United States District Court District of Massachusetts
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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS Western Division ______) ROSIE D., et al., ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) v. ) ) C.A. No. 01-30199-MAP CHARLES BAKER, et al., ) ) Defendants. ) ______)
On April 6, 2017, the Court heard oral arguments on two pending motions impacting the final stages of disengagement from the Court’s Judgment – Plaintiffs’ Motion to Approve Joint
Disengagement Measures (Doc. 776) and Plaintiffs’ Motion to Modify the Judgment to
Incorporate Provision on Outpatient Therapy (Doc. 777).1 The outcome of these Motions will determine whether the parities’ Joint Disengagement Measures, and the basic care coordination standards for class members in outpatient services, are binding and enforceable agreements.
With these Motions under advisement, and in keeping with Court’s direction,2 the parties moved forward with implementation of MPR reviews, outpatient chart audits, and various
1 The Court also heard from the parties regarding the continuing appointment of the Court Monitor, and subsequently extended Ms. Snyder’s appointment through December 31, 2018. (Doc. 792) 2 See, Rosie D. Trial Transcript, April 6, 2017, 72:7-17 (“THE COURT: I'm assuming, Mr. Hammond, that the defendant intends to pursue the efforts that are described in the agreement while I'm considering whether or not to simply let the agreement be the agreement or whether or not I'm going to turn it into an order. You know what you're going to be doing, anyway. You don't want the order label on it, but the effort will be continued.”)
1 quality improvement initiatives agreed to as part of the Joint Disengagement Measures. The parties met on September 5, 2017, to discuss that status of these efforts, and the data available to assess compliance with these Measures. Plaintiffs provide their view of these issues, and their response to Defendants’ Report on Disengagement (hereafter “Defendants’ Report”), submitted on September 13, 2017.
I. Status of Disengagement Measures
In early 2017, both parties filed the document entitled Joint Disengagement Measures as an exhibit to their briefs. (Doc. 776-1; Doc. 786-1) This document addressed longstanding implementation issues involving access, utilization, effectiveness and sustainability of remedial services. It established Disengagement Criteria for the provision of medically necessary remedial services, and a set of corresponding Disengagement Measures intended to demonstrate satisfaction of these criteria. Plaintiffs’ assessment of progress under each of these Criteria is summarized below.
Criteria 1: Youth receive remedial services, including ICC and IHT, with reasonable promptness.
As evidenced by defendants’ report to the Court, youth and families continue to wait for
Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) well beyond the established MassHealth access standard of
14 days. In fact, since the start of the 2017 calendar year, both the number of youth contacted and the number of youth offered an appointment within 14 days have trended downward. As a result, only 50 percent of the 330 youth contacted in July 2017 were offered an initial appointment within 14 days. In no month did access levels reach the 70.5 percent benchmark established by the Joint Disengagement Measures. Doc. 813-1.
Access data for In Home Therapy (IHT), available for the first time as part of the disengagement process, showed the relevant Disengagement Measure was met for two of the last
2 seven months. However, as the numbers of youth contacted increased, the percentage of youth offered an initial appointment within 14 days dropped. In July 2017, just over half of the 861 youth contacted were able to access IHT within a two week period. Doc. 813-1. In this same month, waiting list data for IHT showed 402 youth waiting for the first available IHT provider and 480 waiting for the provider of their choice.3
As these findings make clear, the lack of timely access to ICC and IHT remains a significant barrier to class members’ receipt of care coordination and other medically necessary remedial services. Despite defendants’ inability to achieve agreed upon access Measures in 2017, it is essential that the Court establish benchmarks for systemic improvement in 2018, and focus on a sustainable way in which to ensure timely access to care. Plaintiffs suggest that the parties meet with the Court Monitor regarding the appropriate access benchmark for the 2018 calendar year and report their recommendations to the Court by November 1, 2017.
Criteria 2: Youth with SED who have IHT as their hub receive all medically necessary remedial services, including appropriate assessments and care coordination.
Defendants have completed the 2016-2017 Massachusetts Practice Review (MPR) for youth in IHT. The resulting scores reflect considerable progress towards ensuring youth have access to care coordination and an appropriately formed treatment team. Progress was more modest in the area of assessment, which did not meet the 10 percent improvement standard set out by the Disengagement Measures. Finally, only 36 percent of youth received service planning that was considered good or better – marking no change from June 2016. Doc. 813-2.
Disengagement Measures already established for 2018 will allow the parties and the
Court to evaluate whether and to what extent continuing quality improvement activities have an
3 These waiting list figures are actually slightly lower than in previous months, reflecting a modest increase in the amount of available provider network capacity. Unlike issues of workforce, which defendants assert are beyond their control, the recruitment and licensing of an adequate statewide network of qualified IHT providers is squarely within the responsibilities of the state Medicaid agency.
3 impact on designated MPR area scores. The parties will also continue to monitor the numbers of youth who experience treatment which is considered adverse. In 2017, adverse care was not a rare exception in the several MPR areas, but rather occurred in 11 percent of assessments, 10 percent of service plans, and 10 percent of care coordination reviews.
Criteria 3: Youth with SED who have outpatient therapy as their hub receive all medically necessary remedial services including care coordination.
After considerable delay in the development and piloting of the outpatient assessment process, defendants shared their completed assessment tool with the plaintiffs on
August 24, 2017. By that time, the MCEs were near completion of 106 individual outpatient chart reviews, the results of which were expected on or about September 15, 2017. Plaintiffs have requested that these individual findings, once validated, be shared with them and with the
Monitor.4 The State will present its aggregated analysis of the data by the end of October 2017.
Defendants’ assessment tool is designed to sample a group of youth and families who have received more than 8 outpatient sessions in the prior twelve months. It specifically excludes any youth who, within the last twelve months, has received ICC or IHT or has declined a recommendation for ICC or IHT by their outpatient therapist. Doc. 813-3. As a result of this sample frame, the chart review fails to capture data on the adequacy of care coordination for two important groups of SED youth – those who are in transition or ‘stepping down’ from a higher level of care coordination, and those whose outpatient therapists felt they would benefit from a higher level of care coordination, but who preferred to remain with outpatient as their hub.
These omissions are troubling for two reasons. First, a major justification for the defendants’ three tiered approach to care coordination was to ensure that youth returning to outpatient therapy from ICC or IHT could continue to receive necessary care coordination,
4 Plaintiffs are awaiting a response to this request, made on September 5, 2017.
4 including the delivery of other, hub-dependent remedial services, like Family Support, In-Home
Behavior, or Therapeutic Mentoring services. Unfortunately, this review will not examine whether those youth are receiving adequate coordination during this important transition period.
Second, the question of youth and families who need more intensive care coordination but choose to remain in outpatient therapy has underpinned the last five years of negotiations, and been the focus of numerous briefings before the Court. In fact, the needs of these class members, and others who are eligible for, but not referred to ICC, have been two of the primary reasons for plaintiffs’ insistence that the basic care coordination activities and standards set forth in the Judgment apply to class members who rely on outpatient therapists for the provision of care coordination. Plaintiffs have requested data on the numbers of youth excluded from the sample because they have declined either ICC or IHT. If this number, and the number of youth excluded by virtue of their transition from ICC or IHT, are significant, it will compromise the reliability of the 2017 baseline data and undercut the Court’s ability to measure the adequacy of care coordination for two important and potentially vulnerable groups of class members.
Criteria 4: Youth in ICC receive appropriate assessments and treatment plans coordinating delivery of all medically necessary services.
Defendants have chosen to use the 2016-2017 MPR as a baseline for measuring improvement in ICC assessment and treatment planning. As a result, findings from the MPR review conducted in the fall of 2016 will be compared with the findings from the MPR scheduled for the fall of 2017. Reported change scores will be available in early 2018. Defendants’ Report at 6.
5 Criteria 5: Youth receive other remedial services with the intensity and duration their conditions require.
As noted above, MPR change scores for ICC service delivery will be available in early
2018. MPR scores for IHT reveal some progress towards the 10 percent improvement benchmark, with 53% of youth receiving service delivery considered good or better.
Doc. 813-2.
Criteria 6: Youth receive remedial services that result in improved functioning in families, home, community and school.
Data from the 2017 MPR report reflect that five of the 61 youth/families sampled experienced worsening or declining status in IHT. Another 24 youth/families were found to have made little or no progress in the service. Thirty-six percent of youth in IHT were found to be making good or better progress. Doc. 813-2. Defendants are obligated to “take appropriate action” if any of these youth are not making progress due to deficiencies in practice.
Finally, defendants observe that sustainability “is a priority,” but appear to defer any further discussion of this disengagement measure, or the process for developing a long-term sustainability plan, to future reports.
II. Importance of Pending Motions on Joint Disengagement Measures and Outpatient Care Coordination
Defendants’ Status Report, and the limitations on disengagement progress to date, illustrates the significance of the pending Motions before the Court. Defendants use this latest filing to renew their long standing belief that a prima facie case for compliance was made in
2012, to claim that they continue to be in substantial compliance with all provisions of the
Judgment, and to suggest that they can renew such a motion at any time, regardless of their compliance with the agreed-to Disengagement Measures above. Defs’ Report at 9-10. These assertions are particularly troubling in light of the data demonstrating that defendants clearly are
6 not in compliance with several elements of the Disengagement Measures. Similarly, continued references to non-linear progress, and the potentially unrealistic or unachievable nature of the
Joint Disengagement Measures, can be seen as laying the foundation for a future date on which these Measures, and the standards they establish, are abandoned as unachievable and unnecessary for purposes of demonstrating compliance with the Court’s orders. Finally, there is no indication that defendants have altered their view of outpatient therapy as a service that exists outside of the Judgment, and, therefore, not subject to the basic standards, activities, and expectations set out for the delivery of adequate care coordination.5
In order to ensure that its equitable authority is available to enforce the Joint
Disengagement Measures and related enhancements to outpatient care coordination, and to reduce the risk of renewed compliance litigation in 2019, this Court should enter these Measures, and Plaintiffs’ proposed Outpatient Plan, as orders of the Court.
/s/ Kathryn Rucker Steven J. Schwartz (BBO#448440) Cathy E. Costanzo (BBO#553813) Kathryn Rucker (BBO#644697) Center for Public Representation 22 Green Street Northampton, MA 01060 (413) 586-6024
5 See, Rosie D. TT, April 6, 2017, 68:18 - 69:8: “The defendants have an obligation to provide intensive care coordination ... as spelled out in the remedial order. If they choose to provide those intensive care coordination services through some other treatment modality, such as outpatient or in-home therapy, that choice does not in any way reduce or dilute their obligation … The alternation of the acronym does not reduce the responsibility, and the Court maintains and retains all powers that it had to insist that the care coordination function, which is central to the remedial order, is carried out adequately, and [it] will not be an adequate response to the defendants’ responsibilities to shift the care coordination task to a different treatment modality, outside the reach of the remedial order.”
7 Daniel W. Halston (BBO # 548692) Wilmer Hale, LLP 60 State Street Boston, MA 02109 (617) 526-6000
Frank Laski (BBO#287560) 154 Oliver Road Newton, MA 02468 (617) 630-0922
I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing document was filed electronically through the Electronic Case Filing (ECF) system. Notice of this filing will be sent by e-mail to all registered participants by operation of the court's electronic filing system or by mail to anyone unable to accept electronic filing as indicated on the Notice of Electronic as a non-registered participant. Parties may access this filing through the court's CM/ECF System.
Dated: September 22, 2017 /s/ Kathryn Rucker