FPSO Lessons Overview

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FPSO Lessons Overview

FPSO Lessons overview http://www.olf.no/en/FPSO-Experience-Transfer/FPSO-Lessons-overview/

The FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) Experience Transfer network is set up under the sponsorship of the OLF Operations Committee. The committee recognized in 2001 the need to capture lessons learned during several FPSO projects during the 1990s, and to gather experience from 20 operating years with FPSOs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

FPSO Experience Transfer

The FPSO (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading) Experience Transfer network is set up under the sponsorship of the OLF Operations Committee. The committee recognized in 2001 the need to capture lessons learned during several FPSO projects during the 1990s, and to gather experience from 20 operating years with FPSOs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

The workgroup has representation from the operators of the five Norwegian FPSOs, and two of the operators who have a close interest in FPSOs. A representative from the PSA also participates to assist with legislative and safety issues. The group is supported by an OLF sponsored facilitator and meets regularly.

The overall objective of the workgroup is to "To enable FPSO operators to learn from each other to improve operations and influence future designs". The 2002 work programme included projects:

 to gather lessons learned from existing Norwegian FPSOs  to develop an OLF website for the sharing of FPSO lessons  to establish links with the UKOOA  to hold a seminar on topics of relevance to FPSO operators

The OLF FPSO Experience Transfer network initiated in 2003 a project to include experience from FPSO/FSUs Offshore loading and shuttle tankers in an effort to expand the experience transfer data base. The main objective was “to improve safety and operations in the interface between shuttle tanker and FPSO/FSUs”. This work is now summarized in a report available on this web site.

This website seeks to provide the user access to a wide range of FPSO lessons learned, links to other important FPSO websites and enables entry of lessons leaned by users interested in building a knowledge base for future designers and operators.

For further information contact the OLF FPSO Experience transfer network facilitator:

David Llewelyn e-post: davidlle(no spam)@online.no* * remove "no spam" for correct mail address Tlf.: +47 51 57 19 30 Mob.: +47 977 14 286 Fax.: +47 51 57 19 27

The matrix below shows "Activity" headings against relevant "Discipline" and "Phases" when the lessons should be applied. Click on an "Activity" for a summary of each one.

Lessons overview Select Design Construct Commission Install Operate Fire protection Site Safety Risk Management HSE Risk Management HSE Safety - General Crew Performance Materials Control Workshops Uptime Performance Handovers Organisation Mechanical handling Accommodation Operations Organisation Commercial Accomandation Size Helicopters Other Organisation Commercial Role of Vendors/OEM Documentation Standby vessel Flow Assurance Corrosion Commissioning Interfaces Technical Interfaces Subsea Installation Installation Multi-function support Controls Planning vessel Risers Documentation System engineering Construction Planning Regulatory compliance Management Organisation Organisation Planning Contracts Contingency Project steering Project Risk Management Risk Management Design Input from Project Input from other Management Commercial Offshore hook-up Operations groups Relationships Engineering Capex Over Runs FEED Knowledge Management Documentation Technical Interfaces QA/QC Planning Structures Hull Capacity Layout Ballast & Cargo Pipework Turret HUC Buoy pull in Painting 2 Caisson systems Painting 1 Buoy Corrosion and Coatings Hull - Strength Weld QA/QC installation Approvals and Safety Hull Shape HVAC Turret Design In Situ Repairs and Verification Modifications PAU Structures, Supports and Interfaces Sea Chests Motion assumptions Vessel conversion Selection of marine Other equipment Planning Conversion Submersible Offloading Green water Preservation Motion effects on people Marine Concept Pumps Moorings Conversion scope Tank Entry Turret Design Installation Technical Conversion Planning Inert gas system Conversion Thrusters Hazops Interfaces Drag chains Compression 3 Solids disposal Organisation Hazops Planning Compression 2 Swivels Process FEED Power generation MC Planning Produced Water Disposal Compression 1 Safety Power Generation Isolation philosophy Fuel supply lines Swivels/Tie Backs 1 Vents and exhausts Process Shuttle tanker Procedures Hose/Hawser handling FPSO facilities Performance record Offloading Positioning Monitoring and Comms Competence Maintenance Contracts Commercial Accounting Contracts Budget Power generation Topsides F&G and ESD

Fire protection

Antall lessons: 1

Replacement of CO2 systems Fase: Design Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Fire protection Lesson

The vessel had been built with extensive CO2 fire protection and this was replaced in all but 4 rooms. For these four, the safety authority's approval to continue with CO2 was withdrawn at a late stage. As a result these had to be replaced with water mist and/or early detection systems during the operating phase.


Fire protection systems need to be fully aligned to current legislation and approvals and if not, plans put in place at the design stage to upgrade them as part of the project scope. CO2 systems are not generally acceptable for FPSOs where spaces may be at some time be manned.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Risk Management

Antall lessons: 3

 As a result of differing local regulatory conditions the following design requirements are often poorly understood by international FPSO design and management teams o Quantitative Safety Risk Assessments and ALARP o The principle of Environmental Risk and BEPO o Occupational Health Risk and Occupational Health Standards  To overcome this problem, the client should assist the designer with coaching sessions and introductions to key authorities and even consider a senior secondment into the design team  All this must be done early so that the design can be influemced by the above practices and not have the standards "retrofitted" post design

Safety Risk Assessment Fase: Design Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Risk Management Lesson

The principle of Quantitative Safety Risk Assessments and ALARP - the use of risk and ALARP in design is difficult to incorporate contractually. Most design contractors are unfamiliar with the principle outside the North Sea and the quantification of risk for specific events is difficult. The client in this case had to put forward the changes to the design and the risk reduction justification. As the design continued it became increasingly difficult to incorporate due to schedule constraints requiring a large drain on resources to make the necessary changes.


The knowledge of the prime contractor has to be taken into consideration within the award of contract and to what extent the contractor can fulfill HSE in design obligations. The client should thus strengthen his team to balance this and a programme of education with the contractor should be initiated.


International Deepwater FPSO HSE

Antall lessons: 1

Safety Culture Fase: Construct Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: HSE Lesson

Health & safety management focus and performance was positive throughout the project, with a high level of workforce involvement and management support.


Client was able to change yard safety culture with respect to safety glasses and protective equipment etc, by the use of daily tool box talks, instant rewards for good safety performance and STOP cards. HAZOP studies were an important part of the safety process - as was the active involvement of the safety engineer and site safety representatives.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Site Safety

Antall lessons: 3

 HSE risk in construction and shipyards is generally higher than on oil industry facilities  Site requirements usually follow minimum leagal standards  The client can make a difference – firstly by pre-award audits and evaluation of HSE records, but primarily by onsite intervention  Proactive involvement on and control of project facilities – sponsoring site training, team talks, management walkabouts, monthly meetings and awareness campaigns, does work  Key players are client and site managers, project safety officers and supervisors

HSE Management at Shipyards and module yards Fase: Construct Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Site Safety Lesson

HSE Management at Shipyards and module yards - The level of HSE management in shipyards and repair yards is generally at a lower level than the comparative module yards. The level of HSE awareness in yards outside Europe is generally at a lower level than those in Europe. It is then up to the client to upgrade the management systems to an acceptable level.


The client, following an independent evaluation of the conversion and module yards standards and practices for HSE, should provide an appropriate level of funding and manpower resource to influence the HSE culture and establish a workable standard.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25209 HSE Management at Shipyard Fase: Construct Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Site Safety Lesson

HSE Management at Shipyard - The effectiveness of line management responsibility for safety, the reactive response rather than proactive, poor house keeping and the use of unskilled workforce were seen as major HSE issues. The initial methodology used was training and trying to communicate the standards to the workforce. This only partially worked and policing using a client site team (of 5) was used as the final safety management solution.


Adoption of a site safety management policy and methodology for compliance is required for each main contractor. Resources must be made ready to implement a policing policy if traditional methods fail. A safety officer and site inspectors can be very effective combined with the management of a focussed campaign. All of this must be supported by Management from the top down.


International Deepwater FPSO Lesson # 25210 HSES Management Prime Contractor Responsibility Fase: Construct Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Site Safety Lesson

HSES Management Prime Contractor Responsibility - it is difficult to communicate at the same level with a prime contractor who does not proactively pursue safety initiatives. Adopting this style of HSE management takes years and a culture change. To influence the prime contractor in these aspects the client provided a greater level of HSE management.


In dealing with contractors who do not have a proactive HSE management system the company should allow from a greater involvement of its own personnel to establish and maintain the required HSE standards.


International Deepwater FPSO Risk Management

Antall lessons: 1

 The HSE culture outside the North Sea area tends to be more reactive rather than pro active.  In dealing with operations contractors who do not have a proactive HSE management systems, the oil company should involve its own personnel to establish the required HSE culture and standards.  The results were impressive with a 1 year no LTI target met.

HSES Management - Operations Contractor Fase: Operate Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Risk Management Lesson

HSES Management - Operations Contractor - The HSE culture outside the North Sea area tends to be more reactive rather than pro active. This is due to the less developed HSE management systems and history and the large number of different nationalities of differing cultures. This was recognised 18 months before the start of operations and the culture change from reactive to proactive started. This took considerable time and management buy in from the prime contractor to establish. The results however were impressive with a 1 year no LTI target met.


In dealing with operations contractors who do not have a proactive HSE management system the company should allow for a greater involvement of its own personnel to establish and maintain the required HSE culture and standards. Kilde

International Deepwater FPSO Safety - General

Antall lessons: 1

 Evidence is emerging of a good safety record on FPSOs compared with other types of facility  Reasons are; o lack of drilling and construction activities o Inherently safer and more spacious design of hydrocarbon facilities o Small size and stability of crews and the development of a marine culture of comradeship o Generally good safety management support from oil companies

No evidence that FPSOs are less safe than other installations Fase: Operate Disiplin: HSE Aktivitet: Safety - General Lesson

There is no evidence that FPSOs are less safe than other installations. A number of FPSOs reported that with a smaller crew than a platform relationships, communication and morale are better.


There is evidence that active attention to and reporting of hazards improves safety awareness and thereby performance.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Organisation

Antall lessons: 3

 Operations often seen as a cost burden on the project and arrive too late  Opportunities are lost for input to design - operations staff can often save costs by keeping things simple  Operations staff can witnessing FATs, perform QA/QC of the construction site,  Provide input to commissioning and assistance to stretched engineers  They can also improve early production performance by becoming familiar with the plans and procedures long before start-up

Operations Input to Design (2) Fase: Select Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Operations input to design - for operations input to the project to work it has to be fully inclusive throughout all phases and be encompassed by the project team. This requires a realistic approach from the operations personnel to differentiate between nice to have and design and equipment weakness which demonstrate cost saving on a opex v capex economic justification


Early operations input to the design is essential. The relationships built up will then be able to balance the nice to have to essential arguments. The requirement is to establish a cost model of Opex v Capex to identify where trade off and efficiencies can be obtained.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25240 Operations Recruitment Fase: Select Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

The operations recruitment profile was seen as a burden to the project team costs. The resource was therefore late in arriving and time was required for familiarity. Missed opportunities were not having operations personnel to start the compilation of procedures, witnessing FAT, QA/QC of the construction site, input to commissioning, assistance to stretched engineers.


There is a lot of value to the Project in having established operations personnel take some of the load off the project engineers and make up the commissioning team at the latter stages. This requires earlier recruitment to allow for specialist training.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25246 Operations role in the project Fase: Select Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Role of Operations personnel within the Project was not fully understood by members of the project team. There was an expectation that they would be available to support the project in design, engineering reviews, commissioning and site acceptance work. However the Ops team had Ops. readiness activities to attend to like training, preparing ops procedures, setting up maintenance system etc.


Operations staff have a valuable contribution to make to a project and their role and numbers should be agreed up front in FEED and incorporated in the PEP. Selection of appropriate individuals for project roles should be based on their ability to contribute to project objectives. It is also important to bring in the ops organisation early and to complete ops. readiness activities prior to commissioning.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Accomandation Size

Antall lessons: 2

 The FPSO accommodation has insufficient beds of 4 of 5 Norwegian FPSOs  Recommended number is 100 pemanent beds or more  Justification for this is: o Base crew (50) o Contractor and specialists (10) o Campaign maintenance (10) o Major repairs or upgrades (20) o Visitors, trainees, extra catering staff (10)  There is also great pressure for beds during installation, start-up and shakedown  Extra beds also permit flexibility to carry some commissioning work offshore at start-up

The FPSO accommodation has insufficient beds Fase: Select Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Accomandation Size Lesson

The FPSO accommodation has insufficient beds (3/4). The situation is worsened by recent proposals from the unions that two people should not sleep in the same cabin simultaneously. This lack of beds seriously hampers summer maintenance programmes and delays major repairs or upgrades.


The economic impact of limited accommodation on operations and project(start-up and upgrades) is likely to be significantly greater than the cost of the extra beds and facilities. Future FPSOs should have 100+ usable beds and/or have provision for temporary expansion.

Kilde OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12091 FPSO Accommodation Size Fase: Select Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Accomandation Size Lesson

FPSO accommodation - the prime contractor had established the POB at 60 for steady state operations. Little to no account was made for the installation, offshore hook up and start up, training and the system completion phase at the start of the project. There was subsequently discussion on increasing the POB however this was not fully bought into by the contractor. Mid way through the project a more realistic appraisal of the POB requirements at start up were made and the need to increase the POB to 100+ and the need to double the lifeboat capacity.


The POB has to be fully specified for all phases from the outset. The cost benefit of additional beds considered for the start-up, first year trouble-shooting phase and training of local operators. A number of 100 POB is considered a minimum for the first year following sailaway.


International Deepwater FPSO Workshops

Antall lessons: 2

 Several FPSOs have very poor solutions for workshops and stores  Workshops and stores must be placed close to the topsides for efficient working and mimimun mechanical handling  Good access, ideally with an open gangway for a forklift truck should be provided  The accessway should run the length of the ship, be flat and clear of obstructions  Stores should be linked to the workshop and accessible for unloading materials  A welding area should be provided close by, in a safe and well ventilated area  The store should be up and running at the beginning of commissioning to control all materials

Workshop design and locations on FPSOs Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Workshops Lesson

Workshop design and locations vary on the FPSOs. The most successful are accessible via forklift, on the same level and close to stores, well equipped with mechanical handling equipment, separate from the accommodation ( for noise) and in a safe area allowing welding (forward).


Getting the workshop design right is important for maintenance efficiency and crew morale. The working environment, access and conditions in the workshop will reduce repair costs as the crew becomes confident to repair and service equipment on board.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12133 Workshop and Stores Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Workshops Lesson

Workshop and stores - a lot of activity using quite large pieces of equipment are seen in the work shops. The workshops also requires access to the stores. The movement of materials during the installation and commissioning periods often require temporary stores and workshops.


At the outset the workshops and stores for all phases should be combined into one. This saves duplication and ensures that the optimum solutions are found. Means to move heavy items to and from the stores should be designed, and the stores located in a convenient position regarding the topsides.


International Deepwater FPSO Mechanical handling

Antall lessons: 4

 The choice of solid boom cranes for 4 of 5 FPSOs was not optimum. These heavily built booms are stronly affected by the wind and due to their weight respond slowly for offloading  As built handling systems for equipment in the hull are often inadequate.  In general the vessel layouts are poorly optimised for equipment handling and storage.  One option is to require package bidders to provide for equipment removal - a solution for each maintainable item  Means to get material to crane and workshop can be via central walkway and forklift  Studies must be completed at the design stage and concepts not retroffitted  Make provision for loading hose maintenance and section changeout on board  A number of hydraulic arm "mini cranes" has proven successful and more precise for control  The laydown area was not large enough for the offshore and subsea installation equipment (chemicals, Nitrogen units, test pumps etc.)

The choice of cranes - solid boom for 3 of 4 FPSOs was not optimum Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Mechanical handling Lesson

The choice of cranes - solid boom for 3 of 4 FPSOs was not optimum. These heavily built booms are stronly affected by the wind and due to their weight, are insuffucuently responsive when offloading a supply vessel or for working on equipment. The general view is that these cranes were not designed for active load handling but for in-port offloading.


A number of upgrades have been made or considered - increased hydraulic power, installation of coolers, emergency power pack, boom arc limit switches. However these modifications have only partially solved the problem.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12100 FPSO Mechanical Handling Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Mechanical handling Lesson

"Mechanical handling for all operation and manintenance activities has been strongly criticised on all 4 FPSOs. Cranes are not optimum for working on FPSO equipment. ""As built"" handling systems for equipment in the hull are often inadequate. In general the vessel layouts are poorly optimised for equipment handling and storage. "


"It is suggested that the best practices developed from experience with - choice of cranes, use of forklifts, layout, storage and landing areas and protection, hydraulic manipulators, lifting beams and appliances in the hull should be documented in a ""code of practise"" so in future contractors can design and optimise handling systems from the outset."


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12101 Mechanical Handling Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Mechanical handling Lesson

Mechanical Handling - mechanical handling on an FPSO is one of the major problems as opposed to a fixed installation with modules built up like a tower. Thus greater engineering and operator interface is required to manage and engineer solutions to the problems. The initial design had a central lifting gantry, this was then abandoned and nothing used to substitute the facility. In the end the design for mechanical handling was lacking placing a greater burden on the personnel for temporary supports.


The mechanical handling study and engineering solutions should be completed half way through detailed design with operations personnel fully involved.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25241 Mechanical Handling Laydown Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Mechanical handling Lesson

Mechanical Handling - laydown areas - the requirement for laydown was based on the most extensive operation involved in the operations phase. The open space soon became utilised for the late engineering changes and new equipment causing some reduction. In the event the laydown area was not large enough for the offshore and subsea installation equipment (chemicals, Nitrogen units, test pumps etc.) a factor that had not been fully appreciated in the design stage. This lead to inefficient working and a delay to the first oil.


The full project requirements for mechanical handling and storage for the installation and commissioning phase should be established during the design phase.


International Deepwater FPSO Helicopters

Antall lessons: 1

SUMMARY - Helicopters Operations/Design  Forward positioned accommodation and helideck on all Norwegian FPSOs are not optimum for helicopter landing - misaligned approach, no forward visual reference point and increased vertical movement (cf. aft helidecks)  But it does offer clean air (no vessel induced turbulence and no take off obstructions).  Installation of large helidecks and provision of high powered lighting has helped pilots.  FPSOs can often turn across the wind to facilitate a 45 deg approach upwind.  Reliable weather and heave monitoring equipment should always be selected.  FPSO Helidecks should be designed and specified in consultation with helicopter operators to take account of lessons learned on existing FPSOs.

Helideck location on FPSOs is not optimum for helicopter landing Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Helicopters Lesson

The forward positioned accommodation and helideck on all Norwegian FPSOs is not optimum for helicopter landing - misaligned approach, no forward visual reference point and increased vertical movement (cf. aft helidecks) However it does have the advantage of clean air (no vessel induced turbulence and no take off obstructions.


Installation of large helidecks on certain FPSOs and provision of high powered lighting has helped pilots. FPSOs can often turn across the wind to facilitate a 45 deg approach upwind. Reliable weather and heave monitoring equipment should always be selected. Future FPSO Helidecks should be designed and specified in consultation with helicopter operators to take account of lessons learned on existing FPSOs.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Commercial

Antall lessons: 1

 The contract for Project workover equipment was a short term rental agreement  However for the Operations phase, it was necessary to have a riser readily available  A purchase would have been a better option in the first instance.  Lesson: Take a long term commercial view of equipment needed for the operating phase

Workover Riser Fase: Design Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Commercial Lesson The contract for workover equipment during the construction phase did not allow for the equipment to remain in country. However for the Operations phase, it was cost effective to have the riser readily available,. The equipment then had to be purchased which would probably been the better option to begin with.


The workover potential for the wells needs to be fully developed and the materials, procedures and resources identified. Contracts then need to be put in place and optimised to ensure the availability of the materials, equipment and resources for the project and operations phase combined.


International Deepwater FPSO Organisation

Antall lessons: 1

 Strong leadership (suggest OIM) of the operations personnel is required in the integration yard  Their key roles are to prepare for sailaway and to accept handed over systems  If not operations personnel can drift between tasks set by project  Also proper office facilities and IT connections should be provided  Ensure their work is driven by a comprehensive Operatuions readiness plan

Operations leadership in Integration Yard Fase: Construct Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

There was a requirement for strong leadership of the operations personnel in the integration yard to ensure maximum benefit was obtained from the personnel. This was not in place and the operations personnel seem to drift between tasks. The main reason was that the project personnel used them in a haphazard way, and tasks that were required by Operations were always given low priority. They were also provided with inadequate office facilities.


Put an experienced operations leader in the integration yard to liaise with the project and get the direct involvement and value from the operations personnel. A operations development plan is essential to identify the activities and give purpose to the Ops group.


International Deepwater FPSO Materials Control

Antall lessons: 1

 There was no system utilised for materials control vehicle so there were a mary items and materials which went missing or were "lost" on board on arrival on the FPSO  The operations materials personnel should be used for project and operations materials control during the vessel conversion  They can also be used for commissioning spares etc.  It will also make the transition to materials control offshore simpler

Materials Control Fase: Commission Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Materials Control Lesson

The maintenance management system was not utilised as the materials control vehicle. There were a mary items and materials therefore which went missing on arrival on the FPSO because they were not properly logged


In the case of a vessel conversion, utilise the operations materials personnel for the project materials control during the fabrication yard commissioning spares etc. Also the transition to materials control when offshore will be simpler.


International Deepwater FPSO Handovers

Antall lessons: 1

Handover procedures Fase: Commission Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Handovers Lesson

There were delays in the handover of "completed" systems to Operations. The problem was that the handover process to Operations where operations had to take responsibility for partially complete systems did not work as originally defined, due to the complexity of project interfaces. The situation was further complicated by the lack of operations involvement in commissioning so that as a result there was a lack of Operational familiarity with systems being handed over.

Anbefaling Provide additional guidance to ensure that the role of Operations personnel (especially if they are being provided through third party contractor) is fully understood and communicated and that Handover process is able to meet the needs of all parties so that Operations can readily assume responsibility for systems as work is completed. It is also useful to consider if the operations crew can added value to the project perhaps by undertaking routine maintenance, or overseeing preservation etc).


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Commercial

Antall lessons: 2

 Typically Operations ( and not project) will be responsible for support costs during sailaway, start-up and ramp up to steady state  In the event of protracted delays with equipment commissioning and trouble shooting, this will have a disproportionate negative effect on the Pre ops and 1st year Opex budget  To avoid this and allocate responsibility where it should lie, Operations support services in the installation and start-up services should be funded and "purchased" by project

OPEX / Project Costs Fase: Commission Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Commercial Lesson

The contractor had not allowed for a protracted start up within the operations budget. It was apparent early on that the low level of completion of systems at the shipyard meant a protracted start up. As a result the boundary between project costs and operations costs were blurred, however this placed a significant burden on the pre-ops budget


Cost coding of offshore work has to be in place to differentiate between opex and project costs. Over-runs should be identifiied by root cause.


International Deepwater FPSO Organisation

Antall lessons: 2  The Onshore commissioning organisation must be remain in place for and after operations start-up  The purpose is to complete operational commissionng and punch out of all the facilities  The Operations Engineering support contract should also be in place before start-up as this contractor can provide the specialist resources for start-up problem resolution and minor modifications. This is particularly important in remote locations.  Ongoing support from vendors, designers for trouble resolution is required for several months after start-up - the commissioning organisation can co-ordinate this  The project scope should only be considered complete when the facilities are shown to operate at design rates and at steady state

Technical Operations Support Fase: Commission Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

The operations technical and engineering support contract was still under discussion at the time the vessel was installed. This was late on in the project. There would have been increased synergies and familiarisation had the contract been awarded by the time the vessel arrived on location providing additional support and direct access to local services


There are extensive benefits for having the resources of the operations technical support contractor in place for the offshore commissioning phase. This makes the transition from project to operations more simple and increases the familiarisation of the contractor personnel. It also gives the project options when immedicate fixes or punch lists items have to be closed out.


International Deepwater FPSO Documentation

Antall lessons: 2

 Primary problems have been: o late documentation from suppliers, o missing data from subcontractors (particularly marine suppliers), o inability to get paperless systems up and running o missing as bulit drawings and loop diagrams, o incompatible tags o poor links to maintenance databases  Solution is to pay more attention to specification of requirements up front  Further develop joint industry standards  Include data delivery as part of the equipment acceptance process at FAT

Inadequate and late FPSO documentation Fase: Commission Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Documentation Lesson

Every Operator has complained of inadequate documentation. Primary problems have been late documentation from suppliers, missing data from subcontractors (particularly marine suppliers), inability to get paperless systems up and running even one year after start-up, missing as bulit drawing and loop diagrams, incompatible tags and poor links to maintenance databases.


The problem appears to arise from inadequate specification of documentation requirements at order placement. It is also a low priority for suppliers after the equipment is delivered and paid for. Follow up is often inadequate. Different specifications from Operators is also a problem. This is an opportunity for a joint industry initiative, perhaps building further on Norsok standards.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Crew Performance

Antall lessons: 1

Good start-up performance Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Crew Performance Lesson

The extended period of commissioning and integration testing provided a high level of confidence with how the equipment would perform. There was enough time to complete a large proportion of the many small tasks and punchlist items before production started. As a result of this high level of operational familiarity, start-up performance was comparable with industry top quartile. Uptime averaged over 80% in the first 4 months of production and design production rate was achieved within 80 days from start-up. In addition there were no LTIs or significant incidents in this period.


The start-up performance on this project confirms the view that comprehensive commissioning and operational familiarity will be rewarded with good production performance and an excellent safety record. It is clear that even if a project is delayed, a campaign to fully finish the facilities and improve operational awareness, will recover a significant proportion of the lost value from project over-runs. Kilde

NW Europe FPSO Conversion Uptime Performance

Antall lessons: 1

 Overall performance has been excellent. All 4 FPSOs are delivering 95% or more of available volumetric production.  While these figures were lower in the first 18 months production, regularity has generally exceeded industry expectations  There is a lack of fully objective data and it is too early to fully evaluate the success or failure of different FPSO designs and operating strategies.  To date high performances have been achieved but often at the expense of major modification and/or ongoing repair programmes  Opex data is not available

Overall uptime performance has been excellent Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Uptime Performance Lesson

Overall performance has been excellent. All 4 FPSOs are delivering 95% or more of available volumetric production. While these figures were lower in the first 18 months production, regularity has generally exceeded industry expectations


There is a lack of fully objective data and it is too early to fully evaluate the success or failure of different FPSO designs and operating strategies. To date high performances have been achieved but often at the expense of major modification and/or ongoing repair programmes. Opex data was not available for the review.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Accommodation

Antall lessons: 2

 Experience has indicated that it is likely during the life of the FPSO that a major upgrade or repair will take place  A means for temporary accommodation increase of 20-50 persons should be considered, as use of Floatels in usually impractical  Extra beds can be via accommodation modules, converting existing rooms or adding beds in each room and should be agreed within the organisation  Provision should be made for short term upgrades of lifeboat capacity - perhaps with larger lifeboats in extended davits  Ideally such provisions should be made at the design stage

See also "Accommodation size"

A means to increase FPSO accommodation for short periods Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Accommodation Lesson

: A means is required to increase FPSO accommodation for short periods (say 2-6 months) for project or major repair/remedial work. The upgrade would have to meet all applicable safety requirements including the provision of recreation space, lifeboat, refuge and escape facilities.


The design option selected is likely to be different for each FPSO - these may range from an additional deck mounted module to beds installed in unused rooms. Lifeboat and escape facility upgrades will also be required. Close and early consultation with the workforce will also be essential.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12096 Additional beds Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Accommodation Lesson

During the HUC phase there was agreement to co-sleeping ( two people sleeping in the same room) despite a significant level of complaints from the crew. However after first oil this was discontinued reducing effective POB levels from 120 to 90. As this had not been planned, it extended the live start-up schedule period from 7 to 21 days.


Vessel POB levels should be designed to meet Norwegian crew expectations for room sharing and changes to short term deviations ( during HUC or shutdowns) should be anticipated when production begins.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Other

Antall lessons: 1 Operations during extreme weather Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Other Lesson

FPSOs in the Norwegian sector are normally designed to operate up to a weather condition with a 100 year return period. It is important to identify the operational limitation and to make procedures for a possible shutdown based on a forecast for extreme weather.


The operational limitation must be identified and informed to relevant marine personell on the vessel. Procedures should be prepared giving instructions on when and how the vessel shall be prepared when extreme weather is forecasted.


Norwegian FPSO Role of Vendors/OEM

Antall lessons: 1

 Primary equipment vendors have little involvement in the operation of equipment.  This has two drawbacks, o The Operator has difficulty accessing adequate specialists to assist in problem resolution o The supplier has little opportunity to learn for operational experience  An option is to ask for a performance based support contract at placement of order  Or the vendor could be asked to nominate a contact enginner who can provide operational support and advice ( limited to say 3 days a year) for say 5 years at a nominal cost  To promote lessons learned, the package bid could request evidence of improvements made from operational feedback

Primary equipment vendors have little involvement in the operation of equipment Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Role of Vendors/OEM Lesson

Primary equipment vendors have little involvement in the operation of equipment. This has two drawbacks, the Operator has difficulty accessing adequate specialists to assist in problem resolution and the supplier has little opportunity to learn for operational experience

Anbefaling The challenge is to secure a committment for technical support or a minimum perforance level when the equipment is competitively bid and purchased. This requires expectations to be set up front by the Operations team. If the supplier refuses to offer a performance level, another supplier should be perferred.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Standby vessel

Antall lessons: 1

 FPSOs are using SBVs in different ways  Main roles in addition to emergency standby are storage and transport, firefighting, ROV inspections and tug support during offloading  One FPSO is sharing with a Platform 60kms away - and holds a large daughter craft on board  There may be value in a common specification so that every FPSO can get best value from the vessel market, achieving appropriate standby cover at the most economical price.

FPSO Standby Vessel Applications Fase: Operate Disiplin: Operations Aktivitet: Standby vessel Lesson

All FPSOs are using SBVs in different ways, including storage, firefighting, ROV inspections, tug support during offloading and one FPSO is sharing with a Platform 60kms away - and holds a large daughetr craft on board.


The challenge is to share best practises and agree a common role for the vessel and it's specifications so that every FPSO can get best value from the vessel and achieve appropriate standby cover at most economical price.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Flow Assurance

Antall lessons: 1

Flow Assurance Fase: Design Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Flow Assurance Lesson Flow assurance issues were tackled globally in FEED however the results were not updated to changes in design during the latter project phases and for the non steady state conditions. This required further work late in the project to define flow assurance in the transient parts i.e. start up with only a few wells feeding the FPSO, shutdown after start up etc. Extra work was necessary to validate the design


Greater use of scenario testing on the design be carried out in FEED to complete an envelope of the design constraints for all phases inlcuding transients eg. start up.


International Deepwater FPSO Interfaces

Antall lessons: 1

 The interfaces between the FPSO and subsea equipment were more extensive than expected and required close management with the topsides, hull and marine and Christmas tree contractors.  Problems were encountered with the topsides terminations, control system interfaces, corrosion management, flow assurance and downhole instrumentation  Ensure all equipment suppliers have clear responsibilities for interface control and are keyed into the management interface systems.  Greater QA/QC is required where the interfaces are critical.

Subsea System Boundaries Fase: Design Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Interfaces Lesson

The subsea boundaries between the FPSO and subsea equipment was very extensive and required close interfacing with the topsides, hull and marine and Christmas tree contractors. Problems were encountered with the topsides terminations and control system interface. This stretched some of the equipment suppliers where the oil company often takes more responsibility for the subsea equipment interfaces.


Ensure the subsea equipment suppliers have clear responsibilities for interface control and are keyed into the management interface systems. Greater QA/QC is required where the interfaces are critical.


International Deepwater FPSO Installation

Antall lessons: 2

 The late award of the subsea and FPSO installation contract meant that the design, fabrication and installation decisions were made without the experience of an installation contractor.  Areas of poor design were; o poor balancing of the jumpers, o use of rigid jumpers and its negative effect on workovers o anchor chain load cells difficult to install, o cable for mooring cells was too small and poor quality, o offloading hose assembly information difficult to get from the supplier.  Early committment to the Installation contractor would ensure that design work would proceed in partnership with the contractor responsible for its installation.  Alternatively the whole scope can be let to one contractor

Subsea Installation Fase: Design Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Installation Lesson

SUBSEA Contractor Involvement (1) - the late award of the subsea installation contractor meant that the subsea equipment design, fabrication and installation decisions had to be made without the expertise of an installation contractor. This lead to inefficiencies in the design i.e. poor balancing of the jumpers, use of rigid jumpers and its effect on workover design,. The issue of ownership of the design and the technical difficulties for installation were then carried by the installation contractor alone.


Early contract award for the subsea installation contractor is needed to have the expertise at the subsea design stage. Alternatively award both design, supply and installation scopes to the same contractor.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25296 Subsea Installation Fase: Design Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Installation Lesson

SUBSEA Contractor Involvement (2) - the late award of the subsea installation contractor meant that the mooring design, fabrication and installation decisions had to be made without the expertise of an installation contractor. This lead to inefficiencies in the design i.e. anchor chain load cells difficult to install, cable for mooring was too small and poor quality, offloading hose assembly information difficult to get from the supplier.


Early contract award for the subsea installation contractor is needed to have the expertise at the FPSO amd mooring design stage.


International Deepwater FPSO Controls

Antall lessons: 1

Controls interface software Fase: Design Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Controls Lesson

A novel system of controls software that was developed by the Subsea contractor. The software was immature and neither the topsides contractor or Oil co staff had sufficient specialist resources to monitor the progress of it's development. It then became apparent that it could not provide a satisfactory interface to the FPSO DCS system. As a result, very little of the software was used and the major part of the functionality was transferred to the SAS control system. Resolving these problems took several months.


Use of novel technology always presents a risk. It is important to identify what has not been fully proven elsewhere in the industry and then to implement a management programme to oversee it's development and integration testing.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Risers

Antall lessons: 1

 Risers are a critical component of the FPSO system and need to be continuously monitored  Damage from installation or ROV work to the outer sheath results in sea water ingress which can reduce fatigue life significantly.  Gas permeation can have unexpected effects including collapse,  HP gas flow can cause vibration or loosening of the inner carcas  Monitoring systems for gas permeation and with the ability to flush the annulus and annual inspections are required

Risers as a critical component of the FPSO system Fase: Design Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Risers Lesson

Risers are a critical component of the FPSO system. Damage to the outer sheath and sea water ingress can reduce fatigue life significantly. Gas permeation can have unexpected effects including collapse, and HP gas flow can cause vibration or loosening of the inner carcas. To date however there have been no catastrophic failures of risers.


Good riser design and operational management is a key success factor. Monitoring systems, the ability to flush the annulus and protect the riser from damage, particularly on installation are needed to ensure long and trouble free life.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Corrosion

Antall lessons: 1

 On pressuring up the subsea chemical injection lines some lines failed the test.  Inspection revealed leaks in the 3/4 "" stainless steel tubing.  This was traced to electrolytic corrosion due to the line being left for 3 months wet storage before connection, with the electrical continuity of the lines isolated from the subsea structure.  This exposed the lack of QC on the design in reviewing transient conditions.  Use of generic designs need to be checked in detail to ensure the design conditions are the same  A Hazop or QC process to review all aspects including corrosion of subsea materials throughout the project are required

Corrosion of Subsea Chemical Lines Fase: Construct Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Corrosion Lesson

On pressuring up the subsea chemical injection lines some lines failed the test. Closer inspection revealed leaks in the 3/4 "" stainless steel tubing. This was traced to electrolytic corrosion due to the line having been left for 3 months wet storage with the electrical continuity of the lines isolated from the subsea structure. This exposed the lack of QC on the design in looking at the transient conditions.

Anbefaling Use of generic designs need to be reviewed in detail to ensure the design conditions are the same.( eg requirement for sea bed storage in disconnected mode). The need for systematic processes i.e. Hazop/QC to review all aspects including corrosion of subsea materials throughout the project are required. Subsea being one of the most critical areas.


International Deepwater FPSO Technical

Antall lessons: 1

 Initially an existing gas export line was deemed to be fit for reuse  But it was decided that there was a need for verification of its integrity and suitability for the new application.  This took a large amount of time and cost including an intelligent pig run and a verification study for the new application  The desicion to utilisate existing infrastructure should be made after considering the risk and cost of verification

Reuse of Existing Subsea Lines Fase: Construct Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Technical Lesson

The project team had elected to utilise some of the existing subsea infrastructure from the previous project. Initially the gas export line was deemed to be fit for purpose but it was decided that there was a need for verification of its integrity and suitability for the new application. This took a large amount of time the make an intelligent pig run and then verify the new application


Utilisation of any existing infrastructure should be made after consideration to the risk and cost of verification of the materials.


International Deepwater FPSO Installation

Antall lessons: 1

 The Xmas tree jumper design was made by the subsea engineering contractor with the responsibility for installation being the subsea installation contractor.  The installation was tested in the yard and was completed with some degree of difficulty and in the field the installation of each jumper took 5 days as opposed to the planned 2 which resulted in a 40 day delay  Full-scale mock up testing should be a norm for subsea installation contractors  But the tests should take account of the additional stiffness likely at the seabed, bottom conditions and if applicable current.  The use of the the installation contractor's experience in the design phase is essential.

Xmas Tree to Jumper Installation Fase: Construct Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Installation Lesson

The jumper design was made by the subsea engineering contractor with the responsibility for installation being the subsea installation contractor. The installation was tested in the yard and was completed successfully with some degree of difficulty. This allowed for the installation procedures to be reviewed and modified and further modifications were made to the tooling to overcome some problem areas in positioning. In the field the installation of each jumper took 5 days as opposed to the planned 2 which resulted in a 40 day delay.


Full-scale mock up testing should be a norm for subsea installation contractors. But the tests should take account of the additional stiffness likely at the seabed, bottom conditions and if applicable current. The use of the the installation contractor's experience in the design phase is essential.


International Deepwater FPSO Planning

Antall lessons: 2

 The workscope for subsea activities was late in formalisation due to the lack of definition of workscope i.e. gas pipeline drying, subsea commissioning, vessel capability etc  The subsea installation activities also required access to well and manifold sites at the time drilling and completion was ongoing with rig moves difficult to predict  To ensure that the optimum installation solutions were developed a face to face weekly planning meetings were held which involved all parties  This collaborative approach helped ensure every player was open about changing plans and enabled an optimum programme to be shaped  Such uncertainties should be covered within the contractual process to ensure that schedule flexibility is retained Installation Schedule Management Fase: Construct Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

The subsea installation activities required access to well and manifold sites at the time drilling and completion was ongoing. To ensure that the optimum installation solutions were made the project developed a face to face weekly planning meeting which involved all parties. This gave update information of activity completion and issued a revised schedule for near term planning. Active use of wall charts in the meeting rooms was made to communicate forward plans.


The oil company should take steps to convene a collaborative style culture with all installation contractors to ensure open sharing of information at management level and the flexibility of resources. This has to be covered within the contractual process to ensure that the companies are recompensed.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25303 Subsea Work Programme Fase: Construct Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

The workscope for all the subsea activities was late in formalisation due to the lack of definition of responsibilities i.e. gas pipeline drying, subsea commissioning, this had a ;large impact on the optimisation of the work programme and the integral management of HSE and risk of the offshore activities including HAZOP of all the activities.


The workscope and contractual obligations need to be rationalised and any ambiguities fully resolved in the early stages of the project. This helps resolve responsibilities in the contractual parties and optimise the sequencing of the work.


International Deepwater FPSO Commissioning

Antall lessons: 1

Subsea Commissioning Fase: Commission Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Commissioning Lesson

The sub-sea controls topsides equipment had undergone extensive onshore and offshore testing, which resulted in it operating as expected when the system was switched on.


It is important to fully test all systems at a full Site integration test at the vessel before sailaway. It is also beneficial to have the Sub-sea commissioning team led by an engineer who fully understood both the system and how it interacts with the other vessel systems.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Interfaces

Antall lessons: 1

 Full scale integration tests between subsea control module and a Xmas tree were made in the tree yard, these resolved some of the QA/QC problems which were in built into the design.  This was then followed by integration testing (with a dummy tree) at the FPSO integration yard, using communications through the swivel. This too uncovered problems particularly within the control software interfaces and with the process control system  Full-scale mock up testing should be a norm for subsea control functionality testing when costs and schedule impact of from problems is low  This should involve the tree suppliers, manifold designers, and controls system, umbilical suppliers and also work at the FPSO integration yard.

Subsea Control Function Testing Fase: Commission Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Interfaces Lesson

To test the manifold and tree valve functioning while monitoring integrity for each of the control modules, full scale integration tests using a Xmas tree was intitiated. This resolved some of the QA/QC problems which were in built into the design. This was then followed by integration testing ( with a dummy tree) at the FPSO integration yard, using communications through the swivel. This too uncovered many new problems particularly within the control software interfaces with the process control system.

Anbefaling Full-scale mock up testing should be a norm for subsea control functionality testing. This would involve the tree suppliers, manifold designers, and controls system, umbilical suppliers and also work at the FPSO integration yard


International Deepwater FPSO Multi-function support vessel

Antall lessons: 2

A dedicated ROV support vessel was required to complete subsea commissioning work which was omitted from the installation contract

The scope of commissioning was difficult to specify with SSIV and line drying and valve witnessing

However the Operations phase required a support vessel whcih was extended to be a multi function vessel.

Studies indicated that the net cost of this vessel fully equipped for ROV work was less than half the market rate, and it was estimated that the vessel would be used on project activities 80 days over a period of 120 days and later could be shared with othert operators

The ability to call upon this support vessel before start-up for project subsea and marine activities was very valuable and enhanced the project completion.

It also allowed the project to make a local purchase so enhancing local content

Subsea Commissioning Fase: Commission Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Multi-function support vessel Lesson

This area was omitted from the installation contractors workscope and resulted in a lack of definition which became a late inclusion top the plan. A dedicated ROV support vessel was required to complete the commissioning work which was finally provided by the client. The definition of commissioning was difficult to specify when it came to the gas export pipeline and equipment commissioning i.e. SSIV and line drying which were neglected until the end. This meant that costs were higher as they were never part of the bid package.


The subsea commissioning scope has to be placed within the contractual responsibility of one of the contractors or taken on by the client company. The client company will end up with most of the risk in the end thus it is incumbent that the work is clearly specified Kilde

International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25305 Subsea Installation and Commissioning Fase: Commission Disiplin: Subsea Aktivitet: Multi-function support vessel Lesson

The Operations phase required a multifunctional support vessel. The ability to call upon this support vessel before start-up for project subsea and marine activities enhanced the project completion. The net cost of this vessel fully equipped for ROV workl was less than half the market rate, and it was estimated that the vessel was used on project activities 80 days over a period of 120 days.


Allow for offshore support to the project which may be better placed though early delivery of the operations vessel.


International Deepwater FPSO Planning

Antall lessons: 1

 The Project Execution Plan is an important document as it sets out the basic premise of the project and how it will be managed and executed.  The Plan should be developed in parallel to the Field Development Plan in the select phase, and should be recompiled and updated at each stage of the project.  It should be read and understood by all the project personnel, and a briefing on its contents should be given to all new staff.

Project Execution Plan Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Project Execution Plan - this is a necessary document as it sets out the basic premise of the project and how it will be managed and executed. The Plan should be developed in parallel to the Field Development Plan.


The Project Execution Plan should be compiled and updated at each stage of the project. It is an important leadership document and should be read and understood by all the project personnel. Consideration should be given to providing a short briefing on its contents for all new staff.


International Deepwater FPSO Organisation

Antall lessons: 6

 When structuring a new project organisation the style of project management for example levels of control and delegation, should not be contrary to the corporate culture  Co- Location of the reservoir, drilling and subsea teams helped information flows, allowing the teams to come up with innovative solutions and in one case, eliminate a well.  The small project management team with a mix of consultants and company employees worked well due to the large amount of autonomy and responsibility taken by each person. Consultants can be given specialised tasks requiring tangible results.  Conflict of Interest between the Project and Country Business can be a problem. The two goals are very different, projects are driven by cost and schedule and flexible management, and country goals driven by reputation and ongoing operations  The prime contractor had the same corporate owner as several other companies in the contracting group. Instead of easing interface control they acted like competitors. This required extra management attention.

Conflict of Interest between the Project and Country Business Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Conflict of Interest between the Project and Country Business - is a primary problem where the lines of communication and reporting are not clearly defined. The two goals are very different, project goals driven predominantly by cost and schedule and flexible management, and country goals driven by reputation,ongoing operations and control management thus require a lot of understanding and resolution of responsibilities. An example of conflict would be the location and quality of country and project offices, or the need for flexible Terms and Conditions for staff.


Decisions on co location, line reporting, shared services, terms and conditions and issue management along with management responsibilities and accountability have to be ironed out from the outset. Fudging these issues will only cause friction and potential resentment.

Kilde International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25269 Management Control Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Management Control - The factors which constituted success and failure have to be analysed and how the project team culture and type of risks taken. Three project management model options seem to be prevalent i) central control with a highly developed systematic approach, ii) small autonomous project teams merely utilising corporate guidelines, iii) in between i) and ii) which entail greater project / corporate management conflict.


When structuring a new project organisation the style of project management model is important. If this style is contrary to the corporate culture the project would be incurring greater risk.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25276 Use of Consultants Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

The small project management team with a mix of consultants and company employees worked well in a marginal project due to the large amount of autonomy and responsibility taken by each person. Inclusion in project bonuses and common terms and conditions gave the personnel equal status and encouraged continuity to the end of the project.


The opportunity to use outside consultants should be considered to create of a blend of experience. The external perspective also has value in challenging the norms and gaining optimum solutions. having amember of the team from a contractor background is also advisable. The remuneration packages have to be balanced to ensure little differentiation is outwardly visible.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25280 Use of Consultants Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Projects are highly focused schedule and cost driven. Consultants can be given specialised tasks requiring tangible results without the trappings of the processes involved with company personnel i.e. HR issues, appraisal, company communication meetings etc.


To gain the maximum leverage for work classed as non company specific, consultants offer a good alternative experienced resource who have lesser distractions than the company personnel.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25281 Co-Location of Groups Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Drilling and Reservoir Project Groups - the Co- Location of the reservoir and drilling teams with reporting relationship to the Project manager helped information flows, interfacing with the project and greater consistency in reporting and report compilation It also allowed the teams to come up with innovative solutions to reservoir challenges and in one case, eliminate a well.


For remote projects the co-location of all groups in a single office is essential to reduce internal project conflict and ease the information flows.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25291 Contractor Groups Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

The prime contractor had the same corporate owner as several other companies in the contracting group. It was felt that this would ease the interface control and introduce a common project identity for all parties, for example it was assumed that work would be undertaken by the most approprate entity and funds would be allocated accordingly. In fact a common identity and close communication between companies never emerged. They behaved more like competitors, certainly arms length contractors. Internal disputes were frequent and any synergies and special relationships anticipated in the bid evaluation were not realised. Anbefaling

Contractor companies within the same parent organisation should be considered as non aligned and should be treated as separate entities. Common management processes i.e. HSE, QA/QC need to be verified during the bid evaluation phase.


International Deepwater FPSO Contracts

Antall lessons: 1

 The size complexity and number of contracts will dictate the requirement for and choice and size of the management systems within the project.  The oil company should not have too high an expectation from the contractor in his depth of management system, specially if selecting a low bidder.  It is usual for most work to be sub contracted, thus the continuity and implementation of management systems becomes difficult to track, understand and enforce  The format and implementation of the management system should be a topic on the bid evaluation to verify that the contractor has the basic processes in place. if not the oil company should be ready to assist.

Management Systems Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Management Systems - the size complexity and number of contracts will dictate the requirement for and choice and size of the management systems within the project. It is easy to say `fit for purpose` however different companies also require different controls. The oil company should not have too high an expectation from the contractor in his depth of management system, specially if selecting a low bidder. There is also strong tendency in contracting for major pieces of work to be sub contracted, thus the continuity and implementation of management systems becomes difficult to track, understand and enforce


The format and implementation of the management system should be a topic on the bid evaluation to verify that the contractor has the basic processes in place. Where there are potential deficiencies the oil company should be prepared to put in the necessary resources to giving direction and make good .The oil company also has to take a very early view on how to evaluate contractors whose bids include large third party work with very little documentation to support adherence to a management system.

Kilde International Deepwater FPSO Risk Management

Antall lessons: 3

 Formalised and numeric risk assessment processes can be useful, but they can also be cumbersome and bureaucratic if allowed to get too theoretical  Having a general forum to evaluate and rank risks is more important to gain a general appreciation of the project risk  The culture to proactively identifiy risks by the client was sometimes seen as burdensome to the contractor, Audits, lessons learned, HAZOP, safety reviews, Environmental and Health assessments and general risk awareness and quantification.  Although the enforced processes worked well, risks at the working level were not picked up i.e. knock on effects of poor productivity, extent of carry over of mechanical completion from the yards, lack of QC from vendors.  Risk management must be established in the project culture at the outset and a coordinator established to coach and to communicate a simple risk methodology eg. using wall boards in every conference room - updated at each meeting.

Risk Management Process Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Risk Management Lesson

Risk Management Process - These formalised and numeric processes can be useful to focus management on key issues but they also can cumbersome and bureaucratic if allowed to venture in the realms of hypothetical situations and beocme work generation machines. Whilst it is the responsibility of each individual manager to qualify and quantify the risk, having a general forum to evaluate and rank these is more important to have a full appreciation of the project risk.


Develop a risk management process which is highly visible on a monthly risk matrix. A simple project risk register should be used for reporting at monthly meetings with a defined owner and mitigation with contingency plans.


International Deepwater FPSO Commercial

Antall lessons: 1  The project contracts were ver sucessfully administered by a small contracts group consisting of 4 personnel which included admin support,  They were responsible for the 120 project contracts.  These contracts were diverse in nature i.e. drilling to support vessel newbuild and international contracts in Europe, Asia and US.  The dedicated team was instrumental in the management of each the contracts, with short lines of communication as well as close contact with the activity managers.

Small Procurement Group Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Commercial Lesson

The contracts group consisting of 4 personnel which included admin support, were responsible for the 120 project contracts. These contracts were diverse in nature i.e. drilling to support vessel newbuild and international Europe, Asia and US. The small dedicated team was instrumental in the management of the contracts with short lines of communication as well as close contact with the activity managers.


Small dedicated teams of specialised personnel given the responsibility to focus on a individual part of the project can be very effective.


International Deepwater FPSO Relationships

Antall lessons: 3

 A key role for the management team is to manage internal and external relationships  Country Policies and National Content are highly sensitive subjects which have to be taken into consideration when making decisions.  It is best to work closely with the government bodies, key individuals and other stakeholders to help them understand the commercial constraints the project is under.  The client-contractor relationship on FPSO projetcs has a large influence on the success. The key is Openness within a well defined set of roles and responsibilities  A deteriorating relationship means greater management time and effort is spent on non constructive activities i.e. legal and contractual work and not dedicated to the project in facilitating cost and schedule.  Open communication between all parties is essential. Serious problems can best be facilitated by executive management with issues tabled in an open forum. Importance of Working Relationships Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Relationships Lesson

Importance of Working Relationships - The client contractor relationship on FPSO projetcs has a large influence on the success due to the need for continual communication to be developed between each of the parties. It is alos important to gain alignment with the project objectives and ensure the most effective decisions are made. A deteriorating relationship means greater management time and effort is spent on non constructive activities i.e. legal and contractual work and not dedicated to the project in facilitating cost and schedule.


The Project Manager should have face to face meetings regularly and phone calls whenever sensitive issues are seen which may be of concern. The project manager therefore requires to develop a travel schedule which meets these requirements.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25274 Importance of Open Communication Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Relationships Lesson

Importance of Open Communication - In most contracts the reputation of the individual contractors and oil companies is at stake. It is important that the reputation issues of all parties is understood and any decisions or project direction which may have a bearing on reputation should be fully understood


The Project Manager should have face to face meetings regularly and phone calls whenever sensitive issues are seen which may be of concern. The project manager therefore requires to develop a travel schedule which meets these requirements.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25275 Country Policies Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Relationships Lesson

Country Policies and National Content - a highly sensitive subject however one which cannot be ignored and has to be managed. Every country has a political element which has to be taken into consideration when making decisions. Anbefaling

It is necessary to fully understand the political implications of decision making. Working closely with the government bodies, key individuals and other stakeholders has to be a central theme of the project management team.


International Deepwater FPSO FEED

Antall lessons: 2

 There are several approaches to FEED, the following has proven very successful  After a selection process, 4 companies were paid a FEED lumpsum to develop their concepts to meet the functional specification. .  A small team of engineers, HSE and Operations personnel from the client were used to give input during the 4 month FEED phase.  Upon issue of the bid documents to all 4, a commercial bid was submitted  This allowed each contractor to develop his own concept to meet the requirements and it allowed the client to becomne familiar with the capability of the potential contractor  One lesson learned is the need to secure continuity of people between FEED and design phases with the successful contractor

Front End Engineering and Design Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: FEED Lesson

The contracting strategy adopted an approach of an assisted FEED. This allowed for 4 companies to be paid a lumpsum to develop their individual concepts to a more robust design from which a commercial proposal could be submitted. A small team of engineers, HSE and Operations personnel were used to give input during the 4 month FEED phase. This resulted in an intimate knowledge of the engineering design and more robust operational model can be ascertained. The resulting technical bid process was greatly simplified in terms of engineering completeness and his ability to support the bid.


Greater use should be made of assisted bid processes prior to contract award. The Clients technical knowledge of the product and the execution plan gives a greater degree of confidence in the product quality and operability. This also means that the contractor can do fundmental engineering of a higher quality with operator support.

Kilde International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25287 Front End Engineering and Design Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: FEED Lesson

An assisted FEED allowed 4 companies to demonstrate that they have the experience to interact with the client is gaining the optimum solutions for a given field development. Analysis of the two company cultures on each other also gave a confidence level on how the management teams would interact to gain the optimum solutions throughout the project.


Greater use be given of assisted bid processes prior to contract award is recommended. The alignment of the management teams and confidence levels in the ability to complete the contract is increased.


International Deepwater FPSO Technical

Antall lessons: 1

 A field development plan is required for the government agency, for partner review and for internal sanction and to hold information about the project  There should be minimum duplication of this information in different documents to assist in maintaining cotrol of the data and to combine as much of the compilation as possible  The document should cover for the widest requirement usually the Oil Company internal controls  The process of creating this document is an excellent opportunity to build teamwork and increase understanding between the managemen team members

Field Development Plans Fase: Select Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Technical Lesson

Field Development Plans - In all projects it will be necessary to submit a field development plan to the government agency, draw up a field development plan for partner review and approval, for internal sanction and generally hold information about the project which can easily be distributed to other technical groups. There should be an effort not to duplicate the information to assist in maintaining cotrol of the data and combine as much of the compilation as possible.

Anbefaling The Oil Company internal controls should dictate the format of the information to be compiled necessary for a technical audit, peer review and project sanction. The information to be provided for government approval should be taken from this document. The project development plan should be updated annually.


International Deepwater FPSO Documentation

Antall lessons: 3

 The main contractor used unproven documentation software which required upgrading  But the main faults initially were speed, difficult to navigate and limited access  By end of the project the software was used to collate all drawings, reports and documentation for handover to great effect.  The use of a recently upgraded product without adequate proof testing, comms links and support should be avoided.  Data administration was the responsibility of each management team.  However as a result, centralised document control was difficult, eg with validated punch lists, ABS submissions + outstanding issues, authority submissions etc.  Late appointment of document control personnel was contributory.  A centralised electronic system is required from the outset to manage common documentation and data administration

Project Documentation Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Documentation Lesson

The project facilities contractor used a proprietary software which required upgrading for use by the project. The main faults initially were speed, difficult to navigate and limited access. The project persevered with the software. Towards the end of the project the software was used to collate all drawings, reports and documentation for handover to great effect.


In the information management age the use of electronic formats and data processing is essential. However the use of a recently upgraded product without adequate proof testing, comms links and support should be avoided.


International Deepwater FPSO Lesson # 25282 Project Documentation Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Documentation Lesson

Data administration was the responsibility of each of the management teams. This worked well for each group but it was found difficult to maintain a centralised document control of what was deemed important information. The types of documents which were difficult to control were validated punch lists, ABS submissions and outstanding issues, authority submissions. Some of this was due to the international nature of the project. It is considered also that the late appointment of document control personnel was contributory.


The individual managers should have responsibility for documentation delivery however a centralised electronic system with a series of common processes are required for control. A dedicated team ( or person) is therefore required for data administration.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25283 Document management Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Documentation Lesson

The widespread use of the Company Document Management processes and system, facilitated sharing of information. While there was a lack of document control resources at some locations, which delayed access to drawings, in general the system worked well.


Implement a drawing management system for sharing information across the entire project and put in place necessary resources and training at all locations.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion System engineering

Antall lessons: 1

System engineering Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: System engineering Lesson

No single EPC contractor was responsible for overall FPSO conversion. While the topsides contractor was responsible for integration, their focus was onto the topsides. Their philosophy and design documents primarily addressed their topsides scope and hardly referred to hull systems. When systems were addressed for commissioning, there was typically no document that depicted "system" operation. One had to piece together old ships documents, anecdotes from the conversion yard, and topsides documents to gain an understanding. Further, in most cases, the equipment did not work as a system, requiring re-engineering by the commissioning team at the end. If a single EPC contractor would have been responsible for overall operation, much of this confusion would have been avoided.


While construction and some detailed design can be completed on an area basis, overall engineering must be conducted at a system level. In a project with multiple contractors and sites, the client must implement and appoint a system engineering team or contractor with overall responsibility for interfaces and system design. Most critical are F&G, ESD, Freighting, Power generation and distribution and how these function in the different areas of the FPSO.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Regulatory compliance

Antall lessons: 1

Unexpected Regulatory Requirements Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Regulatory compliance Lesson

Compliance with Norwegian regulatory requirements placed additional and in some cases unexpected demands on project; in particular relating to “working environment”, worker involvement in decision making, hazardous area classification, requirement for an escape tunnel or alternative mitigations and competence requirements of personnel to work on high voltage electrical systems.


Specific National requirements (which are beyond normal industry standards) should be identified in FEED and included as guidance for the design and future phases.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Organisation

Antall lessons: 3

 The contractor was minimum cost driven it became evident that the value improvement opportunities were being lost.  This required an influencing process to be put in place with a collaborative style of management with an incentive plan

 The late recruitment of the operations personnel caused delays to; o populating the maintenance management system, o coding the spare and ordering spares, o training on the systems, o role out of the safety management and facilities management systems.  The root cause was insufficient funding assigned to the operations development

Management of the Prime Contractor Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Identifying early on the behavior of the management contractor on a fixed price contract is important. Whilst the contractor was minimum cost driven it became evident that the value improvement opportunities were being lost. This enabled a more influential process to be put in place and a more collaborative style of management was needed to realise these opportunities. To work towards a more collaborative style of management, a incentive plan was put in place.


Flexibility is required within the management of the contractor and ways to influence to enhance overall project value have to be considered. Initiatives need to be put in place as early as possible and are often soft in nature making it more difficult to get internal management approval.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25286 Operations Development Budget Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

The late recruitment of the operations personnel inhibited the development of operations procedures, populating the maintenance management system, coding the spare and ordering spares, and prevention of training on the systems, role out of the safety management and facilities management systems. this all relates back to the low funding assigned to the operations development


The pre operations development needs to be planned as a project in its own right and funds allocated to the researching and recruitment of personnel.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25295 Communications with multiple locations Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Risks associated with operating in multiple locations and countries, growth of scope due to emerging work and changes in contracting climate were not fully recognised/mitigated which affected project schedule and costs. The use of townhall meetings and routine interface meetings did help with communication, but these were difficult to implement effectively at all locations.


Ensure project risk in relation to international operations are recognised and mitigation plans put in place. Consider options including routine phone conference meetings, internet sharing sites and newspapers.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Contingency

Antall lessons: 1

Impact of unknown unknowns Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Contingency Lesson

In a large FPSO project certain surprises will occur which may be hard to predict. Examples on the project include: Inability of module contractor to secure adequate steel for structure and deck construction requiring transfer of this scope to Norway, delays with spool fabrication which had to be moved to Norway, out of sequence topsides assembly due to late modules, shortages of labour and integration yard constraints, impact on productivity from transferring hull conversion scope to integration yard. Failures of the power generation current limiter. All of these has a direct impact on the schedule. Anbefaling

While surprises such as these cannot always be predicted, there is some certainty that surprises will occur. To manage the impact of these, the schedule should include a significant contingency allowance. This then allows management to retain the "First Oil" target date without the negative impacts on project morale and project value that occur when deadlines are missed.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Design Input from Operations

Antall lessons: 2

 On 4/5 FPSOs project staff consider Operations input inadequate.  Reasons are; o lack of an operating orgainisation, o lack of operations experience, o concern at capex over-runs, o lack of quantified performance data for operations to justify more expenditure and o information provided too late  Operations staff should provide a reasoned justification for Capex vs Opex trade offs  Semi empirical decisions are taken by the design team i.e. on equipment redundancy, control system functionality, flexibility of subsea tree workover which are likely to be driven by capital cost constraints.  The risk is increased opex costs and reduction in volumetric throughput and the basis for such design decisions should be fully documented  Data must be presented in a quantitative way and early enough to support investment decisions  The later capture of comparative performance data in operations should be a priority

Operations input into design Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Design Input from Operations Lesson

It is agreed that Operations input a key to good design, however on 3/4 FPSOs staff consider Operations input inadequate. Reasons are lack of an operating orgainisation, lack of operations experience, concern at capex over-runs, lack of quantified performance data for operations to justify more expenditure and information provided too late.

Anbefaling The challenge for operations staff is to be able to provide a reasoned justification for Capex vs Opex trade offs based on past operating experience. Data must be presented in a quantitative way and early enough to support investment decisions in appropriate design and quality requirements. The capture of comparative preformance data for the whole system in a standard way across all FPSOs should be a priority.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12116 Risk Management in Design Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Design Input from Operations Lesson

Risk Management in Design - Semi empirical decisions are taken by the design team i.e. on equipment redundancy, control system functionality, flexibility of subsea tree workover which are likely to be driven by capital cost constraints. The risk is increased opex costs and reduction in volumetric throughput. Some of these risks are difficult to quantify thus the design team does not fully evaluate outcomes - which can result in non optimum solutions.


Clear decision making processes should be adopted at the concept and FEED stages as well as detailed design to evaluate, qualify and quantify the operational costs and volumetric throughput constraints against the project risk of cost and schedule. These issues should be carried through to the earliest conclusion with a forced closure, as in most cases there is little to no new information to be had. The basis for such decisions should be fully documented.


International Deepwater FPSO Engineering

Antall lessons: 1

Engineering resources Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Engineering Lesson

Initial project management and engineering team was under-resourced for demands of the project. Engineering design was poorly coordinated, primarily because no engineering firm had overall system responsibility. Each engineering firm did their work in their own silo with varying degrees of documentation. In addition, the lack of engineering personnel at the conversion site to respond to changes placed additional demands on site teams and delayed progress Although the FEED was considered successful, there was no effective process to transfer the synergies from the FEED work to engineering; a core group should have transferred from FEED to the engineering team.


Engineering in the FEED and Design phases should be fully resourced, and plans put in place to; transfer understanding from FEED to Design, to provide for system responsible engineers and to provide adequate resources at site to deal with inevitable change and growth issues.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Engineering

Antall lessons: 1

Engineering resources Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Engineering Lesson

Initial project management and engineering team was under-resourced for demands of the project. Engineering design was poorly coordinated, primarily because no engineering firm had overall system responsibility. Each engineering firm did their work in their own silo with varying degrees of documentation. In addition, the lack of engineering personnel at the conversion site to respond to changes placed additional demands on site teams and delayed progress Although the FEED was considered successful, there was no effective process to transfer the synergies from the FEED work to engineering; a core group should have transferred from FEED to the engineering team.


Engineering in the FEED and Design phases should be fully resourced, and plans put in place to; transfer understanding from FEED to Design, to provide for system responsible engineers and to provide adequate resources at site to deal with inevitable change and growth issues.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Knowledge Management

Antall lessons: 2  Extensive experience can be gathered in a short period and many lessons are directly transferable. This is particularly applicable to companies who are building their first FPSO  The project should hold a lessons learned forum to review previous experience and develop close co-operation between disciplines  A coordinator (part time) for gathering and implementing lessons learned should be appointed early on in the project.  Lessons learned workshops (by discipline) should take place a couple of months prior to the commencement of each phase of the project.  The lessons learned coordinator can have the responsibility for the compilation, tracking and document management of lessons learned and transferred

Lessons Learned Culture Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Knowledge Management Lesson

Lessons Learned Culture - A lot of experience internal and external to the company can be gathered in a short period of time and reflected upon to identify those lessons pertinent to the ongoing project. This open discussion will also give a better understanding of the project risks and foresee problems. Some lessons are directly transferable. This is particularly applicable to companies who are building their first FPSO.


The project should engender a lessons learned open multi discipline forum to advance discussions on previous experience. This is an ideal forum for development of close cooperation between disciplines and build a network for issue resolution within the project. A coordinator for gathering and implementing lessons learned should be appointed early on in the project.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25267 Lessons Learned Workshops Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Knowledge Management Lesson

Lessons Learned Workshops - As the project goes through each phase there will be a different emphasis and the introduction of new players. Lessons Learned from the previous phase eg. of contractor communication or change control can be combined with lessons pertinent to the next phase in a Project Workshop to engage all team members.

Anbefaling Lessons learned workshops should take place a couple of months prior to the commencement of the next phase of the project. This could be combined within a team building forum. The lessons learned coordinator will have the responsibility for the compilation, tracking and document management of the lessons learned. Individual managers should have the responsibility for their own issue monitoring and close out.


International Deepwater FPSO Interfaces

Antall lessons: 2

 The interface management process was well populated and utilised with over 500 interface issues resolved.  The process suffered a series of minor problems; o little back up of technical data or documentation to each issue o undisciplined use and lack of response o late inclusion of some sub contractors, o need for management to force face to face meetings instead of long email trails.  Processing of interface issues requires a process and a dedicated person who has the authority to demand compliance from all parties  An Engineering and Systems Management approach is helpful with interfaces this is key with issues such as closure of HAZOP action items, technical queries eh metering, flow assurance etc, HSE design issues and establishment of technical authorities

Project Interface Management Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Interfaces Lesson

The interface management process was well populated and utilised with over 500 interface issues resolved. The process suffered a series of minor problems, i) little back up of technical data or documentation to the issue, ii) undisciplined use and lack of response iii) late inclusion of some sub contractors, iv) need for management to force face to face meetings instead of long email trails.


Processing of interface issues requires a process and a dedicated person who has the authority to demand compliance from all parties and has management backing for processing issue resolution.


International Deepwater FPSO Lesson # 25285 Design - Engineering and Systems Manager Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Interfaces Lesson

Design - Engineering and Systems Manager - the need for an engineering manager to coordinate the full interface of the systems and the major contractor engineering was lost half way through the design phase. This meant that there was no central body for the closure of HAZOP action items, technical queries, HSE design issues and the establishment of technical authority.


Ensure that the job description for the engineering manager is robust to be the responsible technical authority for the project and that a systems perspective in manitained throughout the project ( eg metering, corrosion, hydrates etc)


International Deepwater FPSO Planning

Antall lessons: 1

Realistic scheduling Fase: Design Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

The initial published schedule for a forecast ‘First Oil’ date did not properly take into account external benchmarking and specialist advice given during its development and therefore was never deemed realistic by the project team. Impossible goals were pushed and mandated while the schedule did not allow for extent of vessel conversion scope or provide sufficient contingency for unexpected delays. The published schedule was only revised when there was no other option. This resulted in a number of non optimum decisions being made to cling to unrealistic completion dates, for example the early departure of the vessel from the conversion yard when there was significant conversion work outstanding.


It is important that full focus is given to project planning and progress reporting. In particular key milestones (e.g. completion of FEED, transfer from one construction location to another, commencement of integration activities, offshore hook up and commissioning) should be more clearly defined in terms of key deliverables and scope completion to allow greater certainty that the project is progressing correctly.

Kilde NW Europe FPSO Conversion Construction Management

Antall lessons: 2

 In several cases the contract specified functional requirements, however the design contractor and shipyard were unable to interpret these correctly  In addition the yard failed to manage builders and suppliers to adequate quality standards, or to keep within budget or time schedule.  Functional specifications generally give the yard and designers too little guidance.  More work should be done up front on the selection of key equipment and specification of quality.  In all 5 cases the operator has had to provide significant resources to support the project and in 3 cases took over responsibility for completing the project.

Interpretation of functional requirements. Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Construction Management Lesson

In several cases the build contract specified functional requirements, however the design contractor and shipyard were unable to interpret these correctly. In addition they failed to manage builders and suppliers to adequate quality standards, or to keep within budget or time schedule.


Functional specifications generally give the yard and designers too little guidance. More work should be done up front on the selection of key equipment and specification of quality. In all 5 cases the operator has had to provide significant resources to support the project or in 3 cases take over responsibility for completing the project.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12115 Productivity impacts Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Construction Management Lesson

Productivity in the integration yard suffered from a number of factors: The vessel scope growth resulted in a significant increase in the workforce with many different groups being contracted to work on specific aspects of the construction – different work rotas and limitations in their supervision badly affected productivity and quality of work. Progress on the topsides work was adversely affected by late modifications required to accommodate other parts of the design (e.g. turret and inclusion of blast walls) . 'Lack of toilet, catering and storage facilities at start of vessel work affected productivity. Finally engineers were sourced from different locations worldwide with many staff working very different rotations thus inhibiting handovers and continuity.


The Engineering and construction organisations should be designed for efficient working on site with appropriate and where possible consistent terms and conditions to optimise working relationships. Although some scope growth is to be expected, these tasks should be managed as part of the integrated project and not be allowed to derail other activities. The schedule should then be adjusted accordingly.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Planning

Antall lessons: 1

Integrated planning Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

There was a lack of a properly integrated plan which resulted in fragmented scheduling of project activities, continued unrealistic forecasting of project completion and poor decisions on key issues. Although there was a scheduler on site who worked with site contracting schedulers, most of the time was spent perfecting the plan and all too often the data did not represent actual or anticipated progress on site. In general reporting was at a summary level and did not permit the schedulers to " manage" the project. . In addition this produced a lack of confidence in the planning results with management as data unreliability undermined the conclusions and disappointing results being presented.


Include definitive requirements to have a fully integrated plan across all project phases (resource loaded), demonstrating clearly the critical path(s) which determines) how long the project will take to complete, and ensure that it is updated regularly with achieved progress against the plan and reflects latest information on scope changes. Ensure time it taken by management both to ensure up-to-date information is provided and to review plan predictions and that optimum decisions for the overall schedule are made accordingly.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Project steering

Antall lessons: 1

Project Steering Group Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Project steering Lesson

A Steering Group was set up to oversee the project, but it became apparent that it's role was primarily to manage interfaces between Project and Operations organisations. There was therefore limited scrutiny of the detailed planning and execution of the Project through examination of project schedules or progress reports. This task was allocated to the Project Manager and VP - Major Projects with the latter not usually attending meetings. As it became apparent that there were significant problems with the management of the Project, the Steering Group extended it's scope and took an active role in seeking changes to the project management structure and resourcing


Ensure there is an active Project Steering group in place with Terms of reference to examine project performance, and to organise independent reviews and recommend changes as required.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Project Input from other groups

Antall lessons: 1

 There is evidence that builders and sub-contractors learn a great deal during projects.  There is a real advantage in building a second or third vessel in a yard  However this learning appears to be short term, as people and teams often move to other activities  Consider the risk reduction benefits of using repeat designs /repeat orders where most of the teething problems have been worked out.

Contractor learning during projects Disiplin: Project Aktivitet: Project Input from other Fase: Construct Management groups Lesson

There is evidence that builders and contractors learn a great deal during projects. There is therefore a real advantage in building a second or third vessel in a yard, where many of the original problems have been worked out. However this learning appears to be short term, as people and teams are often moved to other areas of activity.


There are advantages in repeat orders due to organisational learning, however if workloads are high, there is the risk that a new team with little experience, will have to start at the bottom of the learning curve again. Consider using repeat designs where all the teething problems have been worked out.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Capex Over Runs

Antall lessons: 2

 On 4 out of 5 FPSO projects in Norway, significant capex over-runs occurred  On the one, contract terms were followed with minimum change.  While this kept costs under control, the Operator admits quality was poorer than expected and opportunities to improve the design at low cost were missed.  On the 4 projects, costs over-ran significantly but the quality was higher than the original specification and design improvements were implemented.  Delays were also significant - at least six months more than planned schedule.  Almost all FPSO projects in the 90s were underbid by the main contractor, while projects were being fast tracked by the oil companies  Either more time should be spent up front defining the project or the Operator should work proactively with the contractor to maintain quality and to improve efficiency.

On only one FPSO capex and schedule over-runs were avoided Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Capex Over Runs Lesson

On only one FPSO capex over-runs were avoided. In this case contract terms were followed with minimum change. This kept costs under control, however the Operator admits quality was poorer than expected and opportunities to improve the design at low cost were missed. On the remaining projects costs over-ran significantly but the quality was higher than the original specification and design improvements implemented. dealys were also significant - at least six months more than planned schedule.


Almost all FPSO projects in the 90s were underbid by the main contractor. The Operator can either participate actively implementing upgrades when poor quality or low cost solutions are offered, or impose the contractual terms. In general an optimum balance can be struck by working with the contractor to maintain quality and provide assistance to improve efficiency.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12089 Budget Responsibilities and control Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Capex Over Runs Lesson

Cost reporting and management was inadequate, but especially during hull and integration phases. Cost was held at the highest levels, little seen even in the manager levels Cost tracking was evident, but not cost control. Cost control was ignored due to emphasis on expediting project schedule.


The Project Execution Plan should set out standards of cost management and forecasting required for the project, including assignments of budget responsibility. Cost management tools and appropriate cost management resources should be allocated to the project team. Documentation

Antall lessons: 1

 Vendor documents were late and of poor quality, resulting in protracted discussions between the contractor and company and use of uncontrolled copies.  Operating procedures were delayed due to the lack of vendor information (DFO).  Sub contracts and equipment suppliers have to be given clear instructions in the contracts and purchases orders to ensure little to no room is given for ambiguity.  Project engineers should be challenged to check the documentation an ensure it is provided within the allotted timeframe.  DFO should be included in Factory Acceptance and punchlisted if missing or incomplete

Vendor Documentation Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Documentation Lesson

Vendor documents were late and of poor quality. This resulted in protracted discussions between the contractor companies and use of uncontrolled copies. The operating procedures were often delayed due to the lack of vendor information (DFO). Anbefaling

The sub contracts and equipment suppliers have to be given unequivocal instructions in the contracts and purchases orders to ensure little to no room is given for ambiguity. The individual engineers should then be challenged to check the documentation an ensure it is provided within the allotted timeframe. DFO should be included in Factory Acceptance and punchlisted if missing or incomplete.


International Deepwater FPSO QA/QC

Antall lessons: 2

 Quality control of the equipment was compromised because the prime contractor made very few site visits.  The reason was that there was minimal project budget for site visits.  In some of the sites, the sub-contracted site inspectors signed off completion documentation which was later found to be incorrect.  Establish the requirements for QA/QC and FAT acceptance at the vendors yard prior to shipment.  The construction yards also require a level of monitoring to be adjusted to the quality of workmanship being observed.  Provide adequate budgets for engineering and operations staff to visit factory sites.  Note on a marginal cost project, QC at vendors is more critical than ever!

Vendor Surveillance Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: QA/QC Lesson

Quality control of the equipment was compromised by the inability of the prime contractor to perform regular site visits. One reasson was that there was no project budget for site visits. In some of the sites, the sub-contracted site inspectors signed off documentation of completed work which was later found to be incorrect.


Establish the requirements for QA/QC and FAT acceptance at the vendors yard prior to shipment. The construction yards also require a level of monitoring to be adjusted to the quality of workmanship being observed. Provide adequate budgets for engineering staff to visit factory sites.


International Deepwater FPSO Lesson # 25294 Gaps in QA/QC Fase: Construct Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: QA/QC Lesson

There were significant issues with the quality of work being undertaken by certain contractors requiring increased inspection and substantial rework. The lack of attention to detail with respect to QM/QC was a contributing factor to some of the issues experienced during the hook-up and commissioning offshore. On the project there were relatively few inspection resources on-site. Some of the biggest quality concerns were with the hull conversion where it appears there was little quality control. There was significant re-work required once the vessel arrived at the integration yard.


The client should appoint a Quality Manager who would develop and implement a project wide QA/QC program.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Risk Management

Antall lessons: 1

 Effective coordination of Post Sailaway Activities is important because the critical path requires a large number of activities being carried out in series in a short period of time.  A Post Sailaway Plan should be developed with a number of risk scenarios assessed to consider the impact on first oil.  The scenarios should be risked and managed by contingency plans  The greatest risks are typically incomplete or inadequate commissioning, subsea integrity failures, weather delays and mooring equipment problems

Coordination of Post Sailaway Activities Fase: Commission Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Risk Management Lesson

Coordination of Post Sailaway Activities - contingency planning is important at this phase because the critical path is contingent on a number of activities being carried out in series in a short period of time. Experience indicates that suprises usually occur.


The Post Sailaway Plan should be tested with a number of scenarios which have a direct implication on a delay to first oil. The scenarios should be risked and for those with medium to high frequency and medium to high effect on delaying first oil should be managed by contingency plans.


International Deepwater FPSO Offshore hook-up

Antall lessons: 1

Planning for offshore activities Fase: Commission Disiplin: Project Management Aktivitet: Offshore hook-up Lesson

Offshore Hook up and Commissioning (HUC) was generally well planned and executed The team responsible for the tow-out and buoy hook-up paid particular attention to quality issues in relation to the resources provided. Extensive interview were held with providers and workshops were held to discuss roles and responsibilities and the processes that would be employed during the various phases of the offshore operations. A good example was the diving operations associated with the installation of the thrusters. The acceptance procedures for the offshore work were developed with the understanding that there may be some deviations, so when any known problems occurred or were highlighted the procedures were already in place and it was easy for the engineers to continue with their planned tasks.


Comprehensive planning of offshore HUC scope is very important with clarification of roles and responsibilities essential. Procedures for the offshore work should be developed with the understanding that there may be some deviations, so when any known problems occurred or were highlighted, alternative procedures were already in place and it was easy for the engineers or crews to continue with their planned tasks.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Hull Capacity

Antall lessons: 2

 Typical Norwegian shuttle tanker (ST) capacities are 900,000bbls.  For commercial, safety and efficiency reasons, Operators want to fill the shuttle tanker at a single hook-up.  In several cases this requires the ST to wait and complete loading with a second hook up.  The cost benefits of increased FPSO storage volumes should be considered at the earliest opportinity in the design phase.  It is likely that matching storage volumes to slightly larger than the planned shuttle tanker will prove the most cost effective option

Shuttle tanker vs FPSO storage capacities Fase: Select Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Hull Capacity Lesson

Typical shuttle tanker (ST) capacities are 900,000bbls. For commercial reasons and to make best use of the ST, Operators have wanted to fill the shuttle tanker. In several cases the storage capacity of the FPSO requires the ST to wait and complete loading with a second hook up. As well as risking failure to connect due to weather, the extra waiting time is expensive.


The cost benefits of increased FPSO storage volumes should be considered at the earliest opportinity in the design phase. It is likely that matching storage volumes to the size of the planned shuttle tanker will prove the most cost effective option.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12104 Storage capacity Fase: Select Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Hull Capacity Lesson

Small storage capacity on FPSO results in multiple loading operations.


Storage capacity should allow full load for shuttle tanker. Recommended FPSO storage capacity to be 30% more than shuttle tanker capacity.(S/F)


OLF's FPSO network - "Shuttle tanker project" Layout

Antall lessons: 4

 The layout of equipment on an FPSO equipment is a critical. Concerns include; o placing main generators too close to the accommodation, o poor mechanical handling solutions, o exhaust and flare radiation problems and their impact on the shuttle tanker, o flare tower too close to stern, risking shuttle tanker collision damage o module overcrowding when others are very spacious, o poorly placed hydrocarbon and inert gas vents, o access and escape routes restricted by cables and pipework, o poor workshop, laydown and store locations.  Once the FPSO layout is outlined, all interested parties should conduct a formal design review to ensure the best compromises are achieved.  Capex, Opex and Safety issues must all be carefully considered by relevant specialists.

The layout of equipment on an FPSO equipment is a critical design phase Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Layout Lesson

The layout ofequipment on an FPSO equipment is a critical design phase. Concerns noted include placing main generators too close to the accommodation, poor mechanical handling solutions, exhaust and flare radiation problems, module overcrowding when others are very spacious, poorly plcaed vents, access and escape routes restricted by cable and pipework, poor workshop and store locations.


It is recommended that when a basic FPSO layout is outlined more time is spent with all interested parties both informally and through formal design reviews to ensure the best compromises are achieved. Capex, Opex and Safety issues must all be carefully considered by relevant specialists.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12088 Exhaust piping Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Layout Lesson

Gas turbine exhaust at stern is causing problem for crew, - and gas sensors on the shuttle tanker.


Ensure to have exhaust piping diverted away from the shuttle tanker. (F)


Not revealed

Lesson # 20739 Position of flare stack Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Layout Lesson

Position of flare stack at the stern has the following disadvantages: - Shuttle tanker exposed to heat radiation during flaring. - Exposed for collision.


Flare stack on FPSO should be placed 15 - 20 meters from potential collision zone. Heat radiation must be considered for both the FPSO and the shuttle tanker. Further, liquid carry over must be avoided over deck. (S/F)


OLF's FPSO experience transfer: Shuttle tanker project.

Lesson # 20740 FPSO design Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Layout Lesson

Gas over FPSO when wind comes from the stern may require repositioning.


The FPSO design must be given due considerations with respect to wind from the stern.


OLF's FPSO network - "Shuttle tanke project" Caisson systems

Antall lessons: 1

 Placement of sea water supply pumps forward, deep in the hull presents problems; o cavitation when the vessel is at shallow draft or in rough weather, o cost and schedule impacts of installation in the hull o and difficulties with access and maintenance of the engine/pump o extensive pipework and penetrations from hull to topsides  Designers should consider internal pumps, mounted in flush bottomed caissons for delevery of seawater direct to the end user.  The advantages would be; o reduced pipework, o easy access to pumps, o option to integrate supply and fire pumps o less cavitation o simpler pump maintenence and marine growth removal

Placement of sea water pumps deep in the hull presents three main problems. Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Caisson systems Lesson

Placement of sea water pumps deep in the hull (forward or aft of the main tanks) presents three main problems, cavitation when the vessel is at shallow draft or in rough weather, cost of installation in the hull and difficulties with access and maintenance of the engine.


An evaluation should be conducted into the practicality of using inboard mounted caisson installed pumps for delevery of seawater direct to the end user. The advantages would be reduced pipework, easy access to fire pumps, less cavitation and simpler pump maintenence and marine growth removal.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Hull - Strength

Antall lessons: 2

 3 of 5 FPSOs have experienced internal cracks between tanks, detected through minor leaks.  No leakage has occurred outside the hull.  A programme of inspection and repair has been initiated.  This involves taking the tanks and adjacent tanks out of service, making a manned entry and after cleaning and inspection, fitting approriate stiffeners.  This work has a major impact on bed availabiliy for other improvement work  Minor hull damage in the vessel's bow was caused by sea impact during heavy weather  Future hull designs should make use of fatigue analysis in all critical and high risk areas with construction detail subject to high levels of control  Classification society rules should be updated as experience develops

3 of 5 FPSOs have experienced internal cracks between tanks Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Hull - Strength Lesson

3 of 5 FPSOs have experienced internal cracks between tanks. Cracks were detected through minor leaks. No leakage has occurred outside the hull. In each case a programme of inspection and repair has been initiated. This involves taking the tanks and adjacent tanks aut of service, making a manned entry and after cleaning, fitting approriate stiffeners.


Conventional hull design and basic fatigue analysis has been unable to eliminate FPSO hull cracking in service. While this is not unusual for trading vessels the operational problems and costs of offshore repair make this situation undesiable. Future hull designs should make use of fatigue analysis in all critical and high risk areas with construction detail subject to high levels of control.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 5 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12085 Hull- / bow damage Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Hull - Strength Lesson

Minor hull damage in the vessel's bow caused by sea impact during heavy weather. The bow's structural strength was designed in accordance with the governing classification society rules at that time (1999).


The vessel's bow structural strength should be verified, and be in accordance with updated / current classification society rules.


OLF's FPSO Experience Transfer Network Hull Shape

Antall lessons: 2

 Hull shape involves a number of compromises. A sharp bow does the following o increases green water as the hull cuts through the waves, o reduces mooring loads. o leaves little space for machinery, o reduces storage volumes o The transition zone has also beeen a source of cracking. o increases complexity and cost for building.  Alternatively a blunt a bow increases spray and wave impact and mooring loads but is cheaper to build. Note also; o Following damage incidents it has been suggested to consider stiffening a blunt bows plating to an ice breaking standard  A slender stern should reduce the potential for collision (may allow steering clear during undesired approach/manoeuvring). Only equipment related to the offloading to be installed in the stern area which is exposed for potential collisions.(S/F).

Hull shape involves a number of compromises Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Hull Shape Lesson

Hull shape involves a number of compromises. A sharp bow increases green water as the hull cuts through the waves, but it reduces mooring loads. However a sharp bow leaves little space for machinery, reduces storage volumesand increases complexity for building. The transition zone has also beeen a source of cracking. Alternatively a blunt a bow increases spray and wave impact and mooring loads.


Lessons have been learned with the compromises in hull shape for harsh enviroment FPSOs. These lessons need to be documented and in combination with improved model testing and environmental data used to design and specify the optimum FPSO shape for each situation.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12103 FPSO design Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Hull Shape Lesson

Collision incident with box-shaped FPSO stern.


A slender stern may reduce collision damage and reduce potential for collision (may allow steering clear during undesired approach/manoeuvring). Only equipment related to the offloading to be installed in the stern area which is exposed for potential collisions.(S/F).


OLF's FPSO network - "Shuttle tanker project" HVAC

Antall lessons: 1

 There have been several examples of poor HVAC design;  The level of noise which failed to meet Working Environment rules.  Balancing difficiculties,  Lack of external air locks,  Poor access for maintenance,  Stuck dampers  Excessive dryness in the air  Excessive alarms

 Modifications after construction are expensive and disruptive.  HVAC design is a key area of design as a safety critical system. The work should be managed by a contractor familiar with North Sea conditions and Norwegian Working Environment legislation Examples of poor HVAC design Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: HVAC Lesson

There have been a number of examples of poor HVAC design. The most serious was the level of noise which failed to meet Working Environment rules. Modifications after construction are expensive and disruptive. Other problems are balancing difficiculties, lack of external air locks, poor access for maintenance, stuck dampers and excessive dryness in the air.


HVAC design is a key area of design as a safety critical system. The work should be managed by a contractor familiar with North Sea conditions and Norwegian Working Environment legislation.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Turret Design

Antall lessons: 4

 3 types of turret bearings are used by Norwegian FPSOs. 2 of these have been troublesome; o The wheel and rail type have proven unsatisfactory due to high point loading from the wheels, excess construction tolerances, vessel deflection, poor rail heat treatment leading to surface cracking and inadequate wheel lubrication. o The hydraulic turret bearings have suffeted from pad wear, high starting friction, gripper failures, hydraulic imbalance and difficulty to access and repair components  Free running, multiple bogies on heavy duty rails with rubber pads to spread the load have proven the most effective solution. This has been helped by the reliability of swivel seals, although they have been subjected to continuous movement  A key learning from all designs is the need to make all components easily serviceable and replaceable  Novel methods have been developed to service turret pads - The complete turret circumference was machined in steps by rotating the turret. The repairs were carried out without interrupting production.  If there is a the new power requirement which is not continuous eg for hydrate control or intermittent use of subsea pumps, a drag-chain with power cables can be a good solution. One was installed on an FPSO in 2005 with limited shut-down rquirements

3 types of turret bearings are used by the 4 FPSOs Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Turret Design Lesson

3 types of turret bearings are used by the 4 FPSOs. 2 of 3 types have been troublesome. The wheel and rail type have proven unsatisfactory due to high point loading from the wheels, excess construction tolerances, vessel deflection, poor rail heat treatment leading to surface cracking and inadequate wheel lubrication. The hydraulic turret bearings have suffeted from pad wear, high starting friction, gripper failures, hydraulic imbalance and difficulty to access and repair components.


Turret bearing design has evolved over time. While simple rails and wheels have proven inadequate, heavy duty rails and multiple bogies with rubber pads to spread the load have proven an effective solution. Hydraulic pads were selected to deal with high mooring loads on a large turret. While this has been effective leading to no downtime, maintenace has been excessive. A key learning from all designs is the need to make all components easily serviceable and replaceable.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12087 Turret centring system (active turrets) Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Turret Design Lesson

Active turrets require detailed knowledge and follow up by operational personnel. Faulty operation (too high pressure in opposing cylinder banks) of turret centering system has caused structural components to come out of position.


FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis), continuous verification of operating procedures and proper training of relevant personnel to be carried out for active turrets.

Kilde OLF FPSO experience transfer network.

Lesson # 20920 Turret repair Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Turret Design Lesson

A particular turret rests (slides/rotates) on 76 separate bearing pads. One of these pads got loose and and caused extensive damage to the stainless sliding surface of the turret. A rapid repair was required to avoid further escalation of the damage.


A Swedish firm "Metalock" provided a "tailormade" tool for onsite repairs: Two bearing supports were removed and provided room for the tailormade tool which machined and polished the damaged surface.The complete turret circumference was machined in steps by rotating the turret. The repairs were carried out without interupting the operation/production.


OLF FPSO experience transfer network.

Lesson # 20922 Drag-chain for transfer of electrical power Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Turret Design Lesson

A FPSO with a swivel for fluid and el-power transfer will allow for free weather vaning during operation. Normally this swivel will be a "bottle neck" when new field tie-in or other operational changes generates requirements for additional fluid paths or additional capacity for el-power. Introduction of a new swivel, additional swivel paths or electrical slip-rings will be very costly if this was not planned for during the construction phase.


Assuming the new power requirements is not a continuous demand, which will be the case for hydrate control (electrical heating of flowlines) or intermittent use of subsea pumps, a drag-chain with power cables can be a solution. Provided there is available space around the swivel, a drag-chain is easy to install, in pre fabricated sections, with limited shut-down rquirements. A dragchain will typically allow for +/- 200(superscript: o) to +/- 270(superscript: o) of free rotation The cable can be disconnected when not in use, than allowing for continous weather vaning. Flexible hoses for intermittent transfer of chemicals and/or methanol may also be included.


Norwegian FPSO with a new dragchain to be installed early 2005 In Situ Repairs and Modifications

Antall lessons: 1

 FPSOs are on location for the duration of field life typically 7-20 years.  Therefore all major repairs, inspections and maintanance must be carried out in situ.  In contrast - marine standards and codes assume periodic visits to port and occasional dry docking.  The challenge is to revise the design and applicable marine standards incl. quality control, material specifications, coatings, fatigue analysis, subcontractor management, tank access and mechanical handling to take account of the need for minimum maintanace and in field repair.

The need to plan for in situ repairs of FPSOs. Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: In Situ Repairs and Modifications Lesson

FPSOs are placed on location for the duration of field life typically 7-20 years. This means that all major repairs, inspections and maintanance must be carried out in situ. Marine standards and codes assume periodic visits to port and occasional dry docking.


The challenge is to revise all aspects of marine standards incl. quality control, material specifications, coatings, fatigue analysis, subcontractor management, and mechanical handling to take account of the need for minimum maintanace and in field repair.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 PAU Structures, Supports and Interfaces

Antall lessons: 2

 Problems with PAU supports include; o excessive vibration of reciprocating compressors and pumps o transferring noise to the hull, o flexing of compressor supports, o excessive PAU stiffness leading to cracks in the deck, o pipework sresses due to movement between PAUs. o Extensive cable wear due to cables chafing on the cable tray support rung  PAU design, supports and associated pipework are a critical area. Design must take full account of vessel movement, machinery vibration, vessel role, wiind and live liquid loading and construction tolerances.  For cables, the cable ladder tray should an expansion gap (300-600 mm) between the modules, and the cables are drooped slightly downward in the gap. Additional solutions to prevent chafing are; o Replace last couple of rungs with rollers. o Low friction round sleeves for the rungs. o Multicable cleats to secure the cables at the last rung to prevent movement.

- Flexible expansion joint to completely support the cables at the expansion

Problems with PAU supports Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: PAU Structures, Supports and Interfaces Lesson

There have been a number of problems with PAU supports. These include excessive vibration of reciprocating compressors and pumps transferring noise too the hull, flexing of compressor supports, excessive PAU stiffness leading to cracks in the deck, pipework sresses due to moving independently from the PAU.


PAU design, supports and associated pipework are a critical area. Design must take full account of vessel movement, machinery vibration, vessel role, wiind and live liquid loading and construction tolerances.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12109 Cable wear Fase: Design Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: PAU Structures, Supports and Interfaces Lesson

Extensive cable wear due to cables chafing on the cable tray support rung. Problem found between the topside modules at the expansion gap between the modules. The cable ladder tray also has an expansion gap (300-600 mm) between the modules, and the cables are drooped slightly downward in the gap. As the vessel flexes, the modules and cable support structure move relative to the cables causing the last couple of rungs on each side of the expansion joint to rub against the cable jackets.


Possible solutions:

- Replace last couple of rungs with rollers. - Low friction round sleeves for the rungs.

- Multicable cleats to secure the cables at the last rung to prevent movement.

- Flexible expansion joint to completely support the cables at the expansion joint.


Dwight Mullins, Electrical Engineer, Kellogg Brown & Root (Canada) Co. Ballast & Cargo Pipework

Antall lessons: 1

 Construction standards for cargo and ballast pipework have proven inadequate for FPSOs; o Problems have included weld failures, seal leaks and corrosion. o GRE pipework has had to be reinforced due to inadequate jointing  Since experiencing a number of failures in Cargo/Ballast pipework built to marine standards in the Far East, DNV have tightened their inspection and FPSO class standards.  This combined with more attention to material selection, inspectability and access should mitigate the problem.

Construction standards for cargo and ballast pipework have proven inadequate for FPSOs Fase: Construct Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Ballast & Cargo Pipework Lesson

Construction standards for cargo and ballast pipework have proven inadequate for FPSOs. Problems have included weld failures, leaks and corrosion. GRE pipework has had to be reinforced due to inadequate jointing


Since experiencing a number of failures in Cargo/Ballast pipework built to marine standards in the Far East, DNV have tightened their inspection standards. This combined with more attention to material selection, inspectability and access should mitigate the problem.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Painting 1 Antall lessons: 1

 All Norwegian FPSOs have suffered from inadequate paintwork.  The underlying problems are; o lack of priority and time allocated to this activity. o Quality control of preparation and finishing has been mixed o Painting in Singapore has been particularly poor due to humid conditions. o Also a topsides paint system failure in Norway - premature thickening of the paint, has led to extensive remedial work.  Painting of FPSOs is a critical area to ensure a low mainenance facility over a long period.  The work is often conducted late when the pressure for sailaway is high.  The challange is to develop painting technology and methods compatible with project demands and a 20 year offshore life.

All FPSOs have suffered from inadequate paintwork Fase: Construct Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Painting 1 Lesson

All FPSOs have suffered from inadequate paintwork. The underlying problem is lack of priority and time allocated to this activity. Quality control of preparation and finishing has also been lacking. Painting in Singapore has been particularly poor due to the humid conditions. There has been a serious problem on several FPSOs with a topsides paint system failure in Norway - premature thickening of the paint, that has led to extensive remedial work.


Painting of FPSOs is a critical area to ensure a low mainenance facility over a long period affshore. The inability to dry dock the vessel and it's limited accommodation demand that the initial paint finish is to the highest standard. However this work is often conducted late when the pressure for sailaway is high. The challange is to develop painting technology and methods compatible with project demands and a 20 year offshore life.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Weld QA/QC

Antall lessons: 1

Weld quality issues with Buoy and midwater arches Fase: Construct Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Weld QA/QC Lesson Construction quality issues with the buoy and midwater arches resulted in delays to the installation. Building a large round buoy proved more difficult that expected both with weld sequence and weld quality - repair work delayed buoy installation. When completed the buoy was 22% over design weight and therefore required an alternative vessel to be sourced for installation adding additional cost. Also a leak with the mid water floatation arch due to weld failures required the arch to be returned with significant impact on installation costs.


QA and QC of welding of critical components must be comprehensive. Submergence tests should be conducted for floatation devices and time should be allowed in the schedule for the resolution of such problems before they impact the installation schedule.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Turret HUC

Antall lessons: 1

Turret HUC Fase: Commission Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Turret HUC Lesson

Delays occurred trying to get a good leak test on the interface swivel pipework within the buoy. 'It was decided not to have any field welds on this pipework and that accurate measurements would be made. This proved more difficult that expected and also optimum flange make up procedures were not fully complied with. Use of a specialist flange make-up contractor and torque tools eventually resolved the problem.


The final weld between Swivel and buoy pipework is a critical task for both technical and schedule reasons. Ensure that a specialist contractor is employed to do this using hi tech measuring and make up tools.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Buoy pull in

Antall lessons: 1

Buoy pull in Fase: Install Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Buoy pull in Lesson

The buoy pull in to the FPSO was very successful. The requirement was to keep the vessel on location within a tolerance of +2m during the pull in, this was achieved using 4 DP work vessels. Pull loads on the buoy pull-in line reached 650 tons. There were two minor challenges to overcome; there was slight damage to the pull-in rope which got snagged on below the vessel on a guide and required careful un-snagging by ROV. The second was a loose junction box that was seen floating in the turret well. To eliminate any risk of preventing lock in, the vessel was deballasted and the lifted JB secured. The final pull in and lock off occurred without incident.


Careful preparation and analysis of positioning and potential pull in loads is essential for success. Enough DP vessels should be deployed to maintain position, in the WX specified conditions. Take care to monitor the position of the pull in line to prevent accidental snagging. and ensure nothing is loose in the turret well.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Buoy installation

Antall lessons: 1

Diver friendly design Fase: Install Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Buoy installation Lesson

A number of considerations were included in the design to improve the performance of divers during the buoy installation: There were plenty of rigging points under the buoy but some of them could have been better positioned for pull-ins; The divers work platform under buoy (workstation) was excellent – and was universally praised; The engineering of diver friendly aids on top of buoy was good; For the umbilical pull-in on buoy, the 2 cargo straps should be different colours. - this makes sure both straps are cut and not the same one cut twice; There should be the same size bolts on blinds as tie-in bolts so different spanners are not required. However overall the divers handling systems were very successful and simplified the job.


See comments on small improvements - The key to success is to involve the diving team in a review of the buoy and layout so that installation aids can be included to make the task more efficient and safer.

Kilde NW Europe FPSO Conversion Painting 2

Antall lessons: 1

 Painting the hull around water line is normally done at 5 year dry dock.  The vessel can be raised under light ballast, however the work is be very exposed with no provision for scaffolding.  The challenge is to devise a method to safely clean, prepare and paint FPSO hulls at the splash zone while the vessel is on location and in production.

Painting the hull water line Fase: Operate Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Painting 2 Lesson

Painting the hull in the area of the water line will present a challenge as this is normally done at 5 year dry dock. The vessel can be raised under light ballast however the work, if required, will be very exposed with no provision for scaffolding.


The challenge is to devise a methodology to safely clean, prepare and paint FPSO hulls at the splash zone while the vessel is on location and in production. The work must be conducted by a small crew so minimising impact on other summer maintenace activities.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Corrosion and Coatings

Antall lessons: 1

 Coatings are required in the base of tanks to minimise corrosion from free water.  If this coating fails or cracks SRB can build up causing significant pitting.  This is difficult to inspect, so damage might become quite extensive before detection.  Annodes can be used, but these are difficult and costly to install  Operators should inspect of tank bottom coatings and make thickness measurements.  Highest risk areas are slops tanks, areas under solids build up and locations where coatings may crack as a result of hull strains.  Application of coatings should be under the strict control of the coatings manufacturer Coatings are required in the base of tanks to minimise corrosion from free water Fase: Operate Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Corrosion and Coatings Lesson

Coatings are required in the base of tanks to minimise corrosion from free water. If this coating fails or cracks SRB can build up causing significant pitting. This is a very difficult area to inspect, so damage might become quite extensive before detection.


Operators should have an ongoing inspection programme of tank bottom coatings and wall thickness measurement. Highest risk areas are slops tanks, areas under solids build up and locations where coatings may crack as a result of hull strains. Application of coatings should be under the strict control of the coatings manufacturer.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Approvals and Safety Verification

Antall lessons: 1

 While all Norwegian FPSOs were built to Class, most have now dropped Classification.  NPD/PSA does not require ongoing classification  Typically oil companies have internal safety verification methodologies that they feel duplicate and superceed class requirements  However, FPSO contractors prefer to use a class verification scheme  Steps to rationalise these different approaches may be beneficial to all parties

FPSO Classification in Operations Fase: Operate Disiplin: Structures Aktivitet: Approvals and Safety Verification Lesson

"While all FPSOs were built to Class, 3/4 have now dropped Classification. Their view is that there is little to be gained from remaining within the ""marine"" inspection and approval regime offered by leading classification societies. NPD do not require ongoing classification."


There is potential value classification, but there is a view that the societies have not kept up with the demanding design, build and manning requirements of FPSOs. The challenge is for Classification Societies and Operators to tighten FPSOs class specifications so they become fully effective both for Operators, builders and regulators, in both build and operation phases. Kilde

OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Conversion

Antall lessons: 4

 Tanker conversions have to compete with other repair work in the yard  Such congestion results in a thinly spread management structure and limited resources.  The sub-contracting philosophy causes ambiguity of control and complex interfaces  It is important to understand yard priorities and be ready to ( or have the option to) supplement the management team to drive progress where needed  The ships steam plant was retained for propulsion for the voyage to the final destination. The cost saving is placed at over $5 million with a reduction in schedule for the voyage of 40 day over a tug assisted tow.  The flexibility of controlling the date of sailaway, reduced risks and reduced insurance costs were other benefits  If a long tow from a far east yard is reguired, utilisation of the ships engines for propulsion and bridge should be considered. It is advisable to retain key members of the ships crew

Shipyard Conversion - Congestion Fase: Select Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

Shipyard Conversion - Congestion - the shipyard at the time of conversion was stretched from other projects resulting in a very thinly spread management structure and resources. This meant that the project manager had to take greater responsibility and control and compete to ensure that the correct resources were being dedicated to the job. The subsequent ambiguity of control meant that the contract process was difficult to unravel.


There is a time in a project where the external factors are have a detrimental affect on the project schedule and where the limitations of the contractor have to be acknowledged. The requirement then is for and a different style of management control to be adopted.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25227 Voyage to Location Fase: Select Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

Voyage to Location - Even though the main steam generator was not to be used in the production phase, the ships steam plant was used for propulsion for the voyage to the final destination. The cost saving is placed at over $5 million and a reduction in schedule for the voyage of 60+ % over a tug assisted tow was realised. The flexibility of changing the date of sailaway was also a large factor in the avoidance of critical deadlines for tugs for towing. it also significantly reduced insurance costs and if relevant Suez transit fees.


If a long tow from a far east yard is part of the project programme the utilisation of the ships engines or boiler system for propulsion should be considered. This saves time, money and increases flexibility.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25228 Modification scope Fase: Select Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

The project may have produced better, more predictable results had the decision been made to remove the majority of the hull equipment and provide all new utility systems. The hull conversion scope, and the integration of the older hull systems with the new topsides systems (e.g. electrical and control/shutdown) was very problematic. The approach - to minimise the number of old systems retained would also have help simplify Operations and reduce lifetime maintenance requirements.


A zero based approach should have been taken when deciding whether or not to retain original systems. While replacement might seem more expensive, the upgrading, interface and re-engineering costs of using older systems may be more expensive particularly when combined with Life of Field costs.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion

Lesson # 53633 Modification scope Fase: Select Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

The hull conversion scope was poorly understood and underestimated. The vessel was in far worse condition than originally estimated, which resulted in significantly increased work scope. The original build quality was not up to offshore oil and gas standards, specially electrical and instrumentation. Over 1000 cable transits had to be addressed as the penetrations were of poor quality. Cargo and ballast piping was in poor condition and needed repair and recoating. Certain electrical panels in hull and switchboards were not acceptable, hydraulics to tank valves required modification. In addition construction drawings were sorely deficient.


It is essential to clarify all requirements for conversion or “brown-field” scope and to address the risks of additional being work discovered later and their impact on the overall project schedule and cost estimate. Areas of biggest concern when converting a vessel for FPSO use will be build quality, HVAC, electrical and instrument systems. A zero based approach should have been taken when deciding whether or not to retain original systems.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Concept

Antall lessons: 1

Conversion vessel and mooring selection Fase: Select Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Concept Lesson

A number of decisions made in the project proved beneficial: The retention of the vessel's power systems allowed a rapid sail from the far east conversion yard; the use of the turret buoy enabled the subsea risers and moorings to be installed independent from the vessel - saving at least 30 days offshore hook-up time: the vessel already had a Norsok compliant accommodation, which required only minor changes.


There advantages in choosing a relatively new vessel and the releasable turret concept. However a key challenges is to ensure the conversion scope if sully engineered before the contracts and schedules are fixed.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Turret Design

Antall lessons: 2  With the turret at greater than 75% of overall hull length (1 FPSO) from the stern the vessel weather-vanes free.  At around 65% (4 of 5 FPSOs), thrusters are required to maintain/contol heading.  The controled heading FPSOs are able to lock the turret and thereby reduce bearing and swivel wear ( but this has not be an problem on free moving turrets)  But his places a demand on the thrusters (which are safety critical) and the crew to mange turret repositioning.  It also requires turret "unlocking" during offloading which can present coordination problems

Experience to date from the single Norwegian FPSO with a free turret, indicates lower maintenace, crew involvement and Opex than with the other FPSOs.

The turret location is a key design issue Fase: Select Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Turret Design Lesson

The turret location is a key design issue. With the turret at greater than 75% of overall hull length from the stern, the vessel weather-vanes free. At around 65% (3 of 4 FPSOs), thrusters are required to maintain/contol heading. The controled heading FPSOs have the advantage of being able to lock the turret and thereby reduce bearing and swivel wear. However this places a demand on the thrusters (which are safety critical) and the crew to mange turret repositioning.


Experience to date from the single Norwegian FPSO with a free turret indicates lower maintenace and crew involvement than with the other FPSOs. In addition that FPSO has managed to achieve adequate safety of the accommodation forward of the turret, by using a firewall. Current experience suggests that a free turret with swivel and thrusters used for offloading only, results in the lowest Opex.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Sea Chests

Antall lessons: 1

 Marine growth in sea chests is a problem on all FPSOs.  It is an ideal location for marine growth and is difficult to clean.  The ability to blank off the sea chests is also required in the event of a leaking main sea water valve.  Fitting blanking plates is also time consuming and weather sensitive.  The need for sea chests (normally used in vessels underway) needs to be reconsidered.  Options which reduce opportunities for marine growth and allow blanking off in the event of valve failure are required.  Considereation should also be given to submersible pumps in a caisson

Marine growth in sea chests is a problem on all FPSOs Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Sea Chests Lesson

Marine growth in sea chests is a problem on all FPSOs. It is an ideal location for marine growth and is difficult to clean. The ability to blank off the sea chests is also required in the event of a leaking main sea water valve. Fitting blanking plates is also time consuming and weather sensitive. In addition the safety risks of relying on a single blanking plate may be considered unacceptable.


The need for sea chests (normally used in vessels underway) needs to be reconsidered. Options which reduce opportunities for marine growth and allow blanking off in the event of valve failure are required. Considereation should also be given to submersible pumps in a caisson - (see above).


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Motion assumptions

Antall lessons: 1

 Motion has not been a significant problem for production regularity in Norwegian FPSOs  The key has been selection of effective level control instrumentation.  Longditudinal separator placement has been successful.  One FPSO was able to maintain full production in 12m significant wave heights.  However operating experience for at least one FPSO has shown roll limits to have been under-estimated. This has required an upgrade of the topsides fatigue design

Motion has not been a significant problem for production regularity in Norwegian FPSOs Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Motion assumptions Lesson

Motion has not been a significant problem for production regularity in Norwegian FPSOs. The key has been selection of effective level control instrumentation. Longditudinal separator placement has been successful. One FPSO was able to maintain full production in 12m significant wave heights.


However operating experience for at least one FPSO has shown roll limits to have been under-estimated. This has required an upgrade of the topsides fatigue design.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Vessel conversion

Antall lessons: 1

Impact of unforeseen conversion scope Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Vessel conversion Lesson

The topsides installation scope was to be carried out on a lump sum basis. However as a result of the extensive unplanned "Brownfield" vessel modification scope, managing work under two contractual models, lump sum and reimbursable was impractical. Because of the additional work, topsides contractor had increasing difficulties managing the combined scope - resulted in delays and the need to sub-contract work. The entire scope was then converted to reimbursable with the attendant client exposures to schedule and cost growth.


Ensure full conversion scope is estimated, contracted and completed by the vessel conversion contractor before departure from the shipyard. If a change in scope is required, ensure the impacts on cost and schedule are fully understood by the project management team. When changing contract remuneration methods ensure that mechanisms are put in place to keep the objectives of client and contractor fully aligned.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Selection of marine equipment

Antall lessons: 4

 There are number of lessons learned with the selection of marine equipment: o Shipyards will normally fit butterfly valves on penetrations through the hull- however their life is limited and they are easily damaged by marine growth.  On FPSOs these should all be replaced by gate valves, and provision made to blank these off externally for service o Low offloading pump rates leads to long loading time, and has led to disconnection due to upcoming weather prior to completion of loading.  FPSO pumping capacity should be 8 000 - 10 000 cubic meters/hour for fields served by shuttle tankers with approx 850 000 barrels capacities o Exposure to HP hydraulic hose leaks and possible rupture of hose and/or loading gear for operational personnel.  Local control panel onboard FPSO in the loading area must be protected for possible failures in hydraulic hoses or ruptured wires/ropes.

Butterfly valves on penetrations through the hull Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Selection of marine equipment Lesson

Shipyards will normally fit butterfly valves on penetrations through the hull- however their life is limited and they are easily damaged by marine growth.


On FPSOs these should all be replaced by gate valves, and provision made to blank these off externally for service. Could this be made an FPSO class standard?


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12131 Offloading rate Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Selection of marine equipment Lesson

Timeconsuming loading operation due to low FPSO pumping capacity. Low pumping capacity leads to long loading time, and has also led to disconnection due to upcoming weather prior to completion of loading.


FPSO pumping capacity should be 8 000 - 10 000 cubic meters/hour for fields served by shuttle tankers with approx. 850 000 barrels capacities.(S/F)


OLF's FPSO network - "Shuttle tanker project"

Lesson # 20782 Equipment damage - Quality control Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Selection of marine equipment Lesson

Exposure to HP hydraulic hose leaks and possible rupture of hose and/or loading gear for operational personnel.


Local control panel onboard FPSO in the loading area must be protected for possible failures in hydraulic hoses or ruptured wires/ropes. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21499 Equipment damage - Quality control Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Selection of marine equipment Lesson

Availability of firefighting equipment in the loading area onboard the FPSO and the means of operating this has on some vessels not been adequate.


Thorough evaluation of fire fighting equipment in the loading area. (Including remote operation of same.) (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Green water

Antall lessons: 1

 Green water has affected 4 of 5 FPSOs.  Waves over the bows have damaged stairways and broken accommodation windows.  Waves along the side have damaged ancillary equipment including fire stations, cable trays and pipework.  Model testing and environmental predictions appear to have been inadequate to allow desigers to eliminate these green water effects.  Retroactive repairs/redesign including the fitting of side panels, raising bow walls and moving sensitive equipment appear to have reduced the problem.  In some cases winter cargo limits have been imposed.  A joint North Sea workgroup including the authorities and classification societies has now led to a greater understanding of green water design requirements. See Comments at FPSO workshop 14 Nov 2002 accessed via "FPSO Information"

Green water has affected 3 of 4 FPSOs Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Green water Lesson

Green water has affected 3 of 4 FPSOs. Waves over the bows have damaged stairways and broken accommodation windows. Waves along the side have damaged ancillary equipment including fire stations, cable trays and pipework. Model testing and environmental predictions appear to have been inadequate to allow desigers to eliminate these green water effects.


Retroactive repairs/redesign including the fitting of side panels, raising bow walls and moving sensitive equipment appear to have reduced the problem. In some cases cargo limits have been imposed. A joint North Sea workgroup including the authorities and classification societies has now led to a greater understanding of green water design requirements.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Moorings

Antall lessons: 4

 There have been a number of problems found with mooring chains: o Loose chain studs found in catenary section of mooring line; the stud chain was removed approximately 5 years into the service versus intended 20 yr design life o Accelerated corrosion rates found in bottom section of mooring chain (~ 0.5 mm/year). o Pitting corrosion found in the mooring chain at the splash zone region (2mm after 5 years operation)  Consider use of stud less chain in the mooring line working section  Mooring designs must consider the potential for high corrosion rates in critical sections

 Different approaches have been taken by Norwegian FPSOs with anchor winches:  Individual winches facilitate winter installation, allow active management of the mooring system and enabling movement and inspection of the chain wear point.  The permanently stopped design is cheaper and simpler with reduced maintenance but makes inspection, adjustment and replacement more difficult

Different approaches to Mooring winch design Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Moorings Lesson

Different approaches have been taken by Norwegian FPSOs. Use of individual anchor winches has the advantange of facilitating winter installation, allowing active management of the mooring system and enabling movement of the chain wear point. The permanently stopped design is simpler with reduced maintenance and lower capex.


It is not yet known if wear will be a problem for the permanently stopped design, however there is as yet no straightforward method to inspect the top of the chain and service the fairlead. Good experience with such a design may lead to increased use of this lower cost approach. To date ( other than minor drilling rig damage -better monitoring is required here) ) there have been no problems with the mooring lines and anchors.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12106 Mooring system Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Moorings Lesson

Loose chain studs found in working section of mooring line (catenary chain). Finding shows integrity drawbacks inherent to stud link chain. In this case the stud chain was removed approximately 5 years into the service versus intended design life (20 years).


Consider use of stud less chain in the mooring line working section (catenary chain).


OLF's FPSO Experience Transfer Network

Lesson # 27224 Mooring system Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Moorings Lesson

Accelerated corrosion rates found in bottom section of mooring chain (~ 0.5 mm/year). Anbefaling

Mooring designs intended to remain in service without removal must consider the potential for high corrosion rates in these regions and ensure adequate wastage tolerances for these mooring components.


OLF's FPSO Experience Transfer Network

Lesson # 27225 Mooring system Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Moorings Lesson

Pitting corrosion found in the mooring chain at the splash zone region (2mm after 5 years operation).


Mooring designs intended to remain in service without removal must consider the potential for high corrosion rates in these regions and ensure adequate wastage tolerances for these mooring components.


OLF's FPSO Experience Transfer Network Technical

Antall lessons: 1

 The inert gas generator provided was a standard package.  The cooling water provided from the vessel systems was designed with guidance from the manufacturer.  The unit would not operate due to high temperatures being realised, because of lack of cooling water resulting from vessel roll and excess back pressure. Finding and solving this problem delayed first oil by several days.  Contributory factors were: o The unit was not commissioned in the conversion yard, o the manufacturer was not willing to mobilise to solve the problem and o the lack of understanding from the designers

Inert Gas Generator Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Technical Lesson

Equipment Design Failure - Inert Gas Generator - the inert gas generator provided was a standard package. The cooling water provided from the vessel systems was plumbed in with guidance from the manufacturer. The unit would not operate due to high temperatures being realised because of lack of cooling water resulting from vessel roll and back pressure. The tie in points were modified and a check valve removed from the system. The unit was not commissioned in the conversion yard, the manufacturer was not willing to mobilise to solve the problem and the lack of understanding from the designers were all contributory to a problem which should have been solved in short order.


The tieing in of common facilities into standard packages should be tried and tested in the yard and commissioned to the greatest extent. This will reveal early in the project commissioning process any problems which can be more difficult to resolve at a more inaccessible location.


International Deepwater FPSO Inert gas system

Antall lessons: 1

 One FPSO was designed with Hydrocarbon blanketing to replace inert Gas, combined with an LP gas compressor.  Following successful proof of concept, this is now being extended to others.  As well as elimiminating venting or flaring, it reduces use/maintenance of the inert gas generator.  A key aspect of hydrocarbon blanketing is O2 detection. This instrumentation must be kept in service and backed up at all times.  However a back up inert gas system may still be required for initial O2 freeing of tanks

VOC reduction - Hydrocarbon blanketing to replace inert Gas Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Inert gas system Lesson

One FPSO was designed with Hydrocarbon blanketing to replace inert Gas. Following successful proof of concept, this is now being extended to others. As well as elimiminating venting or flaring, it reduces use/maintenance of the inert gas generator.


This newly introduced technology has proven successful. Note: a key aspect of hydrocarbon blanketing is O2 detection. This instrumentation must be kept in service and backed up at all times.

Kilde OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Conversion

Antall lessons: 4

 In the conversion, the concept was to minimise the equipment in the pumproom and machinery spaces.  This worked quite well but the primary fire water pumps were designed with cooling water from the pump room which added unnecessary complexity  The Framo offloading pumps were 6kv design, adding at least one 440 volt pump set would have added flexibility as they would not depend on main power  Reduction of equipment in the machinery spaces and pump rooms should have allowed a more conventional water based fire fighting system be installed  But the contractor retained a 25 year old CO2 system which requires a large amount of maintenance, is expensive to recharge and was finally found to be obsolete

Vessel Design - Pumps Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

Vessel Design - Pumps - The concept within the hull design was to minimise the equipment in the pumproom and machinery spaces. This worked quite well except for a few exceptions i) the primary fire water pumps were designed with cooling water from the pump room, ii) the Framo pumps were 6kv design. A 440 volt pump set would have added flexibility as they would not depend on main power generation.


Reduce the amount of equipment in the machinery spaces and pump rooms, and design for flexibility in the absence of main power.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25225 Vessel Design -fire fighting system Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

Vessel Design -fire fighting system - The reduction of equipment in the machinery spaces and pump rooms should have meant a more conventional water based fire fighting system be installed. The contractor remained with the 25 year old CO2 system which not only is old and requires a large amount of maintenance and is expensive to recharge and was finally found to be obsolete.

Anbefaling The use of large CO2 systems for firefighting is obsolete because it is difficult to recharge offshore, and is hazardous to personnel working in the area.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25226 Emergency shutdown of Electrical equipment Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

The conversion vessel was originally designed as a DP3 shuttle tanker so in the event of an emergency, all equipment is required to remain live to allow of maintenance of position. However, for a passively moored FPSO in the event of an emergency ( eg gas release), all ignition sources have to be shut down. Therefore many of the electrical systems outside the safe areas such as emergency lighting and fire detection were not explosion rated and could not be operated in the presence of gas. In addition non-explosion proof equipment in pressurised enclosures had to be protected by positive air pressure requiring the emergency generators to be sized accordingly. A similar situation happened with fire pumps which were not initially connected to the emergency switchboard. These changes added further work to the modification scope and impacted the schedule accordingly.


Special attention with vessel conversions should be given to ESD logic differences between the original and future designs, and their impact on electrical systems and Ex standards.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion

Lesson # 53638 Identifying Conversion scope Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

The conversion yard selected for hull conversion had in the view of the project, limited capability to conduct the engineering necessary to complete the new scope that emerged post vessel arrival at the yard. This included both the adaptations needed to meet Norwegian regulations, and other issues which emerged such as Heat tracing, heated floors in bathrooms, Gas detection in tanks and above decks, Tank gauging, and structural work in tanks. The reluctance to change the (fixed price) scope and schedule resulted in additional "brownfield" scope being transferred to the topsides yard. The additional scope was estimated to have increased hull conversion work by 50-70%.

Anbefaling Ensure that all conversion scope is identified before the vessel enters the yard and than contract for that scope but allow flexibility and contract mechanisms for growth. Ensure that there is flexibility in the schedule to accommodate likely growth.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Thrusters

Antall lessons: 2

 Service or repair of thrusters is a major challenge offshore, particularly as relaibility has not been as high as expected.  Most FPSOs require thrusters at all times; a failure in winter could impact safety, offloading and production.  Most thrusters have to be withdrawn externally and ROV work is weather sensitive. Use of FPSO cranes is not always feasible due to thruster weights and position.  Methods for removal and repair of thrusters in field need to be developed and shared.  Solutions for the future are that thrusters are made not safety critical (see "turret design"), and thrusters should be designed for internal retreival and service.  Under certain conditions it has been difficult to maintain heading (and offloading) within the defined limits due to poor heading control of the FPSO

FPSO Thruster service and repair Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Thrusters Lesson

"Service or repair of thrusters is a major challenge, particularly as relaibility has not been as high as expected. Most FPSOs require thrusters at all times; a failure in winter could impact safety and production. Most thrusters have to be withdrawn externally and ROV work is weather sensitive and high risk. Use of FPSO cranes while helpful, is not always feasible due to thruster weights and position."


Methods for removal and repair of thrusters in field need to be developed and shared. One solution for the future is that thrusters are not safety critical (this is true of one FPSO), and thrusters should be designed for internal retreival and service. This design has been achieved on one FPSO.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12111 FPSO heading control Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Thrusters Lesson

Difficult to maintain heading (and loading) within the defined limits due to lacking heading control of the FPSO.


Adequate automatic propulsion and manoeuvring capabilities of FPSO to enable heading and surge control.(S)


OLF's FPSO network - "Shuttle tanker project" Hazops

Antall lessons: 1

 Hazops are considered by Operators as a key step in verifying the safety and operability of a system  However, due to the historical acceptance of marine design by the classification societies, contractors consider HAZOP techniques not applicable.  As a result the marine systems even if they have interfaces with topsides systems are rarely completely HAZOPed.  The contract should stipulate that the marine systems be included as design PID`s for HAZOP, if this is the Operators requirement

HAZOP - Systems (4) Fase: Design Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Hazops Lesson

HAZOP - Systems (4) - The nature of the marine design is to be accepted by the classification society and the contractors consider HAZOP techniques not applicable. The marine system even if they had interfaces with topsides systems were not completely HAZOPed.


The contract should stipulate that the marine systems be included as design PID`s for HAZOP at the outset.


International Deepwater FPSO Planning

Antall lessons: 7

 The shipyard did not dedicate enough resources to planning and the follwoing problems occurred; o optimistic man hour estimates for increased scope and growth of steel out of sequence work o no integrated planning to allow systems to be completed and commissioned o No Tag “system to package” matrix to cross reference progress data eg power generation was totally mismanaged so minimal commissioning was achieved o inventory control. The shipyards systems were not suitable for the inventory management of topsides materials,  The commissioning plan should be used as a driver for the sub-system mechanical completion whereas the shipyard operate on a trades/sub contractor basis  Shipyard conversion space constraints resulted in; o no dedicated fabrication area close to the vessel o no client materials storage areas near to the vessel o poor quality office space and IT links  Having high level plans for project milestones worked well. However gaining information from the contractor to add value for the shorter term at the tactical planning level was difficult.  This is best carried out with an experienced planner possibly seconded to the shipyard, who freely communicates with all associated parties, including the client

Shipyard Conversion Planning (1) Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Planning (1) - The shipyard was not found to dedicate enough resources to planning and as a result this left a vacuum of control when increased scope was identified due to i) optimistic man hour estimates, ii) growth (trebling) of steel replacement, or iii) just out of sequence work i.e. cable supports to be in place prior to cable installation.


The management and resourcing of planning of work at the yard to be established through a planning review which has the buy in of all parties and is resourced to identify conflicting activities and increased work load. Client assistance may be offered.


International Deepwater FPSO Lesson # 25216 Shipyard Conversion Planning (2) Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Planning (2) -Shipyards are predominantly focused on the application of basic trades i.e. welding, electrical, mechanical etc. It became obvious of the need to plan against ship and Topside Facility System or Part System in order to establish a completion sequence to allow other systems to be completed and commissioned. Examples were a completed accommodation, life support and cranes could have housed personnel on board or reduce the dependency on yard resources.


The use of an integrated planning system to identify the sequence of mechanical completion of systems and sub systems. The trades are then phased and dedicated to the sequenced mechanical completion to allow continuity of the work. Management review of the key milestones is essential to place the correct emphasis on the work. A Tag ""system to package"" matrix is required to cross reference progress data capture.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25217 Shipyard Conversion Planning (3) Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Planning (3) - the shipyard construction plan to mechanical completion was unrealistic which meant the time and effort dedicated to conversion yard system commissioning i.e. power generation was totally misplaced. In the event little to no topside system commissioning was achieved and a lot of management time and effort had to be dedicated to this area.


The use of an integrated planning system to identify the sequence of sub system commissioning aligned with a realistic shipyard plan is essential. The commissioning plan can then be used as a driver for the sub system mechanical completion. Management review of the key milestones is essential to place the correct emphasis on the work.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25218 Shipyard Conversion Space Constraints Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Space Constraints - the inability to have a dedicated fabrication area close to the vessel resulted in an increased amount of fabrication work being carried out on the vessel as opposed to pre fabrication onshore close to the vessel and lifting the units on board. Work on the vessel was more hazardous and inefficient.


Greater planning of sub-assembly and pre-fabrication units close to the vessel which could be lifted by the shipyard or on board crane needs to be considered.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25219 Shipyard Conversion Client Materials Storage (1) Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Client Materials Storage (1) - Areas - shipyards with multi- client facilities means that storage area is at a premium and even more so in close proximity to the FPSO. The problem arose that materials were difficult to locate throughout the conversion period because of the large number of storage locations and thus the need for greater inventory management.


A computerised materials management system is required from the outset of the project. This could be the operations maintenance and materials management system and managed by dedicated operations personnel.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25220 Shipyard Conversion Client Material Storage (2) Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Client Material Storage (2) - inventory control - shipyards are often not conversant with the topside equipment in both technical and operational context. The shipyards systems were not suitable for the inventory management of topsides materials, equipment and spares. Re-ordering of materials was necessary.

Anbefaling A computerised materials management system is required from the outset of the project. This preferably should be the operations maintenance and materials management system and managed by dedicated operations personnel.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25221 Strategic Planning Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Having high level plans for project milestones worked well. However gaining information from the contractor to add value for the shorter term at the tactical planning level was difficult. This left large exposures at the shipyard in the conversion phase which could not be effectively planned. A over reliance by the Shipyard on the sub contractor was the fault because the information flows were not forthcoming. The client tried to build an effective plan which also suffered from the lack of information thus becoming a point of frustration.


The planning process has to be simple and all parties bought into the process. For fixed sum projects, there has to be a detailed plan which can be used at site level to demonstrate the project status and that the controls are in place to optimise the activities. This is best carried out with an experienced planner who freely communicates with all associated parties, including the client.


International Deepwater FPSO Preservation

Antall lessons: 1

 The topside modules had been lifted on the FPSO up to 8 months before sailaway, lack of preservation in the shipyard resulted in the following; o certain equipment being junked, o vendor call out to rectify and make good o excessive time i.e. freeing bolts, rusting solenoid valves, o corroded boiler tubes, o dampness in electric motors o grit and dust in air filters, valve bodies, PSV`s, control panels, and in the sea water injection pumps etc.  A computerised materials /maintenance management system is required to be operable from the receipt of materials from vendors.  This should have a work order facility for preservation with clear accountabilities by system for preservation by dedicated operations personnel or the main contractor.

Shipyard Conversion Client Material Preservation Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Preservation Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Client Material preservation - The topside modules had been lifted on the FPSO up to 8 months before sailaway, lack of preservation in the shipyard of the materials in storage resulted in equipment being junked, vendor call out to rectify and make good and excessive time i.e. freeing bolts, rusting solenoid valves, boiler tubes, dampness in electric motors, grit and dust in air filters, valve bodies, PSV`s, control panels, etc. A major problem was encountered when grit was located in the sea water injection pumps.


A computerised materials management system is required from the outset of the project. This preferably should be the operations maintenance and materials management system which has a work order facility for preservation work to be managed by dedicated operations personnel or the main contractor.


International Deepwater FPSO Conversion scope

Antall lessons: 1

Managing conversion work scope Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion scope Lesson

Although a number of independent reviews were conducted of the target conversion vessel there was limited awareness of risk associated with growth of this scope of work. Although the vessel topsides installation was on the critical path, the subsequent implications of moving the vessel in an incomplete state to the topsides integration and were not fully understood The subsequent “knock-on” effects were the limited availability of resources in the yard, further under estimation of the hull scope and the lack of capability to of handle this amount of work, particularly in the time frames the project was attempting to work to. In addition the original conversion work was poorly engineered, with much of the work having to be reworked.


Vessel conversions require a comprehensive evaluation of conversion scope followed by selection of the most appropriate yard for that scope (including conducting the engineering), and contracts placed that ensure the scope will be finished on time. The vessel should not leave the yard with incomplete work outstanding.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Conversion

Antall lessons: 2

 It was assumed that many of the existing ships systems would be fit for purpose with no additional work. But the following should have been totally renewed; o ballast and cargo valve control system o integration of new radar tank gauging equipment and old metritape equipment o accommodation drains, galley equipment o deck (certain areas) and accommodation flooring, o fire water mains o accommodation HVAC. o the accommodation block which was 25 years old  No firm plans had been made for upgrading the accomodation even though the requirement was obvious. During the conversion the accommodation was used as storage and meetings, so things got worse  A full researched plan for the accommodation refurbishment is required prior to entry to the shipyard and the work let to a single contractor and access limited to essential personnel.

Shipyard Conversion Ship System Upgrade Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Ship System Upgrade - there had been large assumptions that the existing ships systems would be fit for purpose with no additional work to be carried out. This was not the case an additional upgrades, refurbishment had to be carried out. In some cases it would have been more cost effective to replace the equipment. Examples are i) ballast and cargo valve control system, ii) integration of new radar tank gauging equipment and old metritape equipment iii) accommodation drains, flooring, galley equipment, iv) fire water mains, v) accommodation HVAC.


Greater emphasis should be made on the compilation of a matrix of all ships systems and a comparative chart of the cost of replacement against the cost of refurbishment and upgrade of existing systems. The costs of the replacement can be accurately forecasted. The costs for refurbishment and upgrade should have a higher risk on cost, schedule and overall plan risk. Kilde

International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25223 Shipyard Conversion - accommodation Fase: Construct Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Conversion Lesson

Shipyard Conversion - accommodation - the accommodation block was 25 years old and no firm plans had been made for upgrading even though the requirement was obvious. During the conversion the accommodation was used as storage, unsupervised offices and generally left to be run down. The ambiguity of responsibility and the scope of refurbishment became a large issue. In the event the decisions and work were carried out piecemeal and therefore relatively inefficiently. The longer the issue remained unresolved the more critical it became as it would interfere with the sailaway.


A full researched plan for the accommodation refurbishment is required prior to entry to the shipyard. The minimum standard should be defined and let to a single contractor. The accommodation has a large bearing on the crew morale that the operations personnel should have a large input to the final design.


International Deepwater FPSO Other

Antall lessons: 1

 Ballast water tank ventilators found to be of wrong design or wrongly installed on one FPSO  Ventilators designed for "hanging" installation were used in the "sitting" position  This set up will lead to underpressure/vacuum in the tank during de-ballasting operations, and possible collapse  Proper function and orientation of tank ventilators to be checked/inspected during construction and commissioning

Ballast water tank ventilators Fase: Commission Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Other Lesson

Ballast water tank ventilators found to be of wrong design, not providing efficient means of closing/venting, i.e. ventilators designed for "hanging" installation was used in "sitting" installation. The described set up will lead to underpressure/vacuum in the tank during de-ballasting operations, and unintended filling of tanks from water on deck.


Proper function of tank ventilators to be checked/inspected during construction, commissioning and production.


OLF's experience transfer network Submersible Offloading Pumps

Antall lessons: 1

 Many Problems were experienced with hydraulic submersible pumps in the early phases of operation.  Problems were related to debris in the tanks and pipework and pipework leaks.  Hydraulic submersible pumps are highly sensitive to debris and any weakensses in the pipework.  Pipework flushing should be an area of special focus during pre- commisssioning.  Simpler methods to access and repair submersible pumps should be also implemented.

Problems with hydraulic submersible pumps in early operation Fase: Commission Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Submersible Offloading Pumps Lesson

Many Problems were experienced with hydraulic submersible pumps in the early phases of operation. Problems were related to debris in the tanks and pipework and pipework leaks.


Hydraulic submersible pumps are highly sensitive to debris and any weakensses in the pipework. This should be an area of special focus during commisssioning. Simpler methods to access and repair submersible pumps should be also implemented.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Installation

Antall lessons: 2  The use of a large tug and construction support vessels aided the FPSO installation in giving flexibility to the pull ins despite large surface currents  The vessels also offered a large amount of offshore storage for polyester mooring lines allowing several lines to stored on one vessel.  Even so, a number of failures and damage were seen during installation, o pull in winch wire damaged o pull in winch inoperable due to loss of FPSO power o damage to polyester mooring system during to re spooling (however this was re-spliced and repaired in 48hrs), o Poor drawing of mooring lines resulting in wrong line being run on one mooring  The installation process should be risked assessed and contingency plans put in place for possible eventualities

FPSO Mooring Fleet Fase: Commission Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Installation Lesson

FPSO Mooring (1) - the presence of a large tug and construction support vessels aided the FPSO installation in giving flexibility to the pull ins despite large surface currents The vessels also offered a large amount of offshore storage for mooring lines. A limitation was the length of pull in that had to be achieved prior to cutting and the quality control on shackles and chain links.


Each step should also be analysed for the equipment requirements, spares and time taken. This will give the personnel opportunity to look at the efficiency of the process and come up with time and labour saving ideas.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25230 FPSO Mooring Failures Fase: Commission Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Installation Lesson

FPSO Mooring (2) - a number of failures and damage were seen during installation, i) pull in winch damaged, ii) pull in winch inoperable due to loss of FPSO power, iii) damage to polyester mooring system during to re spooling (however this was re- spliced and repaired in 48hrs), iv) Poor marking of mooring lines resulting in wrong line being run on one mooring.


The installation process should be risked assessed and contingency plans put in place for possible eventualities. Kilde

International Deepwater FPSO Planning

Antall lessons: 1

 At Sailaway the complexity of the project management issues increases. The number of contract interfaces increases dramatically as well.  Effective planning becomes essential and control of the work needs to be fully defined.  It is recommended that a `start up coordinator` be appointed at least 6 months before sailaway to start to plan and raise awareness of the criticality of the post sailaway phase.  The adoption of a Post Sailaway management structure in which all contractors are represented has been highly productive.  The steering group sets up a number of multi discipline focus groups from sailaway to first hydrocarbons to identify all the activities, interfaces, resource requirements.

Coordination of Post Sailaway Activities Fase: Commission Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Coordination of Post Sailaway Activities - There is a large transition in an FPSO project at sailaway and the complexity of the project management issues increases. The number of contract interfaces increases dramatically as well as the new players. The workload is more diverse and the number of personnel to carry out the work decreases dramatically. Planning of the post sailaway planning activities is important and coordination and control of the work needs to be fully defined. This may cross over contractual boundaries making the overall management of the project more problematic.


It is recommended that a `start up coordinator` be appointed 6 months before sailaway to start to plan and raise awareness of the criticality of the post sailaway phase. The adoption of a Post Sailaway Steering Committee structure in which all contractors are represented has been highly productive. The steering committee sets up a number of multi discipline focus groups from sailaway to first hydrocarbons to identify all the activities, interfaces, resource requirements. This information can then be used for the planning and scheduling of the work.


International Deepwater FPSO Motion effects on people

Antall lessons: 1

 Sea-sickness has not been reported as a major problem. People suffer for a day or so but seem to adapt.  Many people use stick-on patches as a cure.  Sea sickness can be more of a problem however for visiting service personnel, and crews sent out to work in enclosed spaces such as tank cleaning.  FPSO management must continue to be sensitive to the problem this can pose for certain individuals.

Sea-sickness has not been reported as a major problem Fase: Operate Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Motion effects on people Lesson

Sea-sickness has not been reported as a major problem. People suffer for a day or so but seem to adapt. Many people use stick-on patches as a cure. It can be more of a problem however for visiting service personnel, and crews sent out to work in enclosed spaces such as tank cleaning.


FPSO management must continue to be sensitive to the problem this can pose for certain individuals. Again this uinderlines the importance of having a core crew of mariners on board.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Tank Entry

Antall lessons: 1

 Entry to tanks for inspection and repair is proving very costly both the time and resources.  Primary problems include tank washing, gas freeing, solids removal, tank and pipework isolation, personel access, repair and recoating methods.  Crude and ballast tanks should be designed to facilitate maintenance.  This involves special provisions for cleaning, venting and access.  For existing FPSOs, tools and methodologies should be developed to improve the safety and efficiency - best practise should be shared.

Entry to tanks for inspection and repair Fase: Operate Disiplin: Marine Aktivitet: Tank Entry Lesson Entry to tanks for inspection and repair is proving very costly both the time and resources. Primary problems include tank washing, gas freeing, solids removal, tank and pipework isolation, personel access, repair and recoating methods


Crude and ballast tanks should be designed to facilitate maintenance. This involves special provisions for cleaning, venting and access. For existing FPSOs, tools and methodologies should be developed to improve the safety and efficiency - best practise should be shared.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 FEED

Antall lessons: 1

FEED and Long lead procurement Fase: Select Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: FEED Lesson

The initial FEED study resulted in a robust design for topsides, allowing early placement of long lead orders and planning of subsequent commissioning and operations phases. In addition the use of a 3D survey and modelling of the vessel interfaces as part of the FEED, and the award of the long lead packages with their subsequent assignment to the topsides EPC contractor was very successful. Although later delays were experienced, this approach had the potential to accelerate the schedule by several months.


Consider using the FEED to identify long lead procurement items which can later be assigned to the selected EPC contractor. Use 3D surveying to identify vessel structural interfaces.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Interfaces

Antall lessons: 1

 Interface management is an issue which requires time and ongoing resourcing.  The electrical contractor had a need for interface data and offered to manage it  However the prime contractor did not follow this up and with the increasing number of interfaces, a DCS system should have replaced the PLC based control function  The loss of this opportunity created an inflexible system interface.  The prime contractor should to manage the interfaces both at the detailed and strategic levels

Interface Management Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Interfaces Lesson

Interface management - throughout all project the interface management is an issue which requires time and resource. The project half way through the design got rid of the interface function. The electrical contractor identified the need for the interface and offered to include the control, electrical equipment interface. The prime contractor did not follow this up and the PLC based control function would probably have been better served by a DCS system. The loss of this opportunity created an inflexible system interface.


The priority of the prime contractor is to manage the interfaces. A way in which this can be done is to reduce the number of interfaces within the control functions.


International Deepwater FPSO Drag chains

Antall lessons: 2

 1 FPSOs has a drag chain as an alternative to a swivel. Specific problems experienced include; o hose and electric cable failuire due to wear from bending, o wear pads worn out, o difficulty of access o safety risks associated with high pressure gas and a moving hose o plastic deformation of the tension armouring due to locking of the armour layers when bent over the nose of the drag chain in HP service. o damage caused by running into the end stops. o limits to free rotation, requiring thrusters to be servicable at all times.  While simpler than swivels, high maintenace and operability problems have indicated that a swivel would have been a better option.

Drag chains as an alternative to a swivel Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Drag chains Lesson 1 of 4 FPSOs have Drag chains as an alternative to a swivel. Specific problems experienced include hose and electric cable failuire due to wear from bending, wear pads worn out, difficulty of access, and damage caused by running into the end stops. In addition the drag chain limits the free rotation of the vessel requiring thrusters to be servicable at all times.


While simpler than swivels, high maintenace and operability problems have indicated that swivels would have been a better option. This is endorsed by one FPSO where the operator has elected to replace the gas transfer hose with a swivel.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12114 Flexible hoses in drag chain. Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Drag chains Lesson

Flexible hoses should not be used in the drag chain for HP injection purposes. A 5" gas injection hose (of riser design)in the drag chain experienced plastic deformation of the tension armoures due to locking of the armour layers when bent over the nose of the drag chain in HP service. In order to avoid the locking the hose had to be depressurized during turning of the turret.


The hose should have a design with focus on flexibility and pressure armours insted of tension armours as the tension in the drag chain hoses are limited. Alternatively, swivels should be considered and used for HP service, and keep the drag chain for LP services only.


OLF FPSO experience transfer network. Compression 3

Antall lessons: 1

 Vibration from reciprocating compressors can be a serious problem; o On one FPSO poor mounting of the compressors and failure to fit bellows and flexible hoses has led to an ongoing sequence of high potential leaks and failures. o Vibration has also affected the drive motors with isolating pads coming loose and damaging rotors. o Nosie is also a problem for personnel.  Reciprocating compressor vibration is a key design issue. Only a competent supplier with experience of packaging such units offshore should design such systems.

Vibration from reciprocating compressors. Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Compression 3 Lesson

Vibration from reciprocating compressors can be a serious problem. On one FPSO poor mounting of the compressors and failure to fit bellows and flexible hoses has led to an ongoing sequence of high potential leaks and failures. Vibration has also affected the drive motors with isolating pads coming loose and damaging rotors. Nosie is also a problem for personnel.


Reciprocating compressor vibration is a key design issue. Only a competent supplier with experience of packaging such units offshore should design such systems. An independent review of noise and vibration levels is recommeneded.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Solids disposal

Antall lessons: 1

 Disposal of high solids content fluids is always a problem on an FPSO.  The ability to clean up a new or treated well via the FPSO would add value over field life.  In the event of paint stripping or tank cleaning, these solids are also rounted to the slops tanks and frequently plug the slops transfer pump  Consideration should be given to a third slops tank specifically designed for high solids fluids, settling and solids drop out.  The tank would have easy cleanable surfaces with jetting lines and solids/slurry handling pumps.

Disposal of high solids content fluids. Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Solids disposal Lesson

Disposal of high solids content fluids is always a problem on an FPSO. The ability to clean up a new or treated well via the FPSO would add value over field life. In the event of paint stripping or tank cleaning these solids could also be routed to the solids tank.

Anbefaling Consideration should be given to a third slops tank specifically designed for high solids fluids and solids drop out. The tank would have easy cleanable surfaces with jetting lines and solids/slurry handling pumps.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Hazops

Antall lessons: 2

 The following problems occurred during prpcess Hazops; o The design contractor did not control the post HAZOP'd drawings and thus revisions made after the HAZOP were not identifiable.  This required the next HAZOP to review the complete drawing set and not just the changes since the last HAZOP. o The design contractor did not have a complete set of drawings to be Hazop'd thus the HAZOP was conducted in a fragmented and piecemeal way and on some occasions with incomplete drawing information.  The findamental problem was the the design contractor did not consider Hazops an integral part of the design process, but merely a client requirement.

HAZOP`s - Control Documentation (1) Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Hazops Lesson

HAZOP`s - Control Documentation (1) - The design contractor did not control the HAZOP drawings and thus revisions made after the HAZOP were not identifiable. This required the next HAZOP to include all the complete drawing set and not just the changes since the last HAZOP.


Establish the drawings to be HAZOPed as a control set and note all changes. The final HAZOP can then be conducted on the changes made only.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25262 HAZOP`s - Documentation (2) Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Hazops Lesson

HAZOP`s - documentation (2) - The design contractor did not have a complete set of drawings to be Hazoped thus the HAZOP was conducted in a fragmented and piecemeal way and on some occasions with incomplete drawing information. This was inefficient from the complete design perspective and HAZOPing of interfaces was made difficult.


Set a date for the HAZOP and ensure appropraite drawings will be made available.


International Deepwater FPSO Power generation

Antall lessons: 3

 Each Norwegian FPSO has a different engine combination; o Wartsilla diesels while reliable and flexible have the disadvantage of high levels of maintenace and noise. o LM 2500 engines have been the most successful for FPSOs. o The larger and newer LM 6000s have proven inappropriate for offshore use with variable loads (from thrusters) and the demands of low nox emissions and dual fuel use.  The best solution seems to be smaller gas turbine packages in combination with a large back-up diesel generator. Gas turbines also provide ample waste heat for crude heating.  The use of reciprocating diesels (Wartsila) for main power has only been considered appropriate for smaller FPSOs.  Wartsila diesels are required to run on diesel and gas. Main concerns have been safety related, whereby HP gas has to be routed into an engine room where the risk of fire is already high.  HP fuel gas compressor design and reliability has also been a concern.

Each FPSO has a different engine combination - none ideal Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Power generation Lesson

Each FPSO has a different engine combination. Wartsilla diesels while reliable and flexible have the disadvantage of design challenges for dual fuelling, high levels of maintenace and noise. LM 2500 engines have been the most successful for FPSOs. The larger and newer LM 6000s have proven inappropriate for offshore use with variable loads (from thrusters) and the demands of low nox emissions and dual fuel use.


3 of 4 FPSOs have either inadequate power or incorrect engine sizes for efficient running. The best solution seems to lie in smaller gas turbine packages in combination with a large back-up diesel generator. Gas turbines also provide ample waste heat for crude heating. The use of reciprocating diesels for main power has only been considered appropriate for smaller FPSOs.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12110 Warstilla diesels required to run on diesel and gas Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Power generation Lesson

Warstilla diesels are required to run on diesel and gas. This has proven difficult in practise. Main concerns have been safety related, whereby HP gas has to be routed into an engine room where the risk of fire is already high. HP fuel gas compressor design and reliability has also been a concern.


A solution is required to fundamenatlly improve the safety and reliability aspects of running diesel engines on Natural gas.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12130 Best Equipment for FPSO Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Power generation Lesson

For FPSO vessels with Natural Gas availability, there are many choices to generate power for the vessel.


Given market constraints, requiring quick build ships, reliable operating equipment, best choice for power generation on small to medium-size ships is multiple medium size Gas Turbines (10 - 15 Mw ISO)in 2+1 or 3+1 configuation. There is one supplier who has produced the majority of Gas Turbines for offshore applications with SBM, Saipem, Bluewater, Modec, Sevan Marine, Vetco, Maersk etc. To date this supplier has proven reliable and responsive to the needs of the FPSO industry.


Gas Turbine Database plus Worldwide Floating Producers Survey 2006 Compression 1 Antall lessons: 1

 2 of 4 FPSOs had serious compression problems (gas seal failures, repeated bundle change-outs, cracked pistons) due to undersized scrubbers and/or liquid carry-over.  Problems were solved by upgrades, improved instrumentation and online equipment monitoring.  The cost of these failures which includes; service costs, spares, CO2 tax, substitute diesel fuel, and lost gas export income was substantial  A number of factors contributed to these problems; o poor or inappropriate instrumentation, o vessel movement reducing efficiency of separation train, o liquid hold up in pipes and slugging o poor performance of internals.

Gas Compression failures Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Compression 1 Lesson

"2 of 4 FPSOs had serious compression problems (gas seal failures, repeated bundle change-outs and cracked pistons) due to undersized scrubbers and liquid carry-over. Problems were solved by upgrades, improved instrumentation and online equipment monitoring. The cost of these failures which includes; service costs, spares, CO2 tax, substitute diesel fuel, and lost gas export income was substantial."


A number of factors contributed to these problems, poor instrumentation, vessel movement reducing efficiency of separation train, liquid hold up in pipes and slugging and poor performance of internals. It would seem a good investment to install larger scrubbers than normal to provide a safety factor for unknowns.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 solation philosophy

Antall lessons: 1

Isolation Philosophy Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Isolation philosophy Lesson

The FPSO isolation philosophy was established by the operations team but was not fully agreed by project and therefore not included in the contract. What was designed was the standard Norsok isolation philosophy and some changes did occur later on via Hazops to make the facility compliant to the Operations isolation philosophy. This resulted in late changes. Anbefaling

The isolation philosophy for both HP and LP process facilities and all hull systems should be set in FEED, agreed between operations and project and included in the contract before detailed design begins.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Swivels/Tie Backs 1

Antall lessons: 1

 Increasingly opportunities to tie back new fields are being considered. This allows volumes to be maintained while the primary field reaches tail end production.  There are a number of constraints; o available riser slots, o swivel capacity or paths, o ability to produce and mix separate streams, o metering and control upgrades.  Typically the swivel and turret are the most challenging areas for upgrade.  Pre-investment in extra swivel paths and slots is often wise, if there is any possibility of new fields or 3rd party tie backs

New field tie backs Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Swivels/Tie Backs 1 Lesson

Increasingly opportunities to tie back new fields are being considered. This allows volumes to be mantained while the primary field reaches tail end production. There are a number of constraints including available riser slots, swivel capacity or paths, ability to produce separate streams, metering and control upgrades.


Typically the swivel and turret are the most challenging areas for upgrade. A low cost method is required to upgrade swivel capacity and pull in new risers with minimum shut down time.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Vents and exhausts

Antall lessons: 1  All FPSOs have had problems with cold venting of hydrocarbons tripping the process, particularly with no winds.  Modifications have involved routing all vents up the flare stack or, on the thruster controlled FPSOs, on the downwind side.  More attention should be paid at the design stage to any source of hydrocarbon venting.  Minor releases can be cold vented but lines need to be located and sized to minimise any risk of explosion or tripping gas detectors under any weather conditions.

Cold venting of hydrocarbons tripping process plant Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Vents and exhausts Lesson

All FPSOs have had problems with cold venting of hydrocarbons tripping the process. Modifciations have involved routing all vents up the flare stack or, on the thruster controlled FPSOs, on the downwind side.


More attention should be paid at the design stage to any source of hydrocarbon venting. This requires a significantly different approach from a trading tanker. Minor releases can be cold vented but lines need to be located and sized to minimise any risk of explosion or tripping gas detectors under any weather conditions.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Process

Antall lessons: 2

 Failure of separator or coalescer internals due to sloshing is a common problem (reported by 3 of 4 FPSOs).  Reason is fatigue of internals due to poor support or insufficient toughness.  Suppliers have not adequately designed for the fatigue loads associated with separators on FPSOs.  Work is required to define fluid loading and to build an industry specification for moving separation equipment to eliminate the problem.  There is often inadequate provision for sand and solids in the separation system.  Although wells are predicted to be sand free, when water arrives they often produce sand. Due to the cost of interventions, there is often little done to resolve it.  It is also useful to be able to clean up wells directly through the test separator  Provision for sand and solids handling is generally a good long term investment, despite optimistic predictions from the reservoir engineers. Failure of separator or coalescer internals due to sloshing Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Process Lesson

Failure of separator or coalescer internals due to sloshing is a common problem of FPSOs (reported by 3 of 4). Reason is fatigue of internals due to poor support. The cost of such failures is very high - shut down and repair costs.


It appears that suppliers have not adequately underatood loads associated with separators on FPSOs. Work is required to define fluid loading and build an industry specification for moving separation equipment to eliminate the problem.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12119 Sand and solids in the separation system Fase: Design Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Process Lesson

There is often inadequate provision for sand and solids in the separation system. Although wells are predicted to be sand free, when water arrives they often produce sand. It is also useful to be able to clean up wells directly through the test separator which should have sand jetting installed.


Provision for sand and solids handling is generally a good long term investment, despite optimistic predictions from the reservoir engineers.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Planning

Antall lessons: 5

The comments below summarise planning failures

 The lack of integrated planning meant that the modules were completed 4 - 6 months before they were required at the shipyard.  The contract for the heavy lift vessel then became the primary driver for module sailing.  With no storage space, the modules were loaded onto the hull restricting access to the ship hull and storage tanks and extending the work programme by one month  Shipyard supervisors were unfamiliar with the need to mechanically complete systems for commissioning to take place. To accelerate the process ""SWAT"" teams were introduced which finished off the remaining 5% of the work  The delay in completion of the hull and tank systems meant only a very little work was done on the topside equipment, as they were "assumed" to be complete  The true status of the topsides modules was never ascertained prior to sailaway. This undermined the ability to plan for completion work until offshore commissioning  A full punch out ( ideally with vendors present) should have been carried out prior to sailaway, so materials and vendors could be made ready for arrival

Shipyard Conversion Topside Equipment Lifts Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipyard Conversion Topside Equipment Lifts - the scheduling of lifts was dictated by the time in the dry dock. The effect was for the majority of the topside equipment to be installed as it turned out unnecessarily early which restricted access to the ship hull and storage tanks. There were inefficiencies then built into the internal tank activities due to the inability to directly access the tank manholes.


A detailed plan and schedule of dry dock activities and topsides activities would allow sequencing of topside lifts and remove interference of the topside equipment to the hull activities.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25251 Area Completion to System Handover Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Changeover from Area Completion to System Handover - the shipyard supervisors was not conversant with the need to mechanically complete systems for the handover to take place. To accelerate the process ""SWAT"" teams were introduced which finished off the remaining 5% of the work in close coordination with the system handoevr requirements.

Anbefaling 6 months before mechanical completion of equipment the completions group should be involved with the make up and leadership of joint teams with the construction personnel which can complete the final 5% of the systems.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25252 Shipment of Topsides Modules Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Shipment of topside modules - the modules were completed 8000 miles from the shipyard thus the module tow was a major factor to be considered. The lack of integrated planning meant that the modules were completed 4 - 6 months before they were required at the shipyard. The contracting of the heavy lift vessel then became the primary driver for module sailing. These decisions were made in solitary isolation to the changes the schedule in the shipyard and also their placement on board further delayed work on the hull.


The requirement for an integrated plan and the contracting of expensive equipment make false deadlines on the project. The full risk strategy has to be understood. The use of contingency planning is essential with all parties involved.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25253 Carryover Work Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Topsides Modules Carryover Work - the true state of completion of the topsides modules could not be ascertained prior to sailaway. This hindered the knowledge of incomplete work on the modules until offshore commissioning and at such time the outstanding work became critical path activities to first oil.


A rigorous regime of documentation and site quality control be adopted to verify mechanical completion of the modules at the fabrication yard.. The adoption also of an triparty punch system with some independence from the prime contractor is essential. The findings then should be built into the outstanding work scope.

Kilde International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25254 Carryover Work Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Conversion yard carryover work - the delay in completion of the hull and tank systems meant only a little work had been completed on the topside equipment. The knock on effect of not having established well the carry over work from the topside module yards compounded the problems of detailing the total carryover mechanical completion scope as well as the commissioning scope. The yards also allowed better access for vendors etc. to the equipment, in comparison to the overall inefficiency of work offshore.


A rigorous regime of documentation and site quality control be adopted to verify mechanical completion of the modules at the fabrication yard.. The adoption also of an triparty punch system with some independence from the prime contractor is essential. The findings then should be built into the outstanding work scope for the FPSO as a whole.


International Deepwater FPSO MC

Antall lessons: 1

The conversion yard was not fully conversent with the requirements for data entry to establish Mechanical Completion.

These were found incomplete and it was difficult to establish the actual status of each system as work progressed towards commissioning.

Define expectations for completion documentation in the contract, especially inspection and test records

Mechanical Completion Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: MC Lesson

Conversion Yard - Inspection and Test Records - the conversion yard was not fully conversent with the requirements for data entry and the records required to establish mechanical completion. These were found incomplete and difficulty was then in establishing the actual status. Anbefaling

Defining expectations for completed documentation especially in the inspection and test records at each stage of the project is essential for the flow of information for commissioning to commence.


International Deepwater FPSO Safety

Antall lessons: 1

 The project benefited by simple pipe colour coding system; o oil, gas, S/water, air etc all 100% painted in diferent colours (required to meet local regulatory requirements) o combined with the line and direction markers.  Good marking was a safety asset and assisted the commissioning and start-up teams.  It was particularly helpful with training of local operators  Line direction marking can be carried out by the Ops personnel as a familiarity project.  Specify a colour coding package in the contract, justified by the safety and operational benefits to Commissioning and operations personnel.

Pipework Colour Coding Fase: Construct Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Safety Lesson

The project benefited by simple pipe colour coding system (required to meet local regulatory requirements) combined with the line and direction markers. Good marking was a safety asset and assisted the commissioning and start-up teams. Line direction marking can be carried out by the Ops personnel as a familiarity project.


Specify a colour coding package in the contract. Take account of the safety and operational benefit to Commissioning and operations personnel.


International Deepwater FPSO Organisation

Antall lessons: 1 Commissioning requires a dedicated group of engineering, technicial personnel to

 o verify that the systems built comply with the design intent, o check that all the components have been put in place o make the appropriate adjustments, settings first fills etc. for the equipment to run as designed o make the minor fixes to get systems working correctly o perform all the above in a safe manner o implement a formal handover porocess from project to operations

A dedicated commissioning manager with funds and resources should also be established as soon as practical to influence the design to optimise the transition from contruction to commissioning and to build mechanical completion and commisisoning documentation.

Operations personnel should join the commissioning team (say 50% of the future crew) to ease the transition to steady state operations

Commissioning Philosophy Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Organisation Lesson

Commissioning Philosophy- there is a general belief that all equipment is handed over in pristine condition fully tested and in working order that the operations personnel have just to push a button to operate. This is far from the truth and a dedicated group of engineering, technician personnel are required to verify that the systems built comply with the design intent, all the components have been put in place for operation and that the operation meets the specification.


A dedicated commissioning manager with funds and resources should be established as soon as practical to start to influence the mechanical completion and Quality control process of the documentation.


International Deepwater FPSO Compression 2

Antall lessons: 1

 One Norwegian FPSO achieved Gas Compression start-up 7 days after first oil.  This was achieved through; o comprehensive pre-startup commissioning, o having a stable power generation system o running on simulated gas during commissioning and o hands-on and simulator operator training.

Rapid Gas Compression start-up 7 days after first oil Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Compression 2 Lesson

One FPSO achieved Gas Compression start-up 7 days after first oil. This is probably an industry record. This was achieved through comprehensive pre-startup commissioning work and operator training.


Gas plant commissioning should be fully completed before sailaway. Equipment should be run on load with simulated gas. Operations staff involvement with commissioning, use of plant tuning simulators also with a rapid start-up.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Planning

Antall lessons: 2

 The conversion yard was not fully familiar with the commissioning, examples are; o the inability to implement a safe system of work, o the lack of IT and documentation infrastructure o the inability to provide close proximity offices to the vessel o the inability to forecast the completion of sub systems for commissioning  Commissioning plans have to be integrated into the conversion yard scope and resources dedicated to their support

 The optimum time to depart the conversion yard is always difficult to establish and a strategy to allow flexibility to manage this date is invaluable  The departure criteria has to be fully understood by all and manpower and resources put in place to match the scope  For example it is essential to have all major MC workscope and high risk commissioning completed, equally it is essential to document all outstanding work at sailaway

Yard Sailaway Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson Conversion yard departure - the optimum time to depart the conversion yard is always difficult to establish. The criteria has to be fully understood by all and manpower and resources put in place to match the date. It was considered an additional two weeks would have given the topsides vendors enough time to complete outstanding MC work for commissioning.


Pull out all stops to get the full workscope completed in the conversion yard prior to sailaway. Sailaway is a important milestone and ensure project incentives are geared to full completion. It is also essential to have MC workscope progress fully documented.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25256 Commissioning Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Planning Lesson

Conversion yard Commissioning - the conversion yard was not fully familiar with the commissioning aspects of equipment which delayed the onset of the commissioning phase. This was due to the inability to implement a safe system of work, the lack of IT and documentation infrastructure and the inability to get close proximity offices to the vessel. Power Generation

Antall lessons: 2

 The option to load test at the conversion yard was dropped due to cost and schedule.  However the number of problems found made this a false economy; o fuel gas valve actuators failed, o diesel supply pump failed o inadequate diesel drain design, o load sharing adjustment issues, o poor termination of cables, o cabling with too tight a bend, o stator shorting out, with the machine requiring rebuild.  Given the importance of the main power system, testing against load banks in the integration yard should be an essential part of commissioning

Power Generation Load Testing Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Power Generation Lesson The power turbine generation sets had FAT`s carried out at the manufacturer. The option to load test at the conversion yard was not taken due to cost and schedule. The saving of $100,000 proved to be false economy, due to the problems encountered offshore. - fuel gas valve actuators, inadequate diesel drain design, load sharing issues, poor termination of cables, cabling with too tight a bend, stator problems shorting out the machine requiring rebuild.


Include full load test against load banks of the power generation skids in the FPSO integration yard as part of commissioning yard.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25264 Failure of current limiter device Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Power Generation Lesson

Power management testing on board the vessel resulted in the failure of the current limiter device. This acts as a fuse for the main electrical power ring. It took 2 months to replace this component delaying the move of the vessel offshore. As a result of earlier delays with the power generation equipment, this failure had a direct impact on the schedule as the power generation testing was on the critical path.


Ensure critical power generation components are checked as early as possible in the schedule to minimise the impact of failures.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Fuel supply lines

Antall lessons: 1

Cleaning of diesel fuel lines Fase: Commission Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Fuel supply lines Lesson

The diesel feed to the main power GE turbines required a very low particulate level which can normally only be achieved by extensive flushing and filtration. It took 4 months of flushing before this specification could finally be achieved. This had a severe impact on the commissioning of the 11KV system and power management systems. Anbefaling

Flushing of new lines is always difficult and when a high initial level of particulate is observed, chemical cleaning with a high rate flush should be attempted. Such a step takes time to set up in the short term, but is often justified in the longer term.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion Swivels

Antall lessons: 2

 Overall the performance of swivels on the 3 FPSOs has been good.  There have been no significant leaks, the only problems were two small leak failures and an explosion in the oil filled 11KV power tansfer swivel. This was due to water entering the insulation oil medium.  While major swivel seal repairs have not yet been required after 3 years, a methodology to simplify repair and seal repalcement is required.  At present a repair to a key seal may take upto 5 days.

Overall the performance of swivels on FPSOs Fase: Operate Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Swivels Lesson

Overall the performance of swivels on the 3 FPSOs has been good. There have been no significant leaks, the only major problem was two failures and an explosion in the oil filled 11KV power tansfer swivel. This was due to water entering the insulation oil medium.


Initial worries about swivel reliability have now been reduced. However, only one FPSO has continuous swivel movement (free turret) and this has only been in service two years, so long term wear concerns and repair methods remain untested.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12113 Design improvements for swivel repairs. Fase: Operate Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Swivels Lesson

While swivel repairs have not yet been required, a methodology to simplify repair and seal repalcement is required. At present a repair to a key seal may take upto 5 days. Anbefaling Kilde

OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 Produced Water Disposal

Antall lessons: 1

 Produced water with 20ppm oil content can create a visible sheen when discharged from an FPSO in still water.  This is in conflict with industry aspirations of mimimum environmental impact.  In comparison with platforms, one reason is the shallow level of discharge  Work is required into the emulisfication of produced oil in seawater and reasons for the formation of a free oil sheen.

Produced water with 20ppm oil content can create a sheen Fase: Operate Disiplin: Process Aktivitet: Produced Water Disposal Lesson

Produced water with 20ppm oil content ( within allowable limits) can create a sheen when discharged from an FPSO in still water. This is in conflict with industry aspirations of mimimum environmental impact.


Work is required into the emulisfication of produced oil in seawater and reasons for the formation of a free oil sheen. Studies should indicate an appropraite mitigation and provide guidelines on when it's use should be necessary.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002 FPSO facilities

Antall lessons: 9

The following should be considered in designing FPSO offloading facilities;

 All equipment, not directly used for the crude transfer, should be located in a safe area with regard to collision impact.  A rounded stern is an advantage. Only ballast tanks should be located in the hull at the stern.  Exhaust pipes or the flare tower should not be located in a potential impact area, and not be pointed directly towards the shuttle tanker.  Hose and hawser should be stored on reels with close relative positions. Hawser should be in the centre of the FPSO and allow for free running out.  Winch and control panel must be arranged to allow proper visibility/sight between operator and winch.  The hauser winch speed to be 30 - 50 m/min.  The Auxiliary winch for Spectron rope should be twice as fast as the hawser winch. ( 80 – 100 m/min)  A Crane should be arranged / be available for handling of hose/”cardang” onboard the FPSO.  Adequate floodlight must be provided in deck area, however, arranged to avoid “blinding” operational personnel both on the FPSO and the shuttle tanker.  Adequate capacity of nitrogen or inert gas to be available to displace loading hose to assist in its recovery

Tandem loading Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

During tandem loading interference between the FPSO and the shuttle tanker has occured. Due to the masses involved this may cause major damages to equipment and structures located on the stern of the FPSO.


All equipment, not directly used for the crude transfer, should be located in a safe area with regard to collision impact. A rounded stern is an advantage. Only ballast tanks should be located in the hull at the stern. Exhaust pipes should not be located in a potensial impact area, and not be pointed directly towards the shuttle tanker.


OLF/ FPSO group - participant

Lesson # 14183 Hawser winch speed Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Slow winch operation is a safety hazard.


Winch speed to be 30 - 50 m/min. (S/F)


OLF's FPSO experience transfer, Shuttle tanker project.

Lesson # 20738 Loading hose position and storage Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Loading hose off-centre at stern requires shuttle tanker to position off-centre for connection and disconnection of the loading hose. Shuttle tanker has to re-position in line with FPSO. To pull a hose from a chute requires 30 - 40 ton pulling force.


Hose and hawser should be stored on reels with close relative positions. Hawser should be in the centre of the FPSO.(S/F)


OLF's FPSO network - "Shuttle tanker project"

Lesson # 20781 Hawser reel position Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Existing offloading control stations do not provide free view of hose and coupling. This is particularly relevant where offloading hose is stored in chute.


Free visibility/view of hose must be arranged for operation/handling of loading hose. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network

Lesson # 21405 Loading hose handling Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Existing offloading control stations do not provide free view of hose and coupling. This is particularly relevant where offloading hose is stored in chute.


Free visibility/view of hose must be arranged for operation/handling of loading hose. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network

Lesson # 21489 Loading hose handling Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Auxiliary winch for Spectron rope to pull hose must be fast enough to pay out and recover rope.


Speed of winch should be twice as fast as the hawser winch. ( 80 – 100 m/min) (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21493 Loading hose handling Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Lacking crane on the stern (hawser and hose handling area) of vessel.


Crane should be arranged / be available for handling of hose/”cardang” onboard the FPSO. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21494 Loading hose handling Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Not adequate or lacking floodlight on deck /work area of FPSO and shuttle tanker.


Adequate floodlight must be provided in deck area, however, arranged to avoid “blinding” operational personnel both on the FPSO and the shuttle tanker.(F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanke project

Lesson # 21495 Nitrogen capacity Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: FPSO facilities Lesson

Lacking Nitrogen capacity makes it impossible/difficult to empty/displace the loading hose, or the operation becomes time consuming. Liquid in the hose adds extra weight and increased wear on hose and pull-in equipment.


Adequate capacity of nitrogen or inert gas to be available to displace loading hose. (F) (Capacity must also be available for other utilities)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Positioning

Antall lessons: 5

Due to problems with positioning control the following should be observed;

 Artemis, GPS and UHF antennas to be installed at the stern of the FPSO (without any signal obstructions).  Artemis antenna height to match with the corresponding antenna on the shuttle tanker.  GPS antennas could be used as gyro monitor, - provided optimal location (cannot replace gyro) and as high as possible.  DARPS UHF antennas to have free view to shuttle tanker  Note; Refelections from steel structures and crane operations can cause problems  Survey position (high accuracy of offsets) of DARPS antennas is important to avoid built-in position errors  Use of HPR should be replaced by a third “relative” system e.g. fan beam. (Artemis and DARPS)  Gyro not satisfactory. Incorrect gyro heading results in transverse offset of shuttle tanker.  Use three relative and independent systems for position reference

Underlying problem is the conflict due to different relative movements between vessels and sudden changes in FPSO heading.

FPSO should be able to postion/reposition and have adequate thruster capacity. Surge and heading control for FPSO are strongly recommended. (S/F) (Ref guidelines to PSA’s Activities regulations § 81)

Antenna position Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Positioning Lesson

Lacking understanding of the importance of positions of antennas. Reflections of signals from steel structures on the FPSO cause incorrect positioning references. GPS antenna position has led to interruptions during crane operations.


Artemis, GPS and UHF antennas to be installed at the stern of the FPSO (without any signal obstructions). Artemis antenna height to match with the corresponding antenna on the shuttle tanker. GPS antennas could be used as gyro monitor, - provided optimal location (cannot replace gyro). Position should be such that interference/obstruction with equipment onboard FPSO is avoided. GPS antennas as high as possible. DARPS UHF antennas to have free view to shuttle tanker.(S)


OLF's FPSO network "Shuttle tanker project"

Lesson # 20773 Position monitoring and reference Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Positioning Lesson

Use of HPR should be replaced by a third “relative” system e.g. fan beam. (Artemis and DARPS) Expensive maintenance of HPR transponders.


Use three “relative” (not geographical fixed) and independent systems for position reference. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21483 Gyro Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Positioning Lesson

Gyro not satisfactory. Incorrect gyro heading results in transverse offset of shuttle tanker.


Correct gyro heading is required on the FPSO. (S)

Kilde OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21484 Offset parameters Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Positioning Lesson

Inaccurate offset measurements (references) on board the FPSO can cause increased inaccuracies in relative position of the vessels.


Surveyed position (high accuracy of offsets) of DARPS antennas is important to ensure correct position and heading. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network

Lesson # 21485 FPSO positioning capabilities Fase: Design Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Positioning Lesson

Conflicts due to relative movements between vessels. Sudden change in FPSO heading.


FPSO should be able to postion/reposition and have adequate thruster capacity. Surge and heading control for FPSO are strongly recommended. (S/F) (Ref guidelines to PSA’s Activities regulations § 81)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Shuttle tanker Procedures

Antall lessons: 6

It is Challenging for sthe huttle tanker crew to have to “administer” different procedure formats and requirements from a number of field operators.

 It is advantageous to achieve common procedures. Even though field specific procedures are required, it is desireable the format of procedures are similar

The following comments are made to improve operational procedures;  The shuttle tanker does not have adequate power for positioning in all conditions. The procedure should call for 20 minutes waiting to verify relative movements/position between vessels.  Offloading of supply boat simultaneously with shuttle tanker loading operation is a safety hazard.  Use of tug during shuttle tanker approach, connection and loading creates undesired forces on the shuttle tanker’s DP- software.  Standby vessels are often not equipped with adequate radio equipment.  Standby boat sharing is leading to longer lead time to get standby vessel. ideal notice requirement is 10 mins  All vessels involved in the operation within a given area must have radio equipment allowing communication on a dedicated (UHF) channel.

Loading procedures Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Shuttle tanker Procedures Lesson

Challenging for shuttle tanker crew to “administer” different procedure formats and requirements from a number of field operators.


Advantageous to achieve common procedures. Even though field specific procedures are required, it will be desired that format of procedures are identical. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network

Lesson # 21502 Loading procedures Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Shuttle tanker Procedures Lesson

The shuttle tanker has not adequate power available for positioning due to weather and environmental impact on FPSO versus shuttle tanker.


Procedure to allow 20 minutes waiting approx. 500 meters from FPSO, to verify relative movements/position between vessels. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21503 Loading procedures Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Shuttle tanker Procedures Lesson Offloading of supply boat simultaneously with shuttle tanker loading operation is a safety hazard; supply boat problems might cause supply boat to drift towards the shuttle tanker.


Avoid loading of supply boat simultaneously with shuttle tanker loading operation. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21504 Loading procedures Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Shuttle tanker Procedures Lesson

Use of tug during shuttle tanker approach, connection and loading creates undesired forces on the shuttle tanker’s DP- model.


To use tug connected to DP operated shuttle tanker must be avoided. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21505 Loading procedures Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Shuttle tanker Procedures Lesson

Standby vessels not equipped with adequate radio equipment.


All vessels involved in the operation within a given area must have radio equipment allowing communication on dedicated (UHF) channels. (S/F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21506 Standby vessel Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Shuttle tanker Procedures Lesson Area contingency arrangement is leading to longer lead time to get standby vessel.


Standby vessel, with sufficient towing capability, available on short notice (10 min) during any loading operation. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Hose/Hawser handling

Antall lessons: 8

The following comments relate to the hauser and loading hose;

 Hawser lengths from FPSO/FSU's vary. Recommended messenger arrangement: is 50 meters 2" - 50 meters 7" - 100 meters 13". (Subject that shuttle tanker is positioned approx. 80 meters from FPSO/FSU.)  To reduce wear and ease handling. use ropes such as spectron, dextron or similar synthetic ropes, including protective “sock”, and standardise use of shackles.  Shackle between the “lifting ring” on the hose termination piece and the suspension line shackle, jams hose from connecting properly on shuttle tanker. (All seems well, but minute gap between hose and coupling prevents “green light”).  Correct positioning of shuttle tanker relative to the FPSO hose position is important during connection. This may be solved with central location of the hose reel  If loading hose is too heavy and lowered too deep into the sea, the valve may open and allow sea water to enter hose which then becomes very heavy for handling. Ensure hose remains fully displaced to nitrogen.  It is sometimes difficult to observe shuttle tanker from control cabin. Visibility in loading station control cabin sometimes be poor due to sunlight - consider fitting blinds

Hawser length Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Hawser lengths from FPSO/FSU's varies.


Hawser must provide safe distance of 100 meters. (S)

Kilde OLF FPSO experience transfer group - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 20662 Messenger length Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Length of messenger line (too long) causes time-consuming operations.


Recommended messenger arrangement: 50 meters 2" - 50 meters 7" - 100 meters 13". (Subject that shuttle tanker is positioned approx. 80 meters from FPSO/FSU.) (S/F)


OLF's FPSO network "Shuttle tanker project".

Lesson # 20771 Loading hose handling Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Suspension and hose bridle wires are heavy and difficult to handle. Wire causes excessive wear on equipment. Assemblies consisting of different sizes and components with different diameters/shapes result in difficult handling onboard the shuttle tanker.


Should use ropes such as spectron, dextron or similar synthetic ropes, including protective “sock”. The assemblies should be designed to be handled on winches and sheaves. Better design in opening for recovery of hose handling gear and/or elimination of shackles. Standardized use of shackles. (S/F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21487 Loading hose handling Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Shackle between the “lifting ring” on the hose termination piece and the suspension line shackle jams hose from connecting properly on shuttle tanker. (All seems well, but minute gap between hose and coupling prevents “green light”).

Anbefaling Design/arrangement must avoid shackle interference when making up the connection. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network

Lesson # 21488 Loading hose handling Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Problems in connecting hose when shuttle tanker is not directly behind FPSO. The problem is experienced where hawser is in center of FPSO and loading hose is off- center (to starboard or port)


Correct positioning of shuttle tanker relative to the FPSO hose position is important during connection. This may be solved with optimal position and method of storing the loading hose. (By example at center of FPSO on a reel.) (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network

Lesson # 21490 Loading hose handling Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

If loading hose is too heavy and lowered too deep into the sea, the valve may open and allow sea water to enter hose which then becomes very heavy for handling.


Loading hose must be displaced by nitrogen/inert gas prior to being retrieved. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21491 Loading hose handling Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Lacking access for maintenance of loading hose.

Anbefaling Adequate access and work platforms must be arranged to allow safe maintenance of all equipment, including hose termination piece. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21492 Loading hose handling Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Hose/Hawser handling Lesson

Sometimes difficult to observe shuttle tanker from control cabin. Visibility in loading station control cabin sometimes poor due to sunlight.


Important to have good visibility to the shuttle tanker. Adequate curtains to be used to provide sun blinds. (F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Performance record

Antall lessons: 3

Overall, FPSO/Shuttle tanker offloading has been very successful.

 Only two incidents occurred out of approx 1000 offloadings - one high potential contact and minor incident with rope round the thruster.  Incidents of missed loadings due to weather have also been very few.

Improvements can still be made;

 improvements to hose care when sliding in and out of the shute,  better procedures for handling the messenage line  identifiation of critical components for maintenance/sparing  better communication and cross training betwen ST and FPSO

Normally the shuttle tanker is instructed to tender at 0000 hrs. Starting loading at midnight means ending the loading at midnight åplacing the highest risk activities at night.

 Can tenders start from 12.00 each day? Taut hawser may be an alternative under certain weather conditions, however, use of DP is the preferred alternative, but this requires heading control abilities (thrusters) on the FPSO.

FPSO/Shuttle tanker offloading has been very successful Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Performance record Lesson

FPSO/Shuttle tanker offloading has been very successful. Only two incidents occurred out of approx 1000 offloadings - one high potential contact when some structural damage was sustained near the flare tower and minor incident with rope round the thruster. Incidents of missed loadings due to weather have also been very few.


Lessons learned include the need to identify contact zones at the rear of the FPSO to ensure damage escalation risk is minimised, improvements to hose care when sliding in and out of the shute, better procedures for handling the messenage line and identifiation of critical components for maintenance/sparing.


OLF Lessons Learned survey of 4 Norwegian FPSOs conducted April 2002

Lesson # 12121 Taut hawser Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Performance record Lesson

Stricter weather limitations for offloading operations when using taut hawser compared to DP.


Taut hawser may be an alternative under given weather conditions, however, use of DP represent an alternative with greater flexibility with regards to weather conditions (higher sea state for DP operations compared to taut hawser). Such arrangement requires heading control abilities (thrusters) on the FPSO. Decision must be considered on an economic basis. (S/F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21481 Tender time Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Performance record Lesson Normally the shuttle tanker is instructed to tender at 0000 hrs. Starting loading at midnight means ending the loading at midnight. This might be an unnecessary safety hasard. It should not be necessary to present vessel on location to wait due to “harsh” weather or lacking available cargo.


Tendering time and position should be considered for daylight operations, and waiting/stand by should be allowed in “sheltered” waters. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Monitoring and Comms

Antall lessons: 4

 Need better understanding and view, onboard the FPSO as to the shuttle tanker position and heading.  Recommend “remote position monitoring system” and alarms onboard the FPSO to allow the FPSO to have information on distance and heading of the shuttle tanker.  Too many alarms occur on the FPSOs during loading reducing crews confidence to the systems.  Need to look at sound proofing and improving radio communication betwen crews on the ST and FPSO due to noise from hydraulic equipment, - difficult to hear clearly.

Communcation and manning Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Monitoring and Comms Lesson

Audible disturbance on the shuttle tanker when communicating with FPSO, noise from hydraulic equipment, - difficult to hear clearly.


Availability of radio equipment for good communication between vessels. Sound proofing of equipment. (F)


OLF FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21475 Communication and manning Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Monitoring and Comms Lesson

Too many alarms during loading result in lacking confidence to the systems. Anbefaling

Ensure high quality instrumentation and alarm system with proper settings/threshold values to eliminate undesired alarms. (F)


OLF FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21476 Position monitoring and reference Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Monitoring and Comms Lesson

Better understanding, and view, onboard the FPSO as to the shuttle tanker position and heading. Need to improve observation of relative position between FPSO and shuttle tanker.


Installation of “remote position monitoring system” onboard the FPSO to allow the FPSO to have information on distance and heading of the shuttle tanker. Alarms should be installed onboard the FPSO in connection with such monitoring system. (S)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21482 ESD1/ESD2 Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Monitoring and Comms Lesson

The use of ESD1/ESD2 has caused extensive investigations from the oil companies, causing reluctance from shuttle tanker crew to use this mode.


Activating ESD1/ESD2 should not give rise to consequences or reactions; - the reporting must be accepted as a “normal” or necessary operation and subsequent investigation is required to reveal cause and ensure experience transfer. (S/F).


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project Competence

Antall lessons: 3 There may be a lack of competence onboard the FPSO to fully understand the shuttle tanker operations.

 Examples of problems include; o difficulty to get a response when needed eg. - during loading - to discuss shuttle tanker/FPSO relative positions - o to communicate common challenges and review available information o general lacking of joint contingency training.  Recommend workshop/seminars (field/vessel visits) to communicate understanding of procedures, responsibilities and tasks.  Recommend that common emergency/contingency training be arranged between operator, shuttle tanker, and charterer and FPSO crews.  Request that shuttle DP operators can train/practice while waiting for loading. This requires that FPSO makes position references available and provide permission for shuttle tanker to practice

Competence Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Competence Lesson

Lacking competence onboard the FPSO to fully understand the shuttle tanker operations.


There should be competence on the FPSO available at any time to respond when shuttle tanker operations may require mutual response. Typical examples: - during loading - shuttle tanker/FPSO relative positions - to communicate common challenges - to judge available information (S/F)


OLF's FPSO network "Shuttle tanker prooject"

Lesson # 20772 Training and contingency Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Competence Lesson

General impression is lacking knowledge and understanding of shuttle tanker challenges among FPSO crew. Lacking joint contingency training.


Arrange workshop/seminars (field/vessel visits) to communicate common understanding of procedures, responsibilities and tasks. Recommend that common emergency/contingency training be arranged between operator, shuttle tanker, and charterer and FPSO crews. (S)

Kilde OLF FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21470 Training and contingency Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Competence Lesson

DP2000 developed a program (DP-CAP – Competence Assurance and Practice) for shuttle DP operators to train/practice while waiting for loading. FPSO makes position references available and provide permission for shuttle tanker to practice; this has been well received by shuttle tanker crews.


Further use of this system is desirable, and FPSO management should provide necessary support. (S)


OLF FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttletanker project. Maintenance

Antall lessons: 3

 There is often uncertainty regarding reporting of equipment damage or substandard equipment. The methodology for this needs to be improved and formalised  Certain installations have experienced incidents with hydraulic hose failure on the hose coupler. Failures can occur on both the shuttle tanker and FPSO/FSO  Visual checks on the above to be carried out prior to and after any cargo operation and protection fitted  Cardang swivel seals are exposed to significant number of dynamic motion over the fields life, Lack of maintenance, i.e. missing grease, will reduce seal and bearing life and increase risk of crude oil leak.  To ensure that greasing is performed with regular intervals (prior to each offloading may be required) an arrangement for easy access for greasing should be fitted.

Equipment damage - Quality control Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Maintenance Lesson

Unclear/lacking communication with respect to reporting equipment damage or substandard equipment. Discussions between shuttle tanker and FPSO regarding responsiblity for equipment damage.

Anbefaling Improved reporting of equipment failure/damage prior to and after completion of loading operations. Field operator to follow up departure report and ensure appropriate corrective action. (S/F)


OLF - FPSO experience transfer network - Shuttle tanker project

Lesson # 21498 Bow loading systems Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Maintenance Lesson

ChevronTexaco installations have experienced incidents with hydraulic hose failure on the hose coupler. Failures can occur on both the shuttle tanker and FPSO/FSO.


- Visual checks to be carried out prior to and after any cargo operation - 3 monthly close up inspection and testing of hydraulic system - All fittings for hydraulic hoses to be covered with "Denso-tape" or similar protection - Where chaffing has been identified, hydraulic hoses to be protected, i.e. by fitting a piece of "butterworth" hose over as protection. - Any change of hoses and inspections to be recorded in vessel's PMS.


Jim Hughes - ChevronTexaco

Lesson # 21509 Cardang for stern offloading hose Fase: Operate Disiplin: Offloading Aktivitet: Maintenance Lesson

A FPSO with a offloading hose is normally arranged with a cardang link at the FPSO end to permit free hanging of the hose. The cardang is fitted with two swivels for free rotation of the hose in two directions. The swivel seals are exposed to significant number of dynamic motion over the fields life, depending on offloading frequency. Lack of maintenance, i.e. missing grease, will reduce seal and bearing life and increase risk of crude oil leak. Seal change-out and replacement of the swivels are costly.


Access to grease nipples may be difficult due to the location of the swivels outside the stern of the ship. To ensure that greasing is performed with regular intervals (prior to each offloading may be required) an arrangement for easy access for greasing should be fitted. If swivel with the nipples are located outside the reach from the deck, grease point extension (by tubing to each nipple) should be considered. Kilde

Norwegian FPSO with a stern loading hose Contracts

Antall lessons: 6

 It is in the interest of all to ensure that the bid receipt to award is as short a time span as possible.  A protracted bid review and clarification is not beneficial. Key personnel may be lost, external factors may change the premise of the bid with the subsequent loss of momentum. Target evaluation and award planning of 10 weeks should be manageable for any FPSO project.  Highly sensitive information is being reviewed in any bid situation. The more sensitive information should only be reviewed and disclosed by a small number responsible personnel. It is helpful to select a location away from the office where dedicated teams can work on the bid without interruption.  The scenarios of lease v buy for any FPSO will be primarily contingent upon the fiscal arrangements in the host country at the time and the availability of capital.  Transferring capital risk to the contractor at the outset of a project may cause delays due to his requirement to source finance.  The scenario of lease v buy for an operations contract is complex. The ownership of equipment and responsibility for repair and restoration are two factors which have a different cost and risk picture. So, two different Operations contract packages should be issued  Ownership of assets and facilities has large tax liabilities. This is more prevalent in developing countries where asset ownership has large fiscal implications. Insurance factors also have to be considered - in developing countries self insurance is an advantage  In bids where lease and buy options over field life are included the bid should clearly state which systems are included in the options.  In all countries the legal framework for lease and or purchase has to be covered in the articles. This can make the contract more difficult to put in place and clarification has to be allowed  The prime contractor issued PO`s soon after contract award on the basis of draft data sheets. The vendors submitted quotes with various options which were rejected due to the forthcoming issue of a project general specification.  The late issuing of the spec meant that valuable time was lost in the completion of the purchase orders and the costs of the auxiliary services were higher than the initial equipment supplier offers.

Bid Receipt to Letter of Intent and Contract Award Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson Bid Receipt to Letter of Intent and Contract Award - It is in the interest of all to ensure that the bid receipt to award is as short a time span as possible. A protracted bid review and clarification is not in the interest of both parties. Key personnel may be lost, external factors may change the premise of the bid with the subsequent loss of momentum and loss of trust. It is incumbent on the oil companies to have a clear process of handling external issues which arise from the bids. Target evaluation and award planning of 10 weeks should be easily managed for any FPSO project.


A structured approach to bid analysis has to be set out prior to the bids being sent out. This approach should include all stakeholders i.e.fiscal, tax, operations, country stakeholder management, technical, commercial, legal, business development, partners to ensure all issues are covered in a systematic process. This has to be a project management team driven rigorous process to maintain the pace of decision making as required throughout the whole project. A failure here could represent future difficulties in meeting targets.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25199 Bid Receipt to Letter of Intent and Contract Award Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Bid Receipt to Letter of Intent and Contract Award - Highly sensitive information is being reviewed in any bid situation. Security of this information is imperative. The more sensitive information should only be reviewed and disclosed by a small number responsible personnel.


The recommendation is to select a location away from the office where dedicated teams can work on the bid without interruptions or interference. This not only maintains a high level of security but also enables a higher probability for the bid review schedule target to be met.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25200 Lease v Buy Facilities Contract Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Lease v Buy Facilities Contract - the scenarios of lease v buy for any FPSO will be primarily contingent upon the fiscal arrangements in the host country at the time and the availability of capital. Transferring capital risk to the contractor at the outset of a project may cause delays due to his requirement to source finance. Throughout the life of FPSO projects the facilities ownership may change hands a number of times. The subsea facilities are predominately oil company owned.


In bids where lease and buy options over field life are included the bid should clearly state which systems are included in the options. This clarity can then be more easily analysed and responded on. In all countries the legal framework for lease and or purchase has to be covered in the articles. This makes the contract more difficult to put in place and longer period for evaluation and clarification has to be allowed.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25201 Lease v Buy Tax Implications Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Lease v Buy Facilities Contract - the scenarios of lease v buy for any FPSO will be primarily contingent upon the fiscal arrangements in the host country at the time and the availability of capital. Transferring capital risk to the contractor at the outset of a project may cause delays due to his requirement to source finance. Throughout the life of FPSO projects the facilities ownership may change hands a number of times. The subsea facilities are predominately oil company owned.


In bids where lease and buy options over field life are included the bid should clearly state which systems are included in the options. This clarity can then be more easily analysed and responded on. In all countries the legal framework for lease and or purchase has to be covered in the articles. This makes the contract more difficult to put in place and longer period for evaluation and clarification has to be allowed.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25202 Delay in issuing Project General Specifications Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Delay in issuing Project General Specifications - the prime contractor issued PO`s soon after contract award on the basis of draft data sheets. The vendors submitted quotes with various options i.e. spares, commissioning support, documentation. These were rejected due to the forthcomimg issue of a project general specification. The late issuing of the spec meant that valuable time was lost in the completion of the purchase orders and the costs of the auxiliary services were higher than the initial equipment supplier offers. This then resulted in cost increases and many missed follow up opportunities in the subsequent project phases.


A procurement strategy be established in the first month of the contract which includes the definition of General Specifications for all Equipment suppliers. This should include Operations requirements.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25204 Lease v Buy Operations Contract Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Lease v Buy Operations Contract - the scenarios of lease v buy for an operations contract is infinitely more complex than would first appear. The ownership of equipment and responsibility for repair and restoration are two large factors which have a different cost and risk picture depending upon the lease or purchase route. This leads to a large degree of ambiguity.


Two different operations contracts should be put in place for the two scenarios of operation of a company owned FPSO and a contractor owned FPSO. This will them enable the differentiation of the roles, responsibilities of the contractor to be accurately determined.


International Deepwater FPSO Budget

Antall lessons: 3

A number of lessons were learned regarding setting up and managing budgets

 The diverse nature of project costs across numerous contractors and disciplines is a major challenge in budget allocation. Allocation and forecasting tended to be more clouded where contingencies were used and even more complicated where risked numbers i.e. P70 were used.  For allocation and reporting of budgets to the management team info should be based on raw data of the proposed or actual costs.  External costs which are difficult to control i.e. FOREX, tax, insurance corporate overhead etc. should be managed separately as "below the line" items  Different teams used different processes for the management of budget risks particularly where scope changes were made. This led to an inconsistency within the management reporting process  The major use of this information should be to identify areas of exposure and thus the requirement for increased management control.

Budget Allocation and Reporting Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Budget Lesson

The diverse nature of project costs across numerous contractors and disciplines is a major challenge in budget allocation. Budget allocation and forecasting tended to be more clouded where contingencies were used and even more complicated where risked numbers i.e. P70 were used.


For allocation and reporting of budgets to the management team info should be based on raw data of the proposed or actual costs. No contingency or risked numbers should be included. This makes the reallocation of costs due to scope changes easier.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25205 Budget Control Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Budget Lesson

External costs which are difficult to control i.e. FOREX, tax, insurance corporate overhead etc. should be managed separately as below the line items.


A process for management of the soft external (non controllable) costs common to most of the teams should be put in place. These figures confuse budget targets which management and the teams have to report against.


International Deepwater FPSO

Lesson # 25206 Budget Risk and Contingency Fase: Select Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Budget Lesson Different teams used different processes for the management of budget risks particularly where scope changes were made. This led to an inconsistency within the management reporting process which later in the project took an increased amount of management time to resolve.


A process for the allocation of contingency and risked budgets is required. The major use of this information should be to identify areas of exposure and thus the requirement for increased management control.


International Deepwater FPSO Accounting

Antall lessons: 2

 It is important to delegate financial responsibility and accountability to the individual managers to allow them to take full accountability for their individual project activities.  Processing invoices in a timely manner on a global project basis with management moving between multiple locations, requires a centralised financial system for coding, scanning and forwarding system for endorsement and approval.  Utilisation of electronic systems gives the ability to transmit invoices for approval globally in a timely manner. The individual managers can then take greater responsibility for and direct control of their particular work activities

Invoice Payment and Processing Fase: Design Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Accounting Lesson

Invoice Payment and Processing - Processing invoices in a timely manner on a global project basis with management moving between multiple locations, requires a centralised financial system for coding, scanning and forwarding system for endorsement and approval.


Utilisation of electronic systems gives the ability to transmit invoices for approval globally in a timely manner. The individual managers can then take greater responsibility for and direct control of their particular work activities.


International Deepwater FPSO Lesson # 25197 Management Accounting and Invoice Approval Fase: Design Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Accounting Lesson

Management Accounting and Invoice Approval - it is important to delegate financial responsibility and accountability to the individual managers to allow them to take full accountability for their individual project activities.


Budget definition is required at the commencement of each phase to account code level for each manager. The use of electronic systems for both online cost tracking and invoice approval is also required.


International Deepwater FPSO Contracts

Antall lessons: 1

 Delay in Contract Signature by Major Contractor explains a 2 month delay in commencement of work to allow for conversion work when the FPSO arrived.  This initial delay had a knock on effect to the overall schedule. It was subsequently found that the delay was to combine contracts for two vessels. The cost savings however were insignificant compared to the clients loss of NPV value.  The contractors attempts to save pennies can cost the operator pounds.  All potential synergies of contracting should be tempered against the associated benefits and risks, and reviewed openly at top management level

Delay in Contract Signature by Major Contractor Fase: Construct Disiplin: Commercial Aktivitet: Contracts Lesson

Delay in Contract Signature by Major Contractor - Large delays in follow on signatures in the contracts awarded by the major contractor can be attributed to a 2 month delay in commencement of preparation activities and work to allow for an immediate commencement of conversion work when the FPSO arrived. This initial delay definitely had a knock on effect to the work. It was subsequently found that the delay was to combine contracts for two vessels. The cost savings however were insignificant cf the NPV value of the overall delay to the project.


The contractors attempts to save pennies can cost the operator pounds. Such schemes, with increased contractual complexity should be abandoned as foolhardy. All potential synergies of contracting should be tempered against the associated benefits and risks, and reviewed at top management level.


International Deepwater FPSO Power generation

Antall lessons: 1

Design error with turbine generator sizing Fase: Design Disiplin: Topsides Aktivitet: Power generation Lesson

The dual fuel 22.5 megawatt low emission turbine driven engine failed its load shedding test at high rates. A design error had resulted in insufficient generator inertia so the project has to replace the generator with a different model which took 6 months. As well as delaying delivery and commissioning this had an immediate impact on the topside heavy lift schedule which then had to be completed in two phases and also resulted in work being completed on the vessel and not under cover as planned.


Discipline reviews should have identified this problem. Ensure for such a critical system that an independent review by an experienced specialist is always carried out.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion F&G and ESD

Antall lessons: 1

F&G design completion Fase: Design Disiplin: Topsides Aktivitet: F&G and ESD Lesson

The Fire and Gas and the ESD system were both poorly developed and tested before being installed on the vessel. This resulted in ongoing development of the safety systems on board the vessel while attempting to commission them at the same time which led to prolonged commissioning with much of the work having to be re-done several times.

Anbefaling A completed F&G and ESD design should be completed in plenty time to be able to test the system during the FAT rather than still producing major changes once the system was installed. This would also reduce the change control burden onsite and implicit delays.


NW Europe FPSO Conversion

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