar For the Instruction of the young, in the Form of easy Questions and answers. By the Rev. M.T.a. pp.70 Calcutta 1837.8º

D’Bonario (P.S) A Dictionary of the principal language spoken in the Bengal. Presidency, vin English, Bāngali, & Hindūstaní. In the Roman character; with walkers pronunciation of all the difficult or doubtful English words. pp. iv.4.525 Calcutta 1837.8

Press Mark Page 53 Remarks ??(w) Another copy Introduction to the Bengálī Language. By the late Rev.W.Yates. In two volumes. vols1 & 2 I.Wenger vol Calcutta 1847.8º 45835-36

??warson (I.D.) ??B.11Bakyabolee, or Idiomatical Exercises, English & Bengalee; with dialogues on various subjects letters etc [Vākyāvālī] pp.278 Calcutta 1829.8º ??B19 – [another Edition] Bākyābalī [etc] -1839.8º

??arey (w.) D.D. A Grammar of the Bengalee Language. The Fourth Edition, with additions. By W. Carey pp.vii.100 Srampore, 1818.8º

??asvāvali Paśvāvali. Animal biography; or historical accounts… respecting the brute creation. ??B 14 Part I compiled by J Lawson – Translated [into Bengali] by W.N.Pearce ??B15 Part II No.2 to 8 English and Bengali compiled & translated by Ramchunder Mitter 9 B 16 vol.II: III Nos 1 to 6 do _ do Calcutta 1828-1839.8º 9 B 17 Second Edition of Part II ??-I Calcutta 1838.8º

Press Mark Page 54 Remarks 89B18 Strīsiksāvidhāyaka, Strīsiksāvidhāyaka, an apology for Hindoo Female Education containing evidence in favour of the Education of Hindoo females, from the examples of illustrious women both ancient and modern. Third Edition, enlarged. pp.45 Calcutta 1824.8º

89B19 Mrityañjaya Vidyalainkāra The Paubodh Chundrika, compiled by the late Mrityunyoy Vidyulunkar many years chief pandit in the college of Fort William[Prabodhaeandrika] [edited by I.C.Marshman] Serampore 1833.8º

89B20 Mrityuñjaya [Vidyālamkāra] Rājavali Sangraha Chāsāte Mrtyūñjaya-Sarmanā Krtā [a concise history of India] pp.116[Third Edition] Serampore, 1822.8º

89B21 Vikramāditya Batriś Semhāsana, Sangrahabhāsāte, Mrtyuñjaya Sarmanā Kriyate [Bengali Translation by Mrikyunjaya [Vidyālainkāra] Sarman of the Hindi Sing hāsan Battīsī] Third Edition.pp. 144 Serampore. 1848.8º

Press Mark Page 55 Remarks ??opadiśa Hitopadésa., Visnuśarmakartaka Sangrahita Càngālā bhāsāte Mrtyunjaya Śarmanā Kriyatā [Bengali translation of Mrityunjaya Sarman] Third Edition pp.146 Serampore 1821.8

??aratua Hāldār Kairtā ratnākara, The Kobita Rutnakur or collection of Sungskrit proverbs in popular use; translated into Bengalee and English compiled by Neel-Kutna Haldar Second Edition pp.viii, viii, 166 Serampore. 1830.8º

??, New Testament The Gospel according to mark-in Bengali pp.67. [Calcutta?] 8º [No. title page]

?? New Testament The Gospel of John. In Bengali pp.67 [Calcutta?] [No title page]

?? New Testament The Gospel of Luke. In Bengali pp.86 [No. title page] 8º

Press Mark Page 56 Remarks 89 B 27 Morton (W.) Rev Dristāntavākyasamgraha or A collection of Proverbs Bengali and Sanscrit with their translation and application in English By. W. Morton pp.viii 160 Calcutta 1832.8º 89 B 28 Stewart ( ) Captain Stewart’s Oopodes – cotha [containing selections from stretch’s Beauties of History and other sources, with an historical sketch of England and her connection with India and references to some Regulations of the Bengal Civil code] pp. VI 68 & 68 [3 pages missing] [ Calcutta 1820] 8º

89 B 29 Carey (W) D.D. Dialogues intended to facilitate the acquiring of the Bengalee language. Third edition By W.Carey. pp.viii. 113 Serampore 1818.8º

89 B 30 Pearce (W.H.) Bhūgola-vuttanta-vrittanta Geography interspersed with information historical & miscellaneous, compiled in Bengalce for the use of schools by W.H.Pearce. Part I [General Introduction, Index & c & 6 parts in H.separate pagimation] pp.13. xxxii, 8,24,24,24,24,24,30 Calcutta 1822.12º

Press Mark Page 57 Remarks ?? (I) Arithmetic, comprising the five fundamental rules with tables of money ?? illustrated by examples for the use of Bengalee schools. By I.Harle [Ganitānka] 2nd ed pp.126 Calcutta 1821.8º??

?? (William) Elements of Natural Philosophy and Natural History, in a series of familiar dialogues designed for the instruction of Indian youth By William Yatēs. 2nd Ed Padārthavidyāsāra [In Bengali] pp.91 Calcutta 1834.8º

??otama. A system of Logic written in Sanscrit by the Venerable Sage Boodh and explained in a Sanscrit commentary by the very learned Viswonath Turhalancar. Translated into Bengalee by Kashee Nath. Turkopunchanun [ maharsi Gotama Krta Nyā Visvanatha Jark ālain. Karakrtatadíya…Dhāsāpari ichedah etc] pp.145 The Bengalí version being called Padarthakaumudī Calcutta, 1821.8º

Press Mark Page 58 Remarks 89 B 34 Sāyanācārya Sarvad arśanasangraha [by S] in Bengali by Jayanār-ayana Tarka pañctānana] 2nd ed. Calcutto 1865

89 B 35 Periodical Publications Serampur Dig-Durshun or the Indian Youth’s magazine from April 1818 to March 1819 and from January to April 1820 (Digdarśana. pravalakera Kārana samgrahita nānā upadeśa etc) pp.185 Serampore 1822.8º 89 B 36 Carey (W) D.D. A grammar of the Mahratta Language. To wh. are added Dialogues on Familiar Subjects. By Carey. The Third Edition pp. vii 127 Serampore, 1825.8º

89 B 37 Stevenson (I) The principles of murathee grammar second ed. pp. viii, 163,13 Bombay 1843.8º [Another copy 44 B 12]

89 B 38 Ballairs (H.S.K.)and Latman U. Askhedkar A grammar of the Marathi Language pp. 90 Bomboy, 1068.12º [Another copy 14 A 14]

Press Mark Page 59 Remarks Wilson (John) Vākyāvalī ingrejī āni marāthī,. Idiomatical Exercises, illustrative of the Phraseology and structure of the English & Marāthī Languages. By I.W.Second Edition. pp.9.330. Bombay 1839.8º

Sadāśiva Visvanātha Hate Marathi Familiar Phrases, about 2,000 thousand in number, with their English equivalents compiled by Sadū shiva Vishvanatha Aātē. pp.5. 100 [vahivālīnta yenārī marāthī vakyan] Bombay 1868.8º

Bible New Testament Āmacā prabhu āni Tāranārā Yesū Khrīsta Yāvishayin hā havā Karār… The New Testament in the Marāthi Language pp.452 Bombay 1857.8º

Bible New Testament Āmacā probhu ani tāranārā jo yeśū Khrista tyārishayīn Mārkavācin śubhararttamāna. The gospel of Mark : translated from the original Greek: In Maratha and English pp.206 Bombay 1843.12º

Press Mark Page 60 Remarks ?? 43 Bible Old Testament Marathi Pahilen Pustaka [Genesis. 110 pp. no title page] Bombay 1845.8º

Bible New Testament Mātthi Kadūna Suvartamāna [The Gospel of Matthew : 82pp. No. title page] [Serampore 1821º

Bible New Testament Nārkasākadūna Suvarhamāna ; [The Gospel of St. Mark. pp.83-136 No. Title page] [Serampur 1821.2] 8º

Bible New Testament St. Luke Lūkākadūna suvarhamāna [The Gospel of St.Luke in Marathi. 94pp. no Title-page] [ Serampur, 1821 ? ] 8º

Bible New Testament Yeśū Khrīstacen subhavarhamāna Yohān-nanclikilen [ Gospel of John 70 pp. No title page ] [ Serampui ?] 8º

Press Mark Page 61 Remarks Bible New Testament Marathi Preshitāmeyā Kriyā [acts. 88pp. No title-page] [Serampore 1821?] 8º

Bible New Testament acts. Another copy The acts of the apostles: in English and Goojuratee pp.192 Swrat, 1841.8º 14 B 7

Bible New Testament The Gospel according to Matthew: In English and Goojuratee. Pp.175 Surat 1840.8º

Bible New Testament Gujarati The Holy Bible, containing the old and new Testaments, translated from the originals into the goozuratee Language, by the Serampore Missionaries. Vol. V containing the New Testament pp.675 Serampore 1820.8º Press Mark Page 62 Remarks 89 B 52 Gańgādhara Śāstrī Phadke The Priniciples of Gujarate Grammar comprising the substance of a Giyasati grammar, written by gang ad hava Shastri Phadake and other pandits. Translated, arranged & briefly illustrated by H.N.Ramsay pp.iv, ii, 88 Bombay 1842.8º

89 B 53 Gray (James) Another copy Elements of Pali grammar adapted for schools and private study, by I.G. pp. 126 45 D ?? Rangoon, 1883.8º

89 B 54 Feer (Le’on) Studes Boodhiques. Le Livre des bent hégendes {avadânu-Cataka} par M.L.T. Extrait du Journal asiatique. pp.112 Paris 1881.8º

89 B 55 Sutta nipāta Sutta nipāta or, Dialogues and Disc ourses of Gotama Buddha. Translated from the Páli, with Introduction & ntoes. By Sir M. Cosmāra Lwámy pp.xxxvi. 160 London. 1074.8º

Press Mark Page 63 Remarks 89 B 56 Dhammakitti The Dathāvansa, or, the history of the tooth Relic of Gotama Buddha. The Pati Text, and its translation into English, with notes. By Mutu Coomára Swamg London, 1874.8º

89 B 57 Storck (Friedrich Wilhelm Paul) Casuum in lingua Palica formatis comparate cum sanscritae lingude ratione Grammaticse Palicae specimen alterum guo ad orationem ut professoris extraordinarii munusrite eapessat die IX, mean’s augusti hora XI a se habendam… invitat Frid Guil Paul Storck. 40 pp Monasterii (Munster) 1862.8º

89 B 58 Storck (Wilhelm) De dectionationc nominum substantivorum etadjectivovum in Lingua Palica Grammatices Palicae specimen quod dissertationis inauguratis locs…in alma litterarum universitate Frederica guilelma… dic XVIII M.Decembris a MD CCCLVIII …public defendet… guidelmus Storck 40 pp Berolini 1858.8º Press Mark Page 64 Remarks 89 B 59 Raccây anappakaranse specimen alterum i.e. Kanâyanae Nâmakappa resensuit Erustuo w.a Kuhn. xiv 34 pp. Flealis (Halle) 1871.8º

89 B 60 Suttepitaka, Mahāparinibbānasutta. The Mahāpari nibbānasutta of the Sutta-Pitaka. The Pali Text. Edited by the late Prof. R.C. Childers pp.71 London 1878.8º

89 B 61 Feer (Léon) Etūdes Bouddhiques. C’ami de la vertu (Kalyāna mitra, Kalyāna-mitratā) par In. Feer. Extrait the fonmal Asiatique. pp.134 [Paris] 8º

89 B 62 Paritta Extraits du Paritta, Textes et commentaires en Pali, par. m.grimblor, avec introduction Traduction, Notes et Notices par in. Le’on Feer pp.111 Paris. 1872.8º

89 B 63 Jataka. Dasaratha Jataka The Dasaratha-Jātakas, being the Buddhist story of King Rāma. The Original Dāli Text with a translation and notes by R.Fausoøll. pp.2.48. Vopenhagen & London 1891-8º

Press Mark Page 65 Remarks 89 B 64 Catalogues Bibliotheca Indica. Williams & Norgate’s catalogue of Hie Bibliotheca Indica and other publications of the Asiatic society of Bengal, Calcutta. To which is added a list of other oriental books published in India and Europe pp. London & Edinburgh 1866.8º

89 B 65 Adelung (Friedrick) Bibliotheca Sanscrita. Literatur der Sanskrit Sprache von F.A. Zweite durchaus verbesserte und vermchvte ausgabe. pp.xxii.430 St. Petersburg 1837.8º

89 B 66 Tipitakālankāra Mahādhamma The Pāli text of the Dhammaniti, a Book of Proverbs and Maxims. Edited by James Gray. [In Burmese Characters] pp.45 Rangoon 1883.8º 89 B 67 ??jjhattajayamangala The Pāli Text of the Ajjlatta – Jaya – Mangalam …with Vocabulary, Grammatical Notes, Translation, & Examination Questions, Edited by James Gray (In Burmese Characters) Maulmain 1878.12º

Press Mark Page 66 Remarks 89 B 68 Ratanapañjara The Ratñapanjaram. Edited with vocabulary & notes. By James Gray Maulmain 1879.12º

89 B 69 Müller (E) A Simplified Grammar of the Pali Language. By E.M. (J.S.G.) pp.xvi. 143 London 1884.8º

89 B 70 Frankfurter (O) Handbook of Pāli being an Elementary Grammar a Chrestomathy, & a glossary. Compiled by O.F. pp.xxi. 179 London & Edinburgh 1883.8º

89 B 71 D’Alwis (James) An Introduction to Kachchayana’s Grammar of the Pali Language; with an Introduction. Appendix. Notes etc. By I. d’A Colombo, 1863.8º

89 B 72 Kaccāyana. Kaccāyanappakarana Kachchayans’s Pali Grammar tr. & arranged on European Models with Chrestomathy & Vocabulary. By Francis Mason (B.9) Toungro 1868.8º

Press Mark Page 67 Remarks 89 C 1 Sankarācārya La guirlande précieux des demandes et der réponses (Praćnottararatnamālika) publiée en Sanscrit et en Tibetan et traduite pour la prēmiēre fois en Francaise par Ph.Ed.Foucaux. Paris 1867.8º

89 C 2 Apte (Vaman Swārama) The Student’s guide to Sanskrit Composition. Being a Treatise on Sanskrit Syntax. By. V.Sh.A. Poona 1881.8º 89 C 3 Moggallāna Thero Alhidhānappadīpikā; or Dictionary of the Pali Language. By M.J.With English & Singhalese Interpretations, Notes & Appendices. By Waskaduwe Subhūte. (m Sinhalese Characters) Colombo 1865.8º

89 C 4 Clough (Benjamin) A Compendious Pali grammar, with a Copious Vocabulary in the same language [this being an edition of Moggallāna’s Abhidhānappadipikā. ] pp.iv.147.20157 Colombo, 1824.8º

89 C 5 Dhammapada Text & Tr (Latin) Another copy Dh.extrilrus codicibus Hanniemaibus palice edidit, latine vertit, excerptis ex 45 & ?? commentaris palico notisque illustravit V.Fausböll pp.x.470 Haunise, Lipsiae, Londini 1855.8º

Press Mark Page 68 Remarks 89 C 6 Buddhaghosa Another copy Buddhaghosa’s Parables: transt. from Burmese by Captain T.Rogers. With an 45 D 51 Introduction, containing Buddha’s Dhammapada, or”Path of Virtue” trand from Pali by T.Max Müller. pp.CLxxii, 206 London 1870.8º

89 C 7 Burnouf (Eugene) Essai sur la Pali, ou Langue Sacrée de la Presquile au dela de Gange, arec six planches lithograppicées…par E.B & Chi Lassen Paris 1826.8º

89 C 8 Kuhn (Ernest W.A.) Beitrage zur Pak.Grammatik von E.W.A.K Berlin 1875.8º

89 C 9 Patimokkha Prātimokša sūtra. [Ed. by I.P.Minaw] St. Petersburg, 1869.8º

89 C 10-14 Vinaya-Pitaka Another copy The Vinaya Pitakam: one of the principal Buddhist Holy Scriptures in the Pali iic 26-3?? Language. Ed. by Hermann Oldenberg. Svols. Vol. I. The Makậvagga. Vol. II The Cullavagga Vols III & IV The Suttavibhanga. Vol V The Parivậra London 1879.1883.8º Press Mark Page 69 Remarks Suttapitaka Another copy Buddhist Suttas Translated from Pậli by T.W.Rhys Davids (S.B.E. Vol XI) Oxford 10 A 11 1881.8º

Vinaya-Pitaka Another copy Vinaya Texts transt. From the Pali by T.W.Rhys Davids & Hermann Oldenberg Pt. V 10 A 13 The Patimokkha. The Mahavagga I-.IV (S.B.E Vol. xiii) Oxford 1881.8º

Digha-Nikāya [Portions] Text & tr (Fr & Eng) Sept Suttas Pậlis tires du Digha Nikậya par M.P Grimblot Traductions diverses Anglaises et francaises Paris. 1876.8º

Shiegel (Friedrich) Another copy Anecdota Pậlica … I enthaltend Rasavậhinî, eine buddhistische legenden sammlung 11 C 20 C1-4. Uragasutta, aus dem Suttanipậta, nebst Anezügen aus dem Scholien von Buddhazhosa pp. 92 Leipzig 1845.8º

Trenckner (v) Anoterh Copy Pali Miscellany. By V.T. Pt.I (Containing a Specimen of Milindapanhs, with English 11 C ?? translation ) London 1879.8º

Press Mark Page 70 Remarks 89 C 20 Jātaka [Portions] Another Copy Tom gātakas, The Original Pāli text with a translation of notes by R. Fausböll pp.127 45 D 4?? Copenhagen & London 1872.8º

89 C 21 Jātaka Text Another Copy The Jataka together with its Commentary being tales of the anterior withs of Gotama 45 D 44 Buddha for the first time published in the original Pāli by R. Fausböll & transt by R.C. Childrens Text Vol I. Pt.I London 1875.8º

89 C 22-23 Jātaka Text Another Copy The Jātaka together with its Commentary (Jāltakaltavannanā) being tales of the 11 D 2-8 Anterior with of Gotama Buddha. Vol. I.II for the first time edited in the original Pāli by R. Fausböll & transt. By T.W.Rhys Davids. Text [Vols I-III for the first time edited in the original Pāli by R. Fausböll with an index by Dines Andersen 7 vols ] Text only London 1877.97.8º

89 C 24 Jātaka English Another Copy Buddhist Birth Stories ; or Jātaka Tales … being the Jātakatthavannanā. In the first 11 D 10 time edited … by R. Fausböll & transt. By T.W. Rhys Davids Tr Vol I London 1880.8º

Press Mark Page 71 Remarks 89 C 25 Muhāvamsa An epitome of the history of Ceylon compiled from native annals & the first twenty chapters of the Mahāvamas: Transt. By the Hon George Turnour, Ceylon, Cotta 1869.8º

89 C 26 Mahāvamsa Text Sumangale (H.) The Mahavamsa From the Thirty-seventh Chapter Revised & edited, under orders of the Ceylon Government by H.S. & Don Andris de Silva Batuwantudava [In Sinhalese Characters] Colombo 1877.8º

89 C 27 Dipavamsa Text & Tr. The Dipavamsa: an Ancient Buddhist Historical Record Edited by trend by Hermann Oldenberg London & Edinburgh, 1879.8º

89 C 28 Milindapanho Text Another copy The Milindapānho: being Dialogues between King Milinda & the Buddhist Sage 11 C 25 Nāgasena. The Pali text ed. by R.Trenckner pp.vii 431 London 1880.8º

89 C 29 Bible New Testament Pali The New Testament of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Transt into Pali [In Burmese Characters] Colombo 1835.8º

Press Mark Page 72 Remarks 89 C 30 Lassen (Christian) Institutions linguse Pracriticae, Scripsit. Ch.L.pp.x 488.93 Bonnae ed Rhenum 1827.8º

89 C 31 Vararuci Another Copy The Prákrita-Prakáśa; or the Prákrit Grammar of V.with the Commentary (Manorama) 11 E 7 of Blamata. The first complete Edition of the original text…With copious Botes & English translation & index of Prakrit Words ; to which is a Easy Introduction to Prakrit Grammar by Edward Bylos Cowell. Pp. xxxii. 204 Hertford 1854.8º

89 C 32 Dhammapada Text & Tr. (Sinhalese) The Dhammapada or Principles of Morality With a Simhalese Translation revised by Rew. H.Dovamilta Published by K.P. Prouis de Silva [In Sinlalese Characters] Colombo 1879.8º

89 C 33 Jātaka Kusajātaka An Eastern love-story Kusa Jātakaya … rendered … into English verse from the Sinhalese poem of Alagiyavama Mohottāla by Thomas Steele London, 1871.8º

89 C 34 Sinhalese Grammar Singhalese Grammar in 3 pts Pt.I.The Accidence PtII. The Syntax & (Pt III) A vocabulary of Collaguisl Singhalese chiefly intended as a Praxis to the Accidence lately issued from the same press. Cotta, 1825-6, 8º

Press Mark Page 73 Remarks Vedcha Thera Another copy The Sidath Sangarawa, a grammar of the Singhalese language [ascribed to Vedeha 45 E 2?? Thera] transl. into English with introduction, notes and appendices by James d’Alwis. pp cclxxxvi.247 Colombo 1852.8º

Chater (James) A grammar of the Cingalese language, pp341 Colombo 1815.8º

Lambrick (S. ) Rev. A grammar of the Singhalese language Second edition with numerous alterations pp.155,63. Ceylon, Cotta 1834.8º

Carter (Charles) Rev. An English & Singhalese lesson book on Ollendorff’s’s system pp.167 viii Colombo (n.d.), 8º Lōkōpakāraya Lōkōpakāraya [A didactic poem in Sinhalese with a paraphrase by Mulleriyāvi gunaratna – Thēra] pp.48 Colombo 1872.8º

Pratyayasataka Pratyayaśataka [A didactic poem in Sanskrit with a Sinhalese word for word interpretation ] pp.21 Colombo 1875.8º

Press Mark Page 74 Remarks 89 C 40 Granthasāra Granthasāra or the Sinhalese Clarical Reader pp.131 Colombo 1875.8º

89 C 41 (1- Rāhula, Totagamuvē Srī 3) Sellalifinisandesae [i.e. Selalihimi-sandēśa] The Sellas Message by Sri Rahula of Totagamur. The Text & transl. with notes and glossary… Edited & transl. by William Charles Macready, 3 pts Colombo, 1865.8º

89 C 42 Alagiyavanna Mohottāla Kusejateka [A Sinhalese poem founded on the Kusajātaha] pp.51 Colombo 1873.8º

89 C 43 Kāyaviratigāthā Iātidukkhavrbhāgaya [more commonly called Kāyaviratigāthā. A Pali poem on the sorrows of with, with a Sinhalese interpretation] pp.72 Colombo 1881.8º

89 C 44 Alwis ( C) Rev. History of the Island of Sanka…Chap I. Visits of Buddha to the Bland extracted from Pújávalaya & SarvajñagunaLankáraya with literal translation into English pp.xxviii. 21 Colombo 1876.8º

Press Mark Page 75 Remarks 89 C 45 Lambrick (Samuel) Rev. Sermons in Singhalese preached to village congregations in Ceylon Ceylon, Cotta 1838.8º

??-7 Lambrick (Samuel) Rev. A vocabulary of the Singhalese Language pp.72 (2 copies) Ceylon, Cotta 1840.8º ??9 Clough (Benjamin) Another Copy A Dictionary of the English & Sunghalese & Singhalese & Singhalese & English 9 E 17-18 Languages Under the Patronage of the Govt of Ceylon. By the Rev. B.C. Colombo Another 1821-30. 8º Edition 9 E 19 (Singalese Engl)

Press Mark Page 76 Remarks 89 D 1

89 D 2

89 D 3

89 D 4

Press Mark Page 77 Remarks Xhusran, Amir, Bāgh Bahār, Hindustani Other Copies Bāgh Bahār … Fourth edition … by Dunean Farbes. pp.r.2?9 , 123 London 1860.8º 15 C 8, 9

Muhammad Kādirī Totā – Kahāni; or Tales of a parrot, in the Hindūstānī language Transl from M.X’s Persian Version called Tūtī-nāma… A new edition. By Duncan Forbes. London 1852.8º

Abū al. Fazl, ibu Mubārak The Khirud Ufroz; originally translated into the Hindoostance language by Musluvee Hufeez ord-deen uhmud from the Uyar Danial written by the celebrated Shuekh Ubool Fuzi…Revised … by Capt…Thomas Roebuck 2 vols Calcutta 1815.8º

Trumpp (Ernest) Grammar of the Sindhi Language. Compared with the Sanskrit Prakrit & the Levgnate Indian Vernaculars By E.T. London & Leipzig 1872.8º

Stack (George) A Dictionary Sindhi & English. By Captain G.S. Printed by order of the Government of Bombay Bombay 1855.8º

Press Mark Page 78 Remarks 89 D 11 Malik Muhammad Jāyasī Another Copy Padmāvat [The story of Padmāvāti and Ratan Sen, in old Hindi verse. Transliterated 13 E 23 from the Persian character with a glossary of difficult words by Raghuvaradayāla J. pp.308 Lucknow, 1880.8º

89 D 12 Mādhavaprasāda Stridarpana [A treatise on the education & moral & social duties of women 2nd edition ] pp.144 Hindi Lucknow 1879.8º

89 D 13 Baital Pacīsi Hindi & English The Baital Pachisi; or Twenty-five tales of a demon: a new edition of the Hindi text, with each word expressed in the Hindústani character immediately under the corresponding word in the Nágari; and with a perfectly literal (English interlinear) translation, accompanied by a free trandation in English at the foot of each page & explanatory notes; By W.Buckhardt Barker, edited by E.B.Eastwich Hertford, 1855.8º

89 D 14 Kellogg (S.H.) A Grammar of the Hindi Language: in which are treated the standard Hindi. Braj & the Eastern Hindi of the Ramayan of Tulsi Das, also the Colloguical Dialects of Marwar, Kumaon, Avadh, Baghelkland, Bhoipier, etc, with copious philological notes. By the Rev. S.H.K. Allahabad, Calculta London 1876.8º

Press Mark Page 79 Remarks Bate (J.D) Another Copy Dictionary of the Hindu Language pp. ii.804 Benares, 1875.8º 9 D 1

Padmanji (Baba) A Compendium of Molesworth’s Marathi & English Dictionary By B.P. Bombay 1863.8 º Iivaracandra Vidyāsāgara Another Copy Sitāvanavāsa [The story of the exile of Sitā, transl. into Hindi by Harivāmpa Lāla 13 C 58 from the Bengali of I.V. ] pp.70 Lucknon, 1881.8º

Bible Old Testament Bengali The Holy Bible translated from the Original Tongues in the Bengalee language. By the Serampore Missionaries (Old Testament only) Serampore 1832.8º

Bible New Testament Bengali The New Testament of Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Bengalee language. Transl. from the Greek by the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries. Calcutta 1837.8º

Caldwell (R) Another Copy A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South-Indian Family of Languages. By 44 D 2 the Rev. R.C. ppviii S28 London 1856.4º

Press Mark Page 80 Remarks 89 D 21 Carr (17.W) Āndhralokok tiaandrika. A Collection of Telugu Proverbs, translated illustrated & explained together with some Sanscrit Proverbs…. by M.W.C. Madras & London 1868.8º

89 D 22 Andem (A.H.) A Progressive Grammar of the Telugu Language with copious examples & exercises 3 pts. By A.H.A. Madras 1873.8º

89 D 23 Bible New Testament Telugu The New Testament of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Transl. into Telugu from the original Greek Madras, 1860.8º

89 D 24 Brown (Charles Philip) A Dictionary, Telugu & English explaning the Colloguial Style used in Business & the Poetical Dialect with explanations in English & Telugu… Madras 1852.8º

89 D 25 Campbell (A.D.) A Dictionary of the Teloogoo language, commonly called the Gentoo…By A.D.C. Madras 1848.8º

Press Mark Page 81 Remarks Forbes (Duncan) A Grammar of the Hindústání Language in the Oriental & Roman Character: …[with] extracts for reading … a vocabulary … & … notes. By D.F. pp.viii London 1858.8º

Press Mark Page 82 Remarks 89 E 1 Willims (Charles) Other Copies A Grammar of the Sanskrita Language by C.W. [pp.vx662] London 1808.4º 1 E 12, ??

89 E 2 Mahāvamsa Other Copies The Mahávansa in Roman Characters, with the Tr.subjoines: van introductory essay 11 E 1,2 on Pali Busshistorical Literature. m: vols. Vol. I. Containing the 1 st eight Chapters. By George Turnour Ceylon, Cotta 1837.4º

89 E 3 Childers (Robert Caesar) Other Copies A Dictionary of the Pali Language By R.C.C. London 1875.La 8º 11 F 1-2

89 E 4 Gulshan-L-Roh The Gulshan-i-Roh:being Selections, Prose & Poetical, in the Pushto, or afghan Languages. Ed. by H.G.Raverty. London 1860.4º

89 E 5 Shakespear (John) A Grammar of the Hindustani Language 3 nd edition London 1826.4º

89 E 6 Shakespear (John) Another Muntakhabāt-i-Hindī, or selections in Hindustani, with verbal translations or copies particulary vocabularies & a grammatical analysis of some pts. 2 vols [in one] 2 nd 44 F 7 ?? ed. London 1824-5, 4º

Press Mark Page 83 Remarks Price (William) A new Grammar of the Hindoostanee Languages. To which is added, selections from the best authors, familiar phrases, & dialogues, in the proper Character London 1828.4º

Harris ( ) ? Dictionary English & Hindostany [Title page missing]

Shakespear (John) A Dictionary, Hindūstani & English 2nd edition. London 1820.4º

Gilehrist (John) A Grammar of the Hindoostanee Language, or Pt.third of Volume 1st of a System of Hindoostanee Philology Calcutta 1796.4º

Gilchrist (John) Another Copy A Dictionary, English & Hindoostanee: in which the words are marked with their 44 F 9 Sistinguishing mitials, as Hinduwee, Arabic & Persian, wherea the Hindoostanee… is evidently formed 21 to Pt. II Calcutta 1790.4º

1 Khwān al śafā [Selection] Text Intihlab [Selections from the Ikhwān al-safā Ed. by I.Michael ] pp.80 London 1829.4º

Press Mark Page 84 Remarks 89 E 13 Lallū Lāl The Prem Ságar: or, the Ocean of Love, being a History of Krishn, according to the 10th chapter of the Bhágavat of Vyásadev, transl. into Hindí from the Braj Bhakká of Chaturbhuj Miss, by Lallu Lal. A new edition, with a Vocabulary by Edward B.Eastwick. Hertfood, 1851.4º

89 E 14 Lallū Lāl Prem Ságar: or, the Ocean of Love, literally transl. from the Hindi of Shri Lallu Lal Kab, into English. By Edward B.Eastwick. Hertford & London 1851.4º

89 E 15 Clarkoon (William) A Grammar of the Yujarati Language By W.C. Bombay 1847.8º 89 E 16 Johnson (W.B.) Pt.I of the English, French & Bengallee primer: or, an easy vocabulary of fifteen hundred common words. A new edition. pp.79ii Calcutta n.d. 4º

89 E 17 Haughton (Graves Chamney) Another copy Rudiment of Bengáli Grammar London 1821.4º 89 E 18

89 E 18(1) Hanghton (Graves Chamney) Bengálí Selections with Translations & a Vocabulary London 1822.??º

Press Mark Page 85 Remarks Haughton (Graves Chamney) Another Copy Rudiments of Bengali Grammar Lodnon 1821.4º 89 E 17

Panjābī Dictionary. Panjālī-English A Dictionary of the Panjábi Language. prepared by a Committee of the Lodiana Mission. Lodiana 1854.4º

Molesworth (James T.) Another Copy A Dictionary Mutathee & English. Compiled for the government of Bombay, by 44 F 44 Captain I.T.M., assisted by Lieuterants Thomas & George Candy. pp.xviii 1162 Bombay, 1831.4º

McKerrell (John) A Grammar of the Carnataca Language. By I.McK Madras 1820.4º

Bailey (B) A Dictionary of high & colloquial Malayalim & English. Dedicated by permission to his Highness the Rajah of Travancore. By the Rev.B.B. Cottayam 1846.4º

Brown (Charles Philip) The Prosody of the Telugu & Sanskrit language explained pp xiii 115 v Madras 1827,sm.4º

Press Mark Page 86 Remarks ?? 24 Nicholas (I) A Vocabulary of English & Teloogoo Words: to which are added, a collection of familiar Dialogues & the first Rudiments of Grammar Madras 1832.4º

?? 25 Campbell (A.D) Another Copy A Dictionary fo the Teloogoo Language, commonly terms the Gentoo… Madras 19 F 1 1821.4º

?? 26 Rottler (I.P.) A Dictionary of the Tamil & English Languages by Rev. I.P.R. Vol I. Pt I II. Pt III IV Revised by Rev.W.Taylor & J. Vencatachala Moodelly (Bound in me) Madras 1834- 41.4º

?? 27 Anderson (Robert) Rudiments of Tamūl Grammar, combining with the Rules of Kodun Tamūl…an Introd. To Shen Tamūl London 1821.4º

?? 28 Babington (Benjamin) The adventures of the Gooroo Paramartan: A tale in the Tamul language, accompanies by a translation & vocabulary, together with an analysis of the first story, by B.B. London 1822.4º

Press Mark Page 87 Remarks ?? 30 Taylor (William) Another Copy Oriental Historical Manuscripts in the Tamil Language. Transl. with annotations. 2 18 F 3-4 vols. Madras 1835.4º

Fabricius (I.P.) Another Copy A Malabar & English Dictionary composed by the Res: Mefers : Fabricios & 18 E 6 Breithaupt, English Missionaries at Madras & Publishes in the year 17779. The 2 nd edition revised & corrected by the Rev.Mt Poezold Mt.William Simpson & the Malabat Catechists Vepery, 1809.4º

Aufecht (Th) Catalogi Codicum Manuscriptiorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae Part Octave. Codicis Sanscritico conflictens Confecit Th.A. Oxonii, 1859.64º Press Mark Page 88 Remarks 89 F 1 Colebrooke (H.T.) Another Copy Grammar of the Sanscrit Language By H.T.C. Vol I pp.xxii 373 Calcutta 1805 fol 88 F ??

89 F 2-7 Veda Rigveda-Samhitā Another Copy Tigveda-Samhita. The Sacred Hymns of the Brahmans: together with the 2 E 2-8 Commentary of Sayanacharya. Ed by Max Müller. 6 vols London 1849-74.4º

89 F 8-11 Mahābhārata Another 3 E The Mahābhārata, an Epic Poem, written by the celebrated Veda Vyása Rishi. Ed.By 16?? the learned Pandits attached to the Establishment of the Education Committee. 4 vols Calcutta 1834-9.4º

89 F 12 Acyutasárman (Modakopanāman) Sāhityasāra by A with a Comm 2pts in one vol. Mumbai Sake 1782. fol vol. (Bombay, 1860)

89 F 13 Kalhana Rājataranginī Text Other Copies The Rája Tarangint, a History of Cashmir, consisting of four Separate compilations: 5 E 2 ?? viz: I.The Rája Tarangini, by Kalhana Pandita 1148 A.D. II The Rajávalí, by Jona Rája (Defective) to 1412 AD III Continuation of the same by Sri Vara Panditā, pupil of Jona Rája A.D. 1477 IV. The Rájávali Pátaka, by Prajya Bhatta, brought up to the Conquest of the Valley by the Emperot Akber [pp.312,121,6] Calcutta 1835.4º

Press Mark Page 89 Remarks Dom (Bernhard) Grammatische-Bemerkūngen aber das Puschtu, oder die Sprach der Afghanen Von B.D. (Mom VI Serie.Se Vol etc J.V. ) [St Petersburg 1839] 4º

Vikramāditya Singhasun Butteesee. Or anecdotes of the celebrated Bikrmaject. Transl into Hindoostanee from the Bry-Bhakha of Soondur Kubeeshwur by Meerzakazim Ullee Guwanand Shree Lulloo hal Kub Calcutta 1805.4º

Tarinee Churun Mitr Hindee & Hindoostanee Selections: To which are prefixed the Rudiments of Hindoostanee & Braj Bhakha Grammar 2 vols I Grammar II Selections Calcutta 1827.La 8º

Muhammad Kāzim, Mirzā A Dictionary Goojratee & English (compiled by Mirza Mahomed Cauzion of Cambay, corrected & revised by Nowrozjee Furdoorjee Bombay 1846.4º

Ram Comul Sen. A dictionary in English & Bengalee, transl from Todd’s Ed of Johnson’s English dictionary pp.20xviii 523 Serampore 1834. fol

Press Mark Page 90 Remarks ?? F 20 Morrie (I.C.) Toloogoo Selections, with translations & pammatical analysis ; to which is added a glossary of revenue terms used in the Northern Circars By I.C.M. Madras 1823 fol

?? F21-2 Parānas Bhāgaratapurāna Srimad Bhagavatam [Bhāgavatapurana] 2 vols npp n.d. obl fol.

?? F23 Aufrecht (Th) Catalogi Codicum Manurcriptorum Sanscriticorum Pratidicorum quotquot – Bibliotheca Bodleianae advervantus exectore TL A Oxonii 1859-??,8º

Press Mark Page 91 Remarks Bible New Testament [Portions] St. Mark [Kanarese] The Gospel according to St.Mark…Interpaged with the authorised English Version Bangalore 1852.8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Kanarese] The Gospel according to St.Luke…interpaged with the authorised English version. Bangalore 1852.8º

Campbell (C) Instruction for Youth [Kanarese Reader] No.3 By the Rev. C Campbell B.A. 159 Bangalore 1852.8º Mullens ( ) mrs Phulmani & Karuna [Kanarese Tales] pp.211 Madras 1858.8º

??5 Garrett (rev.I) A Manual English & Canarese Dictionary By the rev.I.Garrett 2 nd edition revised & enlarged pp.622 Bangalore 1851.8º

??6 Sherwood ( ) mrs. The Ayah & Lady, an Indian story. By Mrs Sherwood transl. into Canarese 2 nd edition pp.99 Bangalore 1844.8

Press Mark Page 92 Remarks 90 A 7 Kannādaryākarana sangraha Canarese Grammar (Kannadaryākaraza sangraha) 2nd ed pp.71 Bangalore 1843.8º

90 A 8 Srīnīvāsayyā Munshi Dialogues in Canarese, by Munshi Shrinivasiah. With an English translation by Richard G.Hodson. Revised by the Rev.D.Sanderson 2nd edition pp.vi226 Bangalore 1865.12º

90 A 9 Canarese Proverbs One thousand Canarese proverbs pp.56 Mangalore 1874 sm.sq 12º

90 A 10 Percival (P) Telugu-English Dictionary with the Telugu words printed in the Roman as well as the Telugu character … pp 484 Madras 1862.8º

90 A 11 Cotton (A) Colonel 1000 short colloquial sentences composed of 100 common Teloogoo words with verbal & free transl. Madras 1860.12º

90 A 12 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs [Telugu] Proverbs being a translation of portions of the Book of Proverbs together with a poetical version in easy Teloogoo pp64.16 Madras 1850.12º Press Mark Page 93 Remarks Doctrinal Catechism [Telugu} Doctrinal Catechism (in Telugu) pp.27 Nipl.nd.12º

Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Telugu] The Book of Psalms in Telugu pp.564 Madras 1845.16º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Telugu] The Gospel of Matthew pp.144 Madras 1884.24º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Mark [Telugu] The Gospel of Mark pp.94 Madras 1884.24º

?? A 17 Bible New Testament [Portion] St.Luke [Telugu] The Gospel of Luke pp158 Madras 1884.24º

?? A 18 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Telugu] The Gospel of John pp.124 Madras 1884.24º

?? A 19 Bible New Testament [Portions] Mark [Telugu] The Gospel of Mark [in Telugu] pp.105 Madras 1873.16º

?? A 20 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Malayalam] The Book of Psalms Transl into the Malayalim Language pp.171 Cottayan, 1839.8

?? A 21 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Malayalam] Malayalim Matthew pp.74 [Title page missing]

Press Mark Page 94 Remarks ??A 22 Malayalam proverbs One thousand Malayalam proverbs pp.67 Mangalore 1868 sm.sq. 12º ??A 23 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Tamil] The Psalter or Psalms of David printed as they are to be sung or said … 3rd edition pp 639 Madras 1837.8º

?? A 24 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Tamil] New Testament pp.750 Madras 1857.8º

?? A 25 Nitivenpā Nitivenpā (Text & commentary) [anonymous Tamil work] pp.28 Tiruvotti 1872-3.8º

?? A 26 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.John [English & Tamil] Madras 1836.8º

?? A 27 Bible New Testament [Portions] Acts [Tamil] The Acts of the Apostles [English & Tamil] Madras 1837.8º

?? A 28 Pope (G.U.) First Lessons in Tamil pp.iv 308 Madaras 1856.8º

Press Mark Page 95 Remarks Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.Luke [English & Tamil] pp.147 Madras 1845.8º

Nāumani Kadigai Nāumani Kadigai (Text’s commentary) pp.90 Madras, 1872.8

Tamil Reading Book Tamil Reading Book pp.72 Madras, 1848.8º

?? ?2 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.Luke [English & Tamil] Madras 1835.8º

?? 33 Visvanātha (r) The Fourth Reader for the Fourth Standard. Transl by V. Visvanātha Pulai 1st edition pp.217 Madras 1881.8º ?? A 34 Tamil Readers Tamil Second Standard Reader pp.108 Madras 1881.8º

?? A 35 Srinivasaraghavachariar (K) The Third Reader for the Third Standard [Tamil] Transl. by K.S. 1st edition pp.160 Madras 1880.8º

Press Mark Page 96 Remarks ?? A 36(1) Aavaiyār [Tamil] Mūturai. pp.16 Madras 1823.8º

?? A 36(2) Aavaiyār [Tamil] Nalvali pp.20 Madras 1833.8º

?? A 36(3) Sivappirakāsan Nanneri [A moral book of 40 stanzas in Tamil composed by Sivappirakāsan] pp.22 Madras 1833.8º

?? A 37 Relative Duties Relative Duties [in Tamil] 2nd edition pp.20 Jaffna 1838.12º

?? A 38 The Friendly Epistle The Friendly Epistle [in Tamil] 2nd edition pp.16 Jaffna 1839.12º

?? A 39 Good opportunity Good opportunity [in Tamil] 3rd edition pp 12 Jaffna 1838.12º

?? A 40 Nērmei Nanneri Nērmei narvneri [A religious tract in Tamil] pp.12 Jaffna 1838.12º

Press Mark Page 97 Remarks Garland of Praise Garland of Praise [a tract in Tamil] pp.12 Jaffna, 1837.12º Auvaiyār Apporisms, or Atthi Soodi of Avveyar. In Tamil & English with Biograppical sketches & illustrative notes. By the Rev. I. Sagden B.A. Bangalore 1848.12º The kondreivayntham of Auveyar. In Tamil & English (I.S.) ppxxxviii 82.26 Bangalore 1849.12º

Percival (P) Taruttanta Sangirakam [this is in Tamil characters] or a collection of proverbs in Tamil with their translation in English By P.P. pp.266 Jaffna 1843.12º

Bible New Testament [Complete] [Tamil] The Pocket Tamil Testametn pp.312 (2 copies) Madras n.d.12º

Beschi A classical Tamil & English Dictionary. For the use of schools based on Pt.I of Beschi’s Tamil Dictionary …pp.503 Madras 1870.sq.12º

Press Mark Page 98 Remarks 90 A 47 Phrase Book Tamil Phrase Book or Idiomatic Exercises in English & Tamil Designed to assist Tamil Youths in the study of the English Language. 3rd edition Published by the Amercian Mission pp.348 Jaffna 1848.12º

90 A 48 Challoner [ ] Dr. Nanrāyninci [Think well on it. By Dr. Challenot. Practical reflections on death etc in Tamil] pp.403 Pondicherry 1853.18º

90 A 49(1) Auvaiyār [Tamil] Attisūdi [Apporisms of Auvaiyār in Tamil] pp.15 npl. 1873-4,18º

90 A 49(2) Auvaiyār [Tamil] Konraiventān pp.19 [in Tamil] n.pl873-4,18º

90 A 49(3) Ativirarama Pandiyam [Tamil] Vettivērkai [attributed to Ativirarama Pandiyam] [in Tamil] pp.20,18º 90 A 50 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Tamil] The Book of Psalms [in Tamil] pp.242º

Press Mark Page 99 Remarks 90 A 51 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Mark [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.Mark[in Tamil] pp.366 Madras n.d, 18º

90 A 52 Sherwood (-) Mrs The History of Little Henry & his bearer. By Mrs Sherwood. Transl from the English [In Tamil] pp.92 Madras 1840.18º

90 A 53 Pope (G.U.) Popes Catechism of Tamil Grammar pp.88 Madras 1855.18º

90 A 54 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs [Tamil] The Proverbs of Solomon [in Tamil] pp.77 npl. nd. 18º

90 A 55 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Genesis [Tamil] Genesis [in Tamil] pp.456 Jaffna (Manepy) 1838.18º

90 A 56 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Tamil] The Psalms [in Tamil] pp.372 Jaffna (Manepy) 1839.18º

90 A 57 Good Instruction [Tamil] Good Instruction, called Spiritual Milk & Spiritual Lamp. In English & Tamil pp.117 Madras 1841.18º

90 A 58 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Tamil] The Gospel of St. Matthew [in Tamil] pp.108 Madras 12º

Press Mark Page 100 Remarks 90 A 59 Bibel New Testament [Portions]St.John [Tamil] The Gospel of John [in Tamil] pp.91 Madras 1871 sn.sq 12º

90 A 60 Tamil minor poets Tamil minor poets pp.150 Madras 12º

90 A 61 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs [Tamil] The Proverbs of Solomon pp.137 Jaffna (Manepy) 1837.18º

90 A 62 English & Tamil First Catechism English & Tamil First Catechism .pp36 Madras 1871,24º

90 A 63 First Lessons in English & Tamil First lessons in English & Tamul : designed to assist Tamil youth in the study of the English Language PtI & II 2 vols pp.64&96 Jaffna (Marepy) 1857, sn.sq 12º

90 A 64 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Tamil] The Gospel of Matthew pp.155 Madras 1884.24º

90 A 65 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Mark [Tamil] The Gospel of Mark pp.96 Madras 1884.24º

90 A 66 Bible New Testament [Portion] St. Luke [Tamil] The Gospel of Luke pp.161 Madras 1884.24º

Press Mark Page 101 Remarks 90 A 67 Bible New Testament [Portions] St. John [Tamil] The Gospel of John pp.125 Madras 1884.24º

90 A 68 Tamil Spelling Book Tamil Spelling Book No.I. pp.60 Jaffna 1839 sm.24º

90 A 69 Bible New Testament [Portions] Acts [Tamil] Acts of the Apostles [in Tamil] pp.208 Jaffna (Manepy) 1857.18º

90 A 70 The Daily Monitor The Daily Monitor : containing a text from Holy Scripture & a verse of sacred poetry for every morning & evening in the year pp.296 Jaffna n.d. sm.sq.24º

90 A 71 Bunyan (John) Pilgrims Progress. Sinhalese Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress with notes, selected chiefly from Scott Mason & Cheevet;& a life of the author [in Sinhalese] pp.248 [Kristiyāni vandanākārayāgē. gamana] Colombo 1867.8º

90 A 72 Bible New Testament [Complete] Sinhalese The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ Transl. into Singhalese. pp.395 Colombo 1840.8º

90 A 73 Harte ( ) Twenty-three short discourses in English & Singhalese [By the Rev.Mr. Harte] Vol III Ed. by the Rev.I Wenham, M.A. pp.257 Cotta 1843.8º

Press Mark Page 102 Remarks 90 A 74 Histories from the Old Testament Histories from the Old Testament pp.56 Colombo 1860.8º

90 A 75 Walt ( ) A short catechism to be learnt by Singhalese children. Being the substance of Watt’s first of catechism…2nd edition pp.16 Cotta 1838.12º

90 A 76 Sinhalese First Book Sinnalese First Book 22nd editions pp.24 Colombo 1874.12º

90 A 77 Singhalese made easy Singhalese made easy, or phrase book of colloquial Singhalese, in Roman & Singhalese Characters pp.96 Colombo 1869.8º

90 A 78 Bible New Testament Sinhalese The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, Transl into Singhalese pp.392 [Jesus Kristus vahansēye alut givisumaya] Colombo 1868.18º 90 A 79 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Genesis [Sinhalese] The Book of Genesis pp.186 Colombo 1864, sm.sq.12º

Press Mark Page 103 Remarks Bible New Testament [Portions] St. John [Sinhalese] The Gospel according to St.John [no English title] pp.98 nipl.n.d. sm.sq 12º

Line upon Line Line upon Line pp.144 16º

Bible New Testament The New Testament transl from the Greek by J.T.Jones 25ed Bangkok 1860.8º

Davenport ( ) mrs. Collection of Words & Phrases in English & Siamese pp.271 1840.12º

Press Mark Page 104 Remarks 90 B 1 Duka (Therdore) Dr. An Essay on the Brāhūī Grammar. By Dr.Therdore Duka. M.R.A.S. etc pp.77 London n.d. 80

90 B 2 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Pushtu] The Holy Bible containing the Old & New Testament, Transl into the Pushtoo Language. Vol.v. Containing the New Testament pp.782 Serampore 1818.8º

90 B 3 Bible New Testament Kashmiri The Holy Bible containing the Old & New Testaments Transl. from the Originals into the Kashmeera Language Vol.v. Containing the New Testament Serampore 1821.8º

90 B 4 Bible New Testament Nepāli The Holy Bible containing the Old & New Testaments, transl from the originals into the Nepala Language. By the Serampore Missionaries Vol.V. Containing the New Testament Serampore 1821.8º

90 B 5 Davies (John) On the Temporal Argument in Sanskrit & Greek. By John Davies M.A. pp.36 n.d. 80

90 B 6 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Gujarati] The Gospel according to St.Matthew in English & Goojuratee pp.175 Surat 1840.8º

Press Mark Page 105 Remarks Gilchrist ( ) Gilchrists Oordoo Risahuh, or Rules of Hindoostanee Grammar (Reprinted) pp.125 Calcutta 1831.8º

Faulkner (Alexander) The ORientalists grammatical Vade meeum being an easy introduction to the rules & principles of the Hindustane, Persian and Gujaráte language 40,40,32 Bombay 1853.8º

Yates (W) Introduction to the Hindoostanee Language in 3pts By W.Y. Calcutta 1827.8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] Gospels & Acts [Sindhi] The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ : The Gospel according to Matthew: The Gospel according to Mark: The Gospel according to Luke: The Gospel according to John : The Acts of the Apostles London 1870.4º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Hindustani] The Holy Gospel i.e. The New Testament of Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to Matthew pp.64 Mirzapur, 1874.8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [HīnSustāni] The Gospel according to Matthew pp.138 80 Press Mark Page 106 Remarks 90 B 13 Thompson (I.T) An English & Oordoo School Dictionary in Roman characters By J.T.Thompson. of Delhi. Pp.231 Serampore 1836.8º

90 B 14 Mīr Amman Bāgh-o-Bahāt: consisting of the adventures of the four Darwesh & of the King Āzād Bakht in the Hindūstānī language, by Mū Amman of Dihlī… in the Roman character. To which is added a vocabulary of all the words occurring in the work. By Duncan Forbes. LL.D.pp.iv.136.124 London 1859.8º

90 B 15 Shivadāsa The Baitāl-Pachīsī, or the Twenty-five Tales of a Demon. A new & corrected edition with a vocabulary of all the words occurring in the text. By Duncan Farbes, LL.D. (The Authors name was Shivadāsa) pp.viii.140.56 London 1861, La 8º

90 B 16 Nītidarpana Nītidarpana [The mirror of moral behavior] pp.105 Bombay 1837.68º

90 B 17 Brinda sata sahi Brinda sata sahi [No author’s name at beginning or end] pp.34 la 8º

Press Mark Page 107 Remarks ?? B 18 Lallū Lāl Rája-Niti, a collection of Hindu apologues, in the Braj Bha’sha language. Revised editions, with a preface & notes & supplementary glossary [Lallū Lāl] pp.vii 167.10.17 Allahabad 1854, la.8º

?? B 19 Haladhara Dās Sudānā caritra. By Hahadhara Dās pp41[83], nd., la 8º

?? B 20 Adam (M.T.) A Dictionary, English & Hindui. By Rev.M.T.A. pp.233 Calcutta 1838 La,8º

?? B 21 Lallū Lāl Kavi The Rajanítí or Tales exhibiting the Moral Doctrines of the Civil & Military Policy of the Hindoos. Transl literally from the Hindi of Shri Lallú Lal Kab, into English, by Ensign I.R.A.S. Lowe, Interpreter & Gr. ? 11th Regiment N.I.pp.112 Calcutta 1853, La 8º

?? B 22 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Hindī] The Gospel of St.Matthew. In Kythee Nagree. pp.106, n.d. la 8º ?? B 23 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Hindi] The Gospel according to St.John [In Hindi] pp.63 npl.n.d. la 8º

Press Mark Page 108 Remarks 90 B 24 Bible New Testament [ Portions] St.John [Hindi] The Gospel according to St.John [in Hindī] pp.81 8º

90 B 25 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Hindi] The Gospel according to St.Matthew pp.97 la 8º

90 B 26 Stewart ( ) Stewart’s Historical Anecdotes, with a sketch of the History of England. & her connection with India. Transl by the Rev.W.T.Adam Hinduwee pp.48 Calcutta, 1837 La 8º

90 B 27 Subha Bilas The Subha Bilasia collection of Stanzas on various subjects in Hindee, by different authors. Ed. by Capt.W.Price. pp.84 Calcutta 1828, La 8º

90 B 28 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Hindi] The Gospel according to St.John pp.372 La 8º

90 B 29 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Hindī] The Holy Bible, containing the Old & New Testaments, transl from the originals into the Vikanra Language. By the Serampore Missionaries. Vol V. Containing the New Testament pp.649. Serampore 1820 La 8º

Press Mark Page 109 Remarks ?? B 30 Defoe (Daniel) The History of Robinson Cruses [In Hindi, no English twice] pp.455 Benares 1860.La 8º

?? B 31 Bible New Testament [Portions] Acts [Hindi] The Acts of the Apostles [in Hindi] pp.83, n.d., la 8º ?? B 32 Vidyaharavalī Vidyaharavalī or Bengalee Encyclopedia: being a series of elementary works on the arts & sciences. Bk.I.Anatomy Serampore 1820 La 8º

?? B 33 A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language Vol II English & Bengalee 3rd edition. pp432 Serampore 1839 La 8º

?? B 34 Carey ( ) A dictionary of the Bengalee Language Vol I Bengalee & English. Abridged from Dr.Carey’s Quarts Dictionary pp.531 Serampore 1827. La 8º

?? B 36 Mahābhārata [Bengali] [The Mahābhārata] [No English Title] 2 vol. pp.xv.374 & xxiv. 391 Serampore 1831.La 8º

Press Mark Page 110 Remarks ?? B 37-8 Mahābhārata [Bengali] The Muhabharut: transl into Bengalee verse by Kasee Dass; & revised & collated with various manuscripts. By Joy Gopal Turkulunkar 2 vols 424 & vii 521 Serampore 1836.La 8

?? B 39-40 Carey (William) Rev. A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language Vol I Bengalee & English. Abridged from Dr.Carey’s Quarto Dictionary Vol II English & Bengalee 3rd edition pp530 & 432 Serampore 1827-39,8º

?? B 41 Ferguson (James) An easy introduction to Astronomy for young persons. Composed by James Ferguson F.R.S. & revised by David Brewster. LL D.Transl into Bengalee by William Yates pp.157 Calcutta 1833 La 8º

?? B 42 Bible New Testament [Portions] Marāthī Romans & 1st & 2nd Corinthiansº ?? B 43 Bible New Testament [Portions] Marāthī Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I & II Thessalonians, I & II Timothy, Titus & Philemon n.d. La 8º

Press Mark Page 111 Remarks ?? B 44 Elements of Natural Philosophy [Uriya] Elements of Natural Philosophy, designed for the instruction of Indian Youth Pt.II.pp.87 Calcutta 1832.La8º

?? B 45 Maltby (J.I.) A Practical Handbook of the Uriya or Odiyá Language. By T.I.M.pp.xiii.201 Calcutta 1874.8º

?? B 46 Sutton (Amos) An Introductory Grammar of the Oriya Language. By A.S.pp.x.130 Calcutta 1821.8º

?? B 47-9 Bible [Complete] [Vriya] Drissa Bible 3 vol pp.633 895.822. 1817.La8º

?? B 50 Bible [Portions] [Vriya] A selection from the Bible viz.The Book of Gensis to Chap XII 9 The Gospels by Matthew & John. The Acts of the Apostles, & the Book of Revelation pp.86 Serampore 1837. La 8º

Press Mark Page 112 Remarks 90 C 1 Bibel New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Nepalese] The Gospel according to St.Luke [in Nepalese] pp.106 1850 La 8º

90 C 2 Rceve (W) A Dictionary, Canarese & English. By the Rev.W.Reeve Revised, corrected & enlarged by Daniel Sanderson, Wesleyan Missionary. pp.1040 Bangalore 1858,La 8º

90 C 3 Hodson (Thomas) An elementary grammar of the Kannada or Canarese language in which every word used in the examples in translated & the pronunciation is given in English characters. By Thomas Hodson, Wesleyan Missionary 2nd edition ppviii128 Bangalore 1864.La 8º 90 C 4 Sanderson (Daniel) Katha Sangraha or Canarese Selections Prose Compiled by Daniel Sanderson , Wesleyan Missionary. pp.x560 Bangalore 1868 La 8º

90 C 5 John Sham Ras. A Canarese Primer By John Sham Ras. pp.119 Bangalore 1854.La 8º

Press Mark Page 113 Remarks 90 C 6 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Canarese] The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ Transl from the original Greek into Canarese pp.250 Bellary 1850 La 8º

90 C 7 Gracter (A) First Canarese-English Tranlsation. A course of 42 exercises by A.G. pp.92 Mangalore 1868.La 8º

90 C 8 Brigel (I) A Grammar of the Tulu Language. By the Rev. I.Brigel B.M.S.pp.139 Mangalore 1872.La.8º

90 C 9 Vémana The Verses of Vémana, Moral, Religions & Satrical [In Telugu & English] Transl by Charles Philip / Brown of the Madras Civil Service pp.176 Madras 1829 La 8º

90 C 10 Pleasing Tales Pleasing Tales, or Stories, desigined to improve the understanding & direct the conduct of young persons pp.66 Madras 1821 La 8º

90 C 11 The Book of Common Prayer The Book of Common Prayer & Administration of the Sacraments …. Together with the Psalter. Madras 1858 La 8º

Press Mark Page 114 Remarks 90 C 12 Carey (W) A Grammar of the Telugu Language. By W.Carey D.D. pp.186 Serampore 1814 La 8º 90 C 13 Brown (Charles Philip) Vákyávadi, or exercises in idioms. English & Telugu. Prepared under the directions of Charles Philip Brown pp.106 Madras 1852 La 8º

90 C 14 Brown (Charles Philip) A Grammar of the Telugu Language. By Charles Philip Brown 2nd edition: much enlarged & improved. pp.vii. 363 Madras 1857.La 8º

90 C 15 Brown (Charles Philip) Exercises on the English Irregular Verbs. Explained in Telugu. Together with a supplement explaining some English idoms in daily us [By C.P.B] pp.58 Madras 1841.La 8º

90 C 16 Tatachari Popular Telugu Tales by Tatachari. Collected & published by Charles Philip Brown pp.v.62 Madras 1855 La 8º

90 C 17-18 The wars of the Rajas The wars of the Rajas, being the History of Anantapuram. Written in Telugu in or about the years 1750-1810 Transl. into English By Charles Philip Brown 3 vols pp.91.79 Madras 1853, La 8º

Press Mark Page 115 Remarks Campbell (A.D.) A Grammar of the Teloogoo Language commonly called the Gentoo by A.D. Campbell. pp.xxv.32.208.19 Madras 1816 sm 4º

Outlines of the History of England Outlines of the History of England pp.214 Madras 1856. La 8º

Bible New Testament [Complete] [Telugu] The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ transl from the original Greek into Teloogoo by Edward Priichett. Missionary Vol II pp.305 Madras1818 La 8º

Brown (Charles Philip) The Telugu Reader, being a series of letters, private & on business. Police & Revenue matters, with a English translation: notes explaining the grammar & a little lexicon By.C.P.B. pp.280 Madras 1852. La 8º

Brown (Charles Philip) English translations of the exercises & document printed in the Telugu Reader By C.P.B.pp.177 Madras 1852. La 8º

Brown (Charles Philip) Analysis of the words in the first chapters of the Telugu Reader By C.P.B [also] a little lexicon, explaining such words as occur in the first three chapters of the Telugu Reader& in the Telugu dialogues [By C.P.B] pp82, 172 Madras 1851.La 8º

Press Mark Page 116 Remarks 90 C 25 P (E) Fables & Moral tales in Telugu & English, desigined for the benefit of those in their country who wish to study the English Language [By E.P.] pp.135 Madras 1856 La 8º

90 C 26 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Genesis [Telugu] The Book of Genesis pp.164 Bellary 1840, La 8º

90 C 27 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Mark [Telugu] The Gospel of Mark pp.64 Bellary 1840 La 8º

90 C 28 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Telugu] The Gospel of St.Luke pp.100 n.d. La 8º

90 C 29 Paulinus (L Bartholomses) Centum Adagia Malabarica, cum textu originali et versioni Latina meme primum in Lucem edita. A.P. Pauline a S.Bartholomses, carmelita Discalceato, Malabaria Missionaris. pp.12 Rome 1791, La 8º

90 C 30 Peet (Joseph) A Grammar of the Malayalim Language, as shoken in the principalities of Travancore & Cochin, the Districts of North & South Malabar… By the Rev.Joseph Peet pp.xvi. 218 Cottayam 1841.8º Press Mark Page 117 Remarks Bible New Testament [Portions] Gospels & Acts [Malayalam] The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Chrsit Transl into the Malayalim Language First Pt.containing the four Gospels & the Acts of the Apostles 2nd ed.pp361 London 1834.8º

Arbuthnot (A.I) Malayalam Selections : with translations: grammatical analysese & vocabulary. By A. I.A. pp.viii 207 Cottayam 1851.8º

Malayalim School. Panchatantram Malayalim School-Panchatantrum. 4the edition pp.202 Mangalore 1868.8º

Tirussirrampala Tesika Rāmāyanam Uttara Kāndam. A Prose Version of the last look of the Rāmāyana. By Tirussirrampala Tesikar. Pp.132 Madras 1815 sm 4º

Tiruvalluva-Nāyanār The “Sacred” Kurral of Tiruvalluva –Nāyanār. With introduction, grammar translation notes…lexicon & concordance. By the Rev.G.V.Pope. M.A.D.D. pp.xxviii 328.75 London 1886.8º

??6 Tiruvalluva Der Kural des Tiravalluvsr. Eingnomisches Gedicht über die drei Strebeziele des Menschen Übersetzung and Erklárung vow Karl Gran Dr. Th pp.xxiii.196 Leipzig & London 1856.8º

Press Mark Page 118 Remarks 90 C 37 Graul (Charles) Kaivaljanavanīta. A Vedanta poem The Tamil text, with a transl, a glossary & grammatical notes; to which is added an Outline of Tamil Grammar with specimens… & comparative tables. By Charles Graul. D.D. pp.x174.101 Leipzig & London 1855.8º

90 C 38 Tiruttakkadevar The Chintámani. First Book called Námagal Mambam, with the Comm of Nachmarkiniyar; & with analysis & notes in English…By the Rev. H.Bower, with the assistance of E.Muttarya Pillai. pp.XLii.154 Madars 1868.8º

90 C 39 Nicholas (Innocent) A vocabulary of English & Tamil words, to which are added a collection of familiar dialogues, the first rudiments of Grammar & a few letters & proverbs… Compiled … by I.N.pp.183 Madras 1840.8º

90 C 40 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Genesis [Tamil] [The Book of Genesis in Tamil] pp.135 8º

90 C 41 Rhenius (C.T.E.) A Grammar of the Tamil Language; with an Appendix By C.T.E. Rhenius, Missionary, Tonnevelly, pp.ix, vi, 294 Madras 1806.8º

Press Mark Page 119 Remarks Tiruvalluvar The Cural of Tiruvalluvar. First Part, with the Comm of Parimearagar, and amplification of that Ramannja Cavi-Rayar & an English translation of the text, by the Rev.W.H.Drew, Missionary Also Second Part. Pp.iv 191.24ix4329.11 Madras 1840.8

Bible Old Testament [Portions] Pentateuch [Tamil] The Old Testament in Tamil. First Part, containing the five Books of Moses 4th edition pp.637 Madras 1827.8º

Pope (G.V.) A larger grammar of the Tamil Language in both its dialects to which are added the Nannul, Yāpparungalam & other native authorities; with Comm… By the Rev.G.U.Pope. pp.411 Madras 1859.8º

Pope (G.U.) A Tamil Handbook ; or Full Introduction to the Common dialect fo that language, or the plan of Ollendorf & Arnold… By the Rev.G.U.Pope 2 nd edition pp.297.86 Madras 1859.8º Press Mark Page 120 Remarks 90 C 46 Tiruvalluvar Kural of Tiruvalluvar. High Tamil text with translation into common Tamil & Latin, notes & glossary. By Charles Giant D.D. Published [i.e. Edited] by William German pp.x335 Leipzig 1865.8º

90 C 47 Tandava Murtti Tamulische Schriften zur Erlaüterung des Vedanta Systems oder der rechtglaubigen Philosophie der Hindus. Übersetzung und Erklärung von Karl Graul. I.Kaivaljanavanita [Kavalliya Navanitan by Tandava Murtti] II Pancadasa prakarana [Pañcatasa Pirakaranam by Vittiyarana Suvamikal ] III Atnabodaprahāsika [by Srimat Sankara Bagavat Pāda] pp.xvi. 203 Leipzig 1854.8º

90 C 48-9 Kumarajurupara Tesikar The Nīlī Neri Vilakkam { ?? } of cumara Gura Para Tambirān, containing a hundred & two stanzas on moral subjects with an English translation vocabulary & notes, illustrative & explanatory. By H.Stokes. Esq.pp.xi, 112, v. Two copies Madras 1830.8º

90 C 50 The Book of Common Prayer [Tamil] The Book of Common Prayer & administration of the Sacraments … Together with the Psalter … In Tamil pp.181,182 Madras 1859.8º

Press Mark Page 121 Remarks ?? 51 Bunyan (John) The Pilgrims Progress from this World to that which is to come related under the similitude of a dream. By I.B.pp134 Madras 1842.8º

?? 52 Beschi (Coust. Joseph) A grammar of the common dialect of the Tamulian languages called ?? composed by R.F. Coust. Josph Beschi. Jesuit Missionary after a study & practice of thirty years. Transl by Christopher Henry Horst pp.160 Madras 1831.8º

?? 53 Walker (I) Nídimozhittiattu A selection from the writings of Tamil moralists for the use of schools [Ed. by I.S.] pp.112 Madras 1841.8º

?? 54 Bible New Testament Tamil The Tamil New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ Vol VI. Madras 1824.8º

?? 55 Tanduvaraya Katāmañjari [ ??] Tales collected by Tanduvaraya Mudaliyar] pp.85 Madras 4º

Press Mark Page 122 Remarks ?? 6 Percival (P) Tamil Proverbs with their English translation, containing upwards of six thousand proverbs. By the Rev.P.Percival 2nd edition pp.xi573 Madras 1874.8º

The Necessity for a revision The necessity for a revision of the Tamil New Testament [a tract] pp.8 8º

Narrainsawmy (W.M) Select Tamil tales with free translations in English & Teloogoo, to which are added a Vocabulary (From good Manuscripts) in English &Teloogoo & a choice no. of D1 Marshman’s Dialogues, in English & Tamil. By W.M.N. pp.182 Madras 1839.8º

Press Mark Page 123 Remarks Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Tamil] The Psalms of David, as appointed to be read in churches with the order of morning & evening prayer throughout the year pp. Madras 1820.8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St. Matthew [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.Matthew [in Tamil] pp.108,nd., 8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Mark [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.Mark [in Tamil] pp.172 n.d. 8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Tamil] The Gospel according to St.Luke [in Tamil] pp.179, n.d. 8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Tamil] The Gospel, according to St.John [in Tamil] pp.362º

Bible New Testament [Portions] Acts [Tamil] The Acts of the Apostles [in Tamil] pp.466 n.pp.n.d. 8º

Press Mark Page 124 Remarks 90 D 7 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Genesis [Tamil] The Book of Genesis ( ?? ), nd 8º

90 D 8 First Lessons & Idiomatic Exercises [Tamil] First Lessons & Idiomatic Exercises in English & Tamul, with forms of petitions, etc. pp.164 Nellore 1830,8º

90 D 9-11 Abhayarāja-parivena The Mahavansi, the Rájá. Ratnácari & the Kájá-vali…also, A collection of tracts… translates from the Singhalese. Edited by Edward Upham (The Rájáratnácari was written by a priest names Abejarájá) In 3 vols pp.xxxviii.358.325 & x369 London, 1833.8º

90 D 12 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Sinhalese] The New Testamet of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ: transl into Singhalese from the original Greek pp.149 Cotta 1832.8º

90 D 13 Sunarnda (M) Rūpacūlā, or Vibbaktyartha Prakasini, Edited by M.Sunan da Terunnause of Madiarawe with addictions, etc. pp.ii.66 Colombo, 1837.8º

Press Mark Page 125 Remarks Nawaratnaya Nawaratnaya (Stanzas with advice to Kinge, etc) also Námánta Satākage (Stanzas of reverence to Buddha, also secribing his virtue) pp14. Colombo 1882.8º Children (R.C) Notes on the Sinhalese Language No.1 on the formation of the plural of neuter nouns. By R.C. Children. pp.14 London 1873.8º

Bible [Complete] [Sinhalese] The Holy Bible, transl into Sinhalese by Missionaries from the church Missionary Society. pp.1222 Colta 1834.8º

Sloan (W.H.) A practical method with the Burmese Language pp.232 Rangoon 1876,La 8

Bible New Testament [Complete] [Burmese] The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, transl into Peguan from the Original Greek pp.575 Maulmain 1847 La 8º Press Mark Page 126 Remarks ?? D 19 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Burmese] Another Copy The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2nd Burmese edition pp.652 90 D 22 Maulmain 1837.La 8º

?? D 20 A Comparative Vocabulary A comparative vocabulary of the Barma, Malayā, and Thái languages. pp.XLV iii 239 Serampore 1810,La 8º

?? D 21 Lonsdale (A.W.) The First step in Burmese Being an easy introduction to the Language. For the use of schools, and for private instruction. By A.W. Lonsdale pp.66 Rangoon 1878 La 8º

?? D 22 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Burmese] Another Copy The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. 2nd Burmese edition. pp.652 90 D 19 Maulmain 1837,La 8º

?? D 23 Judson (A) A Dictionary, Burmese and English. By A.Judson pp.781 Maulmain 1852.8º Press Mark Page 127 Remarks Richardson (D) The Damathat, or the Laws of Menoo. Transl. from the Burmese By D.Richardson, Esq.pp.752 Maulmain 1847.8º

Bible [Portions] [Burmese] A Digest of Scripture, consisting of extracts from the Old & New Testament; on the place of Brown’s Selection of Scripture Passages 1st, Burmese edition. pp.145 Maulmain 1838.8º

Gray (James) Ancient Proverbs and Maxims from Burmese sources : or, the Niti Literature of Burma. By James Gray ppxii.179 London 1886.8º

?? 28 Instructor The Elements of General History, in two volumes. Vol II Modern History. Transl from the seventh volume of the “Instructor” by E.A. Stevens. pp.249 Maulmain 1853.8º

Press Mark Page 128 Remarks 9 D 29 Clerici Regulares S.Pauli Interpretatis Catechismi pro Barmanis corum lingua primisque nune literarum typis excusus. Addita etian Latina interpretatione opera Clericorum Regularium S. Pauli pp.76.45.48 Rome 1785.8º

90 D 30 Judson (A) A Dictionary of the Barman Language, with explanations in English. Compiled from the Manuscripts of A.Judson D.D. and of other Missionaries in Burmal pp 411 Calcutta 1826.8º

90 D 31 Compendium. Doctrina Christianse [Burmese] Compendium Doctrina Christianse. Idiomatē Barmansive Bomans pp.42 Rome 1776.8º

90 D 32 Paritta [Burmese] Payithinun pp.157 Rangoon 1872.8º 90 D 33 Mangalathulta [Burmese] Mangalathul etc pp241 Rangoon 18??. 8º

Press Mark Page 129 Remarks Gordon (HK) A Handbook to Colloquial Burmese in the Roman character. By H.K. Gordon. Second edition, revised and enlarged pp.63 Rangoon 1886.??º

Sermons of Gaudama Sermons of Gaudama pp.57 Maulmain 1880.8º

Narovāda Narovāda (On Morals) pp.26 Rangoon 1879.8

Paritta [Burmese] Mahāpariltokyi pp.111 Rangoon 1879.8º

Dhammavinaya amintaw pyantan [Burmese] Dhammavinaya amintawpyantan. A religions work pp.62 Rangoon 1881.8º

Dhammasakyā Taya [Burmese] Dhammasakyā Taya pp.24 1881.8º

Press Mark Page 130 Remarks ?? D 40 Vishnusarman (Burmese) Hitopadesa and other stories [in Burmese] pp.146 Rangoon 1881.8º

?? D 41 Mangala Sutta Mangala Sutta etc. pp.72 Rangoon 1881.8º

?? D 42 Pasangavinodanī [Burmese] Pasangavinodanī pp.68 Rangoon 1880.8º

?? D 43 Tsaw Hla Phroo Modern guide to English conversation, a vocabulary of the words most generally used in conversation. Compiled by Tsaw Hla Phroo. pp.286 Rangoon 1874.8º

?? D 44 Devakumhaorzāt [Burmese] Devakumhanzāt pp.40 Rangoon 1869.8º

?? D 45 Gallandet (T.H.) Gallandet’s Child’s Book on the Soul. [and] Repentance [Both] By the Rev.T.H.Gallandet, Transl into Burmese by Mrs S.K.Bennelt. pp.154.166 Maulmain 1853.57.8º

Press Mark Page 131 Remarks Wade (I) A Dictionary of Boodhism and Burman Literature. Compiled by the Rev.I.Wade pp.491 Maulmain 1852.8º

Hough (G.H.) An English and Burman Vocabulary, preceded by a concise grammar… By G.H.Hough pp.424 Serampore 1825,obl.16º

Bible New Testament [Gospels] [Poly glot] Evangelia Polyglotta London 1837.8º

Amaduti (John Christopher) Alphabetum Brammbarricum sen Indostanum [with fourteen others] [Explained by John Christopher Amaduti] pp.138 Rome 1771,12º

Bible New Testament [Complete] [Burmese] The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2rd Burmese edition. pp.651 Maulmain 1837,La.8º

Press Mark Page 132 Remarks 90 E 1 Manu [Sanskrit, Bengali, and English] The Laws of Menu, Son of Brahma ????? Sanskrit, Bengali and two English columns : the first of these is Sir William Jones’s translation pp.119 4º 90 E 2 Bible [Complete] [Burmese] The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments; transl, into the Burmese, from the Original tongues. 2nd edition. Maulmain 1840,4º

90 E 3 Latter (Thomas) A Grammar of the language of Burmah by Thomas Latter. pp.LVi. 203 Calcutta n.d. 4º

90 E 4 Mason (F) Synohsis of a Grammar of the Karen Language, embracing both dialects, Sgan and Pgko, or Sho. ppviii.458 Tavog. 1846.4º

90 E 5 Latter (T) Selections from the vernaeular Boodhist Literature of Burmal. By Lieuth T.Lalter pp.viii.199 Maulmain 1850,4º

Press Mark Page 133 Remarks Judson (A) A Dictionary. Burmese and English. By A.Judson pp.xxxiv 589 Maulmain 1852.4º

Justi (Ferdinand) Dir Bundehesh. Zum ersten Male Lerausgegeben transcrivit übersetzt und mit glossar versehn von Friedrich Justxi.ppxxxii.118.288 Leipzig 1868,La 8º

Westergaard (N.L.) Bundehesh. Liber Pehbvicus. Evetustissims codice Havniensi descripsit. Duas inscriptiones Rejis Saporis Primi adjecit N.L.Westergaard, Professor Franviensis pp.84 Copenhagen 1857, La 8º

Benfey (Theodor) Attpersisch mazdâh: zendisch mazdâorh. Sanskritisch medpâs Eine grammatische etymologische Abhandlung von Theodor Benfey pp.44 Gottingen 1878,4º

Dādāhāi (Mobed Sheheryārji) A Brief Outline of Zend Grammar, compared with Sanskrit, for the use of students, by Mobed Sheheryáry: Dádábhái pp.iv 73 Bombay 1863,La 8º Press Mark Page 134 Remarks ?? E 11 Burnouf (Eugéne) Commentaire sur le Yacna… le texte zend explique pour la première fois, Les variantes des quatre manuscrits de la Bibliothèque royale et la version sanscrite inédite de Nériosengbe par Eugène Burnouf.pp.cliii, 592, cxcvi. Paris 1833,4º

?? E 12 Firuz Bin Kaus, Mulla The Desatir, or Sacred Writings of the ancient Persian Prophets in the original tongue; together with the ancient Persian version and commentary of the fifth Sasan [Edited] by Mulka Firus Bin Kaus [who addsa]glossary of obsolete & technical Persian texts [and] an English translation of the Desatir and commentary. pp.ix 316.203.81 Bombay 1818, La 8º

?? E 13,14 Zend-Avesta Zend-Avesta, zoroasters lebendiges Wort…Pt.I…die reiden Bücher Izeschne und Vispered Pt II … die übrigen Zadbücher, Jeschts Sades, Si-ruze cend Vendidad. Pt.III Zoroasters Leben, Bun-Dehesch, zwei Kleinc Wörterbücher und die … gebrauche bei den jutzigen Parsen. Nach dem Franjösischen disttern Auguetil von J.F. Klauker. pp.168.386.368. 2 vols Riga 1776.7 4º

Press Mark Page 135 Remarks ?? 16 Kleuker (Johann Friedrich) Auhang zum Zend Avesta Vol I.Pt I Verseliedene Abhandlungen von Herrn Augustis du Perrow Pt.II Herrn Fouchers Listorische Abhandlung über die Religion der Perser. Vol II Pt I Eine Kritische Abhandlung [über] samtliche Nachrichten von Schriften Zoroasters Pt.II Untersuchungen über die Beschaffonheit, das zeitalter und den Werth der Zend bucher Pt III Erklärung dessen, was die griechischen und lateinischen Sehriftehder von Zoroaster…Berichten …Von John Friedrich Kleuket 2 vols. pp.397, 380,192,64,200 Leipzig and Riga 1781-.3,4º

Nerioseugh Dhaval The Book of the Nainyo-i-Khard. The Pazand and Sanskrit texts (in Roman Characters) as arranged by Nerioseugh Dhaval … With an English translation, a glossary of the Pazand Text … a sketch of Pazand grammar and an introduction by E.W. West pp.xxiv, 188,264 Stuttgart, and London 1871, La 8º Vullers (John Augustus) Joannis Augusti Vullers. Lexicon Persics. Latinnae etymologicum 2 vols. - contains Vol. I. & a supplement (Verborum lingua Persica radicas) of 135pp. x965.1566 Bonn 1855, -1864, La 8º

Muhammad Ibrāhim, Mirzā A Grammar of the Persian Language [with] Dialogues; an alppabetical list of the English & Persian terms of grammar, kan appendix on the use of Arabic Words. By Meerza Mohammed Ibiabeem. 268 London 1841, La 8º

Press Mark Page 136 Remarks ?? E 22 Sádī (Muslih-ud. Din) Gulistan, ou le Parterre-de-Fleurs du Cheikh Moslih-Eddin Sadi de Chiraz. Transuit Litteralement …. Avec des notes historiques et grammaticalis. Par N.Semelet pp.410 Paris 1834, La 8º

??E 23 Hāfiz Select odes, from the Persian poet Hafez, transl into English verse; with notes critical, and explanatory; By John Nott. pp.xii.98 ix 54 London 1887, La 8º

??E 24 Jones (William) A Grammar of the Persian Language, by Sir William Jones. The ninth edition, with considerable additions & improvements and some speciments of the finest Persian and Arabick hand writing, by the Rev.Samuel Lee, B.D. pp.xxv 283 London 1828, La 8º

??E 25 Notices et extraits Notices et extraits des Manuscrits de La Bibliothèque du Roi, et autres Bibliothèques…[Comprises besi??es bidpai’s?? fables in Persian, several other works in different languages] pp.298 Paris 1818, La 8º

Press Mark Page 137 Remarks Nizāme Nizami Poetae Narrationes et fabulae persice ex codice M8 nune premium editae subjuneta versione Latina et indice Verbotum pp.viii 115 Leipzig 1801,4º Nizāmi Makhzan ul Asrár, the Treasury of Secrets … [By] Shaikh Nizámi, of Ganjak. Edited from an ancient manuscript. With various readings, and a selected commentary, by Nathaniel Bland. pp.118 London 1844, La 8º

Farīd ud-Dīn ‘Attār Mantic Uttair, ou Le Lanugage des Oiseaux paême de Philosophic religieuse pat Farid-Uddin Attar. Publiex en Persan par M.Garcin de Tassy. pp.184 Paris 1857, La 8º

?? 29 Sen (Ramdhun) A dictionary in English and Persian, compiled & edited by Ramdhuon Sen. pp.277 Calcutta 1833, la 8º Press Mark Page 138 Remarks ?? 30 Amīr Rhawānd (Muhammad) Historia priorum Regum persarum post firmatum in regns Islamismum ex Muhammede Mirchond. Persice et Latine eum notis geographics. Literarüs. pp.179.37 Vienna 1782, 4º

?? 31 Sauli ( ) Mirzā Persian Dialogues, Composed for the author by Mirza Sauli, of shiraz. pp.48, 46 n.p.l. n.d., 4º

?? 32 Justi (Ferdmand) Handbuch det Zendsprache … Altbactrisches Worterbuch grammatik chrestomathie ppxxii.424 Leipzig 1864,4º

Press Mark Page 139 Remarks Hunter (W.W) A comparative Dictionary of the New.Aryan Languages of India and High Asia. With a Dissertation based on the Hodgson lists, official records & M.S.S. By W.W. Hunter pp.224 London 1868.fol

Lewin (Thomas Herbert) Hill Proverbs of the inhabitants of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. By Capt. Thomas Herbert Lewin. pp.ii.30 Calcutta 1873, fol. Mir Amman Bagh.o.Bahār. pp.208

Hitopadesa [Hindustani] Ukhlagi Hindee, or Indian ethics, translated from a Persian version of the celebrated Hitopades or Salutary Counsel, by Meer Buhadoor Ulee…under the superintendence of John Gilchrist. pp ii 171 Calcutta, 1803,4º

?5 Bīdpaī Dukhnee Unwari Soheilee, a translation into the Dukhnee Tongue of the Persian Unwari Soheilee [of Husain Kashifi] By Mohammad Ibraheem. [The Author of the Original is Bidpai] pp441 Madras 1824.fol

Press Mark Page 140 Remarks ?6 Burnouf (Eugène) Mémorie sur deux inscriptions cuneiformes trouveé près d’Hamadan et qui font maintenant partu des papiers du D& Schulz Par M.Eugène Burnouf. 5 plates pp.vii 199 Paris 1836,4º Neue Beítrāge zur Ertäuterung der persepolitanischen Keilschrift, nebst einena Auhange ü die Vollkommenkeit der Ersten Art verselben von Dr. G..7. Grotepend. 4 plates. pp.48 Hanover 1837,4º

?7 Lepsiús (Richard) Das ursprüngliche Zend alphabet von Richard Lepsius. Mit 3 lithographisten Tapeln pp.90 Berlin 1863.4º

Zendavesta Zendavesta or the Religious Books of the Zoroastrians. Edites & transl., with a Dictionary, grammer, etc, by N.L. Westerganid. Vol I The Zend texts. Pp26.486 Copenhagen 1852-54, La 8º

?9 Jalāl ud-Din Rumi Auswahl aus den Divanen des grössten mystisehen Dickters Persians Mewlana Dschelaleddin Rumi. Ausdem Persischen nit beigefügten Original texts und erlaüteruden Anmerkungen Von Vincenz von Rosengweig. pp.236 Vienna 1838, fol. Press Mark Page 141 Remarks Johnson (Francis) A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic & English. By F.J.pp.iv.1420 London 1852.La.4º

Muhammad Husain B.Khulf ut Tabrīzi Boorhani Quatiu, A Dictionary of the Persian Language explained in Persian… with a short grammar… By Moohmud Hoosein Ibni Khulf oot. Tubraizee. Edited by Captain Thomas Roebuck. pp.797.82 Calcutta, 1834, La 4º

Bible New Testament [Portions] Gospels [Persian] Quatuot Evangeliorum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi versis Persica… [transl] pee Abrahamm whelocum pp.462 London, 1657, 8º

Richardson (John) A Dictionary, Persian, Arabic & English, with dissertation on the Languages, literature & Manners of the Eastern nations by John Richardson. A new edition, with numerous addictions & improvements, by Charles Wilkins. Zvok pp.xcvi, 1157;xxiii,853 London 1806-10,4º

Khusrau (Amīr) Selections for the use of the students of the Persian classes Volume fifth Comprising the Akhlanke Julalee & the Lylee & Mujnoon of Ameer Khosrs. pp.227.141 Calcutta 1811,4º

Press Mark Page 142 Remarks 90 F 16 Gladwin (Francis) The Persian Moonshee. By F.G.[with reading lessons] pp.106.74.82 London 1801,4º

90 F 17 Sada Gulistān Musladini Sadi Rosarium Politicum sive Ameum sortis Hamanse Theatrum De Persico in Latinum versum, necessarüsque Notis illustratum a Georgio Gentio. pp.629 Amsterdam 1651, La 8º

90 F 18 Sadi Gulistān pp.180, ned., La 8º 90 F 19 Bīdpāī Anvāai Suhelī, or The lightrs of Canopus, being the Persian version of the Fables of Bīdpāī by Husain Yāiz Kāshifī pp.545 Hertford, 1857,4º

90 F 20 Mahmud Shabistarī Mahmud Schebisteri’s Rosenflor des Geheimnisses Persisch und Deutsch herausgegeben von Hammei-Purgstall.,54 Pesth & Leipzig 1838,4º

Press Mark Page 143 Remarks Sádi Le Böstân da Sàdī Texte Persan avec un commentaire Persan Publie… har Ch H.Graf. pp.viii 479 Vienna 1858,4º

Jāmī Anthologia Persica, sen Selecta e Siversis Persis auctoribus exempla in Latinum translate x Fabulse ex libro morali Mola Dschami [and other excerpto] pp.xii.87 Vienna 1778, La 8º

Von Hammer (Joseph) Geschichte der schönen Redekünste Persicus, mit einen Blüthenlese aus zweihundert Persischen Dichtern von J.v.H.pp.xii 433 Vienna 1818, La 8º

Umart Khayyām Les Quatrains de Khéyam traduits du Persan par J.B.Nicolas. ppxv. 229 Paris 1867, La 8º

Flowers of Persian Literature Another Copy The Flowers of Persian literature; containing extracts from the most celebrated 90 F 29 authors, in prose & verse with a translation into English [and] an Essay in the language & literature of Persia pp.xxii.222 London 1805, La 8º

Press Mark Page 144 Remarks 90 F 26 Jāmi Tuhfat ul Aliār, the Gift of the Noble being one of the seven poems, or Haft Hurang, of Mullā Jāmī. Now first edited … with various readings, by Forbes Falconer pp.16, 105 London 1848, 4º

90 F 27 Jāmi Salāmān u Absāl … one of the seven poems entitled the Haft Awrarg. of Mullā Jāmī. Now first edited… with various readings. By Forbes Falconer. Pp.18.68 London 1850,4º

90 F 28 Bīdpāī Livre de Calila et Dimna. Transuit en, Persan par Abou’lmaali Nasr-allah … [from the fables of Bīdpāī] Par M.Silvestre de Sacy. pp. 181. 64 Paris 1818,4º

90 F 29 Flowers of Persian Literature Another copy The Flowers of Persian Literature; containing extracts from the most celebrated 90 E 2?? authors, in prose & verse, with a translation into English [and] an Essay on the Language & Literature of Persia. pp.xxii.222 London, 1801, La 8º

Press Mark Page 145 Remarks Alfattāki Husu oo Dil or Beauty & Heart. Composed by Alfeltah of Nishaport Persian & English. Transl by William Price. pp.84 London 1828.4º

Castle (Edmund) Lexicon Hiplaglotton (Hebraicum, ChalSaicum, Syriacum) (Samaritacum, Ethiopicum, Arabicum) congunctive et Persicum separation. Cui accessit… grammaticx [Narum] Linguarum Delineatis. Authore Edmundo Castells. Pp.43, 573. London, 1679, fol

Pallegoix (D.J. Bapt) Grammatica linguae Thai. pp.241 Bangkok, 1850.4º

Low (James) A grammar of the Thai or Siamese language. pp.88 Calculta, 1829, 4º

Pallegoix (D.J.B) Dictionarium lingune Thai sive Siamensis intrerpretation Latine, Gallica et Anglica illustratum auctor D.J.B.P. pp.897 Paris 1854.fol Press Mark Page 146 Remarks 91 A 1 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Burmese] The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. In Sgan Karen 2nd edition. pp.545 Maulmain 1850,8º

91 A 2 Mainwaring (Thomas Alexander) The Anglo-Burmese Entertaining Preceptor : being ax collection of Oriental & other stories transl. into Burmese… By Thomas Alexander Mainwating pp.151 Maulmain 1853.8º

91 A 3 Bunyan (John) Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Pt. I. Transl into Burmese, by Sarah. B.Judson pp.292 Maulmain 1855.8º

91 A 4 Thu-Dhamma Tsari The Decisions of Princess Thoo-Dhamma Tsari transl. from the Burmese, according to the text of Lieut. T.Latter. By Captain T.P. Sparks. pp.92 Maulmain 1851,8º

91 A 5 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Luke [Burmese] The Gospel according to St.Luke. [no Title page] pp.143, n.d. 8º

Press Mark Page 147 Remarks The History of Zaneka The History of Zaneka, being according to the Bordhistic faith, one of the pre- existences of Gautamo. [sic] pp.190 Rangoon 1856,8º

Ranney (Thos. Stowe) The Pocket Companion of the Student of the Burmese Language, being an Anglicised vocabulary. Compiled by the publisher [Thos stowe Ranney] pp.309 Rangoon 1858.8º

Mc Kertich (Stephen M) The Anglo. Burmese Idiomatic Translator: Consisting of Sentences, forming Examples of the use of the English Particles (Alppabetically arranged) … By Stephen M.Mc.Kertich. pp.144 Rangoon 1886,8º Judson (A) Grammatical Notices of the Burmese Language: By A.J.pp.76 Maulmain 1842.8º

Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Burmese] The Gospel by John pp.125 Rangoon 1876,8º

Press Mark Page 148 Remarks 91 A 11 Chase (Dormer Augustus) Anglo Burmese Hand. Book, or guide to a practical knowledge of the Burmese language, compiled by Dormer Augustus Chase pp.142.ii Maulmain 1842,sq12º

91 A 12 Gordon (H.K.) Companion to a Hand-Book to Colloquial Burmese in the Roman character. By H.K. Gordon. In the Burmese Character. pp.108 Rangoon 1886, sq12º

91 A 13 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms & Proverbs [Burmese] pp.336 Rangoon, 1870,12º

91 A 14 Madear (G.F.) An explanation of the Apostles’Greed in Burmese [from ‘A class-book of the Catechism of the Church of England’ by the Rev.G.F.Maclear] Transl. by the Rev.James H.Colbeck.pp.57 Mandalay 1887,12º

91 A 15 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs [Burmese] Proverbs pp.111,m n.d. 12º

Press Mark Page 149 Remarks ??6 Brown (Nathan) A Catechism in the Tai or Skyan Language. By N.B.pp.15 Sadiya, 1838, 16º

??7 Benfey (Theodor) Weitere Beiträge zur Erklätung des Zend. Von T.B.pp.62

??8 Tucker (William Thornhill) A pocket Dictionary of English & Persian. By W.T.T. London 1850.8º ??20 Firdausi Das Heldenbuch von Iran aus dem Schah Nameh des Firdnan Von J.Görres. 2 vols. ppccxlvii.271 & 467 Berlin, 1820,8º

??21 Fath ‘Ali. The Vazir of Laukurán. A Persian Play. Edited, with a grammatical introduction, a translation, copious notes & a vocabulary… By W.H.D.Haggard & G.Le Strange [The Original author was Fath ‘Ali] pp.x6,136,53 London 1882,8º

??22 Bible New Testament [Complete] [ Persian] The Book of the New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ pp.1368 London 1878,8º

Press Mark Page 150 Remarks 91 A 23 Abu Tālib, Mirza The Travels of Mirza Aboo Talib Khan, in the Persian Language. Alridged by David Macfarlane. Second edition pp.132 Calcutta 1836,12º

91 A 24 Liturgise Ecchesise Anglicanse partes precipuse… in Linguam Persicum tranductne operö Mirza Ibrahim, pp.72 London 1828.12º

91 A 25 Ahmad al.Ghaffāri Kāzi. Epitome of the Ancient History of Persian translated from the Jehan Ara…By W.Ouseley pp.xxxvi 92 London 1799.12º

91 A 26 Jāmi Resemblances linear & verbal. A philological poem, in the Persian Language, by Jami. The English translation by Francis Gladwin. 2nd edition pp.39.31 London 1811,12º

91 A 27 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs [Persian] The Proverbs of Solomon pp.99 London 1831,12º

Press Mark Page 151 Remarks Sadi A compendium if Ethics. Translated from the Persian of Sheikh Sady of Shiraz. pp.70 Calcutta 1788,12º

Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Persian] The Psalms of David pp.273 London 1835,12º

Bleeck (A.H.) A concise grammar of the Persian Language, containing dialogues, reading lessons, & a vocabulary. By A.H.B. pp.xvi.206 London 1857,12º

Altār, Fahīd ud-Dīn Pendch-L-Altar. The Counsels of Attar. Edited from a Persian Manuscript, by the Rev. J.H.Hinsley. pp.x110 London 1809,16º

Sadi Sadi’s Rosengarten. Aus dem Persischen durch Dr.Philipp Wolff. Pp.335 Stultgart, 1841, sm,sq,12º

Sadi Selections from the Bostân of Sâdi … By Forbes Faleoner. Pp.iii.147 London,º

Press Mark Page 152 Remarks 91 A 34 Garzoni (Maurice) Grammatica evocabolaris della lingua Kurda composti dal P.Maurizis Garzoni pp.288 Rome 1787.12º

91 A 35 Beaumont (W.J.) A concise grammar of the Arabie Language. Revised by Sheikl Ali Nady el Barrary. By W.J.B.pp.vii.167 Cambridge, 1861,8º

91 A 36 Bible [Portions] Arabic A Book of selected verses from the Holy Scriptures. pp.115 F-Uah, 1840,8º

91 A 37,38 The Christian Journey The Christian Journey [Arabic] pp.442 (2 copies) Beirut, 1844,8º

91 A 39 Kitābu Talīmi li ajali‘l Atfāli ‘l Asgāri Kitābu Ta’līmi li ajali’l Atfāli’l Asgāri. [A reader for small children] pp.191 Malta, 1841,8º

91 A 40 Zamakhshari Samachschari’s Golden Halstāudet … arabisch und deulsch von Joseph von Hammer x.54.55 Vienna, 1835,8º

Press Mark Page 153 Remarks ?? A 41 Pocock (Edward) Liturgise Ecchisire Anglicanse partes precepure … in Linguam arabicum traductse operâ Edward; Pocockü pp.70 London 1826,12º

?? A 42 Bible New Testament [Portions] Extracts [Arabic] Arabic Tract: “Discourses & No.1078 pp.19 London 1863,12º

?? A 43 Bible New Testament [Portions] Extracts [Arabic] Arabic “Sermon on the Mount’ No.1079. pp.20 London 1863,12º

?? A 44 Bible New Testament. [Portions] Extracts [Arabic] Arabic “Miracles, & c” No.1080 pp.24 London 1863,12º

?? A 45 Bible New Testament [Portions] Extracts [Arabic] Arabic-“Parables” No.1081. pp18 London 1863,12º

?? A 46 History of the Bible Arabic “History of the Bible” No.1082 pp.24 London 1863,12º

?? A 47 Homilies Homilies 1,2 No.813 pp.16 London, 1856,12º

Press Mark Page 154 Remarks ??48 Homilies Homily, No. 3 No.823 pp.11 London 1856,12º

?? 49 Homilies Homily IV pp.12 London 1856,12º

?? 50 Homilies Homily V No.833 pp.14 London 1856,12º

?? 51 Homilies Homily VI No.1184 pp.7 London, 1856,12º

?? 52 Homilies Homily VII. pp.8 London 1856, 12º

?? 53 Homilies Homily VIII. No. 1186 pp.10 London 1856, 12º

?? 54 Damascus (James Solomon of) Arabum philosophia popularis sive Sylloge move proverbiorum a Jacobs Salomone Damascens Siclsato … interpretatis est… Fridericus Rostgaard. Edidit, cum adatotationibus… Jrannes Christianus Kallius. pp.192 Copenpagen 1764,12º

Press Mark Page 155 Remarks Lukmān Fables de Lodiman. Texte arabe, revu sur les mulleurs editions, collationné avec la manuscrit Sela Bibliothèque du Roi et suivi sin Dictionnaire…de tous les mots qui se trourent Sans ces fables, par M.Cherbonnean. pp.92 Paris 1847,12º

(Samuel) Bishop of Oxford [Christian tales] By Samuel Bishop of Oxford. Transl. by Henry Guiar Williams pp.123 London 1854,12º

?? 57 Sharh Tabāi ‘I Shaiwān Sharh Tabāi ??? A treatise on the properties of animals Pt.I.pp.249 Malta, 1841,12º ?? 58 Arabian Nights [Portions] Historie des Chems-Eddine Historie des Chems.Eddine et Nour-eddine ponetuse à la manière francaise [viz.Algerian] et accompagnée Se l’analyse grammaticale Ses motset Ses formes les plus Sifficiles, Pal.M.Cherbonneau. pp.vi69 Paris 1852,12º

?? 59 Arabian Nights[Portions] Historie de Chemo-Eddine Historie de Chems Eddine et Nour-eddine…Expliguee par deux tranductions francaises … Par M. Cherbonneau pp.213 paris, 1853,12º

Press Mark Page 156 Remarks 91 A 60 Rosenol Rosenol … Sagen und Kunden des Morgenlandes aus arabischen, persischen und türkischen Quellen. Vol I.ppxvi324 Stuttgart und Tübingen, 1813,12

91 A 61 Fables. [Arabic] Another Copy Fables [No Further title] pp.103 London 1872,12º 91 A 72

91 A 62 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Deuteronomy [Arabie] The fifth volume of the Pentateuch, called Deuteronomy. pp.180 London 1871,12º

91 A 63 Story of Martin Luther Story of Martin Luther. pp.147 ?? Valetta, 1840,12º

91 A 64 Common Prayer [Portions] [Arabic] Portions of the Book of Common Prayer. pp.206 London 1844,12º

91 A 65 Burhān-ud. Dinaz.Zarnukhi Euchiridion Studiosi, Arabice Conscriptione a Borhan addins Alzernouchi. Cum duplici rersione Valmici, altera a Friederico Rostgaard… altera Abrahami Ecchallensis … edidit Hadrianus Relandus. pp.250 Utrecht, 1709,12º

Press Mark Page 157 Remarks 91 A 66 Bible New Testament [Portions] Gospels & Acts [Arabic] The Book of the New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Newly transl. from the Greek. Pp.180 12º 91 A 67 Petermann (Julius Henry) Brevis linguse arabicse grammatica, litteratura crestomathia cum glossario… scripsit Jul Henr. Petermann…pp.92 Berlin 1840,12º

91 A 68 Defoe (Daniel) The story of Robinson Gusse [in Arabic] pp.252 Malta 1835, 12º

91 A 69 Kayat (Assād Ya “Kub) The Eastern Travellers’ Interpreter or Arabic without a teacher. By Assaad Yakoob Kayat pp.172 London 1844,sm.obl 24º

91 A 70 Bresmier (L – J) Aathologie arabe elementaire …[with] … vocabulaire Arabe-Francais, par L-J Bresnier pp.391,136 Algiers 1852,12º

91 A 71 Sealigerus (Joseph) Another Copy Proverbiorum Arabicorum centuries duse…cum interpretatione Latina et Scholüs. 91 A 7 ?? Josephi Scaligui…et Thome Erpenü [2nd ed] pp.134 Leyden 1623,12º

Press Mark Page 158 Remarks ?? A 72 Fables [Arabic] Another Copy Fables [No further title] pp.103 London 1872,12º 91 A 61

?? A 73 Catechism [Arabic] A catechism of the doctrines of the faith of the church of England. pp.39 nd. 12

?? A 74 Book of prayers … [Arabic] A book of prayers for everyday in the week pp.79 n.d. 12º

?? A 75 Story of the Cross [Arabic] The Story of the Cross; or the Chronicle of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. pp.46 Malta, 1840, 12º

?? A 76 Weil (Gustavus) Historisch-Kritische Einleitung indem Koran. Von Dr.Gustav. Weil. pp.121 Bielsfeld, 1844, 12º

?? A 77 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Matthew [Arabic] The Gospel according to St.Matthew [Arabic with English Facing it] pp.144, n.d. 16º

Press Mark Page 159 Remarks ?? A 78 Scaligerus (Joseph) Another Copy Proverbium Arabicotum centurise duse… cum interpretationa Latina et Scholüs… 91 A 71 Josephi Scaligeri … et Thomae Erpenii [2nd ed.] pp.134 Leyden 1623,16

?? A 79 Story of Little Henry… [Arabic] The Story of Little Henry… pp.84 Beirut, 1842.16º

?? A 80 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Arabic] The Book of the Psalms of David, Kimg & Prophet pp.155 London 1819.16º

?? A 81 Helot (L.&H.) Dictionnaire de poche Francais Arabe et Arabe-Francais … Par H.Helot (d.Alger) [2nd. Ed] pp.xxii531 Algiers nd., 16º

?? A 82 Reader’s Solace … [Arabic] The Reader’s Solace in a collection of Proverbs pp80 Beirut. 1864.16

?? A 83 Barthelemy (M) Vocabulaire phrase’ologique Francais-Arabe, avec La pronciation figurée, précedé d’un extrait de grammiaue et suivi S’un appendix des pride et measures. Pav. M. Barth’elémy pp.Ll.144 Leipzig, 1854,16º

Press Mark Page 160 Remarks 91 B 1 Rawlinson (H.C.) The Persian Cuneiform inscription at Behistun Secyphered & translated; with a memoir on Persian cuneiform inscriptions… By Major H.C. Rawlin’son pp.lxxi.349 London , 1846,8º 91 B 2 Memoir on Cuneiform inscriptions Memoir on Cunerform inscriptions. Vocabulary of the ancient Persian Language, containing all the words which occur in the Persian cuneiform inscriptions… pp.192 London x.d.8º

91 B 3 Benfey (Theodor) Die Persischen Keilinschriften mit Uebersetzung und Glossar von Therdor Benfey. pp97 Leipzig, 1847,8º

91 B 4 Stern (M.A.) Die dritte Galtung der achämenischen Keilinschriften erlän??ert von M. A. Stern. pp.ix. 236 Göttingen, 1850,8º

91 B 5 Lassen (Christian) Die attpersischen Keil. Inscriften von Persepolis. Entzifferungdes Alphabets und Exklärung des Ionhalts von Dr.Chr.Lassen [also] Veber die Keil inschdiften der elsten und zwriten Galtung von Chr. Lassen und N.L.Westergaard pp.186.302,13º Bonn 1836,45,8º

Press Mark Page 161 Remarks ? 6 Jackson (A.V. Williams) A Hymn of Zoroaster. Yasna 31. Transl. with comments. By A.V.W. Jackson pp.vii.62 Styttgart 1888, La 8

De Harlez (C) Etudes avestiques. Notes sur le seus des mots Avesta. Zend: der controverses relatives al Avesta. Pat Harlez. pp.323 Paris 1877, 8.

Spiegel (Friedrich) Grammatik der altbaktrischen Sprache ?nebst einen Auhange über den Gâthâdealext von Friedt.Spiegel pp.410 Leipzig 1867, 8º

??9 Kossowicz (C) Gatà Ahumavaiti Saratustrica carmina septem Latine vertit et explicarit commentarier criticos adjecit recensuit C.Koesowicz St.Peterburg, 1867,8º ??-12 Shiegal (Friedrich) Avecta, die heiligen Schriften der Parsen aus dem Grundtexts übersetzt…von Dr. Friedrich Spiegel …3 vols. ppviii. 293. cxiv. 222 lxxxii.274 Leigzig 1852 59, 63,8º

Press Mark Page 162 Remarks 91 B 13 Hovelacque (Abel) L Avecta Zoroastre et le Mazdeicme me par Abel Hovelacque Introduction Deconverte et interpretation de L’Avesta. pp.114 Paris 1878.8º

91 B 14 Haug (Martin) Die fun f Gâthâs’oder Sansmlungen von Liedern und Sprachen Iarathustra’s, semer Jünger und Nochfolger. Herausgegeben übersetzt and erklärt von Dr.Martin Haug. pp..xvi. 246 xvi.259 Leipzig 1858,8º

91 B 15 Haug (Martin) Essays on the sacred language, writings & religion of the Parsees. By Martin Haug. pp.268. Bombay 1862.8º

91 B 16 De Harlez(C) Manuel de La Langue del’ Avesta Grammaire, anthologie, Lexique. Par Harlez.pp ix 245 Paris, 1878.8º

91 B 17 Burnouf (E) Etudes sur La Langue et sur les Textes zends par E.Burnouf. Vol I pp.iv. 429 Paris 1840-50,8º

Press Mark Page 163 Remarks ?? B 18 Geiger (W) Die Pehleviversion des ersten Capitels des Vendidas. Uebersetzt und erklaert von W.Geiger. pp.66 Enlangen 1877.8º

?? B 19 Spiegel (Fr.) Zur Interpretation des Vendidad von Fr.Spiegal pp.54 Leipzig 1853,8º ?? B 20 Haug (M) Ueberden Gegenwaertigen Stand der Zend philologie von Dr.M.Haug pp.70 Stultgart 1868.8º

?? B 21 Breal (Michel) De La geographie de l’Avesta: Le Brahne Tchengieng Lâtchah, par M.Bréal. pp.23 Paris 1862.8º

?? B 22 Pietriszewski (I) Abrégé de La grammaire Zend par J.Pietraszewski pp.iv 58 Berlin 1861.8º

?? B 23 Oppert (Jules) L’Honover, Le Verbe Createur de Zoroastre [By Jules of oppert.] pp.24 Paris 1862.8º

Press Mark Page 164 Remarks ??B 24 Bohlen (P) De origine linguae Zendisae e Sanscrita repetenda Petrus A.Bohlen pp.61 Koenigsberg, 1831,8º

?? B 25 Sádi Gulistān The Gulistan, or Rose-Garden; by Musle. Huddsen Shaik Sâdy. of Sheeraz. Translated from the original by Francis Gladwin pp.xxii.352 London 1822, La.8º

?? B 26 Nizāmi Nizāmî ‘s Leben und Werke und der ziveite Theil des Nizânischen Alexanderbucles. Mit Persischen Texten als Auhang von Wilhelm Brader. pp.viii. 122.39 Göttingen, 1871, 8º

?? B 27 Husain Kāshifi Akhlapi Muhsinī, The Morals of the Beneficent, by Husain Vāiz Kāshifi. pp.110 Hertford, 1850,8º

?? B 28 Husain Kāshifi Akhlāk-i Muhsinī or The Morals of the Beneficent, literally translated from the Persian of Husain Vāiz Kāshifi. By the Res. H.G. Keene. pp.52 Hertford, 1850,8º Press Mark Page 165 Remarks ?? B 29 Amīr Khawānd (Muhammad) Michond: Historia SeldschukiSarum persice... Nune premium edidit… annotationibus criticis et philologicis illustiant Joannes Augustus Vullers. pp.280 Giessen 1838, 8º

?? B 30 Farbes (Duncan) A new Persian grammar … illustrated by Selections from the best writers: with two facsimile accompanying … By D.Forbes & Sandford Annot. pp.60 London 1828.8º

?? B 31 Firdausi Soohrab: a poem, freely transl from the original Persian of Firdausee … By James Atkinson. ppxxv. 267 Calcutta 1814, 8º

?? B 32 Sa‘di The Gulistān (Rose-Garden) by Sādi of Shīrāz. Persian. pp.251 London, 1827.8º

?? B 33 Gladwin (Francis) The Persian Moonshee, by the late Fransis Gladwin. Abridged by William Carmichael Smith. pp.120 London, 1822.8º

Press Mark Page 166 Remarks 91 B 34 Bidpāī The first book of the Auvāri Suhelī. A literal translation in English by the Rev. H.G.Keene [The Original is by Bidpāī] pp.iv.147 Hertford, 1835,8º

91 B 35 Jones (Robert) A new Persian & English work [phrases etc] after the method of Boyer & others by Robert Jones pp.95 Calcutta, 1792.8º

91 B 36 Sa‘di Bostan pp.260 n.p.l n.d. 8º

91 B 37 The Bakhtyar Nameh The Bakhtyar Nameh, or Story of Prince Bakhtyar an the Ten Viziers; a series of Persian Tales. [ SirWilliam Ouseley] pp.viii.119.135 London, 1801,8º 91 B 38 Sa‘di The Gulistān (Rose-Garden) of Shekh Sâde of Shīrāz. A new edition, carefully collated by E.B.Eastwich. pp.iv 127.231 Hertford, 1850.8º

Press Mark Page 167 Remarks ??B 39 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Persian] Another copy The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ transl from the original Greek 91 B 50 into Persian by the Rev.Henry Martyn 3nd ed pp.518 London 1827.8º

??B 40 Gladwyn (Francis) A Dictionary, Persian, Hindoostanee & English, including synonyma. By Francis Gladwyn. Vol. I. pp.1066 Calcutta, 1809.8º

??B 41 Bidpāī [Persian] The first part of the Auvāri Suhetī. [The original is by Biddpāī] pp.214 London 1838.8º

?? B 42-44 Persian Reader The Persian Reader, or, Select Extracts from various Persian writers. 3 vols. pp.189.171.169 Calcutta, 1835.8º

?? B 45 Fragments relatifs a’la Religion de Zoroastre Fragments relatifs ā la Religion de Zoroastre, Extraits des manuscrits pewans de La Bibliothèque du Roi pp.vii.34 Paris 1829.8º

Press Mark Page 168 Remarks ??B 46-7 Hazin (Muhammad’Ali) The life of Sheikh Mohammad Ali Hazin, written by himself transl. from two Persian Manuscripts; and illustrated with notes 2 vols. By F.C. Belfour. 1st vol in Engl. 2nd in Persian pp.X.L. 316, 259 London 1830-31.8º

??B 48 Nizāmi Lailí and Majnun; a poem. From the Original Persian of Nazámi. By James Atkinson pp.viii.127 London 1836,8º ?? B 49 Possart (Paul Anton Fedor) Grammaltk der Persischen Sprache Lerausgegeben von Paul Anton Fedor Possart. pp.xiv.232 Leipzig. 1831.8º

??B 50 Sa‘di Iqd-i-Manzum…being a selection from the Bostan of Sa‘di. Edited by W.Nassaulees & Mawlawi Kabir al Din Ahmad pp.151 Calcutta, 1863,8º

??B 51 Sa‘di Selections from the Bostan, or the Pleasure-Garden, being the Pretical work of Suekh Muslah-ood-Deen Sadi Shirazi, literally transl..with…notes… by Adalut khan. pp.xxii.182. Calcutta, 1868,8º

Press Mark Page 169 Remarks ?? B 52 Veillers (John Augustus) Fragmente über die Religion des Zoroaster Ausden Persischen übersetzt… Von Dr.Johann August Vullers. mit einem Vorwort von H.Prof. Windischmann. pp.xxxii. 130.14 Bomn, 1831.8º

?? B 53 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Persian] Another Copy The New Testament of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the original 91 B 39 Greek, into Persian, by the Rev. Henry Martyn. 3rd edition pp.518 London 1827.8º

?? B 54 Vullers (John Augustus) Joannis Augusti Vullers Institutiones Linguae persice cum sanscrita et zendica Lingua comparatse. Chrestomathia Schahnamiana…edidit… Joannes Augustus Vullers. pp.x.208.267 Giessen, 1840, 8º

?? B 55 Tujnees ool Loghat. Tujnees ool Loghat, or Discrimination between Words similar in form, but different in meaning. pp.14 Calcutta, 1826,8º

Press Mark Page 170 Remarks Etudes philologiques our La langue Kurde Etudes philologiques sur la langue Kurde (Dialecte de Soléimanié) pp.60 n.pln.n.d.8º Ghosa (Krishna Chandra) A selection of anecdotes moral & entertaining translated from the Persian into English by Krishna Chandra Ghosa pp.274 Calcutta, 1832,8º

?? 58 Velsch (George Jerome) Commentarius in Ruzname Naurussive Tabulse xquinoetiales novi Persarum & Turearum anni. Nune primum edita e Bibliotheca Georgii Hieronymi Velschü.cujus accedit Disseratatis de carundem usu. pp.137 Augsburg, 1676,sm4º

?? 59 Gladwin (Francis) A dictionary, Persian, Hindoostanee & English; including synonima. By Francis Gladwin pp.1066 Calcutta 1809.0º

Press Mark Page 171 Remarks ?? C 1 Spiegel (Fr.) Die altpersischen Keilinschriften in Grundtexte mit Uebersetzung, Grammatik und Glossar von Fr.Spiegel. pp.v.223 Leipzig, 1862, La8º

?? C 2 Brockhaus (Hermann) Vendidad Sade. Die heiligen Schriften Ioroaster’s Yacna Visferad und Vendidad…mit Index und Glossar herausgegeben von Dr.Hermann Brockhaus. pp.xiv. 414 Leipzig, 1850,La 8º

?? 3 Hovelacque (Abel) Grammaire de la Langue zende, par Abel Hovelacque 2nd edition. pp.viii. 308 Paris, 1878, La 8º

?? 4,5 Spiegel (Friedrich) Commentar über das Avesta von Friedrich Spiegel. Vol. I.Der Vendîdâd. Vol II. Vispered, Yacna und Khorda. Avesta. 2 vols. pp.xv. 477, xxxx,742 Vienna, 1864-8, La 8º

Press Mark Page 172 Remarks ?? C 6 Book of Arda Viraf. The Book of Arda Viraf [with the Gosht.i Fryano and Hadokht-Nask]. The Pahlavi text prepared by Destur Hoshangji Jamaspji Asa. Revised… by Martin Haug… assisted by E.W.West-[also] Glossary & Index. Pp.xxxvii. 316 viii. 350 Bombay & London 1872,la 8º

?? C 7 Dinkard The Dinkard. The original Péhlevi text; the same transliterated in zend characters: translation in gujarati & English … a commentary & a glossary… by Peshotum Dustoor Behramjee Sunjana. Vol I.pp 61, xi, 64,49,63 Bombay, 1874, la 8º

Haug (Martin) Essay on the Pahlavi Language by Martin Haug. pp.152 Stuttgart, 1870, La.8º

Spiegel (Fr.) Die traditionelle Literatur des Parsen in ihrem zusammenhange mit den angrängenden Literaturen dargestellt von Fr.Spiegel pp.xii.463. Vienna 1860, La 8º

Press Mark Page 173 Remarks 10 D Harlez (C) Manuel du Pehlevi…grammaire. Anthologie, Léxique par Harley. pp.xii.348 Paris 1880, La 8º

Spiegel (Friedrich) A vesta. Die heilegin Schriften der Parsen zum ersten Mali…herausgegeben von Dr.Friedrich Spiegel. Vol. I Der Vendidad, Vispered. Vol II Other books & various readings. pp.xxiv, 195, 240, 248, 319 Vienna 1853, La 8º

Spiegel (Fr) Grammatik der Huzuāresch-Sprache von Fr.Spiegel pp.x194 Vienna 1856, La 8º

Sachau (Ed) Neue Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Xoroastrischen Literature von Ed.Sachau. pp.50 Vienna, 1871, La 8º

De Lagarde (Paul) Beitrāge zur baktrischen Lexikographie von Paul de Lagarde pp.80 Leipzig, 1868 La 8º Press Mark Page 174 Remarks ?? 16 Spiegel (Fr.) Vergleichende Grammatik der altérānischen Sprachen Von Fr.Spiegel pp559 Leipzig. 1882, La 8º

?? 20 Firdausi The Shah Nameh: an Leroic poem…By Abool Kasim Firdausee. Carefully collated … illustrated by a copious glossary of obsolete words & obscure idioms: with an introduction & life of the author… By Turner Macan 4 vols. pp.Lv.64,486.578.618.661 Calcutta, 1829, La 8º

Forbes (Duncan) A grammar of the Persian Language [With reading lessons & vocabulary] By Duncan Forbes. 2nd ed pp.iv, 90,40,23 London 1844, La. 8º

Richardson A vocabulary, Persian, Arabic & English; abridged from the quarts edition of Richardson’s Dictionary, as edited by Charles Wilkins…By Davi’d Hopkins. pp.viii.643 London, 1810, La 8º

Press Mark Page 175 Remarks ?? 23-4 Sharaf Scheref-Nameh ou Historie des Konrdes par Scheref, Prince de Bidlis, publiée pour la premiere fois, traduite et annotée par V.Véleaminof-Zernof. 2 vols. pp.xxiii.459.x79.308 St. Peterburg, 1860, La 8º

?? 25 Sharaf Cheref. Nâmeh ou Fastes dé La Nation Kourde par Chèref. ouddine, Prince de Bidlis.. Tradsuits du Persian et commentés par Francois Bernard Charmoy. Vol St. Petersburg, 1873, La.8º

?? 26 Bible Old Testament [Complete] Persian Vols I & II pp.451, 496 Edinburgh, 1845, La 8º

?? 27 Dorn (B) Beitràge zur Kenntniss der iranischen Sprachen II.Theil Masanderanische Sprache. Herausgegeben von B.Dorn und Mirsa Muhammad Schafy. pp.vii.164 St. Petersburg, 1860, La 8º

?? 28 Bidpāī Akhlak Muksing. Persian version. The Morals of the Beneficent, by Husain Vāiz Kāshifī pp.108 Hertford, 1823, La -8º

Press Mark Page 176 Remarks ?? C 29 Toote-Naneh The Tooti-Nameh, or Tales of a Parrot: in the Persian Language: with an English translation. pp.340 Calcutta, 1801, La. 8º

?? C 30-1 Hāfiz Der Diwan des grossen lyrischen Dichters Hafis, in persischen Original Lerausgegeben, ins Deutsche methrisch ubersetzt und mit Ammevkungen reschen Vols II & III Vincerrz Ritter r. Rosengweig-Schwannan pp.595, 584 Vienna 1863, La 8º

Roebuck (Thomas) A collection of proverbs & proverbial phrases in the Persian Hindoostanee Languages. Compiled & transl, chiefly by Thomas Roebuck. pp.xxxi. 406, 397 Calcutta 1824, La 8º

Lees (W.Nassau) A biographical sketch of the mystic philosophic & poet Jami, being the preface to his “Lives of the Mystics”. By W.Nassaw, Lees. pp.20 Calcutta 1859, La 8º

Hafiz Dwān of Khawājah Hāfiz of Shīrāz. pp.310 Calculta 1826, La, 8º

Press Mark Page 177 Remarks ?? 35 Jāmi Dir Frühlingrgarten von Mewlana Abdwrrahman Dschanai. Aus dem Persischen utertragen von Ottocar Maua Freiheirn v. Schlechta. Wssehid. pp.xvi. 152, 118 Vienna, 1846, La 8º ?? 36-37 Lerch (Peter) Forschungen über die Kurden und die iranischen Nordchaldäer von Peter Lerch 2 vols [I.Textsand translation II.Glossary & historical sketch] pp.xii. xxx.103.225 St.Petersburg, 1857-8, La 8º

?? 38 Justi (Ferdinand) Kurdische Grammatik von Ferdinand Justi pp.xxxiv.256 St. Petersburg, 1880, La 8º

?? 39 Jaba (Alexander) Recueil de Notices et re’cits Kourdes…réunis et traduits en francais par M.Alexander Jaba. pp.x.111,127 St. Petersburg, 1860, La 8º

?? 40 Schiefner (A) Ossetische Sprichworter: von A. Schiefner. pp.41St.Petersburg, 1862, La 8º

Jaba (Auguste) Dictionnaire Kurde – Francais. pp.xviii.463 St.Petersbourg, 1879,8º

Press Mark Page 178 Remarks ?? D 1 Kossowicz (C) Saratustricae gâta posteriors tres latine vertit et explicavit texteam archetypi … recensuit Dr.C Kossowicz. pp.xx.110 St. Petersburg, 1861, 8º

?? D 2 Geiger (Wilhelm) Aogemadaêcê ein Parsentractal in Pâzend, Altbaktrisch und Sanskrit herausgegeben, übersetzt, erklärt und mit Glossar vershen von Dr.Geiger. Erlangen, 1878, 8º

?? D 3 Bartholomse (Christian) Das altiranische Verbum in Formcnlehre und Syntax dargestellt von C.Bartholome pp.245 Munich, 1878, 8º

?? D 4 Muhammad Rāshid Farāiz Sarājujah. By Mawlawi Muhammad Rāshid. pp.251 Calcutta, 1211.8º ?? D 5 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.Mark & St.Luke [Persian] [The Gospels according to St.Mark & St.Luke, in Persian] pp.137,n.d, 8º

Press Mark Page 179 Remarks ?? D 6 Ibn ‘Arab Shāh History of Trimour. pp.509 Calcutta, 1818, La 8

?? D 7-10 Arabian Nights [Complete] [Arabic] The Alif Laila: or, the Book of the Thousand nights & one night…Published complete in the original Arabic. Ed. by Sir W.H.Macnaghten, Bart. 4vols. pp.910,699,663,732 London, 1839, La 8º

?? D 11-12 Shahrastāni (Muhammad ash.) Book of religions & Philosophical sects, by Muhammad al. Shahrastáni…Ed…by the Rev.William Careton pp.198 London 1842, La. 8º

?? D 13 Cañes (Francis) Gramatica Arabigo-Española, vulgar literal. Conun Diecionaris Arabigo-Español… Por Fray Francises Cañes [6.S.F.Disc] Texte de la Soctrina cisticium pp.xvii. pp.272. XYii. Madrid, 1775, La. 8º

?? D 14 Al-Kazwīnī [Zakariyā] Zakarija Ben Muhammad Ben Mahmuded-Cazwine’s Kosmographie … herausgezeben von Ferdinand Wüstenfeld 2 vols. pp.xii, 452, x,418 Gottingen, 1849, La 8º

Press Mark Page 180 Remarks ?? D 15 Grammaire Arabe Grammaire Arabe. Seconde partie, renfermant les dialogues et autres exercises… pp.214, n.d.,4º

?? D 16 Ecchellensis (Abraham) Synopsis positorun Sapientiae Arabum philosophorum inscripta Speculum mundum representaus, ex Arabies sermone Latine juris fasta ab Abrahams Ecchellensi…pp.83 Paris, 1641, sm,4º ?? D 17 ‘Abd ul-Majīd ‘Ali The book of demonstrations in the exposition of the use of birds, reptiles & beasts. By ‘Abd ul-Majīd ‘Alī.pp.51. Cairs, 1864, La.8º

?? D 18 Hunt (George) Himyaric Inscriptions of Hisu Ghorat. Translated into English & elucidated by George Hunt. pp.vii. 9 Plymouth, 1848, La 8º

?? D 19 Lukmān Locmani Fabulse que circumferentur, annotationibus critieis et glossaris explanatie, ab Amilio Roedigeris. pp.52,35

Press Mark Page 181 Remarks ?? 20 Ulug Beg. Epochae celebriores, astronomis, Historicis, Chronologis Chataiorum, Syro- Graecorum, Arabum, Persarum, Chorasmiorum usitatre ex traditione Ulug Beigi … recensuit et commentarüs illustravit Johames Gravius. pp.68. 48. 104 London, 1650, sm. 4º

?? 21 Landberg (Charles) Proverbs et Dictons de la Province de Syrie. Section de Saydâ, par Carlo Landberg. pp.61.458.6 Leyden & Paris, 1883, 8º

?? 22 Von Kremer (Alfred) Ueber die Südarabische Sagevon Alfred von Kremer ppxix.151 Leipzig, 1866, 8º

?? 23 Bible New Testament [Complete] Arabic (Maltese) Il AAQDA IL Idida. Sidna Jesu Kristu. Myyuba Ta’ mil Inglis. pp.268 Malta, 1847, 8º

?? 24 Macarius [The Homilies] [By Macarius the Great] (Translated from the English. Edited by Dr.Henry Tattam). pp.352, 1846,8º

Press Mark Page 182 Remarks ?? D 25 Thier und Mensch Their und Mensch vot dem König der Genien. Ein arabisches Mārchen ….herausgegeben und mit einem Glossar verschen von Dr.ft. Dieterici. pp.110.146. Leipzig, 1879.8º

?? D 26 Lukmān Fables de Lokman … avec la pronunciation figuréa, aimi que le traduction … le tout suivi d’une analyse grammaticate, de notes… par Mm. Leo’n et Henri Hélot. pp.iii.102 Paris, 1847,8º

?? D 27 Arabic & English Grammatical exercises Arabic & English grammatical exercises & familiar dialogues. pp.188 Malta, 1840,4º

?? D 28 Bâsmī le Forgeron Bâsim le Forgeron et Hârûn et. Rachīd texte arabe … accompagné d’une traduction et d’un glossaire par le Comto Carlo de Landberg. pp.xvii. 87. 119 Leyden, 1888,8º

?? D 29 Delaporte (J.Honorat) Guide de la conversation Francaise-Arabe ou Dialogues avec la mot-à-mot et la prononciation interlinéaires figurés a caractères francais. Par J.Honorat Delaporte. pp.vii.178 Algiers, 1841,obl,16º

Press Mark Page 183 Remarks Ecchellensis (Abraham) Another Copy Synopsis propositiorum sapientiae arabum philo ophorum inscripta speculum 91 D 16 mundum representans, ex Arabics sermone Latini juris fasta ab Abrahams Ecchellensi…pp.83 Paris,º

Abū- ’L-Fidā Abulfedse Descrifitis Acgypti, Arabice et Latine … edidit, latine vertit, notas adiecit. Joannes David Michaelis. pp.36.134 Goltingen, 1776,8º

Rosenmüller (Ern Fred. Charles) Analecta Arabica. Edidit latine vertit et illustravit Ern.Fred. Car. Rosenmüller. Pts I & II pp.xii, 44,23,xviii,55,39,56,27 Leipzig, 1825,8º Muhammedanische Eschatologie Muhammedanische Eschatologie. Arabisch und Seutseh mit Anmerkungen Lerausgegeben von Dr.M.Wolff. pp.114, 115 Leipzig, 1872, 8º

Kur’ān The Koran … Transl … with explanatory notes [and] a preliminary discourse. By George Sale, Gent. New Edition pp.x,143,517 London, 1836, 8º

Press Mark Page 184 Remarks Ikhwān us-Safā Die Abhandlungen der Ichwân es.Safâ in Auswahl herausgegeben von Dr.Ft. Dieterici. pp.v.172 Leipzig, 1883,8º

Cherlonneau (M) Exercises pouer la Lecture des Manuserits Arabes avec la figuration et la traduction en frangais, par M.Cherbonneau. pp.80-78. Paris, 1853,8º

Ibn Mālik Alfiyya ou la guintessence de la grammaire arabe ouvrage de Djémal. Eddin Mohammed, commsous le nom d’Ebn. Malac…avec un commentaire par le Br Silvestre de Sacy. pp.viii.254.148. Paris, 1833,8º

Ewald (G.H.A.) Ges.Henrici. Aug. Ewald Grammatica critica linguae arabicae cum brevi metrorum doctrina [2 vols in one] pp.x.393.348. Leipzig, 1833,8º

Press Mark Page 185 Remarks ?? 40 De Sacy (Silvestre) Grammaire Arabe … par M.le Br Sclvestre de Sacy [with] un traité de la prosodie et de la métrique des Arabes. 2 vols. pp.xx.608. x.197. Paris, 1831.8º

?? 41 Freytag (G.W) Einleitung in das Studium der arabisehen Sprache. von G.W. Freytag Dr.pp.xii.511 Bonn, 1861, 8º

??42-44 Freytag (G.W) Arabum proverbia vocalibus instruxit, latine vertit, commentaris illustravit… G.W. Freytag. 3 vols. pp.viii.752 952. xxv.655.520 Bonn, 1838,8º

Press Mark Page 186 Remarks 91 E 1 Rosen (George) I. Ossetische Sprachlehre von Dr.Georg. Rosen. pp.84 Detmold, 1846, 4º II. Ossetische Sprachlehre von Dr.Andr. Joh. Sjōgren pp.xLix.543 St.Petersburg, 1844,4º III. Die Kankasischen Glieder des Indo-Europäischen Sprachstamms pp.83. von Frang Bopp. Berlin, 1847.4º

91 E 2 ‘Alī (ībn Abī Tālib) Sententise Ali ebn Abi Talebi: Arabice et Latine. ecodicibus manuscriptis descripsit, Latine vertit, et annotationibus illustravit. Corneliero van Waenen pp.xiv.425 Oxford, 1806,4º

91 E 3 Hārith Another Copy Harethi Mallaca … et Abulalse carmina dus in edita … edidit Latine vertit et 91 E 25 commentaries instruxit Joannes Vullers. pp.xxiii.62.28 Bonn, 1827,4º

91 E 4 Abū-’L Fidā Gergraphie d’Aboulfeda. Texte arabe publiés... par M.Reinaud… et. Br Mac Guckin de Slane. pp.XLVii. 539 Paris, 1840,4º

Press Mark Page 187 Remarks Burckhardt (J.L.) Arabie Proverbs … translated & explained by … John Lewis Burckhaidt… pp.viii 232 London, 1830,4º

Dorn (B) Beiträge zur Geschichte der Kaukasischen Lānder und Völker aus Morgenlandischen Quellen, von B.Dorn. pp.104, 4º

Ibn-ul-Farid Das Arabische hole lied der Liebe das ist Ibnol Farithis Táyet in Text und Uebersetzung Lerausgegeben Von Hammer Purgstall. pp.xxiv. 70.53 Vienna, 1854, La. 8º

Bocthor (E) Dictionnaire Francais – Arabc, par Ellious Bocthoi… Revu et augmenté par A.Caussin de Percedat [2 vols in one ] pp.461. 435. Paris 1828.4

Forbes (Duncan) Another copy Oriental Penmanship [an Essay on the Ta’luk Character] consisting of various 42 E 7 specimens of fine writing. London 1849.4º

Press Mark Page 188 Remarks 91 E 10 Bīdpāī Calila et Dimna ou Fables de Bidpai, en arabe … suisuis de la Moallaka de Lebis en arabe et en francais; par M. Silvestre de Pacy. pp.viii. 140. 315 Paris, 1816, 4º

91 E 11 Willmet (J) Lexicon Linguse Arabicae en Coranum Haririum et Vitan Timuri. Auctore Joanne Willmet. pp.xvi. 824 Rotterdam, 1784, 4º

91 E 12 Abū-’l-Fildā Abulfedse Historia Auteislamitica Arabice … editdit versione Latine, notis et indicibus aunct Henricus Orthobius Heischer. pp.x.262 Leipzig, 1831,4º

91 E 13 Kur’ān Corani textus arabicus … Recensuit indicesque … addidit Gustavus Flügel. pp.viii. 341. Leipzig, 1834,4º

91 E 14 Flügel (G) Concordantise Corani Arabirse …. disposuit Gustavus Flügel. pp.x.219 Leipzig, 1842,4º

Press Mark Page 189 Remarks 91 E 15 Rupley (J.F.) Dictionnaire abrégé Francois Arabe … Par J.F.Rupley. ppXL327 Paris, 1802,4º 91 E 16 Abū Mansūr Der Vertrants Gefährte des Einsamen in schlagfertizen Gegeureden von Abu Mansur Abdu’ lmelik Ben Mohammed Ben Ismail Ettseâlebi aus Nisabur. Übersetz, berichtizt und mit Arrmerkungen erläutert Surch Gustav Flügel. pp.xxxii. 2g1.50 Vienna, 1829.4º

91 E 17 Pocock (Edward) Specimen historix Arabum auctore Edvardo Pocockis. Accessit Historia veterum Arabum ex Abu’l Feda: cura Antonii I.Sylvestre de Sacy. Edidit Josephus white. pp.xv.573. Oxford, 1806, La. 8º

91 E 18 Ibn ‘Abdulhakami Libullus de Historia Aegypti antique. Latine rededit?? Josephus Karle. pp.26 Göltingen, 1856,4º

Press Mark Page 190 Remarks 91 E 19 Jamālu-’d-Dīni ibn Tugrī Bardī Maured Allatafct Jemaleddini filii Togri. Bardü, sen Rerum Egyptiacarum Annales; textum Arabieum primus edidit, Latine vertit, notisque illustravit. J.D.Carlyle. A.M. pp.viii. 132 Cambridge, 1792,4º

91 E 20 Makrīzi Macrizi’s Geschichte der Copten … mit Übersetzung und Ammerkungen von Ferd Wüstenfeld. pp.142.7º Göltingen, 1845,4º

91 E 21 de Sacy (Silvestre) Mémoire surlaversion arabe des Livres de Moise à L’usage des Samaritains. Par. M.Silvestre de Sacy. pp.200 Paris, n.d., 4º

91 E 22 Bible [Complete] El Kitab u El Mukaddess. [The Holy Book-Bible Printed at the University Press.] pp.422.1368 Oxford, 1871.4º

91 E 23 De Tassy (Garein) Prosodie des langues de l’Orient Musulman spécialement de l’Arabe, du Persan, du Turc et de (‘Hindoustani; par M.Garcin de Tasey. pp.167) Paris, 1848, 8º Press Mark Page 191 Remarks 91 E 24 Ahmad ‘Arabshāh Ahmedis Arabeiadae vitre … Timuri … historia Latine vertit et adnotationes adjecit. Samuel Henriais Manger. [2 vols in one] pp.641.0.1017 Leovardise (Louvoui?), 1772, sn 4º

91 E 25 Hārith Another Copy Harethi Moallaca … et Abulalae carmina dus inedita… edidit Latine vertit et. 91 E 3 commentaris instruxit Joannes Vullers. pp.xxiii.62.28 Bonn, 1827,4º

91 E 26 Idrīsī Edrisi Geographia Nubiensis, n.d, 4º

91 E 27 Grotefend (Georg Friedrid) Die Tributvergeichniss des Obelisken aus Nimlud … von G.F. Grotefend pp.100 Göttingen, 1852,4º

91 E 28 Bargés (J.J.L.) Temple de Baal à Marseille ou Grande Inscription phénicienne découverta dans celte Ville par (‘Abbé J.J.L. Barge’s pp.103) Paris, 1847,4º

Press Mark Page 192 Remarks 91 E 29 Budge (Ernest A.) Assyrian texts … With philological notes by E.A.Budge pp.44 London, 1880,4º

91 E 30 Sayce (A.H.) An elementary grammar, with full syllabary and progressive reading book of the Assyrian Language in the cuneiform type, by the Rev.A.H. Sayce. London, 1875,4º

91 E 31-2 De Gobineau Traité des Écritures cunéiform’s par le Cte de Gobineau. 2 vols. pp.373.378 Paris, 1864, La 8º

91 E 33 Dorm (B) Beitrage zurt Kenntniss der Iranischen Sprachen. I. Theil. Masandianische Sprache. Herausgegeben von B.Dorn und Mirsa Muhammed-Schafy. pp.7.164 St.Peterburg, 1860,La.8º

91 E 34 Schröder (Paul) Die Phönizische Sprache Entwarf einer Grammatik nebst Sprach-und Schriftproben- Mit…cine Erklärung der punischen Stellen in Pönislus des Plautus von Dr.Paul Schroder pp.x.242 Halle, 1860.8º

Press Mark Page 193 Remarks 91 E 35 Rawlinson ( ) Memoir on the Babylonian and Assyrian Inscriptions [at Behistan] [By Col. Rawlinson] pp.civ.16, n.d., 8º

91 E 36 Gesenius (Wilhelm) Paläographische Studien über phonizische und punische Schrift. Herausgegeben von D.W. Gesenius. pp.viii. 110 Leipzig 1835,4º

91 E 37 Bargés ( ) Mémoire sur trente-neuf nouvelles Inscriptions puniques explíqués et commentées par L’Abbé Bargés pp.28 Paris, 1852.4º

91 E 38 Ewald (H) Abhandlung über die grosse Karthagische und andue neuentdeckte Phönikische Inschriften von H.Ewald pp.56 Göttingen, 1864,4º

91 E 39 ‘Abdu’L Latifi Abdollatiphi Historise Egypti Compendium, arabice et Latine Partim ipse vertit, partim a Pococküs versum edendum curavit, notisque illustravit (by) J.White., S.T.P. pp.xxxii, 321 Oxford, 1800,4º

Press Mark Page 194 Remarks 91 F 1 Būcirī Funkelnde Waudelsterne zum lobe des Besten der Geschoppe; …Gedicht Burde … von … Bussiri. [with] Joseph und Suleïcha, … des Mewlona Abdurrahman Dschami [both] übersitz und durch Aumerkungen erläntert von Vincenz Edlem von Rosenzweig. viii. 227 Vienna, 1824, fol 91 F 2 Golius (James) Jacobi Golü Lexicon Arabico-Latinum… accedit Indix … qui Lexici Latins – Arabici vicem explēre possit. pp.2922 Leyden, 1653, fol.

91 F 3 Marracci (L) Alcorani textus universus … [also] Prodromus… auctore Ludovics Marraccis. pp.128.838 Padua, 1698, fol

91 F 4 Abū ’L Fidā … de vita et rebus giestes Mohammedis … Textum arabicum primus edidit, Latine vertit, praefatine Et notis illustravit Joannes Gognier. A.M. pp.xxii.160 Oxford, 1723, fol

91 F 5 Bible. New Testament. [Portions] Gospels. [Arabic] [Four Gospels, Arabic and Latin. Title-page & 7 others missing] pp.462 Rome, 1591 fol.

Press Mark Page 195 Remarks 91 F 6 Almakīn (G) Historia Saracenica … exarata a Georgio Elmacino Latine reddita … studio Thomse Erpenü [also] Roderici Xmenez … Historia Arabum. pp.200.39 Layder, 1625, fol

91 F 7 Buhā ud-Din Vita et res Gistae … Saladini … auctore Bohadino Fsjeddadi necnon excerpta ex Historia Universali Abul fedz…itemque specimen ex Historia Mjōre Saladini … conscripta uh Amadoddins Ispahanensi … Edidit ae Latine vertit Albertus Schuttens. pp. 278. 64.26 Leyden, 1755,fol

91 F 8-11 Freytag (G.W) Lexicon Arabics – Latinum… accedit index vocum latinarum Completissionus 4 vols. pp.xvi. 544.538.624.652 Halle, 1830,4º

91 F 12 Freytag (G.W.) Lexicon Arabics –Latinum … ex opere sus maiove … excerptum edidit G.W. Freytag. pp.694 Halle, 1837,4º 91 F 13 Bourgaxde (F) Toison d’ O & de La Langue phénicienne par M.L’Abbé F.Bourgade….pp.48 Paris, 1856, fol.

Press Mark Page 196 Remarks 91 F 14 Forster (Charles) Sinai photographed & Contemporary records of Israel in the Wilderness … [Arabie and other inscriptions etc] By the Rev.Charles Forster. pp.346 London, 1862, fol

91 F 15 Chwolson (D) Über die Überresteder Altbabylonischen Literatur in Arabischen Übersetzungen von D.Chwolson. pp.189 St.Petersburg, 1859, La.4º

91 F 16 Nordtmann (J.H.) Sabāische Denkmäler von Dr.J.H.Nordtmann und Dr.D.A.Müller. pp.114 Vienna, 1883, La. 4º

91 F 17-18 Gesenius (W) Scripture Linguxque Phoenicia monimenta quotquot supersunt … illustravit Guil Gesenius. 2 vols. pp.xxviii 481.46 plates. Leipzig, 1837,4º

91 F 19-21 Norris (Edwin) Assyrian Dictionary … By Edwin Norris. 3 vols pp.352, xvi, xii, 355,359 London, 1868.72 La 8º

Press Mark Page 197 Remarks 91 F 22 Smith (George) History of Assurbanipal, transl from the cuneiform in serutions By George Smith. pp.384 London 1871, La 8º

91 F 23 Judas (A-C) Étude démonstrative de la Langue Phénicienne et de la langue Lybique par A-C Judas pp.238 Paris, 1847, 4º 91 F 24 De Vogüé Stèle de yehawmelek, Proi de Gebal … Par Le C’de Vogüe. [Secules phönikische Inschu Ften aus Idalion von Julius Enting.pp.17 Strasburg, 1875,4º] pp.25 Paris, 1875,4º

91 F 25 Ménant (J) Observations sur les Polyphones Ascynians [By J.Ménant] [Lithographed] pp.15 Lisieux, 1859 La, 8º

91 F 26 Ménaxt (Jouchin) Inscriptions Assyriennes des Origines de Babylone … par M.Joachim Ménant. pp.54 Paris, 1859, La 8º

Press Mark Page 198 Remarks 91 F 27 Ménant (Joachim) Inscriptions de Hammourabi par M.Joachim Ménant. pp.80 Paris, 1863,La. 8º

91 F 28 Ménant (Joachim) Annales des Rois d’Assyrie traduites … par M.Joachim Ménant. pp.308 Paris 1874,La 8º

91 F 29 Ménant (Joachim) Les noms propres Assyriens Recherches sur la formation des expressions idéograffiques, par M.Joachin Ménant pp.64 Paris, 1861, La, 8º

91 F 30 De Chossat (E) Essai d’une classification du Syllabaire assyrien … Chossat pp.x.93 Paris, 1873,4º

91 F 31 Ménant (Joachim) Recueil d’Alphabets pour … La Lecture… des écritures cuneiforms par M.J.Menant pp.27 Paris 1860, La 8º

Press Mark Page 199 Remarks 91 F 32 Ménant (Joachim) Exposé des Éléments de la Grammaire Assyrienne par M. Joachim Ménant. pp.392 Paris 1868, La 8º

91 F 33 Tatianus Evangeliorum Harmoniae Arabice … edidit et translations Latina donavit P.Augustinus Ciasca…pp.xv.10?? , 213. Rome, 1888, La 8º

91 F 34 Bible New Testament [Portions] Arabie [The Gospels & Epistles for Sundays & Fast days, Roman Catholic] Arabia Jerusalem, 1861,8º

Press Mark Page 200 Remarks 92 A 1 Benfey (Theodore) Einige Beitrāze zurt Erklārung des Zend von Theodot Benfey. pp.44 Göttingen, 1850, 12º

92 A 2 Haug (Martin) Ueber die Pehlewi-Sprache und den Bundehesh von Dr.Martin Haug. pp.46 Göttingen 1854,12º

92 A 3,4 Catafago (Joseph) Another Copy An English and Arabic Dictionary, in two parts, Arabic and English, and English and 9 C ?? Arabic … by Joseph Catafago, pp.xii, 316. viii.743 London 1858, 8º

92 A 5 Abū ’L Faraj (Gregory) Specimen Historise Arabum … Gregorü Abul Farajü in Linguam Latinam conversa, notisque … illustrata operā il studio Edvardi Pocsckü [also four Epistles in Syriac, edited by the same] pp.390.66 Oxford, 1650, sm 4º

92 A 6 Al Fargānī Elementa Astronomica Arabice d Latinè. Cum Notis… opera Jacobi Goltin pp.199,109,306 Amsterdam, 1669, sm.4º

Press Mark Page 201 Remarks 92 A 7 Common Prayer [Arabie] The Book of Common Prayer with the Psalms. pp.634 London, 1850,8º 92 A 8 Savary ( ) Grammaire de la langue Arabe vulgaire et litterale; ouvrage posthume de M.Savary… augmenté de quelques contes arales … pp.320, n.d. obl.12º

92 A 9 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs The Proverbs of Solomon pp.89 Beirut, 1842,12º

92 A 10 De Soldanis (G.P.F.A.) Della Lingua Punica presentemente usitate dai Maltesi dul canonics Gis Pietro Francesco Agius de Soldanis [also] Nuova scuola di grammatical … Punica. Maltese [By the same author] pp.64, 134 Rome, 1750, 8º

92 A 11 Schlienz (C.7) Views on the improvement of the Maltese language … by the Rev. C.F.Schlienz. pp.39 Malta, 1838.8º

Press Mark Page 202 Remarks 92 A 12 Common Prayer [Maltese] The Book of Common Prayer … with the Psalms…pp.300,120 Malta, 1845,12º

92 A 13 Psaila (P.P.) Il prims Pascolo del Principiante. [By P.P.P.] pp.45 Malta, 1848,12º

92 A 14 Vella (F) Maltese Grammar for the use of the English By F.V.pp.350 Leghorn, 1831,12º

92 A 15 Lennie (W) English Grammar [in Maltese] By W.Lennie. pp.61 Malta, 1846,12º

92 A 16 Defoe (Daniel) [Maltese] The Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe [By. D.D.] pp.165 Malta, 1846, 12º

92 A 17 Mgr Rollin The Story of the Emperor Cyrus [in Maltese] [By M.R.] pp.123 Malta, 1831,12º 92 A 18 Taylor (R) Exercises of conversation in Italian, English and Maltese. [Vocabularies and dialogues] by R.Taylor. pp.119

Press Mark Page 203 Remarks 92 A 19 Office for Holy Week Office for Holy Week in Latin and Maltese transl. by T.Taylor pp.780 Malta, 1848, sq. 12º

92 A 20-21 Reading Book [Maltese] Reading Book on different subjects related from Catholic authors pp.155 [2 copies] Malta, 1832.12º

92 A 22 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Maltese] The Book of the Psalms of David Transl. into Maltese from the Hebrew pp.120 Malta, 1845, 12º

92 A 23 Reading Book [Maltese] Reading – Book : to which is added a list of words … with their signification. pp.139 Malta 1833,12º

92 A 24 Questions and Answers [Maltese] Questions and Answers [Catechism] pp.12, n.d., sn.,sq. 12º

92 A 25 Young (Edward) The Day of Judgement. Transl into Maltese by Richard Taylor. Pp.106 Maltas 1845.16º

Press Mark Page 204 Remarks 92 A 26 Compendie della Dottrina Cristiana [Maltese and Italian] Compendis della Dottrina Cristiana 3rd ed. pp.167 Malta, 1846, sn. sq. 12º

92 A 27 Young (Edward) Trust in God. By Dr.Edward Young Transl. into Maltese by Richard Taylor. pp.23 Malta, 1845, sm,sq 12º 92 A 28 Bible New Testament [Portions] St.John [Maltese] The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. John Revised and compared with the original with the original Greek. pp.89 London, 1872.16º

92 A 29 Guida alle conversazion [Maltese] Guida alle conversazioni della lingue italiana, inglese, e maltese… contenente un complete vocabularies domestics … conversazioni … frasi … biglietti. pp.251 Malta, 1850, obl. 24º

92 A 30 On Preaching [Arabic] On Preaching pp.372, n.d. 8º

92 A 31 Book of Instruction [Arabic] A Book of Instruction for small children pp 191 Valetta, 1841,8º

Press Mark Page 205 Remarks 92 A 32 Bible New Testament – [Portions] Acts. [Arabic] Acts of the Apostles. pp.180 London, 1872.12º

92 A 33 First Teaching First Teaching, with an abridged Arabic-English Lexicon. pp.119. Malta, 1832,12º

92 A 34 Reading-Book [Maltese] Reading. Book [with] a list of words in general use [English and Maltese] pp.139 Malta 1823.12º

92 A 35 Beet (B) Das Buch der Jubilaen und sein Verhältniss zu den Midraschim. pp.80 Leipzig 1856,8º

92 A 36 Midrash Proverbe Sefer Midrech Mashale Rabti.pp.61.30 [Stettin II. 1861] 8º

92 A 37 Palkeire (Schem Ton) Rabbi Hebräische Pschologie von Rabi Schemton Palkeire. Herauspegeben mit einena Komentar von pp.129 Warsaw, 1864,8º

Press Mark Page 206 Remarks 92 A 38 Solomon ben Judah Aben Gabirol Sefer Mibebar Happeninim ?? Rabbi Vedayah ben Abraham Bedirashi, with a commentary by A.Dessau. pp.114 Berlin, 1842.8º

92 A 39 Isaac ben Solomon Tsarfathi Sefer Mashal Hakadmoni ?? pp.64 ??, sm. 4º

92 A 40 Aldenardensis (L.Drusius) Apophthegmata. Ebraeorum ac Arabum … pt. I. Drusium Aldenardensem pp.92 Franeker, 1612, sm.4º

92 A 41 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Proverbs [From Hebrew] [Engl] The Proverbs of Solomon, transl from the Hebrew text, with notes, critical and explanatory. By A.Elzas. pp.78 Leeds, 1871,8º

92 A 42 Eliezer ben Hyreauus, Rabbi, pseud. ?? [Mishnah Bereshith, etc by Eliezer ben Hireauus] [Title page missing] [no paging] ??, sm.4º

Press Mark Page 207 Remarks 92 A 43 Rittangels (John Stephen) Liber Riturom Paschalium [in Hebrew, Latin and German] Translatus ~ Joanne Stephano Rittangelis. Königsberg, 1644, sm 4º

92 A 44 Nathan The Babylonian The Ethics of the Fathers collected by Nathan the Babylonian Transl. from the original Hebrew text, with an introduction to the Talmud. pp.72 Edinburgh, n.d., 80

92 A 45 Hirschfeld (Joseph) Sehemoth Hannerdaphim oder Synonymik zur Beförderung du Hebrāischen Sprache … von Joseph Hirschfeld. pp.224 Berlin, 1830, 8º 92 A 46 Müller (Cornelius) Collectis Davidis i.e. Catalogus … Bibliothecae hebraex quum … collegit R.David Oppenheimerus [By Cornelius Mùller] pp.744 Hamburg, 1826,8º

92 A 47-50 Bible Old Testament [Complete] [Hebrew] [The Old Testament in Hebrew] 4 vols Frankfort on the Oder, 8º

Press Mark Page 208 Remarks 92 A 51 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Hebrew] Liber Psalmorum [in Hebrew and Russian] pp.200 Lemberg, 1853,12º

92 A 52 Morini Blea (John) Diatribes Elencticse de Sacri textus Hebrau & Graeci sinceritate Signoscenda [Joannis Morini Bles] pp.424 Paris, 1639,12º

92 A 53 Lituigies [Occasional prayers] Bakkashōt [Occasional prayers] ?? [Title page missing] pp.220,n.d., 12º

Press Mark Page 209 Remarks 92 B 1 Bible Old Testament [Portions] Psalms [Arabic] Liber Psalmorum … ex Arabics idiomati in Latinum translatus. pp.474 Rome, 1614, sm.4º

92 B 2 Abi ‘Ubaid Another Copy Libri Proverbiorum Abi ‘Obaid Elqasimi … Arabice edidit, Latine vertit et 92 C 37 annotationibus instruxit Ernestus Bertheau. pp.viii.32.20 Göttingen, 1836, 8º

92 B 3 ‘Azz ud. Din al. Mukaddasi Les Oiseaux et les Fleurs, alligories morales d’ Azz eddin elmocaddessi; publiés en arabe, avec une traduction et des notes par. M. Garein de Tassy. pp.xxviii.240.118 Paris, 1821,8º

92 B 4 Weston (Stephen) I. Moral Aphorisms in Arabic and a Persian commentary in verse, with specimens of Persian poetry. By Stephen Weston. pp.126 London, 1805, 8º II. Fragments of Oriental literature, with an outline of a painting on a … vase. By S.W. pp.152 London, 1807,8º III. Quatuot monumenta ?? … tabulis aereis et brevi commentaus illustrata ab. J. Hallenberg. pp.71 Stockholm, 1802, 8º IV. Dogmatis de resurrectione … origo. J.Hallenberg. pp.45 Stockholm, 1798, 12º

Press Mark Page 210 Remarks 92 B 5 Roorda (T.) Grammatica Arabica … conscripta a T.Roorda adiuncta est Brevis Chrestomathia edita et lexics explanata a P.Cool. pp.298.31?? Leyden, 1835, 8º

92 B 6-9 Ibn Batūta Voyages I’Ibn Batontah. Texte Arabe, accompazné d’une traduction par C.Defrémery et le Dr.B.R.Sanguinetti 4 vols pp.xlvi.447, 465, 476, 479, 91 Paris 1853.8º

92 B 10 Kamāl Efendi. Arabic, Turkish & Persian dialogues by Kamal Efendi pp.95 Constantinoples 1853, obl.16º

92 B 11 Cherbonneau (A) Anecdotes musulmanes … suivi d’un dictionaire analitique par.A.Cherbonneau. pp.849 Paris & Algiers, 1847.8º

92 B 12 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Arabic] The New Testament, or, the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. pp.352 London, 1821,8º

92 B 13 Lukmān Lokmani Sapientis Fabulse arabiese cum interpretatione Latina et notes Thomas Erpenü accedunt notas Lericon Arabic-latinum et. prietomun grammatices elementorum tabula. Lac Salvators McMosco. pp. ?? Palermo ???

Press Mark Page 211 Remarks 92 B 14 Kosegarten (J.G.L.) Joan. Godoffr. Lud Kosegartenii … Chrestomathia Arabica … adseriptis vocalibis… additis lexics et adnotationibus explanata. pp.vxiv. 547 Leipzig 1828.8º 92 B 15 Marcel (J.J.) Vocabulaire Francais Arabe des dialectes vulgaires africans, 8’ Alger de Tunis, de Marok et d’ Egypte. Pat J.J.Marcel. pp.xvi.572 Paris, 1837,8º

92 B 16 Kurān [Portions] Historia Josephi Patriarchae, Aleviano Arabicè. Cum triplici versions Latina scholüs Thomas Erperii Leyden, 1617, sm.4º

92 B 17, 18 Zamakhsharī Anttologia sententiarum Arabicarum cum scholüs Zamachsjarü edidit, vertit et illustravit Henricus Albertus Schulter. pp.171 [2 copies] Leyden, 1772, sm4º

92 B 19 Bunyan (John) Pilgrin’s progress [in Arabic] pp.281 Malta, 1834,8º

Press Mark Page 212 Remarks 92 B 20 Erpenius (Thomas) Thomas Erpenii Grammatica Arabica cum fabulis Locmanni etc. Accedunt excerpta anthologias … edita, conversa et notis illustrate ab Alberts Schultens pp.clxxii, 603 Leyden, 1748, sm.4º

92 B 21 Kàb ibn Zuhair. I Caab Ben Zoheir. Carmen Panegyricum in Lardem Mulammadis II item Amralkeisi Moallakah cum scholüs et versione levini Warneri III. Accedunt sententias arabicas Imperatoris Ali..edidit, vertit, notisque illustravit Gerardus Joannes lette. Leyden 1748, sm. 4º IV. Moallakah (II) Tharaphas cum commentaris Ibn Nahar Grammatici … arabice edidit, vertit, illustravit Joan. Jacob. Reiske. pp.217, liv, 132 Leyden, 1742, sm4º

92 B 22 Bible New Testament [Complete] [Arabic] Novun Testamentum D.N.Jesu Christi Arabice pp.648 Leyden, 1616, sm,4º

92 B 23 Bible New Testament. [Portions] Pentateuch. [Arabic] Pentatcuchus Mosis Arabicc. pp.458 Leyden, 1622, sm 4º Press Mark Page 213 Remarks 92 B 24 Kazwinī Calendarium Syriacum auctore Cazevinis Arabice Latineque edidit et notis instruxit Guilielmus Volck pp.viii.38 Leipzig, 1859,8º

92 B 25 Gesenius (W) Versuch über die Maltesische Sprache zur Beurtheilung der … Behauptung dass sei eis Ueberrest dei altpunischen sey … von Dr.Wilhelm Gesenius. pp.xvi. 73 Leipzig, 1810, 8º

92 B 26 Bible New Testament [Portions] St. Matthew. [Arabic] The Gospel according to St.Matthew. pp.68 Calcutta, 1826.8º

92 B 27 Abu Jáfar Philosophus Aistodidacticus sive Epistolas Abi Jasfar ebn Tophail de Hai ebn Yokohan ex Arabica in linguan latinam versa ab Edvardo Pocokio pp.200 Oxford, 1671, sm.4º

92 B 28 De mitiis et originibus ?? De initüs et originibus Religionum in Oriente dispersarum edidit interpretations Latina annotationitusque illustrant D.Georgais Henricus Bernstein pp.viii, 71,57 Berlin, 1817, sn 4º

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