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Great Basin College Radiology Technology Program Spring 2013 RAD124B (Live class with internet enhancement)
COURSE: Radiographic Photography and Technique 3 credits INSTRUCTOR: Cherie Jaques Contact Information: Office: (775)753-2019 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday 9-11am, and Wednesday 12noon-3:00pm.
Catalog Description:
This course will cover processing of the radiographic image, from darkroom to computerized radiography. The principles and practices with manipulation of exposure factors to obtain acceptable image quality will be discussed at length. Prerequisites: Admission to the Radiology Technology Program and enrollment into all the concurrent semester program courses.
Course Learning Outcomes:
(Referenced American Society of Radiology Technology Curriculum Guide) Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1. Analyze radiographic density and contrast on images. 2. Apply radiography settings for quality images. 3. Apply image densities for acceptable quality. 4. Critique radiographic images for quality, appropriate image density, appropriate long and short scale contrast, artifacts and for good detail. 5. Define distortion, umbra, focal spot blur and exposure latitude. 6. Describe applications for beam-limiting devices. 7. Describe scattered and secondary radiation. 8. Compare different types of grids and their possible effects on image quality. 9. Explain and discuss elements of a diagnostic image, role of the imager, method for obtaining a quality image and identify what affects image quality. 10. Define technical factors and problems that affect image quality. 11. Critique images for appropriate technical and quality factors. 12. Be able to correct technical and procedural problems. 13. Be able to identify anatomy on image and correct placement if needed.
Assessment will be obtained weekly on skills covered by online testing, workbook completion, and class room exercises. There will be a final competency test, also. **NOTE: All chapters relate to all the learner outcomes. The chapters are just separated into body parts, but you still review each of the learner outcomes weekly.
Textbooks Required:
Radiographic Image Analysis and workbook by Kathy McQuillen Martenson ISBN# 978-1-4377-0336-8
Course Related Policies:
1. Attendance: GBC general attendance policies will be observed. Please reference GBC general catalog for general attendance policy. If classes are missed, students assignment due dates are still in effect. All tests must be made up before the next class period with prior teacher approval. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor to make arrangements for any missed work or tests. 2. Any classroom work completed the day of absence can’t be made up.
Class Expectations:
1. All students are expected to be active participants in the classroom. 2. All students are expected to display respect of fellow students and of the instructor. 3. All students are encouraged to seek additional materials from the library, media and the internet to share with the class. 4. All students are expected to have computer access, since all courses in the Radiology Technology program are internet enhanced.
Disability Statement:
GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advior is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer(Julie Byrnes) at 775-753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.
Instructional Methods:
Teaching methods will include lecture, group discussions, learning exercises, class participation exercises, demonstrations and examinations. A variety of other techniques may be used to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) From time to time throughout the course, selected assignments completed by you may be made available for public display. Should this cause you concern, please indicate to me in writing that you do not wish to have any of your work so displayed.
Grading Criteria:
All students must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or above to continue in the radiology program. A minimum grade of a “C”(750 points) is required in the radiology program, as well as, non radiology course work that applies toward the Associate of Applied Science Radiology Technology Program.
POINTS EARNED GRADE (1000 points possible) 1000-940 points A 939-900 A- 899-870 B+ 869-840 B 839-800 B- 790-770 C+ 769-750 C 749-700 C- 699-600 D Below 599 F
Late Policy:
For each day an assignment is late, 1 point will be deducted from the total grade for that assignment. Example: If it is not completed when checked it will be checked the following week, so 7 points would be deducted.
1. Workbook worth 240 points(12 Chapters x 20 points each). The workbook is quite detailed; do not leave it until the last moment. If the chapter is not completed at the time of instructor review, 5 points will be deducted. 2. Quizzes(available online) worth 360 points(12 Chapters x 30 points each) of grade. Test corrections will be allowed for these quizzes. 3. Image/Pathology Research worth 100 points. 4. One, two-part final exam worth 300 points of grade. Part one will be multiple choice(150 points), part two will be evaluating images(150 points). There will be no test corrections allowed for the final exam.
Assignment Point Summary: Assignments Points Possible Workbook Completion 240 Online Quizzes 360 Image/Pathology Research 100 Final 300 Total 1000 Assignment Weekly Summary Week Topic Assessment Assignment Due Dates 1 Chapter 1-Guidelines 1-13 1. Read Chapter 1, Ch. 1 Workbook. Jan 23 for Image Analysis 2 Finish Chapter 1. 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 1. Jan 30 2. Read Chapter 2, Ch. 2 Workbook.
3 Chapter 2 1-13 1. Complete Workbook for Chapter 1& 2. Feb 6 Digital Radiography 2. Do online quiz for Chapter 2. Online/No Live 3. Read Chapter 3. class this week 4 Chapter 3 1-13 1. Ch. 3 Workbook Feb 13 Chest and Abdomen 2. Do online quiz for Chapter 3. 3. Read Chapter 4. 5 Chapter 4 1-13 1. Workbook for Chapter 3 and 4. Feb 20 Upper Extremity 2. Read Chapter 5.
6 Finish Chapter 4 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 4. Feb 27 Upper Extremity 2. Read Chapter 5. 7 Chapter 5 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 5. Mar 6 Shoulder 2. Do workbook for Chapter 5. 3. Read Chapter 6. 8 Chapter 6 1-13 1. Do workbook for Chapter 6. Mar 13 Lower Extremity 9 Finish Chapter 6 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 6. Mar 20 Lower Extremity 2. Read Chapter 7. SPRING BREAK 10 Chapter 7 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 7. Apr 3 Hip and Pelvis 2. Do workbook for Chapter 7. 3. Read Chapter 8. 11 Chapter 8 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 8. Apr 10 Cervical and Thoracic 2. Do workbook for Chapter 8. Vertebrae 3. Read Chapter 9.
12 Chapter 9 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 9. Apr 17 Lumbar Vertebrae, 2. Do workbook for Chapter 9. Sacrum, and Coccyx 3. Read Chapter 10.
13 Chapter 10 1-13 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 10 and 11. Apr 24 Sternum and Ribs 2. Do workbook for Chapter 10 and 11. Chapter 11 3. Read Chapter 12. Cranium
14 Chapter 12 1. Do online quiz for Chapter 12. May1 Digestive System 2. Do workbook for Chapter 12. 3. Image/Pathology Research. You will be assigned a Chapter for anatomy from the book. Please see rubric in this syllabus. 15 Pathology Review 1-13 Study for final. May 8 16 Final online Test Online multiple choice due by Midnight, May 16 1-13 Monday, May 13. RAD124B IMAGE and PATHOLOGY EVALUATION RUBRIC
Minimum Standard Requirements Excellent Good Adequate Weak Unacceptable 10-9 points 8-6 points 5-4 points 3-1 points 0 points Content: 1. Did the student bring an image presentation to class to present within the guidelines assigned to them? Example: Is it the correct anatomy? A. Tell class what the image is. B. Tell class why you choose it. C. Give history of the case. -10 points possible 2. Did the student perform a image analysis using the worksheet from Chapter 1. (This is to be handed in to the instructor.) -10 points possible 3. Did the student explain the results for the image analysis? A. How is the technique? B. Is it s a good image? C. If it isn’t a good image, how would they improve it. Is it repeatable. D. Is all the anatomy on the image? E. Are there any fog, distortion or artifacts on the image? -10 points possible 4. Did the student discuss the pathology represented on the image? Needs to include: A. What is the pathology? B. Explain the pathology. C. Is the pathology additive or subtractive? D. How did the pathology develop? -10 points possible 5. References: A. Must have 3 references. This may include the course book. If you are including the course book page reference must be identified. (A page of your references in MLA format must be turned in.) -10 points possible Organization and Presentation:
1. Information and presentation is very organized with clear titles -10 points possible 2. Presentation should be approximately 5-10 minutes long. Not less than 5 or more than 10. -10 points possible 3. The presentation is clear. Student defines pathology and image. Includes all the required information. References should be identified in presentation by using direct quotes. -10 points possible 4. Student speaks in a clear, loud, and confident voice. Easily understood. -10 points possible 5. Presenter looks profession in school uniform. -10 points possible Things to be handed in to instructor: 1. Completed Chapter 1 worksheet for image Analysis. 2. Copy of the images used in presentation. 3. Reference page.
Overall Evaluation Comments:
Total points 1-100=
Three(3) hours in class and online testing hours per week-expect 3 hours of homework per week.
Please Note: Above syllabus may be changed any time to appropriately cover all needed material. The syllabus is a guide and not a contract.