Sociology 100, Winter Quarter 2007
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Sociology 100, Winter Quarter 2007 Review Guide for Optional Cumulative Exam: Thursday, March 15, 2007 (11AM-1:30PM)
The final exam will consist of 60 multiple choice questions based on the information below. Questions on the exam are based on the chapters covered in class for the Winter Quarter. Know more than just definitions; study so that you can apply concepts as well. Good luck on the final!
INFORMATION FROM EXAM #1 What did C. Wright Mills mean by “the sociological imagination?” Why is it important to consider both “biography” and “history”? What did Peter Berger mean by debunking? How can debunking help an individual develop a sociological perspective about the social world? What is theory? What can one “do” with theory? What is the difference between macrosociological and microsociological? Functionalist theory: What is it? What is the significance of social consensus for functionalist theory? What did Merton mean by manifest & latent functions? What is a dysfunction? What is the criticism of functionalist theory? Conflict theory: What is it? How does conflict theory describe social relationships in society? What is the criticism of conflict theory? Symbolic Interactionism: What is it? What does the theory focus upon in society? What is a symbol? What is the scientific method? Purpose of research: What is the difference between basic & applied research? What does “value free” mean? Is it possible to achieve when doing sociological research? What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? What is a variable? Independent variable? Dependent variable? What are survey methods? What is sampling? What is the purpose of sampling? What is a random sample? What is observation research? Analyzing existing data: what is it? What is the difference among secondary analysis, content analysis, and analyzing cultural artifacts? Research Ethics: Why is it important to consider ethics when doing sociological research? Be familiar with the Tuskegee Experiment and how ethics were violated (i.e., what was NOT done) What is material & nonmaterial culture? What is a cultural universal? Be able to distinguish symbolic, cognitive, and normative components of culture What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis? What is the difference between knowledge & belief? What are values and norms? What is a value contradiction? What are core values? What is meant by ideal culture and real culture? Explain the difference between cultural relativism and ethnocentrism. What is culture shock? Explain the differences among dominant culture, subculture, counterculture, popular culture What is socialization and why is it important? What is the “looking glass self”? Mead & the Self: What are the 2 parts of the social self? What is a significant other? A generalized other? What did Mead mean by role play? What are the stages of role-taking? What is agent of socialization? Be familiar with who/what the agents of socialization are
INFORMATION FROM EXAM #2 What is social structure? What are the implications of social structure? What is a status? What is the difference between an achieved and an ascribed status? What is a master status? What is status inconsistency? What are status symbols? What is a status set? Page 1 of 3 What is a role? What is the difference between role strain and role conflict? What is role set? Be able to distinguish between prescribed role and role performance; what is role exit? What is a social institution? Be able to name the different types of social institutions in the U.S. Explain the functionalist perspective of social institutions, including functional requisites What is the conflict perspective of social institutions? What is social interaction? What is the social construction of reality? What does this mean? What is meant by the definition of the situation (Thomas Theorem)? And how does it explain knowledge as a human creation? Explain the sociology of emotions, including “feeling rules” and “emotional labor” According to Goffman, what is the “presentation of self”? What is meant by impression management? What is Goffman’s dramaturgical approach? How does this approach relate to the presentation of self? Be able to explain frontstage & backstage behavior in relation to the dramaturgical approach What did Goffman mean by a “mismanaged impression”? How does face-saving behavior and studied nonobservance relate to a mismanaged impression? What is deviance? How do historical time, location, and social consensus influence the definition of deviance? What is social control in relation to deviance? What is the difference between informal and formal social control? Who are agents of social control? How does the functionalist theory explain deviance in society? What are the positive functions of deviance according to functionalist theorists? What is Merton’s anomie theory for deviance? How can individuals respond to cultural goals and means set in society? (conformity, innovative deviance, ritualistic deviance, retreatism deviance, rebellion) How do conflict theorists view deviance within society? How do conflict theorists view law in society? From a symbolic interactionist perspective, what is differential association theory? What is social stratification? What are the different types of stratification systems presented in class? What does it mean to be in an “open” or “closed” system of stratification? What is inequality? How does it relate to privilege and disadvantage? What is class? How does class affect your life chances? How do sociologists measure social class, i.e., socioeconomic status (SES)? What is the Marxist explanation of social class? What are the means of production? How do the ruling class (bourgeoisie) and the working class (proletariat) relate to the means of production? What is alienation? What is false consciousness? Class consciousness? How did Erik Olin Wright update Marx’s class model? Why? Be able to explain the four classes Wright used in his model. Also be able to explain the concept of contradictory class location. How did Weber view social class? How was this view different than Marx? How did Weber define wealth, power, prestige? What is social mobility? What are the different types of social mobility? What is the Davis-Moore explanation as to why inequality is necessary in society (functionalism)? What are Tumin’s criticisms of the Davis-Moore explanation? EXAM 3 INFORMATION What is racial stratification? How is race defined? What is meant by the social construction of race? What is the “one drop rule”? What is ethnicity? What are the characteristics for belonging to an ethnic group? Who are white ethnics and how are they different than WASPs? What is the difference between a majority (dominant) group and a minority (subordinate) group? What are the characteristics for minority group membership? What is a stereotype? What is scapegoating? What is prejudice? Discrimination? Racism? What factors influence prejudice? What is meant by an “authoritarian personality”? What is the difference between individual discrimination and institutional discrimination? How does the functionalist perspective view race? Page 2 of 3 How are prejudice, discrimination, and racism dysfunctional for society? According to conflict theorists, what is split labor market theory? How does race play a role in split labor market theory? What relationship does the reserve labor force have with capitalists? From a symbolic interactionist perspective, what is the contact hypothesis? What is racial and ethnic identity? What does the term “identity negotiation” mean? How do self- definitions, group membership and definition by others related to identity negotiation? What is the difference between sex and gender? What are gender roles? What is meant by “expected gender roles” for women and men? What is gender identity? Gender socialization? What is the social construction of gender What is gender stratification? What is gender inequality? What is sexism? What is the difference between a patriarchy and a matriarchy? What is meant by a “pay gap”? What is occupational sex segregation? What are blue collar, pink collar, and white collar jobs? Who fills these types of jobs typically? How are gender stratification and gender inequality functional for society? What is the glass ceiling? The glass escalator? How does gender relate to each of these? What is sexism? How is gender stratification and gender inequality functional for society? What is the instrumental role? The expressive role? Who is expected to fill each role? What is the conflict perspective of gender inequality and the division of labor in families and the workplace? Using a symbolic interactionist perspective, explain what is meant by “doing gender” What is feminism? What is feminist theory? How does it focus on social justice & social change? What are the different types of feminisms discussed in lecture? (Liberal, multiracial, socialist) How do each view gender in society? What is “multiple jeopardy”? What is the family? How is family different from household? Explain the difference between a family of orientation and a family of procreation What is descent? What is patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral descent? What are nuclear and extended families? What is marriage? What are the differences among exogamy, endogamy, polygamy, polyandry? Explain the social factors that influence mate selection for marriage; what is homogamy? What is the functionalist perspective on family? What are the universals that families provide? What is the incest taboo? How can family life be dysfunctional, especially for nuclear families? What is the conflict perspective on marriage and family? How does symbolic interactionism analyze at marriage and family?
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