A Changing Demographic: Geriatric and Multicultural Pharmacy s1
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“Preparing for Pharmacy’s Future: It’s a Heartbeat Away” MSHP 2015 Annual Conference April 23-24, 2015 Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC) 350 Harbor Drive Duluth, MN 55802
Program Goals: Educate pharmacists, residents, students, and technicians on timely topics in pharmacy practice, leadership, advocacy, and health care through an interactive and dynamic learning environment. Enhance pharmacist knowledge of cardiology based pharmacy practice. Engage residents, students, and practitioners in the Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists through interactive opportunities. Provide applicable continuing education credits for pharmacists and technicians for license and certification renewal.
Thursday, April 23, 2015 Time Program Description 07:00-07:45 Registration, Continental Breakfast and Industry Displays Breakfast & Industry Displays (Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall)
06:45-07:45 Past President’s Breakfast (Board Room) 07:45-08:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks Kevin R. Dillon, PharmD, MPH MSHP President
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 08:00-09:00 Keynote Speaker “Fun is Good” Fran Zeuli, BA
1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Technician CE)
Application Based
0134-9999-15-019-L04-P 0134-9999-15-019-L04-T
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 09:00–09:30 Break and Industry Displays
(Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall) 09:30–11:30 Curriculum Vitae Review Program Does your CV make a good impression? Does it need more polish before sending to potential employers? Bring your CV to the CV Review Program to receive quality feedback from pharmacist reviewers. The session is geared towards students and new practitioners, but is open to anyone looking for feedback on their CV. Those who bring their CV can expect spending 10-15 minutes with a reviewer who will provide in-person comments and suggestions. 1 The mission of the Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists is to help people achieve optimal health outcomes through support and advancement of the professional practice of pharmacy. *Not available for CE (Split Rock Room)
09:30-10:30 “How to Incorporate “Medication Absorption “Medication Therapy Learners into the Care with GI Resection” Management of Model” Diana Langworthy, PharmD, Ambulatory Jeannine Conway, PharmD, BCPS Cardiovascular BCPS Conundrums Across the 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) Spectrum” 1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Richard Mullvain, RPh, Technician CE) BCPS, (AQC), CCCC Knowledge Based Knowledge Based 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) 0134-9999-15-021-L01-P 0134-9999-15-020-L04-P Knowledge Based 0134-9999-15-020-L04-T (French River Room) 0134-9999-15-022-L01-P Note: This course has been approved by the Minnesota (Lake Superior Ballroom J) Board of Pharmacy for the Renewal of Preceptor Registration. Program #: 3-025-553- 01000
(Gooseberry Falls Room) Time Program Description
10:30-11:30 “Minnesota Medical “Rural Roundtable: Doing “QTc Prolongation: What Cannabis Update” More with Less” Every Pharmacist Needs Michelle Larson, MPA Donna Harlow, PharmD, to Know” BCPS, CGP Ashley Feldman, PharmD, 1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Janice Puttbrese, PharmD BCPS Technician CE) David Salo, PharmD, BCPS, & RPh, MBA Laura Halder, PharmD Knowledge Based & Neal Walker, RPh 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) 0134-9999-15-023-L03-P 0134-9999-15-023-L03-T 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) Application Based Knowledge Based (Lake Superior Ballroom J) 0134-9999-15-025-L01-P 0134-9999-15-024-L04-P (Gooseberry Falls Room) (French River Room) 11:30-13:00 Lunch and Industry Displays
(Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall)
13:00-14:30 “Cardiology Clinical Pearls” “Transitions of Care Ilya Danelich, PharmD, BCPS Best Pearls and Best Practices” Matthew Lillyblad, PharmD, BCPS Josie Burmeister, PharmD Lydia Leung, PharmD, BCPS Cassie Furr, PharmD Jennifer Lose, PharmD, BCPS Christopher Ploenzke, PharmD Scott Nei, PharmD, BCPS Shannon Reidt, PharmD, MPH, BCPS Sampaguita Wright, PharmD, RPh Kelly Schweim, PharmD, BCACP
1.5 CE (Pharmacist CE) 1.5 CE (Pharmacist & Technician CE)
Knowledge Based Knowledge Based
0134-9999-15-026-L01-P 0134-9999-15-027-L01-P 0134-9999-15-027-L01-T (Lake Superior Ballroom J) (Gooseberry Falls Room)
2 14:30-15:30 “Pharmacist Reimbursement “New Medications for “Student Speed Networking” in Value-based Healthcare Pulmonary Hypertension” Delivery and Financing” Joshua Breeding, PharmD, BCPS *Not available for CE Brian Isetts, RPh, PhD, BCPS, FAPhA 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) (St. Louis River Room)
1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Technician CE) Knowledge Based
Knowledge Based 0134-9999-15-029-L01-P
0134-9999-15-028-L04-P (Gooseberry Falls Room) 0134-9999-15-028-L04-T
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 15:30-16:00 Break and Inustry Displays
(Edmund Fitzgerald Exhibit Hall)
16:00-17:00 Outstanding Resident Research Project Award Moderators: Anna Benson, PharmD, BCPS and Jessica Swearingen, BS, PharmD, BCPS
PGY1 Finalists “Evaluation of Cephalexin Failure Rates in Morbidly Obese Patients with Cellulitis” Kimberly Kaufman, PharmD “Design and Implementation of a Targeted Approach for Pharmacist-medicated Medication Management at Care Transitions” Christopher Ploenzke, PharmD
PGY2 Finalists “Analysis of a Urine Alkalinization Protocol in Patients Who Have Received High-dose Methotrexate” Michael Bly, PharmD “Incidence of Beta-lactam Neurotoxicity: A Retrospective Comparison of Piperacillin- tazobactam, Cefepime, and Meropenem” Calvin Ice, PharmD
1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Technician CE)
Knowledge Based
0134-9999-15-030-L04-P 0134-9999-15-030-L04-T
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 16:00-18:00 MSHP Reverse Expo “By Invitation Only”
(Lake Superior Ballroom K) 17:00-18:00 Break and Hotel Check-in
18:00-19:00 Poster Session and Social Hour
(Lake Superior Ballroom O) 19:00-20:00 Dinner Christene Jolowsky, ASHP President Induction of Officers (Prize package drawing)
(Lake Superior Ballroom O) 20:00-20:30 Incoming MSHP President’s Address Melissa Carlson, PharmD, BCPS
3 The mission of the Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists is to help people achieve optimal health outcomes through support and advancement of the professional practice of pharmacy. (Lake Superior Ballroom O)
Friday, April 24, 2015 Time Program Description 07:00-07:30 Registration 07:00-08:00 Annual Business Meeting * Note: All attendees are welcome (breakfast included)
(Lake Superior Ballroom O) 08:00-09:00 Keynote Session “Post Graduate Pharmacist Training: Bridging the Gap Between Intern and Independent Practice” Thomas Johnson, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, FASHP, FCCM
1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Technician CE)
Knowledge Based
0134-9999-15-031-L04-P 0134-9999-15-031-L04-T
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 09:00-10:00 “Medication Induced “Medication Safety: “Outcomes Management: Are Diseases” Identification, You Measuring and Conveying Angel Becker, PharmD, BCPS Management, and the Right Results” Prevention of Medication Lawrence Patnaude, PharmD & 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) Errors in Pharmacy” Matthew Wolf, PharmD, MBA, Susan Jacobson, RPh BCPS Knowledge Based 1.0 CE (Pharmacist & 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) 0134-9999-15-032-L01-P Technician CE) Knowledge Based (Gooseberry Falls Room) Knowledge Based 0134-9999-15-034-L01-P 0134-9999-15-033-L05-P 0134-9999-15-033-L05-T (Lake Superior Ballroom J)
(French River Room)
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:15 “Mentoring the Millennials: “A Skin and Soft Tissue “Working at the Edge of Your Optimizing a Infection Update: New License ” Multigenerational Pharmacy” Guidelines, Treatments, Rebecca Marraffa, PharmD, and Stewardship Melissa Atwood, PharmD, BCPS, BCPS Strategies” CDE, BCACP Stuart Burke, PharmD & 1.0 CE (Pharmacist & Technician Whitney Goede, PharmD, MBA, CE) 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) BCPS Knowledge Based Knowledge Based 1.0 CE (Pharmacist CE) 0134-9999-15-035-L04-P 0134-9999-15-035-L04-T 0134-9999-15-036-L01-P Application Based
Note: This course has been (Gooseberry Falls Room) 0134-9999-15-037-L04-P approved by the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy for the (French River Room) Renewal of Preceptor Registration. Program #: 3-025-554-01000
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 11:15-12:15 Hallie Bruce Memorial Award Lecture Charles Cooper, RPh, MBA
4 *Not available for CE
(Lake Superior Ballroom J) 12:15-13:45 Lunch Induction of MSHP Affiliate Officers and MSHP Awards Ceremony
(Lake Superior Ballroom O)
ACPE Statement of Accreditation: The New York State Council of Health-system Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing education. Successful completion for the programs accredited by NYSCHP qualifies for a maximum of 9.5 CEUs (9.5 contact hours). Statements of Continuing Pharmacy Education Credit are available at www.cesally.com to participants upon the conclusion of the program. Participant must verify attendance at the meeting by entering the program CE code giving out during the presentation.
Note: Attendees have sixty (45) days to evaluate the program and obtain their statements of credit – June 8, 2015.
Total program hours: 20 contact hours (20.0 CEUs) – 9.5 available hours (9.5 CEUs)
Online Program Evaluation: After the meeting you will be sent a program evaluation survey. Please complete the survey by May 26, 2015.
5 The mission of the Minnesota Society of Health-System Pharmacists is to help people achieve optimal health outcomes through support and advancement of the professional practice of pharmacy.