Month/Season: May Class: Primary 2/3 Level: First

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Month/Season: May Class: Primary 2/3 Level: First

RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3

Month/Season: May Class: Primary 2/3 Level: First

Themes: 1. May is the Month of Mary 2. The Joyful Mysteries 3. The Mass

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish

Hours of God I can participate in the creation Class: Teacher explains to the class that the month of May has the Statue or Pictures of a prayer space in honour of liturgical colour of green and asks the children to help in dressing the of Mary Mary in my classroom – especially class altar with a green cloth. Teacher places a statue or a picture of Green Altar Cloth RERC 1‐15a in Advent and during the months Mary on the altar and explains to the children that the month of May is a As I kneel Before of May and October. special month of the year when we pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus. You Lyrics I can honour Mary as Teacher leads the class in praying an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be Mother of Jesus and to the Father around the May Altar. Our Mother. I can share why we honour her. Class: Teacher explains to the class that there are lots of hymns in Internet honour of Mary that are sung during the month of May. Teacher begins As I kneel Before Children know that to teach the class the hymn As I kneel Before You (words attached to You Workbook May is a special month planner). Available at: Art Materials when we honour Mary.

Class: Children colour in the front cover of their As I kneel Before You Workbook.

Class: Teacher explains to the class that Mary is often called other names and asks the children for examples e.g. Our Lady, Mother of Jesus, Images of Mary Teacher tells the children that Mary is often called the Queen of Heaven and is also known as Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May, Queen of all Saints and Queen of the Rosary.

Teacher shows the children some paintings of Mary in her fore mentioned roles (attached to planner) and discusses them with the children. Why do you think Mary is given the title of Queen? What does a queen normally do? Who does Mary rule over? Do you think Mary is a good Queen?

1 RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3

Class: Children are given the opportunity to paint their own picture of Paper Children can recognise Mary as a Queen. Art Materials images and icons of Mary. Class: Teacher continues to teach the class the hymn As I Kneel Before You and the children read and colour the following page of their As I Kneel Before you Workbook: As I kneel before you.

Class: Teacher shows the class rosary beads and reminds the children that The Rosary is a special prayer to Mary. When we pray The Rosary we pray an Our father, ten Hail Marys and a Glory be to the Father. Rosary Beads Teachers show the children the beads and cross on the rosary beads and How to Pray the demonstrates how to use them and hold them when saying The Rosary. Rosary Worksheet Teacher gathers the class around the May Altar and prays The First Joyful Mystery- The Annunciation.

Class: Children read and colour How to Pray the Rosary Worksheet.

Class: Teacher continues to teach the class the hymn As I Kneel Before You and the children read and colour the following page of their As I Kneel Before you Workbook: As I bow my head in prayer.

Class: Teacher explains to the class that The Joyful Mysteries are all about happy occasions in the life of Mary. Teacher discusses the events of The Joyful Mysteries. 1. The Annunciation 2. The Visitation 3. The Nativity 4. The Presentation 5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple Useful websites:

Class: Teacher continues to teach the class the hymn As I Kneel Before Internet You and the children read and colour the following page of their As I The Joyful Mysteries Kneel Before you Workbook: Take this day, make it yours and fill me with Pictures your love.

Class: Teacher shows the class pictures ofThe Joyful Mysteries (attached to planner) and could have them enlarged to A3 size, and coloured in by the children, for a wall display around the May altar. Each day at prayer time the children should gather around the altar to pray a mystery of The Joyful Mysteries.

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I can thank Mary for saying ‘Yes’ Class: Teacher reads to the class from the bible The story of the to God’ and agreeing to be the Annunciation Luke 1: 26-38 and discusses the scripture with the children. Mother of His Son. Who did God send to speak to Mary? What did God want Mary to do? How did she feel about being the Mother of God’s Son? Did Mary agree to be the Mother of God’s Son? What words did she say to the Angel Gabriel? Teacher explains to the class that even although Mary was frightened she said ‘Yes’ to God’ and agreed to be the Mother of His Son. Bible Teacher gives the children the opportunity to say thank you to Mary by Cardboard leading them in a prayer time praying The Rosary. Art Materials

Class: Children make a thank you card to Mary for agreeing to be the Children say thank you Mother of His Son. These could be displayed around the class altar, to Mary for saying ‘Yes’ to God’ and Class: Teacher continues to teach the class the hymn As I Kneel Before agreeing to be the You and the children read and colour the following page of their As I Mother of His Son. Kneel Before you Workbook: Ave Maria, gratia plena and explains that this is written in a language called Latin and means Hail Mary, full of grace. Teacher asks the children if they can remember the story of the annunciation when the angel Gabriel told Mary she was having a baby. The angel Gabriel said to Mary Ave Maria, gratia plena which mean Hail Mary, full of Grace. Teacher should ask the children the name of the prayer which also uses these words-the Hail Mary.

Class: Teacher continues to teach the class the hymn As I Kneel Before You and the children read and colour the following page of their As I Kneel Before you Workbook: Dominus tecum, Benedicta tu. Teacher explains that these words mean The Lord is with thee, Blessed art thou and links them to the story of the annunciation and the prayer the Hail Mary.

Class: Teacher reminds children of some of the special names for Mary Crown Template e.g. Queen of the Angels and explains to the class that since Mary is Resources list often called a Queen, they are going to make a crown in her honour. Instructions Resources list, instructions and template for crown are all attached to the Art materials planner.

I can participate in a simple Class: Children participate in a simple liturgical procession honouring liturgical procession honouring Mary. They will process singing As I Kneel Before you carrying or wearing Mary. Crowns their crowns in honour of Mary. Some crowns could be displayed on the May Altar. This could be part of a school assembly or prayer service.

School/Parish: Children participate in school and parish services 3 RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3

honouring Mary. Children can participate in a simple KEY VOCABULARY: honour Mary, Mother of Jesus‐ the Son of God, liturgical procession Saying ‘Yes’ to God honouring Mary.

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Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish Hours of God I know that Catholics have a duty Class: Teacher discusses with the class why Sunday is a special day e.g. Local Parish Bulletin Children know that to attend Sunday Mass every school is not opened, their parents might have the day off work and they Internet Catholics have a duty RERC 1‐16a week. might visit their grandparents. Teacher explains to the class that Sunday I go to Mass on to attend Sunday Mass is a very special day for all Catholics because it is our duty to attend Sunday Worksheet every week. I know that the Mass is Sunday Mass every week. There are promises called commandments that at the heart of Catholic we have to honour and one of these promises is Remember to keep the community life and I am Sabbath day holy. Sabbath means Sunday and we can keep it holy by developing an attending Mass. To deliberately miss Mass on Sunday without a good understanding of how to reason e.g. illness is turning away from God and should be confessed to participate fully in this the priest when you receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Teacher celebration. should be sensitive to the fact that the children are too young to attend Mass independently. Teacher shows the class a copy of their local parish bulletin or website and reads out the different times of Mass every Sunday.

Class: Children complete I go to Mass on Sunday Worksheet (attached to planner).

As I prepare for the Sacrament Class: Teacher asks the class if they belong to any club or organisation I am a Member of of Reconciliation, I am becoming e.g. tennis, cubs, swimming. How do you become a member? How do God’s Church more aware of the privilege and others know you belong to that club? What are the rules? What happens Worksheet responsibility of being a member if you break the rules? Teacher explains to the children now that the Art Materials of the Church. Primary Three children are getting older and preparing/receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they are becoming an active member of the Children demonstrate Church community. It is a privilege and honour to be part of this awareness of the community and we must respond by taking responsibility of being a privilege and member of the Church by going to Mass on Sunday, receiving the responsibility of being Sacrament of Reconciliation, saying our prayers and trying our hardest to a member of the live as God wants us to live. Church.

Class: Children complete I am a Member of God’s Church Worksheet (attached to planner).

I understand that there are two Class: Teacher discusses with the class the different parts of the Mass parts to the Mass: the Liturgy e.g. Entrance Procession, the Our Father, Sign of Peace. Teacher explains of the Word and the Liturgy of to the class that the mass can be divided into two main parts: the Liturgy the Eucharist. of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

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Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish

I know that during the Liturgy of Teacher explains to the class that during the The Liturgy of the Word we Liturgy of the Word the Word, I hear readings from listen to God’s word through readings from the Old and New Testament. Information Sheet the Old Testament and the New Although these stories were written a long time ago, God is speaking to us Testament, and I listen to God’s today and we must listen to God’s message. The Liturgy of the Word message to me. comprises of:  The First Reading  The Responsorial Psalm  The Second Reading  The Gospel Alleluia  The Gospel reading  The Homily  The Nicene Creed  The Prayers of the Faithful Liturgy of the Eucharist Children know there An Information Sheet for teachers on The liturgy of the Word is Information Sheet are two parts to the attached to the planner. Mass the Liturgy of the Word and the Teacher explains to the class that during The Liturgy of the Eucharist we Liturgy of the remember what Jesus did on the night before he died: he took bread and Eucharist. wine, gave them to his disciples, and said, "This is my body; this is my blood." The Liturgy of the Eucharist comprises of:  The Preparation of the Altar and Gifts The Liturgy of the  The Eucharistic Prayer Word Worksheet.  Communion Rite  Concluding Rites

An Information Sheet for teachers on The liturgy of the Eucharist is attached to the planner.

Class: Teacher discusses with the class readings from the Old and New Testament and the message God’s wants us to hear when we listen to them Children know that e.g. Noah’s Ark – God always keeps his promises, The Prodigal Son – God during the Liturgy of always forgives us. the Word, we hear readings from the Old Class: Children complete The Liturgy of the Word Worksheet. Testament and the New Testament, and we listen to God’s message.

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Class: Teacher explains to the class that the word Eucharist means “thanksgiving.” In the Eucharistic Prayer we offer thanks to God. My Prayer of Thanks Teacher discusses with the children things for which we should thank Worksheet God, such as creation, people, and God’s love. Children write their own prayer of thanks (worksheet attached to planner).

Class: Teacher explains to the class that after the priest has greeted his Words of the Children can pray the I can join the worshipping congregation and welcomed them to Mass, he invites us to ask for God’s Confiteor Confiteor and are community by asking for God’s forgiveness during the Penitential Rite. The teacher explains that then all beginning to forgiveness during the pray a special prayer called the Confiteor (words attached to planner) and understand the Penitential Rite. reads out the words of the prayer to the children. Teacher discusses the meaning of this prayer. prayer with the children. What does the word confess mean? Why do we strike our breast during the prayer? What sins do we confess? What does the word grievous mean? Who do we ask to pray for us? Teacher explains to the class that when we pray the Confiteor at Mass we are publically confessing our sins and asking God for forgiveness.

Class: Teacher leads the class in praying the Confiteor.

I can pray the Confiteor and I Home: Children take home the words of the Confiteor to pray with their am beginning to understand the family. meaning of this prayer. Class: Teacher explains that after we pray the Confiteor at Mass we Words of the think about the times when we have not lived as God wants us to live and Penitential Rite Children can ask for ask for his mercy. Teacher explains that mercy means to forgive someone (after the Confiteor) God’s forgiveness instead of punishing them. The priest leads the prayers and the during the Penitential congregation reply with set responses including Lord, have mercy and Rite. Christ, have mercy. Teacher reads to the class the continuation of the Penitential Rite (attached to the planner) and the children join in with the responses.

School/Parish: Children join in at Mass by asking for God’s forgiveness during the Penitential Rite.

Class: Teacher discusses with the class the gesture of shaking hands with I know how to offer the sign of someone e.g. when you first meet someone, a sign of friendship. Teacher Children know how to peace to others during Mass. explains that at Mass, before Communion, the priest invites us to offer offer the sign of each other the sign of peace. We shake hands with the people around us peace to others during just as Jesus greeted his friends. We say, “Peace be with you” to share Mass. God’s love and to bring God’s love and peace to all we meet. Teacher demonstrates how to offer the sign of peace to others during Mass and the children practice offering the sign of peace to each other.

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Class: Teacher explains to the class that a bird called a dove is known all over the world as a sign or symbol of peace. Children are given the Dove Template opportunity to make a handprint dove (template, list of resources and List of Resources and instructions are attached to the planner). Instructions for a Handprint Dove.

Class: Teacher teaches the class the hymn Peace Perfect Peace (words attached to planner). Internet Available at: Words of Peace, Perfect Peace

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As I Kneel Before You

As I kneel before you, As I bow my head in prayer, Take this day, make it yours and fill me with your love.

Ave Maria, Gratia plena, Dominus tecum, Benedicta tu.

All I have I give you, Every dream and wish are yours, Mother of Christ, Mother of mine, present them to my Lord.

Ave Maria, Gratia plena, Dominus tecum, Benedicta tu.

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As I kneel before you.

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As I bow my head in prayer.

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Take this day, make it yours and fill me with your love.

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14 RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3 Ave Maria, Gratia plena,

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Dominus tecum, Benedicta tu.

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Images of Mary Queen of Heaven

17 RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3 Queen of the Angels

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Queen of All Saints

19 RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3 Queen of the Rosary

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How to Pray the Rosary

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The First Joyful Mystery

The Annunciation

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The Second Joyful Mystery

The Visitation

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The Third Joyful Mystery

The Nativity

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The Fourth Joyful Mystery

The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple

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The Fifth Joyful Mystery

The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple

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Making a Crown in Honour of Mary

You will need:  Template printed on cardboard  Coloured Foil  Art Materials  Scissors  Glue

Instructions: 1. Colour or paint the Crown including the two long bands. Cut out and stick foil paper on crown to give the impression of precious jewels. 2. Cut out the template pieces. 3. Glue the bands on either side of the crown. 4. Measure the crown around head and trim the bands as necessary. 5. Glue the ends of the two bands together.

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Crown Template

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Name ______Date______

I go to Mass on Sunday

We must attend Mass on

The commandment says Remember to keep

To deliberately miss Mass on Sunday is

My local Church has Sunday Mass at the following times.


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Name ______Date______

I am a Member of God’s Church

As a member of God’s Church I must

30 RERC Planner: May Primary: 2/3

The Liturgy of the Word (Information for Teachers)

A). The First Reading: -The Hebrew Scriptures: The first reading is mostly chosen from the Old Testament and during some seasons the Book of Acts might be read. This reading usually harmonizes with the Gospel reading (see below). This reveals the continuity between Israel and Jesus who comes not to replace but to fulfil Israel. B). The Responsorial Psalm: The Psalm reflects themes in the readings. The Psalm consists of an antiphon. This is a vehicle of prayer and praise - an atmosphere of prayer within which the readings occur. C). The Second Reading - The Christian Scriptures: This reading is also referred to as the Epistle, is usually from one of the letters in the New Testament which may also include the Book of Acts or the Book of Revelations. While the letters address particular situations in the early Church, their message transcends the centuries to motivate contemporary Christians and deepen our appreciation of the mystery of Christ. D). The Gospel - Alleluia: “Alleluia” is a Latin echo of the Hebrew acclamation “Praise God!” and is a key word in Christian worship. Here it heralds the Gospel. In a solemn celebration the church deacon goes to the altar where the Gospel is enthroned. He lifts the book and, accompanied by servants (altar-boys) with candles and on some occasions incense (symbols of Christ’s light), processes with the Gospels held high while choir and community acclaim the good news with “Alleluia,” alternating with verses appropriate to today’s Gospel. Christians acclaim the most wonderful deed of God among humankind, Jesus Christ, here made visible in the book containing His words and message to us all. E). The Gospel Reading: The Gospel is the climax of the liturgy of the word. Catholic faith teaches that in proclaiming the Gospel, Christ is truly present to the community. For this reason the community stands to witness to Christ’s resurrection which allows him to be present to his people. As the deacon or priest introduce the Gospels all in the community sign themselves with the sign of the cross traced on the forehead, the lips and over the heart. This signing reminds us “Christ in my thoughts” , “Christ from my lips or what I say” and “Christ in my heart” . Hearing the Gospel proclaimed also reminds and identifies Catholics with the first community which heard these words for the mouth of Jesus. On the conclusion of the reading the minister proclaims, “This is the Gospel of the Lord.” He means not the book, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the “Good News” itself. The community affirms in faith by responding, “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ”. F). The Homily (or mini-sermon): Christians believe that “faith comes through preaching.”(Romans 3:13- 15). This idea is rooted in Jewish belief that the creative power of God’s word transforms human life. The Scriptures are not always easy to understand and apply to present life. For this reason the homily breaks open the Scriptures, showing how the word of God addresses us today. What import does the Gospel have for our lives today, for the world we live in, for issues in the community forum? G). The Profession of Faith: (the Creed): The Creed is a written profession summarizing the community’s search for an ever deepening understanding of Jesus and His message. The Nicene-Constantinople Creed is most often used at Mass, although the Apostles’ Creed may be used at some liturgies. Please note that both creeds are used by not only the Catholic Church, but also by Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, Orthodox and many other Christian faiths. H). General Intercessions (Prayers of the Faithful): The people petition God for the needs of the Church, society, the parish, people in need, the sick and suffering, and those who have died. They direct our faith which has been deepened through prayer and listening to God’s word to specific situations today. These prayers conclude the Liturgy of the Word.

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The Liturgy of the Eucharist (Information for Teachers)

A). The Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts : The gifts of bread and wine are placed at the back of the church before the service. The people then join in the giving their monetary offering in support of their community and it’s various ministries. This collection is a real expression of support for your local community church. After this in procession, people bring the bread and wine forward with the people’s offerings. The priest receives then in the community’s name. “The rite of carrying up the gifts connects us with the traditions of the early Church where people brought up bread and wine which they worked to make for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Taking is the first of the Eucharistic actions. While the Western Church in the past emphasized the bread and wine which are transformed, originally the Hebrew context stressed the actions themselves. Thus the Eucharist is often referred to in Scripture not in terms of the bread and wine but as actions of taking, blessing, breaking and sharing. The early Church commonly referred to the Eucharist as the “breaking of bread.” When he has received the gifts the priest prepares them, reciting prayers patterned on the ancient Jewish Kiddish of the Passover meal: “Blessed art thou, O Lord our God, Creator of the fruit of the earth. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” The priest then adds a drop of water to the wine - a tradition from the 1st Church who considered it symbolic of the union of Christ’s humanity and divinity, or of Christ with his Church. The priest then washes his hands as did the Jewish leaders before the ritual meal. This action has also taken on symbolic significance. The priest prays, “Lord wash away my iniquity, cleanse me from my sins.” The presider invites the people to prayer: they respond. The rite concludes with a short prayer over the gifts. B). Eucharistic Prayer: Now at the very heart of the Eucharist, this prayer in some aspect antedates Christianity itself. Its model is derived from the Jewish Berakah or blessing prayer. Berakah prayer generally praises and blesses God for all the wonderful gifts of creation. The celebrant gives thanks to God in imagery appropriate to the day or season and the “Holy, Holy, Holy” is sung or recited by the community. Now in a longer prayer of thanksgiving, the priest on behalf of all gives thanks to God for Christ. He asks the Father to send the Holy Spirit upon the gifts of bread and wine transforming them into Christ’s body and blood. This invocation is known as the epiclesis. The institution narrative recalls the Last Supper which in essence, go back to Jesus himself. Even Paul quotes these words as tradition. The institution narrative leads the people to acclaim their faith in one of four different acclamations. The people are not simple observers but active participants in the mystery being celebrated. Remembrance of the saving acts of Jesus follows. This section is known as the anamnesis. Remembrance is a much stronger action in Jesus’ day then in our culture. To remember something meant to enter into it and bring its power into the present. Thus in remembering, Jesus’ sacrifice becomes present and can be entered into just as the first disciples did. The Church in celebrating the Eucharist is fulfilling Jesus’ command to keep His memorial. It does this by recalling especially his passion, resurrection and ascension. In this memorial, the Church joins in Christ’s self-offering to the Father in the Holy Spirit. It calls the faithful not only to offer the spotless victim but also to learn to offer themselves. In doing so they are drawn into ever more perfect union, through Christ the Mediator, with the Father and with each other, so that at last God may be all in all. The priest then again invokes the Holy Spirit to bless the Church and to unite all Christians and again to bless the gifts.

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The intercessions make it clear that the Eucharist is celebrated in communion with the entire Church in heaven and on earth. The offering is made for the Church in all its members, living and dead, who are called to share in salvation. We remember the saints as well as our brothers and sisters who have died and our friends in need. The great prayer concludes with a doxology. The people confirm this entire prayer with a final “Amen.” C). Communion Rite: Communion expresses unity in the body of Christ. Through communion Christians are united with God in Christ and through Christ with one another in unity. The Lord’s Prayer opens this rite in the words and according to the model of Jesus. After the prayer the priest’s short prayer continues its spirit and followed up with another doxology. The Sign of Peace goes back to the earliest Christians and is a result of God’s reconciliation which begins among Christians and then flows into the world at large. The Breaking of the Bread is the third great action of the Eucharist. To the early Christians, sharing in one loaf was a symbol of unity, solidarity and family; sliced bread, crackers or individual hosts (special wafers) lose this significance. During this action the people sing a litany acknowledging Jesus as the Lamb of God pointed to by John the Baptist and that the bread we share is indeed that same Christ. Now the priest holds up the host and cup, inviting the community to come forward and receive. The community responds with the words of the Roman centurion to Jesus (Matthew 8:8). Then the journey toward the altar to receive Communion; this procession reflects the journey we all have towards God. And made with friends in the community it is one more sign of unity flowing from the Eucharist. A Psalm is also generally sung by the choir and community as this journey forward continues. After receiving Communion all return to their seats and spend the time in prayer. The priest then draws the prayers together in the Prayer after Communion. D). Concluding Rites: These rites now focus upon the sending forth of the community. No sacrament exists as an end in itself. Christians are transformed and nourished in the sacraments to in turn become sacraments to the world. The priest gives a final blessing. As at the beginning all trace the sign of the cross. The dismissal sends us forth to in turn become the bread of the world. The word “Mass” comes from the ancient Latin dismissal, “Ite, missa est.” (Go, it is sent).

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Name ______Date______

The Liturgy of the Word

During the Liturgy of the Word I hear readings from

During the readings I must listen to

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Name ______Date______

My Prayer of Thanks

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The Confiteor

I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do;

(and, striking their breast, they say)

through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary, ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Amen.


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The Penitential Rite (after the Confiteor)

Celebrant: Have mercy on us, O Lord.

People: For we have sinned against you.

C. Show us, O Lord, your mercy.

P. And grant us your salvation.

C. You were sent to heal the contrite of heart: Lord, have mercy.

P. Lord, have mercy.

P. You came to call sinners: Christ, have mercy.

P. Christ, have mercy.

C. You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us: Lord, have mercy.

P. Lord, have mercy.

C. May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.

P. Amen

C. Lord, have mercy.

P. Lord, have mercy.

C. Christ, have mercy.

P. Christ, have mercy

C. Lord, have mercy.

P. Lord, have mercy.

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Dove Template

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How to Make a Handprint Dove

You will need Template printed on White Card Heavyweight White Paper Scissors Glue

Instructions 1. Cut out the dove template 2. Place hands on white paper and draw around each hand. 3. Cut out each handprint. 4. Glue handprints onto the body of the dove to form wings

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Peace, Perfect Peace

Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord, Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord. Thus, says the Lord, will the world know my friends, Peace, perfect peace, is the gift of Christ our Lord.

Hope, perfect hope, is the gift of Christ our Lord, Hope, perfect hope, is the gift of Christ our Lord. Thus, says the Lord, will the world know my friends, Hope, perfect hope, is the gift of Christ our Lord.

Joy, perfect joy, is the gift of Christ our Lord, Joy, perfect joy, is the gift of Christ our Lord. Thus, says the Lord, will the world know my friends, Joy, perfect joy, is the gift of Christ our Lord.


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