Loggerheads Parish Council s2

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Loggerheads Parish Council s2


Loggerheads Community Fire Station Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads, Shropshire, TF9 4EZ Telephone: 01630 673426 Email: [email protected] Web: www.loggerheadsparishcouncil.co.uk


D Butterworth P Chamberlain G Hughes J Vallings I Douglas E Martin L Gibson R Claydon S Fox J Knight J Friend P Henshaw J Pimlott A Swetman V Door

B/Cllr B Panter

20/02/1 APOLOGIES M Stokes, G Sedgley, M Hodgkiss, B/Cllr P Northcott, B/C/Cllr D Loades

IN ATTENDANCE: 1 Member of the public.

PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Mr Carl Holdcroft addressed the Parish Council in respect of re-establishing the titles of Lord of the Manor of Ashley & Winnington. Mr Holdcroft is a keen local historian and believes he has traced the rightful heir to the title, which has not been used since the beginning of the 20th century, and his identity is pending legal confirmation. This title historically played a central role in village life maintaining the church, the school and looking after the poor and infirm and Mr Holdcroft believes it can again be an active part of the community. Mr Holdcroft has also widely researched the Battle of Bloor Heath and would like support from the Parish Council to promote this local history and suggests he could act as a guide. Mr Holdcroft took questions and advised the potential heir does not live in the Parish and if his right to the title is confirmed and he is unable to attend an event Mr Holdcroft could act as his representative. Also clarified the site of the Battle of Bloor Heath is on private land spread over a number of farms. The Chair thanked Mr Holdcroft for coming and requested he contact the Parish Clerk when the heir is confirmed.

20/02/2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Fox declared an interest in item 7(iii)(l) grant application for Ashley Fun Club.

16/01/3 PLANNING

Minutes 20.02.2017 The Chair thanked the Parish Clerk for her hard work and dedication in respect of the Tadgedale Inquiry, the invaluable help given by Cllrs Douglas and Swetman and all Councillors that attended the hearing at NULBC. The Clerk informed the meeting about the recent notice that had been placed on the Borough Council website against all planning applications warning that not all representations may be available to view on the website. It was resolved that the Clerk would write to the Chief Executive to register the Council’s concern that this was not in the spirit of the Borough’s Statement of Community Involvement and potentially against Equalities legislation.

(i) The meeting considered the following applications and commented as noted:

Application No: 16/01107/FUL Applicant: Mr P Marson Proposed Development: 2 no. residential units Location: Land at Selbourne, Pinewood Road, Ashley


1. The proposed development, which is located outside the Major Urban Area of North Staffordshire and not within a key rural service centre, in a location away from higher level services, employment and public transport links, would ensure that the residents would be dependent on the use of private motor vehicles. 2. The development of this site would not materially enhance or maintain the viability of a rural community and is an unsustainable location for development. 3. Notwithstanding that the Council cannot robustly demonstrate an up to date 5 year plus 20% supply of deliverable housing sites, given the development is unsustainable by virtue of its location there is no presumption in favour of permitting this development. For these reasons the proposed development is contrary to the requirements and guidance of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012). 4. This is the third application at this site, first for +2 dwellings, then +1; this makes 5 in a location that is not sustainable and this would be overdevelopment of this site along this road.

Application No: 17/00010/FUL Applicant: Mr N Bourne Proposed Development: Erection of detached dwelling Location: Bank Top, Pinewood Road, Ashley Heath

OBJECTION – Outside the village envelope and over development of the area.

The meeting resolved to write to NULBC highlighting the inconsistencies in planning decisions evidenced in Pinewood Road where some applications have been refused as unsustainable while others further away from the village centre have been permitted as sustainable.

Application No: 17/00027/FUL Applicant: Mr S Johnston & Miss E Johnston-King Proposed Development: Removal of condition 4 of planning permission 07/00328/FUL restricting use to holiday accommodation Location: Sanctuary Cottage, Johnsons Wood Farm, Stoneyford

NO OBJECTION – If approved property should be brought into Council Tax.

Application No: 17/00032/FUL Applicant: Mrs E Dale Proposed Development: First floor extension Location: 23 Chartwood, Loggerheads

Minutes 20.02.2017 NO OBJECTION

Application No. 17/00048/OUT Applicant; Mr D Porter Proposed Development A single dwelling with all matters reserved except access and layout (siting). It is proposed that the existing vehicular access to Meadowside would be shared with the new dwelling Location: Meadowside, Pinewood Road, Ashley.

OBJECTION - because of its isolated location away from a higher level of services, employment and public transport links would mean that residents would be dependent on the use of private motor vehicles. The development of this site would not materially enhance or maintain the viability of a rural community in a significant way and is considered to be an unsustainable form of development.

Application No: 17/00050/FUL Applicant: Ms H Jarvie Proposed Development: Two storey rear extension and alterations to front porch Location: 19 Newcastle Road, Loggerheads


Application No: 17/00044/FUL Applicant: Mrs F Furnival Proposed Development: Erection of new silage clamps and brewers grain store Location: Fields Farm, Wharmadine Lane, Ashley


Application No: 17/00067/DEEM4 Applicant: Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (Mrs Louise Beeby) Proposed Development: Outline planning application for residential development for up to 65 dwellings with associated open space and landscaping Location: Land South of Market Drayton Road, Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads DCLG Development Type: Smallscale Major Dwellings Case Officer: Mrs Elaine Moulton Expected Decision Level: Committee

Development of this site is supported and will submit a plan for the needs of the village including assisted living for the elderly and a community facility.

Application No: 17/00126/FUL Applicant: Mr J Stretton Proposed Development: Ground floor rear extension Location: Wick Cottage, 183 Lower Road, Ashley


(ii) The meeting noted the following applications have been permitted by NuLBC:

Application No: 16/01023/FUL Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Hingley Proposed Development: Retention of New Access and Garden room/Shed Location: 126 Jug Bank, Ashley

Application No: 16/00994/FUL Applicant: Aspire Housing Group Proposed Development: Removal of condition 17 (provision of affordable housing) of planning application 14/00662/FUL – The construction of 6 new 2 bed 4 person semi-detached dwellings and associated site works including access road Location: Land off Rowney Close, Loggerheads

Minutes 20.02.2017 Application No: 16/01094/FUL Applicant: Mr G Mann Proposed Development: Single storey side extension Location: 8 Avon Grove, Loggerheads

(iii) The meeting noted the following applications have been refused by NuLBC:

Application No: 16/01024/FUL Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Hingley Proposed Development: Retention of brick boundary wall and fence Location: 126 Jug Bank, Ashley

Application No: 16/01033/OUT Applicant: Miss S, H & L Scragg Proposed Development: Erection of dwelling (resubmission of 16/00682/OUT) Location: Site 2 Pinewood Road, Ashley

Application No. 16/00926/OUT Applicant; Mr D Porter Proposed Development A single dwelling with all matters reserved except access and layout (siting) Location: Meadowside, Pinewood Road, Ashley.

20/02/4 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS The meeting resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16 th January 2017 be adopted subject to an amendment to item 12.5 to a ‘Section 19’ application instead of ‘grant’ application and on the proposal of Cllr Swetman and seconded by Cllr Henshaw that the Chair be authorised to sign them as a correct record of proceedings.


20/02/6 REPORTS 6.1 County Councillor’s Report – No update 6.2 Borough Councillors’ Reports – Cllr Panter reported this morning’s surgery was cancelled due to B/C/Cllr Loades illness and that B/Cllr Northcott remains unwell. Cllr Panter will follow up on the planning issues raised.

7. FINANCIAL MATTERS (i) ACCOUNTS FOR APPROVAL On the proposal of Cllr Vallings, seconded by Cllr Hodgkins the meeting resolved that the following invoices be paid:

Date Details Amount Approved 18/01/2017 Carrera Website Hosting – January £78.00 25/02/2017 K Watkins Clerk Salary February £928.42 18/02/2017 K Watkins – Expenses £77.85 20/01/2017 Buildbase – roofing for bus shelter £43.27 13/02/2017 Recognition gift for service to community £40.98 05/02/2016 R Latham – January £89.20 17/01/2017 No 5 Chambers – legal advice £8,280.00 31/01/2017 P Martin – play area inspection January X4 & bus £220.00 shelter repair 26/01/2017 Taywaste Consultancy – planning advice January £1,342.00 02/02/2017 BT Internet £27.60 27/01/2017 A Swetman – Expenses £55.30 27/01/2017 I Douglas – Expenses £111.30

Minutes 20.02.2017 16/01/2017 BT telephone rental Jan – Apr, calls Oct – Dec £127.86 10/02/2017 Panda Press – Easter/Hungersheath Loop Leaflets £199.00 31/01/2017 Star Planning & Development Ltd – advice for £600.00 planning appeal 31/01/2017 RD & T Edwards – Grit run £354.00 14/02/2017 J Vallings – Travel expenses £22.50 20/02/2017 Community Transport Association £24.50

(ii) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT An up-dated income and expenditure account for the month of January 2017 was noted.

(iii) GRANT APPLICATIONS (l) The meeting considered an application under section 137 from Ashley Memorial Hall for £2,140.00 towards the cost of repair of wooden block flooring in the hall. On the proposal of Cllr Pimlott and seconded by Cllr Hodgkins it was agreed to fund the application. (ll) The meeting considered an application for a Community Chest grant from The Fun Club for 5 to 11 year olds and LOL a transition club for 11 and 12 year olds which meet at Ashley Methodist Church for equipment for £107.97. On the proposal of Cllr Gibson and seconded by Cllr Chamberlain it was agreed to support the application and forward it to Newcastle under Lyme Borough Council for consideration.

(iv) RENEWAL OF COMMUNITY TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP The meeting considered the recommendation of the Finance Committee and agreed to renew the Community Transport Association annual membership at a cost of £24.50.

(v) CONCURRENT GRANT UPDATE FROM NEWCASTLE UNDER LYME BOROUGH COUNCIL The meeting was updated that NULBC propose to reduce the concurrent grant by 25% next year and for the 3 following years after which it will be nothing. The proposal is yet to be confirmed.

(vi) PRINT COSTS FOR NEWSLETTER The meeting was updated that the current cost of printing the Community News and Parish Newsletter of £585.00 per edition is to rise by £30.00. The cost of £260.00 for the Council newsletter is paid to LCIS and the meeting agreed to the recommendation of the Finance Committee that the Council pay half of the increase bringing the cost to £275.00 per edition for printing the Council’s newsletter.

(vii) INTERNAL AUDIT The meeting was updated that the current internal auditor is retiring and the retiring parish clerk of Eccleshall has agreed to take over for a fee of £75.00 per annum.

20/02/8 PARISH GROUNDS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT The meeting was updated that 4 tenders were received for the Council’s grounds maintenance contract and on the proposal of Cllr Gibson and seconded by Cllr Pimlott the meeting agreed to appoint Perennial Landscapes from 1st April 2017 based on the cost of the tender. All agreed the current contractor Cheshire Landscapes should be thanked for their service.


Minutes 20.02.2017 The meeting was updated that costs since August 2016 total £14,377.00 excluding VAT. Costs since Rule 6 status, including expenses, totalled £13,000.00, with no unexpected expenses, this is within the budget of £16,000.00. The Parish Clerk has been advised the outcome of the planning inquiry is expected on or before 25th March 2017.

20/02/10 COMMUNITY TRANSPORT PROVISION Cllr Knight updated the meeting on the options for provision of community transport for Loggerheads Parish. Current interest suggests usage of between 102 and 134 days a year. Contract Hire is more cost effective than purchasing a bus outright as all maintenance is included at £480 per month and the Community Transport Association provide special arrangements for this facility. Insurance is extra and monthly safety checks at between £30.00 - £60.00 per month. Propose 14 seater plus 3 with wheelchair access. Annual mileage estimated 5000 – 6000 miles with contract for 7000 per annum. Access to the vehicle, when parked at the fire station, and the responsibility for filling the fuel tank would need to be considered. Projected costs equate to 90pence per mile increasing to £1.05 per mile including fuel. Cllr Knight suggested a charge of 50 pence per mile with the balance being subsidised by the Parish Council to encourage use and support the community. Different scenarios for usage will be considered, for example if being used for a week by a scout camp or a half day trip locally. Cllr Knight has located some other parish councils that provide this facility for their communities and will seek advice on their experience. A business case will need to be prepared for a future meeting.

20/02/11 NEWSLETTER The meeting was informed that there is a shortage of volunteers to distribute the newsletter which takes place bi-monthly for about an hour and appealed for volunteers.

20/02/12 COMMUNITY FACILITY IN LOGGERHEADS The meeting was updated that the grant for £9,750.00 has been received and Urban Vision who specialise in the development of business cases for community projects will visit on Thursday to commence the feasibility study to examine development options on the Market Drayton Road site, prepare an outline business plan and prepare the strategic justification for the project. Urban Vision will do all the work and begin to develop key relationships in terms of the strategic case and the justification and explore funding solutions.

20/02/13 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE The meeting was updated that a new member of staff at NULBC has asked to visit Loggerheads on Monday 6th March and 2 days later will meet with the Parish Clerk and Cllrs Swetman and Knight to see if progress can be made towards the Neighbourhood Plan. The Parish Clerk is continuing to look for a consultant who will undertake a strategic environment assessment, if required, at a reasonable price.

20/02/14 COMMITTEE REPORTS To receive an update, if any, from the following Committees/Groups:- 14.1 Standards Committee - The Loggerheads Parish Council Standards Committee met to consider a complaint with several points from Mr George Herbert and the Committee of Ashley Memorial Hall about the way in which a grant application for funding for the hall had been handled by two Parish Councillors namely S Fox and B Hodgkins. The Standards Committee examined carefully the submissions from several parties made supporting the complaints and considered equally carefully the responses made by Cllrs Fox and Hodgkins. All the relevant correspondence and notes were made available to the Standards Committee by Mrs K Watkins, Clerk to Loggerheads Parish Council. After thorough consideration, the

Minutes 20.02.2017 Standards Committee found that one complaint, that of falling short of Loggerheads Parish Council’s Members Code of Conduct in respect of disclosure of information, was justified and upheld. The remaining complaints were found to be unsubstantiated. The Complainants have been informed of the outcome. The two Councillors named have been reminded of 1) The need to be clear when attending other meetings of the capacity in which they are attending as Councillors or as representatives of other bodies

2) Cllr Fox will be reminded of the need to consider how language used can be misinterpreted

3) Cllr Hodgkins will be reminded of the Council Finance Regulations

4) All Councillors will be reminded of the need to be familiar with and comply with the Code and Good Councillors guide.

14.2 Highways Committee – Resurfacing works commence on the A53 in Loggerheads on Monday 6th March for 3 weeks with temporary lights and road closures in operation.

14.3 Footpaths and Environment Committee – Cllr Chamberlain updated the meeting that the map for the Eastern Loop and the new Hungersheath Loop have been combined. Posts will be fitted before the end of next month, discs will be put up together with a plaque to Mr Bradbury. The Market Drayton Ramblers have kindly replaced the stile on Wesleyan Road. 14.4 Youth Sub-Group – Cllr Henshaw reported information has been received offering Red Cross training for young people and will report further. 14.5 Working Group on Strategic Planning Matters – The meeting was updated on the decision for planning application 16/00866/DEEM4 for residential development for up to 55 homes on land off Eccleshall Road with the release of the planning report recommending acceptance of the application on the opening day of the Tadgedale inquiry. It was agreed tha the Clerk with Cllr Douglas would write to The Secretary of State with a copy to local MP Bill Cash regarding conflicting actions and advice to Planning Committee Members initiated by the Planning Department at the Borough Council.

20/02/15 CORRESPONDENCE The Police and Crime Commissioner has written asking for feedback on the 2 year plan. The Boundary Commission has put draft recommendations on their website to be reviewed which may mean a reduction in borough councillors from 3 to 2. MP Bill Cash has written with a letter from Marcus Jones MP regarding a previous letter to The Secretary of State Sajid Javid regarding the extension of referenda principles to parish councils which will not now proceed. Staffordshire County Council have written asking for £960.00 it says is outstanding for allotment fees dating back to 2010 – 2011 when there was no legal agreement in place and in turn the parish council did not charge the allotment holders.

20/02/16 MATTERS REQUIRING ATTENTION WITHIN THE PARISH The following matters were considered: Cllr Friend reported part of the school wall in Mucklestone has fallen down on to the road. Cllr Knight reported that a sign has been placed on Tyrley Road to say it will close for 3 weeks from 16 th March and also fly tipping in Tyrley Road of various white goods which will be reported to the Borough Council. Cllr Door reported an orange plastic barrier for more than 2 years in Sovereign Lane and the toad migration at Lower Road, Ashley has begun. Cllr Fox has received a complaint from walkers and runners about mud/cow muck on Park Lane and the poor condition of the pavements between the Catholic Church in Ashley and Doctors Bank. Cllr Butterworth has been

Minutes 20.02.2017 approached by a resident regarding safety at the Gravelly Hill junction and wondered if a mirror could be installed to aide visibility. This has been investigated previously and Highways will not allow a mirror there. Cllr Henshaw reported vandalism to the bus stop in Loggerheads which is being addressed. Cllr Gibson has received a complaint of overgrown hedgerows at Tinkers Lane scratching cars. The meeting was updated that the April meeting of Loggerheads Parish Council falls due on Monday 17th April which is Easter Monday and agreed to reschedule it to be held on Monday 24th April at Loggerheads Community Fire Station. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held in either May or June. A gift of thanks has been delivered to the outgoing post masters for their service to the community who were delighted and sent their thanks to the Parish Council.

20/02/17 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 20th March 2017 at Loggerheads Community Fire Station.

Meeting Closed at 9.25pm



Minutes 20.02.2017

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