Main Directions of Scientific Activity

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Main Directions of Scientific Activity

NUDELMAN Alexander E. 21.08.1912 – 02.08.1996

State awards and honors

Lenin's four awards, award of October Revolution, Kutuzov's award of the 1st and 2nd degrees, two awards of the Labour Red Banner. Twice Hero of Socialist Work. Laureate of five State Prizes of the USSR. Laureate of the Lenin Prize. Academician of the Academy of cosmonautics by K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Doctor of technical sciences, professor.

Main directions of scientific activity The designer of weapons and military equipment, aircraft automatic weapons, new medical equipment, pacemakers, etc.

Doctoral dissertation

Defended in 1962

The life and career of A. E. Nudelman

Outstanding designer of weapons and military equipment A. E. Nudelman was born August 21, 1912 in Odessa, on Peresyp in the the family skilled master modeler and the caster. From a young age showed vibrant creativity, especially in solving technical problems. Very few know the details of what his life work this amazing man. He was born into a large and close-knit family, where, other than it was even five children. As a child, he was destined for a career of a great musician, a little later - the famous artist. But the performance of the most complex piano virtuoso works from his easel, brushes and paints the young man suddenly all gone with all his passion to the invention. At first, he decided to "sew" fast knee- boots-runners. It did not work. Then took up the production of a small hand-mill. Succeeded. And the hungry 20's came by the way, this is very like a child's toy. Alexander Nudelman continued his way calmly and clearly defined. You need to finish at least a college to begin to work and help their parents. Which College? Of course, engineering. Then institution - and the only industrial (now Odessa national polytechnic university). But in all circumstances the primary laws in this way, it should ideally be, like his beloved Albert Einstein, goodness, beauty and truth ... After studying at vocational school and graduating from college Alexander Emmanuilovich worked in the design office and assist inventors in the Ukrainian scientific research institute of refrigeration. Combined work and study at the Odessa Industrial Institute. Soon, a talented inventor drew the attention of developers of military equipment. He was invited to the Moscow design bureau, the attacks at the time to create a new aircraft guns. In 1941, Alexander Nudelman appointed the head of the OKB-16, which he later headed for 43 years. Design bureau created aircraft guns capable of hitting not only the enemy planes in the air, but also to destroy the railroad trains, artillery, heavy tanks. An important role was played by a new weapon in the battle of Kursk, in the capture of Berlin and other major battles. In the 50-80s this team has created a fundamentally new types of weapons. This - the first radio-controlled anti-tank complex "Фаланга" anti-missile air defense systems, tank complex "Кобра", aircraft self-guided laser-guided missiles. In addition to developments in the field of military technology, the OKB-16 became famous for the creation of ultra-precise laser rangefinder that can measure the distance to the moon and other celestial objects. As a result of upgrades KB of A. E. Nudelman, a leading organization in these works are handed over by the Soviet military complex "Стрела-10М", "Стрела-10СВ", "Стрела-10М3", last from the enumerated complexes remains in troops and presently, his modernisation proceeds today. Antiaircraft guided systems "Стрела" , known in the west as the SA-9 "Gaskin" and SA-13 "Gopher", were adopted by many countries in Europe, North Africa, Cuba, Vietnam, India and others. An important role was played by the development of A. E. Nudelman and his staff in the field of new medical technology - laser ophthalmic devices and instruments, and pacemakers. He loved his native city of Odessa and missed her, remembers his younger sister Dina Emmanuilovna. He is remembered in Odessa. With special warmth spoke and recalled the cooperation with them employees of the Odesa institute of the name of Filatov. On opening of bronze bust on boulevard of arts in Odesa of Octobers, 24, 1987 Hero of Socialistic Labour, academician АМN USSR N. A. Puchkovska said: "Our institute of the name of Filatov many years cooperates with A. E. Nudelman and institute headed by him. Due to this collaboration successes are attained by us with laser surgery. And we with enormous gratitude behave to this remarkable man". Alexander Emmanuilovich has always been characterized by great talent inventor and designer, courage in the selection and adoption of innovative technical solutions, outstanding organizational skills. However, having a sense of humor, always remained a man of simple and affordable, fond of music, literature and theater. Often recalled his native city of Odessa, was proud of the city, who was one of the first in theUSSR was awarded the title of Hero-City. He was deeply averse to awards, titles, insignia. A. E. Nudelman was the author of more than 100 inventions, scientific and technical papers, and a number of monographs on the creation of airborne weapons. Many years of active creative activity of A. E. Nudelman, his great contribution to the creation of samples of automatic aircraft cannon, unguided missiles, guided anti-tank and anti- aircraft systems were commended - he was awarded twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Lenin and five State Prizes, was awarded many awards and medals, he was awarded the title of "Honorary citizen of the city of Odessa" and a bronze bust in Odessa, his name was given to the group he headed precision engineering design bureau. On the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. E. Nudelman on the main academic building ONPU a memorial plaque. After retirement in 1987, A. E. Nudelman consultant continued to work in his native KB, passing students experience. However, he was a consultant to the Ministry of defense industry. He lived and worked in Moscow. Died on August 2, 1996. He was buried with military honors at Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow. Articles

Авиационное вооружение // Развитие авиационной науки и техники СССР : ист.- техн. очерки. – М. : Наука, 1980. Автоматическое стрелково-пушечное и ракетное вооружение // Оружие Победы / под ред. В. Н. Новикова. – М. : Машиностроение, 1987. Пушки для боевых самолетов / ЦНИИинформ. – М., 1983, 1988, 1993.

Discoveries, patents, inventions

А. Э. Нудельман автор более 100 изобретений, многие из них не подлежат публикации. А. с. 648231 СССР, МПК А 61 N 1/36. Электрокардиостимулятор / соавт. : В. Е. Бельгов, А. К. Зайцев, В. А. Михайлов [и др.]. - № 2179440 ; заявл. 03.10.1975 ; опубл. 25.02.1979. А. с. 657823 СССР, МПК А 61 М 1/0. Устройство для автоматического управления искусственным сердцем / соавт. : В. И. Шумаков, Д. Д. Митин, Б. Г. Богунов [и др.] (СССР). - № 2527212 ; заявл. 05.09.1977 ; опубл. 25.04.1979. А. с. 1151225 СССР, МПК А 01 В 69/04. Устройство для дублерного управления тракторами / соавт. : А. Ф. Чубарь, Е. В. Марцинкевич, Г. В. Ферин (СССР). - № 3696172 ; заявл. 31.08.1983 ; опубл. 23.04.1985.

Literature about the life and activity of a scientist

Нудельман Александр Эммануилович - дважды Герой Социалистического Труда, лауреат пяти Государственных премий СССР, лауреат Ленинской премии, доктор технических наук, профессор // История Одес. политехн. в очерках. - О. : Астропринт, 2003. - С. 175 – 176. Нудельман Александр Эммануилович - дважды Герой Социалистического Труда, лауреат пяти Государственных премий СССР, лауреат Ленинской премии, доктор технических наук, профессор // История Одес. политехн. в очерках. - О. : ОГПУ ; Астропринт, 2000. - С. 413.

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