What Happens to Cemetery Headstones?

Your task is to investigate the causes of cemetery headstone deterioration and then use this knowledge to assess the acid wear of teeth enamel. Using various media sources you will develop a more thorough understanding of acids and bases and provide solutions to the guiding question.

Step 1: Background Information on Acids and Bases and pH  Use the sites below to gain an understanding of acids and bases. Complete Quiz 1 & 2 and submit scores. http://www.chem4kids.com/files/react_acidbase.html http://www.school-for-champions.com/chemistry/acids.htm http://www.school-for-champions.com/chemistry/bases.htm.

Quiz 1: http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/chemistry/acid_base/quiz370.html

Quiz 2: http://www.mcwdn.org/chemist/acidsbasesquiz/acidbasequiz.html

Optional Movie: if you still need more information http://www.kidsknowit.com/interactive-educational-movies/free-online-movies.php?movie=Acids%20And %20Bases

Step 2: Cemetery Research (suggested resources attached) Your group’s initial research will guide your laboratory investigation.

Some research points to consider:  What materials are found in a cemetery? (not just the headstones – think about ALL items)  Has the history of Miami or cemetery growth affected the headstones in a negative way?  What role does the environment play? (i.e., acid rain, pollution, soil, climate)  How do these factors affect the conditions of various headstones and statues?  Do limestone headstones react differently to the environment than granite or marble headstones?  Does the acidity (as measured by pH) of acid rain or other environmental factors affect the reaction rate of various substances?

Step 3: Laboratory Investigation A. Design:  Drawing from your research, your group will design an investigation to test various acidic (and basic solutions) on the materials found at the cemetery.  Your lab investigation will be a controlled experiment and you should think about the following when designing it.  Common name of substance – what is the typical primary composition?  What environmental factors can you test in the lab?  Based on your knowledge of the reactivity series, can you predict what may react?  Will changing the molarity affect the outcome? B. Results:  Record your data in a table outlining the materials tested, the acid (or base) used and the test conditions C. Conclusions:  Write chemical reactions to explain your results  Draw conclusions from your investigation  How can you limit head stone deterioration? D. Extension  Make a connection between the cemetery headstones and your daily life.  Read the following articles focused on acid wear of teeth enamel and explain the process of acid wear and suggest ways to prevent the deterioration.

http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/05/health/05teet.html http://theweek.com/article/index/227648/does-red-bull-give-you-tooth-decay http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/01/sports-energy-drinks-teeth-tooth-damage- enamel_n_1468401.html http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2005-07-03/features/0507030460_1_sports-drinks-enamel-damage- teeth http://www.dental- tribune.com/articles/news/usa/8348_sports_and_energy_drinks_found_to_erode_tooth_enamel_.html

 You may search for related articles as well – properly cite your sources.

 Your group will focus on one of the following aspects of the problem (you need to get pre-approval for your selection)  What might be causing the problem of increased tooth erosion? Have changes in diet affected tooth erosion?  How would teeth react to constant exposure to acids given that the major chemical compound of tooth enamel is closely related to that of the cemetery materials? Have cemetery materials changed over time to mitigate the effects of exposure. Is the same found with teeth replacements?  What practical solutions could be used to limit teeth exposure to acid in food and beverages? How can early preventative measures be employed?  Examine the impact the media presents. Are certain age groups/demographics targeted more than others? Do you believe there is a social responsibility that industry and or marketing firms should employ?  Energy drinks have been linked to increased emergency room visits. What is the correlation and what is causing the increase. Offer solutions (not your opinions) that indicate how this trend may be reversed.

Step 4: Group Paper/Class Presentation Your group will submit the following in a 3-D format  Outline of Lab Investigation  Procedure  Results  Conclusions  Extension Question (and your brief analysis)

Step 5: Acid and Base Assessment Quiz– INDIVIDUALLY Completed

Step 6: Scientist Tombstones BONUS Assignment & INDIVIDUALLY Completed  You will make a humorous tombstone for a famous scientist  Tombstone height should be 12- 18 inches tall.  Extra credit is given for a cool three-dimensional tombstone that stands up on its own.  Use cardboard, plastic foam, or other materials.  You must include an appropriate epitaph describing the scientific accomplishments or contributions to the field of chemistry (or science in general)  Rhyming or use of puns/jokes is greatly rewarded! Resources: These are a few to get you started http://www.conservationsolution.com/projects/monuments-sculpture/restoration-of-the-flagler-memorial-monument/ www.miamigov.com/parks/pages/park_listings/cemetery.asp http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~langolier/miami_city.html http://www.propertiesofmatter.si.edu/dissolvinghistory.html http://www.gravestonepreservation.info/cleangr-1.asp http://www.gravestonepreservation.info/grart-1.asp