Capital Improvements Committee (Cip)
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Members present: R. Young, R. Krause, K. Capelle, M. Marquardt, S. Steinke, and M. Noffke
Members absent: Bill Letter
Others present: T. Ryan, K. Marquardt, T. Reed, S. Dreher, S. Hansen, J. Schuh, K. Sumnicht, T. Madsen and N. Kunschke
Location & Time: Sheriff Department Training Room; 8:30 AM
Meeting called to order by Chairman Marquardt
Verification of proper posting of the agenda.
Motion by Steinke and seconded by Noffke to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. All Ayes. Motion carried.
No Public Comment.
CIP TRANSFERS: Diane discussed the transfers stating that the Lakeland Roof and Clean Sweep were both over budget. Clean Sweep: Received a total of $24,300 in Grants Pharmaceutical (Drug Collection), Household Hazardous Waste (generated most interested and created the overage) and Ag Waste. Roof Project: Budgeted $28,950, cost $32,900. Added cost related to upgrading of materials and increase to 20 year warranty based on committee request. Hwy Shop Design: Completed preliminary design and any further design plan will be included in construction phase.
Motion by Krause and seconded by Steinke to approve the recommended Transfer Request. 5 Aye, 1 Nay (Young) Motion carried.
TRANSFER REQUESTS - 3/15/12 - effective 12/31/11
Amount From Project To Project 3,950.00 Hway Shop Design Lakeland Roof 15,941.94 Hway Salt Shed Clean Sweep 19,891.94
Motion by Steinke and seconded by Krause to approve CIP Project Closeouts and maintaining the Partial close for Communications Upgrade and Gresham Tower. All Ayes. Motion carried. SCHEDULE OF CIP PROJECTS TO CLOSE 12/31/2011
Balance Funding Project Balance left Transfer to close Project Year Source Voice over IP 735.00 735.00 2009 sales tax Trust fund Elevator 12,142.99 12,142.99 2011 debt 8,508.86 8,508.86 Environ Tunnel 2,127.22 2,127.22 2009 sales tax 6,800.12 6,800.12 Undesig GF Courhouse locks 561.88 561.88 2010 Debt Data Conversion 3,076.83 3,076.83 2010 Debt 50,423.83 50,423.83 tax levy Comm Upgrade * 2007 143,513.99 143,513.99 sales tax Gresham Tower * 96,501.98 96,501.98 2009 Debt Salt Shed 16,438.88 (15,941.94) 496.94 2011 Environ Shop Design 52,171.97 (3,950.00) 48,221.97 2011 sales tax Lakeland roof (3,950.00) 3,950.00 - 2011 sales tax Libr-self-checkout 1,354.19 1,354.19 2011 sales tax Phase V Pavillion 780.00 780.00 2009 debt Shower renovation 1,270.42 1,270.42 2010 Environ 1,296.06 1,296.06 Ho Chunk Wilson shelter 2010 1,090.79 1,090.79 Environ Crawford Improvements 15,460.00 15,460.00 2010 debt
Clean Sweep (15,941.94) 15,941.94 - 2010 Environ
Motion by Young and seconded by Capelle to approve closeout of Environmental Impact Fees Projects. All Ayes. Motion carried.
CLOSE OUT PROJECTS (3/15/12 CIP meeting) 12/30/11 closing
Cost Project Amount Center
Utility Design & Land Use Options 55,100.00 10900 Boat Washing Station 56.11 10900 Caroline Dam improvements 0.86 10900
55,156.97 Motion by Krause and seconded by Steinke to table discussion of the 2012-2013 plan. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Steinke and seconded by Young to adjourn. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Nina Kunschke Recording Secretary