Residentiary Canon Job Descriptions

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Residentiary Canon Job Descriptions

York Minster Guide for Applicants

York Minster is one of the great institutions as well as one of the most famous buildings of England. It is one of the magnets that draw people to visit York and a defining symbol of the ancient “capital of the North”. People from all over the world come to explore the Minster, and visitor surveys find a high level of satisfaction from their experience. It is one of the centres of York’s lively cultural life, where many concerts and exhibitions take place. It is a very diverse place, with a large Stoneyard which employs a sizeable skilled workforce, a fine Library run in partnership with the University of York, a Treasury of important artefacts, a preparatory and pre-preparatory school in which the Choristers are educated, and St William’s College which is a complex ancient building where many activities take place. But the heart of the Minster is the round of worship, presented in a magnificent setting with exceptional music and liturgy, befitting a holy place which is passionately loved by people near and far. The current “York Minster Revealed” programme (“YMR”), which runs until 2016, is being carried out with substantial funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, and administered in partnership with the York Minster Fund. It will not only conserve and restore the stone and mediaeval glass of the Minster, it will also give us the opportunity to develop new audiences and inform and inspire our visitors when they come, and provide much improved facilities for them. It marks a major step in the long history of the Minster. Mission Statement Vision: to be a “Flagship of the Holy Spirit” for the transformation of individuals and communities, proclaiming the Kingdom of God in word and deed.

Mission: York Minster invites everyone to discover God’s love through our welcome, worship, learning and work.

Purpose:  to play an active role, across the Diocese of York and the Northern Province of the Church of England supporting the work of the Archbishop, sharing our skills and knowledge and working with communities and partners to further our mission;  to inspire people, through the story of Jesus Christ, through our worship, prayer and music and through the heritage and history of York Minster, onto a journey of personal and corporate transformation;  to engage all our community in a participative and consultative way;  to put learning and the transformation of ourselves and of others at the heart of all we do;  to manage our business successfully, covering our costs and generating the funding necessary to further our mission and to sustain the Minster.

Values:  Courage  Trust

1  Wisdom

Equality & Diversity Policy

Statement of policy

Chapter aims to provide equality and diversity to all in employment, and has a policy for this purpose. This policy covers all aspects of employment, from vacancy advertising, selection recruitment and training to conditions of service and reasons for termination of employment. The organisation aims not to discriminate on grounds of social economic group; gender; race; colour; nationality; ethnic or racial origin; carer responsibilities; sexual orientation; disability; age; appearance; religious or political belief; trade union activity; or any other conditions, or requirements which cannot be shown to be justified. The same commitment also applies to discrimination based on association with someone who possesses any of these characteristics, and to discrimination based on the perception that someone possesses such a characteristic.

To ensure that this policy is operating effectively (and for no other purpose) the organisation maintains records of employees' and applicants' racial origins, gender, religious belief and disability. Ongoing monitoring and regular analysis of such records provide the basis for appropriate action to eliminate unlawful direct and indirect discrimination and promote equality and diversity.

Chapter’s long-term aim is that the composition of our workforce should reflect that of the wider community. This Equality & Diversity Policy, and the measures Chapter is responsible for the effective operation of the Equality & Diversity Policy.

Application and Scope

This policy applies not only to all current employees but also to prospective employees of the organisation.

Although the primary impact of this policy may be considered in the areas of recruitment and selection, promotion and transfer, and the policy is applicable to any employment matter in which the equitable treatment of a potential or current employee may be at issue, for example:-

a) access to training and development b) interpretation of conditions of service c) application of the disciplinary/grievance procedures etc

The policy

Vacancy advertising

Wherever possible, vacancies will be advertised simultaneously internally and externally. Steps will be taken to ensure that knowledge of vacancies reaches underrepresented groups internally and externally.

2 Wherever possible, vacancies will be notified to job centres, careers offices, schools, colleges, etc, with significant minority group roles, as well as to minority press/media and organisations.

All vacancy advertisements will include an appropriate short statement explaining the organisation’s commitment to equal opportunities.

Selection and recruitment

Selection criteria (job description and employee specification) will be kept under constant review to ensure that they are justifiable on non-discriminatory grounds as being essential for the effective performance of the job.

More than one person should be involved in the selection interview and recruitment process, and wherever possible, panel members should have received training in equality and diversity. Reasons for selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies must be recorded.

Positive action - training, promotion and conditions of service

Under-represented groups will be encouraged to apply for training and employment opportunities with the company/etc. Wherever possible, special training will be provided for such groups to prepare them to compete on genuinely equal terms for jobs and promotion. However, actual recruitment to all jobs will be strictly on merit.

Wherever necessary, use will be made of lawful exemptions to recruit suitably qualified people to cater for the special needs of particular groups. Wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary/unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups.

Personnel records

In order to ensure the effective operation of the Equality and Diversity policy (and for no other purpose) a record will be kept of all employees' and job applicants' gender, racial origins, religious belief and disability.

Where necessary, employees will be able to check/correct their own record of these details. Otherwise, access to this information will be strictly restricted.

Such records will be monitored, and appropriate follow-up action taken.


The objectives of this equality and diversity policy are to:  Ensure that the organisation has access to the widest labour market and secures the best employees for its needs.

3  Ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment, and that, wherever possible, they are given the help they need to attain their full potential to the benefit of the company/etc and themselves.  Achieve an ability-based workforce which is in line with the working population mix in the relevant labour market areas. Behaviour or actions against the spirit and/or the letter of the laws on which this policy is based will be considered serious disciplinary matters, and may, in some cases, lead to dismissal.


General All employees irrespective of their position within the Dean & Chapter will have some measure of responsibility for the effective operation of this policy.

Human Resources Manager While Managers will assume responsibility for the day to day operation of the Policy, the HR Manager will be required to:- a) access existing employment practices in relation to this policy and advise upon remedial action where appropriate AND b) co-ordinate the provision of advice and guidance to employees on equality and diversity in employment and learning and development.

All Line Managers As primary decision makers, all Line Managers must recognise their responsibility to adopt employment practices which are consistent with the spirit of this policy and should promote, with their subordinates, an awareness of the principles involved.

Individuals It is the duty of all employees:- a) to co-operate with any measures by management to develop equal opportunities throughout the organisation b) not to harass, abuse, intimidate other employees on account of their sex, sexual orientation, marital status, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, colour, disability, religious belief or age c) to inform management if they suspect that discriminatory activities are taking place in any employment decisions or practices d) to be aware of this and all the organisations’ policies in regards to equality and diversity.

4 Job Description Date of JD: August 26th 2014

Job Title: PA to the Dean, Office Manager

Department: Clergy Support & Admin

Reporting to: Dean

Supervisory Responsibility: oversight of admin team

Financial/Budgetary responsibility: oversight of Dean’s budget and clergy hospitality budget

Job Purpose:  To deliver high-level effective and efficient administrative support to the Dean of York

Duties & Responsibilities:

Operational Excellence

To ensure the Dean’s diary runs smoothly, arranging internal and external meetings and engagements. Ensuring the Dean’s diary can accommodate the pattern of daily worship at the Minster, and the necessary residency arrangements. To act as the first point of contact for internal and external queries, acting as a filter where appropriate and then referring issues along with background information and paperwork. To handle all correspondence, including mail, email and phone-calls, drafting replies and ensuring timely responses. To provide high-level administrative support, including the preparation of agendas and minutes for statutory meetings including Chapter, Cathedral Council and College of Canons. To provide high-level administrative support to the Dean and the Senior Leadership Team in its regular round of management meetings. To draft, type, proofread and collate papers, presentations and reports as required by the Dean. To manage electronic and paper filing systems, ensuring that records are placed in Archive at appropriate points. To organise hospitality for key internal and external stakeholders, including working alongside the Development Team to run dinners in the Chapter House To work alongside the PA to the Chapter Steward to oversee the Minster Diary, ensuring all bookings are entered into the system once they have been approved. To make travel and accommodation arrangements where necessary To support across the wider Administrative Team, ensuring that holidays are co-ordinated and workloads are shared at times of peak activity. To deal with highly confidential and often sensitive matters, discretely and appropriately.

Communicating and Influencing  To liaise across the organisation ensuring all Directors and Managers are able to contribute to the regular meeting schedule  To develop relationships with key partners to aid the Dean, notably to be the first point of contact for colleagues at Bishopthorpe, at Church House in London, for other Deans and also for civic representatives.  To maintain the database of key influencers and stakeholders and to ensure that they are invited to Minster events.  To understand the protocols associated with the Minster and be able to establish strong working 5 relationships with the Lord Lieutenant’s Office, the High Steward, Royal Offices and other key stakeholders.

Additional responsibilities: . Any other duties as may reasonably required . Ensure that the highest standards of professional performance are maintained . Promote equal opportunities in the work of the department . Ensure compliance with relevant legislation and statutory codes of practice, as advised . Participate in the arrangements for performance review and appraisal . Ensure that professional skills are regularly updated through participation in training and development activities

Health & Safety Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, whilst at work, you must take reasonable care for your own health & safety and that of any other person who may be affected by your acts or omissions. In addition, you must co-operate with the Organisation on health & safety and not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.


Position Title: PA to the Dean

Department: Admin and Clergy Support

The Person Specification focuses on the skills, experience, knowledge and qualifications required to undertake the role effectively.

MEASURED BY: REQUIREMENTS ESSENTIAL (E) A - Application form The post holder must be able to demonstrate: DESIRABLE (D) I – Interview T – Test P - Psychometrics Absolute Integrity & Values The Minster exists to proclaim the Christian faith, so the appointee needs either to have or to be able to develop an E I understanding of the Church of England, its ethos, structures and mission, work comfortably and in sympathy with the worship and mission of the cathedral and be willing to engage in all aspects of the cathedral’s life.

Education/Training (Academic, vocational/professional and other necessary training)

Educated to A Level standard or equivalent E A Educated to degree standard or equivalent D A Secretarial or IT Qualification D A

Knowledge & Experience (eg report writing, IT skills, Microsoft Office)

Excellent IT skills E A/T Competent Database (access) and Outlook skills E A/T Excellent experience diary management E A Excellent experience of administering meetings E A/T Excellent experience of managing relationships E A/I Substantial experience of handling confidential E I information with discretion and respect Experience of managing extensive filing systems E T

Substantial experience of providing high level support E A/I/T to a Senior Manager, Director, CEO in a complex organisation

7 Competencies (e.g. communication, interpersonal, decision making, problem solving, team player, values diversity)

Able to handle difficult situations and stakeholders carefully, E A/I pragmatically and sensitively in order to achieve objectives Able to think on feet and initiate activity E I/T Cab enthuse and inspire others E I Able to lead a small team to achieve an objective E I Is able to establish strong relationships quickly E I Is able to find solutions to complex situations E I/T Learns from mistakes and shares valuable lessons with others E I Is able to think several steps ahead and anticipates issues E I Takes pride in delivering high quality work E I/T

Special Features (e.g. Travel required)

8 Application Form

The Chapter of York is the employing body of York Minster; all applicants are expected to be sympathetic to the aims and objectives of the Church of England

Position applied for

Closing Date for Returned Chapter Application Forms:

1 Personal Details



Home address:


Contact telephone No: E-mail:

If you are not an EU citizen, please indicate below your entitlement to work in the UK

If you have previously applied for a post with the Chapter of York, please give details

If an external applicant, are you related to or do you have any substantial connection to anyone working for Chapter? (this question is included to avoid bias in the recruitment procedure)

Please tell us how you heard about this vacancy (e.g. Minster website, word of mouth, other publication [please specify], Job Centre etc)

9 2 Education & Training

Education (starting with most recent)

Name of establishment Qualification (incl. Subject) Grade Date

Date Membership of Professional Bodies obtained/grade

Details of other relevant Professional or Occupational Training Date obtained

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

3 Work Experience

Current Post

Dates of Employment: Current Salary:

Name and Address of Employer :


Job Title and brief details of responsibilities:

Reason for seeking new employment:

Notice period required:

10 Previous posts starting with the most recent first. Please also account for any gaps in work history.

Dates Name & location of Details of position held Reasons for leaving From To employer

(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

4 Further information

Please explain how you meet each essential and desirable criteria on the person specification that is assessed through the application form

11 (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) 5 Referees

Please give details of two referees, one of whom should be your present or most recent employer

Name: Name:

Position Position:

Address: Address:

E-mail E-mail:

Telephone: Telephone:

May we approach them now? May we approach them now?

6 Criminal Convictions

Please give details of any criminal convictions not considered spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, unless this is a sex or violence-related offence that involved children or vulnerable adults and is therefore exempt from the Act. Please note that “offence” includes motoring, but not parking offences. You must tell us immediately if you are charged with an offence after you complete this form and before you take up any job offer as a result of your application. Answering yes to any of these questions will not necessarily prevent you from being appointed. Each case is considered on its merits and declaration will be kept in confidence.

Employment for some positions will be subject to enhanced disclosure from the Disclosure & Barring Service under the Police Act 1997 and in line with Chapter’s Child Protection Policy.

12 7 Declaration

Please read the declaration carefully before signing and dating the form. On electronic applications, typing the name will be equivalent to signature.

I declare that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge and understand that I will be liable for rejection/dismissal if any information is subsequently found to be deliberately misleading.

I agree that Chapter may process my application in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2000

Signature Date

Please ensure you have completed all sections and return this form in an envelope marked private and confidential to: Susan Hunt, Church House, 10 – 14 Ogleforth, York YO1 7JN or to [email protected]


The Chapter are committed to pursuing equal opportunity and welcome applications from all sections of the community. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our policies, please complete this form. The information is confidential and only used for monitoring. It will not be divulged to anyone involved in the selection process.

Print Name...... Post applied...... Date......

Please place X in the appropriate boxes:



Age Range

16 – 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50

51 - 60 61 - 65 65+

I would describe my cultural/ethnic origin as:






The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as having or having had a physical or mental impairment which has substantial and long-term effects on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities. Do you consider yourself to be disabled within the terms of the Act?


If ‘yes’, please specify, and explain how we could accommodate your needs in the role and at interview. Disabilities in no way preclude employment.


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