Helios Rural Principal Pipeline Project
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NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY College of Education ______Educational Leadership coe.nau.edu/academics/EDL Ph: 602/776-4690
145 N. Centennial Way Fourth Floor email: [email protected] Fax: 602/776-4694 Mesa, AZ 85201
Helios Rural Principal Pipeline Project Northern Arizona University Summer 2014-Fall 2015
Vision: Enriching the preparation and success of Arizona’s school leaders.
The Helios Education Foundation, in partnership with the Arizona Board of Regents Universities, has launched an innovative opportunity to prepare tomorrow’s school leaders. The partnership with Northern Arizona University is dedicated to serving rural schools in the state by creating a “virtual” cohort of principals-in-training.
The Model Preparing rural administrators has presented numerous challenges, leading to a shortage of administrators ready to assume leadership for their schools and districts. This model involves the creation of a rural cohort of future leaders, joined together through a predominantly on-line course schedule and web-based interactions, supplemented by high- quality, face-to-face learning events and a distributed internship experience. The schedule for the cohort is illustrated on the next page.
The balance of intense course work on line and focused face-to-face meetings is designed to enable all participants to understand fully the expectations and opportunities for school leaders. Course work will be accompanied with guided experiences in the schools and regular “learning seminars.” During the academic year, these seminars will involve a Friday all-day experience once per spring and fall semester, where candidates for school leaders interact with some of the best thinkers in the field, as well as their course instructors. Summer seminars will be extended to a three-day format, for which candidates prepare in advance by conducting required readings. We envisage a preparation experience that will enable school leaders to assist their entire schools—staff, students, families and communities—in creating a learning-centered, productive and positive environment.
Previous student participants have made the following program comments: “The entire NAU Helios team displays a level of professionalism rarely encountered.”
“The professors have a commitment to excellence that is apparent…I feel that they truly care about my progress not only as a student, but as a fellow human being.”
“Cohort professors are beyond generous with their knowledge and experience, and genuine in their desire to see Helios students succeed.”
“The hybrid format lends itself well to working professionals.”
“So many of the experiences I have been enjoying during my internship I am enjoying because I understand so much of what is really going on – I have a much deeper understanding of the “big picture” and believe I will be quite comfortable as a principal should I be blessed with an opportunity.”
“The interactions were great because we completed our course work online but also had meetings face-to-face where we were able to forms relationships. Just being in the cohort I felt close to my fellow cohort members because we were going through the course work together and could call each other for help. It was also noticed when we had classes with non- Helios members we couldn’t count on them as we could our cohort to complete the group assignment.” We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 1 of 7 HELIOS Rural Principal Pipeline Project NORTHERN A pilot project in ARIZONA partnership with Northern Arizona UNIVERSITYUniversity College of Education
Partnership NAU, Helios Education Foundation & Participants/Schools
Summer Fall Spring Summer Fall 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015
Essential Essential Essential Essential Essential Question: Question: Question: Question: Question: What What are the How do How do we How have difference do special leaders equip become legal and effective challenges for others for visionary legislative leaders and the effective leaders? mandates make? essential learning? changed the characteristics Principalship? of rural leaders? EDL 600 EDR 610 EDF 677 EDL 622 EDL 629 Leadership Introduction Sociology of School Law Principalship Skills to Research Education Tom Reno (HY) Karyn Blair Mary Dereshiwsky Frances Riemer Tom Hughes
EDL 650 EDL 623 EDL 625 EDL 627 EDL 696 Critical Issues Publicity and Supervision of Personnel Internship Daniel Eadens Politics Instruction Administration (IP) Rosemary Papa Mary Culver Bill Wright
EDL 662 EDL 635 Leadership in School Instructional Finance Planning Scarlet Chopin Mary Culver
Internship Internship Internship Internship Internship Days: Days: Days: Days: Days: 1 funded to 1 funded to 1 funded to 1 funded to 1 funded to explore examine examine compare examine impact of learning in district level visions in district level leadership other schools activities action activities Learning Learning Learning Learning Learning Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar (NAU Leadership ( TBA ) ( TBA ) (AZ RTT ( TBA ) Faculty) Academy) In Person – In Person – North In Person – In Person-North North Valley Valley In Person-North North Valley Valley October April Valley October June June
We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 2 of 7 Making the Plan Work This partnership involves Helios, Northern Arizona University, and the participants and schools. Through generous funding of the program, Helios enables us to support many student expenses, including the powerful learning seminars each semester. We ask that partner schools support this opportunity for developing leaders through the following minimum commitments: funding 4 days of leave for paid internship experiences, funding participant travel to the learning seminars, and support for the distributed internship placement. Participants will be expected to pay most of their tuition and fees and some book expenses. The Helios Education Foundation will provide the following support for each participant:
A $500.00 dollar scholarship will be available for all Summer, Fall and Spring Semesters.
Application Process
You must apply with the NAU Graduate College at http://home.nau.edu/admissions/default.asp You must supply official transcripts of an earned bachelor’s degree. There is a $50 fee to apply.
You must submit all required application documentation to the Educational Leadership office by May 1, 2014. This submission will include:
1. An Educational Leadership Master’s Degree Program Application. (See Attached) 2. A signed Master of Education in Educational Leadership Principal K-12 “Program of Study”. (See Attached) 3. A copy of your current “Standard” Arizona teaching certificate. 4. Proof of three fulltime years of teaching experience. 5. The “Letter of Support” from your district superintendent. (See Attached)
Applications for Summer 2014 are now being accepted. Application deadline is May 1, 2014
An additional application process for internship in fall 2015 will apply with a deadline of June 1st, 2015. All successful applicants will be contacted by email with course numbers and deadlines.
Please mail applications to:
Department of Educational Leadership Dr. Michael Schwanenberger C/O Bea Castillo 145 N. Centennial Way Fourth Floor Mesa, AZ 85201 (602) 776-4690 (602) 776-4694 fax
We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 3 of 7 145 N. Centennial Way Fourth Floor Mesa, AZ 85201
1. Apply for graduate admission to NAU through the Graduate College at http://www.nau.edu/gradcol/appoptions.htm, pay the application fee and have official copies of all your transcripts sent to that office. The Graduate College can also be reached at 928/523-4348 or at Northern Arizona University Box 4125, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-4125 if you have questions or if you need to apply using a paper form.
2. Apply for admission to the Educational Leadership master’s degree program. (Admission to the university and admission to the EDL department are separate procedures.) The department application is found later in this document.
____2-a If you apply for admission to the university using the on-line format, partial application to the EDL department is included. However, you will still need to go the Educational Leadership web page at http://coe.nau.edu/academics/EDL/ to learn details about complete application to the EDL department and to secure the required Program of Study. From this EDL home page, go to the left side of the page and select the “Masters” link under “Programs”.
____2-b If you choose to apply for admission to the NAU Graduate College using a paper form rather than applying on line, you will also need to submit a paper program application the EDL department. A paper copy of the departmental application is found later in this document, can be downloaded from the EDL web page listed above, or can be obtained from your advisor or NAU Statewide Service Center.
3. Secure advisement from either a resident faculty member or from your local Statewide Service Center. Advisor contact information is found later in this document. A paper copy of your completed Program of Study, signed by both student and advisor, must be returned to the Educational Leadership office in Flagstaff. Paper copies of the EDL Programs of Study can be found later in this document, downloaded from the EDL web page, or obtained from your advisor. (If applying for the Principal K-12 emphasis of the Masters, a copy of your Arizona teaching certificate is required for admission).
4. After the above steps have been completed, your file will be reviewed for admission to the program. If you are admitted, you will be notified in writing. All admission paperwork must arrive in the EDL office in Flagstaff by the end of your second semester or your application file may be terminated.
5. Your admission status in the Educational Leadership Master’s degree program must be “Regular” (rather than “Conditional”) prior to registering for the last twelve (12) hours of coursework.
We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 4 of 7 Educational Leadership 145N. Centennial Way Phone: 602/776-4690 URL: coe.nau.edu/academics/EDL Fourth Floor Fax: 602/776-4694 Mesa, AZ 85201
EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAM APPLICATION (This form is to be used by those who applied for admission to the NAU Graduate Admissions Office using a paper copy form and by those who were previously admitted to NAU under a different Graduate program. Please type or print legibly.
Name: ______Last First Middle Initial Telephone
Email Address: ______Date Applied:______
NAU ID # (if known): ______(The Graduate College will provide you with an NAU ID number in your initial admission letter; your admission application gave you the option of using your social Security number for this purpose.)
Address: ______Street City State Zip Code
Career Goals:
Current Employer: Employer’s Name Supervisor Telephone
Address: Street City State Zip Code
If Applicable: Name of Cohort*: _Helios Project_ Cohort Contact: Bea Castillo *A Cohort is a group of students who work an entire degree program together with prior approval from the EDL Dept.
Have you previously applied for admission to another graduate program at NAU? No [ ] Yes [ ] Program Name: Teaching Certificate held: No [ ] Yes [ ] Type : ______
Other names used at NAU: ______
Undergraduate GPA: ______Graduate GPA: ______Graduate Hours Completed: ______
Information below this line to be completed by the Educational Leadership Office:
Admission Action: Admitted Regular [ ] Admitted Provisional [ ] Dept. Notes: ______EDL Processor: Date:
We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 5 of 7 MASTER OF EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Principal K-12 Emphasis PROGRAM OF STUDY Please type or print legibly, secure your advisor’s signature. (A copy of your Arizona teaching certificate must accompany this Program of Study.) Student Name (print): ______NAU ID #: ______
Student EMPL ID#: ______Student Signature & Date: ______
Advisor Name: ______Advisor Signature & Date:______(print) Advisor Site and phone: ______Dept. Chair Signature: ______Semester REQUIRED COURSES Hours Taken EDR 610 Introduction to Research 3 ______EDF ___ History (671), Philosophy (670), Sociology (677), Comparative 3 ______Education (672), International Education (673), Or Cultural Foundations (500) Write in which course number taken. EDL 600 Leadership Skills ((Pre-requisite for all EDL Classes)) 3 ______EDL 650 Critical Issues in Education (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 622 Legal Aspects of School Administration (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 623 Publicity and Politics of Education (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 625 Supervision of Instruction (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 627 Personnel Administration in Education (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 635 School Finance (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 662 Leadership in Instructional Planning (Pre-requisite: EDL 600) 3 ______
EDL 629 The Principalship (Pre-requisite: 30 hrs of program work, including EDL 600) 3 ______EDL 696 Internship (May be concurrent with, but not prior to, EDL 629) 3 ______
Separate deadline & advance application required. See coe.nau.edu/academics/EDL, select: M.Ed. Internship
1. All EDL courses must be taken at NAU. Exception: 9 hours may be transferred from Az. State Univ. or Univ. of Az. 2. Must have a “standard” AZ K-12 teaching certificate and 3 years of teaching experience at the K-12 level before starting the internship. 3. It is strongly recommended that EDR 610 and the Foundations elective are taken early in the program. 4. EDL 629 and EDL 696 are capstone courses; all EDL courses listed above must be completed before taking either of them. EDL 629 and EDL 696 may be taken concurrently. 5. Please refer to http://www.nau.edu/gradcol/publications.htm, for Application for Graduation instructions and forms. 6. For Structured English Immersion requirements, go to http://www.ade.state.az.us/asd/lep/CertificationSEIrequirements.doc. 7. You must complete all requirements for your M.Ed. within a six-year period and apply for graduation the semester before you plan to graduate. If you miss three or more consecutive regular semesters, you may need to reapply for admission to the Graduate College and to the EDL department. 8. Program requirements subject to change based on any new State Certification Standards. I have been notified that the Internship is a separate application process. Student Initials______Date______
We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 6 of 7 145 N. Centennial Way Fourth Floor Mesa, AZ 85201
School District Letter of Support HELIOS Rural Principal Pipeline Project Northern Arizona University
The ______, supports the application and participation of (School district name)
______, in the HELIOS Rural Principal Pipeline Project, a (Candidate’s name) program at Northern Arizona University, designed to prepare candidates to serve as school leaders in rural communities throughout Arizona. Through generous funding of the program, HELIOS is able to support many student expenses, including the powerful learning seminars each semester. In turn, the School District understands support of the candidate, involves the following:
4 days of paid leave in order for the candidate to participate in internship experiences within the District
Funding participant travel to the “Learning Seminars”
Support for the distributed internship placement
Our District support of this candidate, in this program, is entered into with full support and encouragement. It is the District’s intent to support the candidate as outlined above, as long as the candidate makes continuous progress in the program, and maintains an acceptable level of performance in his/her position within the District.
______(Superintendent’s Signature) (Date)
We develop educational leaders who create tomorrow’s opportunities. p. 7 of 7