Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER)

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Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER)

INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION (IEE) Amendment – 3 Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER)

Program/Activity Data:

Country/Region: Philippines/Asia

Objective: To improve the management of biodiversity and forest resources to support low-emissions development

Activity Name: Biodiversity and Watersheds Improved for Stronger Economy and Ecosystem Resilience (B+WISER) Project

Funding Period: December 2012 to December 2018

LOP Amount: $ 28 million

IEE Prepared by: Rebecca Guieb, EO Date: September 27, 2017

Amendment (Y/N): Y

Date of Original IEE: Approved March 28, 2012

Tracking Number: ASIA 12-59

Date of IEE Amendments: Approved September 22, 2014; Approved July 15, 2016

Tracking Number: ASIA 14-154; ASIA 16-078

Environmental Action Recommended:

Categorical Exclusion X Negative Determination X Positive Determination _ Conditions X

Purpose and Scope of IEE:

[Amendment 3] The purpose of this amendment is to: (a) increase the project funding of B+WISER to $3 million to bring the total funding to $28 million; and (b) extend the period of performance by one year for a new completion date of December 2018. The geographic areas as well as the scope and nature of the activities as approved in the original Initial Environmental Examination (ASIA 12-59) and the IEE Amendments (ASIA 14-154 and ASIA 16-078) remain the same.

Justification for Amendment: Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Amendment 3 – B+WISER Project

The B+WISER Project has four intermediate results: 1. Biodiversity in forest areas conserved. 2. Forest degradation in target priority watersheds reduced. 3. Capacity to conserve biodiversity, manage forest and monitor low emissions enhanced. 4. Capacity for disaster management in highly vulnerable areas increased.

B+WISER provides technical assistance to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in partnership with local government and stakeholders in seven areas. In close coordination with DENR, B+WISER developed the Lawin Forest and Biodiversity Protection System. Named after the Philippine Hawk Eagle, Lawin is helping DENR to change the way forest data is collected, analyzed, and used by policymakers. Lawin enables forest rangers to record data electronically so that it can be quickly analyzed, mapped, and used to generate reports. These reports inform better management, address threats through law enforcement, and provide transparency in forest monitoring and patrolling. B+WISER provides assistance to DENR, local governments and community organizations to train forest patrollers and resource managers to use the system. In March 2016, DENR adopted Lawin as its forest protection system and began its implementation in all hotspots in the country. Enabled by a department policy, the national roll out of Lawin ensured its sustainability after B+WISER concludes. DENR also invested more than $24 million in the Lawin system, which demonstrates its commitment to this new technology.

While the expansion of Lawin to all DENR regions is underway, some gaps and challenges to fully implement the system have been revealed. Technical modifications are required to handle the fact that much more data is being collected and analyzed than originally anticipated. USAID needs to assist DENR to upgrade the system, and better integrate Lawin into their procedures and processes. DENR requested more of the same technical assistance activities from USAID to ensure sustainability and institutionalization of the system. Increasing the project funding and extending B+WISER to a year will enable USAID: to train DENR staff to fully take over the operation of the system, continue technical enhancement, develop better analytics and fully integrate Lawin into other priorities of DENR.

Implementation of the IEE Conditions

B+WISER conducts on-going monitoring of all activities for environmental compliance. They compile an annual report that verifies the status of all activities, in detail, covered under the approved EMMP. The last report verifies that monitoring is on-going, that no significant environmental issues have arisen and that the mitigation activities under the EMMP are being fully implemented. The main activities covered under the EMMP are reforestation and measures are in place and being followed to ensure the following: only native species are being used, reforestation areas are not located within ecologically sensitive areas, polybags are collected after planting and disposed of in municipal landfills, planting lines follow contour lines, no land is being cleared, and no pesticides are being applied.


2 Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) Amendment 3 – B+WISER Project

If during implementation, new activities are considered outside of those described in this or the original IEE, an emended IEE shall be submitted. Pursuant to 22 CFR 216.3(a) (9), if new information becomes available which indicates that activities to be funded by the project might be ‘major’ and the project’s effect ‘significant’, this determination will be reviewed and revised by the Implementing Partner, in collaboration with the COR of the project, and submitted to the Mission Environmental Officer and Asia Bureau Environmental Officer for approval and, if appropriate, an environmental assessment will be prepared.

Approval of Environmental Action Recommended:

Mission Approval:

Jeremy Gustafson, Environment Office Chief Clearance ______Date: ______

Marian Cruz Navata Mission Environmental Officer Clearance ______Date: ______

Christopher Dege Regional Environmental Officer Clearance ______Date: ______

Clay Epperson Deputy Mission Director Clearance ______Date: ______

Lawrence Hardy II Mission Director Clearance ______Date: ______


William Gibson Bureau Environmental Officer ______Date: ______


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